#fly rod storage
Fishing, Grian thinks, is possibly the best way to get a mending book.
Best way to get anything, really. Is it a bit inefficient? Does it take a while? Yes! That's what drives him crazy. But it's also what makes it worth it.
He could trade with villagers, sure, but where's the satisfaction in that? It's just instant gratification, that is. When it's him and the sea, sitting on his dock and smelling the salty air and listening to the water and the waves and the whispers, that's real happiness. Carving enchants into a fishing rod, something peaceful and soothing, instead of armor or weapons.
It's a give and take with the ocean, like the tides almost. He gives his time and his dedication and the sea gives him something in return. Sometimes he gives more. Once he gave a mending book to the sea just in case. A worthy offering. When the book sank he felt contentment on the breeze. So maybe it worked. You wouldn't know it for the lack of mending he's caught.
Maybe it's less about the mending and more the experience. Getting in touch with the sea. Feeling its wild moods on the salt on his tongue or the water soaking into his boots. Staring at the fish as they stare up at him. Feeling bits of kelp and sea grass tug at his legs. It's nice in a weird way. You give your time and love to something and it gives something in return.
Gem gets it, Gem's a smart one. She's building her whole base around the sea, and sometimes Grian spots her at night in her lighthouse just staring out at the open ocean. The sea loves her too. When she surfaces after exiting her boat or her storage room, she's smiling. And if he spots her he smiles back, and they both get it.
The others don't. The others think Grian's just gone crazy and maybe he has sort of, but that's also not really it. Sometimes he doesn't want to catch a mending book because it's his excuse to be with the sea and he loves the sea. What'll he do when he gets it? Gem is lucky, she doesn't need any excuses. That's probably why no one thinks she's gone crazy even though there's giant flying fish around her lighthouse and a strange darkness in her eyes sometimes.
Sometimes Grian puts his hand into the water and he feels the slightest movement against his fingers and he smiles.
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mwg-7 · 1 year
An Introduction to the Art of Fishing
Fishing is an art form that has been practiced for centuries and continues to be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a great way to relax, enjoy nature, and get some exercise. Whether you’re an experienced angler or just starting out, there’s something for everyone in the world of fishing. Read on to learn more about this popular pastime.
The Basics of Fishing Fishing can be done in both freshwater and saltwater environments with a variety of different tools. The most common type of fishing involves using a rod and reel with bait attached to the hook. Other types of fishing include fly-fishing, spearfishing, trolling, and bottom fishing (fishing on or near the ocean floor). Depending on where you live, you may need to purchase a license in order to fish legally.
The Benefits of Fishing Fishing can provide many physical and mental benefits. Physically speaking, fishing is great exercise since it requires walking long distances while carrying heavy equipment such as rods and reels. Mentally speaking, being out in nature can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. Additionally, catching your own food is not only rewarding but also helps you save money on groceries!
Tips for Beginner Fishers           If you’re new to the hobby of fishing, here are some tips that will help you get started:
•Research local regulations before going—make sure you know what kind of licenses are required for the area you’re planning to fish in as well as what kinds of bait are allowed/not allowed.
•Make sure your rod and reel are properly set up before heading out—properly setting up your rod and reel will help ensure that your line stays tangle-free throughout your whole trip!
•Bring plenty of snacks—it can take hours before you catch anything so it’s important to have snacks handy just in case! Snacks like trail mix or protein bars are ideal since they don’t require refrigeration or special storage conditions.
•Practice patience—fishing isn't always easy so make sure that you stay patient when things don't go as planned! Don't give up too easily because sometimes it takes time for the fish to bite!                                                           
Fishing is an art form that has been enjoyed by people around the world for centuries. Whether you're an experienced angler or just starting out, there's something for everyone in the world of fishing. With its ability to provide physical exercise as well as mental relaxation, it's no wonder why fishing is such a popular pastime today. If you're interested in getting into this hobby yourself then make sure to do research beforehand so that you know what kind of licenses are required as well as proper setup instructions for your rod and reel. Above all else, practice patience when things don't go according to plan - sometimes it takes time before fish bite!
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Chapter 2: The First Mission
“So…? Did You Get In?” Asi Asked As I Ran To Them.
“Yes! I’m Very Excited!” I Almost Yelled Out Excitement.
“Whose This?” Skye Whispered To Asi, Which I Could Hear.
“I’m Torra, Asi’s Best Friend Since Childhood,” I Answered Before Asi Could.
“I Wasn’t Asking You But Okay.” Skye Said Belittling Me. 
"Why Is Skye In Such A Bad Mood?" I Quietly Asked Asi.
They Shrug To Say They Don’t Know.
“Skye, Don’t Be Rude To Her. She’s Just Excited.” Asi Said.
“She Shouldn’t. This Is The Last Time I’ll Warn You, Don’t Have Anyone You Care About In The Games, You Don’t Want To Lose Them To Yourself,” Skye Said It In A Loving Tone, Which Is Unsettling.
He Leaves To Go To His Ship.
“Don’t Worry About Him, Torry, He’s Just Trying To Scare Us.” Asi Said In A Worried Voice.
I Could Clearly Tell They Were As Creeped Out As I Was, I Don’t Think Skye Is Trying To Scare Us, Maybe I Shouldn't Tell Asi.
“I Don’t- Wait… Hey… Don’t Call Me Torry… I Hate It When I Get Called Torry, And You Know That…"
“Right… Sorry… I…” Asi Apologizes.
“It’s Fine… Just… Try To Remember Not To…” I Said, Saddened. 
“Alrighty Racers! Get To Your Ships!” Alix Yelled.
“The Race Is About To Start!” Chelron Said To The Microphone.
“Good Luck To Everyone!” Said Clarissa To All Of The Contestants As We Entered Our Ships.
I Enter My Control Room Of The Ship And Meet Most Of My Crew, Which Seems To Be Mainly Made Up Of Robots. 
“Alright Racers, Start Up Your Ships!” Chelron Said Through One Of The Speakers.
 I’m Glad I Took The Ships Course In School, It Would Have Been Impossible For Me To Run This Ship If I Didn't. Especially Since It’s A Rod-Rose Ship.
After Everyone Starts Their Ship, A Countdown Starts, It Beeps Loudly. 
We Leave At The Gunshot On The Countdown.
Everyone Tries To Leave The Planet, Almost Crashing Into Each Other. I Avoided That Mess By Flying Low To The Ground And Then Straight Up, I Managed To Be The First One In Space.
I Never Notice How Beautiful the Planets And Stars Were Out Here, I Thought, Lost By The Stars.
As If I Had Almost Forgotten About The Race I Fall Into Third Place. I Set Course To The First Location, To Planet Zeon. We Have To Get A Dreegon Egg, And From The Books And Stories I Heard, Dreegon’s Are Dangerous, Big, Kinda Look Like Dragons In A Way, And They Love To Eat The Racers. I Know This Last Fact From The 75th Advisory Of The Race. 
“This Was The Last Challenge That Year And That Challenge Killed 12 Racers, That Was Almost Everyone. There Were 15 Racers That Year. That Was One Of The Most Bloody Years Of The Race,” I Remembered Out Loud.
While We Head To Zeon, I Decide To Explore My Ship. I Know I Should Get Used To It Since The Race Usually Takes About Two To Three Weeks At Least, It Depends On The Missions. The First Room I Entered Was The Sleeping Quarters. There Were 5 Bunk Beds In A Row, All Neat And Have Everyone’s Names At Each Bed.
I Continue To Explore My Ship, Which Feels Bigger Than It Is The More I Walk Through The Halls. The Second Room I Entered Was The Bathroom, Nothing To Talk About It. The Third Room I Entered Was… The Storage Room? I’m Guessing That's What It Is. 
 The Last Room Was The Food Court. I Met The Chef, Spet. He’s A Isue, Or As I Call Them, Snake-Birds With Hands, They Replace Y’s And T’s With S’s. He Likes To Make Sweets, And I Can See Why, They’re Fun To Make… And Eat.
“Sou Besser Eat Someshing Before Sou Leave She Ship,” Spet Said.
“I Will, Don’t Worry,”
“Shen Eat Shis,”
Spet Gives Me A Brownie That Is Covered With Star Sprinkles.
“Thanks, I’ll Eat This When I’m Exploring The-”
I Get Interrupted By A Robot Ma.
“We Have Arrived, Caption Torra, We Have Everything All Set For You To Head Out,”
“Ah, Alright, I’ll Head Over Now,”
I Walked Out Of The Food Court To The Exit. I Grab A Bag And A Water Bottle And Left The Ship. I Then Looked At My Surroundings. I Saw Two Destroyed Ships Nearby, Thankfully Old. Then I Saw A Nest Of A Dreegon Between The Remains. I Ran Over To It, Hiding In The Ship Remains, There Was A Dreegon Nearby. It Was A Young One And In The Nest There Was 4 Eggs. 
I Looked Around For The Other Racers, I Don’t Want Them To Steal All Of The Eggs Before I Could Get One. I Saw The Queen Bee And Skye, They Seem To Be Talking, Or Is It Arguing? I Can’t Tell From Here.
“Are They In Suits? I Can’t Tell… Torra! Don’t Worry About Them! You Need A Egg, Torra, A Egg!” I Quietly Talked To Myself.
I Ran To The Nest, Hiding In It To Avoid Being Seen. I Made Sure That The Young Dreegon Isn’t Looking When I Put A Egg In My Bag And Ran Back To My Ship.
Once I Returned I Heard The Audio From The Hosts Talking About Someone On The Show.
“What Is She Doing? Being Smart, Did You Know That You Don’t Need A Suit For Planet Zeon? Well, That’s True!” Clarissa Explain To The Crowd.
“She Definitely Did Pay Attention On The 75th Advisory Champion, I Hope She Did Pay Attention To The 55th Advisory Champion, Cause The Next Mission Is Tough, Even For The Past Winners," Alix Said.
“I’m Honestly Rooting For Torra, She Seems To Have Taken Notes From The Past Winners And Did Research About Zeon,” Chelron Said.
“Nice To Know Someone Is Rooting For Me I Guess,” I Said Jokingly To Myself.
I Put The Egg In The Storage Room And Head To The Control Section To Set Course For The Next Planet, ‘Planet Exu: The Tribal Planet Of Beginnings’.
"How Long Will It Take To Get To Planet Exu?" I Questioned A Robot Fe. 
"It Would Take 10 To 12 Hours To Arrive At Planet Exu, Captain Torra, Is There Anything Else You Like To Know?" Replied Robot Fe.
Its Head Moved To The Side Like A Curious Dog When It Asked Me; ‘Is There Was Anything Else’, I Hate It When They Do That, It’s Creepy.
"No, There Is Nothing Else, I'm Going To Eat Then Head To Bed,"
I Told The Robots To Only Wake Me Up When We Are Almost There. I Head To The Sleeping Quarters And Change Into More Comfortable Clothes. I Then Flop Into Bed.
“I Still Can’t Believe I’m Actually Here, On This Ship, That Galactica Race Owns, As A Contestant, In The Games……. I Hope I’m Making The Right Choice…”
As I Fell Asleep, I Heard A Voice Calling Me, Softly, Saying To Go To A Planet Called Fraaw.
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 2 months
Febuwhump day 16 alt prompt: Lighting Strike
 The sound of the generator breaking was the last thing Elio wanted to hear. The evening had been nice so far and Elio was really hoping it would stay that way, but of course it couldn’t. They had been eating dinner when it happened, sitting around the kitchen table like a little family since Celta insisted they all eat together. The outside was still light but growling slowly darker as clouds started to fill the sky. Elio immediately pushed themselves up from the kitchen table and ran to the closet that held the generator as the lights flickered out. They pulled out their flashlight and threw open the door, coughing as a cloud of smoke came rushing out to meet them. They coughed and waved the smoke away as they started to inspect the damages.
 Some parts had broken off, causing a chain reaction that caused other parts to break. Elio kneeled down and grabbed a piece of metal that had fallen off it in the process. They sighed, knowing it would take at least a couple days to make replacement parts for it. They stood up and looked farther into the closet, looking for the backup battery. They found it and pulled the switch to turn it on but nothing happened. They frowned and pulled it again, looking back at the lights to see if they flickered or not but still, nothing happened. They checked around the box and found the generator had been unhooked from the battery, leaving it without a charge.
 “What happened?” Rye asked, looking over their shoulder.
 “Generator is busted and the backup battery is dead,” Elio said, rubbing their face. Thunder boomed somewhere in the distance. They thought for a moment before walking to the ladder that lead to the loft, Rye following curiously behind them.
  Elio climbed up into the loft and started searching around. The loft was supposed to be a bedroom but after Elio’s injury they moved into a storage room on the ground floor to save them the trip up the ladder. They never bothered to move back up into the loft after they healed and it had slowly just become a storage space. Maybe they should work on cleaning it up soon so their temporary housemates have more room to sleep. Celta joined Rye at the bottom of the ladder, watching the flashlight beam move around above them as Elio searched. After a moment they finally found what they were looking for and started to climb down the ladder. The two housemates watched as Elio brought down a thin metal pole, a stand, and a long cord.
 “What are you planning?” Celta asked, watching Elio climb down curiously.
 “This will attract lighting to the house and channel it into a backup battery. That should give us enough electricity to power the necessary things like the lights and water pump,” Elio explained as they hooked up the end of the cable to the back up battery. Once they were sure it was set up correctly, they took the lightning rod and headed outside.
 The storm was approaching fast, the sky rapidly darkening as the clouds gathered. The wind whipped Elio’s white hair around wildly, forcing them to hold it back as they looked up at the sky. They set the pole on the porch before heading back inside to get the folding ladder.
 Celta walked out and squinted up at the sky, feathers ruffling in the wind. Rye leaned on the railing as they both watched the clouds darken. Elio came back out a moment latter with the ladder and started setting it up.
 “I could just fly up there and set it up. It would be faster,” Celta offered, watching Elio.
 “Thanks but no thanks, I need to make sure its set up right,” Elio said, leaning the ladder against the roof.
 “This doesn’t seem safe,” Celta added, wringing her hands nervously. Thunder boomed in the distance again, but this time sounding much closer.
 “I’ll be fast,” Elio promised, gathering up the lighting pole.
 “Ok well, I’m heading back in to finish eating. Let me know if they die,” Rye said, turning and walking back inside as the first couple of raindrops fell.
 Elio rolled their eyes as they started to climb the ladder. Celta stepped off the porch to watch them climb onto the roof, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. “I’ve seen what lighting can do to tall trees and desert sand. Trust me when I say that its not a good idea to attract it to your house.”
 “Well, trust me that I know what I’m doing.” Elio climbed onto the roof, holding the pole in one arm while climbing with the other. The time they had spent before they made their prosthetic had made them very good at doing things with only one arm luckily; climbing the ladder like this was second nature by now.
 Elio placed the pole on the roof before climbing up themselves. The metal roof was starting to become slippery from the rain, causing Elio to have to take slow deliberate steps as they walked to the center of the roof. Their stomach jolted as their foot slipped but they managed not to fall.
 They started to set up the stand, attaching it to the roof as best they could as lighting struck in the distance, causing the sky to flash with bright light. The rain started falling harder, soaking Elio’s shirt and vest. Elio worked as quickly as they could.
 A whooshing sound came from below and Elio looked up to see Celta standing near the edge of the roof now, giving Elio a worried look.
 “I got this,” Elio said, frowning a bit as they returned their gaze to the task at hand.
 “I know I’m just… Worried about the storm,” Celta said, looking up at the sky. Her own shirt was starting to get soaked through as well. Elio pushed their wet bangs out of their eyes as they worked.
 As they started to attach the pole to the stand, they felt the hair on the back of their neck start to stand on end. They started working even faster to attach the pole, tightening it to the stand as fast as possible. Celta felt it too and raised their wings in preparation to jump off the roof.
 Elio tightened the pole one last time as they felt the air start to crackle and they turned and ran. Celta opened their arms, more in surprise than anything else as Elio ran towards them. Elio crashed into Celta in their hurry, throwing them both off the roof as lighting struck the pole. A deafening boom came from behind them just as their feet left the roof. Celta was stronger than she looked and was used to having rough landings luckily. She managed to land on her feet as they fell but the force of both of them hitting the ground still knocked her down. She winced as Elio fell on top of her.
 Elio groaned as they rolled off of Celta and looked back up at the house. The thunder from the lighting was still rumbling as the lights inside flickered to life. Rye cheered from somewhere inside before running out onto the porch.
 “The power is back on!” He called out before looking down at the two of them. “Are you guys ok?”
Character from my WIP: Dimension Traveling and Other Mistakes
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engprodtechllc · 3 months
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Johnny Blaze Jumping in Buell x1 Lightning / Ghost Rider (2007) ☆☆
I just got something he's doing this for a reason a lot of what he does is odd it looks childish and it's because I tell him you can do it for this reason and I believe I'm telling him now and then he has all these weird things he wants it for and he's using my ideas cover and sometimes he gets what I'm saying and sometimes he doesn't sometimes he might be doing something on his own meaning he may have released the program he says when he just released viruses and the program was already released and nobody knew it and he was trying to help his friend was already helping himself and he thought he was using in beds to take it over and his friend Dave JC Christ actually is feeding on him and he's kind of their father he had people do stuff and he's flying in the air and I said it to him and he would oh my God and he wanted to go tell his wife and that's not her so he went on a quest to find her after and it's like this Dave had to make several leaps and that's what we call it a race I guess or a clan and Mom knows and if she didn't make those leaps he was going to parish so he kept trying and he tried the approach several times and the computer is telling him what happens and the computer is telling him how many approaches and he says I have to make it and tries to use power to overcome what's going on in the future and it's just a disaster to watvh but it's what it is
And Johnny please said yuck and you got a little sick and says it sounds like Dave and I learned it from him and I'm just really not doing it and then you said he's doing it to me and showing people what it is when our friend here is ahead of time and the max are having that done and he got really sick and he said you got to stop talking and I said why the max know about it and he said wow that's amazing
Zues Hera
This is how it is they knew they released the program they had me do it I'm starting to figure out where in trouble I want to start this company and make this bike it's not this one this is a Buell and my friend here and Terry C worked on it and they developed a bike for Harley-Davidson and we're sick of them they don't want to do anything now. No the truth is the empire won't let them so we find a building and we build the C frame and we have a mixed group there and the pseudo empire can try to buy them and we'll play that game with the max and it will send them off you have a purpose of riding stuff we have it of trying to ride exclusively and make them for us and they said we're going to do that and we know the design and it is the American eagle sports diversion and he doesn't want to call it Sportster he wants to call it American eagle roster or rod we like rod it's going to smack that son of a b**** and we mean those sons of b****** I mean and the people know what we're saying
We're starting to get this it's good a good idea they won't let us build Harleys at all but if we're in their face they like it so we have to get in their face
Mac Daddy
This idea could be a problem but could also help us a lot more than what we're doing
Mike tew
I need to pass this whole opportunity up and sell such a dumb things but we sort of know how it goes but still if it works here it'll work anywhere and where the leaders and we have responsibility to try
Timmy d
This might work and I'm in and I can try and help with the design and have to do it remotely it says I do that kind of stuff you dress them up like me and yeah that would probably be Trump he says that's not bad I'm right there and so we're going to try and start this
Bob marsh
This is greatness right here you see how it is and if this works it's going to be nice there's a plant and it's up north it's kind of not neutral but it is not being invaded and it would be like hollowed ground and yes Orlando area and Harley-Davidson has their stuff in there so we just put it in storage off site and we know where to put it in storage we in the middle of nowhere in storage. I'm going to try and get this going we have people are interested we're going to get a prototype going it'll be balanced it'll be engineered it'll be sturdy it'll be made with TS steel which is abundant right now and it's going to sell like madness you can't tell this famous square when you see it it doesn't matter to people cuz it works very well with the new idea to put the gooseneck in there and you can actually use the TS steel to attach everything to it and it looks better and works better it's another idea he just shot over to me we tried it that way and you cut the ends like you see in the emblem on the Bradley GT like a bird's mouth and it's angular and boy it really it stays on there good and this torsion on it you said you could put a plate on after if you really want to and everything's angular is kind of a weird idea but it works and you can put it on before it doesn't matter when you do it before you can weld and more points on the plate so back to having a plate because you have one more surface to weld it onto a quarter inch away it's actually a good idea it won't weigh much it has more work but it's very strong and this kind of stuff you need it not really but it would really work but we'll try it without it saves time test it we're going ahead now you can hear them saying it and we're going to help get them to get it done and the others are too they still do stuff like this even though it's getting a little vicious but there are people bothering them and making it happen
Thor Freya
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lunariot28 · 7 months
Essential Fishing Gear: The Role of Fishing Reels and Rods in Your Tackle Box
When it comes to fishing, having the right gear can make all the difference between a successful day on the water and coming home empty-handed. Among the essential tools in any angler's arsenal are fishing reels and rods. These two pieces of equipment work in tandem, allowing you to cast your line, reel in your catch, and experience the thrill of the catch. In this blog, we'll explore the crucial role that fishing reels and rods play in your tackle box and how they contribute to a successful day of fishing.
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The Dynamic Duo: Fishing Reels and Rods
Fishing reels and rods are the fundamental components of your fishing setup. They work together seamlessly to provide control, accuracy, and the ability to cast your line and reel it ineffectively. Let's delve into their respective roles:
Fishing Rods: The Backbone of Your Gear
Fishing rods, often simply called "rods," are the foundation of your setup. They serve several vital functions:
Casting: Fishing rods are designed to cast your line into the water. The length, flexibility, and action of the rod influence the distance and accuracy of your casts. Longer rods typically allow for longer casts, while shorter rods offer greater precision.
Sensitivity: A good fishing rod is highly sensitive, allowing you to detect even the subtlest of bites. Sensitivity is critical for feeling when a fish has taken the bait, ensuring a timely hookset.
Power and Action: Fishing rods come in various power ratings (light, medium, heavy) and actions (fast, medium, slow). The power determines the rod's ability to handle different fish sizes, while the action defines how much the rod bends when pressure is applied. The right combination depends on the type of fishing you're doing and the species you're targeting.
Fishing Reels: Bringing in the Catch
Fishing reels are the mechanical components responsible for controlling your fishing line and hook. They have several key functions:
Line Retrieval: Fishing reels allow you to retrieve your fishing line, bringing in your catch or repositioning your bait.
Drag System: Reels have a drag system that controls the amount of resistance a fish feels when it pulls on the line. A properly adjusted drag prevents the line from breaking while giving the fish a fighting chance.
Line Storage: Reels hold and store your fishing line and hook, preventing tangles and ensuring a smooth cast and retrieval.
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The Perfect Match: Pairing Reels and Rods
Choosing the right fishing reel and rod combination is crucial for an enjoyable and productive fishing experience. Here are some factors to consider:
Fishing Technique: Different fishing techniques require specific reel and rod setups. For example, fly fishing calls for a specialized fly rod and reel, while baitcasting reels are favored for precision casting.
Target Species: The size and type of fish you're targeting influence your gear selection. Larger species require heavier rods and reels with more substantial line capacity.
Fishing Environment: Consider where you'll be fishing—whether in freshwater or saltwater, inshore or offshore—as this affects the gear's durability and resistance to corrosion.
Personal Preference: The feel and comfort of your fishing gear are personal preferences. Handle different rods and reels to find the combination that suits you best.
In the world of fishing, having the right gear is essential, and fishing reels and rods are at the heart of it all. They are the tools that enable you to cast your line, detect bites, and reel in your catch. The combination of the right rod and reel tailored to your fishing technique, target species, and personal preference can significantly enhance your chances of success on the water. Luna Riot is your trusted provider of top-quality fishing equipment, including fishing reels, rods, lines, and accessories. Their commitment to quality, durability, and performance ensures that you have the best tools for your angling adventures. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice angler, Luna Riot offers a wide range of gear to meet your needs. Experience the joy of fishing with gear you can rely on – choose Luna Riot for your fishing adventures.
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maryln-henning · 7 months
The Best Fishing Rod Racks You Can Buy (And Why You Should Invest In One)
If you’re someone who loves spending time outdoors, fishing is definitely one of the activities you should consider. However, if you don’t have the time or space to store all your gear, you may find yourself struggling to keep up. Luckily, there are a number of great fishing rod racks available on the market that can help make your life a little easier. In this blog article, we will explore some of the best fishing rod racks on the market and why you should invest in one for your home.
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Why you should invest in a fishing rod rack
If you're in the market for a fishing rod rack, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, Rod racks can come in a variety of styles and sizes, so be sure to find one that will fit your needs. Second, consider how much storage space you need and what kind of hardware your rack requires. Third, think about what type of materials your rack will be made out of - wood, metal, or plastic? Finally, take into account how often you'll use your rack - daily, weekly, or monthly? Once you've answered all these questions, it's time to shop! Here are five of the best fishing rod racks available on the market today: 1) The Fishin' Buddy Jr. Rod Rack is made out of lightweight yet sturdy wood and comes with four mounting holes for easy installation. 2) The Kurtsen Fishing Rod Rack is also made out of wood and includes two large storage compartments for up to 16 rods each. 3) The Superstore Fishing Rod Rack is perfect for smaller spaces and comes in both metal and plastic versions. 4) The Hansen Elite Series Fishing Rod Racks are both metal and plastic and include 6 storage slots each. 5) The Orvis Fly fisherman's quick-release rod holder features three tiers with 12 different spaces each to store all types of rods securely.
The best fishing rod racks for your needs
Looking for the best fishing rod rack for your needs? You've come to the right place. In this article, we'll outline the different types of fishing rod racks available on the market, as well as tell you why you should invest in one. The most important factor when choosing a fishing rod rack is what type of fishing you do. If you're a avid bass angler, for example, you'll want to invest in a bass fishing rod rack. Similarly, if you're an ice fisherman, you'll need an ice fishing rod rack. There are also variety of other types of racks that cater to various types of fishermen. After determining which type of fisher you are, the next step is deciding what size rack you need. Most racks come in two sizes- small and large- but there are sometimes variation depending on the manufacturer or retailer. Again, it's important to decide what size will best suit your needs before purchasing a rack. Racks can be expensive so make sure to choose one that will accommodate your rods and not become overwhelmed with storage space. Once you've determined all of these things, it's time to find a store that sells Fishing Rod Racks that meets your needs and budget. With so many options out there, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for your needs and wallet. However, with some careful research into each model available and careful consideration of your individual needs and wants for a Fishing Rod Rack
If you're looking to up your fishing game, then a good fishing rod rack is essential. Not only will it give you more storage space for all of your gear, but it can also make retrieving your catch much easier. Here are the best fishing rod racks you can buy and why you should invest in one:
fishing rod rack
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the-tzimisce · 10 months
i don't want a "dedicated relocation specialist" i want to pay cash to a 20 year old with a truck to drive my belongings a mile down the road and pile them in and around my storage cube to let me sort out. "dedicated relocation specialist" do you fucking hear yourself, you're charging me hundreds of dollars to hear that made up phrase and i'm a captive audience because my precious little luxury building with the fly infestation in the shower and the window where it's topologically impossible to install a curtain rod won't let jose and his van in the building
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runxiang-machinery · 1 year
H-Beam Production Process
Generally, small and medium-sized (H400×200 and below) H-beams mostly use square billets and rectangular billets, and larger-sized (H400×200 and above) H-beams mostly use special-shaped billets, and continuous casting billets can be used for both rectangular and special-shaped billets. After being weighed, the billet from continuous casting is loaded into a step-by-step (or pusher type, there are relatively few pusher furnaces used to produce section steel) heating furnace and heated to 1200-1250°C to be released from the furnace. Most of the walking heating furnaces adopt double preheating burners arranged up and down, which can provide the best temperature control for billets of different specifications and save fuel.
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After the billet comes out of the furnace, it is first descaled with 10-25MPa high-pressure water, and then sent to the billet mill for rolling. The blanking machine is generally a two-roll reversible rolling mill (there is also a three-roll rolling mill for small steel, but the process limitation is not conducive to the production organization), and the blanking machine needs to be rolled for about 5 to 13 passes, and then the rolled piece The hot saw is only responsible for cutting off the unformed part of the head, but the flying shear can cut the head, segment and tail. The rolled pieces after head cutting are sent to the finishing rolling mill for rolling. The finishing rolling of small-sized section steel of major domestic manufacturers adopts the form of continuous rolling, and the finishing rolling of large-size section steel is reversible rolling. After finishing rolling, it is generally sent directly to the cooling bed for cooling, but there are also sections that are segmented before the cooling bed or cut after the cooling bed. Due to the relatively large difference between the thickness of the legs and the thickness of the waist of large-sized section steel, if it is placed flat, the cooling speed of the waist and legs is inconsistent, causing waves at the waist, so vertical cooling is generally used. However, the mainstream manufacturers of small-sized H-beams all adopt stepping tooth cooling beds, which are placed obliquely on the rack. Using stepping tooth cooling beds can not only reduce the defects caused by the original chain hauling mechanism, but also easily control the cooling of steel speed. The cooled H-beam is sent to the straightening machine for straightening. Due to the large section modulus of H-beams, 8-roll, 9-roll or 10-roll straightening machines are generally used for straightening, and the maximum distance between straightening rollers can reach 2200mm. After being straightened, the steel is sent to the marshalling stand for grouping and waiting for sawing. After being cut by a cold saw according to a fixed length, it is sent to the inspection table to check the size, shape and surface quality, and then sorted, stacked and bundled. sent to the warehouse. For unqualified products, according to the type of defect, corresponding re-straightening, grinding, welding repair and other treatments will be carried out, and then they will enter the corresponding quality inspection program and then be classified into storage after passing the inspection. In order to improve the operating rate of the rolling mill and reduce the roll changing time, almost all manufacturers adopt a quick roll changing system, that is, the rolls required for the next variety are assembled in advance while producing. When changing rolls, just pull out all the original racks and replace them with new racks that have been installed. Each frame is equipped with a quick connector panel, which includes cooling water, hydraulic pressure, thin oil and dry oil pipe joints and positioning connection devices for connecting rods. The device is easy and fast to disassemble and connect, and the entire roll changing time is about 10-20 minutes. According to the roll changing experience of small steel, the overall roll changing time is generally about 45-70 minutes. Read the full article
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charterfishing · 1 year
About Deep Sea Fishing Cancun
As compared to other Caribbean resorts, Cancun has some of the best deep sea and sport fishing, allowing you to combine the excitement of sports fishing with other types of fishing such as deep sea, fly, trolling, and bottom fishing. Sea Fishing Cancun provides a choice of Deep Sea Fishing Cancun to ensure that each of our customers has an unforgettable fishing experience.
Fishing at sea at great depths Cancun is a popular pastime in Cancun, Mexico, due to the area's abundant marine life and crystal blue seas. Tourists can arrange a fishing charter and go out into the open sea to catch marlin, sailfish, tuna, and wahoo. These trips often include all required equipment, an experienced crew, and fishing licenses. It's best to plan ahead of time, especially during peak season, because fishing trips can fill up quickly.
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However, typical fishing charters in Cancun generally provide the following:
Experienced crew: A competent and experienced crew that can assist you in navigating the wide sea and locating the best fishing places.
Quality equipment: High-quality fishing equipment, such as rods, reels, bait, and tackle, is required to ensure a comfortable and effective fishing trip.
Fishing licenses: The essential fishing licences for deep sea fishing in Cancun.
Beverages, including as drinks and snacks, are typically supplied on board.
Cleaning and storage services: Help with cleaning and preserving your catch so you may enjoy fresh seafood after your excursion.
Professional services: Professional and personalized services to make your fishing trip memorable and pleasurable.
It is recommended that you confirm what services the fishing charter you choose provides. Certain fishing charters may provide extra services or luxuries, so inquire about these before booking your trip.
There are several benefits of deep sea fishing in Cancun, including:
Experience the Thrill of Fishing: Deep sea fishing Cancun gives you an adrenaline rush and a sense of excitement as you try to reel in a large catch.
Connect with Nature: Fishing in the open sea allows you to connect with nature and admire the ocean's beauty and marine life.
Learn New Skills: Deep sea fishing can be a terrific way to learn new skills and techniques while also honing old ones.
Quality Time with Loved Ones: Fishing vacations may be an excellent way to spend quality time with family and friends while also creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Support Local Economy: By arranging a fishing charter in Cancun, you can benefit the local economy and contribute to the area's long-term development.
Fresh Seafood: Deep sea fishing in Cancun allows you to capture fresh seafood that you can eat the same day, making for a unique and healthful dining experience.
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Overall, deep sea fishing Cancun is an enjoyable and educational hobby that delivers numerous physical and mental benefits. Deep sea fishing in Cancun is an unforgettable experience for both expert and novice anglers.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
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ssssokkkk2kk · 1 year
The Best Fishing Rod Racks For Every Type Of Trout Fisherman Out There
When you’re out fishing, the last thing you want to worry about is having your gear scattered all over the place. That’s why it’s important to invest in a good fishing rod rack. Not only will this keep your gear organized and safe, but it will also make retrieving your rod a breeze. There are a lot of different types of trout fisherman out there, so finding the right fishing rod rack for you can be tricky. But fortunately, we have done the legwork for you and compiled a list of the best fishing rod racks for every type of trout fisherman. Check it out below!
What kind of trout fishing to do
There are many types of trout fishermen out there, some preferring Stillwater or Streamer techniques, while others prefer Fly Fishing. Regardless of your style, you'll need a good trout fishing rod rack to carry your gear. It's important to have the right size rod rack for the type of fishing you're doing, and also the right kind of rod rack. You'll want something that can hold both your fly rods and spinning rods securely, with plenty of storage space left over for other items like netting and lures. Below we've list some different types of trout fishing rod racks and what they are best suited for. If you're not sure which one is right for you, be sure to consult a local professional fisherman or Trout Association member for advice on finding the perfect trout rod rack for your needs. Cordura Rod Racks - Ideal for all-around use, Cordura Rod Racks are easy to transport and store. They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate any fly-fishing setup. Hook-and-Loop Rod Rack - Perfect for streamers or nymphs, this hook-and-loop rack can easily be attached to trees or poles using stronghooks or carabiners. It has plenty of storage space, making it great for carrying multiple fly rods at once. The "Boomerang" Rod Holder - A unique design made specifically for Salmon and Trout fishing, this Boomerang
Which trout rods should go on which rack
If you’re looking for the best fishing rod racks for every type of trout fisherman out there, here are five racks that should be on your list. For streamers: a basic three-rod rack will do the trick. For larger streams and rivers: a six-rod rack is ideal. For smaller streams and reservoirs: four rods will suffice. And finally, if you’re targeting dry fly fishing opportunities, go with a two-rod rack. Each trout fisherman has their own unique methods and preferences when it comes to casting, so make sure to choose the right rod rack for your needs before hitting the water!
As a trout fisherman, you know that the right rod rack can make all the difference when it comes to catching those delicious fish. Whether you are targeting rainbows or browns, a good rod rack is essential for keeping your gear organized and easy to grab. In this article, we have compiled the best fishing rod racks for every type of trout fisherman out there. From folding racks to stationary options, we have got you covered!
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How to Choose The Right Fishing Rod Holder For Your Room
One of the biggest challenges many people face when it comes to home decor is finding the right piece of furniture to match their style. And, if you’re anything like us, you may have a hard time choosing between several different options. This is where fishing rod holders come in handy. Not only do they add a touch of class to any room, but they can also help you organize your fishing gear. If you’re not sure which fishing rod holder to choose, read on for our top tips. We’ll show you how to choose the right one for your room and how it can help you improve your fishing experience.
Types of Fishing Rod Holders
There are a few different types of fishing rod holders that can be found in the market today. Some of these holders can be attached to the wall, while others can be placed on a desk or countertop. One type of holder that is often attached to the wall is the clamp-on holder. This holder has a clamp on one end, which allows it to be attached to a wall. This type of holder is often used by fishermen who want to keep their fishing rods close at hand but out of the way. Another type of fishing rod holder that is often used by fishermen is the standing-type holder. This holder typically has two legs that allow it to stand up on its own. This type of holder is ideal for those who want easy access to their fishing rods but do not want them cluttering up their workspace. Finally, there are desk- and countertop-mounted holders available for fishermen. Desk-mounted holders typically have a bracket that attaches to the top of a desk, while countertop-mounted holders have slots that mount onto the edge of a countertop. Both types of holders offer an easy way for fishermen to keep their fishing rods within reach without having to clutter up their workspace
Factors to Consider when Shopping for a Fishing Rod Holder
Looking to buy a fishing rod holder but don't know where to start? There are a few factors you should consider when shopping for one. First, what is your budget? While some holders can be expensive, there are also affordable options available. Second, what type of fishing do you plan on doing? A holder designed specifically for fly-fishing may be different than one that is perfect for casting spearfishing. Third, how many rods do you plan on using at once? If you only have one or two rods, a small holder may work just fine. However, if you have a lot of rods, then a larger holder will likely be more convenient. Fourth, how much storage space do you have in your room? Some holders can take up quite a bit of space and others won’t need as much room. Fifth, how frequently do you plan on using the holder? If it’s going to be used only occasionally, then a less expensive option may work just fine. On the other hand, if the holder is going to be used more frequently, then it might be worth investing in a higher quality product that will last longer. Sixth and finally, what kind of style do you want for your room? Do you want something traditional or modern? There are plenty of styles to choose from so finding the right one for your room can be easy.
Choosing the right fishing rod holder for your room can be a daunting task, but with a little research and some creative thinking, you'll be able to find the perfect one for your needs. Make sure to take into account the size of your fishing rods, as well as the space available in your room. If you're not sure where to start, our selection of fishing rod holders should help you find the perfect solution for your home. Happy fishing!
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oteummlbr · 1 year
Best Fishing Rod Holder: Our Top Picks
Obviously, one of the interesting things is fishing rods holder.
We all know that fishing is a great way to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but did you know that it can also be quite a physically challenging sport? That’s why it’s important to have the right gear, and one of the most important pieces of equipment is a good fishing rod holder. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best fishing rod holders on the market today and recommend which one is perfect for you. From padded holders to versatile designs, read on to find the perfect fishing rod holder for your needs.
Benefits of Having a Fishing Rod Holder
If you love fishing, then you know that having a good fishing rod holder can make your experience a lot more enjoyable. There are a variety of options available on the market, so it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. In this article, we'll discuss some of the benefits of having a fishing rod holder and help you choose the perfect option for your needs. First and foremost, having a fishing rod holder will make it easier for you to find your fishing gear when you need it. If everything is spread out across the boat or in the car, it can be difficult to locate what you're looking for. Having everything neatly organized in one place will make finding what you need much easier. Another benefit of having a fishing rod holder is that it will keep your equipment safe and tidy. If everything is crammed into one spot, chances are that something is going to get damaged. Having your gear stored neatly and safely will eliminate the chance of damage happening and ensure that your gear lasts longer overall. Finally, having a fishing rod holder can also improve your accuracy when casting. By keeping everything in one place, you'll be able to better control where your line goes and hit your target more consistently. This improves not only your enjoyment while fishing but also your chances of landing those big fish!
Our Top Picks for the Best Fishing Rod Holder
Looking for the perfect fishing rod holder? Our team of experts has put together a list of the best fishing rod holders on the market today. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fisherman, these holders will help you keep your gear organized and accessible while on the water. 1. The Cabela's Deluxe Rod Holder The Cabela's Deluxe Rod Holder is perfect for anyone looking for a quality holder. It features a durable construction and adjustable straps to ensure that your rods stay in place. The holder also comes with a built-in storage compartment to store your bait and other accessories. 2. Humminbird Helix Rod Holder The Humminbird Helix Rod Holder is another great option for those looking for a quality holder. It features a versatile design that can be used with both fly and trolling rods, as well as multiple mounting options to suit your needs. Additionally, the holder comes with built-in pockets to store your baits, hooks, line, and other accessories. 3. Bass Pro Shops Universal Fishing Rod Holder If you're looking for an affordable option, the Bass Pro Shops Universal Fishing Rod Holder is ideal. It features a simple yet functional design that can be used with both fly and trolling rods, as well as multiple mounting options to suit your needs. The holder also comes with built-in pockets to store your baits, hooks, line, and other accessories.
When you're out fishing, having your rods easy to reach is essential. That's why we've put together this list of the best fishing rod holders available on the market today. From simple and affordable options to more high-end designs, we have a holder for everyone. So whether you're just getting started in fishing or an experienced angler looking for a new way to optimize your gearusage, be sure to check out our top picks!
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