#flyers and favors
jazzplusplus · 13 days
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1969 - Ornette Coleman Double Concert - Paris
Ornette Coleman, Dewey Redman, Charlie Haden, Ed Blackwell, Anthony Braxton, Leroy Jenkins, Leo Smith, Steve Mc Call, Roscoe Mitchell, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors, Lester Bowie, François Tusques, Bernard Vitet
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flyers-deactivated · 5 months
HA ! fuck your goal calgary
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maureen-corpse · 2 months
I have just seen Discourse about volunteering with churches on Twitter and I just want to say, regardless of the specifics of whatever instigated that discourse:
With any nonprofit organization that depends on donations and volunteers, the work has to get done. It doesn’t matter if it’s a church, a service club, a funky little fraternal order, a local chapter of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library; the work has to get done, and that means someone has to do the work. If you want to join a local club for networking and to hang out with people, that’s fine, but do not be affronted if the people in that club want to share not only the joys of the club but also the burdens of it with you. If you want your church or your volunteer society or your food pantry to carry on so you can enjoy hanging out while you clean up the park or something, you may well have to do unpleasant stuff like outreach or accounting in addition to showing up for the primary stated purpose. Because none of these organizations can carry on without people who do the support things that make the primary stated purpose possible.
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mariasont · 2 months
Okay okay, so this doesn't have to be smutty if you don't want but enemies to lovers Spencer, they banter and fight at work they just can't get along * cough sexual tension cough* she is like really short, 5 foot nothing. And one day during an argument she goes "I'll climb you like a tree!" Trying to be intimidating but it comes off as something entirely 😂
Climb You Like A Tree
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A/N: ahhhh thank you so much for the request--loved, loved, loveddd writing this! <3 xoxo
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive flirting, enemies to lovers
wc: 1.1k
From the moment you joined the BAU, you were immediately drawn to Dr. Spencer Reid, resident boy genius and pretty boy. You were hooked on his random facts, and his rare snarky comments--essentially everything about him.
But that admiration swiftly turned into exasperation after just a week of working alongside him. What began as quirky charm quickly soured; his random facts, once amusing, now felt like thinly veiled jabs, and his 'occasional' snark became a relentless critique targeting you. You were at a loss, unable to pinpoint the exact misstep that had seemingly placed you on the receiving end of his pointed barbs, but it was clear you had inadvertently crossed some invisible line.
You couldn't shake the feeling that you were an unwelcome replacement for Alex in his eyes. But surely, he couldn't blame you for that, could he? You tried to overlook his subtle digs, to treat them as mere background noise, but god he made it hard.
Month after month, you kept your head down, refusing the grant him the reaction he so desperately wanted. You were new and hesitant about your place on the team, so you bore the blunt of his jabs with a diplomatic smile.
By the fourth month, you'd reached your breaking point, and you unleashed your own brand of sharp-tongued retorts. You were known for your smart mouth in your old department--a skill that had made you both a standout and a frequent flyer in the disciplinary office. You could sense the team's growing frustration at your constant bickering. Yet, there was an unspoken acknowledgement of the singular abilities you both contributed, a balance that tipped in the favor of necessity.
Today had been particularly challenging, your most recent case had ended in the death of seven victims before the unsub ultimately killed himself, taking the locations of the victims with him. So, when you landed and were greeted not by a moment's rest but by a mocking monolith of paperwork, you were at your wits end.
"Could you click that pen any louder?" you grumbled, your eyes blazing with irritation as they met Spencer's, causing for a momentary pause in your flurry of activity.
"Technically, yes. The Doppler Effect dictates that the perceived volume changes with distance, so if I were to move closer to you, the clicking would indeed sound louder to you," Spencer retorted with a sardonic edge, inching closer across the desk, his pen's clicks swelling in volume as if to underscore the scientific principle he so carefully threw upon you.
"Come any closer and I swear I'll shove that pen where the sun doesn't shine."
"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you?"
You bit back the words that sat on the tip of your tongue, acutely aware of Hotch's scrutinizing stare. If was reprimand was on the horizon, you were determined not to be the recipient, despite Spencer's knack for bushing your buttons. The worst part of it all was how undeniably attractive you found Spencer to be--you liked his nerdy comments, the way you had to break your neck to look at him, and even that stupid smirk of his.
It was like a twisted game of fuck, marry, kill--except Spencer was your choice for all three, a secret you'd never admit to anyone. God knows that his ego was already overinflated.
"You know, while acai berries themselves are rich in antioxidants, the bowls are often misleadingly marketed as superfoods. In reality, the excessive amounts of granola, sweetened fruits, and added sugars make it the equivalent of dressing up a dessert as a fruit salad."
Your spoon paused mid-air suspended in the stillness of the break room, as your gaze drifted upwards to lock with Spencer's. A smirk unfurled across your lips, and with deliberate slowness, you savored a slow, exaggerated mouthful, the spoon exiting your mouth with a prolonged, tantalizing pull. A contented moan escaped you. "Mmm, nothing beats a bowl of disguised indulgence. Thanks for the insight, but this 'fruit salad' just became a tad sweeter."
You observed him as he stood, mouth slightly open, eyes glued to your lips with an intensity that bordered on reverence. Anticipating his usual quick-witted comeback, you were met with silence. "Aww, what's the matter, wonder boy? Cat got your tongue?"
"Not at all, but it wouldn't hurt for the cat to catch yours for a change," he replied, stepping forward, his stare cutting through the space between you. 
"Look who's talking. When you finally decide to censor your own commentary, that's when I'll consider silence," you pronounced, your acai bowl abandoned on the counter as a wave of irritation surged within you, propelling you forward.
"Censor my commentary? Trust me, If I didn't, we'd be having a very different conversation right now," he murmured, his frame inching so close you could feel the warmth of his breath.
"You must love the sound of my voice to be this close. Remind me again about the Doppler Effect?" you snapped, attempting to sound unaffected, but your body betrayed you--a rush of warmth blooming over your face. "Or is it just my personal bubble that's too tempting?"
"Are you always this flustered when someone invades your space, or am I the exception?" he teased, stepping in even closer, nearly pressing against you. Your gazes locked in a silent challenge as you tilted you head up defiantly, your heart doing somersaults in your chest.
"Flustered? Hardly. I'm just sizing up the tree before I climb," you declare, your gaze sharpening to fine points. "And you're not as tall as you think."
A sudden burst of laughter spilled from Spencer, a rich sound that echoed through the minimal space between you. He didn't step back, your chests touching. The sound jolted you, and as the weight of your own words hit you, a fierce blush flared across your cheeks, your embarrassment impossible to hide.
"Wait, that's not--ugh!" you stammer, but Spencer is already retreating towards the bullpen, his laughter trailing behind him, taunting you. Your voice echoes down the hallway as you hurry after his figure. "Spencer!"
At the bullpen's entrance, Spencer halts, turning to address the team with a grin. "Guess who just said she's planning to climb me like a tree?" he announces, your words now on display for the entire team. Heat creeps into your cheeks as you wish the ground would swallow you whole.
"Called it!" Penelope's voice rang up, her hands waving like she was directing a parade. "Profiler? Please, I didn't need a badge to see this coming. Doubters, eat your hearts out. Get it, girl!"
"I said 'like a tree' in a metaphorical sense, guys. You know, like overcoming obstacles...not literally climbing Spencer!" you mumble, your face hidden behind your hands, the embarrassment radiating from your cheeks.
With a lean that closed the gap between you, Spencer's voice was low and teasing, "Keep telling yourself that."
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jarofstyles · 3 days
The Favor 8
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Hey...😁 So this is basically all filth but there's a lot of realization in it so it's educational filth!
What do you think of this growth?
Check out our Patreon for early access to part 9 and 170+ exclusive writings
The Favor Masterlist
WC- 7.8k
Warnings- buckle up- Daddy kink, anal, BDSM, dom/sub dynamic, both soft and mean dom H, possessive H, spitting, use of sex toys, impact play, spanking.. probably more tbh. let me know if I missed one!!!
Y/N could feel a shift in them, but she couldn’t exactly pinpoint where it started. 
Sitting in his bed, she had him standing on the side with her back towards him as nimble fingers curled into her hair as he brought them back into a plait. And for some reason, it felt more intimate than anything else they’d done so far. 
Getting back from the bar, Harry had been adamant that she take a quick shower and dry her hair, welcoming her back in with some cut up fruit and juice to have while he did her hair for her. No one had done it for her since her mum, and that was when she was just a wee little thing. 
Sitting in her nightie she’d packed specifically for his viewing pleasure, he’d given her a long look before muttering to her to get on the bed before he lost it again. 
So she did, following instructions yet again as he had hair ties from when he said his hair was longer. He was increasingly gentle, careful not to snag any knots as he moved her hair around and smoothed it back to avoid any weird spots or bubbles in the hair. When she asked why, he had simply said he wanted her hair out of her face. 
Considering they were going to the illusive club tomorrow, questions kept cropping up in her brain and it felt increasingly difficult to keep them from spewing out of her mouth, so she allowed them to be set free. Harry had always been good with her questions before, but she’d been a little nervous about ruining the comfortable silence they’d fallen into. 
“Do they know you at the club pretty well?” His fingers faltered in her hair at the question but only for a moment before righting themselves. 
“They do, yes. I had been a frequent flyer but I haven't been in a bit.” His voice was calm and gentle, much like his hands. It amazed her how rough and mean he could be during sex, could smack her and choke her, call her a set of holes, but the moment it stopped he treated her like the most delicate little flower whose petals were worth millions. It had thrown her off at first, she had to admit, but now it was something she was growing to look forward to. It was rare she got handled like she was precious and at first she had to admit it made her uneasy, but now? Now she was leaning into it like a kitten searching for pets. 
“May I ask why you stopped?” She was extremely curious about it, considering that had been the catalyst of their arrangement, but Y/N didn’t want to push too far into uncomfortable territory for him. 
“Well…” There was a sigh behind her. “I didn’t have a sub of my own and hooking up with someone for a single night isn’t fulfilling to me anymore. I desire a connection, trust… It had been hard for me lately to get into the headspace with someone I’d just met and wasn’t going to see again.” There was a pause as he finished the plait, fastening it with the hair tie. “Lately I’ve just been craving intimacy and a connection. For me, half of the fun of the lifestyle is having that trust. How much can you trust someone after an hour, y’know? It’s partially why I had us meet and discuss prior to even doing anything, and I took it slow with you. I didn’t just fuck you right then and there. A good dom would get to know you and have proper conversations before playing with you.” But internally, he really did hope no one else would get that privilege but himself. 
“I understand.” She turned around to face him, looking up at his still standing face from her position sitting with her legs crossed in a pretzel. “I was worried at first… you know, when we agreed to this. I’ve been eager to try, but I was also really nervous. I was nervous you’d not find me attractive or something I wanted to try would freak you out. Or…” There was a debate in her mind if she wanted to say it or not, but considering what had happened tonight, she decided to say it. “Or you’d just view sex as some sort of favor and not actually enjoy it.” 
It made him frown when she dropped her eyes from his own, fiddling with her fingers and avoiding contact. That was the last thing he’d thought of. If anything, he forgot about the Danny part and focused on building a dynamic with her far more than he should considering the consequences but he knew she wasn’t dumb. Even if they both didn’t say it, there was something deeper there. And while he wasn’t quite brave enough to admit feelings fully, he wasn’t about to let her think any bit of that could ever be true. 
“I enjoy it far more than I ever anticipated, and ever should have.” He said quietly, tapping her chin. “Look at me while we’re talking, darling- thank you.” A softer smile curled on his lips as he allowed himself to stroke her cheek, taking a deep inhale. “Don’t worry about any single part of that. I think… you’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve set my eyes on. There’s a reason I didn’t talk to you so much when you were around. I knew my attraction to you would grow and you were someone else's… This was a twist of fate.” The admission made her eyes widen slightly but he wasn’t done. “And not a single thing you’ve mentioned has freaked me out. As someone with my background growing up and experiencing the community full force, I’ve seen it all and m’willing to try anything with you.” There was a twinge in his heart as she rested her cheek in his palm, giving him the softest eyes he’d ever seen in his life. He could see that she trusted him, but he had to ask. “Do you trust me, Y/N?” The question lingered in the air as he searched her features.
“I do.” There wasn’t a lick of hesitation. The girl held more trust in him than she did her own boyfriend which… she’d need to unpack later. “I know you’d never hurt me and have my best interest at heart.” It had been proven as much tonight when he’d stuck up for her, that he’d been so irritated with the other man for ignoring her, that he gave a fuck about how she felt. There were texts every day asking how her job was, if she ate, what she was doing to unwind, placing more care and interest in her than she’d felt in a long time. 
“I do, sweetheart. I really do. I care about you a lot.” The murmur was soft, their voices hushed even though no one could overhear. “I want t’make all of those fantasies you have come true. The one we talked about. I’ll take care of you, okay?” He felt her nod against his hand before gripping his wrist and pulling it towards her mouth. There was nothing said as he let her do what she wanted while watching curiously. The twinkle of mischief rose in her eye again, sparking a flame in his stomach as she exposed her pink tongue to him and brought the fingers that had been stroking her cunt while they were out into her mouth. 
Hearing him talk so sweetly about her had turned her on again. She’d been good tonight, at least she thinks so, but she wanted to tease him a little bit. Didn’t he know that being so nice to her would work her up? Couldn’t he guess that the sweeter he was, the wetter she got? She got both sides of him. Sweet Harry, and the mean Daddy she had slipped up with later. 
“Tastes like you, hm?” The tone shift was so easy, so quick that Y/N’s tummy flipped. “See… m’nice to you, and then you’ve got t’go and be a dirty little thing. Should’ve known to keep my sweet words to when you’re fucked out and limp. Turns you on when I’m sweet to you, doesn’t it?” It was a tease considering Harry knew he couldn’t stop himself from being nice to her. It was what he wanted. 
But right now he felt the mean streak kick back in. 
“Open wider.” He instructed, watching for her to listen, but she didn’t. Instead she sucked over his fingers again, testing his patience. “I told you to open.” One more chance he’d give her. 
Y/N was trying to misbehave. She wanted to see what he’d do. Pushing boundaries. See how he’d handle her. Taking his fingers into her throat, she gagged a little but kept them there as his gaze turned dark, eyes blazing at the misbehavior. This was what she meant by wanting to be a brat. 
She hadn’t expected him to kneel on the bed, taking her hair in his hand while ripping the wet fingers from her mouth. She hadn’t seen the slap coming. Wet fingers smacked over her cheek, shocking her slightly as the sting made her throb. He’d only done this twice before, but the submissive really fucking liked it. A moan left her throat as soon as it pulled away, making him snarl. Again, his fingers swiped against her cheek, making her mouth open a little bit. 
“Fucking brat.” He grit out. “Serves me right for being nice t’you. And to think I was going to be nice to you tonight…” He sighed, shaking his head. “Open that fucking mouth or I’ll force it open.” 
Y/N was tempted to disobey but she wanted to see why he wanted it, so she listened. Tongue out, she fluttered her lashes at him as the grip on her braid stung against her scalp. She hadn’t expected him to lean forward, pursing his lips and spitting right into her mouth. “Don’t swallow. Keep it there- Don’t fucking move.” He ordered, though he didn’t do anything else. He simply stared at her, eyes narrowed as she looked back up at him. This view was perfect in her opinion. She felt small, delicate, like he could throw her around- but so strong and confident like this. It felt like she was capable of anything. 
“Since you want t’call me your Daddy so badly, I think we should take care of that. Acting like a fucking brat, even after I was so nice and let you cum on my fingers in the middle of the week…” Shaking his head, he leaned in again and spit right on the flat of her tongue before using the sucked fingers to spread it over her tongue and down on her chin, letting some drip off her tongue down to her tits. “Now you can swallow.” 
Y/N hadn’t seen this bit yet. There had been peeks of it, little hints, but his demeanor had shifted into something she’d been dying to see. Just like in the hallway, she wanted him to take. Take, take, take until she had given it all to him. “Sorry, Sir.” She whispered, not daring to wipe herself clean. The mess was what she deserved, a filthy badge of honor.
A look of disapproval was shot her way as he used her hair as a leash, leading her to the very edge of the bed. “No, no, no, Darling.” He scolded, shaking his head at the honorific. “Where’s that other name that you called me when begging for my load inside you?” His eyebrow raised. “I liked that one for tonight. Let me hear that.” 
“Sorry, Daddy.” she whispered, wincing as he arched her head back. 
“Yeah, y’should be. Pissed me the fuck off.” At that he could see her shrink a little in her form, making him take a moment to check on her. Softening his voice, he caught her attention and gentled his grip for a moment to give her a chance to give her a beat to say something if need be. “You know how to use your colors. Where are you right now?”
“Green.” She nodded. “I don’t want to really upset you though.” 
“You’re not, sweetheart. You’re alright.” He promised, leaning down to kiss her once before his mask slipped back on. “Now I think…. That we should teach you some manners. Can you handle yourself for a moment? I think I’ve got the solution to get that brattiness out of your system.” 
Y/N nodded,  more than willing to hand over quite literally anything the man had to offer. It was pathetic but she found herself vying for even a tiny bit of his approval. The man had control of her body in ways she’d only dreamt of, so of course she’d hand it over on a silver platter. “What do you want from me, Daddy?” She whispered, watching his eyes as they trailed over her with this smirk that slightly unnerved her. 
“I think… I’ve given your cunt a good amount of attention tonight. It’s time for me to play with your ass.” 
Y/N was slightly humiliated as she pressed her cheek to the mattress, Harry’s spit still on her chin as her arms extended back so her hands could spread her ass open for him. He wasn’t even paying attention to her yet, instead looking through the bedside table for whatever it is that he was going to use on her. 
Was she nervous? Of course she was. The only play she’d had with her ass had been on her own accord or when Harry had stuck his thumb in, but the excitement heavily outweighed it. If she could choose anyone to be her first in this, it would be him. Sure, he’d bully her a little because he knew that was what she liked, but he’d take care of her. Harry always took care of her, no matter what. Sex or not. He was slowly overtaking her brain and she found that it was exactly how she liked it. 
“Such pretty holes.” His voice broke her out of her train of thought, heat raising on her cheeks as she could feel his gaze. Completely exposed for him to see, she felt the cool air on her most intimate parts as his warm hand ran over her now clean inner thigh. “You’re already wet. Seems you do like a bit of humiliation, don’t you pet?” It was rhetorical, so she kept her mouth shut. “I’ve been thinking about this since the first time I got a peek at this ass. Did y’know that? It’s fucking gorgeous.” There was no hint of shame in his own tone, speaking as if he was in awe of her. “And here you are, spreading yourself open so I can see the puffy little cunt I just abused and that untouched hole. It’s an honor to be the first to have it.”
He was understating it a lot, at least for now. Satisfaction of being the only man to take her ass was something that fueled his ego tremendously, knowing he would be the single person who got to feel how tight and hot it could be around his prick. His hopes of Y/N deciding to choose him instead were his motivation, as unhealthy as it may be. “Here’s our options- and make no fuckin’ mistake, you’re only getting options because its the first time you’re getting fucked here.” In future scenes he would be deciding and she could color out, or talk to him if she didn’t like it. “We can put a plug in you. Let you sit there with it in, but you’ll have to lay with me for a while and let it stretch you more. Or,” He ran a finger over the little hole, smiling when she jolted again. “Daddy can open you up with fingers, place that vibrator you liked so much on your clit and take you when I feel you’re ready. That one may hurt a bit more going in but… you said you like a bit of pain, yeah?” 
The girl did. Pushing her ass back against his finger, she nodded heavily at the second option. “Second, please. Please I want..  I don’t want to wait a long time, Daddy.” 
“Hm… Do you really think you can handle it, Puppy?” He clicked his tongue, moving his finger away from her ass and down to her swollen clit. “I know you’re a bit of a whore, but you know m’not small. It’s not gonna be easy for that tiny hole to take. May have to force it in a little.” It was incredible to him how she reacted to his words so visibly, making it so fucking easy to read her. Maybe they were just in tune with one another, but the little inhale she made clued him in to just how much she liked that. 
“I can do it. I can, it’ll fit. I promise, I can be good and take it. I can take you cock anywhere, I want it so fucking bad, Daddy.” Her voice shook a little, surprising the dominant as he looked down at the body he was meant to ruin. Again, the surge of possessiveness rose to the surface of his skin and bubbled in his blood. Of course she could take it. Of course his little brat would be willing to do anything he wanted, because she was fucking made for him. 
“Alright, pet.” He feigned a resigned sigh. “Don’t disappoint me then. You’re gonna have t’make sure you can take it then.” Excitement was tingling the base of his spine, his cock fully hard again as he left her in her position to go and grab the toy. The Hitachi needed to be plugged into the outlet, which took a moment to do. 
“Daddy?” Her voice called to him, a bit apprehensive. His heart melted a little as he walked to her, toy in hand. 
“It’s alright, Puppy. Didn’t go anywhere too far. Had to get some supplies.” Laying them out beside her, he swatted her hands away from holding herself open. “You’re going to hold this on your pretty clit for me while I open you up. Do you think you can handle that? Or shall I go and get tape so I can keep it there?”
Shivers went up her spine as she imagined it, being forced to cum over and over again with the vibrations coursing through her body. For now, she thought she could handle it, but it was an increasingly enticing idea. “I can do it, Daddy. I’ll be good, I can handle it.”  Harry let out a noise of doubt that only made her huff. “I can! Why did you make that noise?”
A rough spank was laid right to the bottom of her thigh, making her yelp. “Don’t talk back. I asked a simple question, no need for the dramatics.” His voice was stern, a little mean, and she could feel her poor cunt throbbing at the demeanor he had. There had been something so utterly delicious, she had found out, about a man who could fuck like he hated you but worshipped you in all other aspects. He would cover her body in soft kisses and cooling lotion when they were done and hand feed her fruit, but right now it was seeing the other side of the coin.  “Now, I’m going to start. You ask before you cum, and if I tell you to take it away, you do as I say. Am I understood?” 
“Yes.” Y/N sulked, only to be spanked again. “Why?!” The exclamation made his own sigh even louder. 
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, Daddy.” Forgetting that had been an accident, but Y/N couldn’t lie and say his strict demeanor didn’t get her going. 
She was relatively calm though her excitement could be felt in her stomach. Her cunt had been fucked thoroughly in the dark hallway, an undeniable excitement lingering in her body when she remembered leaving with her lips swollen and cum dripping down her thigh. The man who thought he owned her had barely given her a second look, while the one who she looked to for comfort had his hand on the small of her back. It still astounded her how much trust she had put into Harry. How quickly they’d clicked, how he was so in tune with her body and her thoughts that sometimes he knew what she was feeling or thinking before she was even aware of it. 
“Fucking brat.” He muttered, placing the toy into her hands and letting her position it accordingly. “Be good for me, or you aren’t getting fucked.”
With that, the toy was switched on by his thumb at the lowest setting, and the fun began. 
Harry’s view was impeccable. It was always a beautiful thing to see a submissive bare themselves to you, but it was even better when that submissive was Y/N. She had already placed so much trust in him, already chosen him a plethora of times and proven her place. The cravings he’d had of her throughout the week had been almost debilitating. Half the time he was tempted to tell her to come over after work and say fuck it all to the weekend arrangement. Have her sit in his foyer with nothing on when he got home, or in his bed. 
Clicking open the cap of the cherry lubricant, he let a bit dribble down and over her hole. It had been something he’d been looking forward to since she had mentioned it to him, but now that he was getting to do it, that he was smearing his fingers to spread the lube over her while he felt the vibrations work through her body, the excitement only kept building. “This is pretty, y’know.” He mumbled. “Made to be fucked. Think all of your holes were. Makes sense that you’re such a filthy whore.” 
Y/N whimpered underneath him, rubbing her face into the duvet. He had considered tying her hair up so she couldn’t move her head, but that was something else he had to look forward to one day. There were so many options for them that his brain was constantly coming up with more plans, new debauchery to put her body through. His cock was scorching under his briefs, his pants tight, but he was far more focused on her. She was doing well so far, but he was waiting for a slip up. There wouldn’t be much grace given until his cock was buried in that tight little hole. 
“If you’d told me that the pretty girl who walked up all shy to be in that cafe would have her cunt dripping from being degraded while I prepared her ass to be fucked, I’d have been shocked. I imagine most people would. You come off as so sweet, demure… Such a good girl. But you’re nothing but a cock thirsty whore.” His hand pulled back to spank the round of her flesh, a mewl leaving her throat as she trembled slightly. “See? Have half a mind to record this. Maybe next time I will. Take a video of your pretty face while my cock splits your ass open, keep it bookmarked on my phone. So many things I want to do to you, my pet, and such little time in the day.” Clicking his tongue, he ran his finger over the pucker of her ass. It clenched around nothing, making him bite back a groan. She was completely and utterly exposed for him, at his mercy. Better yet, this is where she wanted to be. She chose this, came home with him after giving her boyfriend a metaphorical fuck you, and was now handing over her untouched hole with an eagerness he hadn’t seen in many people. 
“If it makes you happy, Daddy.” She said shakily, panting slightly. 
“Exactly. You’d do anything to make Daddy happy.” The dominant crooned, giving little warning as he pushed the tip of her finger into her ass. He could feel her start to shift her hips, so his opposite hand cracked over her hot skin again to cut it out. “Stop being fucking greedy. Barely got a quarter of a finger in there and you’re trying to fuck yourself on it. Pathetic.” 
Y/N apologized wearily, trying her best to keep still as his finger sunk in deeper. The toy’s vibrations against her clit had her feeling on edge already, but the intrusion in her ass was making her eyes water. “Sorry, I’m sorry but it feels good, Daddy. I want more.” 
Harry scoffed in amazement. This little thing had been having vanilla, missionary sex? She’d been subjected to holding back her true wants and for what? She should have always belonged to him. He knew what to do with her. Harry knew how to please her, how to work a body and a mind who craved this sort of stuff. “I know you do, Puppy. Want to thump your little leg and whine for more like a real pet, but you’re going to take whatever the fuck I give you, and you’re going to like it.” 
Of course, because of her begging, he let himself draw it out. 
Two minutes in she had warned she was going to cum, so he demanded she take the toy away for a minute before putting it back on, one setting higher. 5 minutes in and he added another finger, almost sending her into another orgasm. This time he had her hold the toy away for two minutes, repeating the cycle. Fucking the fingers into her tight channel, he could only imagine how good it was going to feel on his cock. 
“M’gonna add the third, and this time I think I’ll be generous and let you cum. You’ve been a good girl.” His voice softened up, putting his clean hand down and switching it to the next setting. “After that we’re going to try.” Harry was plenty aware of the fact that she had taken it like a champ. He’d even prepared her in the past when they spoke of it that he wouldn’t be upset if she needed more to work into it, but Y/N was definitely a go-getter. 
He watched carefully as he slowly worked the third finger in, watching her reactions. He’d been vigilant for her comfort, and while no one took fingers in the arse as a walk in the park the first time, she had done impressively well. Even with the ruined orgasms which he knew pissed her off immensely, she had been so fucking good and he couldn’t wait to reward her for it. “What’s your color, sweet girl?”
“Green- green, so green Daddy.” She slurred. “I’m so close. I-I’m gonna cum so soon.” This was the place he wanted to get her to, the slightly delirious pleasure filled state of mind that would make it all the more easy on her. The lax bodied ease in which she would be able to take his cock with less tenseness. 
“Go on, baby. Make a mess of yourself so you can take my cock in this pretty little hole.”
It seemed like his permission was enough to set her off. He felt her whole body shake, clenching around his fingers with her walls as she let out a wail he hadn’t heard from her before. Thighs trembling, hand accidentally losing grip of the toy and fingers tensing in the air as she backed into his fingers before trying to get away. His unoccupied hand gripped her hip and kept her in place, praising her as his fingers didn’t stop. In and out, he massaged and stretched her open as the orgasm rattled her bones. 
“That’s my best girl. Knew you could do it, little thing.” He cooed, soothing her skin as she stopped trying to escape the feeling. “Poor pussy, s’a lot hm? Daddy made you wait a little bit to cum, but it was worth it.” 
Y/N nodded into the soft fabric, not yet able to find her voice. This time he didn’t scold her, knowing it probably was intense from the mixture of new sensations and edging with quite a powerful toy. Instead he let her work through it, waiting for her to give him a sign. “Puppy? Alright?” 
“M’amazing.” She giggled, slapping her hand around to find the vibrator. “Can I turn it off, please?”
“Course. Go on, pet. It’s just about time for the real fun to start.”
Y/N was boneless under him, tensing only when he slowly pulled fingers out to dribble some more lubricant over her hole. “Need to get it nice n’wet, my pet.” He was careful to describe what he was doing now that they were getting closer to the real thing. “M’gonna get my cock nice and slick too, make it easier to slide in. You’re a snug little thing, need to make sure we get you as comfortable as possible. 
She had no doubt in her mind that he would do that. Harry had never failed in taking care of her, always making sure she had what she needed. Maybe with quite literally anyone else she would be shaking with nervous, but with him it was only a tiny tremor in her hands. His unlubed fingers had stroked her hair away from her face and made her look at him, promising she was okay to continue before he had gotten to this point. His clothes off, his body heat radiating from behind her. “Okay, Daddy.” 
This mindset was newer to her. Everything felt a little fuzzy and a bit like slow motion but she didn’t feel scared. It was comforting. His voice was deep and calm, at least for now, brushing over her skin like a feather. If she could, she would arch into his words like a cat looking for a pet from it’s owner. Perhaps that was because that’s sort of what she felt like. 
“See? When you listen to instructions and don’t act like a brat, you’re so sweet.” He praised. “I’m gonna be a bit meaner to you, but it’s okay because my slutty little puppy quite likes it, I reckon.” 
She did. She did, she did, she did. She liked how pretty his voice was when he degraded her and acted like she was just a hole for him to unload his cum into. If that was what he wanted her to be, she would happily take it all like the overly eager puppy she turned him into. Something about the man and his demeanor, both as a dominant and a man in general, had her wanting to roll over and submit. There were stark differences between how Dom Harry and Regular Harry treated her, but they fell into the most delicious melting pot that she wanted to submerge her whole body in. “I like anything you do to me, Daddy.” She responded like the perfect little pet she was. 
Harry cooed at her, leaning over her body and placing a kiss on her shoulder. “I know. It’s what makes us so fun, isn’t it? I want to do nasty, dirty, horrible things to you… and you want to let me.” 
Y/N keened as she felt the tip of his cock slap a few times over her hole, eyes fluttering shut. It had been a long time in the making, and she wanted to feel him inside of her. In a place no one else had been before. It would be his, in her mind.
“You tell me if it’s too much. Color if you need to. Do you understand me?” 
Y/N nodded, humming to him, but that wasn’t good enough. A tap to her hip made her eyes peel back open to look at him, his eyes narrowed on her. “Words, Y/N. Tell me you understand how to use your colors and you feel safe.” Oooo, the government name.  If this wasn't the first time they were doing this he likely wouldn’t be so heavy on the double and triple checking, but it was a lot for her to take. He was a lot for her to take. 
“I understand, Daddy. I know I’m safe and I know how to use my colors. Please, fuck me now.” 
Harry gave her a warning glare before he exhaled through his nose, muttering about ‘where his good girl had gone’, but took it for now. They were both keyed up and ready to finally do this, and he couldn’t help that. 
It was cool in the room, but she felt hot all over, particularly under the skin, as his cock rubbed over the well lubed hole. 
Her brain’s fuzzy feeling returned as she felt the first bit begin to push in. It wasn’t entirely pleasant, as she knew it probably wouldn’t be, but she wasn’t about to tap out. Taking quick breaths, she was reminded by the dominant to change that. “Deep, slow breaths. You’ll hyperventilate if you keep doing that.” He murmured, rubbing small circles into her hip. 
His eyes were zoned in on the side of her face as he watched her grip the duvet in front of her. Ever so attentive, she knew he would stop if she asked but there was no point in asking that. Even when it hurt a bit, like he was stretching her so far out that she’d split, she didn’t do anything but curl her fingers and toes, making herself breathe through it. Harry was soft with his words, gentle with his touches as she let him sink into her slowly. 
There was no rushing this. Her body felt like molasses the longer he was inside of her,  not bothering to ask how much more was left. She’d done her research before she ever met Harry but even more after the fact about how to get through it. Deep breaths, good prep, communication. All three things she had actively gotten from him. It was now a journey of waiting for her body to stretch and accept. 
“I’m okay.” She whispered, reaching her hand back to his on her hip. “I feel okay. You can keep going.” He had little bits where he would wait a few moments before continuing to push in, but she wanted it over with. It was starting to become more pleasurable as her body adjusted and he was being cautious with her, but she could take it. 
“Okay.” He agreed, flipping over his hand and letting her hold it. 
Harry was trying his best not to take her out of the moment, or to cum himself. It felt stupidly good, the wet heat engulfing him and clenching around as she tried to adjust to the feeling. Was she truly tighter than anyone else he had, or was he just far more attached to her than the rest? It was something he’d need to unpack later while she was asleep in his bed and he could be creepy and look over her, but at the current moment he couldn’t recall another time where he had felt this good being inside of someone else. “M’gonna grind into you a bit, okay?” He warned her, slowly rocking his hips and hearing her gasp at the small movements. 
God, it felt so good. Like a damn vice, her hole gripping him tight as her nails dug into the back of his hand. For a second he was going to ask if she needed a moment, but the broken moan that left her swollen lips clued him into it. It was the complete opposite. “Oh, Puppy… You like how that feels?” 
“Uh-huh.” She nodded, spreading her legs a bit more. “I’m so f-full.” 
The way she said it was going to be ingrained in his wank bank forever. Whiny and shivery, but full of pleasure. Like she couldn’t believe how well she was filled. “You are. Nice n’snug inside this perfect hole. Think I was right about you being made to be fucked. Though… I think it’s mainly by me, yeah? Pretty holes made to be filled by me, cause I fill ‘em so perfectly.” 
“Yeah, Daddy.” She mewled, arching slightly as he pushed in a bit further. “It’s so perfect and I l-love it. It hurts but it feels so good n’I wanna do it again.” 
“Haven’t even finished this one and you’re already planning our next fuck… Really are Daddy’s girl. Addicted to my cock inside of you, jus’ like I’m obsessed with filling you.” She didn’t know just how true those words rang out now. How he had poured over the fact that he liked her far more than he should for an arrangement like this, how he had been so desperate for her that he’d broken his rule -which he never does as a dominant- and made her cum in the bathroom during their lunch because he had wanted to make her feel good so badly that it made him feel borderline insane. 
“I am. I’m Daddy’s girl.” She babbled, pushing back into him. “I can take more. You can- you can fuck me. I can take it, I promise. Green.” The urging made him chuckle to himself because fuck, could she get any more perfect?  Make it any more obvious that she was completely and utterly made for him, saying all the shit he had been hoping she would? 
For once, the dominant couldn’t tell his submissive no. 
He was slow about it at first, listening to her mewl. Filling her up and pulling out shallowly, letting her adjust to the action. The man relished in the feeling of her stretching and clinging to him, greedily trying to keep him inside of her.  It became increasingly hard to keep his composure, but the good news was that Y/N didn’t want him to. 
The slow crescendo gained momentum, the hand she was holding falling down as she tried to move herself onto her hands. While he had been trying to keep it slower for her, it seemed his submissive craved more- fucking herself back onto him with the sweetest whines being punched out of her as she did so. The gall, the audacity of the girl had him laughing under his breath- but he wasn’t going to let it go.
His hand gripped her hair, swiftly pulling it around his fist like a leash and pulling her up onto her knees. “If you want more, you’ll take it like this.” It was reminiscent of their other time he loved to look back on, but his prick was filling a different hole. Teeth descended onto her neck as he picked up the pace, biting down as she squealed his honorific into the air. “Oh, what? Is it too deep? Too much? You want to get greedy and now it’s too much for that slutty hole?” He cooed, the condescending tone making her shiver. “That’s too fucking bad then. You know what to say to get me to stop.” Unless she uttered that word, he knew she could take it. 
Y/N felt lightheaded in the best way. This new sort of pleasure had her dripping all over her thighs, her clit pulsing between her legs as he fucked into her ass. Pounded it, really, in a way she had only dreamed about. Pinpricks on her scalp from the grip on her hair, involuntary noises being punched out of her lungs from the pressure, she was feeling her eyes lull with each thrust. It was only with him, she didn’t have to think about anything but how good she felt. How to please him, how to piss him off, how he would make her cum. The most primal of urges being met, all the while he was focused on her. There was no thought of work infiltrating his brain, or sports, or the distraction of texts or pulling out mid stroke for a phone call- no. In their intimate moments, Harry was just as tuned into her as she was, him. 
“You fuck me so good.” Somewhere along the line, those thoughts had her tearing up. This was the first partner in which she had felt the reciprocated want, the attention she felt she deserved being laid down onto her. Her eyes stung but there was no way to stop it as the tears began to dribble down her cheeks. Something like an emotional release starting as the physical pleasure began to bubble up in her stomach, his hand winding around to the front to circle her slippery clit. “Don’t stop, Daddy. Don’t stop, please don’t ever stop fucking me.” 
The words probably held more weight than she realized, her shuddering voice making him groan into her neck. “As long as you want me, I’ll keep going.” His voice was deep with the pleasure, hoarse as he promised her he wouldn’t stop. “You feel so good, baby. I’ll give you whatever you need. Don’t ever worry.” turning her head, his tongue licked over the salty tear that had fallen down her cheek. “Your holes are mine, aren’t they? Every single one. No one else’s. Only for Daddy to fuck. Took this ass n’now it’s mine.” He himself was losing it a bit at her declaration, finding himself close. “My perfect slut.”
The intensity was high but neither of them wanted to stop. Unspoken words thick in the air as the pleasure filled both of their bodies, leading them towards their ends sooner than they’d want. It was when his fingers filled her pussy and his the heel of his palm smacked against her clit as he fucked her in both holes that she new she couldn’t stop her upcoming orgasm. 
“Yeah- uh-huh, just use me. I’ll be good, I’ll be so, so good for you Daddy. They’re yours, I’m yours. I’m yours, I promise- Oh, fuck.” She sobbed, feeling his fingers quicken on her clit. “I need to cum. I need to cum, Please, please let me. You can keep fucking me, Jus’ let me cum. I’m so good, I’m your good little slut.”
“Y-yeah.” His mouth fell open and the moan was loud and slightly shaky.  “Cum for me. Cum for me, pretty fucking girl, I’m gonna cum in you. Let go, It’s okay- Give it t’me. Give it.” He demanded, his mouth shadowing her own as they inhaled each other’s pants. They were glistening and sticky with sweat, sloppy on the thighs, lips swollen and marked up in the most animalistic way and they’d never been more in tune with their bodies- or each other. 
Y/N couldn’t stop herself as she got permission, his pulsing fingers getting one specific spot inside of her and his cock filling her ass over and over again sending her over the edge. White flashed her vision as she shuddered in his arms, a unfamiliar scream leaving her throat. Gushing around his fingers, she squirted a little stream of liquid down his hand. Both holes clenching, her body unsure if she should push herself closer or pull away, she sobbed out his name. “Harry- Harry, oh my fuck-” 
The combination of many things had led to his own orgasm, but it was particularly his real name that had him pushed to his limits. His own pathetic moan of hers followed, pulling her mouth to his own as he kissed her messily. Each pulse of his balls added another stream of cum inside of her, thighs twitching as he felt some of his strength draining along with his cock. He was in slight disbelief how intense he felt it, his toes feeling damn near numb as he tried to snap back into caretaker mode as he unwound his hand from her hair and slowly leaned her down to lay on the bed. 
“Oh, baby…” He whispered, peppering kisses to her cheeks. “Fuck, sweet girl… what the fuck are you doin’ to me?” A laugh of disbelief left his swollen lips, nudging his nose against hers. Y/N let out a weak noise of acknowledgement, melting right into the bed as he laid on top of her. Doing his best to keep his weight from squishing her, he tried to gain some composure with deep breathing. He’d fallen into a different headspace there, and it had been quite a while since he had done it. Forever, really, for that certain brand of it. It wasn’t just a dominant headspace, but one that felt something for the girl he was inside of. More than what was allowed. At this point though, he didn’t particularly care about the logistics of it. 
There was no way he wasn’t going to make this girl his. Ethics be damned. 
“Angel? Y’alright?” He whispered, getting a grunt from her. “Yeah? I’m gonna have to pull out in a few seconds so I can get the stuff to take care of you. I’ll be slow, and come right back.” It wasn’t like he wanted to go anywhere from her, If he had it his way he’d be inside of her 24/7. But he needed to take proper care of his girl, and aftercare was something he simply wouldn’t skip. 
“No.” She whimpered. “Don’t want you t’go.” The words were muffled together, like her lips weren't working that well, and it made the man smile. She was well and truly fucked out. This time, though, it was mutual. 
“I have to, sweetheart. Don’t want you laying in all this filth. Sticky, aren’t you?” He knew he was. It was worse for her, considering she had been double stuffed with his cum today. Internally, he was very happy about that.
“A little.” She huffed, turning her head and eyeing him. “I don’t wanna move. I don’t think I’ve got bones, Daddy.” The whisper made him smile, knowing that she was still in that space. He’d work her out of it, make sure she was all clean and boneless while feeling safe. 
“You’ve got bones, love. Daddy jus’ fucked you pretty good.” He smoothed the sweaty strands of hair from her face. “Do you need something before I go n’grab the stuff to make you feel like you’ve got bones again?” 
Her face turned a little more, lips puckering out. “Kissy, please.” 
When he’d look back at it later, he would pinpoint that as the moment all the defenses around his heart broke. There was no more denying it. She had him. Hook, line and sinker.  
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macfrog · 6 months
wish you were here | one shot
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thank you lovely anon for this gorgeous request which felt like a huge mug of hot chocolate and a pair of socks fresh from the dryer to write. i hope you enjoy.
pairing: joel miller x fem!reader
summary: you and joel skip jackson’s annual holiday party in favor of some alone time. (not that kind you filthy animals it’s the HOLIDAYS)
warnings: fluff lmao, thirty-year age gap and u can stay mad, set around the holidays but no mention of christmas etc, nothing but love and two hints of sex. that's all. oh and no guitars were harmed in the making of this - joel canonically goes and gets the guitar after the fic ends. dw.
word count: 1.9k 
main masterlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 🤎
Jackson is alive with a thrumming heartbeat. Pulsing through the air, bumping gently against the quick-lying snow and filling the otherwise silent night. A steady, rhythmic heartbeat.  
A heartbeat which sounds a lot like Blue Monday, but a heartbeat nonetheless.
The holiday party is in full swing down in the Tipsy Bison. Seven o’clock ‘til late! on flyers plastered all over the commune for the last month. Tommy had tried relentlessly to convince Joel this morning on patrol – It’ll be a good night; You oughta come along, show face at least. At the same time, Maria was on your back about it in the stables.
Y’all hardly come to anything fun, she’d argued.
We come to stuff.
When’s the last time you came to anythin’?
We were – we were at Mike’s birthday dinner.
What – five months ago?
We like alone time.
Alone time? You’re never apart from one another.
Alone time – together.
Neither attempt had been successful. Tommy and Maria had exchanged a disheartened glance as the two brothers passed their horses to you on their return. Joel clipped your cheek, took his gloves off and fixed them onto your frozen hands before making off for home, a proud grin on his face. You’d held your own as well as he had: you two had a clear evening ahead.
He had lit and nurtured a fire, had made himself a coffee and heaped half a damn bag of tiny marshmallows into a hot chocolate for you, but when he’d come through to take his place on the couch, you were already stood out front.
It’s bitter out – a soft breeze, but a thick chill on its wings. The sky a washed gray, heavy clouds overhead. He slips outside, setting the mugs down on the table, and slings a blanket over your shoulders. Kisses the curve of your neck, scruff of his beard tickling your skin.
‘s freezing, pretty bird.
Then keep me warm, you whisper, turning into his arms. He steps back, settling into his chair, flicking his fingers for you to fall down into his wide lap.
You curl up against his torso, your head hooked beneath his jaw. Wonder how drunk Tommy is by now. What is it – nine?
His wrist lifts, moonlight gleaming in the reflection of his broken watch face. Just gone ten. I bet he’s on his ass already.
You giggle into his shirt, breathing in the scent of the pine trees, the smoke from stoking the fire inside, the bite of hot coffee. The echo of voices swelling in merry song turns your attention down the street – two figures hooked onto one another, stumbling through the powdered snow. Some slurred rendition of September melting into All Night Long before the smaller of the two tugs their partner off into a darkened house.
Joel laughs to himself, the bristle of his beard catching on your hair as he shakes his head.
You ask him softly, Will you play me something?
His breath soars, a cloud hot and pale white, past your temple and up into the pastel sky. Gets swallowed somewhere overhead by the wash of warmth from the porch light. He turns his mug until the owl faces the street, the bottom gnawing against the wooden armrest of his chair.
I’m serious.
What do you wanna hear?
That one you’re always practicin’. The plucking one.
Another rumble between your shoulder blades. His chest jolts with a solid laugh. The pluckin’ one.
You know the one.
I know the one.
Will you play it, if I go get the guitar?
Baby, his lungs nudge on your back as they fill, it’s late. We’ll wake the neighbors.
Everyone’s at the dance. C’mon.
And he can’t argue with that. The entire street lies dark, vacant. Yours is the only house with soft-glowing eyes, the muted orange of the fire flickering behind closed blinds. Two figures, tangled in a chair on the dim front porch; a hunting jacket around his shoulders, and his body around yours.
You tug on the blanket, wrapping it around your elbows as you stand. Just once. Play me it once.
Joel’s looking up at you, setting his mug down on the table. Play you it as many times as you want, pretty bird. Just – quietly.
There’s a spring in your step that drags another chuckle from Joel’s lips: the kind that drips like honey down your throat and warms the pit of your stomach – a sweet, comforting thing, a sound you swear was made purposefully for you. Divine and deliberate.
Like – all of him. Like the shape of your name in his mouth, the curl of his tongue as the sound surfs over it. Like the curve of his hand and the way yours so neatly molds into it.
The way it did the day he found you, crouched in the gray backroom of some butchers deep in the city, and took you all the way back to Jackson. Let you cling to him on the back of his horse; your weak arms around his waist, anchored by the heavy jacket he’d thrown over your back. Your ear between his shoulder blades. And that was that.
Fifty-six. One brown-turned-silver hair away from thirty years your senior. He still remembers before. Talks about movies, talks about computers. Talks about Sarah, when the sun hits the wall at a certain angle and he reckons he could see her standing right there, the soft shadow of her hair dark against the golden wall. When you make a joke and he laughs a ghostly sort of laugh, like he’s hearing the echo of her voice make the same quip three decades ago. He always says she would’ve loved you; you like to think he’s right.
He found you: a lonely little broken heart, and he pulled you to your feet with a rough palm against your own. Hands calloused only from years spent carving wood and pressing the hard strings of his guitar into the fretboard, and nothing else. No violence and no bloodshed; no survival or threat. Music, and patience, and kindness.
And maybe you found him, too, in the same sort of way: roughened up, awkward and messy stitches holding him together. Maybe the two of you nursed one another back to life; each brush of your hands in the dining hall and each meaningful glance while out on patrol sewing those wounds up a little tighter, a little safer.
He sits forward when you hold the instrument out, sweeping a broad palm down the slope of the body. Pinches the pegs one by one, twisting them while his thumb taps on each string.
Come here, he says, beckoning you forward with a flick of his chin. He taps on the seam of his jeans, widens his legs for you to curl up between them at his feet – the way you always do.
Your elbows hook over his thigh, ear pressed against the inside of his knee. Staring up, blinking slowly, eyes glazed with the cold and with the light and with love.
He plucks gently, slow at first. Letting the strings snap with a twang, vibrating enough that you feel the small rattle in your jaw. Your eyes fall closed, head rocking with the light tap of his heel on the porch. When you peer at him through your lashes, he’s watching the skilled movements of his fingers intently; as if he’s as much a spectator as you are – his body doing all of the thinking and working for him.
 So, he sings, and your stomach melts to a puddle, so you think you can tell –
Your eyes close again, the low rumble of his voice crisp in your ears. Like thunder, like the promise of something great and mighty. Something moving, something rolling and changing the landscape of your body, your mind and your soul. The lines between living and dying begin to blur, the seam tearing between this plain and the next.
Did they get you to trade – your lips parting to whisper the words with him – your heroes for ghosts?
His thumbnail dragging down the strings, his strong fingers flitting between chords. Like he was made to sit here, in the dead of night, and carve a space in the world for himself and his voice and for you – lain in the safe scope of his body, protected by his breadth and brawn and lulled by his sweet song.
His breadth and brawn – the parts of him which have kept him standing here. His skeleton, his muscle. But the thing that keeps you warm at night, buried side by side under a threadbare woolen sheet together, the thing that you link your arms around as he leads you home from the nights you dare to visit the Tipsy Bison: are his heart, his flesh, the gray-singed hair which falls in a featherlight wave over his forehead. The hair you sweep from his eyes when he’s on top of you, his hips cradled in yours, that all-encompassing feeling of every part of him filling every part of you.
It all feels that way. The warmth of him, the feeling of being wrapped around him. Hooked around his body, bones intertwined. Absorbing one another, his words breathing life into yours, slowly growing louder and braver with each pluck and strum of music.
We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.
Your makeups entangling, ribcages locking together, flesh meeting flesh and hair twisting until one day, Tommy will come looking for his brother and find the two of you here on your porch, your arms still draped over Joel’s thigh and his fingers still mid-song. Stuck, alone, together.
What have we found? Joel looks down to you as though asking the question – his eyebrows raised – and you reply, a dumb smile across your lips, The same old fears, and then, together –
Wish you were here.
He plays until his fingers must start to hurt, the way he clenches and loosens his fist. Setting the guitar against your chair, hands hooking under your arms to pull you back up to him.
That one your favorite? he asks, the cold tip of his nose circling yours.
You nod. Only when you sing it.
I like the way we sound together.
You smile, shrinking into his chest again, your fingers surfing back and forth on the worn shirt. I like the way we do a lot of things together.
His hands slip beneath the fabric of your shirt, massaging your waist. He dots a trail of light, damp kisses along your forehead, dipping to your temple, the angle of your cheek until your jaw lifts and his lips are against yours, his tongue parting to lick purposefully at yours.
I love you, pretty bird, he whispers, the words falling sweet and fair on your tongue.
You take a moment to let them seep into your skin. ‘s the first time you’ve ever said that, you tell him.
Joel smiles. He knows. But you knew it already, he counters.
You know, too. Mhm.
Alright, he groans, slipping his hands under your thighs and hoisting you up to his height, bedtime.
It’s only ten, you complain, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders as he carries you inside. It’s too early to sleep – Joel.
Didn’t say we were goin’ to sleep, he mumbles, kicking the door shut.
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melodymunson · 8 days
Pour some sugar on me- Eddie Munson x fem reader x fem OC feat. Steve Harrington
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Featuring Steve Harrington
summary- You and your friend Luna are back from vacation in Florida and going back to your now home upstate until your car breaks down in Hawkins Indiana. Thankfully mechanic Eddie is there to save the day. When you can't afford to pay him you can return the favor in other ways. (Reader knew Eddie in high school. Reader, friend, and Eddie are all in their 30s.) There is an appearance from Steve near the end and a sexy time with him.
warnings: NSFW lesbian sex, eating pussy, car sex, p in v vaginal sex, protected sex, threesome (all with Eddie). Double blowjob (with Steve).
ao3 link
5.8K words
The trip to Florida was amazing- the beach every day, sun tanning, nightclubs, drinking, getting high, and lots of time at the private pools. When you get to the Indiana state border, your car breaks down. Your good friend Luna, being there at least, made it so that you wouldn't have to deal with this alone. You had to stop by a mechanic shop and soon.
You never thought you would be back in Hawkins, Indiana, once again the town you hated. You were the popular girl at Hawkins High School, yet you hated it. Your best friend was also popular, but the first chance you had to go away to college in Chicago, you left and never looked back. The only thing you missed was Eddie.
Eddie was in town hopefully because you wanted to see him at least. In high school, you bought the best weed ever from him. Corroded Coffin always put on the best shows at the Hideout and you were so happy to have him as a friend. Unfortunately, you lost touch but something told you as you drove through town and saw flyers of Corroded Coffin and a show they had upcoming soon; you were more than ready to see him again.
Pulling into a nearby mechanic station at Hawkins city limits, you were glad it was open. It was 5 in the afternoon, and even though it was summer; it was a Sunday, and the shop was thankfully, open. When you pulled your SUV up to the station, you noticed Eddie instantly. He was wearing his denim Dio vest, ripped black jeans, and curly long brown locks of hair along with tattoos you recognized- it was Eddie Munson.
As soon as he pulled his head from the hood, you knew it was him. Eddie waved to you as you parked with a big smile on his face. Getting out of the Corvette, you walked up near the vehicle he was working on with your friend following you close behind. Seeing Eddie again after all these years, you felt like it was an act of fate.
Holding his fingers up to signal to wait a minute, he looked under the hood. The vacation you just had was a lot of fun. Now you were close to being back home and having Eddie here with you, and it was a great way to end a good vacation. Whispering to your friend, you said into her ear.
"I think he got even hotter than he was in high school."
To this, she responded by giggling. Eddie glowed up.
"I agree. He's very hot," she whispered back.
Eddie cleared his throat as he wiped his hand on a black skull bandanna.
"Well, you need a tune-up or something more serious? And I recognize you."
"It's y/n from Hawkins High and this is my friend from Hawkins Luna. We have engine troubles. Just got back from a girl's trip in Florida."
Eddie was checking you out but trying not to make it so obvious. All you had on, after all, was a bikini and short shorts. Luna did as well. It was a beach trip, after all.
"I'll do my best. Well, then I can begin working on it. After all, it's Sunday, and not much else to do around here. Only open mechanic in town on a Sunday."
His curly brown locks were exactly as you remembered them. He looked so sexy. Back in high school, you were casual friends with Eddie, and attended some of the same parties together where he sold weed, other drugs, and drug paraphernalia.
Even with his hair disheveled, calloused hands, and some sweat, he was looking good. You kind of wondered to yourself why you never hung out with him more back in the day. Now you had another chance and you wouldn't let it pass you by. Eddie was so special to you.
"Thank you. What a lifesaver you are. It's great we crossed paths again," you told him, sounding excited. This made Eddie smile and blush.
"Yeah, you helped us out already by just being open," Luna added with her hands on her hips.
"I'll get right on checking it. There's a mini fridge inside the station. Grab yourselves something cold to drink."
"Thanks. It will be great to get a drink after that long ride. We had a beach vacation," Luna remarked.
"Let's catch up soon then," he mentioned with a slight shrug, as he went to look inside the engine and opened your hood.
There was a little problem. You didn't have money to pay him and you had maxed out your credit cards. Hopefully, he would let you have an IOU or take some other form of payment. As you drank your sodas, you got an iced tea out to bring to Eddie.
"We don't have the money for this, but we also weren't anticipating the car breaking down," you admitted with dismay.
"Well, we can do other things like wash some cars and his motorcycle. Maybe put on a strip show," she teased.
"Luna, are you serious? I guess we could. Nothing like two hot girls in bathing suits washing vehicles, as Eddie gets the best view in town."
"Exactly, except we are hot girls."
You shook on it, deciding you'd do whatever it takes to get your car fixed and leave Eddie happy with some form of payment. Even though it had been a while since you last saw him, you knew this would all work out. It just had to. If it didn't, you might even resort to more drastic measures.
"Okay, Eddie, we have tea for you," you told him as you presented him with the can and made your way over to him again.
He was working up a sweat as he was looking under the hood. He had a lot of stamina and a hard work ethic. If only you could convince him to let you get your vehicle back with a different form of payment. Something told you this would be a tempting offer for him.
"Thanks. I'll drink some in a minute. Just put it down on the ground."
"Eddie, we have a problem. My credit card got maxed out, but the end of the month is coming soon and I'll get paid again. There's not a chance I could pay you back later?" You suggested hopefully.
"Well, how about we call this a favor between old friends? It's on the house. Don't worry about it."
"Thanks. We could pay you back in the meantime. Wash a few cars maybe."
"Got yourself a deal, princess."
Soon you were washing cars, getting them all foamy and soaped up as Eddie finished the engine. He went to wash his hands, getting the dirt and grime from them before going back outside to drink his tea. It was still pretty hot out and he felt slightly refreshed after cleaning up and drinking the cold beverage. You gave him a good view of your ass and chest as you washed, getting on the hood and scrubbing it clean.
Luna was also washing the vehicle but the back of it and giving Eddie a good view of her body. Soon you were done, and you washed another vehicle. You sprayed each other with the hose, giggling and all smiles. Your shirt and shorts were long gone and now discarded. Nothing but your very skimpy bikini tops and thong bottoms were now on display.
Eddie was nearby, catching occasional glances as he at least pretended to be doing some paperwork to keep himself busy near the entrance to the main office. He was only human, after all, and a man, so he couldn't quite help himself from looking at your public display. Truthfully, he was so glad he was the only person to see it. The best part for Eddie was seeing you bending down and washing his motorcycle.
When you finished washing cars, you dried off and changed into a dress. Washing the vehicles was fun and you would be lying if you said it wasn't sexy seeing Eddie checking it all out. He was in his office working on some paperwork when you finished changing and went to look for him. Luna got another drink and went outside for a smoke. Knocking softly on the office door, he looked up at you and smiled.
"What did you think of the show? I saw you looking Eddie," you admitted as you walked closer to him. He got up from his chair going up to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
"Guess I wasn't good at hiding it. I think you knew what you were doing."
You boldly made your next move, getting up on your tiptoes and kissing him. Kissing you back, he pulled you in close to him. He put his hands around your waist now as you put your hands around his shoulders.
"What about your friend?" He loudly whispered in between kisses.
"She will be okay with it. She's out smoking."
He growled and pushed you down onto his chair, quickly removing his shirt. Pulling down your dress, he realized you weren't wearing a bra.
"Is this ok?"
Once you nodded your approval, he began sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, then the other. Moments later Luna showed up, hiding outside the door, watching what was going on and touching herself. Her soft moans caused Eddie to look back at her.
"Well, well, well, looks like the party got started without me," she chided half-jokingly as she walked into the office further.
"I guess so. Who said you couldn't join us, though?" Eddie asked curiously with a wicked grin.
"I know exactly what she likes. Let me show you."
Eddie moved aside, still on his knees, and Luna got down on her knees next to him. Her tongue contacted your breast, sucking on your nipple with a bit of force and enough to make a wet sucking sound and pop before she moved to your other breast, doing the same. As this was happening, Eddie watched with wide eyes, looking pleased with the sight he was seeing. Truthfully, he had never seen something like this before in real life.
His cock ached painfully, wanting some release. She met your lips in a tongue-tangling kiss, making Eddie's cock even harder.
"You okay, Eddie?" You asked with concern as his eyes met yours and you got up, taking Luna's hand in yours.
"Fine. I, um, would you ladies like to see my van?"
"Later. For now, we would like to see one of your nicer cars. Would love to fuck in one. Wouldn't you guys?" Luna asked, wanting to do something fun and different for once.
Eddie just nodded his approval, speechless at this point. Luna kissed Eddie wantonly, full of passion, and with the promise of even better things to come.
He took a key off the keychain in his office and led you both to a nice Corvette.
"Remember Jason Carver? This is his Corvette. Needed a tune-up. He was such a bastard," Eddie scoffed as he crossed his hands across his chest.
"Yeah, hated that guy. Chrissy Cunningham's boyfriend. Fucking prick!" You replied with clear distaste in your tone.
"Let's fuck on and in it. I'm game," Luna spoke with a shrug.
You took the keys from Eddie and turned off the alarm, then unlocked the back door, opening it. The interior was nice and smelled good. Making a mess of this douche bags vette would be a lot of fun. Eddie pulled a few condoms from his back pocket, knowing he would probably need them soon.
"Then let's have some fun," you suggested as you removed your bikini top and shorts. You weren't wearing anything underneath and neither was Luna under her dress. She followed suit, removing hers as Eddie removed his clothes and got down to just his boxers.
"How do you want us, Eddie?" You asked with eagerness before kissing him.
"I'd love to fuck both of you. One against the hood and the other on the leather seats."
"That can be arranged. How about you fuck me on the hood though, Eddie?" You offered already, knowing you were going to get what you wanted.
He thought to himself for a little before nodding in agreement. Luna kissed Eddie before kissing you again as Eddie got a great look at both of your naked figures. He was so hard already, achingly so, and you were more than ready to let him fuck you. He fished a condom from his pants pocket and opened it before he put it on, feeling so excited about what was about to happen.
Luna came over to you and whispered in your ear, "Eat me out as he fucks you." You kissed her back in response.
Moving over to the hood, she crawled on top of it and got onto her back, splaying herself out for you to devour. You got closer and helped her steady herself on the hood as Eddie came from behind you and lined up at your entrance with his cock.
You were so tight and Eddie pushed into you slowly as you held onto Luna's legs, which were now spread apart. Her pussy was on full display just waiting for you to lick it.
"You are so fuckin' tight I love it," Eddie praised you as he kissed your shoulder.
His dark brown curls hung in his face, so he pushed them to the side and put his hair into a ponytail with the hair band he had on his wrist. Sweat already beaded his brow. It was hot out, but you were so into each other and this moment felt right. None of you would let this opportunity pass you by, and you were all so horny.
Once Eddie bottomed out inside of you and you got used to his size, he pulled your hair back for you with a firm grip. He began pumping into you as you were now teasing Luna by kissing her inner thighs and licking them. You moved up to her pussy, spreading her folds and licking her outer entrance first. She threw her hair back and moaned for you as you were already groaning loudly for Eddie, who was now grunting himself as he held onto your hip and pulled your hair.
"Tell me how she tastes," Eddie curiously asked as he thrust his hips and pumped his cock into you.
As you licked her clit and moaned happily into her pussy, you left crescent-shaped marks with your fingernails on her inner thighs.
"So fucking good. She tastes like heaven."
Luna moaned and closed her eyes as she clutched onto the hood of Jason's car. Eddie's mouth contacted your neck sucking on it and you could feel his stubble. He smelled so good too and had on a nice cologne. It was breathtaking. Being able to eat out with your friend as Eddie fucked your tight pussy was like a dream come true.
Luna's groans as well as yours grew louder than Eddie's balls slapped against your ass and you devoured her pretty cunt. Her legs wrapped tightly around you as you held down her thighs and got a good grip on them to steady her on the hood of the Corvette.
"Oh fuck! You have the best and tightest pussy. Holy shit!" Eddie cried out as he moved quickly inside of you, your pussy gripping his cock tightly.
"She looks so hot eating my pussy, doesn't she, Eddie?" Luna asked him with seduction in her tone of voice.
Eddie could feel his cock twitch at Luna's remark and pistoned his hips even faster, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
"Yes, so sexy I love seeing it," Eddie groaned.
He licked his fingers and then finger fucked you, rubbing fast and harsh circles on your clit. As Luna splayed out on the hood of the car, Eddie fucked into you so deep and hard, causing you to moan around her clit, gripping her hips tighter now. As you pleased her pussy, she rubbed her clit.
"Fuck, that's so hot watching your pussy clench my cock so tightly as you eat out your friend. I think I died and went to heaven," he boasted between grunts, sweat beading on his brow.
"Love her mouth, Eddie! Make her cum!" Luna commanded as she lifted her hips riding your face.
"Yes, Eddie, make me cum," you squealed with delight as he hit that special spongy spot of your pussy.
Eddie was perfect at fucking you and making you scream his name. The way he fucked you was incredible and some of the best sex of your life. He fucked you deep and hard, his guitar pick necklace hitting his chest with every thrust inside. His hands left crescent-shaped marks on your hips as he got you even closer to your release. The rings he wore were cold on your skin, but you still felt euphoric on the edge of riding out your high. Luna's cries were even louder now as you fucked her pussy with your mouth, hitting her most sensitive spots with your tongue earning loud cries from her.
"Eddie, I'm going to cum!" You cried out as he felt close to his release his cock twitching inside of you.
"That's right, baby cum for me," Eddie urged you.
Rubbing harsh circles on your clit, he begged to see you cum for him. And you did just that moment later, cumming for him as he was about to cum.
"Where do you want it?" He asked breathlessly.
"Inside me, fill me up, please!" You begged as Luna rode your face faster, riding out her high.
"Fuck ya taste my cum Y/N!" she cried out.
She got off your face and kissed you as Eddie removed the condom and spilled inside of you, filling you up to the hilt with his cum pulling out and gasping.
"So you wanna make our girl here cum again, maybe Eddie?" Luna asked him.
"Fuck yeah! Are you down for that, sweetheart? Want us to take turns eating that pretty pussy?" He asked with raised brows.
"Of course, eat this pussy."
"Let's move this to the back of the car lay down for us, beautiful," Eddie urged as he picked you up with ease and carried you to the backseat, opening up the back door of the convertible.
You got down on your hands and knees on the leather interior seats as Eddie leaned down and ate you out, tasting his cum and fingering you with expert precision with two fingers. As a guitarist, he had the best and most skillful fingers. Luna watched and groaned as she touched herself and Eddie ate you out with reckless abandon, slapping your ass for good measure. As you caressed your breasts, Eddie ate you out from behind, making you moan and cry out for him as Luna kissed you from the other side of the car.
"Yeah, that's right, kiss. So fucking hot," Eddie urged as he licked your glistening wet cunt, spitting on your clit and rubbing it.
"Need to taste her, Eddie. Let me have a turn," she urged.
Eddie was hard again and obliged, letting Luna take his place in the backseat and she began to taste you.
"Want me to fuck you too?" He asked curiously, earning a nod of approval from Luna.
"Yeah fuck me."
Waving her ass in the air, Eddie put on another condom and positioned himself at her entrance, and entered her, filling her up inch by delicious inch. He had one foot on the leather interior of the backseat as he stood on his other leg.
"So good love having you eat this pussy Luna!" You whined as you let her have her way with you and finger you.
Eddie's cock pounded relentlessly into her with so much passion as he moaned. Luna fingered you and licked your ass, earning loud gasps from you.
"Cum for me," she coaxed you as she added another finger, hitting your g-spot.
"Fuck so close!" You moaned.
Eddie was so close to cumming too, and he couldn't wait to cum wherever Luna wanted him to. It was shaping up to be the best day of his life on the job. All 3 of your moans echoed off the walls of the mechanic shop. You were caught up in the moment as she ate you out and your eyes locked with Eddie's feeling like you would cum any moment.
"Tell me how her pussy tastes and how much you are enjoying it, Luna," Eddie growled ferally as he pulled her hair getting a good tug on it.
"So fuckin' good, Eddie. I'm having the best time she has such a pretty pussy. Fuck!" She boasted as she added another finger and sucked your clit flicking it with her tongue and moaning against your folds as Eddie spanked her ass.
The moment was so euphoric as Luna ate you out, Eddie gasping and groaning at the sight of it all. He was so pent up and close to his release as he fucked her faster wanting to come undone at the same time. He was such a pleaser and wanted to make sure you and Luna came only almost as much as he wanted to cum. Watching you getting eaten out as he fucked your friend just about drove him over the edge again.
"Eddie I'm cumming! Fuck!" Luna cried out as her walls clenched tightly around his cock.
Eddie pulled out of her and stroked his cock throwing aside the condom and cumming all over his ass. Right after seeing that you came and Luna kissed you letting you taste yourself. Eddie grabbed a nearby clean towel and wiped Luna clean. You and Luna insisted on licking his cock clean sharing his cum and then swallowing it all.
"Holy fuck that was the hottest thing I've ever seen. Fuck that was the best threesome of my life!" Eddie enthused before pulling Luna in for a kiss and tangling his tongue with yours.
"Yeah it was great we should exchange numbers and do it again sometime," you suggested.
"Of course fuck that would be so hot but next time at my place," Eddie suggested as he got dressed again.
"Oh, we will be wanting your cock again. You are the best mechanic, right Y/N?" Luna asked with a devilish grin.
"We will for sure," you told them with the biggest smirk.
Soon you were all dressed again and sharing a joint. It was the best afternoon the 3 of you had in a long time and you all promised to do it again sometime soon.
Eddie had some of your car to finish for you and he would finish the next afternoon. He dropped you and Luna off at your parent's place. The next day, you woke up late and Eddie told you Steve would pick you up. You hadn't seen him in years, but it would be great to catch up with him again.
After you ate breakfast, Steve arrived. He was also a mechanic now, like Eddie, and they worked side by side. You got into his red Volvo with Luna and put on your seatbelts.
"So your car is just about done. Eddie had some emergency, but it's not too serious with Uncle Wayne. Don't worry, though, your car is in good hands and I'll be finishing it for you," Steve informed you and Luna.
"Thank you, Steve. I'm glad you could help. We are broke. My parents gave me a little of the costs, but we paid Eddie off yesterday," you told him with a smirk.
"Yeah, Steve, you are a true lifesaver," Luna earnestly told him.
"I'm sure there's other ways you girls could pay me. Just let me take you out on a date," he half-joked, with a sly smile.
He began the drive back to the Hawkins mechanic's job in silence for most of the drive.
"So, what have you girls been up to? It's been a while since I've seen either of you in Hawkins."
"We are roommates in another state but just had spring break vacation in Florida," Luna informed him.
You were wearing a black dress, and Luna was wearing a red skirt and a matching red blouse. Steve couldn't help but stare at you both in the rearview mirror.
"Great sounds fun. So just a visit to your old home to see your family and such? Sounds nice."
The rest of the drive was mainly in silence. It was ever so occasionally that Steve would catch glances in the rearview mirror, but tried to be nonchalant. He would either be looking up your dress or Luna's skirt. You didn't mind it though, and neither did she.
When your eyes met his, you both smiled, and he just blushed slightly before looking away. Soon you arrived back at Hawkins's local mechanic shop. Getting out of the car, you and Luna walked to the car lot your memories of the day before with Eddie soon coming back to you.
Leaning in close to Luna, you whispered,
"Hey, what do you think we try to seduce Steve?"
Steve was already back in the mechanic's shop and couldn't hear, but you were so in the mood to tease him.
"Sure, why not? Let's just watch him finish up our car first, then discuss payment," she added loud-whispering back.
Walking into the car shop, you and Luna got close to your car as Steve was doing some work under the hood. Now noticing your presence, he smiled.
"It's almost done. If you don't have all the money, we can do an IOU or a check or something," he added.
Thankfully, Steve was the only other living soul in sight. Good, you thought this time with him needed to be alone and, hopefully, soon, intimate as well.
"Oh, I'm sure we can arrange something," Luna boldly declared as she touched his shoulder.
Steve was wearing a black tank top and black jeans with a leather-red belt and looked good enough to eat.
"Yeah, we can work something out," you added as you placed your hand against his lower back.
Steve was blushing again, which made you giggle softly to yourself.
"We never told you how we paid Eddie back yesterday," Luna confessed as she squeezed his shoulder.
Steve was busying himself under the hood doing some tinkering with the wires.
"Well, you could tell me I'm all yours. Just about done anyway."
"You are so fast. How could we ever repay you?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"No worries, and it's fine."
"If you must know, we paid Eddie back with a threesome. He just worked so hard for us yesterday and last minute too," you added as you leaned forward, letting him get a good view of your cleavage.
Steve gulped and smiled shyly.
"That's something else, isn't it? Well, I don't expect that."
You grabbed Steve's belt, running your fingers over the smooth leather. Luna touched Steve's protruding bulge in his pants.
"I'm not done here yet though," Steve added as he went back to fixing the car's engine.
"How about a small favor, then?" Luna questioned as she grabbed one of Steve's hands and put it on her breasts.
"How about a double blowjob? You can finish for us after we rock your world," you offered sincerely.
Already you were feeling wet and something told you Luna probably was too.
"Yes, please."
"Good, because we both have fantasized about sucking the King of Hawkins' cock before. Is it as big as the ladies say?" Luna asked curiously as she undid his belt.
Steve stood up, letting her do what she wanted before you pushed him down into a chair with wheels. You pulled down Steves's pants and Luna freed his cock from its inner boxer confines as you both licked your lips ravenously. You were cock-hungry for his well-hung dick and practically salivated at the sight of it. To say that he was well-endowed was an understatement.
His cock was thick, veiny, at least a good 8 inches. You stroked his shaft as Luna cradled his balls, earning deep grunts from Steve as you and Luna maintained eye contact with him.
"Oh, fuck, feels nice already. Such dirty girls. Perfect payment plan, I'd say," Steve grunted before licking his lips.
"Such a pretty cock, King," you praised him before licking his shaft from tip to base.
Luna licked the other side of his shaft, and your tongues met. Steve watched with pure lust in his eyes.
"Bet you never had two girls please your cock together, huh?" You asked with a cocky smile before going right back to licking him with Luna, your tongues meeting occasionally.
Steve felt like he had just died and gone to heaven.
"No never. Just one woman at a time," he hissed as you took him into your mouth, sucking him deeper and deeper.
Luna sucked on one of his balls as you both kept constant eye contact with Steve. This was truly the time of his life having two beautiful women suck him off as he got a good view of your cleavage and hers. Steve pulled your hair back as you sucked him off, almost completely gagging and spitting on his cock as Luna maneuvered herself so that she was sucking his other ball into her mouth. As you sucked and drooled all over his big cock, he bucked his hips, grunting and pulling on your loose ponytail.
"That's right, suck his cock good. Deep throat him," Luna encouraged you as she cupped your breasts and looked up at Steve.
"Good girl, so close to deep-throating this cock," Steve praised as he threw his head back and bit his lips.
As you deep-throated him, you let him use and enjoy your wet and warm mouth to his liking. His thrusts became faster, and you felt yourself grow wet, making a mess of your panties as you sucked him off like a pro. Popping off his cock, Luna eagerly kissed you to taste how he tasted.
"Good job. That was so sexy to watch. Now it's my turn."
You kissed her again as Steve watched his cock twitching, loving the sight of two girls kissing in front of him on their knees, no less.
"So good for me. I love this. The kissing, the stimulation, the sucking. Fuck!" Steve boasted, secretly wishing he had received a double blowjob sooner.
Not only could you deep-throat him, but you were good at keeping your teeth back. It was the way Steve loved it and preferred it.
"When we are done with you, we want you to cum in our mouths," Luna requested before kissing you again.
"As long as you share and kiss," he demanded.
You both nodded right before Luna removed her top and sucked him. Steve loved the sight of her boobs. You pulled your dress down and undid your bra's front clasp, letting him get a good view.
"Mmm, come here and let me play with them," he ordered as he made a come here motion with his finger.
Standing up, you wrapped your arms around Steve's shoulders, your breasts face level as Luna sucked him deep, making him groan loudly.
"Love your boobs, Y/N," he boasted as he teased your nipples, tweaking them and rubbing them, caressing and squeezing.
Luna replaced her mouth with her breasts, wrapping them around his cock and tit-fucking him, earning a low hiss from Steve as he sucked your nipple, causing you to groan in delight and tug his beautiful locks of brown hair.
"Like this Stevie?" She asked him before licking the tip and moving her breasts up and down on his shaft.
"Fuck yes. Hey, princess, why don't you get down there and join her?" Steve suggested.
You kissed Steve in response before getting down on your knees again, cradling his balls.
"Mm, so big Steve, you like my breasts?" Luna asked as she moved her breasts faster and licked the tip of his cock head.
"Mmm yes, so much!"
Steve thrust his hips faster as she pleased him and you massaged his balls and sucked on one. Luna pulled you in for a kiss, letting you get a good taste of Steve's cock.
"Now it's your turn," she told you before letting you switch places with her.
You gladly swapped places and wrapped your breasts around his cock before moving up and down, looking up at him with a mischievous smirk in your eyes and licking and sucking the tip of his cock. Luna watched with wide eyes as she grabbed your ass and slapped it.
"Such a naughty girl, isn't she, Steve?"
"She sure is. So good at that with her mouth of hers. Fuck!" He gasped as he threw his head back in pure ecstasy.
Taking Steve deeper into your mouth, Luna held back your hair and helped you to move your head up and down on his cock.
"That's right, deep throat, my cock, baby!" Steve urged as he bucked his hips erratically.
Luna stood up to kiss Steve before getting down on her knees and licking Steve's balls. Your lips met hers in yet another kiss as you stroked his cock and massaged the pearly tip already leaking with pre-cum.
"So close!" He cried out as he felt his cock twitch in your hand.
The sight of you kissing Luna, you stroking his cock, and Luna squeezing his balls almost made him cum on the spot.
"Cum in our mouths Steve," you urged before going back to licking his shaft, your tongue tangling with Lunas every so often.
"Oh yes fuck!" He bellowed as Steve reached the precipice of his release.
You took turns sucking him off with Luna before he pulled away slightly and jerked himself off, cumming deep inside your mouth first, then Lunas.
"Now share!" He demanded.
You kissed Luna deeply with your tongue, putting on a show for Steve. You spit into her mouth and she spit right back into yours before you shared his cock again for the last time, licking him clean and swallowing. Luna and you opened up your mouths wide to show him all his cum was gone.
"That's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Steve proudly tells you and Luna.
"I guess our service is paid off now, huh?" Luna inquired as she looks up at him.
"I guess so, but you ladies can call me anytime."
"Great, I guess we will," you replied with a slight shrug.
Steve kissed you and Luna, happy to have shared such an intimate moment with you both.
You had Steve and Eddie right where you wanted them. Every time you found yourself back in Hawkins, you visited them both at the mechanic shop for some quality fun together and got that every time you went.
tag list:
@corneliuswatkins @jadeylovesmarvelxo @ali-r3n @mrprettywhenhecries @ofhawkinsandvecna
@keeryatmosphere @daisy-is-a-writer @lovemesomeeddiemunson @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @munson-mjstan
@espressomunson @edsbug @eddiemunsonfuxks @solitarydemise @seatnights
@corrodedcorpses @hcwthewestwaswcn @bimbobaggins69 @thescoopstroopers @haceleyes
@onegirlmanytales @aleisashortcake @zestychili @veemoon @thepurplelovewitch
@ellharrington @stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @kelseyaparker19 @keikoraven
@iliketoreadandcry @eddies-bunny @loritate7311 @somethingvicked @eddxemxnson
@harringtonfan4 @micheledawn1975 @steveslittlesunflower
152 notes · View notes
alexa-fika · 3 months
Hi schools getting better btw kids are annoying but sometimes they say something that changes your life 🥺
Okay, so you did child!Dracula!Reader with the whitebeard pirates and the red-haired pirates how about the Hart pirates
I kinda want to see law interaction with child!Dracula!Reader
And I think child!Dracula!reader loves animals so his and Bepo's interaction will be adorable
Lost Again? ( Heart Pirates x gn!child!Dracule!Reader)
A/N Y’ll I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I have this done for two days but I kept staring at the screen thinking on how to continue and I was to hell with this 😂, it’s good the way it is. Hopefully you guys agree and you like it this way! IM SORRY SPIDER
Here Reader is replaced by Dokusha which means reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Law stared at the sight in front of him, glancing between his navigator and the small child in his hands
“Bepo, what did you do?” he grits out
The mink fidgeted around, repositioning the winged child to give his captain a better view of them
“I found them…”
“Why the hell did you bring them here?!”
“Don’t be mean to Mister Bear!” The child huffs, glaring at the Doctor
“Aw, C’mon, Captain!” Shachi exclaimed, walking closer to the Bear Mink and grabbing the child
“They’re cute!“ Penguin grins
They grin at Shachi, clapping their hands joyously
Shachi immediately holds them close to his chest hugging them.
“Captain! Can we keep them?” Shachi’s eyes sparkle.
“Misters can’t keep me im Papa’s!”
“Whose your father?” the Captain asked, walking a bit closer to them.
The captain sighed at the child's response.
"Fine. We'll take care of you until we can find your father. Bepo, where did you find this child?"
"I was collecting herbs when I saw them behind a bush."
"Bring them inside,” he huffs, turning and entering the submarine, the others following after him
Dokucha suddenly wiggles out Shachi’s grasp, flying toward one of the bulletin boards that stood in the lounging area
“That’s Papa!” They proclaim, happily pointing toward the picture of a wanted poster
Shachi and Penguin both rush over to the wanted sign, the latter immediately recognizing whose wanted photo the child had.
“This… Is your father?….” Penguin mutters, sweat beginning to form on his head as he stares at the picture, turning around to address Bepo
“Bepo, you just found the child of Hawkeye!” he hisses out
Law had been watching the scene play out beside them. Realizing Bepo had found the child of one of the most dangerous men, he hurried over to the bulletin board.
“That's your Father?” he inquired, glancing between the child and the Wanted photo.
Law was silent, his eyes narrow as he looked back at the Wanted Poster that was filled with a picture of his fellow Warlord. An overwhelming sense of frustration washed over him, making the man’s brows furrow.
He groans, pressing the bridge of his nose at the situation they had found themselves at
"Your father... Is him? Of all people?." He glared at the wanted flyer before turning to the child, who seemed unaware of how serious the situation was.
“W-What are we going to do, Cap?” Bepo inquires nervously
“I'm thinking,” he growls, closing his eyes
“Hey, what’s your name?” asks Penguin, looking at the child
“I ‘m Dokucha!”
Law opens his eyes and looks at his crewmates
“This might work in our favor.”
“How so?” Shachi questions
“We might be able to negotiate; reports say that Mihawk was spotted in our next destination; we can exchange The kid for safe passage.”
All four of them were silent for a while, contemplating the situation. The idea may have been risky; there was no telling how Mihawk would react. And what would happen if something went wrong? But on the other hand, what could be gained if they were successful? A chance to evade the Marines and get to the next island.
“That’s a risky option…” Bepo hesitantly states, “It’s Mihawk after all…”
Dokucha looks up, amazed at the roof of the polar tang, flying their way up and watching the numerous tubes and mechanisms that littered it
Law glances at the child, who begins drifting away while looking, and he sighs, taking a small rock from his pocket
“Room,” he mutters as a blue began enveloping the lounge.
“Shambles,” he said, grabbing at the child once it had changed places with the rock
“Don’t drift off,” he grumbles
They look around, confused from the sudden change in position, looking up at his words and giggling
The captain was silent for a moment, looking at the child. He couldn't help it; he smirked.
“It’s fine. Just try not to drift off,” he says before returning his focus back to his crewmates
“Shachi, you and Penguin begin prep work for our voyage. Bepo, watch the child while I get into contact with Hawkeye,” he said, handing the child to the mink
“Papa?” The child questions
“I want to talk to Papa, too!”
“Not yet; I have to discuss something important with him; you will see him soon.”
“Awe,” they whine, cuddling closer to the bear and watching the captain walk away
“What’s Mister Bear’s name?” they ask, looking up at the polar bear
“I ‘m Bepo”
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Okay now that I look at it it’s not really a bad point to stop the story right? 😭
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
Honestly (I know it’s typical yandere behavior) but instead of kidnapping, what if the batfam tries manipulating y/n into coming back to the manor? A lot of people forget that Bruce can be manipulative when he wants to be. Like each of them show up at Y/n’s usual hangouts, like they try to apologize but Y/n walks away and/or tells them off, “One apology isn’t going to erase the fact that you all neglected me!”
But each of them just pops in random places that Y/n happens to be to try to wear them down.
I'd say that jumping straight to some sort of kidnapping has become more common and typical of yanderes, honestly, which is part of the reason I'm putting it off- and also because of what you pointed out!
Some of the Batfam can be really manipulative and smart with their moves, and even more careful about what they say and how they say it to swing things in their favor. Bruce is also a very good example of this, as you've said! Though I'd also go as far as to say that Alfred can be as well but in a different way when compared to Bruce- and I feel like I've kind of shown that already.
Alfred from what I've shown does take a more hands off approach for the most part. Giving just enough of a nudge to get someone started (like Bruce), and or also conveniently place certain things that may or may not spark something, like what he does with Bruce, Jason, and Cass. Though he does also give a little more of a nudge at times as well, like what he does with Dick amd handing him the rest of the flyers for events that the reader wanted the Batfam to go too. And, well, we all see how that turned out.
As for Bruce, he'll simply insert himself into the reader's life as you've stated, and what can further his own manipulation is the family itself. Not to mention he has money, and even if it doesn't work on the reader, who's to say Bruce can't attach and pull a few strings on the people around them? I won't say much, but Bruce is definitely the type to where he controls the situation and environment itself, while Alfred does careful placements instead. Which both can be effective if they know their target well, and even if in this situation one does know the reader and their life better than the other, nothing says that little detail can't change.
What helps with how Bruce tends to be manipulative is that the reader has performances. Rather if their public of private, it doesn't matter because, again, Bruce has money. Lots of it. He could get in without even having to breathe.
Even if apologies don't cut it, there are always other ways to control certain things, and I keep pointing out how much money Bruce has- and honestly just a good portion of the Batfam because that could easily spell the end of it.
They could buy out the reader's apartment building. If they don't want to ruin the reader's career, they very well could easily ruin the lives of the people who dare to associate with them. They could cancel every performance or sell out each and every one just so that they could be the only ones that get to watch the reader perform.
Even without all of that! They could attend each and every performance or event that they know for a fact that the reader is going to, and basically force them into an interaction right then and there. They could even weaponize both their own popularity AND the reader's just to trap them, to overwhelm them, to keep them put so they can actually have a conversation- to keep them close.
There is lots that they could do, and even if the reader were to even gets ideas? What are they doing to do? What can they do? Run away? Leave before they're stripped of anything else or shown how vulnerable they really are without their family? Before they're further deluded into believing that one only people who'll ever see them, that'll ever hear them are the very people who start to show them how invisible they really were in the first place?
Best case scenario is that they manage to get away, but is that even possible? Who knows. Especially with someone as smart as Bruce Wayne on your ass.
Even if an arguably 'calmer' route is taken, with the Bruce and the rest of the Batfam trying to lure in the reader willing but without driving to the point or near insanity or collapse. I still feel like in a way they'd feel... infectious?
Like, as you mentioned- they'd appear around where the reader is a LOT, and I'd imagine it could get to a point where it feels like every waking moment, at least one of them is around. They'd make small talk, not being too pushy and if anything being careful, as if almost trying to be considerate of the reader's feelings- and that's what makes it so frustrating.
They're almost being reasonable- at least Bruce is with his endless amounts of patience, almost holding up a calm and collected attitude. The reader knows where he gets it from, seeing as it heavily reminds them of Alfred, but even if they appreciated it from Alfred in the past, with Bruce maybe they just can't help but hate it a little. It makes it so hard to hate Bruce when he's being cooperative and listening to the reader's wishes, giving them space and time when they ask for it (even if it's by telling him off), and listening to their woes.
He's actually being present now, and it's dreadful.
Ah! But excuse my ramblings! I love talking about these kinds of things if you couldn't tell, and I'd rather stop now before I spoil any potential ideas I might use in the future!
Regardless, no matter the approach taken, they are very determined to bring the reader home! Though I feel as if why a particular detail I'm going to include in a semi-later part doesn't last as long as it does is because the Batfam feels the need to fix things right now. They don't want to wait- already feeling as if they've wasted enough time without the reader, and we'll see if that gets across or not when that comes around :]
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beansprean · 1 year
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It WAS Panera! Guillermo b like I'm gonna take this full circle djdjdjd
My Familiar’s Ghost part 39
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Wide shot of a Panera Bread in a strip mall, flanked on one side by a closed Family Dollar and an empty space for lease. The sky is heavily clouded but it has stopped raining, the moon glowing brightly above the restaurant from beneath the gloom. Nandor, dressed and dry again and wearing his black and gold traveling cloak, stands in the foreground alone, facing the building. 1b. Close up of Nandor looking up at the Panera with a fond, nostalgic smile, murmuring to himself, 'Very sentimental, Guillermo. 1c. Close up of Nandor's boot as he steps forward across the asphalt. He announces, 'I'm coming for you.' 1d. Close up on Nandor's hand reaching out toward the double doors. The building beyond is dark, and there is a closed sign on the door with a few smears of blood along the bottom in the shape of fingers. 1e. Repeat, 14 years earlier. The scene is now in sepia tone, and Nandor is wearing different clothes. The closed sign now says open, and the building inside is lit up. Nandor's hand curls into a fist and he knocks twice on the glass. A voice from inside hesitantly says 'Come in?' 1f. Shot from inside the Panera as past Nandor pushes the door open to step inside, expression serious. A voice offscreen says, 'We're closing soon, but-' 1g. Reverse shot of Guillermo, 19 years old, hair in an overgrown style with floppy side bangs, oval wire rimmed glasses, a few pimples on his chin, stepping out from behind a curtain that leads to a hallway behind the counter. He is wearing a Panera apron over a black polo shirt. He startles when his eyes meet Nandor's, cheeks flushing red, and interrupts himself with 'Uh...'
2a. Wide shot in profile as past Nandor approaches the Panera counter from one side and past Guillermo approaches from the other. On the counter between them is a thick computer monitor, a card reader, a large tip jar with some change and crumpled bills, and a few flyers and tea samples. Nandor stands tall and imposing as looks down at Guillermo with something between indifference and boredom, cape flaring behind him. Guillermo places one hand on the counter, the other clutching at his chest, and stares up at Nandor with wide admiring eyes and flushed cheeks. He says, 'What...what can I do for you?' 2b. Repeat, 14 years later. The sepia tone disappears in favor of a heavy darkness. The scene is now covered in a thick layer of dust, the computer monitor now a dark flat screen, tip jar smaller and empty. A wall painting in the background hangs crooked. A corner of the wall behind the counter is smashed in and smeared red. The curtain to the back is half ripped down. Present day Nandor stands exactly where he once stood, but appears smaller, more hesitant, twiddling his fingers together as he stares longingly at where he had first seen Guillermo. /end ID
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sailorgoon13 · 1 month
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Full Name: Lorenzo Berkshire
Nickname: Enzo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 10 June, 1980
Heritage: English, Portuguese
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring, 11 1/2", Stiff
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Olive undertones
Height: 5'11"
Body Type: Lean and muscular, with defined muscles in his arms, legs, and abdomen.
Style: Sophistication, elegance, and a hint of edgy flair. Favors fitted pants paired with tailored button-down shirts. For formal events, he gravitates toward sleek suits in rich fabrics like velvet or silk, often in deep, bold colors that command attention. Loves his accessories like a bold watch or thin gold chain necklaces.
Features: Jawline, Intense gaze, Well Groomed appearance, Confidence, Style
Traits: Funny, Charming, Competitive, Loyal, Complex
Likes: Fashion, Socializing, Intellectual Challenges
Dislikes: Incompetence, Losing, Close mindedness, Disrespect
Hobbies: Quidditch, Dueling, Drawing
Fears: Failure, Mediocrity, Rejection
Family and Friends:
Father: Mr. Berkshire
A shrewd businessman who oversees the family's investments and enterprises.
Values hard work, ambition, and determination
A dynamic and adventurous wizard
Mother: Mrs. Berkshire
Comes from an old English wizarding family known for their wealth and influence.
A socialite who is actively involved in wizarding society
Down-to-earth and compassionate. Values kindness, integrity, and loyalty
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Mattheo Riddle
Special Abilities: Exceptional flyer
Boggart: His friends turning to the Darker side
Patronus: Falcon
Polyjuice: Rich golden hues. Would smell like expensive cologne and freshly-cut citrus. The taste would start with a sweetness like ripe figs or dates, followed by a warm, spicy kick of mulled wine or aged oak. The after taste would be like sipping fine brandy.
Amortentia: Cologne, Subtle notes of wet grass from the Quidditch pitch, red wine
Lorenzo Berkshire was born into a world of wealth, privilege, and magic. His parents were prominent figures in the wizarding community, known for their influence, intellect, and refined taste. From a young age, Lorenzo was immersed in a world of luxury and sophistication, surrounded by the finest things money could buy.
Growing up, Lorenzo was groomed for success from the moment he could walk. His parents instilled in him the values of ambition, determination, and excellence, encouraging him to pursue his dreams with unwavering confidence and tenacity.
As he entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Enzo quickly established himself as a formidable presence among his peers. He excelled academically, earning top marks in his classes, while also demonstrating exceptional skill and agility on the Quidditch pitch as a Seeker for the Slytherin team.
Outside of academics and Quidditch, Lorenzo's magnetic charm and charismatic personality made him a natural leader among his classmates. He effortlessly navigated the complexities of social dynamics, forging alliances and friendships with ease, while also earning the respect and admiration of those around him.
He also had a penchant for romance, enjoying the thrill of courtship and showering his romantic interests with attention and affection. He loved taking girls out on extravagant dates, wooing them with grand gestures and heartfelt compliments. However, despite his best intentions, his relationships often fizzled out quickly, leaving him feeling disillusioned and disheartened.
Best Subject: Charms
Favorite Subject: DADA
Favorite Professor: Snape
Worst Subject: Arithmancy
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor: Trelawny
Student Life:
Always eager to learn and expand his magical knowledge.
Quidditch is not just a sport for Enzo; it's a passion and a way of life, and he pours his heart and soul into every match
A social butterfly
Well-liked and respected by his peers, known for his magnetic charm, quick wit, and kindness
The nicest asshole you'd ever meet
Grapples with his own insecurities and fears like any teenager
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woso-fan13 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023: 23 (uswnt)
No. 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”
It’s a Monday night when it first began. You were where you normally were on a Monday night, crashed on Preath’s sofa while eating take. It was your favorite tradition, and it was being interrupted by your phone buzzing constantly. 
You groan dramatically, picking it up. Scrolling on your Lock Screen, you can see that they’re all notifications from Instagram. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get a rush of notifications, but it was unlikely that you would get one now- you hadn’t posted in a week. 
Shaking your head, you look at them briefly. The first is letting you know that you have a new follower, the username a seemingly random array of letters and numbers. The dozens of notifications that follow are from likes and comments on your previous posts, including those from years ago. They’re all from the same account.
“Everything okay?” Christen asks. 
Turning your phone off and tossing it to the other end of the cushion, you nod.
“Yeah, totally fine. It seems like someone just found my Instagram. Anyway, what movie are we watching?”
This restarts the heated discussion, all arguing in favor of your choice. You won. 
You forget about the sudden influx of notifications after you post a new photo and your entire feed becomes an influx of notifications. It seemed like a one off deal, nothing to worry about. 
It’s not until you’re leaving practice one day that you remember it. As you’re exiting the building, your phone dings repeatedly. A half dozen Instagram notifications, all from the same account as before. They’re liking and commenting on a picture that you had posted from practice earlier that week. Understandable, you looked good in the picture. 
Walking to your car, you notice a paper stuck under your windshield. Confused as to who was leaving flyers in the carpark, you grab it and toss it on your passenger seat with your kit bag. 
You’re out of the parking lot and halfway home before you’re stopped at a light. Curious, you decide to look at the flyer. Unfolding the paper, you’re met with a print out of your Instagram from earlier that week. 
An uneasy feeling settles in your stomach, and you move to a different lane of traffic. You were going to see Tobin and Christen. 
The women were worried about it, but it’s nothing that hasn't happened before. It’s a given that when your life is on display, people are going to watch and respond to it. It’s weird, but it’s something you’re adjusting to. 
You join them for dinner anyway, staying after to talk until it becomes late enough that you decide to spend the night. 
It was better that way. 
You decide to take a break from social media after this event, posting on your story to inform the fans. You just needed a few weeks to yourself to get your head back on straight, then you would be back. 
You log out of the app after this, wanting to avoid all the notifications as everyone sees and responds to this. Your phone is quiet for the first time in awhile. 
Later that afternoon, a call comes through from an unknown number. You answer it, a short greeting falling from your lips. The only response is silence. A few seconds later, you hear the beginning of an inhale before the line disconnects. 
Blocking the number, you go about your day.
You get a text later that week. You’re in Preath’s living room, having basically moved in recently. The three of you are all working separately together, laptop keys clicking. The chime of your phone breaks the monotony. 
I’m sorry. Please don’t leave. 
A text from an unknown number. You immediately show the phone to the two women, all of you deciding that this had gone on long enough and calling the police. 
Officers arrive within the hour, questioning you about all of the events. They take your phone as evidence, and for this you are grateful. By the time you’re finished with everything, you’re ready for bed. You get ready quickly, creeping over to the door of Christen and Tobin’s room. Not even asking, you crawl into the middle of their bed. 
Logging into your laptop in the morning, you yawn as you check your email. Nothing that exciting- updates from the club, minor changes to a brand deal, countless emails from companies that somehow have your contact information. 
You’ve almost cleared out your inbox when you notice one without a subject line. Opening it, you see minimal text. 
I said I was sorry.
It’s almost a month until the next time you have contact with this person. The silence had made you hopeful, hopeful that the police had caught the person. Hopeful that it had at least made them stop messaging you. 
That last part was true, you were no longer receiving messages from this person. And, while you didn’t know it, the email you had received that sucked the air from your lungs would be the last you would receive from this person. 
After playing 90 minutes, you were exhausted. You never let this stop you from signing jerseys and taking pictures, though, and you start making a lap around the stadium. You’re almost finished, really only a few yards from the tunnel, when it happens. 
A hand latched onto your wrist as you moved away after signing a poster. You try to tug it away, but the grip tightens. 
Looking up, you’re met with an exceedingly average looking crowd. Until you lock eyes with one person and all of your blood drains to your feet. It’s him. 
You’re frozen, unable to speak. People are laughing and shouting all around you, but it feels like the two of you are trapped in a bubble. 
“Y/N,” he says, “I’ve missed you.”
“I- I- I don’t know you,” you say breathlessly. 
“Don’t be silly,” he says, tightening his grasp, “of course you do. Remember, you signed my poster at the San Francisco game last year.”
You shake your head. 
“Yes, you did. I told you my name, and you spelled it wrong on the poster. We laughed about it for ages. And, when you signed your name, you drew a heart. No one else got a heart, I checked. That was special, just for me. You remember that, don’t you?”
He hadn’t blinked the entire time he was talking. He was staring directly at you- directly into you- and you could feel it. You couldn’t look away, couldn’t pull yourself from his grasp. It’s the two of you, alone in a packed stadium. 
“Don’t you remember?” he pries. 
For whatever reason, you nod. It seems like it would be easier to agree with him. 
“I do, I remember. We took a picture after that,” it was probably true, you took hundreds of pictures after games. You probably took one with him. 
His grip relaxes slightly, eyes softening, “you do remember.”
You made the mistake of becoming confident here, going further with your lie, “it’s impossible not to remember you. What we had was special, that’s why I signed your jersey. I drew the heart so you would know you were special.”
The previously loosened grasp retightens, fingers clenching your wrist. 
“No,” he shouts, anger evident, “no. You’re lying, you don’t remember.”
The man continues ranting, one arm flailing wildly as the other keeps a firm hold on you. You can’t look fully at him, directing your gaze to the seats behind him. Only a few seconds later, though, the grip dropped suddenly. You look up. 
The man is now on the floor, pinned by a security guard as another puts handcuffs on him. Bystanders are watching, multiple phones out to film the scene. 
You don’t care about that right now. Now that you’re free, your fight or flight is finally able to allow you to take the choice you want- flight. You turn towards the tunnel, and you see a comforting sight. 
Your teammates are huddled, watching. Clearly, they had been aware of the situation. That’s not what matters though. 
You see Christen and Tobin in front of the group, hurrying to you. Running, you meet them halfway. You crash into their embrace, sandwiching yourself between them to hide yourself. Finally, you let the tears fall. 
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flyers-deactivated · 1 year
honestly can’t believe we won that in regulation
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Main Male Character’s Nephew Really Likes Me - By Mokapanna (7/10)
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Stalkers and duty and favors all collide in this one. It seems cute and harmless, but there is a looming threat of obsession. A wayward, spoiled lady saves a lost prince... instead of the tragic artist protagonist. His guardian is a very family oriented man, who is extremely grateful to the woman who returned his beloved nephew.
Charlize is a stalker. An extremely pathetic one. The object of her affections is the Emperor’s brother. She's shameless, catty, and toxic as hell. She's a snotty villainess from a romance novel, and she dies at the end.
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Charlize torments Calix. He is a man of honor, who doesn't even particularly hate Charlize. He only has her killed after she dares to poison the "precious woman" who saved his nephew. Calix was very close to his brother. The previous Emperor who died. When the Empress and her heir died in a mysterious fire he was left...cold. He felt helpless, because there's no way to bring back the dead. His poor brother got sick. The heir went up in flames, and the throne went to a more corrupt brother.
Calix is plagued by the child he failed to save. By thoughts and regrets for the family he couldn't protect, despite all of his power.
He wants that warmth back.
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In the original novel Ilian was a lady from a ruined family, with tons of artistic talent. She found the heir, Sasha, on the street. When she brought him to Calix his entire life changed. He found new light. He gave Ilian everything. An Imperial art sponsorship. Land. His hand in marriage. Everything he had went to her, and he obsessed over her fretfully, because he wanted to make a family for Sasha. Sasha was attached to Ilian, his savior, so the Duke got attached in the same way. He is a man who only looks cold. Deep down inside he wants his happy ending. He broke the rules to wed a titleless woman to get it.
Their story ends happily after he kills Charlize. The brat who bullied Sasha's beloved savior.
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Charlize wakes up in a fantasy world, aware of her incoming death. Anybody who gets in the way of Calix's happy ending is going to get cut in half, and Charlize is the most annoying person in his life. She leaves. She sends him an apology letter too.
Her father calls her back to discuss the missing royal heir sighting.
She saves a child from some bullies and...yes...the child is the long-lost Imperial heir.
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Sasha is sweet, but scared. He is only seven. Charlize doesn't want to die, but she keeps him for a while. She explains it all. She tells the boy he is safe. She lets him cuddle with her, and he learns about his royal birth through her. They play together, and she slowly starts to talk about Calix.
They can't stay inside and play forever.
He must take his crown.
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Charlize gives Sasha a letter. She tells him to give it to the guard in front of Calix's gate. She tells the boy to pretend she doesn't exist. He must tell Calix he found the flyer, and he came alone. She says she will see him at balls. They can still chat sometimes, but they must stay apart.
Charlize is known for being spoiled and unbearable, so she cannot approach Calix.
Sasha doesn't understand, but he does his best. He's very grateful to Charlize, so he listens to her.
Then her role in the story....does not end...
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Sasha lands safely in his uncles arms, and Calix will do anything to make Sasha happy. His negligence led to Sasha's life of poverty. He really will do anything. When Sasha starts crying for a woman named Charlize in his sleep Calix does some digging.
He finds his former stalker, Charlize, at the end of the line.
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Charlize tries to bring in Ilian, who is currently selling sketches on the street. Ilian is initially suspicious. She's shockingly practical.
In the novel Ilian accepted the Duke's support and love because she needed it. Her love was connected to selfish needs.
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Charlize sponsors Ilian's art career...and that completely ends Ilian's desire for any romance in life. Ilian has always been devoted to art first, before anything else. Being a good wife for Calix was just part of that in the original novel. Now that she has money through Charlize she refuses to go to balls, and she just draws for her mistress.
Charlize is flabbergasted by how strange the dysfunctional romance novel couple is.
The man is obsessed with perfection.
The other considers being a wife a job.
What kind of love story is this????
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Calix slowly starts to get rid of his enemies. His enemies are people who hate Charlize, by the way. Charlize is a known demon in social circles, but he starts clearing the way for her before they even get close. It's clear that he's up to his old tricks. A perfect life. A red carpet. A good father and mother for his nephew. It has to be her. The one Sasha likes. Only she can fulfil his need for a complete family.
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kssyivo · 2 months
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sides || boynextdoor guitarist!taesan x president!reader
disclaimer: this is a gender neutral fic!! they/them pronouns are used, and the author is rusty lmao
now playing: west coast love by emotional oranges
for others it was an ordinary week of school, but for yn's party, it was preparation week. the day of the campaign was approaching and everyone in yn's party was brainstorming ideas on how to promote themselves.
"we finished with the posters already, right?" the secretary of their party, winter, asked "yeah, the design for the flyer and our presentation are ready, too." wonbin, their vice president, added "any other ways we could promote ourselves?" yn asked for suggestions "i have one" yoon announced
"how about, during the campaigning at theatre room, the school band's gonna play songs for audience impact, we could ask them!" yoon excitedly suggested
yn grimaced at yoon's idea "what, pres? you don't want to, do you? is it cause of taesan?" yoon teased to which yn rolled their eyes "it's a good idea but, are we sure they'd accept? i mean, there's nothing in for them." yn reasoned
winter giggled "i'm pretty sure taesan would convice his friends to do so if you asked, yn, we all saw how he looks at you." yn hung his head low in embarassment as his friends laughed. "in all seriousness, yn. i think that you should really ask, you're the president and taesan's pretty nice." wonbin said.
"what made you hate taesan that much anyway?" yoon asked. "hate is a strong word!" yn interjected "fine! what made you not like him? or whatever"
yn knew they had no way out of yoon's question, their friends are also waiting for the answer. yn sighed, "i used to date taesan. i can't say that it ended well, he took it maturely and i– i wasn't in my best mental state at that time." silence was present as yn's friends processed the information.
"say something" yn whispered
"so, when you look at him– or interact with him in general, your mental state from when you broke up surfaces?" wonbin asked nonchalantly "i hate you." yn joked.
"but yes, i guess." winter and yoon yelled in giddiness "you aren't over him are you?" winter asked while laughing with yoon "hey!" yn embarassedly replied, face turning beet red while stifling their laughter.
wonbin also couldn't hold in his laughter as the girls continued to laugh, clap, and yell.
"you HAVE to be the one to ask." yoon insisted as yn could only sigh in defeat "fine, fine."
yn made their way over to the music room where the school band practices, as he neared the door, someone exited and almost bumped into them. "oh i'm sorry!" the girl exclaimed
"hey violet!" yn greeted "what were you doing in there?" violet, the president from an opposing party smiled "campaign stuff, you get it." yn chuckled "okay, good luck!" yn said as they entered the music room.
the light chatter among the band members settled as they recognized the person who entered. "look who's here." taesan smiled as he approached yn who braced themselves.
"play nice, taesan. i'm here to ask for a favor." yn avoids the taller's eyes, meanwhile taesan doesn't shy away from eye contact.
"and that is...?" yn sighed and mustered up their courage to look at taesan in the eye. "i want the band to play during our campaign." taesan smiled at the shorter.
"is that how you ask for favors?" taesan teased to which he received an eye roll from the shorter.
"c– can you please play during our campaign? it would really help my party."
taesan smiled "i'd love to, boss." yn tried to hide their excitement but their eyes betrayed them. taesan chuckled at the younger as yn hurriedly left the room "i owe you one!" yn smiled at him.
jaehyun immediately cleared his throat as soon as yn left and caught taesan's attention "what's between you two?" jaehyun asked, suspicious of their actions
"yeah, why does yn act so flustered when you approach them? that's the only time i see them get so... folded"
woonhak added as sungho could only chuckle, being the only one to know about their past.
"let's just say... we have history." taesan looked down as he walked back to the boys "what about violet? didn't she also ask for us to play during her campaign?" riwoo asked "drop that, i think taesan would rather play for yn, and i don't mind playing for yn." jaehyun answered for taesan, which were followed by 'me too's.
it is now time for their campaign, violet is finishing up her time on the stage and it is time for yn's party to come up on stage.
cheers and claps were heard throughout the auditorium as yn, wonbin, winter, and yoon make their way up to the stage.
"good morning everyone! we are the younique party!"
everything went by like a breeze, everyone had fun during the campaign and the audience seemed to accept them well. "now, please help me welcome our very own, boynextdoor!" yn announced as their party left the stage as taesan and the rest of the band made their way backstage
"i dedicate the next few songs for yn and their party." taesan said before the band started their small session.
yn only watched from backstage as taesan enjoyed himself onstage. their eyes met a couple of times which didn't fail to make yn flustered.
as boynextdoor finished their session after 3 songs, yn and their party made their way back to the stage and thanked everyone for the successful campaign.
the party alongside boynextdoor went backstage as it was the next party's turn to campaign.
as they arrived backstage, yn immediately pulled taesan somewhere private. "hey, thank you for– uh– preparing 3 songs for our campaign, it might not mean much to you but it does for me." yn said in gratitude, avoiding eye contact once more.
"it means a lot to me performing for you, yn." taesan answered genuinely.
yn pushed him lightly, feelings giddy, unable to hide their smile. yn grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a deep kiss. taesan quickly recovered from his shock and held yn's waist, deepening their kiss.
tongue was involved as they kept kissing each other, breaking away to catch their breaths "god, i missed you." taesan breathed out, kissing yn's neck, "i miss you so much." he whispered onto the shorter's neck.
"i missed you too."
they were interrupted by a knock as yn quickly got off taesan "pres, shouldn't we go back to our classroom?"
wonbin voiced out.
"yes– yes you guys can go first, i'll follow!" yn said in a rush, fixing their shirt. "tonight, 8pm, pick me up." yn said in a jokingly stern voice to taesan. the taller approached yn and landed a peck on his lips.
"yes, boss."
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p3achysuki · 3 months
A/N: hello! This will be my first Baldur’s gate 3 writing and I’m a huge Gortash simp so obviously I needed to write something for Gortash and dark urge.
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summary: before the tadpoles you were Bhaal’s favorite child, you worshipped him the way he wished his sired children did. You offered him lords, ladies even champions. Yet Bhaal would feel you slip away from his grasps because of a certain tyrant proposing you an alliance.
Warnings: mentions of murder, blood, manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, angst.
Til death do us part
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The first time you killed someone you didn’t have much memories about it, you remembered your dominant hand feeling sore and the warmth on your skin and the smell, most people would find it disgusting yet you found it.. comforting.
When you came back to your senses you felt the bile your stomach turn into knots, “m’lady” you heard a voice behind you say and when you turned around you saw sceleritas for the first time. You desperately tried to explain to him it wasn’t you who did it, but he laughed it off “of course it was you m’lady! Such fine work you did of them, father would be very proud of you.”
After that Sceleritas said he would lead you back home, to your real family every night you thought about that day. It wasn’t until your father fueled the urge for you to kill that you would forget about the people you murdered, the more killings you did for your father the less you started to think about them your victims.
Worshippers at the temple praised you for your work even while you weren’t the main speaker for your father yet, so many people named you the prophet who would set the world on fire for Bhaal. You didn’t realize that your kin was envious of this, Orin thought all of your sacrifices to Bhaal was a disgrace. She deserved every bit of praises that the cultist would shower you in, she’s the only one who’s a pure blood of Bhaal not you.
Orin knew about the plan you had in mind, using the chosen of Bane and Myrkul to gain control of Baldur’s gate to sacrifice all the lives that the mind flyers would take control of. You were an embarrassment to father, no spawn of Bhaal ever needed an alliance with other gods. She desperately wanted to push her knife deep in your skull to show you a lesson, but she knew father wouldn’t allow it. Father only has his eyes on you, he’s favorite child, his prophet.
The first time Orin accompanied you to moonrise towers, she saw the way the tyrant’s eyes never left you, she saw the way his eyes would scan over your figure a smirk resting on his lips when your eyes would meet his. Afterwards when you were meant to go home with her back to Baldur’s gate you would tell her you had something to do, she already knew you were spending time with that little lordling.
She tried getting information out of Ketheric, but he would always deny it. Why did they favor you so much?! You tried hiding the affection you had for Gortash, the first night you spent with him you promised yourself you wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Yet when Gortash runs his thumb against your lower lip calling you his favorite assassin, you can’t help but melt into his touch.
Gortash wasn’t quiet about his admiration for you, even in front of Ketheric he would wrap his arm around your waist “what does my favorite assassin say hm?”
Ketheric either didn’t care about the relationship you two developed or personally wasn’t against it, he would just sigh rubbing his temple before explaining more about his plan.
After a month an unexpected event happened, you haven’t had your period for a full moon cycle. You thought it was the stress from having to commit fear among the streets of Baldur’s gate until later a cleric confirmed it for you, “our lord will be delighted at this news m’lady” no he wouldn’t, he would lash against you for letting it happen, for letting the tyrant seduce you so easily.
Orin overheard what happened and thought father would finally see the truth that you were not deserving of his blessing, but instead he allowed it “while I did not command you to procreate, any offspring you produce will have my blood running in their veins I will make them of use in the future to come” Orin was livid at this, she showed her frustration to her own butler cutting and slicing him every time he would come back.
You told Gortash about the pregnancy, for the first time you were actually worried what he was going to say to you. Instead he pulls you in his arms pressing his forehead against yours, “I’m surprised your father didn’t lash against you for this” he was worried for you, so every night he tried convincing you to stay with him. He knew Orin despised you, anytime he would get near you he would see the way her eyes glared daggers into you. It was only a matter of time before she would break away from her leash and kill you, and he was worried he wouldn’t be there to protect you or his child.
As the months passed by Gortash saw that you struggled to put on your armorer as your belly started to show more, he suggested you wear something more comfortable but you scoffed and denied him each time “what kind of chosen do I look like if I’m wearing something frail?” He rolled his eyes, hells if he thought you were stubborn before you’re even more stubborn now.
Yet nobody disrespected you even while you were carrying his babe, even Ketheric would assign guards to be with you “I’m not worried about you, this child could be a successor for all of us in the future” Gortash saw through his lies though it was obvious he was worried for you, he still remembers when Ketheric sent him a letter and a gift about a metal contraption he found at moonrise.
As your due date was approaching closer you kept traveling to moonrise towers without him, he would get angry telling you that it wasn’t safe to travel “my father demands me of seeing everything at moonrise towers Gortash I can’t just disobey him”
He knew you weren’t wrong, “and what about the babe? will you keep them safe?”
“With my life Gortash, if they’re meant to be a successor for my father then I will not let anyone harm them”
Gortash regretted that day not going with you, but his lord demanded he stay behind at Baldur’s gate to attend a few party gatherings.
“I’ll be safe Gortash Orin will be with me.”
He should’ve told you that he didn’t trust Orin with you, that he would see the hate in her eyes growing each day, each passing month.
A meeting was called for Ketheric and him, and when they arrived they expected to see you and not Orin grinning in pride. “From this fourth I will be the speaker for Bhaal’s temple” Gortash felt Ketheric’s eyes drift over to him almost to see what reaction he had of this, but Gortash couldn’t speak he felt his mouth go dry as he struggled to think about what to say.
“What is it lordling” she grinned again, she knew she was getting under his skin.
“The babe-“
“At Bhaal’s temple lordling, he’s not yours to keep” with that Orin left leaving only a red dust behind.
Ketheric could see Gortash digging his nails into his palms, “we must continue our plan” was all Ketheric said before leaving Gortash to be alone in his thoughts.
You both had a baby boy, but you two would never get to see him now.
(Not sure if I want to make this into a mini series or not, but I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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