#fnaf movie willmike
celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
movie!willmike 😌
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aftschmidt-sc · 7 months
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mfw someone calls me a little FREAK for liking aftschmidt
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lee0383 · 1 year
hello, i exist here now. thanks, elon.
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willmike-what · 1 year
I am living for your Wilmike content I adore this pairing so much I love how dark they can get with their Co dependency and ther slight yandere vibes they could have. I never really considered this pairing nor the fandom before but that new movie trailer really had my thinking ...and I'm a sucker for Father x Son pairings ...so yeah lol
I’m a sucker for toxic relationship dynamics, mixed with forbidden love, so I can fully understand and agree with your feelings on them!
Unfortunately I’m pretty the movie won’t have them be father and son, but you know I’ll write an AU to make it fit in for when the time comes
And thank you for the ask and the kind words Anon!
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breakerinthebackroom · 11 months
Pinned Post
This is a FNAF film sideblog for @purplehairsecretlair, if you interact you may get messages from that account - I'm still not totally sure how that all works, and it's changing all the time. But that is my main blog.
To be clear, this is pretty much a blog for the film - I have never played the games, I'd like to but I have OCD and being encouraged to feel anxious and hypervigilant, which seems to be the basis of a lot of the gameplay, probably wouldn't be good for me. I've seen a couple of Let's Plays, and the basic concept is one that appeals to me - but I really don't know much about the deeper in-game lore, or any of the fan theories. I've heard a few bits and pieces about the main ideas, but you're better off not expecting me to be knowledgeable about all that kind of thing. I'm not against it, or learning more about it, but it's not really my focus or the focus of this blog. I like the basic concept of a spooky, scary security gig, and I really liked the film - so that's what this blog and any fanworks/ideas I have will be mostly based on - that's 'canon' for me, and everything else is fanon.
I like the WillMike pairing, as I saw it in the film - not based on what their relationship is seen to be in the game/wider fandom (though I'm not against that, to each their own). But if you have a problem with any of that, you're probably better off not following me - or, I will be tagging pretty much everything to do with the pairing as 'aftschmidt', which is a tag I've seen used and seems pretty unique and useful for it. So you can block that tag. And if I repost anything and tag it for the pairing, and you're the OP and would rather I didn't, feel free to get in touch and ask me to change it. Don't want to step on anyone's toes with their original work. And I'll just generally warn for any potentially triggering content.
Anything spoilery will be tagged 'fnaf movie spoilers', at least until the film's further out from release. I believe that's everything, but feel free to message me if there's any issues I've missed, or just to chat :) No abuse though, please
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
More fun things: sex
Whether William's rough or gentle with Mike, I can see him wanting to be *thorough* with it. Like I can see him wanting to figure out exactly what Mike likes, watch all of his reactions, see what gets the biggest reaction out of him...and wanting to be able to make Mike like it, lose his mind, break him down completely. Where he's pretending to be nice guy, it'd make Mike feel like he really cares, really wants to make it good for him, is really paying attention to him...and knowing it might make Mike a little dependent on him, how good it is, and he can ALWAYS suddenly drop the truth about who he is and Garrett, and watch Mike's horror, I think that might be quite appealing to William on its own. In a situation where he's just out-and-out a bad guy to Mike, I think he'd just love the control of it.
And edging, I feel like, would be a huge thing...denying Mike an orgasm, controlling when he gets it, getting him to the point of mindlessness, begging...and building it up to a mind-blowing orgasm that blows Mike's brains out. With Will knowing that that's probably the most relaxation and stress relief Mike gets in a week...which will probably keep him coming back.
Praise kink, I feel like would be a thing too...maybe William has to wait until Mike's already a little out of it for him to accept it, but...Mike's already tormented by the idea he let his little brother down, clearly doesn't think much of himself as a caretaker for Abby. And who knows how his parents reacted, even just in grief in the heat of the moment, after Garrett got taken...I feel like being told he's good, that he CAN do what he's told, he's doing well, would probably be something that really got to Mike.
In a world where William is paying Mike for sex, especially, I feel like Mike would have a safeword - not because William really cares about safe, sane or consensual, but because Mike's going to fight. Of course he is - 'insubordination', and all that. They both need to know whether he's just fighting, or ACTUALLY means 'I don't want to do this, I can't go through with it'...with William knowing he'll almost certainly never use it.
Sex toys. With William being an engineer, I feel like he'd enjoy using toys on Mike. Something merciless and unrelenting, where William can kind of take a step back and just watch the impact :) Maybe with Mike's hands tied or held down, so he can't do anything about it himself.
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
Just imagined william pining Mike's face to the job recruitment desk as he slams his cock deep inside him with every thrust he says "don't ever talk back to me again" while Mike whimpers and begs
oh anon, i am LISTENING.... william's gomna be breeding that bby girl like there's no tomorrow!
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
when mike really needs a job and asks william, or “steve” for ***anything*** he has… over the table NOW
mike, bend over that table with that perky ass straight up so daddy can enjoy it
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
I know there is a theory that Movie!Mike is Michael Afton which I like but the idea of Movie Mike being Henry's son is so fucking delicious just imagine the WillMike potential like the satisfaction William gets when he is fucking Mike knowing it's Henry's son the absolute glee William gets when Mike calls William for help like just imagine William KNOWING Mike since he was small and recognizing him as an adult and AHHH
this is just one big fuck you to Henry and I LOVE IT (we all know William is a petty bitch)
AAAAA yeah, see, i can think of the appeal for mike being either an afton or emily. it rlly does feel like he's henry's son by the fact that his dad does look like henry ( at least, fanon's version of him lmao )
so this makes this scenario so much better to think about omg
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
A little something I thought of
Mike stomped in to the job recruitment center looking for a certain man how dare this asshole not tell him about the alive animatronics there is absolutely no way he didn't know
Mike's blood was boiling it was one thing if he got hurt but now Abby is involved he would be damned if anything happened to her
He rushed passed the receptionist knowing his way to that bastards office the poor reception lady rushing after Mike repeatedly calling after him
Mike didn't bother knocking he quickly barged in exclaiming loudly
"You didn't tell me they where alive!"
The receptionist finally caught up with Mike as she stepped beside him
"I'm so sorry I tried to stop him but-"
William never looking at Mike or the other person gently placed the stack of papers down on his desk giving them both his trademark smile waving the receptionist away
"It's fine I'm whatever it is was very... important please leave us"
The receptionist nodded giving Mike a nasty glare yet Mike was all too familiar with those looks so it didn't bother him as much as soon as the woman left Mike stomped over to William
"You knew didn't you!"
Mike hissed at the other male as William bobbed his head side to side
"In a way yes"
Mike let out a frustrated sigh placing his hands on his hips he turned away from the man before looking back at him with a fire in his eyes
"So what the last guy died?! So where you just hoping I would too?! All of this isn't worth it I'm not... equipped to handle all of this shit... I-I quit"
He turned away from William running his hands through his hair he didn't seem to notice William standing from his chair Slowly stepping closer to Mike
"Now let's not make an rash decisions you might regret later on"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Still unaware of just how close William was Mike started at the carpeted ground as he hopped from foot to foot biting his nails
"It's like what I said in the beginning no other place will hire you not only do you have a criminal record but you can't keep a job for more then 2 weeks no one will hire someone with that type of track record"
Mike Finally turned to look at William only noticing how close the other has gotten and how tall he was he could easily overpowered Mike if so wishes
"W-what do I do then?"
William stared down at those big brown eyes the smile never leaving his face
"You will stay at Freddy's and continue living your life... do I make myself clear"
Mike looking away for a moment only for his face to be grabbed by William forcing there eyes to meet once again
"Answer me boy"
A chill ran down Mike's spine it felt as though the whole room went cold
"yes sir"
Williams thumb lightly grazed Mike's lips he hummed in contemptment
"Good boy"
Mike wanted to run all the anger he had vanished as soon as he saw that look of malice and hunger in Williams eyes he tried to step back but William had a firm grip squeezing his arm every so tightly
Mike looked at william once again only to be met with a kiss
Taken aback Mike attempted to push William away shoving and hitting but nothing worked all it did was cause William to slam Mike against a wall and Williams tongue was being shoved down his throat
Mike tried to fight back yet again the sensation of a warm hand stroking his cock made him let out a gasp his body switched not used to being touched like this
He hated the noise he made as the stroking moved in quick motion
William pulled his hands away letting Mike to breath and try to piece together what the hell is happening but sadly it is short lived as his pants are being forcibly pulled down only one of his leg managed to get out of his pants and boxers hell he isn't even sure when William pulled his own pants down but the next thing he knows is William lifting him up against the wall and his cock being shoved so deep inside him it caused him to see stars for a moment Mike attempted to arch his back away from William but William kept him in place repeatedly shoving his cock inside Mike
Mike let out a cry of slight pain but the hand on his throat kept him from making any more noise William leaned down in to Mike's ear and harshly whispered
"Let this be the last time you barged in my office again"
All Mike could do was nod as his eyes closed shut but William wasn't done
"You like my cock inside you don't you you love how it feel deep inside you want me to come inside you don't you Mikey boy"
Mike couldn't speak as he felt his own orgasm getting closer yet William was relentless
"Answer my question Michael"
Hitting his peak Mike blurred out
"Yes yes God yes"
Mike let out a groan as he cummed yet also feeling Williams own warm seed deep inside him
At the moment Mike didn't care William carried Mike to his desk and gently layed Mike down as Mike was dozing in a out the last thing he heard was
"Don't worry Michael I'll take good care of you"
i am NORMAL about this. i am HAPPY with this :3333
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
YEEEEEESSSS!! that's why i say that william is just fascinated by mike -- he thought he had mike figured out with his ptsd and conditions, but then mike manages to get himself out of a situation and william's like 👀👀👀
he's wondering just how far he can take it tho before mike catches on sjsjsj
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
Yes please more headcanons about William x Mike!
OKAY! here's what i've been thinking about! tho be warned that it ain't rlly much cause my brain's a lil SHOT
william easily uses his height and size to his advantage. i mean, while the guy isn't like...big as in muscular, he still carries that intimidating presence that makes even mike feel way smaller than he actually is
for the record, mike could never feel comfortable around william. he tends to fidget on his seat or his fingers and leg whenever he's stared at a little too long for his liking
mike's been getting quite a lot of odd jobs and despite being fired or just straight out quitting, william never turned him away :) just love to have these talks about certain jobs with him
as these conversations go on, he tends to walk around the room. never rlly staying in mike's vision for long unless he's wanting to make his point across. he started to become touchy with mike :D started innocently enough with brushes against mike or a comforting hand on the shoulder
soon enough, he'd have those warm hands set on his shoulders -- thumbs rubbing into them. it's...more unnerving and uncomfortable to mike. he doesn't want to voice it tho; william knew of his...conditions, and he doesn't want william to accuse him of assault or whatever and put yet another crime or conviction on his record
plus....he doesn't rlly want to make william mad. it's just... mike feels like there's a certain edge in his eyes. like he's ready to pounce at a moment's notice...
they aren't....exactly friendly with each other. i can't rlly explain it other than there's always this tension between them -- mainly on mike's part. it's like william knows something about him that mike himself doesn't know ( could obviously be about garrett's death, but it can also be the fact that william easily read him like he's an opened book )
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
William inviting Mike out to get a bite to eat so he can get to know him better...if Mike's working at Freddy's, maybe stopping by 'to see how he's getting on' and just chatting with him in his old hunting grounds...maybe offering to let Mike do a few oddjobs around his house for a bit of extra cash (👀 or something)...finding out about Mike's pills somehow and messing with them, switching them out for ones that are twice as strong or spiking his coffee with a little extra, to make Mike even MORE fuzzy-headed, he REALLY needs help...
Lots of possibilities.
William eventually getting invited around for dinner at the Schmidts...Abby HATES him, and it's not clear if it's just because of his behaviour or if ghosts are telling her things, but Mike figures she hates HIM most of the time so it doesn't make much difference, and William just finds it funny (he's very 'nice' about it)
William somehow finding out that Aunt Jane IS in fact finally trying to kill Mike, and being like "ummmmmm..........no"
Alternatively, after the film Mike starts sleeping more normally and having different dreams - but William starts showing up in them. Nightmare from trauma or ghostly presence? How can he be sure?
BRUUUUHHH.... you are having the best ideas here, i fucking swear. esp him switching out his medicine cause i honestly thought william was gonna slip a lil something in the cup if mike had accepted his offer...
AND THE DREAMS... god yes, he'll definitely be dreaming about him and it fucks him up big time
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aftschmidt-sc · 7 months
tgis fic isthe onlt tjimg keepig me alove and tgriving rn read it or die
please i love tjis so much
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aftschmidt-sc · 7 months
Hiii!! welcome to my sideblog!!
so i'm very normal about aftschmidt and made a blog about it so that i don't scare people away from my main,, i might not post hre much,, ily bye
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celestialvexation-arch · 11 months
When Mike went to Freddy's first night, there was a VHS labelled 'Mike' for him...which William obviously left for him.
Imagine William setting up a hidden camera there too - to watch Mike while he's watching the screens. Maybe he sees Mike sleeping on the job - not just sleeping, but POPPING A SLEEPING PILL to deliberately sleep. Maybe he decides to pay a visit...
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