butterflyclan · 11 months
Mid Spring
Mintswirl froze, looming over the brown she-cat. She glared up at them, her fur bristling, but made no move to attack them. The reason for that was perfectly clear- five tiny scraps of fur squirmed at her belly, mewling for their mother's attention.
"You're- uh- DogwoodClan," Mintswirl finally blurted out. "What are you doing here?"
"None of your business," she sniffed.
"Well... it sort of is. You're on ButterflyClan territory. Are you... okay? Do you need any help?" She glared at him for several minutes more before deflating, sheathing her claws and smoothing her fur.
"I can't go back to DogwoodClan," she sighed, looking away. "Bramblestar... well, I made them mad."
"Bramblestar exiled you?" Mintswirl's eyes widened in horror.
"Oh, no! No, they didn't exile me! I left on my own. But I made them mad, and they made me mad, and I really just... don't like anyone there. I felt so alone in DogwoodClan. So I left."
There was a long quiet between them, Mintswirl standing awkwardly over her and the she-cat focusing on her kittens.
"Uh... What are their names?"
"Oh! This is Crabkit, Bubblekit, Shellkit, Basskit, and Foamkit. My father always told me stories of his time as a boat cat," she added sheepishly. "I thought this would be a nice way to remember him. I'm Kitecrash."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
The ground was wet and muddy from the melted snow, but Frozenwhisker couldn't find it within himself to mind it. It was the first time since their son had been born that Parsleystar felt up to a walk, and he was making the absolute most of it. They walked in a comfortable silence, tails entwined.
"A tunnel!" Parsleystar gasped suddenly. "Do you think it's a fox hole?"
"Maybe in the past, but there's no scents around here any more," Frozenwhisker responded after a sniff. He crept into the hole, his belly low to the ground. "It's spacious!" he called back. He started to wriggle his way back out when his paws slipped on the mud. The tunnel around him started to crumble, and there was mud in his mouth and his eyes, and all he could smell was dirt, and there was so much weight on his body, oh StarClan he was trapped, and he struggled and struggled, but he could feel his struggling growing weaker, and his chest burned with the need to breathe... and all the while, he could hear Parsleystar screaming his name.
Maybe, he thought dizzily, maybe I'll even be hearing it from StarClan.
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soduas · 3 months
Just a little fast scetch of Foampaw in my human ver sona cs I needed it for a task
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Translation: "Yippie! Im npt naked anymore! (I wear no pants)"
I just realised I forgot to paint the hair strand but I alredy had submitted it
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blorboclaw · 2 years
What do you think would have happened if Princess gave Fireheart all of her kits? A dumb AU, but one that I'm curious about.
Their canon names are Zack, Taylor, Nami, and Livy, as far as I know.
OK I love it.
So we don't know what Cloudtail's kittypet name was at first so we don't need to know their canon names either but we've got (including Cloudtail) three males and two females right? Wrong! Sex of either non precised by canon nor out-of-canon sources so now except for Cloudtail they’re all female because we need females in this clan!
I think we get a slight logistics problem here, you see.
Brindleface could feed Cloudtail alongside Ashfur and Ferncloud because he was 1 kit.
With four more kits... I'm not sure we can save them all. They're gonna die.
Except if we ask Speckletail to help too? She has lost all her kits save Snowkit, so we might be able to get her to nurse a few of them.
So we've got a nursery with Ashkit, Fernkit, Snowkit, and our little kittypet-born kittens: Cloudkit, Sootkit (Zack), Foamkit (Taylor), Cypresskit (Nami), and Rootkit (Livy).
I think at this point, Tigerclaw just has a nervous breakdown, throws the towel and leaves the clan with Darkstripe and Dustpelt because he can't bare any longer that half the clan's next generation is kittypet. Longtail stays because he's half too coward to leave and half too loyal. He'll come back you'll see.
Do you know who should have been conceived three moons after Cloudkit's arrival to make sense? BrambleTawny.
So Goldenflower doesn't take Tigerclaw as her mate. And we've got no TawnyBramble.
Also Bluestar sees her deputy leave and is like shrugging life has to go on and Whitestorm is our new deputy because wtf Fireheart you messed up big time and how did you even fit five kittens in your jaws.
Barely two seasons later, when the kittens are apprenticed (and ouch do you realize we were already short on warriors and i might not have enough mentors for all of them???).
Runningwind gets Sootpaw, Willowpelt gets Foampaw, Fireheart gets Cloudpaw, Frostfur is forced to get out of the nursery now that her kits are out too to take Cypresspaw and Goldenflower same with Rootpaw.
In order to hide from the other clans the origin of the five new apprentices, Bluestar pretended at a gathering that Brindleface’s two other kits didn’t die and that Goldenflower had a new litter.
Anyway Thunderclan is getting huge. Tigerclaw however was not exiled, he left on his own. And no one knows about Redtail’s death and his crimes, so he’s not desperate yet. He still has a chance with Thunderclan.
He attacks Thunderclan with a bunch of rogues, Darkstripe and Dustpelt.
Dustpelt is horrified because he definitely didn’t plan that when he left the clan as a protest. He slips away and goes warn the clan. Whitestorm thanks him and leads the battle against the rogues. all the apprentices smother Tigerclaw to death. That’s it. No more Tigerclaw.
Darkstripe is killed too because I don’t care about him. Dustpelt is officially made a warrior (he left as an apprentice, and was named Dustclaw by Tigerclaw, but Bluestar names him Dustpelt and makes him a thunderclan warrior). Sandpaw becomes Sandstorm. Brackenpaw becomes Brackenfur.
So many apprentices, so many more cats to help in patrols, in battle, in fires... no one dies, neither elders nor Yellowfang nor the non-existent Bramblekit, in the fire. Tigerclaw doesn’t kill Runningwind since he’s dead. And since Tigerclaw was no longer Bluestar’s deputy, she doesn’t spiral down.
In Rising Storm, the senior apprentices are made warriors. Thornfur, Brightpelt and Swiftfoot (changing the names of Thorn and Bright since now they are made warriors by Bluestar not Firestar). You know what else happens? So many more apprentices mean Snowkit is not taken out by an hawk! And so Brackenfur gets Snowpaw.
SootSorrelRain are born yadda yadda. Soot is not named Soot because there’s already Sootpaw/Zack, so he’s named Amberkit (after his eyes).
In a Dangerous Path, only Snowpaw, Ashpaw and Fernpaw are apprentices as the others became warriors, as:
Cloudtail, Sootnose, Foamclaw, Cypressear and Rootstripe.
Since there is no big Tigerclan nor Bloodclan threat (and the pack was not fed by Tigerclaw and was foudn by twolegs), they go through a peace and prosperity time. New couples get together:
Sandstorm x Fireheart, Thornfur x Sootnose, Brightpelt x Swiftfoot, Dustpelt x Rootstripe... (Cloudtail will later get with Ferncloud, Foamclaw with Ashfur and Cypressear with Snowkit/Snowstorm).
Mistyfoot and Stonefur discover Bluestar is their mother, the rest of the forest discovers that too, Bluestar steps down and lets Whitestorm become Whitestar while she retires as an elder under the name of Bluefur. Whitestorm takes Fireheart as his deputy.
Fireheart and Sandstorm go to revive Skyclan. He dies, but he’s got so much kin in Thunderclan that no one in Starclan cares. Sandstorm comes back alone, Whitestar had already named Brackenfur temporary deputy in Fireheart’s absence, Brackenfur is confirmed deputy.
At the beginning of TNP, Sandstorm is the only one who knows about the kin of his kin prophecy. Squirrekit and Leafkit are born from Thornfur x Sootnose, while Whitewing is born from Brightpelt x Swiftfoot, and Cloudtail x Ferncloud have the DustFern kits of canon). There are other kits around so the prophecy could concern anyone from the second generation of niblings, which means a choice between:
Thornfur x Sootnose’s kits: Squirrelflight and Leafpool (still paws at the time)
Dustpelt x Rootstripe’s kits: Pinepaw, Oakpaw and Maplepaw
Cloudtail x Ferncloud’s kits: so far we’ve got Shrewpaw and Spiderpaw, + HollyLarchBirch who are just born.
Ashfur x Foamclaw’s kits: Chestnut and Cricket kits/paws/blaze only paws)
Cypressear x Snowstorm: Icepaw, Windpaw, Skypaw.
With so many more mouths to feed, when the Twolegs arrive, most of the apprentices die, all the elders, all the kits except Birchkit.
When they arrive at the lake, the survivors receive their warrior names:
Squirrelflight, (Leafpool is alive but medcat), Pinefall, Mapleleaf, Spiderleg, Chestnutblaze, Skywing. All the others? Dead.
No Brambleclaw means the Thunderclan chosen one was Squirrelflight. No Tawnypelt means Rowanclaw was Shadowclan’s. No Tigerstar means no Hawkfrost/Mothwing btw so Mudfur will die without an apprentice. Cinderpelt will be in Riverclan the night of the attack to help them so she doesn’t die right then and now. But most importantly, she gave all her responsibilities to Leafpool as she had to go train a riverclan apprentice, so Leafpool doesn’t leave with Crowfeather.
(the Three are Squirrelflight, Spiderleg and Skywing btw)
Thunderclan is flooded with Fireheart’s kin. The only ones who are not related to him are Sorreltail and Brackenfur’s kits, and Daisy’s. The Great Battle coincides with the Eclipse, after which Whitestorm dies and leaves the leadership to Brackenfur... er, Brackenstar. He chooses Squirrelflight as his deputy and things go on. By the beginning of The Fourth Apprentice, Daisy’s and Sorreltail’s kits have been assimilated in the mating pool and every single cat in Thunderclan can be traced back to Fireheart. They die of consanguinity in three generations (even if they shouldn’t because they are all more or less cousins anyway). Skyclan finds the lake because Starclan decided to guide them more directly, and take Thunderclan’s old territory. Plenty of trees, and a rock-walled camp? Great! Brackenfur becomes a skyclan warrior after having stepped down from his position after a new kind of illness took out everyone in the clan because they all had the exact same antibodies and immunitary defenses (outsourced from Fireheart/Cloudtail’s lines).
That’s pretty much it.
TL;DR: if Princess had given all her kits to Fireheart, Whitestorm would have become leader after Bluestar, Snowkit would have survived and Spiderleg would have been one of the Three.
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Shoreclan moon 100-150!
Moon 101:
- Curlstripe finally dies of Redcough
- Mistlekit becomes Mistlepaw and is apprenticed to Rainblink
- Graykit becomes Graypaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Boragespeckle
- Mudkit becomes Mudpaw and is apprenticed to Lilyrip
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw and is apprenticed to Hailweb
Moon 103:
- Stormpearl is expecting kits! (Again)
Moon 104:
- Yellowstar 3 loses a life to a dog
- Mistlepaw gets poisoned by deathberries (great job, genius)
Moon 105:
- Stormpearl had 5 kits- Silverkit, Conekit, Billowkit, Larkkit, and Foamkit
- Rootpaw becomes Rootstripe
Moon 106:
- Valleypelt dies via sea monster
- Whitepaw becomes Whiteglare
- Graypaw and Mudpaw prank Tallfluff
Moon 107:
- Lightpaw becomes Lightshade
- Mistlepaw becomes Mistlehaze
- Graypaw becomes Graythrush
- Umberpaw becomes Umbertalon
- Larkkit died of Yellowcough
Moon 108:
- Hailweb is expecting
- Jaggedpaw becomes Jaggedfreckle
- Mudpaw becomes Mudsea
- Conekit and Algaekit join the clan
Moon 110:
- Hailweb had three kits- Milkweedkit, Blizzardkit, and Dartkit
Moon 111:
- Silverkit becomes Silverpaw and is apprenticed to Lilyrip
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Tallfluff
- Billowkit becomes Billowpaw and is apprenticed to Greencreek (med cat apprentice!!!)
- Foamkit becomes Foampaw and is apprenticed to Breezetooth
Moon 114:
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Oliverspot
- Algaekit becomes Algaepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Yellowstar 3 is expecting!
Moon 115:
- Yellowstar and Stormpearl become mates
- Greencough is spreading in camp
Moon 116:
- Yellowstar 3 has three kits- Squidkit, Sunkit and Crestedkit
- Milkweedkit becomes Milkweedpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Blizzardkit becomes Blizzardpaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Dartkit becomes Dartpaw and is apprenticed to Whiteglare
- Rootstripe has been lost
- Hollypelt joins the clan
Moon 117:
- Umberwhisker is expecting
- Foampaw becomes Foamstone
Moon 118:
- Hazystripe and Mistlehaze are expecting!
- Silverpaw becomes Silverfoot
- Ashenstripe joins the clan
- Jaggedfreckle died in a flood
- Maomao joins the clan
Moon 119:
- Conepaw becomes Conestripe
- Umberwhisker had two kits with Rainblink- Hyacinthkit and Wingkit
Moon 120:
- Whirlheart becomes a med cat on account of their leg problems
- Hazystripe has 3 kits- Streakkit, Frozenkit, and Dashkit
- Billowpaw becomes Billowstripe
- Mistlehaze had 2 kits- Fumblekit and Skykit
- Conestripe brings 3 kits back to camp- Shinekit, Chervilkit, and Flipkit
- Hailweb had a bit too much fun fighting off rogues
Moon 121:
- Fallenshade is expecting
- Algaepaw becomes Algaesmoke
- Conepaw becomes Conecrackle
- Hollypelt has developed hearing loss
- Chervilkit almost became seagull food
- Yellowstar loses a life to a monster
Moon 122:
- Stormpearl is expecting again
- Blizzardpaw becomes Blizzardfeather
- Squidkit becomes Squidpaw and is apprenticed to Algaesmoke
- Crestedkit becomes Crestedpaw and is apprenticed to Silverfoot
- First mass extinction event! Yazhu, Umberwind, Streakkit, Dashkit, Tallfluff, Sunkit, Mudsea, Dawncry, Flipkit, Foamstone, Billowstripe and Umberwhisker drown in a camp flood
- Maomao died of snakebite
- Chervilkit died of a claw wound
Moon 123:
- Fallenshade had three kits! Rosemarykit, Goosekit, and Pigeonkit!
- Dartpaw becomes Darttuft
- Toastjumble joins the clan
Moon 124:
- Stormpearl and Yellowstar had two kits! Shinekit and Lightkit
- Immediately after that, badgers attack and kill Squidpaw, Rosemarykit, Rainblink, Hyacinthkit, and Shinekit
- Shukuralily joins the clan
- Ashenstripe is expecting
- Milkweedpaw becomes Milkweedstripe
Moon 125:
- Bouncetree returns!
- Wingkit becomes Wingpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Sleepy joins the clan with Heartlit, Caterpillarkit, and Quailkit
Moon 126:
- Frozenkit becomes Frozenpaw and is apprenticed to Lightshade
- Skykit become Skypaw and is apprenticed to Graythrush
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Whirlheart as a med cat!
- Ashenstripe had 2 kits! Bushkit and Pouncekit
- Wingpaw dies of heat stroke
- Hailweb is expecting
- Shukuralily got a broken back
Moon 127:
- Yellowstar 3 keeps getting whitecough
Moon 128:
- Hailweb had a single kitten with Whiteglare- Flitkit
- Heartkit becomes Heartpaw and is apprenticed to Whiteglare
- Caterpillarkit becomes Catepillarpaw and is apprenticed to Moorslash
- Quailkit becomes Quailpaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Frozenpaw died of whitecough
Moon 129:
- Yellowstar 3 loses a life to whitecough
- Crestedpaw becomes Crestedflare
- Goosekit becomes Goosepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Pigeonkit becomes Pigeonpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
Moon 130:
- Yellowstar 3 loses a life to tainted freshkill
Moon 131:
- Algaesmoke and Pigeonpaw die in a rogue ambush
- Tuftstep and Blizzardfeather die in another rogue ambush
Moon 132:
- Bushkit becomes Bushpaw and is apprenticed to Bouncetree
- Pouncekit becomes Pouncepaw and is apprenticed to Breezetooth
Moon 133:
- Whirlheart died from a mangled tail
- Caterpillarpaw becomes Caterpillarlarch
Moon 134:
- Flitkit becomes Flitpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 3
Moon 135:
- Fallenshade died in their sleep
- Whiteglare and Hailweb become mates
- Skypaw becomes Skystripe
- Goosepaw becomes Gooseclaw
Moon 136:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineburr
- Heartpaw becomes Hearthowl
- Quailpaw becomes Quaildrip
- Quietshimmer (new med cat) joins the clan
Moon 138:
- Lightpaw becomes Lightcloud
- Hollypelt has lost his hearing
- Shininggale joins the clan
Moon 139:
- Oddblink joins the elders
- Rootstripe returns
- Caterpillarlarch died of a broken bone
- Bushpaw becomes Bushmimic
- Pouncepaw becomes Pouncestripe
- Flitpaw becomes Flitsmoke
- Hailweb becomes deputy
Moon 140:
- Oliverspot brings 2 kits back to camp- Scalekit and Stoatkit
- Shininggale died of yellowcough
Moon 141:
- Quaildrip and Toastjumble have been lost
- Flitsmoke got bitten by an eagle
- Hearthowl, Bushmimic, and Moorslash die in a rogue ambush
Moon 142
- Shukuralily died of snakebite
Moon 145:
- Yellowstar 3 is expecting!
Moon 146:
- Scalekit becomes Scalepaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Stoatkit becomes Stoatpaw and is apprenticed to Shineburr
Moon 147:
- Yellowstar 3 has two kits with Stormpearl! Iriskit and Lowkit
- Ashenstripe is expecting!
Moon 149:
- Ashenstripe had 2 kits with Quietshimmer- Ripplekit and Nectarkit!
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @wills-woodland-warriors, @starfalcon555
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runic-raptor · 1 year
Falcon Around, Finding Out
I was feeling stressed, so I made a new ClanGen clan for fun - which I will note down the adventures of here.
Moons 1 - 3 First, some of the notable cats:
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Falconstar himself. Only 50 moons old, I suspect he took over the clan rather suddenly in some kind of tragedy. He’s a wise leader but his first thought as leader was dreading a clan announcement.
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Blufffoot (Bluff Foot) is our pants-wearing deputy. He’s older than our leader by 20 moons, but has less experience
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Spikebriar is our clan’s healer and is how I found out that cats can automatically generate as nonbinary! Super cool! They have a crush on Blufffoot, but the deputy doesn’t seem to notice them any...
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Foampaw is Falconstar’s apprentice. She’s confident, but still a young apprentice at only 8 moons old.
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Lakekit, introduced now before he inevitably becomes an apprentice. This daydreaming kit is an orphan because...
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Bluedapple, our Starclan guide, is who I suspect to be Lakekit’s patient father...
We also have our warriors, Pidgeontuft, Gorsewillow, Droughtspeckle, and Whirlwhisper; and our elder Honeyscar (who I’ll properly introduce in the next post perhaps.
Moon 1
Droughtspeckle is immediately thinking about having kits, but can’t think of any cat to have them with.
Spikebriar tries to get Blufffoot to come herb gathering with them, but Blufffoot goes hunting with Whirlwhisper instead.
While gathering herbs, Spikebriar has a vision from Starclan contained in a small puddle and goes to tell Falconstar about it.
Moon 2
Pidgeontuft brings a rival warrior into Falconclan, named Birdhaze. They go hunting together, but their relationship doesn’t improve any.
Our thoughtful elder Honeyscar got his leg caught in a twoleg trap and severely damaged his leg.
Spikebriar got into a fight with Lakekit. Perhaps the prophecy was about him becoming a healer and that’s not the life he wants? Spikebriar is feeling excited.
Foampaw catches a rabbit across the border right under Falconstar’s nose. Did Falconstar allow this, or did he simply not notice his apprentice crossing the border?
Spikebriar manages to get Blufffoot on a herb patrol with them, and Blufffoot admits to having a vison last night. Spikebriar talks him through it and they come to an agreement about the dream’s meaning. Lakekit is not destined to be a healer like Spikebriar had initially thought, Blufffoot should be their mentor. Lakekit is feeling content after the news is brought to him.
Droughtwhisker found himself falling for Whirlwhisker. They go out on patrol together, but while Droughtwhisker is daydreaming Whirlwhisker is caught in a twoleg trap and taken away. Droughtwhisker is understandibly very upset by this turn of events.
Moon 3
It is time for Lakekit to become Lakepaw, and as discussed he becomes Blufffoot’s apprentice.
Lakepaw and Foampaw do not get along as apprentices, and they fight. A lot.
Gorsewillow’s wanderlust has gotten them in trouble, and they went and dislocated a leg. We are now down a warrior.
The clan seems to be in mourning as they come to terms with Whirlwhisker’s disappearance. 
Since Birdhaze has yet to make any friends within the clan, Blufffoot assigns them to a patrol with Droughtwhisker and Pidgeontuft. They seem to be more comfortable after making a big catch together, but they aren’t particularly friendly to their new arrival.
Lakepaw is stuck helping their mentor and Spikebriar gather herbs, but desperately wants to learn battle moves instead.
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moonpawscathoard · 3 years
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A den full of apprentices!
Back row, left to right: Redpaw, Garlicpaw, Lilypaw, Tumblepaw Middle row: Ringpaw, Algaepaw Front row: Owlpaw, Driftpaw, Foampaw and Pollenpaw
Fun facts!
Redpaw and Ringpaw have a feud that's been going on since Ringpaw joined the clan.
No one is winning.
Garlic and Lily are the most popular because of Lily's prophecy and Garlic just being a nice dude.
Tumblepaw and Pollenpaw are cousins! Bloomclaw's brother was Tumblepaw's dad before he died.
Owlpaw is one of the kits that was adopted by Sunspring, they have 3 older siblings, and 1 younger.
Driftpaw was born with microphthalmia and is being trained by Softdrizzle.
Foampaw has narcolepsy and often struggles to keep up with the others because of it, but Driftpaw is a good brother and helps her out.
Algaepaw came from a diver-cat family, specifically sea-divers, and left the group in secret, no one from her home knows she's here.
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aldercloud · 2 years
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Trouble Oh trouble can’t you see You’re eating my heart away And there’s nothing much left of me
This is my son Foampaw he has every disease
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clowderofclans · 2 years
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the rest of the apprentices bar tidepaw, who’s living her best life on a boat
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catsofsealandsky · 3 years
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Morningstar - Lilac and cream tabby molly with white markings and warm amber eyes.
Brightwhisker - Black silver tabby van tom with curled ears and aquamarine eyes.
Apprentice: Foampaw
Windpetal - Strong solid blue tom shorthair with green eyes.
Acornflower - Longhaired chocolate tabby with white tom and hazel eyes.
Tansypelt - Small ginger tabby molly with green eyes.
Twilightpaw - Longhair lilac and cream colorpoint molly with blue eyes.
Mentor: Tansypelt
Cinnamonclaw - Large cinnamon tabby molly longhair with white paws and hazel eyes.
Fairystorm - Shorthaired dilute calico tom with amber eyes.
Apprentice: Rattlesnakepaw
Shadowsong - Tall black shorhair molly with orange right eye.
Apprentice: Patchedpaw
Missingsight - Large black and red spotted calico molly.
Apprentice: Goldenrodpaw
Oatpelt - Sturdy short chocolate and white spotted molly with hazel eyes.
Apprentice: Sheeppaw
Swanclaw - Tall white shorthaired tom with pale blue eyes.
Apprentice: Foampaw
Egretheart - Tall white shorthaired tom with bright green eyes.
Apprentice: Periwinklepaw
Daffodilheart - Stocky large cream tabby tuxedo tom with green eyes.
Muskratpool - Shorthaired chocolate and white tom with hazel eyes.
Minkstorm - Shorthaired chocolate and white molly with hazel eyes.
Carpblossom - Tall ruddy ticked tabby with white markings and green eyes.
Apprentice: Periwinklepaw
Goatwhisker - Dark seal pointed tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Echopaw
Swiftberry - Small black tuxedo tom with blue eyes.
Sootfoot - Small longhaired silver shaded black solid tom with white markings and green eyes.
Fireface - Thick furred red tortie with white and amber eyes.
Apprentice: Sheeppaw
Hailsong - Shorthaired spotted blue tabby tom tuxedo with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Goldenrodpaw
Beaversplash - Dark chocolate molly with amber eyes.
Apprentice: Rattlesnakepaw
Doveheart - Stocky strong lilac shorthair tom with green eyes.
Patchedsky - Small black and white molly with blue eyes and naturally missing right foreleg.
Midnightwhisker - Sleek black and white shorthair with orange eyes.
Antlerfang - Cinnamon spotted tom with white markings and blue eyes. 
Foampaw - Caliby point molly with blind left eye and sea green right eye.
Mentors: Swanclaw and Brightwhisker
Echopaw - Brown and white tabby molly with extra toes and yellow eyes.
Mentors: Cinnamonclaw and Goatwhisker
Periwinklepaw - Dilute tortoiseshell point molly with blue eyes.
Mentors: Carpblossom and Egretheart
Sheeppaw - Chocolate and red colorpoint calico with blind blue eyes.
Mentors: Oatpelt and Fireface
Goldenrodpaw - Shorthair flamepoint tom with blue blind eyes.
Mentors: Missingsight and Hailsong
Rattlesnakepaw - Small longhair black molly with golden eyes.
Mentors: Beaversplash and Fairystorm
Partridgekit - Small caramel and cream caliby with warm green eyes.
Steviakit - Large chocolate and white classic tabby molly with amber and hazel eyes.
Radishkit - Slender red and white mackerel tabby tom with amber and hazel eyes.
Orchidkit - Skinny lilac and white molly with amber and hazel eyes.
Oakstream - Grizzled longhair chocolate and white tabby tom with short tail and battle scars.
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triple-clan-threat · 4 years
Triple Clan Threat - Prologue
Welcome to the story!
“Foampaw, this is enough.” Cougarstride’s voice was a low growl. The scarred agouti cat infront of him held almost no resemblance to his former apprentice.
“I told you not to call me that.” She flashed her claws across his face, drawing blood from the older tom. “I’ve dropped my clan name, I’m Blood Foam now.” 
Cougarstride hissed, pulling back with a hiss. His pelt was shabby, marred with ugly red scabs. Every bone showed through his normally sleek coat. A low chuckle left his throat. “I’m not giving you anything.”
“Cougarstride…” A ragged yellow tabby breathed behind him. “Just give them what they want.” 
“Quiet!” The other cat, a young brown and gray tom, who looked younger than even Foampaw, hissed. 
“And betray Waterfallclan? I thought better of you Beenose, even if you are a Rollingclanner.” Cougarstride’s eyes met hers. “I’d sooner join The Peace then give these rats what they want.”
“Well. Well. Well.” A new voice snapped Cougarstride’s eyes back from Beenose. “If you won’t give us what we want, you are no longer useful for us.” 
“Deliver him back to his clan, Twisted Wire.” Beenose pleaded. “If he’s no use, bring him back.” Cougarstride didn’t look at the she-cat but he could hear the tears in her voice. 
“And let them know about us?” The young tom spit at Beenose, but even though a flash of what might have been hope passed behind his eyes. 
“Now one second, Spitfire.” The massive tabby, Twisted Wire, placed a paw on the young tom’s back, and paused, seeming to give it thought for a moment. 
He knew it was a trick, but hope twisted in Cougarstride’s gut.
“No.” It died as soon as it had bloomed. “Beenose, my dear, and let him spill all of our little secrets to your precious clans?” His face split in a horrible grin, revealing his wrecked jaw. “I think not. He has to die.”
    Cougarstride heard a sob catch in Beenose’s throat, and pity welled up in his gut for the she-cat. He wanted to turn, to comfort the she-cat, but he kept his amber eyes on Twisted Wire’s. 
    “Sablepaw, do something. You aren’t like this. You know what’s right and wrong.” 
    The grey and brown tom said nothing, just watched. Cougarstride raised his eyes to Twisted Wire. 
    “Deliver me to The Peace, rat.” Cougarstride lifted himself to his paws, even if the action made the ground swirl below him. 
    Blood Foam leaped forwards, standing boldly next to Twisted Wire. Her pale eyes glimmered. “As the river echoes always in the waterfall,”
    “No,” Cougarstride’s lips curled into an ugly snarl. He staggered forwards trying to reach the younger cat, stumbling forward into a messy swipe.
    Blood Foam easily sidestepped it, continuing. “I forbid your soul from joining your ancestors in The Peace. You shall weep upon this land, tears gathering ever at your paws until you avenge your death.” She turned, her face split in glee as she damned him to this earth. 
    Twisted Wire didn’t do anything, he stood beside, eyes gleaming as Cougarstride struggled. 
    “Let this be sealed by your death!” The agouti she-cat roared with a lash of her tail, making to attack her former mentor. 
    Twisted Wire was faster, already on top of the frail tom. “Let your death be in vain, clan cat.” The massive tom made one swift motion, and snapped Cougarstride’s neck. 
    Beenose gasped, eyes gone wide. “No!” She wailed, pressing herself against the wall of the cave as hard as she could. “No!”
    “Quiet.” Twistedwire’s dangerous gaze rested on Beenose, yet she didn’t. The wail still rose from her throat. 
The massive tom climbed off of Cougarstride, and growled low from his chest, cleaning the blood from his paws. “Blood Foam, Spitfire, leave us.” His gaze didn’t shift from the tall she-cat. 
    Blood Foam grinned, eyes lighting on her old mentor’s still warm corpse. Cougarstride lived no more and she was joyous for it.
Spitfire, though, looked like he was about to be sick. He couldn’t rip his eyes away from the dead clan cat. Even then, he wordlessly left the den.
    Beenose’s horror mingled with terror as she realized he was coming towards her. “Leave me alone! Stay away!” She unsheathed her claws, bunching her wasted muscles.
    “I said to be quiet.” Twisted Wire growled, continuing his slow prowl towards the cornered she-cat.
    Beenose shut her eyes tight, leaping to her feet as the world spun around her. She tried to flee, throwing herself away from the tom, before she was caught between the massive paws of Twisted Wire.
    When Twisted Wire had snapped his neck, everything went black. Not the calming dark of the stars, or of Waterfallclan’s dens. Then everything went bright again, and Cougarstride was looking at his dead body. That was him looking back at him through glazed eyes. 
    Then he was gone, a bright flash of light. Black again. He could see the stars and then it came closer into focus. His family, his clan mates, were lazing, talking to one another, their pelt dotted with tiny stars. 
    He tried to scream, to get them to hear him, but as hard as he tried nothing came from his throat.
    Then they realized he was there. They bounded into the silent dark, but stopped a few tail lengths away, pressing close, mouths agape in silent cries. 
    Cougarstride rushed forwards, only a mouse length was between them, but he couldn’t reach them, it was as if there was a solid wall between them. 
    Then they were pointing at his paws. He looked, expecting his solid paws, or maybe the star-iness of his friends. It wasn’t either. He could see the darkness beneath him. Through his paws. 
    Was he dying again?
    And then another flash. 
    The rocky ground of Waterfallclan’s territory met him, and he looked around. Had it all been a dream? 
    But he could see the floor through his paws. 
    He screamed.
    Cougarstride dropped to the ground. Screaming. At least he could hear himself this time. But his cries didn’t echo among the mountain peaks. 
    He lay there for a long time, fading from screaming to stark silence. 
    Days passed, and he didn’t move. He didn’t feel anything. He felt empty. The only thing he felt was loneliness. Loneliness on the highest peaks of his home clan. 
    Moons passed of Cougarstride reveling in his emptiness. He wandered aimlessly. He couldn’t feel the cold stone underpaw. He couldn’t feel sorrow in his heart. Then he saw a cat. 
Narrow and dark coated, the other tom was alone. He leaped nimbly from rock to rock, mouth agape to scent the air. He didn’t see Cougarstride, didn’t even stop as he passed right through him. Within a few moments the warrior had disappeared again.
Just those few moments snapped Cougarstride from his wandering emptiness. Anger burned through him like a star, almost too much for the emotion starved ghost. His time alone had hardened his heart. 
Now he had a goal. He was going to see his friends, his family again. He wouldn’t rot on this earth, he would do as Foampaw had said. He would avenge his death, and find a way to restfulness. 
He whipped around, moons of warrior training kicking in. He quickly took his bearings, before turning towards the smoky blue foothills that sheltered his home clan.
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hiluluwu · 3 years
Wind clan
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Mid Autumn
Kitecrash stares blankly at Bubblekit's body. He had been mere days away from his apprenticeship ceremony, and he'd been so excited for it.
"I can give him his apprentice name, if you'd like," Parsleystar murmured to her. Kitecrash turned, eyes watering, a vague wonder at how the old she-cat had known what she'd been thinking.
"Please," she croaked. Parsleystar bowed her head.
"Bubblekit, you are of apprentice age. Had I held your ceremony sooner, you would have had your name when you died. To fix this error, I give you the name Bubblepaw in your death. May you find your way to StarClan quickly."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"Beamsnow, you shall mentor Basspaw. You have not had an apprentice yet, and it is high time you do. Algaesky, you will train Foampaw. You did great with Skyrumble, and I expect you will do just as well with her. Tumblefern with train Seedpaw. You're new to the Clan, but you've been here long enough that I trust you will do well. I will train Podpaw myself." Parsleystar flicked her tail, waiting for the murmuring to stop before she started speaking again. "Shellpaw, Mintswirl, please step forward."
Shellpaw trembled slightly, his breath catching in his throat.
"Shellpaw has expressed a desire to heal instead of fight. I have consulted with Mintswirl, and they have agreed to train him."
The Clan began to cheer, chanting the new apprentices' names, and Shellpaw sighed in relief. He'd been accepted, and he was free to start training.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
It was the mewling that had caught Hickorymarsh's attention. The rustling he had ignored- it wasn't a sound being made by a fox or a coyote, or any other possible predator, so it didn't matter to him. But the mewling...
He parted the tall grass and the air left his lungs. A tiny tortoiseshell kitten blinked up at him, startled by his appearance. She was weak and clearly underfed, struggling to stand on her own two paws.
Hickorymarsh crouched low, almost nose-to-nose with the kit, and she squirmed backwards. "I won't hurt you," he breathed. "I'm Hickorymarsh. Where's your parents?"
"My mama told me to stay here," the kitten squeaked, glaring fiercely at him. Hickorymarsh scented the air. Any scent besides his and the kit's were stale.
"How long ago was that?"
The kitten grew even more furious. "She'll be back! And she'll beat you up if you try to hurt me!"
"How about this," Hickorymarsh proposed. "I live somewhere with loads of other cats, and we have warm places to sleep and plenty of food to eat. I can take you back there, and I can come by here every day waiting for your mother to come back. When she does, I can bring her to you. Does that sound good?"
The kitten thought this over before nodding. "Okay. But you have to promise!"
"I promise."
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soduas · 2 months
I dont rlly draw now- so I can js show u a portrait from a form for ask
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Its Mars, like Foampaw but a loner with more natural look :3c
Edit: i js fond out i had already told who is he woops
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optimistpriam · 8 years
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Big changes on the horizon! #dragonfeet #foampaws #feetpaws #somuchcarving
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butterflyclan · 10 months
ButterflyClan Allegiances
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Top to bottom, left to right!
Parsleystar, Stormclaw, Mintswirl, Shellpaw Burdockheart, Tumblefern, Honeydew, Zazu Algaesky, Pinedash, Beamsnow, Kitecrash Skyrumble, Oakshimmer, Acornpool, Asphodelfang Ashpelt, Gingerfleck, Sorrelfur, Barleyclaw Foampaw, Basspaw, Seedpaw, Podpaw, Specklepaw Jaykit, Dovekit, Swallowkit, Sparrowkit, Ploverkit, Cormorantkit Lynxfur, Sakari, Pondfang, Shadowbloom
Ohhhh my god this took so long! This is the entire living ButterflyClan allegiance as of the end of the third year. The Clan’s gotten so much bigger!
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Mid Spring
Shellpaw stretched out, a purr rumbling in his chest as he enjoyed the sun. Things were finally beginning to calm down. Pondfang, Lynxfur, Skyrumble, and Stormclaw had all healed from their injuries, Burdockheart's infection was gone, and Basspaw, Podpaw, and Acornpool had all recovered from their coughs.
It was really nice to have a break, he thought drowsily.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"From this day forth, you shall be known as Seeddrop. You have worked hard to earn your name, and ButterflyClan welcomes you as a full warrior."
Seeddrop lifted her head high with pride, though she couldn't help the flash of guilt she felt when she caught sight of Podpaw. She, Basspaw, and Foampaw deserved to have their names too. Was it really fair for Seeddrop to be the only warrior of the group? Should she have refused her name until they got theirs?
The questions weighed heavy on her mind that evening as she sat vigil.
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