butterflyclan · 11 months
Mid Spring
Mintswirl froze, looming over the brown she-cat. She glared up at them, her fur bristling, but made no move to attack them. The reason for that was perfectly clear- five tiny scraps of fur squirmed at her belly, mewling for their mother's attention.
"You're- uh- DogwoodClan," Mintswirl finally blurted out. "What are you doing here?"
"None of your business," she sniffed.
"Well... it sort of is. You're on ButterflyClan territory. Are you... okay? Do you need any help?" She glared at him for several minutes more before deflating, sheathing her claws and smoothing her fur.
"I can't go back to DogwoodClan," she sighed, looking away. "Bramblestar... well, I made them mad."
"Bramblestar exiled you?" Mintswirl's eyes widened in horror.
"Oh, no! No, they didn't exile me! I left on my own. But I made them mad, and they made me mad, and I really just... don't like anyone there. I felt so alone in DogwoodClan. So I left."
There was a long quiet between them, Mintswirl standing awkwardly over her and the she-cat focusing on her kittens.
"Uh... What are their names?"
"Oh! This is Crabkit, Bubblekit, Shellkit, Basskit, and Foamkit. My father always told me stories of his time as a boat cat," she added sheepishly. "I thought this would be a nice way to remember him. I'm Kitecrash."
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The ground was wet and muddy from the melted snow, but Frozenwhisker couldn't find it within himself to mind it. It was the first time since their son had been born that Parsleystar felt up to a walk, and he was making the absolute most of it. They walked in a comfortable silence, tails entwined.
"A tunnel!" Parsleystar gasped suddenly. "Do you think it's a fox hole?"
"Maybe in the past, but there's no scents around here any more," Frozenwhisker responded after a sniff. He crept into the hole, his belly low to the ground. "It's spacious!" he called back. He started to wriggle his way back out when his paws slipped on the mud. The tunnel around him started to crumble, and there was mud in his mouth and his eyes, and all he could smell was dirt, and there was so much weight on his body, oh StarClan he was trapped, and he struggled and struggled, but he could feel his struggling growing weaker, and his chest burned with the need to breathe... and all the while, he could hear Parsleystar screaming his name.
Maybe, he thought dizzily, maybe I'll even be hearing it from StarClan.
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ancient-names-pt-i · 1 year
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OC compilation. Started February, continued August/September 2023 Labeled version under the cut
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stagwhisker · 1 year
Whisperclan (long)
okay I'm gonna try to motivate myself to clean by forcing myself to get some stuff done every 5 or so moons at which point I'll update this again.
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Moon 1
Sunnyfleck slipped on a rock and sprained his paw.
Chestnutmuzzle got a stomach ache.
Mossleg caught a mouse.
Moon 2
Chestnutmuzzle's stomach ache is gone!
Rookpaw is apprenticed to Chestnutmuzzle.
Dovepaw is apprenticed to Plumtoe.
Plumtoe slips on a rock and dislocates his leg.
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Dovepaw steals a rabbit from Rowanclan undetected.
Chestnutmuzzle and Rookpaw failed to catch a mouse.
Mossleg stepped on a thorn while gathering herbs with Grayweb.
Moon 3
Sunnyfleck's sprain is healed!
Sunnyfleck is now Nonbinary!
Mosslegs cut is healed!
Dovepaw thinks she had a vision from Starclan, she talks to Hickorystar on a patrol.
While training, Chestnutmuzzle notices Rookpaw isn't feeling himself. Rookpaw tells her he feels he is a failure and not doing good enough. Chestnutmuzzle comforts him.
Dovepaw compliments Rookpaw on how sharp his claws are.
Rookpaw admires Dovepaw's bravery.
Mossleg spent some time with Grayweb in the medicine den.
Plumtoe is surprised by Chestnutmuzzle being thoughtful.
Moon 4
Dovepaw trips on a stump and gains a few bruises.
Plumtoe's joint isn't the same anymore, but he feels much better.
Dovepaw talks with Plumtoe.
Plumtoe has been spending more time with Chestnutmuzzle.
Mossleg, Grayweb, and Plumtoe took a sunbath.
Moon 5
Hickorystar has gotten a stomach ache.
Dovepaw's Bruises are gone!
Dovepaw slips on a rock and sprains her paw.
Basspaw is apprenticed to Mossleg.
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Mossleg tries to teach Basspaw how to catch a bird. Basspaw rolls his eyes and asks why he can't just catch it. The bird sees him coming immediately and flees.
Plumtoe and Sunnyfleck catch a mouse.
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welcome-to-meadowclan · 3 months
Moon 0.1
Welcome to MeadowClan
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You want to hear my story as leader of MeadowClan? Well, I certainly won't say no. Though much of it isn't my tale to tell.
It all started when Coniferstar lost her last life. The Clan had suffered so much. I expected her to live longer than she did, thought I'd serve my Clan for 20 more moons or so then retire, though I suppose I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things...
The lithe tom pounced at Fuzzystar, and she leaped aside, fur fluffed up. She crouched down, ready for a second pounce, when he dove for her paws. Fuzzystar reared up, then was shoved onto her back.
"Good." Fuzzystar said, looking up at her apprentice. "You'll be ready soon, maybe even before the Bloom."
Nectarpaw's chest puffed up with pride. He was practically full grown by now, and Fuzzystar couldn't help remembering Cricketnettle in the nursery, little kits at her stomach, looking for milk. He didn't say anything though, just looked at her with a satisfied gleam in his eye as he got off of the larger cat.
The sun was starting to set, casting a warm, orange glow over the cats. Nectarpaw suddenly looked serious- More serious than usual at least. "Fuzzystar, I think I had a vision from StarClan." Fuzzystar's gaze hardened, and Nectarpaw quickly backtracked. "It was probably nothing though. Let's… Let's get back to camp."
"Right," Fuzzystar said, waving her tail, signalling for Nectarpaw to follow.
The pair trodded through the territory, It was early enough in New-Leaf for the snow to not have melted, but it wasn't anywhere near as thick as it was in Leaf-Bare. Trees provided sparse cover, from large birds or from the sun, but they were only thick branches this time of year. It'd be two moons or so before they started to sprout leaves again. The stream that gently meandered across the territory had partially melted, and Fuzzystar carefully found a safe passage over the ice, while Nectarpaw took the opportunity to swim across.
Soon enough, the cats saw the two trees marking the camp, both of which were dead under the harsh cold. Soon enough, the Flowertree would bloom again. Nectarpaw was suppressing a shiver, water clinging to his short pelt, threatening to freeze. It had been silent until now, one which Fuzzystar broke.
"Nectarpaw… I know things have been rough for you since Cricketnett-"
"I don't want to talk about it." The apprentice interrupted.
Fuzzystar remembered her parent's deaths. Her mother in battle and her father of old age. To not have any parents at such a young age… "If that's what you want. Though, don't interrupt me like that again."
The tabby couldn't see her apprentice rolling his eyes behind her, she only heard his noise of assent.
Burrowspeckle, Boragepaw and Basspaw had already returned to camp, Nectarpaw quickly realized as he heard the other apprentices talking.
"... And then I told Burrowspeckle that I knew exactly how to deal with Spotspeckle's stomachache, and so I got some borage and-"
"I'd only hoped you learned that by now." The black tom shot back from the other side of camp. "Especially considering it's your namesake."
Boragepaw didn't even seem sheepish, he just rolled his eyes, attention turning to the pair returning to camp. "Hey Nectarpaw!" He meowed, then, like he hadn't noticed the larger cat, added "Fuzzystar,"
"You three are welcome to prey on the Fresh-Kill Pile." Fuzzystar replied, her gaze unwavering even in the face of Boragepaw's indiscretion.
"Thank you, Fuzzystar," Basspaw replied with a respectful nod, before Boragepaw could put his paw in his mouth again. Fuzzystar nodded back, leaving the apprentices alone to talk- though Burrowspeckle was still shooting daggers at them from the entrance of the Medicine Den, where a large slab of rock covered the entrance to the dark, damp tunnel.
Nectarpaw leaped up onto the large rock covering the warrior's den, which was currently empty, joining the other apprentices. Basspaw, a speckled gray she-cat, was lying down on the stone, which had less snow piled on top of it than the rest of camp, soaking in the last remnants of the sun before the bitter nighttime cold set back in. Boragepaw was still standing, and Nectarpaw could imagine his dramatic pacing and tail gestures as he told an ultimately meaningless story.
Nectarpaw sat down, neatly wrapping his tail around him. "What did you do to annoy Burrowspeckle this time?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, in Burrowspeckle's vague direction.
"What did I do to annoy Burrowspeckle?" He huffed, "He's my mentor- Trust me, he's just like that,"
"We were out hunting for herbs in the morning," Basspaw interjected.
Nectarpaw's whiskers twitched, imagining the cold raindrops from before Highsun hitting his thin pelt.
"And we couldn't find anything," Basspaw concluded.
Nectarpaw expected Boragepaw to continue his theatrics, but the golden tabby's attention had shifted to something else. The silence between them stretched for a moment Basspaw and Nectarpaw waiting for their friend to continue, the howling wind turning cold as night started to set in along the vast plains of MeadowClan.
Boragepaw turned to Nectarpaw, a serious look on his face. "Do you ever talk to your brother?"
Nectarpaw scowled. "He's my half brother." He replied immediately. "Besides, I'm almost a warrior, we don't have much in common."
The oddly serious look still hadn't left Boragepaw's face, and he remained silent. 
Basspaw took the opportunity to talk, adding a "You two are still Clanmates, you can't ignore him forever."
"By StarClan you're just like Fuzzystar," Nectarpaw spat.
"Fuzzystar's lived a long life, she knows a lot more about life than us"
"Are you done harassing me?" Nectarpaw said, bristling
 Basspaw sighed. "If you're going to act like that, then yes." She meowed. Boragepaw was watching them wide-eyed.
"Good," Nectarpaw said, jumping down from the warrior's den, padding towards the apprentice's den as Flaxvalley came back into camp. 
"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" Nectarpaw faintly heard Boragepaw talking "It's gotta be awkward…"
The chirpy voice became muffled as Nectarpaw entered the apprentice's den, huffing as he dragged his nest farther from Basspaw's, flopping into the moss and feathers.
I'll admit that I made my fair share of mistakes. But those halcyon days and bygone nights under the starlight seem simpler in retrospect. Especially after… Well, that comes later on.
What I'll say is that Nectarpaw deserved a better mentor, a better family life. He deserved better.
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Dark Forest Resident: Hollowhusk
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Glowchirp, Rippleheart (parents), Timberwing (brother), Graystar (mate), Ravenwhisker, Clawpaw, Wormkit, Slightblaze, Sleekecho, Shiveringfur, Bigkit (daughters), Halfkit, Fogscar, Hollyhockpaw, Partridgescar, Nightingalelarch, Raccoonstripe, Havenspore, Marigoldbadger, Featherlaurel (kits)
Other Relations: Batneedle (mentor), Nightingalelarch (apprentice)
Clan: AbyssClan
Rank: mediator
Characteristics: ambitious, formidable fighter, dog-whisperer
Murder Motive: why not?
Number of Victims: 21
Number of Murders: 21
Murder Method: varies, not picky
Known Victims: Mudtalon, Icecubeshade, Brightshade, Amaya, Bramblestripe, Dazzletail, Budpaw, Procyon, Lupinecloud, Basspaw, Huntermallow, Midgegrowl, Fishleaf, Havenspore, Nectarjumble, Fleckshine, Racoonstripe, Camouflage, Ashenchirp, Shiveringfur, Gardeniasong
Victim Profile: cats who were there
Cause of Death: prion disease sent by Blacksnow
Cautionary Tale: curiosity doesn't just kill you
Graystar hissed at his mate, tears in his eyes. For a contrast, Hollowhusk gave him a blank, smiling stare, uncaring of the discovery the Clan had made.
"You deceitful roach! How dare you.... Your own Clanmates, your own kits! I loved you..."
Hollowhusk shrugged. "Why not? It was easy."
"Fox-heart! Do you even care?"
"Yeah, of course. I stayed with you. It's not like I targeted my own kits, they were just there."
"Get out." Greystar said, fighting back his tears. "I will count to five. You have that long."
With a grin at the nursery, Hollowhusk bolted.
With a cruel smile, a black and white tom dug his claws into Hollowhusk's skull. Mocking Hollowhusk, Blacksnow laughed. "Why not? Isn't that what you said? You deserve this."
Additional Information:
--Submission by @frightnightindustries
--Blacksnow was upset that Hollowhusk was mean about killing his own kits, and AbyssClan is the closest thing WhistleClan has to a 'neighboring' Clan.
--Starting a lineage of just killers, with Hollowhusk, named after Hollowheart!
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cloverpurr · 2 years
ive decided to start up a new clan in clangen and document every 12 moons in a reblog (if that makes sense. so in this post ill just write down basic clan info and in the next reblog ill document the first 12 moons, then in another reblog ill do the next 12 moons, etc etc) so introducing : brackenclan!
our leader is sunstar, a 154 moon old short-furred ginger tortie she-cat who is childish and has a strong connection to starclan
our deputy is downdusk, a 110 moon old short-furred cream smoke and white she-cat who is strict and an excellent speaker
our medicine cat is riverwhisker, a 97 moon old short-furred light brown classic tabby tom who is wise and an excellent speaker
and our warriors are :
curlydaisy (102 moon old medium-furred ghost and white tom, faithful, fantastic teacher)
dapplewhisker (33 moon old medium-furred gray speckled tom, thoughtful, good teacher)
dawnfang (21 moon old medium-furred dark gray with a dorsal stripe she-cat, playful, good speaker)
lionnoise (14 moon old long-furred pale ginger tabby she-cat, adventurous, fantastic hunter)
needlepaw (11 moon old long-furred black speckled tom, cold, who's mentor is dawnfang)
oatpaw (10 moon old short-furred black rosetted she-cat, altruistic, who's mentor is sunstar)
and finally, basspaw (8 moon old long-furred ghost rosetted and white she-cat, righteous, who's mentor is dapplewhisker)
so ill reblog this in a minute with the events that happen each moon, the next reblog will b covering the first 12 moons of brackenclan :)
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Shoreclan moon 200-250!
Moon 201:
- Clearstar got head damage
Moon 202:
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze had a kitten! Tremblekit
- Goosegale is expecting
Moon 204:
- Goosegale had 4 kits! Applekit, Conekit, Fuzzykit and Shinekit
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 206:
- Graythrush retires
- Riverpaw becomes Riverswipe
- Basspaw becomes Bassdusk
- Berrypaw becomes Berryflood
- Hermitkit becomes Hermitpaw and is apprenticed to Riverswipe
- Galekit becomes Galepaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Egretstripe had a kit- Whimsykit
- Lowstep is lost
- Hollypaw and Harepaw- mad about not becoming warriors, accidentally worsen relations with Spruceclan
- Clawrush wants to murder Seedhaze and thinks about it on patrol????
Moon 207:
- Harepaw becomes Hareshade
- Berryflood went missing and died
Moon 208:
- Hareshade has been lost
- Bitternwhisker retires
- Hollypaw becomes Hollyfire
- Tremblekit becomes Tremblepaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 210:
- Melba died
- Robinpaw becomes Robinface
- Applekit becomes Applepaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade due to interest in herbs
- Fuzzykit becomes Fuzzypaw and is apprenticed to Goosegale
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Lowocean
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Blotchbillow, Mistlehaze and Clearstar are ambushed and killed by rogues
Moon 211
- Hollypelt becomes Hollystar and recieves a life from Umbertalon, Mistlehaze, Crestedflare, Runnel, Yellowwillow, Elderhare, Stormpearl, Hailweb and one of the Yellowstars (IDK which one)
- Applepaw died
- Bassdusk, Ripplepetal, and Galepaw have been lost
Moon 212:
- Hermitpaw becomes Hermitfeather
- Riverswipe becomes deputy
- Whimsykit becomes Whimsypaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Nectarpurr is expecting
Moon 214:
- Graythrush is expecting!
- Nectarpurr had three kits! Greenkit, Sorrelkit, and Stonekit
Moon 215:
- Grousekit, Tidekit, Stonekit and Swarmkit join the clan and are adopted by Goosegale
- Nectarpurr steps up and adopts the litter
Moon 216:
- Tremblepaw becomes Trembleclaw
- Graythrush and Duckstalk had a kitten- Comphreykit
Moon 217:
- Fuzzypaw becomes Fuzzybreeze
- Seedhaze and Lowocean died in a flood
Moon 218:
- Whimsypaw becomes Whimsystripe
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 219:
- Duckstalk retires
- Conepaw becomes Conenoise
- Grousekit becomes Grousepaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Tidekit becomes Tidepaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Swarmkit becomes Swarmpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Woodkit joins the clan
Moon 220:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineshimmer
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is apprenticed to Hollyfire
- Sorrelkit becomes Sorrelpaw and is apprenticed to Whimsystripe
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Shineshimmer
- Egretstripe had four kits- Finkit, Jaggedkit, Pelicankit and Brackenkit
- Shineshimmer and Swarmpaw have been lost
Moon 222:
- Comphreykit becomes Comphreypaw and is apprenticed to Robinface
- Woodkit becomes Woodpaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 224:
- Comphreypaw is nonbinary!
- Hollystar lost a life in a flood
Moon 226:
- Grousepaw becomes Grouseshine
- Tidepaw becomes Tidetooth
- Stonepaw becomes Stonenudge
- The other Stonepaw died
- Finkit becomes Finpaw and is apprenticed to Hollystar
- Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Pelicankit becomes Pelicanpaw and is apprenticed to Tidetooth
- Brackenkit becomes Brackenpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
Moon 228:
- Greenpaw becomes Greentail
- Comphreypaw is blinded by a hare
Moon 229:
- Woodpaw becomes Woodbloom
- Rippleeagle died of yellowcough
Moon 230:
- Silverfoot is expecting!
- Bitternwhisker died
- Sorrelpaw becomes Sorrelsprout
- Hermitfeather and Stonenudge died in a rogue ambush
Moon 231:
- Comphreypaw becomes Comphreywhisker
- Finpaw becomes Findapple
- Riverswipe died
Moon 232:
- Robinface becomes deputy
- Pelicanpaw becomes Pelicantail
- Silverfoot and Hollystar had a kitten! Gullkit
- Robinface has been lost
Moon 233:
- Brackenpaw becomes Brackenspot
- Hollyfire becomes deputy!
- Lokiwind joins the clan
Moon 234
- Clawrush brings a litter of kits back to camp: Coastkit and Leopardkit
- Jaggedpaw and Pelicantail go missing in the night
Moon 235:
- Tawnyburr joins the clan
Moon 238:
- Gullkit becomes Gullpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Findapple, Whimsystripe, Gullpaw, and Frosttooth get poisoned
- Hollystar issues a ban on hunting sick rabbits
- Tidetooth, Greentail, and Nectarpurr die in a flood
Moon 240:
- Coastkit becomes Coastpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Leopardkit becomes Leopardpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplebriar as med cat
Moon 241:
- Lokiwind died
- Leopardpaw got swarmed by bees (great job, genius)
Moon 242:
- Hollyfire died???
- Conenoise is promoted to deputy
Moon 244:
- Findapple died of redcough
Moon 245:
- Thrushpelt joins the clan
Moon 246:
- Coastpaw becomes Costshimmer
- Thrushpelt is expecting!
Moon 247:
- Gullpaw becomes Gulltail
Moon 248:
- Silverfoot and Comphreywhisker are both expecting!
- Thrushpelt had three kits! Crabkit, Ripplekit, and Pondkit
- Sorrelsprout drowned
Moon 249:
- Duckstalk died of snakebite
- Leopardpaw becomes Leopardsnow
- Clawrush died of sea monster
- Conenoise lost some hearing
Moon 250
- Hollystar and Silverfoot have three kits! Rookkit, Wingkit, and Slugkit
- Comphreywhisker had 4 kits! Blizzardkit, Mitekit, Willowkit and Riftkit
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors, @basil-writes-legends-of-tomorrow
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floodclanblog · 1 year
Moons 28-30
Moon Twenty Eight-
-Tumblefreckle has moved into the nursery in preparation for her soon to arrive litter.
-Crowtide was bit by a snake but is fine??? like okay dumbass
-Runnelkit has been named Runnelpaw and has been made an apprentice to Bitteriris, and Basskit has now been named Basspaw and made an apprentice to Anemonecrawl.
-Craneleaf encountered the spirit of a familiar cat while gathering herbs and so they sat and talked for a while.
Moon Twenty Nine-
-Tumblefreckle has given birth to three healthy kits!
-Hornetpelt's tail has been seriously injured by a dog attack.
-One moon since the snake bite Crowtide has passed away from the venomous injury. In death she has joined her mother Elmleap and her brother Downyback in starclan.
-Wrenleaf was hit hard by Crowtide's death. Numbness washes over him as he hears the news of the death of his sister. He can't imagine walking this earth without his sister to walk with him. As the days go by Wrenleaf finds himself growing angrier and withdrawn. To him it seems like everyone else is just moving on from Crowtide's death.
-Zambia has brought a litter of four kits back to the camp and refuses to talk about where they came from.
-Runnelpaw has gotten whitecough.
Moon Thirty!-
-Bugripple's claw wound healed, but will leave a scar.
-Flintpaw has been made a warrior and Chestnutstar has named him Flintbadger
-Thankfully Runnelpaw was able to recover from whitecough.
-Wisteria was found dead near the boarder?!?!?!?!? What the fuck?!?!?
-Raggedblaze, one of the cats that had been found injured near the thunderpath, has recovered from her injuries.
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1234567ttttttttttt · 22 days
Odyssey - BassPaws
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Mid Winter
"You have not been with us long, but you have proven yourself a loyal cat and skilled warrior. Sorrelpaw, from this day on you shall be known as Sorrelfur. We celebrate your skill and tenacity, and we welcome you as a full member of ButterflyClan."
Sorrelfur raised her head proudly. She had done it- she had proved herself a true member of the Clan, worthy of being here. No one could deny her her place. She belonged.
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Shellpaw was feeling stressed. He could not properly express how stressed he was feeling.
Skyrumble's and Pondfang's tail wounds had become infected. Podpaw had caught whitecough, and Acornpool and Basspaw had caught yellowcough. Lynxfur had gone out for too long and came back with frostbite. Mintswirl and Shellpaw were up at all hours of the night, soothing coughs and pains and anything else they could manage. They were running low on supplies, and newleaf was a whole moon away.
Shellpaw had asked Mintswirl if leafbare was always like this, and they had only shrugged and said that these sorts of things tended to come and go in waves.
Shellpaw just... really, really, really needed a break.
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Gingerfleck blinked in surprise and the grey tom in front of him blinked back.
"Oh!" The tom said finally, dropping the mouse he'd been holding. "I'm sorry, is this your territory?"
"Ah- yes, it is."
"I hadn't realized. That's my bad! I was just looking for food for my kits, I hadn't realized I'd crossed into anyone's place."
"You have kits?" Gingerfleck asked, surprised. The tom looked quite young- barely older than Gingerfleck himself.
"Yes! Jay and Dove, they're the lights of my life. Their mother didn't survive their kitting, I'm afraid, but..." the tom trailed off, a shadow of sadness crossing his face before he shook it off. "Well, they seem alright without her!"
"My Clan has a warm place for your kits," Gingerfleck hedged. "We don't have a lot of food, but you seem like a good hunter. I'm sure if you're willing to help out, we could figure something out..?"
"That's... a very kind offer," the tom stuttered, eyes wide. "I... I would like that, please. Thank you."
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 520
Season: Greenleaf
Overarching Events
Not enough healthy medicine cats!
Perchpaw was so busy helping another cat they were nearly late for their own warrior ceremony, They rush to sit down, and Starlingstar gazes proudly down at them as they name them Perchspot after their emotional maturity
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Starlingstar stands above the Clan and proclaims that Basspaw shall now be known as Bassfoot, honoring their adaptability
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Starlingstar rests their muzzle on Mistglint's head and declares them to be a full warrior of PikaClan, honoring their dignity
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Quivershine gives hollowpaw a friendly nudge when the leader calls the young cat's name. They watch with pride as Hollowpaw steps forward to receive their new name, Hollowminnow, and are honored for their warmth
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Rumors reach your Clan that the exiled Lichengorse of SplinterClan died recently
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Whistlequiver saved a kit from a snake, but was bitten in the process. The venom killed them
Pigeondart wails when they see the body of Whistlequiver and is grief stricken Highstripe and Seedthrift grieve but are not stricken
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Blotchjay has been impatient for the end of Snipgorse's pregnancy, and when they hear Snipgorse has gone into labor, they drop what they're doing and sprint for the nursery, where Snipgorse is bringing a litter of 3 kits into the world
Mintkit (male), Longkit (male), and Flutterkit (female) are born!
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Mako was trying to fluff up their nest when they saw a thorn inside their bedding. Another prank, but it could not fool them!
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Hollowminnow was seen talking calmly to a loner, before both cats went their separate ways
Shiningpaw and Midgepaw were practicing climbing when they found a nest of strange eggs
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Raccoonrock announced they are expecting kits but does not move into the nursery yet Starlingstar's shivers stopped Quivershine's grief lessened Cinderrip's sprain healed Kestreldapple's running nose stopped Blotchjay's shock abated Cloudbeam jolts awake and imediately leaves the den to clear their head, hoping some fresh air will help them cope with the sadness and memories Pondseeker's bee sting healed Mistpaw's shock abated Ashenkit got fleas
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Your patrol moves towards the sound of barking and sees a dog chasing a cat! They rescue the cat but find they are still running. The patrol met Frostyshatter.
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victory-ocs · 4 months
snuggle with cometstar and foxflower!
It's a chilly leafbare night, and the apprentice's den doesn't offer much protection. Their nests are threadbare as it is, and all of the comfortable material goes to the nursery and the elder's den. Which is fair, Foxpaw thinks to herself, but it doesn't stop the fact that she's shivering.
Some of the other young cats are cuddled up together, sharing their warmth... But no one's with Basspaw, she notes. The black and white tom was curled into a ball, his paws over his nose... But yet, he was shivering, too.
Foxpaw stood up, shaking herself and puffing up her fur, before bounding over to Basspaw's nest (and, maybe, making sure to step on the tails and ears of some of the other apprentices, on her way past) and laying down next to him.
She places her head on his back, purring gently as he raises his head to look at her.
"Didn't take you for the cuddling type, Foxpaw."
" 'm not. Just stealing your warm."
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welcome-to-meadowclan · 2 months
Moon 1.1
New Friends
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(Putting this here bc I don't feel like drawing cats right now LOL)
The days that followed were uneventful for a while. Flaxvalley, Burrowspeckle and I kept training Nectarpaw, Basspaw and Boragepaw until it was almost time for Nectarpaw to visit the Falling Stars and receive his warrior name.
"Spotspeckle said that creatures that walked on two legs used to live there," Basspaw said, her fluffy tail gesturing towards the towers.
A series of massive rectangles that jutted out of the ground in eerily straight lines. They were coated in moss and holes, Nectarpaw wondered how MossClan could make a living out there- though this set was uninhabited by the Clans, MossClan lived farther from the Snowfalls.
Nectarpaw rolled his eyes, "If they did l, it was before Spotspeckle was born, and that was ages ago."  He said. "How would they still be there?"
"Sshh!" Flaxvalley hissed. The apprentices froze in place as the deputy continued "Do you hear that?" 
"Cress, don't do that! We'll be there soon." A cat said.
Flaxvalley and Basspaw's hackles raised, and Nectarpaw unsheathed his claws, crouching down and preparing to pounce.
Four cats turned out of a gap in the towers, and Nectarpaw's eyes widened- Those were kits, maybe as old as Onekit.
Flaxvalley straightened, Basspaw still seemed cautious.
The cat was fluffy, a creamy colour none of the kits seemed to share. He had golden eyes that looked over the Clan cats with a cold glint.
"Is this JackdawClan?" The stranger asked, wrapping a tail around one of their kits, who clung to their parent. They were a similar golden hue to Boragepaw, with pale green eyes.
"No, this is MeadowClan. JackdawClan lives over there." Flaxvalley said, gesturing towards the dying wood JackdawClan lived in with his tail.
"Good." The stranger said, suddenly relaxing considerably. "My name is Hill, these are my kits." He tilted his head towards the kit clinging to his side, "This is Grouse," He flicked his tail towards another kit, this one ginger with blue eyes. "And that's- Cress get back here!" The kit mewed an apology as he walked back towards Hill, his fur was a darker shade of ginger, a stripe ran from his head down his tail,  golden eyes matching his fathers.
"We were looking for other cats to live with," Kestrel added, a sense of finality lingering as he finished.
"The Clan could always use extra paws," Flaxvalley said. "But this also means more mouths to feed."
"They'll be of age for training in a season." Kestrel added. "Or, we could look for another Clan."
"Flaxvalley," Basspaw interjected. "We can't just leave them alone out there."
Flaxvalley gave Basspaw a look. "You're right. You can come with us back to camp, but it's up to Fuzzystar whether you can stay."
"Thank you, Flaxvalley" Hill said, dipping his head in respect.
Nectarpaw found himself drifting to the back of the patrol as Flaxvalley started telling Grouse and Cress about Clan life, with Buzzard reveling in Basspaw's questions about the life they were leaving behind. He glanced towards the JackdawClan border resentfully as the suddenly large group started to walk back to the MeadowClan camp.
When they made it back to camp, Flaxvalley went to find Fuzzystar, while Basspaw excitedly found Spotspeckle, the pair of them working to help Hill and his kits settle in. Nectarpaw looked towards the medicine cat's den, only to see  Burrowspeckle talking with Boragepaw as he left. 
He settled himself on a rock near the medicine cat's den, the snow was mostly gone by now but the frost still chilled the ground. From there, he watched the commotion around him. Fuzzystar joined the others in the nursery, and Flaxvalley spoke with the medicine cats briefly before joining Fuzzystar in the nursery. The pair joined Nectarpaw on his rock.
"Hiya Nectarpaw!" Boragepaw said, walking in a circle around Nectarpaw before sitting down.
"Boragepaw," Nectarpaw said cordially. "Flaxvalley said the new cats are staying, we were just about to head out and look for catmint, but he said to stay."
"We found them by the towers near the JackdawClan border." Nectarpaw said. "Flaxvalley and Basspaw were quite taken by the kits."
"That sounds like them!" Boragepaw said amusedly, "How old are they?" He asked.
"Around 3 moons, the new guy, Hill, said they'd be ready for training in a season."
"Maybe you'll mentor one of them," Boragepaw said, to which Nectarpaw rolled his eyes "I'm serious!" He continued "There's four kits and and after you're a warrior, we'll be up to, what four?"
"Basspaw will be a warrior by then too." Nectarpaw added.
"Yeah, barely!" Boragepaw said. "I guess you'll be next in line for deputy." 
Nectarpaw scoffed but didn't argue. It was true that Flaxvalley was getting old.
Fuzzystar then came out of the nursery, with Flaxvalley, Basspaw and Hill following her. She made her way up the Flowertree, a practiced motion though she paused at Flaxvalley's place on a lower branch. The tree was yet to bloom, that would likely take place during the Bloom next moon.
"Cats of MeadowClan!"  Fuzzystar called as Flaxvalley made his way up the tree and Basspaw moved to sit with the other apprentices. "This cat has chosen to become a permanent resident in our Clan, and abide by the Clan's rules and traditions."
Nectarpaw was ready to tune out the meeting when Fuzzystar continued, "He will be given his warrior name alongside Nectarpaw, who will travel to the Falling Stars to earn his warrior name!"
Nectarpaw looked up at his leader and mentor, wide eyed. Boragepaw nudged him, Basspaw had a smile on her face.
"Do you believe you are ready for this quest?" Fuzzystar said, voice wavering slightly.
 Nectarpaw stood, stepping forward. "I do," He said.
"Then tomorrow you shall travel towards MossClan territory, following the river from StarClan's hunting grounds to find the Falling Stars. May StarClan grant you luck."
She then hopped down from her place on the Flowertree, Flaxvalley quickly following suit.
"Good luck Nectarpaw!" Boragepaw said excitedly as Burrowspeckle started making his way out of camp, Boragepaw quickly running off to catch up with his mentor.
"You'd better get some sleep" Basspaw said.
Nectarpaw didn't think he could fall asleep now, anticipation eating at him quickly.
I knew he'd do well on his journey. He was my apprentice after all. Sometimes I wished he had the opportunity to have any mentor other than me.
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Mistpaw awoke on the day of her warrior ceremony with a painful lump of dread lodged in her throat.
The sharp smell of newleaf bedding filled the apprentice den, mixed with the fear scent of the other sleeping apprentices.
Mistpaw sighed as she looked at the warriors already gathered below the Speaking tree.
Duststar was watching her already, and Mistpaw sighed before waking the other apprentices.
Mosspaw and Bubblingpaw were already waking up, trembling and avoiding eye contact with her, as though that would save them from a horrible fate.
Beetlepad poked his head in.
“Get up.” He growled. Despite only being four moons older than Mistpaw, he had the air of a much older warrior.
Mistpaw obeyed, ignoring Basspaw’s mew of protest as he was jostled.
If there was even the slightest hint of weakness, then she would be killed.
She walked out, half-tail twitching nervously.
Her mother-Shadepelt, watched her coldly.
Mistpaw looked down at the feathers laid at the bottom of the speaking tree by Turtleheart’s paws. She stifled a gulp as the medicine cat drew a circle around the feathers, eyes fixed on the items.
The gathered warriors were silent as Duststar spoke.
“Mistpaw. You have survived the Trials, and, as such, we must give you a name to honor your perseverance.” Turtleheart nodded and grinned, showing old yellowed teeth. “However, there is one more trial you must pass.”
The trial of Feathers. Mistpaw had seen it happen before, but the gravity of what was about to happen.
Turtleheart stood slowly, summoning the other healers- Quickyowl and Ganderpelt- to stand beside the circle.
Quickyowl stared at her, then- without breaking eye contact- he reached out and snagged a feather, pulling it towards him. Turtleheart nodded, still smiling.
“An owl feather. Good hunting will follow you wherever you go.”
Ganderpelt nodded approvingly, then turned to stare, moving slower, but grabbing a feather as well.
“A peacock. You strive to be known.” Turtleheart licked his forepaw. “Not a good omen. You can be blinded by hidden dangers and your own vanity.”
Then, moving deliberately, desperately, slowly, Turtleheart reached into the circle, and snagged a third feather.
Duststar spoke.
“Golden eagle. You will be ambitious. You pass. I now dub you.. Miststem.”
The new name was chanted quietly among the warriors, and Miststem took her place among them.
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moonmoonstarstar · 2 years
1st moon
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the leader getting scolded by the deputy lmao. and basspaw being a menace
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rawrrior-cats · 3 years
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Ancient OC, fresh coat of paint (she/her)
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