#follower appreciation post
i wanna do a little shoutout.
shoutout to my shifter followers who don’t really interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my shifter followers who don’t really interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my shifter followers who interact A LOT.
shoutout to my shifter friends who interact only a little bit, but are still my friends.
shoutout to my shifter friends who interact A LOT.
shoutout to the shifter babies who followed me, because they want a safe place to learn more about shifting.
shoutout to those who are still learning about shifting and followed me to do so.
shoutout to the friends who came from my other blog and are now interested in shifting and asking questions about it. ( @lemmmmmboy you peeps in particular :] )
shoutout to the friends who came from my other blog and are following and interacting with me on this, because i’m not on the other one as much. (thanks for not abandoning me or giving up on interacting with me.)
shoutout to traumagenic systems who follow me, even though i don’t see as much of y’all or post anything about traumagenic systems ever as a singlet.
shoutout to endogenic systems who follow me, even though i don’t see as much of y’all either or post anything about endogenic systems ever as a singlet.
shoutout to systems with mixed origins who follow me, even though i don’t see as much of y’all either or post anything about systems with mixed origins ever as a singlet.
shoutout to my mentally ill followers who follow me because i’m mentally ill too.
shoutout to my mentally ill followers who follow me without knowing i’m mentally ill too.
shoutout to my mentally ill followers who i don’t see much of or interact with that much.
shoutout to my mentally ill followers who i interact with a lot and see a lot of.
shoutout to my traumatized followers who follow me because i’m traumatized too.
shoutout to my traumatized followers who follow me without knowing i’m traumatized too.
shoutout to my traumatized followers who i don’t see much of or interact with that much.
shoutout to my traumatized followers who i interact with a lot and see a lot of.
shoutout to my neurodivergent followers who follow me because i’m neurodivergent too.
shoutout to my neurodivergent followers who follow me without knowing i’m neurodivergent too.
shoutout to my neurodivergent followers who i don’t see much of or interact with that much.
shoutout to my neurodivergent followers who i interact with a lot and see a lot of.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who follow me because i’m a safe place for them.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for them.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who don’t really interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who don’t really interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who don’t interact with me, because my posts don’t often include them.
shoutout to my followers with personality disorders who interact with me a bit.
shoutout to my otherkin followers who follow me, because i’m a safe place for otherkins.
shoutout to my otherkin followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for otherkins.
shoutout to my otherkin followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my otherkin followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my otherkin followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my therian followers who follow me, because i’m a safe place for therians.
shoutout to my therian followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for therians.
shoutout to my therian followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my therian followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my therian followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my alterhuman followers who follow me, because i’m an alterhuman too.
shoutout to my alterhuman followers who follow me without knowing i’m an alterhuman as well.
shoutout to my alterhuman followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my alterhuman followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my alterhuman followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my queer followers who follow me, because i’m queer too.
shoutout to my queer followers who follow me without knowing i’m queer too.
shoutout to my queer followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my queer followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my queer followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my queer followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my furry followers who follow me, because they know i’m a safe place for furries.
shoutout to my furry followers who follow me without knowing that i’m a safe place for furries.
shoutout to my furry followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my furry followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my furry followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my furry followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who follow me, because they know i’m a safe place for age-regressors.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for age-regressors.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see much of me.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my age-regressor followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my age-regressor friends who i interact with quite a lot.
shoutout to my age-regressor friends who don’t interact with me as much, but still are my friends.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who follow me, because they know i’m a safe place for pet-regressors.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for pet-regressors.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see much of me.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my pet-regressor followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my pet-regressor friends who i interact with quite a lot.
shoutout to my pet-regressor friends who don’t interact with me as much, but still are my friends.
shoutout to my POC followers who follow me, because i’m a safe place for POC.
shoutout to my POC followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for POC.
shoutout to my POC followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see much of me.
shoutout to my POC followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my POC followers interact with me some.
shoutout to my POC followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my POC friends who i interact with a quite lot.
shoutout to my POC friends who don’t interact with me as much, but still are friends.
shoutout to my disabled followers who follow me, because i’m a safe place for the disabled.
shoutout to my disabled followers who follow me without knowing i’m a safe place for the disabled.
shoutout to my disabled followers who don’t interact with me, because they don’t see me much.
shoutout to my disabled followers who don’t interact with me, because they’re too shy to.
shoutout to my disabled followers who interact with me some.
shoutout to my disabled followers who interact with me loads.
shoutout to my disabled friends who interact with me quite a lot.
shoutout to my disabled friends who don’t interacts with me as much, but still are my friends.
shoutout to the rest of my followers.
i love and appreciate all of you peeps and creatures so so much. you are all so amazing and incredible, and i will always support and care about you all, even those i will never personally know very well. you peeps can always come to me for anything, and i’m proud of each and every one of you. 🤍
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margo-mania · 1 month
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This is a post that’s not about animals, but instead about what this blog has brought into my life. Because I want to say thanks.
If you’ve been around since the beginning, you’ll know that this space is where I first learned to fact-check, and where I fell headfirst in love with doing it.
In the earliest WADTT posts, I repeated a lot of common wisdom and things I’d been told from single highly visible sources. I was fresh out of college and fell into the trap of feeling like an expert based on a discrete set of experiences. It was you, the blog readers, who pushed me to ask “why?” when I was told something was true, and question the sourcing for everything. As the blog grew, so did the depth and breadth of what I fact-checked, and the lengths I’d go to find an answer. My independent projects grew out of that, such as the cat data paper and the legislative analyses. But there’s more than came of it…
That’s all a long-winded way of leading up to saying that, because of this space, I work as a professional fact-checker now! WADTT was not just what sparked my passion for fact-checking, but also my first work experience. It is what got the first company I contracted with to take a chance on me - they actually knew of the blog!
I work mostly on science videos and articles, and recently, I’ve branched out into fact-checking non-fiction book manuscripts. (Did you know that most non-fiction books are less rigorously checked for accuracy than magazine articles?) It’s one of my favorite things to do with my time, and it is still incredible to me that it’s a real adult job and I get to do it.
I’m posting about it today because I want to brag, just a little, about this incredibly sweet article that was written by one of the authors whose manuscript I worked on this spring. She told me she was writing an article about the experience of fact-checking from an author’s perspective - I had no idea her praise would be this effusive. It’s so validating: I started here on Tumblr, with you, working to correct misconceptions about animal content, and now I get to fact-check things for a job and professional people value me as a fellow actual professional. Insert internal screaming here.
So yeah. This is a thing I get to do because of this space and the support and enthusiasm about it from everyone over the years. It’s amazing.
(Also! The book discussed in this article, The Possibility of Life, is amazing and I highly recommend you check it out when it’s published next year. It’s a look at about how we imagine alien life in science and in fiction, and what we can learn from comparing the two.)
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pan-perv-switch · 1 year
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4 days ago I asked about posting a hand reveal when I passed 400 folowers. A little late, and now over 700 of you are following me! Thank you one and all!
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Just a little thank you post to the folks following this blog and engaging with my stories (and the other stuff I make).
There are rather a lot of you now, and I’m sure some of that count are probably bots, but thank you for being cool and chill and fun, and for making a lil writer like me feel safe and supported in my creativity.
You make me want to keep creating, and I just think that’s super neat.
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patchwork-crow-writes · 4 months
As Valentine's Day recedes from us for yet another year, I'd like to take some time to show appreciation for everyone here who takes the time to read some of the inane things I write on here, and maybe even likes, reblogs or comments some of that stuff.
Appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for being here <3
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Preview Events!
Alright, gang, two things are going to happen fairly soon: I'll hit 1,000 followers AND celebrate 1 year on Tumblr 🎉
In honor of these milestones, I've decided on two things: Sharing and Caring, of course!!!
For March, we'll have 'Something Old' to finish out my noob phase here. I'll have more details when the time comes, but it's basically a reading/reblogging fest of things you all have previously written and posted that didn't get the response you'd hoped for. It's time to bring it back out into the light, dearies!
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Send me your niche faves or comfort fics (either written by you or others), and I will comment and reblog as many as I can! (Specifics to come but keep in mind restrictions of length, what my audience reads, etc.
For April, it's time for 'Something New' to start (my) next year off right! These will again be things you write and want loved on 💚💜, but officially, I have not decided on a prompt or list, so stayed tuned.
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You can start sending me links now by ask or DM!
Happy reading and writing, everyone!
Special shoutout to the ninja-magnificent @darsynia for these stunning graphics. You'll be seeing them again soon... 😉
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anannua · 2 years
Thanks for 1700 guys
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marisatomay · 8 months
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shann-on · 1 year
2023 WOTY + 1 Year Blog Anniversary
Photo by rüveyda Happy New Year, everyone! 🙂 I’m a little late in writing this blog post, as it’s about halfway through January, but I thought that I’d still share my new WOTY (word of the year) with you. But before that… Thank you for being a reader of mine, and continuing to be subscribed to my blog! ❤ On the 1st of January, 2022, I started my blog here on WordPress. I had no idea what I…
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View On WordPress
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probablyjustamagpie · 2 years
In a new moment of mother daughter bonding my mom and I just broke into the empty apartment next door. In our defense the door was unlocked and all the lights were on and we know for a fact they don’t live there anymore but. I picked the lock to the master bedroom and
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it’s. it’s certainly a location
[id: a photograph of a toilet that has been detached from the floor and is now sitting in the bathtub. The toilet tank cover has been taken off is laying sideways on top of the tank.]
@levymcgarden42 thanks for the description!
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shima-draws · 6 months
Hey. Hey you know what would be cool and fun. First post of 2024. 1000 notes. We can do it. Yeah? Yeah??
Take a picture of my dog as an incentive
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caffichai · 9 months
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Thank you all so much for over 2750 followers!!
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 year
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ive exclusively been playing it by ear with the makeup (no tutorials or anything) and i somehow always end up looking like a secretary kind of so ive been practicing looking exasperated while wearing makeup cuz i figure i gotta work with what im given ya know
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patchwork-crow-writes · 4 months
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Whaaaaat?! Three followers from a triple-digit follower count? When did this happen?!
...guys, I'm shocked, genuinely. Speechless.
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