#football coverage
go6jo · 1 month
rin will hastily tag along with you when you tell him you’re shopping for swimwear that afternoon and while you’re skimming through the racks of clothing you loose sight of him for a bit and you think he must have decided to sit down to let you wander around freely but then he returns with a pile of all different kinds of bathing suits in his hands telling you a bit bashfully that he thought those would look good on you. (you’re a little surprised when you notice they’re all the skimpiest two pieces you’ve ever seen btw… it swells your ego that he wants to see you wearing those, that he wants to show you off… also i think hes particularly keen on those bikinis that you have to tie together. he absolutely loves it when you ask him to help you tie the back of your top also thinks they’re a bit risqué and it makes him a little crazy… is constantly playing with the strings of your bottoms that look so good digging into your thighs…) goes inside the fitting room with you to help you tie the bikini tops and kisses your shoulder before standing behind you with his hands on your waist and you’re trying very hard to suppress a smuggish smile from showing because he’s staring so intensily and he’s so tense, his hands are digging at your waist and it’s kinda amusing “so?”
“look so fucking good.” it's so characteristically blunt and you chuckle softly because he’s said that about all the bikini sets you’ve tried on so far. and he means it. you tell him to help you pick one but he's sooo far gone and he feels a little guilty because he's not being much of a help but he's only thinking about hurrying back home where you'll model your new purchase for him like you always do (a way to show him your gratitude, you say, for spending his money on you yet again. he thinks it’s a fair exchange.) he'll close his eyes as per your request as you walk out of the en-suite bathroom of your shared room - doesn't matter he bought it for you, that he's seen you in it and that he's been thinking of you in it ever since. he's thinking of beckoning you closer to him sitting in bed and kissing your exposed tummy. you'll smile, knowingly, because you know how he gets, because you’re all too aware of what he wants yet is too reluctant to put into words, when he begins to play with the strings of your bottoms, his face still buried in the plush of your stomach - a bit too embarrassed to let you in on his desire, scared that it is too flagrant on his features. he feels his greed might be inadequate. you'll smile and guide his hands to your waist, it's okay, you can touch me, and he will trail his hands up your spine and strip you slowly, starting at the knot on your back, followed by the knot on your neck and then the ones on each side of your hips...
he's rushing out of the fitting room with the pile of different bikini sets you couldnt choose from and goes straight to the register to pay for all three of them despite your protests that three new sets is excessive and completely unecessary.
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goonersaurus · 1 year
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(´。• ω •。`)
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suispiria · 1 year
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the locks of hair . The locks of hair.
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sortanonymous · 16 days
McVay literally just tried to out-Campbell Campbell and it blew up in his face lol!
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zingaplanet · 2 years
So here's a recap of what happened so far at the pundit world cup:
Roy was caught going shopping with Wrighty (THEY WERE PLAYING MINI MALL FOOTBALL. I REPEAT: MINI MALL FOOTBALL). You couldn't tell if it's more traumatizing for the people of Qatar or for Roy.
Gary's still eating weetabix and going to the gym every morning. Him and Wrighty apparently also made Roy pay for their weetabix and yoghurt but his golden credit card was declined at the till in Doha ("it's past my 50 quid daily allowance") he had to text his wife Theresa to up his daily allowance LOL
The pundits have created a real-life multiverse of madness: The BBC-ITV cross pundit matches. Micah get put in goal, Roy threw himself back to 1998 and scored an off-the-ground goal. Celebrations were had, shirts were thrown off, grown middle-aged men were making sandwich piles, chaosness was ensued.
The sky team (Keano, Nev, Micah) dragged the other british pundits to a night out last week where Keano was said to teach G Nev how to "dance with his hips" 🥲💀
Roy Keane did a Roy Keane for a couple days in the qualifier cos he's Roy Keane and entitled to do some Roy Keane-ing
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There is some bad news tho, this world cup has not been great for the spouses left behind and many have been seen roaming round in public desperate, like wild animals deprived of their mating cycles. PDAs have been through the roofs and it's not even christmas yet:
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unlimitedsupplies · 9 days
There was apparently a possible 2nd Trump assassination attempt and although I have had the TV on a network station all day it has been to watch football, and apparently 3/4 of the major networks (cbs, nbc, fox) did not think this was important enough to interrupt America's Sports Day. Extreme "but did he die though" energy
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keepthedelta · 8 months
everybody needs to stop doing nico rosberg helmet cosplay and paint their fucking cars
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okay so i watched parts of the superbowl and i just want to say how odd the tiktokification of everything is. like i heard the announcers saying shit like "algorithm buggin" and "locked in" more times than i can count on my fingers and toes
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thighlerseguin · 1 year
So I've been reading Saad's tweets regarding his pivot to C*wb*ys coverage, and it looks like it ultimately means he will do less Stars game recaps but more analysis.
His response to this whole situation though:
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world-of-stone · 2 years
It is Day 2 after the first ever ski flying competition for the women - and again, not a single word about it in the local news paper. (And this is not a little local rag, might I add, it's the biggest regional/local paper in Germany, belonging to a media group that owns 12 other papers which share most of their non-regional content)
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kin922 · 2 years
Best romantic love songs from the 90s "(Everything I Do) I Do It for Yo...
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ilikeyoshi · 2 years
wish i hadn't been too frazzle brained to put the sources in that post beforehand but, well, hopefully anyone who needs them will click through to the edited post.
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frauenfootball · 2 years
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 2 months
if I've learned anything from grad school it's to check your sources, and this has proven invaluable in the dozens of instances when I've had an MBA-type try to tell me something about finances or leadership. Case in point:
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Firefox serves me clickbaity articles through Pocket, which is fine because I like Firefox. But sometimes an article makes me curious. I'm pretty anal about my finances, and I wondered if this article was, as I suspected, total horseshit, or could potentially benefit me and help me get my spending under control. So let's check the article in question.
It mostly seems like common sense. "...track expenses and income for at least a month before setting a budget...How much money do I have or earn? How much do I want to save?" Basic shit like that. But then I get to this section:
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This sounds fucking made up to me. And thankfully, they've provided a source to their claim that "research has repeatedly shown" that writing things down changes behavior. First mistake. What research is this?
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Forbes, naturally, my #1 source for absolute dogshit fart-sniffing financial schlock. Forbes is the type of website that guy from high school who constantly posts on linkedin trawls daily for little articles like this that make him feel better about refusing to pay for a decent package for his employees' healthcare (I'm from the United States, a barbaric, conflict-ridden country in the throes of civil unrest, so obsessed with violence that its warlords prioritize weapons over universal medical coverage. I digress). Forbes constantly posts shit like this, and I constantly spend my time at leadership seminars debunking poor consultants who get paid to read these claims credulously. Look at this highlighted text. Does it make sense to you that simply writing your financial goals down would result in a 10x increase in your income? Because if it does, let me make you an offer on this sick ass bridge.
Thankfully, Forbes also makes the mistake of citing their sources. Let's check to see where this hyperlink goes:
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SidSavara. I've never heard of this site, but the About section tells me that Sid is "a technology leader who empowers teams to grow into their best selves. He is a life-long learner enjoys developing software, leading teams in delivering mission critical projects, playing guitar and watching football and basketball."
That doesn't mean anything. What are his LinkedIn credentials? With the caveat that anyone can lie on Linkedin, Mr. Savara appears to be a Software Engineer. Which is fine! I'm glad software engineers exist! But Sid's got nothing in his professional history which suggests he knows shit about finance. So I'm already pretty skeptical of his website, which is increasingly looking like a personal fart-huffing blog.
The article itself repeats the credulous claim made in the Forbes story earlier, but this time, provides no link for the 3% story. Mr. Savara is smarter than his colleages at Forbes, it's much wiser to just make shit up.
HOWEVER. I am not the first person to have followed this rabbit hole. Because at the very top of this article, there is a disclaimer.
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Uh oh!
Sid's been called out before, and in the follow up to this article, he reveals the truth.
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You can guess where this is going.
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So to go back to the VERY beginning of this post, both Pocket/Good Housekeeping and Forbes failed to do even the most basic of research, taking the wild claim that writing down your budget may increase your income by 10x on good faith and the word of a(n admittedly honest about his shortcomings) software engineer.
Why did I spend 30 minutes to make a tumblr post about this? Mostly to show off how smart I am, but also to remind folks of just how flimsy any claim on the internet can be. Click those links, follow those sources, and when the sources stop linking, ask why.
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7yearsofdele · 10 days
This is actually a better match than I thought it’d be, not gonna lie.
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