#football memes; part 1
kar1nsworldx · 1 year
Football memes; part 1
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: five
part one here
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the REAL karate kid @ the imposter are you still a hundred percent sure bronze is your fav?
stairway yeah y/n do you really love this woman over all the rest of them?
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this old grandma?
lotte HER FACE 😭
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are you sure? her? over everyone else?
willybum LMAO  this is gold
earpsy HELP HER TOP 😭
stairway you shall never know i have my sources
the imposter HELP those photos of her were top teir but you guys i've already told you she's the only one i know yet i'm still learning okay and besides, i think she's a sweet old grandma
stairway dammit
rusty metal thank you y/n even tho i don't know if i'd take sweet old grandma as a compliment or not ... but just know you're my favourite
the imposter aw i appreciate that
the REAL karate kid NAHH someone kick that rust metal out of this chat she's getting too close to my liking
willybum i agree i don't like it either
rusty metal i'm just way more slay than you all are
rusty metal chill my dudes i've got plenty more savage swag up my sleeve
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willybum NAHHH 😭
stairway @ rusty metal do us all a favour and delete the internet from all your devices
rusty metal i'm sending you all a reaction image
elton oh god we've turned her
willybum i swear if it's a minion meme i'm jumping out the window
the imposter i'm actually scared now
lotte so am i
rusty metal
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the REAL karate kid 😭😭
the imposter HI SISTERS
rusty metal sisters?
willybum I CANT-
stairway @ rusty metal do you even know who that man in the picture is?
rusty metal that is a man?
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the imposter PLS 😭 ily even more now
the REAL karate kid HUH wHaT dammit rusty grandma everyone's stealing mah girl now 😔
part six here
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dreamsinarcadia · 10 months
🔅 Currently obsessed with a certain captain of a football team 🫡
🔆 Please consider reblogging and/or sending me a message, if you like my work. Feedback is always appreciated and helps me improve my writing further!
🔆 Open to requests for other footballers
‼️ Slow updates
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Son Heungmin ⚽️
• One-shots
1. Morning (fluff)
In which Heungmin tries his best to make his girlfriend breakfast in bed (and fails)
2. Pillow Talk (fluff, slight mention of smut)
In which Heungmin can’t seem to let his girlfriend wiggle her way out of his arms
3. Hypertension (fluff)
In which Heung-min doesn’t know how not to hover after a visit to the doctor
4. Sundress Season (fluff, smut)
In which Son Heung-min finally understands the stupid memes floating around on social media. It’s an unnaturally hot summer day when he finally gets it. Oh, he gets it. It’s sundress season.
• Short series
1. Mistletoe (fluff)
In which Heungmin and his best friend find themselves under the mistletoe over the years (and he’s pretty much to blame for it)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Jude Bellingham ⚽️
• One-shots
1. In which Trent’s sister falls asleep on Jude’s shoulder (fluff)
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x08, part 1.
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Opening the episode with literally Jamie's name is !!! I'm already smiling. My boooy. <3 A streak of four wins just bc Jamie saw the flaw in Total Football, fixed it, and there we go <3
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I am so incredibly sad for what Ted has to go through. This SUCKS. Some other man is bad enough, but your fucking therapist is a punch in the gut. Especially when you still have feelings for the woman you love, but she doesn't love you anymore.
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I don't UNDERSTAND! If TedBecca isn't supposed to be romantic like Hannah and the writers say, why this? Like, yeah, they've been to the same party, obviously. And the mention is casual, "they're brother and sister to me", but I still see the foreshadowing. Like, I'm all TedTrent and bi Ted, but ????
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Mae is so sweet. What a woman.
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Seeing wlw in s3 of Ted Lasso was the last thing I expected, but hell yeah. Please don't make Jack evil. Please. If they're gonna break up, let it not be a scandal and a mutual breakup or something. However, I can see Keeley staying with Jack and Roy telling her he has feelings for Jamie and they hit it off pretty nicely. But that's just my shipper heart's desire. We'll see bc I don't think this show might be that bold.
I wonder how many women actually sleep with their bra on. It's the most uncomfortable thing EVER imo.
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Keeley is such an excitable puppy. Just like Jamie when with Roy. :)
I'm actually surprised about Nate and Jade. Like... it's almost a complete 180? Idk, I still dislike him. I think I understand the point, be kind and and not judgemental, all of that, but I can't with him. I don't like him and his storyline. A lot of screen time was wasted on him when imo when it could've been something way more interesting.
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She might as well might be a butch bi.
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Laughing. Trent with his what I almost sure is an empty mug, just for the drama of it. Doesn't matter that he 'drinks' from it after. Show me liquid in there or I'm not fooled.
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S1 Roy would never, and I'm proud of his development. Ted is one of his people now, isn't he? A good friend for sure. It's also very interesting for me to watch in terms of Roy's other relationships and interactions. He already went somewhat there with Jamie in Amsterdam, "I was a dick today, I'm sorry" and how he realizes that he often releases his negative emotions on Jamie "whether you deserve it or not".
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Crying with laughter. Roy is ready to "talk about it", but definitely isn't ready to do THAT. It makes me feel good for getting this part of a relationship right in my fic, lmaoooo. Also, where is Higgins?
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A real conflict here, hehe. Hopefully, one day, he's gonna be ready to join them and talk about it. That would be fun to watch.
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Higgins summoning succeeded.
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What are you doing there, Helga soft boy, with your sparkling pencil? This makes me think of that "Jamie — Jamie" thingy. Yeah, no, Roy and Jamie are in love.
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This is more like a soft howling/whining :')
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Babe, wake up, new reaction meme just dropped.
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He sure does, but he's still repressed about it.
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Trent Crimm woof'ing with a soft look on his face can be SO personal. I love him, your honor. I wonder what he'll write in his book about that. I also wonder when is Roy gonna join them. Oh, i'l watch him barking and woofing, alright. Jamie wouldn't let that go, EVER. At the same time I feel like Roy would refuse to imitate barking & they would let him just bc that's Roy. A simple "fuck you" and that's ok.
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The difference in body language, wow. Love hounds though? Nate, you need to get back with Ted then. Gosh, this entire storyline is SO awkward.
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I think I'm still in love with her a little bit. What a woman.
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cometcactus · 29 days
greetings once again: a little update... now where are my soccer fans at? ⚽👀
hey y'all, nia here, it's been months since i posted... would you like to hear a story? not sure if this is going to last but i may be a soccer/football fan now... or at the very least feeling nostalgic for it. it's quite funny because i was never interested in soccer myself, but i do have fond memories of experiencing the world cup hype where i live, and i remember having a few soccer fans in my neighborhood. part of this story has something to do my growing interest in german culture over the past few years. i'll tell you about that as well in another time. so, i was 10 years old when germany won the world cup last time, and while i wasn't actively following the games, i did remember the 7-1 semifinal becoming a meme and hearing götze's name every so often in the news back then... (10-year-old me had almost no idea why he was in the news, lol) also, i remembered seeing those winner group photos where the all the goalkeepers wore that one (ugly but catchy) shade of green. fast forward to this year and a couple months ago i had the chance to watch the euros with my german friends. it was my first soccer watch party in years and it was my first time watching soccer with my close friends :) so as i was watching the games i noticed that along a bunch of new names in germany's team, there were a few familiar names from 10 years ago: müller and kroos (and that time i had no idea and i certainly didn't think for once that this would be their last tournament as a team) but one name stood out to me more than others: manuel neuer. 🧤 i guess my friends were all nostalgic for him since they would occasionally talk about him and recall his many achievements, joke about him a lot so that he became a bit of a meme among my friend circle, and at that point he instantly became my favorite goalkeeper. (plus, he looks super cute too...🥺)
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yeah i have to admit, for a moment i may have gone crazy for him (he certainly looks older now but i kid you not, i would yell his name every time he appeared on camera during the euros, silly me) here comes the sad part though: 10 years is quite a long time in a soccer player's career, and it seems a lot of them have retired or are retiring due to their age, so it may come as a surprise for some that some of the old gang from the world cup 10 years ago were still playing in the euros. with the last players from back then - including the lovely keeper neuer himself - having announced their retirement from the german team by the time i started writing this post, the days of the world cup winners are pretty much over. god, i feel old every time i see photos of germany's world cup team this year's euros have left me with some beautiful memories, and made me a new soccer fan who's also nostalgic for the world cup champions. so, as a homage to this goalkeeper and the Weltmeister of 2014 i started a new tumblr blog where i would mostly repost german soccer stuff from the past years and maybe throw in some original content as well. @neuerstalgia - come check it out if you want ^_^ and, i said i would bring more content to my main, but i have to admit i wasn't being very productive these days. and it's not like i don't have anything to show - rather the opposite - i have been making stuff for my page but i often leave them unfinished, to the point where i just have too many drafts lying around. but i'll be a responsible citizen and finish them all 'cause i sure do have a lot of things and ideas i'd like to show to you. 💛 in other words, i'll try to spend more of my time publishing content to my blog. i've got a list of what i'd like to post here, but i don't want to spoil the surprise. but i'll tell you, it's going to be interesting :D so, i end the day by listening to a german song. look forward to more posts, doodles and reblogs from me and hope you all have a pleasant evening.
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guiltygearpl · 1 year
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Time to spread some polish sinbed propaganda!!!
Disclaimer admin 💀  has nothing to do with this. I’m not sure if I’ve told them I’m posting this. This is all me. The other admin. Be warned. I am going to ramble about these two under the cut :)
Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s get into it.
-The only reason this is possible is because back in the day, when this all started, me and the other admin established that Grześ is bi comphet. In normal words, he is bi but he has not quite realized that he likes men yet. Bartek is gay and unaware because I said so (fucking LOOK at him)
-They are both mildly homophobic. Grześ was raised by his conservative father, which of course can’t end in anything other than lots of internalized biphobia. He also acts like a ladies man he loves flirting with women. Bartek is a reddit user which I feel explains a lot. Technically he’s not super actively bigoted but he says some questionable stuff sometimes. Enlightened ‘centrists’ actually lean in to the right and he is no exception.
-They meet because Grześ is failing BRAND SCHOOL* and needs a tutor. Desperately. Kamil was recommended to talk to Bartek, and since the price wasn’t high, he hired him.
-Bartek does not like Grześ at the beginning. Actually that’s an understatement he is genuinely appalled at how dumb that boy is. The first hour of their first lesson is a disaster, as Bartek keeps using language and terms Grześ does Not Understand. Bartek has to try and explain very basic 5th grade math to him.
-Eventually, they get somewhere when Bartek realizes the best way to get Grześ to understand something is through examples and de-structuring methods step by step, and slowly progressing forward to the actual material. He ends up enjoying the challenge of explaining things to a total idiot.
-Meanwhile Grześ is just really happy to finally understand something. He’s doing his best!
-Eventually, outside of learning, they start chatting as well. Mainly initiated by Grześ, because of course. He’s very friendly all around and loves talking. Bartek tries not to care, but the urge is too strong and he ends up showing Grześ terrible reddit memes. He does Not quite get them, but laughs anyway.
-Hey, Grześ is really good at one thing, and that’s sports. Since Bartek doesn’t care much about his attendance anyways, he eventually gets roped into going to the other’s school to watch a football tournament, even though he literally hates P.E. and anything related more than life itself. Grześ is so touched he almost cries.
-One time, during a voleyball game, Bartek goes to spectate. When Grześ notices him, he tries to wave and hit the ball at the same time and ends up accidentally hitting Bartek in the face with it. They don’t speak for a week but Grześ does LITERALLY everything to make it up so Bartek can’t stay mad.
-One Grześ learns that Bartek doesn’t really have any friends, he makes active effort to hang out with him way more, like after school and online. Bartek is, once again, unenthusiastic at first, but he now has a person other than Dalia to send reddit memes to, so he can’t really complain. They eventually become something like friends.
-They both like videogames which ends up being one of their main ways to hang out. It’s something they’re both quite good at, and they end up playing lots of competitive games.
-They mostly hang out at Bartek’s house because aside from Dalia, it’s empty and way bigger than the Kiszka family house. Grześ also hates his dad so he takes any opportunity to be away from home. It used to be hanging out at his neighbor’s place, but now he has an actual friend he can come over to play games with :)
ok ive been writing this for like 3 fucking hours and i still have more to write but i keep getting distracted to have part 1 i guess. see you when i go even more insane
- 🛏️
*i meant Szkoła zawodowa idk how to translate this. the other admin helped me but if u know a more accurate word hmu hihi
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Autistic April Day 10: Childhood Special Interests
I have three Childhood special interests which I want to talk about and they are the Tweenies, Fremantle Dockers and Tamagotchis.
The Tweenies was one of my first special interests I have had. The Tweenies is a children's TV show made by the BBC that is about four children named Bella, Fizz, Milo and Jake who go to a family daycare that is ran by Max and Judi. There is also a dog named Doodles. I had toys and books from the show. I also watched the show on VCR. I even went to their concert in 2002 but couldn't see the whole concert because I had to go to hospital due to abdominal pain.
The Fremantle Dockers is an Australian Rules football team. When I was younger I used to live in Western Australia and one day my family and I went to a footy game. I sat on my dads lap while he explained to what was going on with the game. I got really interested in it and my dad and I continued to catch the bus into Perth for games regularly. I have attached a photo of me from when I was 8 or 9 with Johney Docker who is the mascot for the Fremantle Dockers here.
Tamagothis are little egg shaped toys with screens on them. The screen featured a little pet which you can play games with and raise. Once I was given twenty dollars to spend on what I wanted so I was at the shops and I saw Tamagotchis for sale. They looked interesting and a girl explained to me what they were. I decided to spend my $20 on one and was a huge fan of it. I kept it on a lanyard and I cried when my first Tamagotchi died. I remember when I saw other kids with their Tamagotchis I asked them if they wanted to connect our Tamagotchis.
Image Descriptions:
1: This is a photo of me at a shopping centre with Johney Docker. Johney is a mascot that takes form of a person in a costume. He has longish blond hair and is wearing sunglasses. He is wearing a long sleeved shirt that is red on the right half and light green on the left half with a white anchor in the middle. He is wearing purple bands around both of his wrists. He is also wearing a pair of purple shorts. I am standing with Johney Docker I am about 8 or 9 years old in this photo. On my head I am wearing a black cap with the Fremantle Dockers logo on it. The logo depicts a man holding an anchor on a shield that is half green and half red. I am wearing a white shirt that has a blue oval on it with "Australian Idol" written in the oval. I am also wearing a red lanyard. The bottom part of my body isn't visible in the photo .
2: There are a list of prompts for each day of the month for Autistic April. The top and bottom of the image is light purple and the middle part of the image is white with black text on it. The black text says "Autistic April 2024 Prompts: 1: Special interests 2: How you found out you were Autistic 3: your favourite stim 4: alternative forms of communication 5: your favourite fidget toys 6: textures you hate 7: safe foods 8: other disabilities you have 9: LBGTQI+ 10: childhood special interests11: comfort items 12: your favourite Autistic celebrities or characters13: unmasking 14: sensory aids 15: misdiagnosis 16: Autism friendly places 17: Disability support you have received 18: animals 19: favourite thing about being Autistic 20: echolalia 21: idenity first or Person first language 22: the spoon theory
23: colours that represent Autism (not blue) 24: Autistic owned small businesses 25: meltdowns and/or shutdowns 26: Your clothing prefences 27: Self care 28: Relatable Autism memes 29: Accessibility 30: routines" There is an infinity symbol that is half red and half gold on the top right corner of the white section. End Description.
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formulaarchive · 6 months
Thanks for the tag lovely @kevyeen :)
Are you named after anyone? no sadly
When was the last you cried? today because i saw mark webber on my screen during the post race interviews
Do you have kids? no but i have a cat named after sebastian vettel
What sports do you play/have you played? i dont currently do any but when i was younger i used to do, football (soccer), basketball, volleyball, netball, karate, dancing, athletics, cross country and probably more i cant remember off the top of my head
Do you use sarcasm? yeah, sometimes without meaning to
What is the first thing you notice about people? eyes maybe? or like cheeks? idk
What is your eye color? blue (like the omg please buy her brown contacts meme blue, george russell blue)
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings always
Any talents? not really, i can almost name every f1 driver and their race number thats competed since 2014 ? dont think that counts tho
Where were you born? in a hospital in the UK
What are your hobbies? reposting tiktoks, and finding mark webber/ formula 1 content. Also like photography and music ig?
Do you have any pets? cat called seb
How tall are you? like 5ft0
Favorite subject at school? it was probably photography or french (i failed french but it was a fun class with a nice teacher)
Dream job? photographer or like designer
yay ok done, now for the awkward part.
idk who to tag so im just pressing @ then whoever comes up first sorry, also you don't need to do this ofc :)
@feraltwinkseb @hakkisen @michalonmars @lewishoemilton @flatoutin-eaurouge @magiclonso @markwbb @lancestrlls @weltonpoets and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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lecpenni · 1 year
Ahhh, I should be hated for saying I don't care for KOI, and I don't think they should get to worlds.
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So! KOI are technically a new org, but quickly accrued one of the largest fanbases in esports by being founded by famous and popular Spanish content creator and e-celebrity Ibai, and being part owned by footballer Gerard Piqué. Previously however, they were known as Rogue, probably one of the less popular teams in the LEC.
Being a team accepted during franchising, they didn't come in with the greatest advantage. They didn't have a regional fanbase like MAD Lions, they didn't have a huge pre-established presence in LEC history like Origen or SK, only being present in Rainbow 6 Siege and their parent company also owning a COD League team. The 2 esports you DEFINITELY invest in for huge fanbases. But they quickly established a presence in LEC by being so perfectly average, and then by being so perfectly average that they began succeeding.
Entering in 2019, they were a middle of the pack team with some insane talent, like Inspired and Larssen, plus Woolite and Vander in the botlane. That roster didn't pan out the best, and after Hans sama joined in 2020, they had a middling spring followed by coming 1st in regular season summer, and making it to worlds, then they shit the bed and went 1-5 :p. Well 2021 went a hell of a lot better, adding Odoamne and new rookie Trymbi, coming 2nd in spring, and 3rd in summer playoffs, making worlds and being drawn into the Group of Death, and managing to make FPX blow the fuck up. 2022 replaced Hans sama with Comp, an oft maligned player resigned to C tier rosters like Vitality's 2019-2021 disaster rosters, and their MVP jungler Inspired with Malrang, a korean player who was known for his time on goddamn Jin Air (rip sadplane). They then proceeded to get 2nd in playoffs in Spring, and 1st in Summer. As you do. Being the only western team to make it out of groups, they immediately got drawn vs JDG, and lost pretty handily with some weird niche picks that absolutely did not pan out (Trymbi Nasus Support, in a bad matchup for it, anyone?) 2023 began with Odo being replaced in toplane with Szygenda, a player similarly maligned by vitality's disaster rosters and the rebranding to KOI, after a merger with Rogue's team, inheriting Rogue's entire infrastructure in the league. Now that's how you get into the league in a big way and establish yourself quickly. And as the previous champions, giving Odo and Larssen their first LEC titles, there were fairly big expectations put on this team. Sure, Szygenda was basically kinda a rookie at this point still, not having played a full year on Vitality before being benched then brought back in 2021, but his performances in the LFL were impressive nonetheless, often being called TheShygenda for his insane performances on Gwen and Gnar.
Winter began as it usually does, weirdly. KOI take a game off of BDS, with a double ADC botlane, off Excel with their tried and true Kalista/Soraka, and losing a game to a Fnatic who hadn't boomed completely yet with a very ill advised Jhin pick. But, a 2-1 start isn't exactly awful. However, KOI showed some of the problems that Rogue would show back in 2022 Spring, and 2021. Namely, the phenomenon known as Rogue Time. Where at around 16-20 minutes, the whole team mental booms and completely forgets how to play league of legends well, and the midgame completely collapses undoing the earlygame advantages they accrued usually. It got memed heavily by Korean fans, and slowly spread, but it was an actual thing that would happen. Rogue mid-game was absolute abysmal, only in 2022 Summer did they overcome it, and in Winter 2023, it came back in a big way.
Week 2 didn't go that well. A loss to a fumbling Heretics, and Ruby's 2nd good game for the year, a loss to MAD's double ADC comp, and a loss to SK with another, ill advised ADC pick. God, what was going on? Odo wasn't the biggest shotcaller, but they were a lot better than this in Summer? Well one thing was Trymbi didn't look the best, basically ever since he picked Nasus at Worlds and he went on a bit of a tirade on Twitter against the people saying it was a troll pick. Basically he stopped playing to his usual standard afterwards, sadly. These problems continued into week 3. They hadn't locked playoffs yet, and were sitting at the bottom of the table with an underwhelming Astralis, a slumping Fnatic, and a dead in the water Excel. A win over Vitality started their week, which I believe locked them at least a tiebreaker, a loss to G2, and a win over Astralis locked themselves into playoffs, with a poor bot showing in all 3 games. Yeah, KOI didn't look the best. Nothing they won was convincing, and their losses looked lifeless. I don't know, the whole project wasn't going the best so far. Groups wasn't gonna be easy, their first series was a surging SK, who were looking like dark horses for the entire split.
Well, against all odds, KOI actually got a 2-0 over SK, with a good Larssen performance and a renewed Malrang on Sejuani doing Malrang things. Next opponent, Vitality. Ah shit, this is the superteam who got 1st in Winter, KOI have been relying almost entirely on clutch Larssen performances. Well again, against most odds, Larssen pulled out another set of carry performances, with Comp making sure his Sivir his noticed again for its insane carry potential, beating vitality in a quick 2-0. KOI made playoffs! Without demonstrating as much Rogue Time! Let's goooo!
Rogue were always better in Bo1s, but now as KOI they appear to have reversed this? Wonder if their Bo5 performances are gonna be as strong. First up was a series VS the other team who went 2-0 in Groups, G2. A carry performance from Hans sama's Miss Fortune, and a surprise Bel'Veth from Yike took game 1 and 2 respectively. KOI got put on their last legs, and Game 3 came back to a Comp performance. Man got a pentakill! Demolishing G2 inside their base, they got a food back in the series, and it came down to Game 4, it's still doable. Rogue have been reverse swept before, and they can do it to their enemies just as easily. KOI should be able to as well.
Nope nope a disaster in the botlane let Hans sama carry the entirety of G2 vs a Varus/Kalista botlane from Comp and Trymbi, being utterly destroyed. But, but, unlike others so far, KOI got a 2-0 in Groups, so they get a second chance to qualify to finals, and then a potential rematch vs G2. All they need to do is beat their old rivals, the MAD Lions. The team that dominated 2021, and when they slumped in 2022, Rogue took over and won Summer. Their rivalry has been building since 2020, when they took the regular season over G2 and fought each other for the top spots to go to worlds.
And that series went ok! A dominant Larssen Tristana, and a signature Kalista from Comp won Game 1, but that quickly faded. Game 2 featured a fairly weak botlane and the Nisqy Gragas that teams refused to ban, Game 3 had the New Hyli Special, Rell, and Game 4 had the Nisqy Gragas. That's the season. Y'know what, considering they made 3rd overall this season, that's not the worst but it's a step down. They did replace their weakside king Odoamne, so maybe the team needs more time to gel. Their botlane also looked shockingly weak after it was fair to call Comp/Trymbi a top 5 at best botlane at Worlds last year, which was tragic. Trymbi really hadn't been playing well, and Comp looked a lot less confident in lane and in teamfights, probably because his support wasn't doing as well at all.
But, nonetheless, not winning the split is a disappointment. Going into Spring, they were in a good position. Top 3 means that they have a good chance to make MSI if G2 win another split in dominant fashion, as long as they outplace MAD Lions. No changes going into Spring, but Week 1 wasn't exactly a glowing highlight. A loss to Astralis, who were looking pretty good. Day 2, a win over Heretics after some insane fumbles from Ruby, but it's an awful look for KOI, that they could only win through a phonemally awful throw and a botched baron call, and the fact that the game was that close vs a heretics that looked like well... Garbage they looked like shit.
Day 3, a rematch from Winter, MAD vs KOI, a snoozer with few kills and a generally unimpressive game from both sides. Well, Week 1 ending on 1 win. That's really bad. You made playoffs last split guys... Sadly, Week 2's looking a lot harder. G2, the Winter Champions, SK who blew past all expectations and Fnatic, who despite dropping out in the regular season, came back with a new top laner, new support, and went 0-3 first week...
Defying the odds, winning against G2 thanks to a strong Szygenda, a win over SK thanks to Comp and Larssen, and then a... loss to Fnatic... To be fair, Razork took a facilitator in Vi and made it look like a hypercarry, punishing the botlane of KOI super super hard, playing really really not well, failing to execute a pick comp and failing their teamfights really badly despite having goddamn Taric.
Week 3, KOI have basically locked Groups. MAD, Fnatic, Excel and Heretics all being 2-4, while KOI sit on 3-3 means they're safer going forward, almost guaranteed a tiebreaker at the very worst. And hey, they're facing Excel, who just subbed in a new midlaner in Abbedagge (god this news made me kinda mad, but i digress), plus BDS, who practically ran the regular season and Vitality who definitely looked weaker compared to Winter, but were still no slouch, especially with a strongside bot laner like Upset.
Well a win over Excel who showed most of the same problems, especially with closing out games, then 2 losses meant that KOI barely scraped into Groups. 7th place. Not great. You only beat the half starved MAD Lions and Heretics thanks to that one extra win. 4-5 isn't something to be happy about at all, and considering Rogue were often considered Bo1 Merchants, never showing up as strongly in their Bo5s, this is a really bad look. Groups is looking grim, especially considering they're facing G2 next.
And that series saw an incredibly rare Pantheon pick twice in toplane, piloted by BrokenBlade, which kinda stomped the lane vs Szygenda, plus another hypercarry performance from Yike in Game 1 left KOI on the back foot. A disastrous Leona performance from Trymbi as well felt phenomally bad. But, KOI didn't discourage. Next game, they came in and nabbed a Jayce for Szygenda, after some of his insanely good Jayce play in regular season, and a rare Malrang Lee Sin that actually worked out, but a quiet game from botlane, despite a Zeri/Lulu lane. Game 3 was desperation. Mikyx picked a Jarvan Support, and played it like garrrrrbage as Comp proved exactly why they never can give him Sivir, carrying the game incredibly hard, with a weak Szygenda Kennen and a shock Larssen Akali showing KOI at some of their individual peaks again.
A win over the Winter Champions puts you in a damn good position, after a rough as hell regular season. But still, Malrang felt coinflippy after so many junglers figured out his insanity, Trymbi looked incredibly weak despite being alongside Comp who was capable of solocarrying, and Larssen was either passive and willing to scale until late, or fully willing to put the game on his back and carry everything through to a win, with no in between. Facing BDS next, who uhhh... Managed to completely figure out and lock down the meta.
And KOI as serial meta players... Yeah prayers weren't gonna do anything they got booty blasted in a 2-0. Adam counter picking Kennen with an Aery Jarvan, Sheo putting on an absolute clinic on Vi, and in Game 2, Crownie dominating the laning phase and Nuc getting an insane game on Cassio left KOI reeling going into their next series, this time for their groups lives, another series vs G2.
Now it's fair to say that for most of the season, G2 had been experimenting on new odd picks, since they had a stamped ticket to MSI already, but they obviously had some ambitions still. But, now that they had their entire season at risk, G2 stopped fucking around. Game 1 saw a unique Cho'Gath pick into Kennen, which almost worked until Larssen scaling paid off and he took over the game on Viktor. Game 2 saw a pair of insane ridiculous drafts. The Bel'Veth/Sejuani Jungle/Mid respectively, which demonstrated some insanely high potential, vs an AP Varus Mid from Larssen, which ended up horribly. MVP Performances from Yike, Caps and BrokenBlade vs a really bad game for Comp/Trymbi, again, led into a game point game 3. Larssen Ahri, Comp Sivir, and Trymbi Lulu. This is as close as you'll get to the max comfort draft for KOI, and they shitted it. Hans sama completely ran over Trymbi and transferred that lead everywhere across the map, going deathless and basically solo carrying the game, leading to a KOI loss. Out at 6th, before playoffs. A major disappointment, and everyone on the team felt it. Something had to change.
Summer came along, and a few rumours flew around. One of the biggest rumours was Rekkles roleswapping to support for the future, which meant no Fnatic botlaner, since they weren't gonna keep him on as a support. So a trade was proposed. Fnatic buy Trymbi, a talent grown on Rogue, winning a title with them, and a weakspot all year for KOI, in exchange, KOI get Advienne, excitable, mature Advienne who, to be frank, hadn't gotten the best chances in LEC. A small stint on Excel before being replaced by Mikyx, followed by a benched season and a re-run in the ERLs, then joining Fnatic after a fairly weak season from Rhuckz. Advienne came into a bit of a bad situation, having to follow someone who was world class like Trymbi, even if 2023 was fairly weak so far.
And so, Summer began, with a sole change of the support, Advienne instead of Trymbi. Was this gonna fix the team? Fuck no, you can say a lot of things about Trymbi, bad and good but he's a loud player who calls a lot of shots, something that KOI definitely needed more of. Advienne wasn't that guy, at all.
And wouldn't you believe it, the same shit happened again. 1-2 Week 1, 1-2 Week 2, 2-1 Week 3 barely scraping into Groups. What's the point. But i'm getting ahead of myself. A win over Excel, who most expected to still go absolute dead last in LEC for the 3rd time, so not much to write home about. A loss to BDS who came 2nd in Playoffs and a fairly bad Aphelios game from Comp, followed by a loss to MAD Lions which was honestly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Rogue Time kicked in harder than ever and everyone comitted completely to protecting the president, meaning Carzzy went completely untouched, 1-2 week.
Goddamn it guys. Week 2, a loss to an incredibly strong Fnatic following a disaster game from Comp, a win over Heretics with a very strong Larssen Tristana, and a loss to SK capped off the week, another 1-2 week and a really really bad look heading towards groups. Week 3 started vs Vitality, a free win with a good Statikk Shiv Leblanc from Larssen, a loss to Yike's Kha'Zix for game 2 of the week and the game that would basically decide their groups chances: vs Astralis, who had been floundering in the lead up. And then Comp showed up again, after being basically absent the whole season. Hand delivering Sivir boomerangs to the entirety of Astralis, carrying KOI through to groups, looking phenomally weak and like easy prey. As written yesterday, Astralis then had to hope that SK lose to Fnatic, to keep groups, and their chances for worlds alive, but that all went out the window, after SK pulled a miracle out of nowhere and beat Fnatic.
KOI is the first team i'm writing about that actually is in Group stage, meaning I can do some meaty speculation about them heading into groups, rather than end it with a limp "hope they stick together" again. Truly, KOI look dead. After a strong Winter, an underwhelming Spring and a dead in the water summer they rightly should've lost for some of their abysmal performances and the hard return of Rogue Time, it's unlikely anyone will bet on KOI heading into the group stage. Considering their first opponent is a pissed off G2 looking stronger than ever and looking to secure their place in Season Finals even harder than before, KOI should definitely count themselves lucky that their vacations might start sooner than later. They're also one of the teams fortunate enough to have good championship points, meaning they might eak into Season Finals regardless, if Heretics and Fnatic completely bomb out, which is unlikely at this point.
Whatever does happen, I'll be there watching. Larssen has become one of my favourite players in the past couple years, and of all the "next generation" mid laners, he, humanoid and Vetheo are the ones i've got the most faith in, by far. Comp as well deserves a good roster, just a shame it might only come next year.
Anyways, be back tomorrow for the next team...
MAD LIONS (oh god i hate them)
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etherealstar-writes · 7 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fourteen
part one here
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you guys back me up here
lotte y/n absolutely not
neev oooh what's gotten lotte acting like this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so i made this insane connection yeah lotte is literally a female tom holland but miss wubben-moy here is denying it
the REAL karate kid huh?
mccard hold on you might be onto something here
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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LOOOK it's not the best photo to compare from but tell me i ain't the only who sees it
stairway OMG
brightness oh yeah i'm seeing it
stephy YESSS it's the side profile
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ exactly!!
meado that is insane
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ seeee lotte! i meant it as a compliment when i said you look like tom holland's twin
elton changed lotte's name to tom holland's twin
tom holland's twin
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ 😔😔
tom holland's twin niamh do i need to remind you of this afternoon at the beach? because i will
hempo oooh i wanna know what happeneddd
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the REAL karate kid that is so sad we must've completely forgotten about you
neev Y/N NO
tom holland's twin Y/N YES
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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this one and jessie were STRUGGLING for an hour trying to place their mats 😭😭 it was so funny
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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and miss fleming here even gave me the bird guys she's not as innocent as she looks
flaming hot oh shut up y/n
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're just sour that the wind loved me
flaming hot yeah i really am
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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i'm justfdghjkem ehyu tyuiolkjehsyuikmdrnh
willybum um y/n you good?
elton are you having a stroke rn?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ sorry y/n's a bit busy rn
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ if you want to see her alive again i'm gonna need y'all to venmo me 10k each
stairway 10k?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ is that too much for you?
stairway oh no no it was just surprising how you didn't go for one 1 million like everyone usually does
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh well i guess if you want it that way then 1 million each from y'all
willybum STANWAY WTH
neev had to open that big mouth of yours
ona we'll save y/n just what is this venmo and how do i venmo you money?
elton i mean do we have to ..... she'll be fineee
neev you know what how about 1 m for y/n toone will pay for it on behalf of us all
elton HUH excuse you i ain't venmoing anyone a million dollars i'm positive i don't even have a hundred dollars in my bank account
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ wow glad to know how much i'm worth 😔
ona y/n! you're okay! do i still have to venmo for your safety?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no no don't worry about it ona you're too sweet for this world 🥺 kyra and charli were being jerks and snatched my phone and ran away
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ added kyra and cha cha
kyra aw man you ruined the fun 😔 i could've earned some money
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh ona's too precious to be scammed by you but i mean ella on the other hand ....
elton OI
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cha cha just enough 😁
stephy i was dreading when the three of you would meet up as if we don't already have enough chaos in this groupchat
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stephyyy why would you think that 😔
cha cha honestly
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the REAL karate kid 😭😭
willybum HELP
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✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
i don't even know what the hell this is anymore 😭😭 but i hope you enjoyed this nonsense
part fifteen here
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 8 months
Just A Hop Across The Pond
https://ift.tt/KWy8HDm by TheGreenestBean After being promoted back to the Premier League Richmond are asked to partake in the Premier League Summer Series where six teams are sent out to play friendlies in America. It's only three matches in one month so there's plenty of time to mess about and explore which is exactly what Colin, Jamie, and Isaac intend to do. Words: 10697, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 14 of I am a strong and capable man Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Colin Hughes, Isaac McAdoo, Jamie Tartt, Moe Bumbercatch, Sam Obisanya, Arlo Dixon, Jeff Goodman (Ted Lasso), Ted Lasso, Keeley Jones, Roy Kent, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso) Relationships: Colin Hughes & Jamie Tartt, Colin Hughes & Isaac McAdoo Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship Colin Hughes/Jamie Tartt, Football, Premier League Summer Series, Friendship, Autistic Colin Hughes, it's implied but it's there, Fluff, Fear of Flying, Epcot at Walt Disney World, Iconic British TV Moments, I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC DARREN!, (There's No Actual Claustrophobia Here), (Just Gemma Collins Memes), AFC Richmond Players are Himbos (Ted Lasso) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/53628133 February 09, 2024 at 07:11AM
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Tagged by @heffer-wen, I think this is a "getting to know people better" meme? Not tagging but feel free if you want! Includes WIP snippets at the end.
last song: hmmm not a fun answer but I have a friend visiting and we were driving around earlier with So Much (for) Stardust playing in the car. I don’t remember what was playing when we parked, though, so let’s just go with the title song.
currently reading: <em>To Name the Bigger Lie</em> by Sarah Viren, which is subtitled “A Memoir In Two Stories.” The first thread is about a teacher she had in high school who was supposed to be teaching philosophy and instead took the idea of “what is truth?” and taught conspiracy theories (including Holocaust denial!!!). The second thread is about her wife (a university professor) being accused of sexual harassment. I’m only about halfway through so I don’t know how they tie together (besides the idea of “what is truth and how is it manufactured”) or how it ends.
Also friend and I have gone to several bookstores and my TBR pile is back up to 40, so. That.
currently watching: I wish I still had the ability to watch TV! When will my sports come back! (like next week, since I’m going to watch the women’s World Cup.) I do need to regain the ability to watch fictional TV other than Ted Lasso, since that’s over. I’m not open for recs at the moment but possibly soon.
latest obsession: I don’t have one right now and it makes life boring. I guess the thing I think about most while staring off into space is still Jordan/Virgil.
tall or short?: Short-ish. A little under average.
student or worker?: Worker, but with what the internet loves to call a “stupid little emails job” so do what you want with that.
colour: Blue.
flower: Ooh that’s a good question. Hmm. I planted coneflowers earlier this year and half of them died but the half that made it are just starting to bloom and I’m so proud of them, so I guess them right now.
food: Bread. Give me your carbs if you don’t want them.
WIP: A few things lurching toward being done.
1. The big Jamie hurt/comfort fic that is also ot3 and is going to be 50k by the time I add the last few scenes why does the universe make me suffer. Snip:
Then they have film review, which is boring, and he puts his jacket across his lap so he can text Keeley underneath it. She’s free after training and she’ll take him to a shop to look at planners and notebooks and then show him how to do something called bullet journaling, which sounds absolutely mad and confusing but he’ll give it a try if it makes her happy.
Roy comes over and leans down next to him just after they’ve finalized their plans. “You are either texting or having a wank under that jacket,” he says quietly, “and I don’t want to know which but either way you need to stop and pay attention.”
“I wouldn’t wank in front of all the lads,” Jamie whispers back. “That’s harassment. We watched a film about it.”
2. The one where Virgil is Virgil but Jordan went into ballet instead of football.
He was just out the doors and into the corridor when a voice came from behind him. “Excuse me.”
Virgil braced himself a little—being recognized in public was part of the job, but he was tired and his foot ached and it was a fucking medical office, for god’s sake—but stopped and looked back. “Yes?”
It was the blue-eyed man, holding out Virgil’s AirPods case. “This fell out of your pocket.”
“Oh.” Virgil went back and accepted it, noting in a distant part of his mind that the logo on the man’s jacket was a simple text one spelling out NORTHERN BALLET. “Thank you.”
The man tucked his hands in his jacket pockets. “Awful to lose those.”
“It is. But easy to do.”
That got him a faint smile, just a twist of the lips. Thin, pink lips, settled in a neatly trimmed beard. Everything about the man was meticulous, his hair gelled mercilessly into place, his fingernails short and spotless when Virgil had taken the case from him. “I’ve had to switch to buying the cheapest brand. That way I’m not out a few hundred quid every time I lose them or run them through the wash.”
“Don’t remind me.” Virgil tucked the case in his pocket and offered his hand. “I’m Virgil, by the way.”
That gets another smile, wider. “Did I play it cool enough that you didn’t know I recognized you?”
3. The one where they’re both at Liverpool but Jordan is a woman.
Virgil knows that watching a woman for half an hour without talking to her is creepy. In his defence, she's out in the middle of the training pitch, which is sort of the center of attention for anyone going in or out of the indoor facility. He had been on the way to his car with Milner and Robertson and stopped at the sound of a ball clanging off the crossbar.
"Who's that?" he'd asked, though her LFC women's team training kit narrowed it down a bit. He'd only been in Liverpool for a few weeks, though, he didn't know the women's side yet.
Robbo squinted across the pitch. "Oh. That's the women's captain. Horseface."
Milner slapped the back of Robbo's head. "Try again."
"Henderson, ow, Jordan Henderson. You don't have to hit me, the girls call her that too."
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hourcat · 2 years
Bestie I'm going to bite. Tell me about Daniel Jones? People on my twitter TL started talking about him and he seems incredibly Shaped.
AAUHDJDFKKSBDKDNDKD oh my god cerona this message has made my MORNING. he!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 dj is my babygirlest babygirl ever. you are the first person to ever ask me about him so forgive me but im abt to RAMBLE<3
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but like. in all seriousness. he's the quarterback for the giants! he was drafted really high (#6 overall, out of 32 picks in the first round and 200+ picks in the whole nfl draft) in 2019 to transition the giants' former qb (eli manning, two time super bowl champ, famous new york sports figure) out of the role. the pick got clowned on at first bc he looks like eli and the owner/general manager seemed like they just wanted someone who looked like eli, not a player who'd actually been a star in college, but he went along with it anyway despite the noise. and it kind of worked at first! DJ came in when eli was benched/kept out of the game because he wasn't playing well, and he looked really flashy and exciting the whole rest of the year! even when they lost, daniel was playing his ass off and giving spark to a team that had been wallowing in mediocrity for like, two and a half years.
but then the head coach got fired at the end of the year because the team was so bad, and the man they replaced him with (joe judge) inherited him but hired the wroooong guy to actually build a good offense around him, so he floundered and looked hot-and-cold and generally was kind of a joke in the league. he tripped over his own two feet running almost the entire length of the football field during a game on Prime Time™ (aka monday night football, one of the most watched games every weekend) and got memed on hard. he's gotten hurt enough to miss significant time over the last two years, so people think he's unreliable. he turned the ball over a lot early on in his giants career (dropped it, fumbled it, threw interceptions & gave the other team possession of the ball) and people got really mad about it and haven't let it go still. mind you, the rest of the offense was not pretty either!! but DJ was the QB, hence the focus of the blame, and has been under fire by the media and everyone for the past three years. he always takes it quietly and never lashes out or says ANYTHING to make a headline or anything. he's a lil stupid. but he just ignores the hate and the criticism and goes on.
but! the reason you prob saw him on your timeline was because HE IS KILLING IT THIS YEAR. a new coaching staff was brought in to replace joe judge's, along with new members of the team responsible for contracts and player management and general financial decisionmaking, and daniel is thriving under them. they like him so much. they're building an offense full of plays and stuff that HE likes, not just stuff the coach thinks will work. he's got help now (he doesn't get hit immediately after he gets the ball, thanks to the offensive line that's protecting him) and he's got one of the best weapons in the league (saquon barkley!) with him, back and healthy, and he's putting the team on his back and just. making plays. scoring. winning. the giants are 4-1 for the first time since 2009. and daniel is such a big part of that!!
he's also SO shaped. you're so right. he has the face of a baby and the body of A Man™. he's quiet and has a little bit of a southern accent and is so polite--there is nothing flashy about him the way most athletes, nfl and non-nfl, seem to have these days. he's just a boy!!!!! he is just MY BABY. he goes to work and focuses and doesn't let the media (full of new york assholes who just want to talk shit) impact him. he's a great teammate and a good friend and he's awkward and a lil goofy seeming but he is just. he has gotten so much shit from EVERYONE for so long, right from the moment he came to new york, but he persevered! he kept doing the work even in spite of the noise! and people are finally beginning to see that he might be the real thing (something ive known for years 😌) instead of just a meme or a bad football player. and he deserves it so so soooo much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
ok deej spam
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this is my blorboest blorbo. above everyone else. i love charles n i looove pierre but neither of them have reached my Daniel Jones Woobification level yet
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han-merlin · 1 year
When you get this respond with five things that make you happy!!! Then send to the last ten people you got notifications from (anon) :)
1. - 5. Dogs 😤
Okay but actually
Dogs. So spending time with dogs. The bigger and more boisterous and rambunctious the better. Untrained reactive bastard of an animal? I love it. I will fight it. Roll around in the grass with it. A not insignificant number of people have told me I must be part dog.
Swimming in forest- or bog-lakes, ideally in the sun. There are loads in Estonia and I'm sure other places with similar landscapes, like parts of Finland, have them too.
My best friends. Specially yelling about ridiculous things and losing it over drama and memes. All said things, drama, and memes are regularly football related.
Travelling. I like Seeing The World TM. Places surrounding the Mediterranean will always be my favourite I think, with Plakias in Crete, Lucca in Tuscany (or just anywhere it Tuscany to be honest, I love it there), and Palermo in Sicily being some my favourites that I've been to so far. Iceland is also a long time favourite of mine actually, sick as fuck. And can't forget my utterly insane trip to Nepal.
I don't really know anymore. Lots of things. The sun on its own. My stupid sports teams winning at their stupid competitions. Seeing people I care about happy, especially if I've caused that happiness. Not being utterly burnt out and swamped in university work would be nice. World peace. But also then random little shit like when bugs crawl off flowers onto my finger, or when the crocuses start blooming in spring, or those colourful bead necklaces all the travelling salesmen sell on beaches.
feat. My inability to keep any answers short and simple. Always gotta ramble and get feelings involved. 🫡
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15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Tagged by: @alphedhel
If you're not comfortable with answering, just say "I plead the 5th." I find it hilarious
1. Are you named after anyone?
I was going to be named after my uncle if I was a boy, but that didn't work out. She didn't like the female version, so she went with something Christmas-y since I was born so close to Christmas.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Today, as a matter of fact. In a fit of rage while trying to dispose of a very stubborn and very rude cottonwood sapling.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but if I were in the right headspace and had a partner who wanted them and we were financially secure, I wouldn't mind adopting or fostering a couple.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's one of my love languages. But I will admit to needing to lay off the snark once in a while.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was a hockey player as a kid and I played soccer (football for you Europeans). Now, I take long walks with two obnoxious dogs and my parents. I'm not very sports oriented anymore due to a back injury.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
If they have a dog or not. I'm an anxious person and I don't like looking at people out of habit, but if there's a dog, I'm asking to pet it.
7. Eye Color?
Green. The only 1% I'm part of is the percentage of the population with natural red hair and green eyes
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
(Spanish girl "why not both?" meme)
I love happy endings and horror movies. And when a horror film has a happy ending? Even better.
9. Any Special talents?
I can unnerve a voice teacher with an unusual vocal range, maybe? My usual speaking voice is considered really low and normally shouldn't be able to clear three octaves. But my singing range is about four and a half octaves to five.
10. Where were you born?
Alaska and I have been stuck here for nearly thirty years. It's a beautiful state, don't get me wrong, but egads I want to leave. And no, we cannot see Russia from our house. That's in Wasilla and that's because of all the crystal meth they cook.
11. Free space (there was no 11 on the prompt I received)
My favorite movie of all time is the Princess Bride. I watched it so much as a kid that I wore out the old VHS tape. My mom got a copy of the DVD and we quote it at the screen when we watch it sometimes to annoy my dad. (he loves it)
12. Do you have any pets?
Two dogs named Luka and Rosie and two cats named Selina and Brucie.
13. How tall are you?
About 5'7 or 5'8, depends on the doctor
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and Social Studies. I was one of those kids who loved every book we read in class and would read ahead because I wanted to know what happened next. I read during class and got in trouble when I supposed to be doing work. And I'd read ahead in my history book to find out cool shit and then look that up in the library. The other kids thought I was weird as fuck. Wouldn't find out until I was 13 that I had The Autism™
15. Dream Job?
Used to be Disney World, but the Mouse destroyed my dreams and crushed my soul like a grape. Now it's something involving wild animal rehabilitation or something like that. I like critters and I want to help restore habitats and endangered species and things like that.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
For that "not from the US" asks: 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 29? ☺
favourite place in your country?
The Brühl Terrace in Dresden, or the Semper opera. But the terrace probably.
5. favourite song in your native language?
"Verleih' uns Frieden" by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy?
"Freiheit" by Westernhagen (but absolutely ONLY the 1989 live version), "Westerland" by Die Ärzte, "Amadeus" by Falco, each for entirely different reasons.
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Already answered :)
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Erich Kästner (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but also Rilke (1, 2) (he was Austrian actually but he was a native speaker of German so we’ll let that count, right?). They're opposite ends of a spectrum but I adore them both.
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
The Rilke translations are often delightful! Even though they read quite differently, I usually like them a lot. (Though I've yet to find ANY translation for the "Requiem für Wolf Graf von Kalckreuth", which is a crime!). Kästner hasn't been translated much outside of his childrens' books, sadly - but honestly, it's *hard* to get Kästner right, he's very suited to how specific you can get with German (I’ve tried). What I've seen from the translation of Christa Wolff's Kassandra was pretty neat as well! Like with Rilke, it reads like a slightly different book, but an equally good one! Overall we're pretty lucky, a lot of our culture gets translated still, though mostly the older stuff, which has its merits but isn't everyone's cup of tea (not every day is a Goethe or Schiller day, you know).
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Yeah, loads of small things! There's the one thing where you can *shock* most Germans by wishing them a happy birthday before their birthday, it's dreadfully ill luck and it freaks me out when someone does it! Also the hectically ripping down any and all Christmas decoration by January 6th - though my parents appear to have lapsed a little in that regard, they left the tree up until mid January this year. Scandalous.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Very rarely, except for the Heute show, which is political satire kind of like the Late Show or Seth Meyers if that helps? (This is a very stereotypical German answer btw, I've never met a German my age who was *really* into German tv, though one of my best friends is decidedly too into a soap about mountain rescuers, and there's the Tatort, which is a whole thing.)
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
already answered :)
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Well, my family does (least popular dialect in Germany, yay! I kind of love it, though it *is* markedly unsexy. Then again, I feel that way about most German dialects - charming, but not... alluring. At all). I've been raised in a different part of the country though, so my only real contact to the dialect was my parents, whose dialect was toned down pretty quickly - East Germans doing their best to blend. So I do, kind of, but it's very imperfect, and I only slip into it naturally when I'm surrounded by other speakers (or elderly people who speak another dialect, strangely enough? Makes for confusing social situations when you try to speak to an elderly Frisian patient in a hospital in a broad Leipzig drawl, I think he was having flashbacks to the early 90s and it was confusing for both of us, lol. But I think they appreciated it anyway - they tend to take it as talking down when you reply to dialect with polished Hochdeutsch.)
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Already answered, but I've lived in more places than one. The Dresden football club (barf) has an ongoing beef with Leipzig. I condemn the whole thing wholeheartedly, the goings on in that club are fucking barbaric and they're bringing down the neighbourhood.
Hi, I'm not from the US! ask meme
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