#for anybody who gets this far: send me your ace attorney thoughts i am asking politely
arcaneyouth · 2 years
"why are you constantly posting about ace attorn3y" i cannot explain in a reasonable way how hyperfixating on some lawyers is keeping me sane in these trying times
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 4 June 1838
8 10
11 ¾
Rain in the night – fine morning – F67° at 9 ¼ and breakfast – read over A-‘s letter to her aunt – sent George to Laffittes’ – no letters – had the man from Meurices’ and paid up his bill I myself adding 22/. to it = 26/30 to pay in addition to the 200/. in a/c paid on Saturday – then had the girl from Madame Figarlos’ and pothering over 1 thing or other till 11 ½ - no letters at Laffittes’ – then added a few lines dated this morning to my note to Lady S. de R- 4pp. of ½ sheet written and dated Friday merely to say the little entresol at Meurices’ was so terrible I had hunted about for another apartment on Saturday and come here at 10 that night 3me looking into the gardens and we were recovering –surely Lady S. de R- would send my note to Lady Stuart and should be obliged to my Lord to frank my note to Vere – had merely written before that ‘we are only just arrived having been touring in Belgium, and lastly spending a few days at Spa........’ ‘the Hotel Voltaire r. de Lille was full, ditto a host of other hotels’ – had just read in Galignani ‘the whole history of their arrangements with Comte Stroganoff prince..... I wonder whose clever idea it was, to make an opening between the 2 houses’  (i.e. Lord Stuarts and Lord Caledons’) conclude the S. de R- will all be with Lady S- at the Lodge – mention having just had Dr. Double who sends us ‘off to the Pyrenees for 2 months for a necessary rétablissement; and St. Sauveur in the panacea proposed – Perhaps its associations may do more good than its waters – we ought to be off in ten days – I shall see whether it be possible at that time, or at all, and shall write again before leaving here – If there be anything I can do for you now or on my return, you know I shall do it with great pleasure – there is an amusing article in Galignani (from the spectator) on Tory influence in small towns, regretting that ‘the Tory gentry are fasting themselves in the old fashion’ ..... ‘and will be enabled to get the masses at defiance, thro’ the quiet but irresistible influence of property’ I hope you will be quite struck and well for the coronation, and Louisa in all her bloom of beauty – you will be proud of both your daughters – Believe me, my dear Lady Stuart, very truly yours A. Lister’ – my note to Lady S- 4pp. of ½ sheet the 1st p. and 1 ½ line of 2nd p. written and dated Friday 1 June – the rest written and dated yesterday – ‘you will have guessed, dearest Lady Stuart, from my not writing, that I was still en route somewhere, and certainly not arrived in Paris – we had a rather boisterous passage of 24 hours, 17 of which, during the ‘stiff breeze’ I was as you can imagine – I thought of you very often in retracing our old route from Brussels to Spa’.... great improvement in the face of the country – went to the bottom of one of the deepest coal pits at Liège – regretted not being able to go to Aix-la-chapelle – returned by Namur, Dinant, Mézières, Reims, and Epernay – our troubles began here’ – mention our ‘little back entresol over the rez de chaussée at Meurices’, which was so intolerable from closeness and bad air, that I could not finish my letters or do anything, and, after much trouble yesterday, I took a 3me here (hotel de la terrasse) and got into between 10 and 11 last night’ – Paris very hot and full of English –‘If I come again in this way, I seriously think of putting up at the little pied-à-terre near the Jardin des Plantes’ –mentioning having had Dr. Double yesterday – to be off to St. Sauveur in 10 days – ‘If we really go there, I shall think every day of the happy 3 weeks I spent there in 1830’ mention Galignani telling the whole history of Lord S. de R-‘s house letting ‘the length of time and all things considered fairly, I really do not think the rent too great – I hope you are enjoying your pretty garden at the Lodge – If you are at home, and alone when all the bustle of the coronation is over, I shall count upon spending a little while with you – Perhaps I shall feel differently by and by – I hardly think of, or own to myself, that I feel much otherwise than well – and yet there is a something – but it matters not – I know it is a trouble to you to write much – but I shall be delighted to hear of you, and shall not leave here without writing again – perhaps you may think of something that I can do for you – Half the most useful tradespeople that I was accustomed to here, are dead or gone, that I feel as if I was in a new place – the rich daughter of our house in the Place de la Madeleine, is just married to Monsieur de Grouchy and gone to Turin as secretary of legation – Ever, dearest Lady Stuart, very truly and affectionately yours A. Lister’ – my note to Lady V.C. 3pp. of ½ sheet written and dated and all copied yesterday – very small and close – account of our tour etc. as much as would fill 2 common sheets of letter paper written à l’ordinaire – had just written so far of today at 12 25 then wrote as follows to Mr. Okey – ‘Mrs. Lister will be much obliged to Mr. Okey to forward her packet, by the bag, to Lord Stuart de Rothesay, and will be glad to see Mr. Okey if he can call upon her any time from eight to nine this evening Hotel de la Terrasse. Monday Morning’ –
sent off at 1 40 my packet undercover to ‘Mr. Okey Rue du Faubourg St. Honoré’ containing my note to himself and my letters undercover to ‘Lord Stuart de Rothesay’ to ‘The Lady Stuart de Rothesay’ and to ‘the honourable Lady Stuart’ and to ‘the Lady Vere Cameron’ – and at 12 25 wrote as follows to Mr. S. Washington – ‘Paris. Monday 4 June 1828. Sir I received your letter on Wednesday, the 30th ultimo – I do not wish to be at the expense of a ten-horse power engine, and shall be obliged to you to get estimates of an eight-horse-power engine from Low moor, or any other respectable firm – I have understood that there are several good makers of small engines at and about Rochdale – If Mr. James Holt does not like to take upon himself the whole responsibility of advising, you had best consult with Mr. John Oates – I have no objection to Mr. Taylor or anybody else who will make a good engine, and do the whole job well at a reasonable price – Give me the substance of all the estates (on one sheet of paper) and your own opinion and that of Messrs. Holt and Oates as to which estate you would each of you fix upon, were the case your own – Direct to me as before, to the care of Messrs. Hammersleys and I shall probably receive your letter in about a week from its date – Let me know what you have paid to the Manns and if the meer-embankment is done, and how much is done of the walling against the road, in front of the house – and if either Robert Mann or John Booth has any message to send – I am sir, etc. etc A. Lister’ –A- having omitted an order on her H-x bank for £200 to be paid on Hammersleys
A-  had not done till 5 ¼ too late by ¼ hour
we were both obliged to write out respective portions of the letter over again, so that I had my letter to SW. to re-write and added to it the last 2 ½ lines – and has just written so far at 3 ¾ having had the washerwoman about two – from 3 ¾ to 4 ¾ inking over accounts – then 10 minutes reading over A-‘s letter to SW. then 20 minutes more till 5 ¼ finishing inking over from Friday 25 at Rethel to Tuesday 31 May after Versailles – i.e. to end of the day 31 May  - A- and I took George and walked out at 5 40 – told the little coiffeur Carré r. St. Honoré corner of r. d’Alger to come at 8 ½ am tomorrow – then to the r. de Rothan (Perrelets’) about our watches and white we were there came on such heavy rain with thunder and lightning that we were obliged to return in a fiacre – home about 7 ¼ - dinner – Dr. Double called for about ¼ hour about 8 ¼ - Mr. Okey at 9 for about ¼ hour – mentioned to him the power of attorney I had forgotten to send to Messrs. Hammersleys when last in London – he will sent it on Friday by the bag – my letters went or would go this evening – could have got the power of attorney off if I had wished it – the courier sets off at midnight – the bag made up at 10 am – Lady Granville has been very ill – both she and Lord Granville here and will be here during the coronation – Mr. Heneage here – gave Mr. Okey my passport Mr. Heneage will get it visaed at the embassies of Austria Spain and Sardinia – Soult had taken Lord S. de R-‘s house for £1000 – Lord S- very angry on Soults’ giving it up – S- said it was the affair of his maître d’hotel – asked if Dr. Tupper is in Paris – said I had a high opinion of him as a medical man – O- had seen him lately but he now lives at or near Meudon – had had it in contemplation to take patients at a private maison de Sauté there – Mr. O- was hardly gone before Dr. Tupper came – had just Mr. O- who had told him what had passed – expressed my regret at supposing him (Dr. T-) gone – said I had therefore sent for Dr. Double who had been of great service to a friend of mine 14 years ago – Dr. T- sat 1/2 hour perhaps and said he would call as a friend tomorrow morning – he just asked a question or 2 of A- said her face (the [?]) was caused by her stomach – a little medicine to stimulate her liver would be good – But A- told me afterwards tho’ she liked Dr. Tupper very well she was very well satisfied with Dr. Double and glad she had him – liked him better than T- glad to escape medicine – Dr. T-‘s maison de Sauté scheme given up – an English gentleman and lady were to have kept the house – the lady was taken very ill – Dr. T- called in – found her in the evening very ill – the pupil would not contract – she had taken something – she denied it – but T- sure she had – she died at 6 the next morning – it was a love affair he thought – he mentioned her having taken something to the husband – but she was buried and so the matter passed over, and the maison de sauté scheme was given up – they had paid ½ years’ rent – the house proved to be not secure at the time – the landlord readily accepted their proposal and returned ½ what they had paid – they might by law have had the whole but did not know at the time – an old picture bought the other day at the public sale for 45fr. – the gentleman soon afterwards refused 50,000 fr. – Government heard of this and by law made [Expressively] many years ago got the picture back paying the gentleman only the 45/. the picture having been stolen – sat talking – finish day till about after 6 (vid. line 25 last p.) rainy evening till 8 or 9 – and rain in the night
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