#im in bed too emotionally exhausted to do anything. but i sure can think about those lawyers
girlcrushau · 6 months
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#me? about to use tumblr as a diary again? in 2024? unfortunately:/#but here have a waterfall i saw on a hike last week as payment#i am sO tired and exhausted emotionally after dating#there's this guy that i fr thought was going to last and be around for a long time. we spent like every moment together that we could for 2#months straight and if we werent physicaly together we were texting or calling or on ft . just every part of our day had the other in it#not once did i ever feel unwanted undesired or uncared for. not once did i feel that i wasnt sure of his intentions. i felt safer with him#in those 2 months than i ever did with any one else i could think to compare to.#until one day he just didnt think it important to communicate any more. after 3 days of nearly nothing .. hardly any talking . i asked if#he was ok if we were ok. what was going on in his head. he said some ive just been with my buddies and family and havent been on my phone#and just. immediately thats heartbreak yanno. thats :// thats what they say when theres a new girl. but there'd never been a reason to think#there was another girl so i was like ok we're gonna trust bc this dude has been So good in every way. so i said imy but i understand. enjoy#your time with your buddies and with your fam -- i cant wait to hear about it (and hold you)#and i havent heard from him in the 3 weeks since. just randomly#so last night#i send the dreaded 'i miss you' text.#i dont expect to hear back and i accept the hurt that will come with that and the confusion that i've felt settles deeper into my heart#until this afternoon i hop on ig and see a hard launch that was posted an hour after my text was sent#that shit kinda hurt different. but also sent me into a bit of a delirious state where all i could do is laugh bc are you for fucking real#did she see my message? i know it. bc i know him and i know that he wouldnt hide anything from the person he's giving his heart#and his softness to. i can almost imagine how he showed her and promised her theres nothing to worry about#and there really isnt anything to worry about because he genuinely is the type to give his all to the relationship he's in#which feels silly to say after what happened w us. like no there wasnt a title ever#it sucks to call it a situationship because a month ago we were laughing in bed together about how we could never bc we were all in.#just the timing of the hard launch makes me giggle. did my text push them to have a conversation about what they are. was she really the#reason that he went away on me.#im trying not to blame myself . trying not to think about the phone calls i didnt answer. about what i could have done differently. trying#not to think about where we would be if i didnt let my anxieties hold me back. if i wasnt scared about what he'd think of the parts of me#that i keep hidden just a little bit longer than the rest.#and at the same time im trying not to put him on a pedestal. but that pedestal is just where i wholeheartedly believe he belongs#he set the bar for me. he set the standard. i was never too much. i was never too little. he made me feel perfect just as i am
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mickmundy · 1 year
Hi!! Can I get 3, 14 and 38?
3. How do they put themselves to bed each night (reading, singing, thinking, etc)?
Sniper has a pretty consistent routine (because he Thrives on routine)! Feed/play with hoots if he's not too tired to unwind, sit outside and have a beer or two (not every night; sometimes this is alternated with a smoke or just a snack of some kind)... goes into his van for the night and brushes his teeth, takes off his clothes, makes sure he has everything he needs for tomorrow (battle, errands, whatever) and crawls into bed... does some reading via a battery-powered camping lantern until he feels nice and drowsy... curls up with his childhood stuffed animal (that he'd deny having if you asked him!) and falls asleep...
Medic... doesn't put himself to bed! he's up all hours of the day and night and abides by no such schedule! when he and sniper start dating, that's the most sleep he's probably ever gotten in his life! if he doesn't pass out from exhaustion, it's likely he's still puttering around in the lab or his room, indulging in hobbies or freaky science! sniper often has to come and fish him out of his lab, but if medic wants to spend time with sniper, he'll ditch his dens of comfort in favor of sniper's... and sleep tightly with sniper curled around him!
14. What animal do they fear the most?
Sniper fears no man or beast! but he knows his way around self-defense when it comes to duking it out with animals, and is confident in his ability to keep himself safe from just about anything! of course there are definitely things he'd prefer to avoid tangling with, but all in all, he's not really afraid of anything in nature! he'd rather skinnydip with a man-o-war than have an emotionally-intimate conversation, though!
Medic also has no fear, but not because he has the hunting skills that sniper does, but because he's simply too curious and excited to be in the presence of terrifying animals to even be afraid in the first place! he's sticking his head into the open mouths of crocodiles or tossing food to bears and giggling and going hoo! oh my! look at this! and sniper has to hastily scoop him up out of the way and medic's like "hoo! ^v^ are you scared, spatzchen? (<- sniper's scared For Him, not of the beast!)" and sniper huffs and lets out a relieved sigh that medic's okay... HEHE
38. What memory do they revisit most often?
Sniper actively tries not to revisit any memories LOL. i think he definitely has fond ones but for him, fondness can quickly become bittersweet... to perhaps a bit sad... he prefers to keep himself in the present and think about what's to come!
Medic has absolutely no care for his past! he's similar to sniper in that way, but unlike sniper, he also doesn't think too far ahead either; living in the moment is what ludwig does best! he loves improvising, thinking on his feet and constantly mentally stimulating himself, so why worry about the future when the present is so much more fun?! hoo!
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navire190413 · 20 days
i am exhausted. i really need to stop drinking so much. i almost didnt make it into work today just because i wanted to sleep more. probably since i've been going to bed around 2 every night. i really gotta adjust my life style soon or i feel like there will be serious consequences somehow.
ive been considering giving up on x-chan. its been 4 months since we broke up, and then 3 months as "friends", where we're just doing this stupid game of ohhh we like eachother so much one week then dont like each other the next week, repeat. we met up after work yesterday and went to 神田 to go to 神田屋. idk why we even went there, x-chan hates chain izakayas. we only had one drink then decided to walk to 秋葉原。we found another chain izakaya to go to since they allow smoking at your seat. usually when we're together he always holds my hand, but he didnt reach for it at all last night, so i didnt reach for his either. i felt like, oh maybe its actually over now and we're just actually going to act like friends and not be all ラブラブ like we are most of the time. 
we left pretty early after having 2 mega lemon sours and some food. he was exhausted from work and was basically falling asleep at the table. we said bye and didnt kiss or anything. i went to my usual bar for a drink or two before going home. most of the usual people were there but i mostly just drank by myself and played with my phone. i was too exhausted and over thinking everything to even try to communicate in japanese. 
i texted x-chan while i was there saying i wanted to hold his hand earlier but didnt know if it was okay or not so i refrained. he told me its always okay and he likes when i do it, so i guess i will from now on. i also told him i still like him and after i got drunk i asked him to please tell me if he ever starts talking to a girl romantically so i can stop pursuing him out of respect for the both of them. he agreed, so i guess i should stop worrying about if he's talking to anyone until he tells me he is. 
my old drinking buddy ended up coming to the bar while i was there and we drank until 11:30, which is why im so fucking exhausted today. he's american from texas and has been in japan for less than a year. he's kind of sort of studying japanese but he hasnt really made much progress lately haha. he teaches english and is stuck in that terrible cycle. i couldnt do it. all of the people i know who are english teachers are miserable and on the verge of offing themselves. the pay is too low and their hours too long and they have weird ass fucking contracts with barely any time off. i definitely got lucky when i decided to go to language school. but also extremely lucky i had the means to save up for it and afford it. i love japan but i dont love it enough to become an english teacher just for a visa. i would absolutely move back to the states before i even considered teaching english as a job. which is why i was so panicked the entire time i was job hunting. 
im sure if i didnt come to work today it would have been fine, but i had a cold two weeks ago and something about me missing 3 days of work in a month when i just got my work visa 2 months ago doesnt sit right with me. i got ready in 10 minutes today so i could sleep in the max amount of time possible and didnt even bother with makeup. i really gotta get my shit togetherrrrrrr. x-chan also doesnt want to drink as much anymore and wants to save money, so if i stop hanging out with him as much i wont be drinking as much or spending as much money either. but if i dont hang out with him as much, he'll start hanging out with other girls! i dont think he will but my ocd is killing me. i want to give up so bad. i tried my hardest to make things right between us, but they keep going from good to bad and then from bad to good and i am frankly emotionally exhausted. he texted ME good morning today, and that made me more happy than it should have. i need to stop wasting my emotional resources on this and focus on myself. its so hard. 
i think im gonna go pray at a temple this weekend. it usually helps me clear my head and i feel like my luck usually turns around when i do. fighting the urge to look up 縁結び祈願 temples because i should pray about getting my life together, not getting back with x-chan haha. i typed this then immediately invited him to go with me.
i do the money management and accounting at my job. im still being trained on how they like their stuff organized and how to do everything the right way in japan. japan's tax system is so complicated compared to how "streamlined" it is in the states. also having to add up big amounts of money here is kind of comical. so many 0's. so. many. 0's. also dont ask me to say any number larger than 999万円 outloud because it takes me like 10 seconds to count from the end of the number and backwards to understand if its 万 or 億.
i need to go shooting soon. i have a photo series in mind, but it requires me being out all night long until like 6am, and i dont feel comfortable doing it alone since random men always approach me when im by myself so im kind of relying on my friends to go with me. i also keep blowing off my friends to hangout and try to woo x-chan. my life is a mess. i also need to study instead of drinking every night. and i need to not go to the bar as much so i can save up to move. and and and and. and i need to buy more film for my camera. and i want to play pokemon in my free time. and i need to study more japanese grammar for my job because im forgetting a lot of it now that im not going to school everyday. and and and and. i need to go to the grocery store after work today.
yesterday on my way to the station after work, there was a guy puking on the sidewalk. first thought was, okay gross? and at 5:30? kind of fucking early to be hammered… then i looked at his vomit and it was a giant amount of unchewed ramen noodles. like. so so so much. we made eye contact and that man was in PAIN. i wonder if he just overate or something instead of being drunk 😂 that image of those fucking noodles will stay with me forever.
i need to do laundry and clean my room when i get home tonight.
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arcaneyouth · 2 years
"why are you constantly posting about ace attorn3y" i cannot explain in a reasonable way how hyperfixating on some lawyers is keeping me sane in these trying times
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fictional-scenarios · 3 years
hello! can i request an angsty fic with aizawa and f! reader where they break up? thank you!
i hope you enjoy this! i did it from his perspective, hope thats okay! also i know he probably wouldn’t actually be like this in a relationship, but for the fic, this is the only way i could see him being at fault :3
always appreciate reblogs and comments! if you’d lie to support me, here’s my ko-fi!
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In the worst of the aftermath, Aizawa was not angry. He was never angry, not truly. Not even when he’d snap at his friends for bringing up her name, or when he’d feel rage churning in his stomach at the thought of her being with another. He was never angry. 
He was sad. So devastatingly, core achingly sad, that it kept him bed ridden for days at a time. Work, come home, eat and sleep. It wouldn't end. 
He’d always considered his quant home a safe haven, but lately it’d been feeling like a prison. It felt like a haunting museum, little bits of her as far as the eye could see. The memories were so vivid, he could still almost see the figure of her standing in his doorway. He could see her leaning on the window sill peering outside. He could see her shoes by the front door, her toothbrush in a cup upon his sink. He could see her under the covers with him, hushed laughter and soft snoring into the early morning.
Even now, he see’s her beside him in bed. He see’s the indent of where she should be, now terribly empty. It makes him feel cold, alone. 
But, being alone had never been a huge issue to him before all this. In fact, he knows it was the downfall of him. 
She’d just wanted him to go out with her now and then. She just wanted to take photos with him, hold his hand out in public without feeling like she’d been forcing him. 
Aizawa buries his face in his hands, his back leaning against the cold wall, blanket curled around his waist like a weight. 
All she had wanted was just a little more life. Just a few more kisses, a few more hugs. A few more signs that he truly cared for her, but he wouldn’t hear of it. She knew he loved her, why couldn’t that be enough? 
He refused public dates that weren’t anniversaries or events. He hated photos. He hated when she’d clasp fingers around his own, hated it because all it brought was attention. Paparazzi's scavenging and ruining every affectionate and tender moment they’d shared together in public. 
He never understood why it had to be public. He couldn’t wrap his mind around why she would insist they get out and so something together. Why couldn't hanging out in the seclusion of his home be enough?
Always so stubborn, especially when it would have been the correct time to give in. His annoyance and unwillingness to be anything other than slow moving and low maintenance drove her away from him. He was just fine being on his own, so why couldn't she?
‘I feel like you’re embarrassed of me,’ She’d cried, having hit her breaking point. ‘I feel like you don’t even really care about me.”
Aizawa’s jaw tightens. Of course I care about you. Why else would I want you here?
He should have said that. But, he didn’t. Just silently witnessed the destruction unsure of what to do next. Unsure of whether to argue, or remain dormant and quiet. Not quite apathetic, but he was never one for a shouting match. 
Unfortunately, he chose to remain still in the face of a crumbling heart. 
‘Even now, you won’t say a word. You don’t ever talk to me, Shota. You never ask how my day was, or if I want to go do anything. Why do I feel like I’m just here so you’re not lonely?’ She’d had fat tears welling in the pits of her eyes. She looked drained, broken. ‘I need more,’ Voice cracking, a terrible realization she’d stumbled upon. ‘I need more than that.’ 
It was a tense moment of silence. She shook her head and choked back a harsh sob.
‘Then that’s it.’ Lip trembling, feeling unwanted. ‘I can’t do this with you anymore. I’m leaving.’
At the lucid memory, Aizawa wish's he could go back and punch himself in the head. Say something, you idiot, he’d scream. Tell her to stay.
She’d passed him by, and the door slammed shut before he even turned to watch her go. 
It’s been weeks now, and he can’t seem to get his head right. It’d taken days before she came to collect her things, something he hoped would never come to be. A stupid part of him believed that she’d come around for some reason. It’d happened before- her storming out, him never changing, her missing him enough to just... Get over it. This time, however, was much different. 
Sinking in the memories, Aizawa feels his throat tighten at everything she’d said, and even worse, everything he didn’t say. His phone lights up beside him. 
yamada: are you still moping in there???? come out w us tonight! you need to get outta bed at some point
yamada: its been weeeeeeks!!!!!!! come on!!!!!!!
Aizawa knows he does. He knows his friend has been trying to get him to leave since it happened, but it’s hard.  He answered his friend, deciding that tonight he would in fact go out for a few hours just to clear his mind- anything is starting to become better than seeing a home empty of her. He sends the message, and his heart grows heavy.
He said yes to his friends when he was feeling sorry for himself, but never for her. He knew he deserved it, but it hurt not having her anymore. Especially when all he had to do was say yes sometimes. 
What stung the most was that he didn’t get to see her when she came to collect all her items, cram them into a box and leave for the last time. He’d hoped at that point, if it ever came to that, he could convince her to stay. But.. She hadn’t told him she was coming. Perhaps because she knew she was bound to give in. 
He came from from U.A., hoping that she’d be there, sleeping soundly or sitting terse on the couch ready for an argument ending conversation. 
But, she wasn’t there. In fact, nothing of her was. All her things vacated. Everything but the memory of her stripped away. 
Aizawa had stood stunned in the doorway. Then, it all came crashing down. She was serious this time. It was set in stone.
She’d really left him.
He didn’t think she’d actually leave him. Arguments were always so easy for Aizawa. He was a firm believer in ‘take me as a I am, or don’t take me at all.’ But, he’d never realized just how much changing she’d done for him. 
When he’d first met her at a group outing, she was full of life. She was bouncy and energetic. She had a sea of friends, a world of opportunities. But with him, with Aizawa’s stubbornness combined with her need and want to spend time with him, she went out less and less. Contacts in her phone dwindled from a vast ocean to merely puddles. 
Seldom she went out, and on the rare occasions she was able to get Aizawa to go, she’d dress in her best just for him to chastise her. ‘We’re not going anywhere that fancy,’ he’d remark, not noticing how her eyes fell. ‘Aren’t you a little over dressed?’
Guilt tore up his heart, now. She was always so beautiful dressed up like that, how could he ever say those things? Too late did he notice how she’d changed everything for him. Lost friends, missed outings, just so she could remain by his side. He did everything wrong and wasn't even willing to see it. He felt like a neglectful, stubborn, ass. 
Forcing himself up from bed, it takes all his strength to get up and wander into the bathroom. He’d need to start getting ready then if he was to go later. He was a slow moving creature, after all. Lazily, mentally drained and exhausted, he opens the mirror and pulls his toothbrush from the little shelves inside. The mirror swings shut and he’s met with his dreadful reflection. 
His eyes are even darker, redder, than they ever were with his quirk. Even he could tell he looked worse for wear. Drained, emotionally vacant yet so powerfully overrun with them at the same time. He looked dead. He brings the toothbrush to his teeth, but can’t bring himself to find the motivation to actually begin cleaning up. 
So tired. 
He just wants to sleep again. 
He wants to text her. But he doesn’t.
Tossing the toothbrush into the sink, resting his elbows on the edges and allowing his head to hang in sorrow, he wonders what she’s doing right now. It’s a warm Friday evening, the blue sky wide and clear. He’s sure she’s going out tonight, finally allowing herself the freedom to make up for all the time she’d missed with her friends. Friday’s were always Aizawa’s least favorite day. He just knew she’d want to go out, and he’d always combat it with a movie she’d been wanting to see, coming up with some random excuse as to why it wouldn’t be an ideal idea to go out. 
Then, he’d ignore how she sadly watched her friends social media stories about the night, and ignored their texts asking why she’s never around anymore.
God, what he would give for one more Friday night with her. He’d dress up, he’d take her somewhere so nice even he would be afraid he couldn’t afford the food. Her and all her friends. Whoever she wants, the whole world if need be. He’d do anything she wanted, strut her to a party on a red-carpet. Anything just for another Friday night. 
Aizawa’s eyes cast back up to his reflection. A lump forms in his throat, he watches his eyes glisten with tears. He wants to fall into the floor and forget about everything. 
Pushing himself away from the sink, he shake his head and gags on how tight his threat feels. Without even a moments hesitation, he finds himself right back in his room, pulls the covers aside, and drowns in them all over again. It’s dark, it’s cold. His own rooms uninviting without her. 
Yet, he can’t seem to bring himself to leave it.
His phone sits on his pillow. Aizawa opens his friends message. 
‘im going to stay in tonight. thank you for inviting me. im tired’
Aizawa doesn’t even want to see the messages his friend instantly starts blowing his phone up with. Instead, seconds after the text sends, he holds the power button until the entire screen goes black. He rolls over to face the wall, and he feels like he’s made of led. He swallows hard and gives into sleep all over again. His arm slings around a pillow, and he clutches it to his chest. 
A forever inanimate reminder of where she once laid. 
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
hi🥺 I’ve got a super cheesy request, but whatever haha can I request a one shot James x fem reader where she is really really stressed all the time over really small things that may not even happen and James tries to calm her down and remind her that everything is going to be alright?
Oh and I just wanted to say that your writing brings a lot of comfort in my life. Thank you so much and you have a real gift for writing!!!💞
Thank you so much for your request, also im gad my writing can bring you comfort!! This was an awesome request to write and i hope you enjoy this!
Distress [ James Potter ]
Word Count: 1812
[ Warning: female reader, stressful/intrusive thoughts, worrying, James Potter being a dork, Kissing, description of distress and panic, slight mention of blood/bruises, petnames such as "love" "baby" and "princess", napping together ]
You flip onto your back, the sheets and pillows under you. You fussed messily, limbs sprawled out on the bed as you try and stop yourself from yanking your hair out. Recently, your thoughts had been consuming your mental state to a point where all you could do was worry about it.
You try and get dressed, brushing out your hair in a small rage as you felt a tangle of hair. You almost broke down crying at the small inconvenience, but you sighed unhappily and slipped on Jame's jumper. The jumper felt huge, it enclosed you with warmth and the slight smell of Jame's cologne filled your nose.
You sighed in relaxation, finding some peace in the jumper. You kept thinking about James, smiling as you fixed your outfit. Once you had finished, a small thought crossed into your head. 'What if your shoes are untied and you fall?'
The small thought made you spiral, walking down the steps carefully with your eyes glued to your shoes. You kept glancing at them, not looking away from them as you made your way to the dining hall.
"There's my girl," Jame's voice rose to catch your attention, you looked up from your shoes and let them look into James's comforting stare.
"Good morning," you mumbled, sliding in between Sirius and James as you felt a strong arm wrap around your side. James pulled you into a side hug, kissing your forehead gently.
"Morning my love, did you sleep well?" He asked, helping you fill your plate with breakfast foods. You leaned your head on his shoulder, a stronger scent of his cologne filling your senses. You relaxed slightly, escaping your thoughts for a hot minute.
"I slept okay," you sighed, remembering how you couldn't fall asleep until late in the night because of your cautious thoughts.
"Only okay? That's not good, how about after class you go and take a nap in my dorm?" James suggested, his hand on your jaw as he tilted your face up to look at him. His worried eyes looked over your face, seeing how tired you looked.
"I'm fine James, promise," you assured half-heartedly, you remembered you had a small quiz in Transfiguration. The thoughts started instantly, abruptly like bombs as they piled you with terrible thoughts. 'What if you failed? What if all the studying was for nothing?'
"Okay, if you're sure. You wanna hear about the new broomstick that is coming out?" James asked, a small sigh on his lips as he knew you weren't exactly telling the truth. James was aware of your stressful demeanor, he tried his best to distract you, but it seemed to be doing the opposite.
"Sure," you say, listening to him ramble for the next few minutes about the broomstick. You listen mostly to what he says, but his words don't make sense to you. You just nod and ask questions, finishing up your breakfast.
'What if he gets hurt next quidditch match?' The thought was hurting your head, making you gulp. Jame's loved quidditch, but it was such a competitive sport, it scared you sometimes.
You fixated on the thought, your mind flashing with images of James bleeding and bruised, your heart started to race. James was easy to read your expression, his hand on your knee to give it a quick rub for reassurance.
"You okay love?" He asked, you gave a small nod and grabbed his hand with yours. You squeezed his fingers pretty tightly, not wanting to let go in case he left and got hurt.
"I'm okay," you say, but James doesn't believe you. He lets you hold his fingers, giving you a small smile. He kisses your head, leaning down to whisper a small, "nothing going to happen, princess,"
"You don't know that," you tell him, leaning closer to him as everyone around you gets ready to head to class. You quickly move away, standing and flattening your outfit so it wasn't crumpled.
James follows, along with his other friends as you all began to walk to your first class. James pulls you back slightly, making you both walk slower so everyone walks ahead.
"What are you worrying about? I promise you I can debunk it," James promised, his fingers wiggled between yours as he started to swing your hands together. He slowed his pace, making sure that he was walking at your rhythm.
"What if my shoes get untied and I fall? And what if you get hurt during a quidditch game?" You say, not believing that he could possibly find a way to fix your thoughts. But James only smiled and pulled you to the side, stopping near an open area.
"Sit on the ledge," he says, helping you up on the ledge. You watched him crouch down, giving your knee a small kiss.
"Well, I can help your first worry, I can simply just cast a spell to make sure your shoes stay tied," James chuckled, a wide smile on his face as he beams up at you. He takes out his wand, muttering a small spell as he taps your shoes.
"And the second worry?" You asked, happy that you had someone to soothe your thoughts. You felt a lot better at the small spell James casted, feeling safe.
"Lucky for you, I'm the best at quidditch, so if I was to get hurt, it would totally be on purpose," James said with a cocky smirk, leaning up to kiss you gently. You pushed yourself onto your feet, leaning into his body to get closer.
"And I can assure you, love, I will never deliberately put myself in pains way when it comes to quidditch," He muttered against your lips, pushing his fingers along yours. He brought your hand to his lips, giving it a small kiss.
"Only quidditch?" You asked, wondering if James would hurt himself for the greater deed. Sometimes, you thought that James was too forgiving and daring, he would do anything for the people he loved. It made you worry.
James didn't respond, looking at you with soft eyes as he debated his response. He knew he wouldn't lie, so he simply pulled you along the corridor.
"Come on love, let's get to class," James says, as you both head to Transfiguration, you remember the quiz you had and started to panic slightly. The stressful thoughts beginning again.
"What if I fail the quiz?" You asked him frantically, changing the subject to another of your worry's. You felt a small dread at the fact James would hurt himself for the greater good, but you knew you couldn't change him, so you simply sighed and tried not to think about it. Your brain focused on the quiz, images of failing grades flashed through your head. You bit your lip, chewing on it anxiously.
"We studied all yesterday! There is no way you will fail, you're just too brilliant," He assured, kissing your head as you both settled into your chairs. You looked at him, not believing his words. James only gave you a generous smile, he knew you would pass the quiz.
"Hey, even if you do super bad, which you won't! Your grade won't change that much, it's only worth 10 points, it won't affect anything!"
Realizations hit you, making you relax in your seat. James was right, the quiz wasn't even worth that much and you both did study. You could recite the whole transfiguration textbook back to front, there was no way you could fail.
You felt a strong wave of proudness wash over you, there wasn't any possible way you would fail. Confidence filled your veins, a proud smile on your lips as you shared it with James. He only smiled back, mouthing a small 'I believe in you' and that was enough for you to believe his words, you wouldn't fail.
During the quiz, you felt like you were answering every question wrong. You kept crossing out answers then filling them in again. Your page was a mess, full of scratches and messy words. You sighed quietly, your forehead pressed into your hand.
You finished anxiously, passing in the paper. You bit the inside of your cheek, knowing that you couldn't have possibly passed. You almost felt like crying when the thoughts kept pouring into you, the day hasn't even started yet and you were completely exhausted.
"See, it wasn't that bad!" James says while you both walk to Potions, but you only shake your head and hold back stressed tears. James frowns, rubbing your forearm as he pets your head, he tried his best to soothe you.
"Oh love, there isn't a need to shed tears over it! You probably did great," James tells you, you both walk into the potions classroom, settling down near a desk in the back.
"No James, I didn't! I'm going to fail the quiz, I kept scratching out my answers! I didn't know anything," you quavered, feeling emotionally drained.
James picked up on your struggle, a frown on his lips as his hand came to pat your thigh. You let your head fall against the desk hard and you hear James wince at the sound, his hand on your back.
"After this class, I'm going to take you to my dorm and you can get some sleep okay?" James stated, rubbing your back gently as he watched you with saddened eyes. James wished he could take away your stressful thoughts, he hated seeing you worry.
"I'm fine," you lied, not even trying to cover up your obvious distress.
"No you're not princess, and that's okay. But you have to take care of yourself," James worries himself, his hands twitching. You look up at him through your eyelashes, heaving a small sigh.
"Okay," you mumble and the class continues. The hour passes slowly, James doing most of the classwork as he lets you lean against him. The only thing keeping you from spiralling and having a mental breakdown is James kissing your forehead periodically and his sweet words.
Your eyes blur for a few moments as you let James lead you through Hogwarts. You don't remember how you got here, but you laid in James' embrace, his hands in your hair as his warm blankets swallows you in sleepiness.
"What if I sleep through my next class?" You asked, your body twitching as you move to get a comfortable position. You felt tired, but thoughts kept your attention.
"I'll stay awake, I'll make sure you get to class on time," James kisses your head, his fingers massaging your scalp in a wonderful motion. You lay completely into James's body, letting your eyes close.
"Go to sleep baby. I've got you now," James whispered, you felt your nerves relax. Before you knew it, you fall asleep against his chest, curling yourself closer to your protector.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker x Emotionally Exhausted Reader Headcanons 
Warnings: Like one use of language, Reader is just very drained, Anakin is soft and comforting (duh), uhh comfort angst? I think that’s how I’d categorize this? But I tried to go heavy on the comfort and like less heavy on the angst bc my last fic was angsty too lmao
Words: 1.3k
A/N: i didn’t plan on writing this week but i wanted to capture what im feeling rn. and anakin is my comfort character and i cope with things by trying to think of what he’d do to help me, as any normal person does. so this is me rambling and basically just… emotional exhaustion is real and please be gentle with yourself if you’re feeling it. i tried to keep my language very neutral in this, as emotional exhaustion can come from a myriad of situations and manifest in many ways. but yeah taking time to recover after stressful and draining situations is completely valid and okay. in fact, i encourage it :) 
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If Anakin knew you had a stressful week or day or just went through anything that was tough for you, he’d make sure to be there for you in the aftermath. 
The first time, he’d probably want to run right over and congratulate you for getting through whatever it was that stressed you, which you definitely appreciated, but he could tell something was off. Your eyes didn’t light up like they normally do, your smile didn’t reach your eyes. He knows you so well and he’d definitely pick up on it. 
And sometimes when you’re drained, he’ll come home and see you awake but still and completely spaced out. It worries him, he hates seeing you looking so lifeless. In these moments, his main goal is making sure you’re taken care of.
He knows you have no motivation to do shit yourself, so he does it for you. He doesn’t mind being that person for you and he knows you’ll do it right back for him. So he’ll make you any food you want and bring it to you with some water to ensure you’re still getting some nourishment. 
He’s aware that you have a tendency to just zone out for hours on end. You logically know you have to go to the bathroom or shower or something, but it feels insurmountable and you can’t physically bring yourself to move. So he’ll gently pick you up. And he carries you over to wherever you need to go. And he’ll stay. He always stays. 
Very soft encouragement as he takes care of you. “You’re doing so good, angel.” “I know you’re exhausted; please just do this for me and then I’ll take you back to bed and you can rest again, alright?” “Shh, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
Also he’s so proud of you for getting through whatever you’ve gone through that’s exhausted you to your very core. He’ll frequently say things like, “You’re amazing, my love.” “You got through it, you can rest now.” “You never need to think about it again, okay? It’s done, beautiful.” 
He knows you’ll recover from it. He has complete faith in you, of course. But just because he knows you’ll eventually be okay doesn’t mean he’ll neglect you in the meantime. 
He’s always touching you, too. He knows you like constant, slow motions because they remind you he’s with you. It grounds you. So he’ll be stroking your thighs, running his thumb across the back of your hand, weaving his fingers through your hair, etc. 
He talks quietly, too. You sometimes have headaches when you’re drained and he would hate to make them worse. He always makes sure the apartment is dark as to not strain your eyes, as well. If the headache is really bad, he rubs your temples and places small kisses on them to help ease the tension. 
Anakin is kind to you when you don’t have the energy to talk. He knows that sometimes, all he’s going to get is a hum or nod of approval if he asks you or says something. On occasion, you’re so far gone that he won’t even get that. But then he’ll look in your eyes and the love and appreciation you hold for him is clear. He’s not going to doubt all you have or be frustrated if you occasionally can’t voice it. 
If he sees you start to go too far in your own head and get panicky or stressed, he’ll distract you immediately. Again, he knows you so well; he can 100% tell. When you start overthinking about whatever drained you, whether it be something with your family or friends, your studies, your work, something seemingly random, or something immensely abstract, he doesn’t judge. He’d never make you feel dramatic for being affected by it. 
If you want to talk about it, he’ll listen. Sometimes you feel frustrated; you got through it, why are you still feeling the effects? If you want logic, Anakin explains that your body had been producing an intense amount of adrenaline for a long time and now that the “threat” has passed, all of that adrenaline has suddenly dropped off. That, in itself, is an exhausting process; it makes sense that it took it out of you. But if you just want understanding and empathy, he’s quick to give that to you, as well. 
If whatever the situation was didn’t go the way you wanted or if it brought up some bad memories, he’s a shoulder to cry on. He wants you to get it out, knowing holding in those emotions is never a good idea. He tucks you into his chest, normally placing his head atop yours and just, simply, lets you cry. 
He’s very patient with your moods always, but especially in those moments. If you accidentally snap at him he’s never angry. He knows you don’t have the energy to fully regulate your emotions and everything’s just in overdrive; it’s overwhelming. Of course, you apologize later when everything comes back to you because you feel horrible on the off chance you're not the kindest with him (which is quite rare). He’ll just kiss you, smile softly, and tell you not to worry, it’s in the past. 
And if you’re in that drained, barely conscious state, he brings you blankets. It comforts you and he likes seeing you all bundled up and safe. 
And if you want cuddles? Yes. He’s there, no questions asked. He’ll just pull you into him and let you rest. He knows that you’re sometimes not physically tired enough to sleep, so he just holds you. You might draw patterns on his chest or just stare off silently. Whatever you have to give, he’s more than okay with. 
If you want, he’ll sing to you. The soft melodies always keep you at peace and you can feel the vibrations in his chest when you’re pressed into him. 
Or sometimes he’ll tell you stories. Whether it be from childhood, old missions, the future he wants with you, or something completely random, it’s nice to listen to. He has an amazing mind and you could listen to him go on forever. 
Eventually, you’ll drift off. And he holds you through the entire night.
When you wake up, you’re normally feeling better. You’re still feeling it a little, but being with him really helps revitalize you. Now, you usually have enough energy to actually hold a conversation. The first two things you tell him are almost always “thank you” and “I love you.” Then, you’ll feel guilty for making him help you so the third sentence you utter is an apology.  
Anakin, as always, assures you that’s unnecessary. Then he checks up on you. He doesn’t treat you like a hospital patient because he knows you’re a bit embarrassed, but he does check to see if you’re feeling shaky at all. And, if you are, he’s quick to get you some food and water. 
And he makes sure no one disturbs you. You don’t like it when someone sees you when you’re in that drained state because you’re immensely vulnerable. The thought of anyone other than him seeing you brings you extreme unease. So he quickly reassures you that it’s just the two of you. He’s not going anywhere. 
Also, if your stress was caused by someone else, Anakin takes a quick little mental note. He’s not going to leave to go beat them up because you need him right now. You’re his priority. But he tries to keep you away from them in the future or, at the very least, make them stop or lessen whatever it is that made you so nervous. 
Basically, he’s kind, understanding, and gentle. He thinks you’re amazing for always pushing yourself so hard. But expending a lot of energy, especially in the emotional sense, wears you out. He’s quick to tell you you’re not weak and that this is normal. He makes sure you listen to your body and just rest. He’s there for whatever you may need.
if you would like to join my taglist, the link to do so is in my pinned! please dm me if you would like to be taken off. if your username is crossed off, that’s because, for some reason, i couldn’t tag you <3
general tags:
@saltybreaddream​ @sodaoverstars​ @lolquarth @buckysbeloved​ 
anakin tags:
@anakinswhore @kennedywxlsh @coldlilheart @adamgetawaydriver @chokemeanakin @gayidioot @starwars-whore @katelynnwrites @haydens-moles @serpntines​ @anakinlove​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @dexthtoyounglings​ @babykinskywalker​ @cluelessgurl​ @april-showers-and-flowers​ @ungodiys​ @beiroviski​ @captainshazamerica​ @alyssa-skywalker​ @mystic-writings 
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
anon said: fairy i jus cried four times in a two hour tutorial class on zoom,,,, rly wanted some comfort rn so i came to your tumblr to find some hq love :( if its not too much trouble (i know uve been writing so much and answering so many asks im sorry :c) can i ask for how meian/iwa would take care of us when we’re feeling down? i hope this is cathartic for u too since u havent been feeling too good lately too <3 🌼
i didn't include your explanation bc i wasn't sure if you wanted me to but i'm so sorry you've been having such a tough day :(( it's totally okay to be upset or to cry about what happened, i probably would've too. that all sounds super overwhelming. but it's okay,, you'll be okay ♡ your teacher sounds like a lovely person so that's a good thing, and don't feel too bad about those girls bc you'll forget about them by the end of the day and so will they!
and i'm not great with fluff but i'll give it a try ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡ hope it helps a little
you've both been having a really long day by the time you get home
usually hajime makes food himself but he's already got takeout
so when you stand in the hallway for a few seconds and take off your shoes, he instantly knows something's wrong
he quickly puts the plates aside to walk over to you, carefully opening his arms just a little in case you want a hug
and when you slump into his hold and wrap your arms tight around his waist, he'll softly rock you on your feet
"Hey baby," he breathes, pulling back a little to watch you. But you hide your face into his chest, just letting it all out as he rubs little circles on your back. "You're okay, I've got you." After a few minutes of silence he'll kiss your crown. "Here, wanna come up?"
You let him pick you up to his body and wrap your arms around his head, feeling his kisses on your neck as he walks you past the living room into the bedroom. "The food," you mumble, but he just pulls you closer.
'We can heat it later. Let's get you a nice shower before anything else. And while you do that I'll-"
"Stay with me," your voice is small when interrupting him, but it doesn't take much for him to agree when you're like this. So he only chuckles when putting you down on the toilet, and letting out a breath.
"Okay, we'll both take a shower then. You can wash my hair, would you like that?" A nod. "Good. Now come here, I'm not letting you out of my sight for tonight." Even though he's just as tired as you are, the smile he gives you is so genuine, leaning down to give you a few gentle kisses and brushing his fingers along your jaw. "We're cuddling after this."
"I love you, Hajime."
And a little blush still comes to his cheeks and ears when he looks back at you over his shoulder, turning the shower to warm. "I love you too.
shugo comes home at weird hours sometimes, really early or really late if practice ran out that day
it makes you miss him a lot, definitely if you didn't get to call him at all
and when you have a tough day you usually deal with it on your own, though you know he'd love to help he just can't
you're so physically and emotionally exhausted after your day that you just toss your bags aside and collapse into bed, only thinking of a nap
it's not even dinner time yet, but you already want to curl up and sleep the rest of the day away
When you wake up it's to a few kisses to your lips, feeling pressed into the mattress like there's a weighted blanket on you. You open your eyes, meeting your huge boyfriend's pretty ones. "You're sad." It's no use trying to deny it, and a pout comes back to your face when he frowns. "Aw baby, c'mere. Why didn't you call me?"
He shoves the blankets aside to pull you onto him so you can rest on his chest, then tugging the blankets back over you. 'Hm?' he mumbles, and you rest your face into the crook of his neck. "Didn't wanna bother you when you're busy too." You feel the tears at the corners of your eyes again, his heavy hand on your head keeps you in place.
"S'not, I wanna help my pretty girl. 'S easier to deal with when ya've got your big, strong boyfriend to help ya. Unless ya think 'm too old to work and help you in the same day?" A little chuckle falls from his lips, and it makes a little laugh come through your tears too. "Gonna nap some more?"
"Mhm, but I gotta take off my make-up first."
"On it, little lady." He sets you aside in the bed, pressing a few kisses to the bridge of your nose and your forehead, before disappearing into the bathroom. When he comes back he's got all your skincare in his arms, balancing them carefully with his tongue out, and you can't help but laugh at that too. "Okay, instruct me, 'cus ya've got a lot more than I thought."
"Thank you."
"Yer welcome."
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Day 4 -Habits
I just wanted to put a trigger warning up at the top. It's not very well discribed, because this was edited at 3 am, BUT. Marinette... Disassociates(?) Toward the end of this. I know that it's a little different than what people usually discribe for her, but I kind of based off my experiences I've had and experiences my best friend has had.
The sun started to peak its way through the windows as Dick Grayson made his way into the kitchen at the manor. It wasn’t often that he was able to come back for long stretches of time, but when he was, he enjoyed beating his family down. As he walked in, he blinked in shock. There sitting at the counter, was Marinette. His younger sister (who he was still mad at Bruce for hiding from him) was siting there happily chatting with Alfred as she sipped on a mug of coffee. She was already dressed and seemed too chipper for 5:30 in the morning.
 At the sound of him slinging himself into a chair, Marinette threw him a smile that made Dick squint in return. He huffed in response and latched onto the mug that was passed his way. There was a reason he made sure to be up before the others, after all.
Tim was settled with his laptop when Marinette maneuvered into the sitting room. In one arm, she had her sketchbook, a bag of pencils, and a cup of water. In the other arm, she had her computer, phone, and a tray that was holding four cups of coffee. When she set one down in front of Tim, he hummed in appreciation. She sent a smirk his way and added “a gift to the lord of the room” his responding
“Hey! Get back here Little Bit!” was met with laughter. She threw him a smile and arranged herself onto the opposing couch. He smiled at her and returned to his homework. This was his quiet time, and she knew that. Recently she had been making a point to spend time working in the same space with him when they both were busy. Both times she had come to visit since Thanksgiving, he had found himself working with the girl. Somehow, she always knew when he needed a break, and the thirteen-year-old girl made sure to pull his attention away for an appropriately short amount of time. He had often found over the last few weeks that he was sleeping better because of it too. Now, as he reached over to grab the coffee, she had brought him, he smiled. Maybe he could convince her to make a habit of this.
Every week his sister had been at the manor over the course of her winter break, Dick had been beaten to the kitchen. As he stumbled through the kitchen once again at an ungodly hour of the morning, he realized that he could hear Alfred and his sister talking quietly in the smaller dining room. As he made his way into the room, he could make out the tail end of their conversation, “-do know that they would be more than willing to let you talk about this, Miss Marinette. You do not have to carry this burden on your own.” The sound of a disbelieving snort followed.
“I know you keep saying that, Alfred, but I just…they all have such busy lives and there’s so much going on in Gotham and- “
“and you are still part of the family, Miss Marinette. Master Bruce is starting to worry about you, and Master Dick is starting to notice that you are avoiding the topic. Do not shut them out, when they can help you. This situation may need an outside touch.” When Alfred finished speaking, Dick decided that he had overheard more than he should have.
“Alfred? Are you in here?” When he called out for the older man, Dick watched with a cringe as little Marinette jumped at his voice. “Hey Net! I’m not sure if I should be jealous that5 you keep beating me down in the mornings!” as he teased her, he watched her eyes light up.
“Well, Dick, you try being the child of two bakers- “as the girl started her comeback, a groggy voice cut through the air.
“what the hell are you all doing up?” the three turned to see Tim standing in the recently vacated doorway, clutching his water bottle and looking around with bloodshot eyes. “it’s like, 2 am.” At Tim’s declaration, Marinette giggled.
“Tim? Its almost 6?” the look of shock that flashed over the boy’s face made Dick frown. Tim’s all-nighters were becoming more and more frequent. The way the teen stumbled out of exhaustion was worrying.
“Hey Timmy? Let’s get you to bed.”
In the week prior to Christmas, Bruce made it a point to try and come home earlier so that he could spend more time with both Marinette and Tim, who were both supposed to be enjoying their winter breaks. He knew, of course, that Tim had wheedled his way into doing extra course work over the holiday to cut down on time spent in school. That didn’t mean that he expected the boy to focus solely on the work. Imagine his surprise when he had come home to both of his teens settled in the sitting room working. Marinette was sketching furiously, while Tim was typing away on his laptop with a ferocity that would scare many of the villains that populated Gotham. Bruce blinked in shock before turning to find Alfred standing off to the side smiling.
“They have adjusted their habits so that they can bond even though this season is busy for the both of them, Master Bruce.” He turned back to his children and smiled at the two of them as they continued working, unaware of anything outside of the sitting room.
The next morning, when Dick came down, expecting to see his sister and Alfred, he was instead met with the sight of macaroons cooling on the counters. On the island, there were croissants, and on the stove, there were pans full of freshly baked sugar cookies. He blinked in concern and turned around the room searching. On the other side of the kitchen was his sister, standing over the sink, hands unmoving, as she gazed out at the slowly rising sun. Her eyes were unfocused, and as Dick made his way over, his eyes focused on the slight tremor that was running through her hands. “Net?” When he received no answer, he moved closer, “Marinette? Hey- “the girl moved, and Dick’s hand shot out and caught the bowl that she had been holding and set it down. Gently, he guided his sister out of the kitchen and led her into the sitting room, where they passed Alfred as he made his way down for the morning.
Once Dick had Marinette settled, he sat next to her and held out one of his hands, leaving the offer for comfort open as the girl blinked and started to look around in confusion.
One moment, Marinette had been starting on the dishes, the next, she was sitting on the love seat in the siting room next to her brother. The sharp poke in her side that had brought her out of her mind was one that she could only attribute to Tikki. As she sat there, adjusting to the change in location, Marinette took a deep breath to ground herself. She wasn’t expecting her brother to speak.
“Do you want to talk about it, Net?” The girl studied the Man sitting next to her for a moment. When she decided that she couldn’t find any hint of insincerity, Marinette nodded hesitantly and trained her eyes on her hands. They were twisting in her lap, working as a distraction and an outlet for the nervous energy that had been building up since August.
“I- “Dick waited patiently for the girl to collect her thoughts, “I love Paris, I really do. I mean- it’s the place I grew up! But. Well, recently.” She hesitated again. She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. “everything is wrong!” The phrase tore out of her, and she clamped her mouth shut afterwards as her mind flew through damage control ideas. “I mean. Well. Everything is do tense. Too perfect. No one can feel anything!” When had she started crying? Marinette could have sworn that she had a better handle on her emotions after spending the last five months held emotionally hostage. As she started to devolve into true sobs, Dick pulled the girl into a hug, and she clung to him. For the first time in almost five months the girl was able to truly process what was going on in her home city.
When Alfred came to check on them 20 minutes later, he found the duo sitting curled on the couch. In the other doorway stood a shocked Bruce. Alfred smiled at the look of shock on the fathers face before the man strode over to join his oldest and his youngest. As Alfred turned to go back into the kitchen and finish making sense of all of Marinette’s baking, the man shook his head. Who knew that the habits that Marinette influenced would be the ones that would bring the Paris situation to light?
so, i plan on picking up in the same place for tomorrow’s prompt (overprotection) so i didnt resolve anything. i think i have the rest of the month plotted out as well! as soon as i have a day where im not stuck at work all day, im going to go through and put all of these in a master post, along with my other fic *ideas*. 
just so that i can also clear up any potential confusion, no. Damian is not yet present in this. yes. he will eventually. at this point, Marinette is 13, Tim is 15, Jason (who is going to be in the background for a bit still) is 19(ish) and Dick is either 24 or 25, i haven’t decided. I do plan on including more of the Batclan as i go...
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passable-talent · 4 years
reader exclusively refers to Anakin as Skywalker and teasing nicknames and never Anakin because they have that totally rivals who Do Not get along/would die for each other/kinda "I'm down if you're down but I'll never admit it and neither will you" dynamic. Reader *only* calls him Anakin in emotionally heated moments, e.g. he just got hurt REAL bad and reader is panicked. rivals/reluctant partners to lovers, maybe friends in between. this is hella specific so feel free to take some liberty w/ it
cute. very cute. that kinda dynamic is what I feel like everyone has with anakin
yall came THRU with the anakin requests and im HERE for it 
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So, uh... stealth missions with Anakin Skywalker tend not to stay that way. 
He’s impulsive, he’s quick to decisions, he’s unpredictable. It’s irritating. 
“Was there not a plan?” You shouted at him over the firing of droids. You stood side by side with him, deflecting them, allowing Ahsoka and your combined droid units to get to the side. “Or did I hallucinate the entire mission briefing?” 
 “You actually listen to those?” He shot back, then tearing down the hallway after his clones. You followed, saber held behind you while you ran, frustration ringing in your ears. 
“Maybe if you did, you wouldn’t have so much head trauma!” 
“I don’t have any head trauma!” You snorted incredulously, dodging another group of fire by shoving him further from a hallway’s corner so you could slide in beside him, the red bursts of energy ringing past your ear. 
“You think so, Quick Fire? Memory loss- that’s the head trauma.” He rolled his eyes briefly, but his attention was taken from your banter by Rex, giving yet another update as to where you were supposed to be heading.
Unlike the Jedi Knight beside you, the one you loathed to be on a mission with, you knew the point of this mission, and you knew the plan that had now evidently been thrown out the window. You were meant to infiltrate a separatist listening post, and dispose of the droids running it, all without drawing the attention of Grevious. 
“Now that they’ve sent up the alarm, we’ll need to destroy the base, to make sure they can’t use it again,” Skywalker said, his saber sheathed and at his hip while he gave his piece. 
“We can set up detonators and explode them remotely,” Ahsoka offered, and Captain Rex quickly pulled something up. 
“If we place them around the heating system core, it should amplify the explosion,” he said, and Skywalker nodded, igniting his lightsaber again. 
“Then into the basement we go,” he said, rounding the corner to droids who had gotten much closer, and quickly tore through most of them. You followed, side by side with Ahsoka, clearing the way for the clones. It didn’t take long until the path was clear, even though alarms still rang through the halls. 
The base was small, which served your purpose well. It didn’t take long to descend into the heating system, but it took long enough that more droids had amassed. Why so many damned tin cans were needed for one listening post, you didn’t know, but still you stood between them and Anakin, drawing their fire to allow him to concentrate. 
“There’s one more,” he shouted, coming to your side, saber in hand. “It’s all the way at the bottom. Lead the clones out while I distract them, and once you’re out, I’ll place it. Then we’ll blow the place.” You grit your teeth as you deflected another blast. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone,” you said, and you meant it. 
“It’ll be easier for one to escape than twenty. Go!” Destroying the last droid in front of you, you turned to him, eyes narrowed. You could hear another wave approaching. 
“Am I sensing nobility in you, Skywalker?”
“Am I sensing hesitance in you?” Humor was a distraction, especially with more droids coming closer, and you needed to use this break in waves to escape. 
“You better make it out,” you told him, “you’re not dying on my watch by anything other than my hand.” 
“Oh, I’m not dying, either way.” You shook your head, turning to the rest of the men. 
“Clones, with me!” Skywalker ordered Ahsoka to follow you as well, and you ran up the stairs, blasting your way from the post and into the snowy landscape of the asteroid it was positioned on, your escape giving Skywalker the distraction he needed to place that detonator. 
Hidden under a rock ledge, you and Ahsoka gathered around Rex’s communicator, keeping you aware of Skywalker’s movements. 
“It’s placed, and the droids are almost here,” he said, running up the stairs you had traversed not long ago. “Get ready to blow it, Rex. On my word.” 
“He should be here, by now,” Ahsoka said, and your gaze shifted to her. You hadn’t realized it, but she was right- if Rex was going to blow the base, Skywalker needed to be at least as clear as this embankment, or he’d get caught in the blast. 
“Rex, now!” Skywalker shouted, and you yelled ‘wait!’ but Rex had already followed orders. You shot to your feet and launched to the top of the cliff which had meant to serve as your protection from the blast, just to see Skywalker open a door, fifty feet back from the outer wall of the base. Your gaze connected to his, and you saw panic in his eyes, not for himself, but for you. 
“Get down!” He shouted, and such an order needed to be followed. You stepped back and off of the cliff, holding yourself from a fall by your fingertips, and you felt the blast of heat on your knuckles when it blew. When the rumbling of the stone beneath you faded in time with the light and sound above you, you waited just a moment to hear him reach you- but he didn’t. 
You pulled your torso up, trying to find purchase for your toes, but the view you found nearly shocked you enough to send you plunging downward. 
He was pinned to the snow by a piece of scrap metal double his size. And he wasn’t moving. 
“Anakin!” you shouted, the name leaving your lips without a second thought as you pulled yourself the rest of the way up, so you could run to his side. A combination of your desperation and your Force powers lifted the metal from him, and it revealed where it’s upper half had impacted his head and its lower half had impacted his lower back. Both had drawn blood, but his back was much worse. It had torn through his robes, and you couldn’t tell how deep the cut was. 
“Ahsoka, get up here,” you ordered through your wrist comm, and in the time it took for her to reach you, you’d piled snow onto the wound on his back to slow the bleeding. You had nothing else at your disposal. 
“We’ve got to get him back to the ship,” you said, though you hated to move him, after a head injury. You didn’t know if a neck injury was involved too, and that would be so much worse. 
“I’ll call it as close as I can,” Rex said, and the clones set to work while you and Ahsoka worried over him. Really, there was nothing you could yet do but keep pressure on the wound, and keep from moving his neck. It looked bad- you hoped that it was just melted snow making it look like there was so much blood. 
“General! It’s as close as we can get it!” You threw a look over your shoulder at Rex, and the ship they’d landed a hundred yards away, where the debris was fewer and further between. You snarled, wishing anything could be done other than what you were about to do. 
You lifted him from facedown in the snow by his arms, and threw him onto your back, dragging his toes through the snow as you ran. 
“Let’s move!” You shouted, and Ahsoka put herself in front of you so that as soon as you boarded, the ship’s door could close and they could lift off. Yularen’s cruiser wasn’t so far, where he could get better care, but until then he certainly needed to be monitored. Luckily, there was a small medi-droid on board. It wasn’t even a surgical 2-1B, just a tiny J6-P that warned you in the most irritating droid-basic you’d ever heard:
“ᴳᵉⁿᵉʳᵃˡ ˢᵏʸʷᵃˡᵏᵉʳ ʰᵃˢ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉᵈ ᵐᵘˡᵗᶦᵖˡᵉ ˡᵃᶜᵉʳᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦˢ ˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ.“
“We knew that!” You roared, kneeling beside where you’d laid him lengthwise across little seats meant only to carry clones into battle. “Give me something useful!” 
“ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʰᵉ ʰᵃˢ ˢᵘᶠᶠᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᶦⁿʲᵘʳʸ, ʰᶦˢ ⁿᵉᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵖᶦⁿᵃˡ ᶜᵒʳᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ᵘⁿᵗᵒᵘᶜʰᵉᵈ.”
“Good,” you said, looking aside to Ahsoka. “Find me some fabric, and water, if you can.” 
Once you’d docked into Admiral Yularen’s cruiser, Anakin was rushed to a med unit and placed into the medical wing. A wound like this wasn’t uncommon for a Jedi, especially one as reckless as Quick Fire, but still you worried for him. You sat beside Ahsoka on the two extra chairs given to the room, staring out the small window at the endless space and stars beyond it. 
When you looked at her again, she was fast asleep. 
“Ahsoka,” you said softly, nudging her awake. “Go to your chambers, get some sleep. I promise I’ll call you when he wakes up.” She stifled a yawn and shook her head. 
“You need the rest, too, master.” 
“You more than I. Go, love.” She gave you a grateful, tired smile, and retreated from the room. Once she was gone, you rolled her chair over to the window, tossing your feet up and onto it. You rested your head on the wall, and closed your eyes. Meditation came easily in moments like this, almost between sleep and wake, and so you could reach out to the Force, and feel it. Skywalker channeled the Force like a magnet, and so like always when you were around him, it felt like pushing into a magnetic field. His presence was as strong as ever. 
He was an idiot for ordering Rex to detonate before he was clear. He wasn’t far off- if he’d waited thirty seconds, he wouldn’t have had to go through this. Not that it was such an ordeal, he was already healed by the med unit and now just sleeping off the exhaustion, but still. Quick Fire didn’t need any more head trauma. 
A small groan came from the unit and you opened your eyes, waking yourself from what was almost sleep to find him awake. 
“Anakin-” you said, throwing your feet to the floor to stand at the foot of the bed. 
“Did it work? Is everyone alright?” He made to sit up, and you rounded the bed to shove his torso back down. 
“Everything’s fine. We’re on the Admiral’s cruiser, I just sent Ahsoka to bed. We made it out.” He nodded, his breathing falling to level, satisfied. 
“You’re still an idiot,” you said, after a moment. “You’re lucky I was there to carry your, once again, head-trauma’d ass off of that asteroid.”
“Maybe I’d stop taking risks if you’d stop covering for me.” You shook your head and pulled a chair over so that you could sit at his bedside. 
“No, you wouldn’t,” you said, almost fondly. He smiled. You like when he does that. 
“You’re right.” Abandoning your better judgement, you reached out and brushed back some of his hair- it’s curl was quite pronounced, with all the sweat and smoke it had absorbed. His gaze stayed on your face, even as you watched his hair move through your fingers. 
“I told you you couldn’t die by anything other than my hand,” you reminded him.
“And I told you I wouldn’t die.” You closed your eyes, not having quite the energy to roll them. 
“I hate when you pull things like this, Anakin,” you said softly, and you didn’t turn your eyes to his face as a smile grew on it. So rare a treat it was that he got to hear his name from your mouth, and he appreciated it every time to its fullest. 
“But I love waking up to you.” You fixed him with a disapproving but lighthearted look, leaning your elbows onto the bed beside him. 
“There are easier ways to do that.” 
-🦌 Roe
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IM BACK! here’s a quick little piece I wrote yesterday! we love a good dad!harry hehe
wc: 2492
tw: mentions of anxiety, anxiety.
Parenting was definitely hard.
Besides the happiness and joy a child can bring into people’s lives, it was definitely hard. It was like a job; like work. Being a mother was tough. Having been one for only three months, you’re still going through the withdrawals of the pregnancy. The body aches that went straight to your bones and muscles from carrying a whole baby inside of you for 9 months. Not to mention the lack of sleep.
The word ���lack’ and ‘sleep’ in the same sentence made you want to cry.
It’s been obvious that you haven’t gotten any sleep, especially during the pregnancy. When your baby began peeking through your belly, you had to make some new adjustments to your sleeping positions. Your normal sleep position that lulled you to sleep was laying on your stomach, but for obvious reasons, you couldn’t do that anymore. Laying on your side was your second favorite position, so it had done well enough.
But there were some nights where you would lie awake until 3 a.m, hoping to get an ounce of sleep. You envied your husband and his ability to sleep so quickly, and whenever and wherever.
You just wanted sleep.
Now that your little love is three months old, you somewhat finally got time to catch up on your sleep. Of course, with the help of Harry.
He’s been by your side and supporting you ever since, and your heart was so full of love for him and your baby. He endure the whining that came from your mouth, the anger in your eyes when you were annoyed when something didn’t go your way, or annoying look on your face when he came too close when you wanted some space, but minutes later, you would waddle over to him and ask for some cuddles, saying your sorry.
Not only did you go through things physically and emotionally, Harry did as well. He put up with you, that’s for sure.
Now with Harry being the best husband and father there is, whenever your little love woke up in the middle of the night crying her eyes out, needing a nappy change or some food or cuddles, Harry would take care of it. You would slightly wake up, peeking your head up and ready to get out of bed, but Harry was already up and out of bed, telling you to sleep. And you sleepily smiled back at him and plopped your head back on the pillow.
But you had felt bad. You wanted Harry to earn some sleep as well, and you didn’t want him doing all the work. He would tell you that it is 100% okay and that you deserved some rest as well, knowing that you haven’t been able to sleep for practically a whole entire year.
So at dinner, you told Harry how you felt.
“Yes?” He says in his baby voice as he was feeding the little love.
“I feel bad.” You say nervously. He looks up from his baby and puts his focus on you.
“What do you feel bad for, baby?” You sigh, putting down your fork.
“I feel bad because…” you trail off, nervous you’re going to sound stupid.
“Hey,” he reaches for your hand to hold it, stroking your soft hand with his thumb, “you can tell me anything, you know that right? Anything you say isn’t stupid.” He says as if he’s read your mind.
“It’s just that… I feel bad because you’re always waking up in the middle of the night to take care of our little love. And before you say it’s okay and that I deserve some rest, it’s not okay to me. You deserve some sleep too, and I can’t have you doing all the work.” You look at him with glossy eyes, not knowing why you’re about to cry. Damn hormones making you feel all crazy.
Harry looks at you intently and he sees your watery eyes. He knows well that when you express yourself, you truly mean every word of it. So, he knows not to argue and instead nods his head in agreement, although he disagrees with you. “Okay, what do you want to do? Limit my wakings?” He pulls your hand up to his lips and kisses it gently. Your little love is looking up at her father, probably wondering why he stopped feeding.
“How about for tonight, I get this little munchkin when she cries? I’ll put the baby monitor on my side and I’ll put it softly so only I’ll be able to hear it.”
“Alright, if that’s what you want then okay.” You smile at him appreciatively.
“Thank you, Harry.” This time, you’re being his hand to your lips, kissing his skin softly.
“Of course, my love.” He squeezes your hand and continues feeding the little one.
You and Harry settled in bed, cuddling one another and kissing each other’s skin innocently saying goodnight to each other in the pecks of the lips; something that helped drift you two to sleep sometimes. And luckily, it was one of those nights.
During the night, you and Harry had found a way to untangle from each other, leading to sleeping on opposite sides while not holding one another in each other’s arms.
Harry was sleeping on his side and you on yours, and it was the soft crackle from the baby monitor that started, but it didn’t seem enough to wake you up. You had placed the baby monitor in the space between the bedside table and the bed, resting the monitor on the frame. You had turned it down to a low medium volume so only you would be able to hear it, not Harry. But it still wasn’t enough to wake you up.
The only time you opened your eyes was when soft light was creeping through the blinds and you looked at the time that read 6:05 a.m, and you lazily smiled, thinking that your little love had slept through the whole night.
You turn to face Harry, only to find the bed empty. Sheets wrinkled and the blanket pushed off. You place your hand on his pillow and his side of the bed, not wanting to get up just yet, finding it cold, meaning that he’d been up for a while. With your brows furrowed, you get out of bed and put on your silk robe, walking towards your baby’s room to find Harry in the comfortable loveseat with the little munchkin in his arms, both of them asleep. With confused thoughts, you gently tap him, causing him to easily stir and wake up.
“Morning.” He says groggily. You lean down to place a kiss on his head and one to your daughter.
“Hey. How long have you been up?” You ask curiously.
“Since 3.” Your eyes widen and step back a little to look at him to see if he’s joking with you.
“Yeah.” His face remains neutral and you don’t know if he’s not mind or he’s really good at hiding it.
“It’s fine.” He brushes off.
“No, it’s not! The baby monitor was next to me and I still didn’t hear it!” Tears sting your eyes, not believing you did this. “I mean, did you hear the monitor?”
“No, but this one was crying for, what I’m guessing, a while so she progressively got louder and louder, and she’s coming down with something.” He says honestly, and it’s not to make you feel bad, it’s the truth. But you can’t help but feel horrible.
The little love was asleep and comfortable in his arms, and you walked back to yours and Harry’s room before sobbing. Tears littered your face and you couldn’t seem to stop. You climb in bed and pull the covers all the way up to your chin, feeling like it’s the only thing that can comfort you.
So many thoughts swirl your mind as the tears keep coming and the muffled sobs don’t stop. Harry walks back into the room and finds you facing away from him on your side. He can see your body shaking and his eyes soften. He was angry at you minutes prior, he was just so exhausted that he didn’t mean to be so short with you.
Harry climbs in bed and scoots to your side, pressing his chest against your back, and wraps his arms around your shaking frame. He kisses your shoulder and the back of your neck, hoping it’ll bring you comfort and your cries die down. Harry doesn’t say anything and holds you for a few minutes.
Once your sobbing was coming to an end and your breathing was controlled, he’d thought you fell asleep, and that hurt him knowing that you cried yourself to sleep, but you turned your body in his hold to face him.
Your eyes were red and swollen, cheeks damped, and there was probably snot coming out of your nose. You knew all of this and thought it was the most unattractive thing Harry had laid his eyes on, but he can’t help to love you even more.
You both look at each other for a minute, studying each other’s expression, and not knowing who’s going to say the first word.
“I’m sorry.” You start and put your forehead on his chest, not wanting to look him in the eye as you felt so embarrassed.
“Why’re you sorry?” Harry genuinely asks.
“I’m such a horrible mother.” You say as you breathe deeply, not wanting to have another breakdown because honestly, your eyes are tired from it.
“Nonsense-” Harry is quick to say, but you interrupt him.
“I’ve failed our little love and I failed you. I wanted you to get more sleep and not do all the work, and the one time you agree, I don’t wake up! And she was in his crib for god knows how long, crying her little heart out because she needed me, anyone to comfort her and cuddle her, and I couldn’t do that!” Another set of tears had slid down your face and on Harry’s chest. He holds you tighter, rubbing his hand down your back. He wanted to say something so bad, but he knew that you needed to vent and let it all out, so once you’re done, he’ll jump in and disagree with you.
“I’m so fucking selfish that I didn’t even think about how deep of a sleeper I am. I’ve always been ever since I was younger too; I slept through an earthquake, thunderstorms, and I didn’t wake up. If I had just thought to put the volume louder in case I didn’t hear her wailing then you could’ve gotten to her and taken care of her sooner, and then she wouldn’t feel like I’ve abandoned her. You’ve been taking care of her so much that you had to feed her formula instead of me breastfeeding her because I can’t get up for shit because I’m too tired, and now she’s getting sick because of me!” It was like your last statement was a realization on how and why she’s getting sick, you’re shaking in his arms, feeling like a horrible person. Your hands claw at his naked skin, needing something to grasp on.
Now she’s just driving herself insane and overthinking, he thinks. But he understands that your anxiety can drive you up the wall sometimes (or most times), and he through the years, he learned to hold you through it all and not to talk until you’re done because if he talks, then it’ll only get worse. It had happened twice in the early stage of your relationship when he didn’t know what to do.
“I’m such a fail for a mother that I couldn’t do a simple task like wake up, but instead I was just thinking about myself and how I don’t want our baby to despise me right now or ever. Like who does that!” You bury your face in his neck, latching onto his shoulders to bring him closer than possible.
Harry thinks you’re done speaking when you’ve just laid in his arms in silence, trying to control your breathing again as he whispers a string of ‘shh’ in your ear.
For what seems like forever, you pull back, and Harry looks down at you. You don’t say a word because you’ve ran out of things to say and you really don’t want to talk anymore.
“Lovie, listen to me, okay? I want you to hear every word I have to say.” You only nod and usually Harry would want a vocal validation like he does in bed, but he knows you’re all of words. “Nothing about you is a failure. You’ve had a tough year carrying our baby, not getting any sleep, and dealing with the hormones. I don’t blame you for anything at all if you want to get some sleep. I know you’re a deep sleeper, we’ve been together for years and you don’t think I know?” He says the last part teasingly. “I should’ve had a monitor on my side too, so I’m to blame.”
You shake your head, disagreeing with his last statement. Harry continues on, “that little baby is okay, and she loves you so much. I love you so much. Lovie, we’ve only been parents for 3 months and we’ve got so much to learn. We’ve got our whole lives to learn how to take care of her. But that does not mean that one simple mistake means you’re a failure at parenthood. It doesn’t work like that. You’re the best mother I could ever ask for to carry my children, you carried her and protected her for 9 months; fuck, you’re already the strongest person ever. Even if you weren’t pregnant, I’d say you’re the strongest. Understand me?” You nod your head and pull him in for a tight hug.
“Don’t doubt yourself or sell yourself short, okay?” He says with his lips to your head as if he wants to engrave those words into your brain.
“O-Okay.” You say softly against his chest as if you’re reassuring his heart that you’re okay.
“I love you, you know that right?”
“I do. I love you more, you know that right?”
“I do.”
He understands why so you’re upset, why you’re crying so much. Why you probably think you’re the most unattractive thing at the moment with your face being a mess with snot dripping down. But he still thinks you’re the most beautiful and strongest woman there is, inside and out. And he couldn’t help but love you even more.
The two of you lay there, wrapped around each other’s warmth, bringing you both the comfort and reassurance you two need. You both drift off to sleep, taking a quick nap before one of you hears the crackle from the monitor to take care of your little love.
talk to me!
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Midoriya, Bakugou and Mirio’s parents react to fem!reader needing help with their twin daughters
Request: I’ve been dealing with a lot after I had my twin daughters and I was wondering what Izuku,Katsuki,and Mirio’s (separately) parents would react to getting a brief text from they’re daughter in law to come and help with the baby(s).Im talking messy bun,no makeup,nightgown,ice-pad wearin,emotionally exhausted reader who is losing her shit!Like the baby daddie is alive and well he’s just a work and with mommy still being on maternity leave she’s going crazy🥺Too much?
Okay, I’m sorry, I know this is maybe not the perfect time but I’d like to congratulate you for having your daughters!  And it’s not too much at all don’t  worry. I hope this can maybe help you feel a little better, stay strong love you can do this!! i’m sorry that Mirio’s was so short, but I haven’t really seen much of his parents so it was a little harder to write for them. I hope you enjoy! ^^
Tip jar ^^
Total word count: 963
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Midoriya Izuku
Okay, Inko is such a precious sweetheart and she’s probably been through a lot raising her son on her own. and even now that he’s older it’s hard for her. I mean Izuku got a quirk out of nowhere and got hurt a l o t during the sports festival, and the whole situation just seemed to get to her.
Having gone through all that she would be completely understanding of your situation and more than happy to help!! She’ll read the text and that’s more than enough for her She will bring some food that she made for you as well as the baby to save you some time and energy.
When she gets to your house and sees your state, she’ll obviously be worried but this won’t make her think any differently of you. She will take over for a little so you can rest, take a nap, take a walk, do anything to relax a little bit because Inko knows how much you need it in times like this. And if you dare get back up she won’t hesitate to send you back to your room to rest.
“No y/n, you need rest! The girls are asleep now and if they wake up I’ll make sure to get them.” also, she would probably have all kinds of tips and tricks to help the two with anything really. sleeping, eating, you name it.
While she can understand that Izuku is very busy with all of his hero work, she also thinks that parenting is something that shouldn’t be done alone. Not that she thinks you’re incapable of taking care of your two angels, but she thinks he needs to spend time with them too, and not just the fun times. So,,, she’d probably slightly scold her son when he gets back and Midoriya will obviously feel bad already, but he didn’t get how hard things were for you. And knowing that at some point you’ll have to work too, he will try helping more and more. Thanks Inko :D
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Bakugou Katsuki
Mitsuki is,,,, kinda harsh at times, but somehow she’s just a complete sweetheart around you. The fact that someone is willing to put up with her gremlin probably seemed like a lie to her at first lmao (but then again her husband married her so…)
Anyway, since she adores you and of course loves son too, she just shows it differently, she will be extremely willing to help you out. Having raised Katsuki, she is probably used to a lot. Not that she will make fun of you for asking help, she just knows exactly how to help out.
And of course the state you’re in doesn’t surprise her. Without asking she is already helping, putting the girls to bed, cleaning up the house wherever it’s needed etc, but she won’t let you rest for too long. Now don’t get me wrong, of course she’s not going to let you do the whole house while you’re exhausted. But after some rest, she will help with certain things, like showing how to change diapers easier, she will give tips she used herself when she raised Katsuki.
And Masaru, Bakugou’s dad, will also come to help probably. He will make sure that you still get to rest and will also tell Mitsuki if she cannot tell that you’re tired. And he won’t judge you either! While Mitsuki had to deal with one big hothead, Masaru had and still has to deal with two, so he knows it get exhausting at times. he might even offer to stay longer.
And oh boy, when your husband gets home and sees his parents, he’s confused at first. When he sees his mother’s face, he knows he in big trouble. she will give him a big big scolding on how he needs to be there more for you, whereas you both know katsuki already does a lot, it’s just hard with his job as a pro hero. Masaru will quickly interfere
“Come on everyone, the girls will wake up if you keep yelling.” and of course you’ll say that Katsuki already does a lot, it’s just hard as new parents as well as with the fact that there are two babies to take care of instead of one. But your parents in law will always be there to help!
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Togata Mirio
Now, I don’t really know much about Mirio’s parents, but I will assume they’re very similar to him. So honestly, these two are literal angels. They love you and they love that you made their son happy. They probably adore your two girls so when you text them they will be more than happy to help you out.
They won’t even notice your state, and by that I don’t mean that they don’t see you aren’t feeling well, but they don’t think weirdly of you at all. They’ll come to your house to help immediately and won’t let you get off of the couch for a while. They make sure the babies sleep, play with them, and the whole time both have bright smiles on their faces.
if you feel better and you really look like you feel better, they will let you have the kids too of course, I mean they’re your daughters. But they also want you to get rest, as they completely understand that it gets tiring. Also, i feel like they’d compliment you a lot on how you’re doing really well and that they’re proud of both Mirio and you.
Mirio’s parents will even offer to stay for longer if you need to, and they will also tell you that if you ever need some alone time, you can leave the girls at their house! or they could come here too, they won’t mind.
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peter-pan-hoe · 4 years
Old Friends Pt 1
Guess Who’s Back Bitches
(Sorry for calling you bitches im just very excited. I love every single of of yall and Im so happy you guys have stuck around during this ridiculous hiatus and i hope to be posting more soon. I just got off my ass today and was like “Alright ya cow its time to write” and i did. Here is the oldest request ive had waiting in my inbox for literal years im so sorry this took so long. Here is part one of what will hopefully be a new series. I’ve taken it in a different direction to start with but i will be swinging it around to meet the request in later parts. So happy to be back. Ive missed you. I love you. Here we go xx)
“So like maybe Peter, y/n, an all the lost boys are having this huge dinner, hanging out and that, and then somehow, for revenge, The Dark One sends one of Peter’s old lovers to the island. That night Peter sneaks off to greet the girl who is STILL in love with him, maybe she puts him under her spell to forget about the reader and then they like almost do da nasty or something and I guess I can leave you to the rest.”
Requested by @bellakae
Warnings: swearing, legit like one f-bomb
I did my best to make Y/N gender neutral but being a cis female I may have missed some gender identifiers when editing and I apologise 
tag list:  @dina3s @just-meh-and-me-dogs @xcastawayherosx @lexymeg
sorry to anyone i forgot. I couldnt find all the asks or my updated tag list. Comment bellow or dm me if you want to be added to the tag list xx
 Every time there’s a new batch of lost boys, or ever just one, to arrive on the island, we have a welcome feast.
The hunter and forager boys gather as much stuff they can find and the cooks put together a huge meal. Given out of the 47 of us that there’s only 6 cooks, we usually have some extra to help out.
When there’s a big group it’s usually because Peter went to the mainland to find boys and bring them here because they weren’t happy at home.
There was that time that 5 or six boys rocked up because they made their way here together.
But if it’s just the one boy, they’re the believers. The ones who wished their way here.
This time around however was because Peter had gone to the mainland.
He usually seemed very happy whenever he came back.
Well no less happy than usual.
He wasn’t sad or angry or quiet like today.
When he returned early this morning with the latest group of boys, he came into our shared hut and stared out the window until morning.
Usually if it’s a late night he would have woken me up to say he was back.
He hadn’t needed to wake me up this time as him simply entering the room had roused me. But he didn’t even look over at me as he walked passed our bed to his little seat on the window sill.
I figured something must be up so I sat up and pretended I hadn’t heard him come home.
  “Oh hey,” I said, faking a yawn. “When did you get back?”
He looked at me with a forced smile.
  “Just a little while ago,” he hopped down from his perch by the window and came to sit beside me. “Did I wake you?”
He gave me a gentle kiss on the head and the leaned down to untie his boots.
  “No I don’t think so,” I lied and shook my head. “I just woke up and you were there,”
He didn’t say anything as he kicked of his boots and put his feet up on our bed.
  “Is everything okay?” I asked. “You seem a little distracted,”
  “yeah I’m alright,” he sighed. “Just ran into an old friend while I was out getting the new boys,”
  “Okay 2 things,” I started. “First is, how are the boys? And how many? And the second thing, was this old friend still a friend or are you not on good terms?”
  “They boys are good,” he replied with a stifled yawn.
I could tell he was very tired, but not his usual physical exhaustion. He seemed tired in his mind.
  “I brought home 14 boys,” he continued. “The youngest 7 and the oldest 17,”
  “That’s a lot,” I said sadly. “All those boys – a 7 year old – lost and lonely,”
  “Mmm,” he nodded in agreement.
  “So what about your friend?” I pressed carefully.
I don’t want to upset him.
  “I’m not really sure,” he sighed. “We didn’t end on good terms but she seemed happy to see me. She even wanted to come back here with us,”
This answer surprised me.
  “She?” I asked nervously.
  “Yeah,” he looked at me apologetically. “Clara. An old… partner of mine,”
  “Partner as in lover?” I asked. “I don’t mind you talking about your ex’s. I’ve got some too y’know,”
I tried to lighten the solemn mood with a giggle.
  “You mean I’m not your first love?” he feigned shock, gasping dramatically and putting his hand over his heart.
  “Oh but you are the truest,” I collapsed into his chest with a laugh.
He held me tight as he lay back on our bed, so I was leaning back onto him.
  “But yes, to answer your question,” he said as he absentmindedly played with a few strands of my hair. “Clara was my old lover. She was someone I met a long time ago,”
I thought about how things would have been with Peter and this Clara.
  “Did she live here like me?” I asked, genuinely curious.
Like I’d told him, I don’t have an issue with him having past lovers. I mean who doesn’t?
  “No,” he said quietly. “We weren’t really bonded like you and I are,”
  “So how did you see her?” I asked as I reached up to brush some of my hair back.
  “Made more trips to the mainland I guess,” he shrugged. “I still only picked up new boys once a month but I went to see her weekly,”
  “But you two weren’t romantically affiliated?” I questioned.
  “Well I wasn’t,” he admitted with a guilty face. “She was very emotionally invested in our… relationship. Whereas I was not,”
  “Oh Peter…” I sighed. “Did you break her heart?”
  “I guess,” he shrugged again. “She started getting really clingy. She didn’t want to come here. I never really found out why but she insisted that our meeting were to take place on the mainland. She began asking me to stay for longer periods of time. Once to the point that Felix came to find me because Neverland’s weather started to turn to a freezing winter. She’d convinced me to stay for weeks at a time more than once,”
  “But she was the only one romantically invested?” I reiterated.
He gave a solemn nod.
  “That’s fucked,” I lay back in the bed and yawned. “How did the encounter go this time?”
  “She seemed the same,” he said carefully. “Like she didn’t even remember that we ended badly,”
  “How so?” I pressed.
  “I came across her in a town market and she ran to me like she was so happy to see me,” he continued.  “She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me like she used to when we hadn’t seen each other for a time. I’m not sure she even realises how long its been,”
He became quiet, thinking.
  “How long has it been?” I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and my voice came out as almost a whisper.
  “Thirty odd years or so,” he brushed some loose hairs from my face, just touching for the sake of touching. “But she left so quickly this time I didn’t even have a chance to ask her why she seems this to be like this. She just said she had errands to run and had to go. That she would see me soon,”
  “That sounds ominous,” I mumbled.
I was processing as much of this as I could in my tired state. I suppose Peter could sense that I was barely awake.
  “Go back to sleep, love,” he kissed my forehead. “We can talk more about it in the morning. Sleep Y/N, we have a big day of celebration to prepare for tomorrow,”
He didn’t have to tell me twice as id already started to drift off from him gently stroking the side of my face.
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
do you think you could write something about harry being protective ?
My Hero
“Stay close to me.” Harry mumbles in her ear, his hand right around her as they follow close behind the security guard.
She leaned into his shoulder as he lead in front of her, trying to shield her eyes from the bright flashing lights that she has never gotten used to. When they reached the car, the paparazzi crowded around them, their questions being yelled louder and louder.
Harry stopped and took her hand, dragging her in front of him by her hand and letting her in the car first as he offers a polite wave and nod to the paps before he slides in after her, shutting the door quickly and signaling the driver to head off to the after party.
The lovers sat in the back of the car quietly, engaging in soft conversations and giggles as Harry tries to calm her, telling her not worry about the party and what none there may think of her.
“Mr. Styles, Miss. Y/LN, we have arrived.” The driver announces.
“Thank you!” The pair both exclaim, getting out of the car before thanking him again and wishing him a good night.
Harry reaches his hand out to her, once agin leading her into this building, appreciating the much fewer number of paps on their walk this time and soon enough they were inside, dropping their coats off at coat check before walking into the extravegent event.
“Wow” Harry admires, extended his arm out and spinning her, “you look absolutely flawless, my love.”
“Stop it.” Y/N blushes, leaning into him and kissing his jaw, her hands rubbing down his suit jacket, “you look so handsome, I love this suit.”
“Yeah?” He smirked arrogantly, entering the large ballroom filled with all kinds of A-List celebrities, “I’m gonna have to keep you close, not gonna let anybody steal you away.”
Y/N laughs, rolling her eyes, wondering how he could actually think that could be possible and the two head to get drinks. Harrys arm tight around her waist as they push through the crowd of people, soon ordering their drinks.
“Dance with me!” Y/N slurred, trying to pull Harry up from the barstool after a mutual friend walked away to go to the bathroom, her hands tugging on the material of his shirt, “please please please please!”
“Babe, whats gonna happen when he comes back and we’re gone?” He chuckles, spreading his legs a bit wider and pulling her to stand between them.
“I reeaalllyy wanna dance.” She pouted, arms resting on his shoulders and she bites her lip, looking up at him seductively, “please?”
He sighs, a smirk covering his face and he pulls her close, pressing a hard passionate kiss onto her lips. Her fingers instantly weave through his hair as his tug on her waist, the couple getting lost in one another.
She crawls up onto him, squealing a bit as he squeezes her hips, pulling back and nipping at her neck.
“Im going to go to the toilet quick, then we can dance.” He playfully grumbles, lifting her up and placing her feet on the floor and she stumbles a bit, his hands quickly meeting her hips to steady his intoxicated girlfriend.
Harry stands, brushing his shirt a bit and looking around at the still full, wild party and blushes, still noticing in the dark room a few people were eyeing them.
“Can I come with?”
“No, button. Stay here.” He chuckles, ordering her a water from the bartender, “drink this it’s yummy!” He laughs, raising his eyebrows dramatically as he holds it before her, “I’ll be right back.”
Harry departs from her with a quick kiss, making his way to the bathroom and turning around and seeing her sipping on the water as she turns back and forth slightly on the spiny barstool.
Y/N giggles to herself, watching other drunk celebrities stumble and dance around the space, very easily distracted and entertained in her inebriated state.
“Boo!” A voice says in her ear as hands squeeze her arms, Y/N jumping in suprise.
She turns to see one of her and Harry’s mutual friends they met a few months back, Chris. She gives him a smile and a wave before wrapping her lips back around the straw.
“Where’d Harry go?” He asked before looking towards the bartender and ordering shots and eyeing her up and down and smirking, “he give you that water too? Does he not think you can handle her alcohol?”
“Ummmm...” she stumbles, looking around before the thought reenters her mind, “he’s in the uh- Harry went to the... the bathroom! And yeah he did- but I can I can!”
“I must’ve walked right past him then, the line is huge.” He chuckles before sliding her a shot, “Well if you can, take this shot with me doll.”
Her eyes slowly meet the glass before looking up to his face, not quite sure why he added the pet name but with the amount of alcohol she has already ingested she wasn’t exactly in the right mind to react to situations.
“Okay” she hiccuped, lifting the glass and giggling when Chris hit his glass with hers and they both down them quickly.
“I don’t know what Styles is talking about! You’re doing great, gorgeous!” He smirked, plopping down on the barstool next to her and throwing his arm over her shoulder, “lets do a few more and then dance.”
“Oh, um I don’t- I think Garry and I.-“ she giggles, “I mean HARRY and I are going to dance when I come back- when HE comes back from the bathroom.”
“Cmon, lets go.” He dismissed, standing from the stool and helping the drunk girl stand, practically dragging her over to the dance floor.
“Chris, Stop.” She weakly argues, trying to push the larger man away but failing.
Chris continues walking, holding her arm tightly as they walk further and further away from where they were sitting, Y/N’s vision getting blurrier the more they are moving.
The next thing she knows she stumbles to the ground, looking up and seeing Harry standing before her.
Harry grabs Chris by the shirt, teeth gritted and he shoves him against the wall, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Harry screamed, “answer me! Why were you trying to take her out of the building?”
“I-I’m sorry she asked me to take her to your car!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” Harry spits, the commotion causing attention and security comes, before Harry’s fist could meet Chris’s nose.
One guard helps Y/N stand, asking her to explain the situation as well as asking her if she knew either of the two men. The intoxicated girl tried her best, explaining how she came with her boyfriend and then their friend gave her more drinks and dragged her out to the dance floor.
“You gave her drinks?” Harry grunted, trying time lunge at him, “what the fuck did you put in them!?”
The guards hold both of the men back, trying to get the story out of both of them before they take Chris away for separate questioning and Harry sat with Y/N as they had the car pull up to the back door.
“Harry, I wanna go home.” She whimpers weakly, tiredly leaning into him “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, my love. I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you.” He shakily replied, rubbing his fingers through her messy hair.
Soon enough, their car pulled up and thankfully they were able to exit out of a side door and weave around all paps. Harry carefully helped her into the car, having her head lay in his lap on the car ride home, his fingers softly massaging her scalp.
The two sat, and laid, quietly in the back of the car, neither of them knowing what to say and Y/N finding it hard to keep her eyes open as exhaustion washed over her.
Harry carried her into their home once they arrived, helping her slide out of her dress and he put one of his t-shirts on her, grabbing a makeup wipe and helping her remove it before tucking her into bed. He couldn’t help but feel immensely guilty, knowing what happened, even more so what was about to happen.
He felt nauseous, thinking about what would have happened if he wouldn’t have seen them heading to the door. What he would of done, what would have happened to her.
Harry didn’t sleep much, laying awake for hours before inevitably falling asleep from exhaustion, both psychically and emotionally.
The couples didn’t awake until around 1pm, only really getting out of bed to go to the bathroom, get snacks or Advil in between Netflix marathons of different shows and movies.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N suddenly broke, cuddling into his chest, “I’m sorry I made us have to leave the party early because I drank too much and then h-he-“
“Hey, stop tha” Harry cooed, sitting up and pulling her up with him, brushing hair out of her eyes, “you have nothing to apologize for, you didn’t do anything wrong. I should’ve been there to protect you- If I wouldn’t have seen you...”
She cuddles further into him, sniffling and wiping the tears off her cheeks, “I ruined it, I shouldn’t have drank so much... I couldn’t even push him away and then their was this huge scene and everyone was looking.”
“Baby girl, that guy is a prick. You shouldn’t have to limit yourself because there are creeps out there. And what do you mean? Are embarrassed?” He consoles, lifting his face and being met with teary eyes and she nods, wrapping her arms back around him and burying her face in his neck, “you have nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart. Okay? Nobody thinks of you negatively.”
She nods slowly, her fingers tangling into his hair, “thank you for saving me... I was so scared, Bubby. I didn’t know what was happening- what... what was gonna happen.”
“I know baby, me too. I was terrified. But I found you, I’ll always be there when you need me.” He explained, softly kissing her lips, “I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I love you so much and I will never stop protecting you.”
“I love you too, Bubs. So much. You’re my hero.”
He smirks, kissing her again and wiping away her tears before letting out a soft laugh, “I guess this means from now on we’re going to the bathroom together.”
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Diabolik Lovers Zero vol. 2 Kou Mukami [Track 5]
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Original title: その肖像画は砕け散った
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 2 Kou Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Ryouhei Kimura
Translator’s note: Per usual, they wrap up the story with a short, sweet track at the end so the listeners gets their fix of fluff after all the angst and agony from the previous tracks. :P Kou definitely is a huge sweetie in this and even though he’s not one of his favorites, I got a little flustered when he treated the MC like a cat and asked her to purr for him. >///< The crazy cat lady in me very much appreciated that. xD
This track was requested by @keithvalentinex​!  If you would like to request a translation, please contact me through IMs or drop an ask!
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 5: Said Portrait Was Shattered To Pieces
Kou enters the room.
“Done reporting...~ Ahー I’m exhausted.”
He plops down on the bed.
“Ruki-kun was shocked by what I told him.”
You tell him it cannot be helped. 
“Mmh. As to be expected, even Ruki-kun looked at me in disbelief when I told him there was a moving painting. But seems like the letters we retrieved convinced him. He said he would make sure something is done about the museum so there will be no further victims. It’d be troubling if any more of our Familiars go missing after all.”
You tell him you’re glad everything is over. 
“I’m relieved too. Well, that guy was shattered to pieces so I’m sure it should be fine now but...Just in case, you know? That being said...Ah-aaahー”
Kou rolls over.
*Rustle rustle*
ー You ask him what’s wrong.
“...Hm? I was just thinking the errand turned out to be quite the mess. It was supposed to be a fun date amongst the two of us, yet we had to go through all of that...I took a pretty big blow emotionally as well, I feel like I won’t be able to recover from this for quite some time.”
You frown.
“Hm...Say~ Are you that worried about me? In that case, give me some of your blood, M-neko-chan~”
You seem a little shocked. 
“I strongly believe that if I drink your blood, both my body and mind will heal. So...It’s fine, right?”
You give him permission.
“Hehehe~ Thank you! ...Come to think of it, we’ve been so busy ever since we got back home, we haven’t had a chance to enjoy each other’s company, have we? Haven’t you been eagerly awaiting this~?”
“Say, where do you want me to suck from?”
You flinch. 
“Huh? I haven’t done anything, yet your body’s already quivering...Could it be, is my voice alone sending shivers up your spine? Your ears really are your weak spot, aren’t they~?”
You flush dark red. 
“In that case, I’ll start by biting your ears. I wonder what will happen to my sensitive M-neko-chan~?”
Kou bites you.
“Mmh...Hehe~ You’re making embarrassing noises~ Did it hurt to have my fangs pierce through? Or perhaps it felt good instead?”
You shake your head.
“No point in denying it. I can tell by the taste of your blood.”
“Sweet, rich and extremely delicious. ...You must have been really craving this, huh? You’re so lewd, M-neko-chan~”
You whine. 
“Your eyes are watering...I’m the only one here right now, so you should just be honest with yourself. Come on, I’ll scratch your throat so purr for me~ You’re a kitty after all, so try asking for it in a cute way~”
You beg for him to bite you more. 
“Hehe~ This time you’re being honest, huh? ...No problem~ I’ll give you my fangs plenty. I’ll slooowly play with you~”
“...Oh. It has gotten sweeter again. Did that feel good? You really are so adorable when you’re drowning in pleasure. The scent of your blood is growing more and more sweet as well.”
You ask if something is wrong. 
“Ah! I’m sorry. It just brought back some memories...Hey, do you remember? When you bounced back after almost being thrown inside the picture?”
You nod.
“Back then I thought the extraordinary nature of this blood was what saved you but...When I think back to it, it could have also been the museum itself rejecting you. Perhaps my strong feelings of fear over losing you reached it? ...That’s what I believe.”
You ponder over his words.
“Heh. Just kidding~ No way, right? Not that museum, out of all things...”
Kou cups your cheek. 
“Your smile, crying face, flustered expression...They all belong to me. I won’t hand you over to anyone. At even the most desperate of times, that feeling won’t falter. I promise. That I will never lose hope again.”
He pulls you close.
“...I love you. From here on out as well, let’s be together forever, okay?”
ーー THE END ーー 
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ficsnroses · 5 years
Pregnancy - Keanu Reeves x Reader
I went a little crazy with this one. Feedback is appreciated, thanks!
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Word Count : 5077
Warnings : Lots of angst, lots of fluff, smut. Contraception failure. 
Summary : Reader thinks she may be pregnant. This story follows her and Keanu’s journey through pregnancy.
You felt a head ache. Maybe a migraine at worst, creeping up. In the solitary walls of the marble finished bathroom, you felt your stomach turn at the second week of a missed period. You weren’t sure if it was the humidity in the washroom from the shower your husband had took prior, or the uncertainty that threatened to gloom, channeling over you that had caused a thin line of sweat over your forehead. 
It was quiet in the four walls of the confined room. The drip of spared water droplets falling off the shower head filled the room. As you leant alone against the granite washroom counter, your eyes traced over the turquoise globes of water plastered over the glass shower door, cascading, flowing, tumbling down.
It can’t be anything serious, right? Periods are missed all the time. You’d been under some stress recently. That was probably it. It couldn’t be anything more – you’d taken all the precautions. But then why was there a voice in the back of your head, pressing, pushing, declaring you find assurance?
With a splash of temperate water to the face, you find your chest heavy. No matter the efforts, you can’t shake the feeling of ambiguity.
Pit, pat, pit, pat…
Those darn water droplets. The sound echoing as if the force of a thousand winds in the silence of the room, occupied by nothing but your blaring thoughts.  
“It’ll be fine. I’ll be fine,” you attempted to reassure yourself. Nothing a heating pad and some leisure time can’t induce. “I’m just stressed. That’s all”.
Climbing down the hallway stairs, you find your husband, back turned against the stove, humming a tune. He seems to be making breakfast, his broad, toned arms moving, back muscles contracting with every motion.  He’s dressed in sweatpants, his bed ruffled hair untamed still, framing the shape of his head perfectly. His rather raven kissed beard has been peppered with a few specs of pearly gray over the past few years. He still looks the man of your dreams, regardless.
Keanu had made a few questionable choices over the course of his life. His proudest however, was marrying you. The women who had had his entire heart for many years now. He loved life with you more than anything, he wouldn’t change it for all the riches. “Us against the world,” you’d often tell each other. It would always be.
You make yourself know with a tiny cough escaping your throat. He turns your way, watching you pad into the kitchen space.
“Morning, beautiful.” He grins, brown orbs twinkling as they set on you.
“Good morning.” You smile back, bringing yourself adjacent him, before you engulf him in a hug from behind. He’s a lot taller and bigger than you, but you manage to wrap your smaller arms around his mid, securing your chest against his back as you lean your head on him.
He laces his hand with yours that rests gently on his stomach, as his other flips food in the cast iron skillet. The smell of freshly cooked eggs consumes your senses.
“Sleep well?” he asks, his hoarse morning voice causing your lips to curl into a smile. You didn’t want to tell him of the difficulties you’d been experiencing just yet. You knew he’d worry. You needed to be sure, you needed time first.
“Yeah. As well as one can sleep with your snoring.” You giggle, placing a kiss to his back. Keanu snores ever so lightly in his sleep, which you don’t mind. However, usually, when he’s more exhausted than normal, his snoring gets louder. You tease him about it often, loving to get a reaction out of him.
“I can’t help it.” He chuckles. You untangle yourself from him to grab coffee out of the press he’s brewed. Pouring two cups, you place them down on the kitchen counter, also setting yourself down on one of the counter high stools. Keanu brings two plated meals over, setting them down as he takes a seat beside you.
You stare out the window as the nutty aroma of the dark roast washes down your throat, the earthy notes of the drink waking you up instantly. You couldn’t help the natural frown that had plastered itself on your face.
“Everything okay?” Keanu asks, sipping from his mug, opening a news paper.
“Yeah.” You sigh, digging into your plate.
“That didn’t sound too sure.” Keanu frowns, placing his mug down to gently rub your forearm, soothingly.  
“It’s fine babe, really. Just tired.” You yawn. You didn’t want to touch on the subject just yet. You needed time to evaluate it yourself first.
You didn’t want to drop the “I think I might be pregnant” bomb on him first thing in the morning.
Keanu and you had a healthy sex life. You were intimate pretty often, whether it was a session of making love to each other, or just regular, stress relieving sex. You loved having him, and he felt the same way about you, which is why your sex life always stayed so fresh and desirable.
Sex was also a way for you to remind each other of how much you still always wanted the other. It kept your affection fresh, made the other feel valued.
Not to mention, Keanu had a pretty high sex drive for an older man. And to be honest, you didn’t mind. You loved sex as well, and you weren’t afraid to admit it. Both of you respected each other’s boundaries and desires, neither of you would make the other do anything unless they were in the mood as well. That level of respect was established from the beginning of your relationship.
You got yourself on birth control a few months into dating Keanu all those years ago. You discussed it with him, and he agreed it was the right thing to do. Keanu and yourself fell pretty hard for each other really quick, and you were comfortable discussing these things with him early on.
You both agreed you wanted children eventually, but you wouldn’t try until both were ready and had discussed it. You wanted to make sure you were both stable in your respective careers, and had a chance to experience everything you wanted to do, both alone and together before having children restricted you from doing so. You also wanted to be married before you had kids. You had discussed marriage earlier as well, you both felt just as sure about each other. You knew you were meant to be, and marriage was definitely something you both wanted. A way to solidify your love, and share it on a special day with all your family and friends.
You decided birth control was more reliable than just condoms. Keanu wasn’t too happy about you having to take on the responsibility of taking the pill at the right time each day, but you assured him it was okay. He had always been that caring and protective over you, little gestures like that only made you fall deeper and deeper in love with him, if that was even possible anymore.
However, birth control isn’t 100% guaranteed to work. There’s always a chance something could go wrong. You’d heard it a million times, how much smaller the contraceptive failure rate is than the rate of success. But you always knew that it is there. Humans tend to ignore the idea of minor uncertainties happening to them. They forget to consider they may be the smaller, unlucky ratio.
And here you were today, scared, that you were part of that minority.
Keanu and you were married, and both stable in your careers. But you hadn’t had the talk yet to start trying for kids. It wasn’t that you couldn’t provide for a child, you just hadn’t mentally and emotionally prepared yourself yet. There was a lot of stuff you still had to figure out, still weren’t sure about for yourself.
You knew with your entire heart that Keanu would be an amazing father. His generosity, his patience, his tremendous heart, everything about him made him ideal. You saw the way he cared for your nieces and nephews, and everyone around him. You saw the way he cared for you, always putting you above him. You’d be happy to have him father your children, there’s no one you’d rather have.
But you weren’t too sure about yourself yet. Being a mother is a huge responsibility. You didn’t want to let your child down. You’d love them more than the world itself. They deserved more than the world itself.
Another week went by, and you still hadn’t got your period. Your worry only grew day by day. You had refrained from having sex the entire week, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there may be a life inside you. It was only becoming more and more reality by the moment.
Keanu had been noticing your mood being off for the past few weeks. You kept rubbing it off as being tired, or working too much. But you hadn’t been intimate in over a week, which wasn’t something you usually did. He missed you, missed being connected to you in the act of love.
He’d tried initiating sex a few nights that week, but you rubbed him off. Each time he would graze his fingers over the skin of your bare hips, pulling you closer to him, his breath becoming hotter on your skin, you’d gently nudge his hand away.
“Im sorry, love. Not tonight.” You’d whisper, an apologetic look on your face.
Keanu would sigh, rolling on his back.
“It’s alright, maybe tomorrow.” He’d reply, giving you a smile, allowing you to tuck yourself into his side.
You hated denying him. It wasn’t because you didn’t want sex, you did. You just couldn’t bring yourself to do it, knowing well you may be pregnant. Something about it felt wrong, until you knew for sure. You missed Keanu as well, missed making love to him, allowing him to make love to you.
On a Friday evening, you were getting ready for bed as Keanu invested himself in a novel in your shared bed. The only light in the room was emitted from the warm bedside lamp, and the silver hue the moon channelled into the room.
He had already finished brushing his teeth and washing his face, he’d normally retire in bed before you and wait until you finished your nightly routine of moisturizers and face potions before you joined him. Keanu could hear you humming from the washroom, the melody from your lips filled his ears, immersing him into almost a warm hug of your presence. A warm hug of being home.
Keanu was growing impatient, he wanted you to hurry up and finish so he could have you to himself as soon as possible.
“Baaaaabe? Why are you taking so long?” Keanu’s deep voice filled the bedroom, whining as he set his book down.
“Almost done, promise.” You yelled back from the washroom.
Keanu yawned, leaning back on the headboard, trying to occupy himself as you finished.
“Hey, wanna hear a joke?” Keanu called out to you from bed.
“Sure.” You replied, still not in sight.
“Do you know what’s really cool?” he asked.
“What?” you replied.
“Winter.” He states. You could basically see the grin on his face, even though he was in the other room.
You chuckled, he was pretty darn cute.
“Good one. 10/10.” You laughed.
“Wanna hear a construction joke?” he asked.
“I’m still working on it.”
You laughed harder this time. “Why are you telling such dad jokes?” you giggled, walking into your shared bedroom, grabbing one of his shirts out of the dresser to change into. You saw him positioned in bed, a smirk plastered on his face, eyeing you.
“Hey what’s red and flies through the air?” he asks, already grinning again.
“What, Keanu.” You say, back turned to him as you pull your shirt off, left in nothing but your bra and a pair of sleeping shorts.
“A tomato in a helicopter.”
You burst out laughing. It wasn’t the joke that was funny, just the fact that he was telling it, clearly because he was just that bored. You turn around, looking him in the eyes. “Keanu, why.”
He smiles his gorgeous smile. “C’mere.” He waves you towards him in bed. You gladly follow. Pulling you into his lap, he wraps his arms around you as you position your hands on either of his shoulders. He takes in your fresh, lavender scent, smiling wide. “You’ve been a bit down lately, thought you could use some cheering up.” He chuckles, burying his face in your chest, covered only by your lacy bra.
You run your finger through his locks, gently massaging the back of his head, as he begins placing small kisses over your clothed modesty. A few of his kisses begin trailing up, and he places a few wetter kisses just above your breasts, lingering higher up, over your collarbone, to your jaw.
He runs his hands soothingly over your hips, one hand grazing over the skin of your thigh. You felt your arousal growing by the second as he held you close. He begins kissing your neck, nipping, his tongue touching your skin ever so slightly. You lean your head back, eyes closing in ecstasy, feeling a pit of butterflies in your mid. You moan lightly, allowing him more access.
“Mhmmm, I miss you.” He breaths against your neck, still kissing. However, as his fingers slip into the waistband of your shorts, you snap your eyes open and place a hand over his, stopping him momentarily. You lean back off him slightly, avoiding eye contact, as you grab the shirt you had retrieved from the dresser to drape over yourself. You can tell he’s slightly hurt that you’ve denied him, once again.
You sigh, rubbing your hand over your forehead. He’s staring at the floor beside the bed, unsure on how to touch at the subject.
“Are we okay?” he questions quietly, fiddling with the bedsheet.
You sigh, bringing his palm up to place a kiss to it. You feel horrible.
“Yeah. We are, I promise.” You gaze around the room for a second. “I know we…haven’t done anything in a few days. Sorry.”
“Do you not want me anymore?” he asks, quietly, trying to make eye contact.
You’re taken back, although you understand why he may feel that way. You’ve denied him almost every night this week.
“No, of course not, baby.” You say, cupping his cheeks, making eye contact. “I do want you, I swear by it.” You assure him. “It’s just that….” You pause, thinking. You should probably tell him, rather than keeping it to yourself and wallowing in uncertainty alone. He’s just as much a part of this, and it seems unfair to keep him in the dark. “I…I haven’t got my period in around 6 weeks.” You slowly say. His expression grows concerned. “I think I might be pregnant, Ke.”
He’s slightly taken back, but manages to speak. “Oh…is that why you’ve been a little…off?” he asks, taking hold of your hand.
“Yeah…I guess.” You sigh.
“Have you taken a test?” he asks gently, giving you a reassuring nod.
“No, I haven’t. I’ve been…I don’t know. I guess taking the test would be the first step to accepting that it might be a reality. I don’t know. I’m not sure how to feel.”
Keanu brings your hand up to his lips, to kiss each and every finger, before he rests it on his cheek, placing his own hand over it. “Why didn’t you tell me, baby?” he asks, frowning.
“I don’t know. I just didn’t know how to feel and I wasn’t sure. I’m still not sure.” You begin to feel your eyes water. Keanu notices, and immediately rubs his thumb under the soft skin of your eye. “Hey, baby. Look at me.” He says. “I can tell you’re nervous, I just wish you would have told me so I could have been there for you.” He frowns. “Don’t you think we should take a test?” he proposes.
“Yeah. We should, I’m just really scared because we didn’t get a chance to discuss it, and I was so sure the pills would work.” You begin to cry at this point, and he only pulls you closer.
“Hey hey, shhh. It’s going to be okay.” He rubs your back soothingly, as you rest your head on his chest. “We’ll grab some tests first thing in the morning, okay? And no matter the results, please don’t forget how much I love you, Y/N. I’m gonna be here for you, okay? We’re gonna get through this together.” He laces both hands with yours now. “Us against the world, remember?” he smiles.
“Us against the world.”
You fell asleep with Keanu holding you close all night, running his hand over your arms and back soothingly, lulling you to a peaceful slumber. He knew how stressed you were, and he wished he could take all the weight off your shoulders.
Keanu went out to pick up some pregnancy tests from the pharmacy while you stayed home. He insisted you stay home, and take a nice, long, relaxing shower to ease your mind. The cashier recognized him, and saw him trying to ring out pregnancy tests. Her eyes went wide, but Keanu was used to it at this point. The world knew he was a married man, in a committed relationship with the love of his life. If he needed pregnancy tests, he needed pregnancy tests. The world could think what they want.
As Keanu got home, you were eagerly waiting in the living room for his arrival. You had butterflies in your stomach – your life could change today. It was nerve-wracking.
“The box says we’ll have to wait three minutes after you take it.” Keanu says, as he hands you the box. You swallow as you grip it, your heart already racing again. You nod in response. He follows you to your bedroom. Entering the room, Keanu shrugs off his coat, hanging it on the rack. “Do you want me to come in with you?” he asks.
You shake your head, telling him no. “Okay,” he replies. You begin the walk into the washroom, but he stops you, with a grasp of the wrist. “Baby?” he asks.
“Yeah?” you question.
“Us against the world.” He gives you a smile.
You beam a genuine smile, your heart full at his care. You close your eyes, leaning in to place a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
Once you’ve took the test, you set it on a layer of paper towels, bringing it out to your bedroom, placing it your dresser. These are going to be the longest three minutes of your life. Keanu immediately walks over to you to kiss your cheek, placing his hand on the small of your back to lead you to sit on the bed. He sets himself down on the floor in front of you, holding your hand the entire time. He places kisses on your wrists, your palm, and your fingers frequently, trying to calm your nerves.
Once the test beeps ready, he gives you a reassuring squeeze, standing up to grab it off the dresser. You had placed it upside down so you could look at the results at the same time.
Keanu sits down beside you on the bed, wrapping one arm around you, hugging you close, as he gives the test in your hand. You keep it faced down until you’re both ready. He has both arms wrapped securely around you. “I’m ready when you are, hun.” He says.
You sigh, giving it a few seconds before you slowly turn it over. Two lines. Positive.
You feel warm tears flood down your cheeks, throwing your head down. You didn’t mean to cry like this, but you’re overwhelmed. You’ve always wanted kids, but you wanted to have them on your own time when you were ready. This felt out of the blue, and you hadn’t time to prepare. But it happened. You were pregnant.
Keanu pulled you even closer as you wept, kissing your hair, soothingly rubbing your back. “Shhhhhh, its okay baby. I’m right here.” He kept whispering. His heart was breaking seeing you like this.
After a few moments, you finally choked out. “I’m scared, Ke. I’m so scared.”
“I know baby, I know.” He kept kissing your hair, your temples, your cheeks. “It’s your body. The final decision will be yours too. If you’re not ready, its okay. I understand.” He whispered.
“I guess we should have been more careful, huh.” You wept. “What if I’m a horrible mother? I don’t know how to care for a child.” Your emotions were getting the best of you.
“We’ll figure it out, okay? You’ll be an amazing mother. You’ll learn; I’ll learn. I promise, if we go through with this, everything’s going to be okay.” He reassured, still holding you close.
After a few moments, you finally replied. “I guess we were going to have kids anyway. We’re both have stability in our lives right now. Just a little earlier than planned.” You lightly chuckled, tears still falling.
“Are we gonna do this?” Keanu questioned, kissing your temple again.
“Yeah. We’re gonna do this.”
Keanu felt his heart swell at those words. He was finally going to have it – the perfect life he’d always dreamed of. A wife who loves him more than life itself, and a child to call his own and spoil. He’d always dreamed of being a father. He wanted it all, the sleepless nights, the tantrums, the parent teacher meetings, teaching them to ride a bike, everything. And to do it with you – his Y/N, meant the world.
You pulled back to look each other in the eyes. You felt your lips curl into a smile as you saw the tears in his eyes as well now. “Congratulations, you’re going to be a dad, Ke.” You whispered, stroking his cheek.
“And you’re going to be a mom. The best mom our child could ever get.” He kissed you, beaming as you wiped away each others tears. You shared perhaps the most special moment of your lives together in that instant.
Telling your families was perhaps the most exciting part of it all. Both your families were ecstatic, your parents more than excited to finally get a grandchild to spoil immensely. As your belly grew bigger and bigger, Keanu had already started working on the baby’s room. You had found out you were having a baby girl, and neither of you could be more excited.
You couldn’t wait for the dress up sessions, teaching her how to bake, watching all the Disney moves together. Keanu couldn’t believe there was going to be a little girl running around, calling him daddy. He couldn’t wait to learn how to braid her hair, and play tea party with her and her stuffed animals. He’d protect her at all costs, she would be his first priority for the rest of his life, his proudest accomplishment. Just like you were.
Pregnancy brought on a lot of nausea and mood swings for you. Many women luck out and don’t get these rather annoying symptoms, but unfortunately, you weren’t one of them. Keanu made sure to help you out on every single thing he could. He knew the physical and emotional toll this pregnancy was taking on you, and if he could, he would bear all the pain in the world for you. He made sure to stay patient if you ever freaked out at him for having the TV too loud, or leaving a dish in the sink. He knew it was just the hormones.
Keanu’s famous foot and back rubs became very frequent during your pregnancy, and he loved providing them as it helped ease the pain. He loved touching your belly anytime he could, he found it mind boggling to know there was a real, live baby in there. A baby you’d made together. The biggest symbol of your love there would ever be.
You had been talking to your belly ever since you started showing in the slightest. It helped you feel more connected to her, and you swore she could hear you. Whether it was as you worked leisurely on a painting, or as you lounged on the couch watching TV. You were so excited to get to talk to her in person soon.
Keanu was a bit iffy talking to your belly at first, but it soon enough became second nature to him as well. This baby, even though not here yet, had become such a prominent part of your lives. It seemed as if everything you did, was for her.
“Don’t give mommy too hard of a time in there, princess.” Keanu would often chuckle as she kicked. You loved feeling her kick, but it was rather uncomfortable. Sometimes, Keanu would read to her, whether it be the novel he was currently browsing, or script lines. It was one of his favourite things to do.
Keanu was a giant softie. By the 7th month of pregnancy, your belly quite big, making it hard for Keanu and you to make love or cuddle anymore. It was hard having to wait, but so worth it, knowing your baby girl was closer and closer to arrival by the day.
Sometimes, when Keanu really wanted to feel your touch, he would gently rest his head on your tummy, draping a leg over you as he held your belly close. You would run your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. You missed your cuddle sessions, boy were you excited to continue them once she was finally here.
It felt like forever, but the day had come that your water broke, and you’d finally been sent into labour. You had made a hospital bag ready to go months prior, trying to be as prepared as possible. Keanu made sure to stay nice and calm, knowing you would probably be a little frazzled as it was your first time going into labour.
Keanu called both of your immediate family as soon as you got to the hospital. He was filled with excitement to the brim, so ready to finally meet his daughter. Of course, both of your families showed up with flowers, balloons and teddy bears to welcome the newest member of the Reeves family into the world.
Keanu sat beside the bed, holding your hand and talking to you the entire time as you waited to be fully dilated. It seemed like the longest process, and you were just ready for her to pop out already. Of course, he made sure to tell you a few more of his famous dad jokes to ease the tension.
“Babe?” He’d ask lightly, rubbing your hand.
You didn’t reply. You were so incredibly uncomfortable, with your head leaned back and eyes closed on the hospital bed.
“What sound does a witch’s car make?” he proposed, fiddling with your fingers.
“Mmm?” you moaned.
“Broom broom.” Keanu chuckled. You couldn’t help the smile that did creep onto your lips. You loved your silly, silly, dad joke telling husband, no matter how horrible his jokes really were.
When you were finally 10cm dilated, you were taken into the birthing room. You remember the nurse telling your family “father only, please.” as they wheeled you into the room, Keanu by your side each step of the way.
The process of giving birth was pretty hazy. Thankfully, you had opted to take the epidural offered to you to ease the pain. You didn’t think you’d be able to do it without one. You remember Keanu being there the whole time, holding your hand, encouraging praises leaving his lips every so often. You had a killer headache however from the medication, and the bright lights were only making it worse. You made a mental note to ask Keanu more about that entire process once you were home.
However, you’ll never forget the sound of the first cry of your baby girl. It’ll stay engraved in your mind forever, like a melody so pure. You remember Keanu squeezing your hand harder, pressing a kiss to your temple, smiling. “You did it, honey. She’s here.”
You remember Keanu being instructed to cut the umbilical cord, before your baby girl was taken away to be cleaned, leaving you and Keanu alone as the nurses checked up on you to make sure all was okay.
Keanu wiped your forehead, as you took in deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. “Im so proud of you, Y/N. Thank you for bringing our baby into the world.” You heard him whisper, as he kissed your cheek, your shoulder, and then your hand.
Finally, a few moments later, you remember your baby girl, all cleaned and dressed in a white baby blanket brought back out to you. You couldn’t stop the tears in that moment. They definitely over powered both you and Keanu. The nurse placed her in your arms, as Keanu wrapped his arm around you, holding both of you close as you had your first meeting with your daughter. Your first family interaction.
“Hi there, princess.” Keanu whispered to her, smiling, as you stared at her in awe, tears falling. “I’m Keanu, but you can call me daddy. This is your mommy, Y/N. We’re gonna love you so much baby girl. Forever.” He whispered to her.
“Forever. I promise.” Was all you could choke out, as you stared at your daughter, hugging her close, taking in her features. She had Keanu’s chocolate eyes, and your tiny button nose.
Keanu’s eyes had welled with tears as well. It was the most beautiful moment of your lives. So special. So precious. As the three of you huddled closer together, you heard Keanu whisper.
“Us against the world.” as he stared at you and his daughter. You smiled.
“Us against the world.”
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