#for cellbit this is already a normal day
eternallovers65 · 1 year
Forever and cellbit sleeping after traumatizing all of us
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dontcryminecraft · 11 months
red team purgatory day one
half of red team isn't here, nobody knows how to actually PLAY MINECRAFT, and the only person remotely good at pvp here is philza. Carre carries everyone and is off doing his own thing. Even IF the other half of the team is there, the only person i can accurately gauge the ability of is WILBUR, and i have zero faith in his skills lol. Everyone is realizing how much they're going to have to stream, and some will have to change their schedules in order to play effectively. Charlie doesn't stream for 5 hours, but he has to be here for all of this, and it becomes VERY CLEAR, VERY QUICKLY, WHY HE DOESN'T. His voice is dead and he is unravelling at the seams. He hates it here more than anyone. only half of his breakdown is a joke. They're drying. Cellbit and Slime had ENOUGH and just beat each other with sticks. They're devolving and screaming about how much they hate this and they're manic and their arms feel numb and tingly and badboyhalo keeps killing them and they keep dying and life hates them. Jaiden told badboyhalo to kill himself. In a fit of rage they declared that they no longer care about the eggs and they'd rather just go home. They're planning on logging in on Monday only to build a house and start Egg Island Survival LetsPlay where they make an Emerald Empire and only respond in Villiager Hrmms. now they're sing/screaming as their base burns around them, and i can't tell what they're supposed to be singing but they kept repeating "say something I'm giving up on you" and someone started playing the Living TombStone FNAF song. Phil got a globe and gifted everyone a fidget toy to spin and they're just sitting and spinning. Baghera just realized that Phil already had all the saplings they need and she wasted her time, so Phil took off his armor so the two can could fight. Baghera lost even though she had a diamond sword, so Phil just let her kill him so she can be happy. Corpses scatter across their yard. They're killing each other. I started typing this with 20 minutes left and I'm witnessing the longest fucking 20 minutes of my life how is there still 7-whatever minutes left??? CELLBIT JUST CONFESSED TO THE MURDERS AND THEY'RE CONFESSING TO THEIR SINS NOW???? I CAN'T TELL IF CHARLIE'S CONFESSION ABOUT JUANAFLIPPA AND THE CODE IS CANON???? Charlie suggests a cannibalism arc and everyone wants to go absolutely FERAL and cellbit it trying to act normal about that idea and kinda fails at it. And it all ends with everyone being banned to enforce the 5-hour rule. We're Free...for today. And despite this, they don't want to change teams and they're actually looking forward to suffering with friends :) ...nevermind they're planning on selling wilbur to get a better advantage.
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Cellbit runs an alchemy shop with his family, and he's also the lost prince of the Gato Kingdom, but he isn't, but he really really isn't, you've gotta believe him, he isn't, really, he isn't, you've gotta-
For day seven of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Royalty/Family
The day starts off normally:
Cellbit wakes up to find himself alone in bed, Roier having already gone to work downstairs in the store.
He lazes beneath the covers before hearing his son shouting in the other room. Grudgingly, he gets up, slides on his slippers and his bathrobe, and he goes to get Richarlyson settled with a new coloring book because, according to Richarlyson, Pepito ate the last one.
(Pepito did not eat the last one.)
Cellbit goes back into his bedroom to change, and then he goes to the wash basin in the hallway to brush his teeth and wash his face. He goes to the kitchen, shoves a singe slice of bread in his mouth for breakfast, tells the kids to behave, decides to live in ignorance and believe that they actually listened to him, and then, finally, he goes downstairs to help Roier with the shop.
That's when things get weird because, instead of the normal dozen or so customers they usually get in the mornings before things get busy, there are a handful of people in shiny armor with pointy swords, and there's a woman with cat ears leaning against the counter talking at an indifferent Roier.
Cellbit freezes on the stairs. Absently, his hands raise to his own ears, thankfully pinned down today with his alchemical goggles. He tends to have them out more days than not now, but. Well. Old habits die hard.
"I really don't know what you're talking about," Roier casually say. He isn't even looking at the woman, he's, instead, inspecting his nails- recently painted by Jaiden and absolutely adorable, just like he is. "But we do have a sale on luck potions if you wanna try one of those."
The woman's eyebrow twitches, and, for whatever reason, Cellbit doesn't think that she's here to buy something. Between the fine quality of her clothes and the literal knights with her and her entire aura, she just screams royalty, and that's a bad thing.
That's a really bad thing.
But Roier seems to have it under control, so, silently, Cellbit starts sneaking back up the stairs. If Roier needs him, he'll scream, and then Cellbit will rush down and kill everybody in the room and blame it on a sudden alchemical reaction gone wrong. Easy.
The door to the living quarters slams open and Pepito comes rushing out of it with tears streaming down his face.
"Apa!" he cries, leaping into Cellbit's arms and nearly sending him stumbling back down the stairs. "Richarlyson ate my crayons and now he's dying!"
(Richarlyson is not dying.)
Cellbit can practically smell the irritation coming off of Roier, even if he can't see him with his back turned to both him and the store and the really annoying royalty inside.
And, sure, Cellbit is annoyed, too, but he's also a father. So he just sighs and holds his son and lets him cry into his shoulder.
"Who's there?" one of the knights asks.
There's the sound of a sword being drawn, and then there's the sound of another sword being drawn and, really, is a peaceful retirement too much to ask for? Pac and Mike got one. Bad got one. Even Etoiles has some sort of retirement plan he's supposedly following between father-daughter dungeon-busting field trips.
The way Pepito is being held has him looking down the stairs and at the very rude people about to kill his parents, so Cellbit turns around so that Pepito is facing the door instead. He's always preferred looking danger in the face, anyway; it's much easier to be stabbed in the back than the front, after all.
Cellbit passively looks from one knight to another. He skips his eyes over the woman entirely. He catches Roier's eye, subtly rolls his own eyes, adjusts his hold on Pepito.
"Sorry," Cellbit says, "but my son is dying. I'll be right back."
"He's dead!" Pepito wails, ever-helpful. He's such a good kid.
The woman frowns. Cellbit doesn't think he likes her face. It's too... uncanny, like a doll come to life. Or, rather, like an image escaped from the mirror above the wash basin, and Cellbit does not like the implications of that, thanks.
As the knights start to advance, the woman holds up a hand to stop them.
"Hurry up," she says.
"Yeah," Roier agrees. "Tell Richas to die quicker, we have company."
Pepito screeches right into Cellbit's ear, making him wince very angrily in Roier's direction; all Roier does is wink and motion with his fingers for Cellbit to hurry up.
Cellbit quickly takes Pepito back into their living quarters and puts him down on the sofa.
Richarlyson is on the floor, very calm, very much not dying, and very much using Pepito's crayons in his own coloring book.
Pepito gasps, tears gone and replaced with wide, shocked eyes.
"But you ate them!" he exclaims.
Cellbit sighs, "Your brother is a magician, now can you two please behave for ten minutes while Roier and I deal with those people downstairs?"
Richarlyson's head perks up. "There are people downstairs?"
Cellbit nods. "Bad people, probably. If you hear glass breaking, you know what to do."
It's Richarlyson's turn to nod.
They have a plan. If things go down in the shop, Richarlyson and Pepito stay upstairs and hide until either Cellbit or Roier goes to get them. If the kids hear glass breaking, they are to escape out their bedroom window and climb down the tree outside and run to their Uncle Bad's house until Cellbit and Roier can get rid of the bad guys and save the day.
(Roier's words, not Cellbit's. Apparently, calling unruly customers or the police "the enemy" is bad. Go figure.)
Cellbit makes the kids both pinky promise him to follow the plan before letting out a long, stressed-out breath and starting back downstairs.
First, though, he dips into the kitchen and grabs his favorite butcher knife from off of the counter and tucks it into the custom-made sheath hidden beneath his jacket. Just in case.
Once downstairs, he's immediately manhandled by the knights until he's pushed up against the counter. Unfortunately, he isn't pushed behind the counter. But at least he can act as a shield... just in case.
On instinct, Cellbit reaches behind himself and takes Roier's hand. Roier takes it and squeezes gently, his thumb rubbing little circles into the skin by his thumb.
"Well," Cellbit says, looking from the knights to the woman, "you want something. What is it."
It isn't a question. It's more of a demand, really, and maybe he's stupid for demanding answers of royalty, but, like. Fuck the monarchy. What have they ever done for him?
The woman speaks: "We're looking for whichever one of you is Cellbit."
If they weren't already pinned down, Cellbit's ears would be flattening themselves to the top of his head. He bites back a hiss and instead just squeezes Roier's hand.
The woman continues with, "I'd like to bring him back with us to-"
"Yeah, okay," Roier casually says. "I'm Cellbit, hello."
Out of the corner of his eye, Cellbit can see Roier waving; he stifles a smile. He's so stupid...
Cellbit turns around and gasps dramatically. "Gatinho, no! You can't leave us!"
Roier bites his lip and looks away, turning his head to the side.
"But guapito," he says, dropping his voice an octave just for effect, "if I don't go, then... what about you and the children? They might-" (He moans and bows his head.) "-kill you. And then what would I do with myself?"
"Oh, don't worry!" the woman quickly says. "We won't hurt your family! That's why we're here, actually, to bring you and your family with us."
Cellbit ignores her. He reaches across the counter and cups Roier's cheek with his free hand, gently nudges his face until he raises his head and looks Cellbit in the eye; Roier's eyes are already wet with unshed tears, wow, he's good.
"But what will I do without you?" Cellbit demands, pitching his voice up just slightly. "Don't be stupid! I love you, pendejo!"
(They do this a lot, believe it or not. It drives Richarlyson crazy every time they do it because it somehow always ends up with them kissing until they're out of breath and shaky in the knees.)
"Não!" Roier cries. He squeezes his eyes shut and rips himself away from Cellbit entirely, staggering back and leaning against a display shelf full of anti-gravity potions. "Don't say that!"
"Say what?" Cellbit asks. "I love you!"
Roier screams and flinches against the case. "Não!"
Cellbit leans over the counter. "I love you."
Roier moans his time, his hands flying out wildly and grasping onto seemingly-random bottles on the shelf. "Não!!"
Cellbit extends a hand. "I. Love. You. Te amo, guapito."
One of the knights asks, "What the fuck is going on?"
And then the knights all start shouting as Roier opens his eyes and lunges to shove a potion into Cellbit's hands.
Cellbit grins and yanks the cork out of the bottle and chugs the potion and slams the empty bottle against the floor. It shatters, and he jumps.
"What the fuck?" the woman demands.
Cellbit twists mid-air and lands on the ceiling. He waves down at Roier, blows him a kiss, and takes off running for the back potion room. The door is closed, but the ventilation window above the door is open because he was supposed to be making potions right now. Silver linings.
He dives through the window, just barely managing to squirm through. He grunts, frowns, regrets getting this old, makes it through.
His goggles are nudged off of his head, though, leaving his ears on full display as he escapes into the potion room.
The woman gasps, "Get back here! Cellbit!"
But Roier just cheers, "Corre, gatinho!"
The potion room's door thuds and shakes in its hinges as the knights all slam against it. But, like, fuck those guys.
Cellbit runs down the length of the ceiling until he's reached the wall facing the alley behind the shop. He steps onto the wall, and then he runs down that until he's by the window. Again, ventilation, he should be working right now, but no, he can never know a moment of peace.
The potion starts running out just as Cellbit crawls through the window and lands on the shop's outside wall. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, but it's fine. Just trash, it's fine.
There's shouting from the front of the shop and the sounds of more bottles shattering. Roier sounds fine, though. He's even laughing, of course he is. He's badass, and Cellbit loves him, and Cellbit just wishes he was there to watch Roier swing his sword around like the sexy piece of shit he is.
The potion's effects wear off as Cellbit's feet touch the ground; two minutes, just as he'd made it to be.
He can see Richarlyson and Pepito running for it at the far end of the alley. Good, they actually followed directions for once.
Cellbit turns to run after them and get Bad's help, but he's stopped by a firm hand grabbing his shoulder from behind.
He snarls and pulls his knife out of his coat, spinning and slashing and just narrowly missing the woman's throat.
"Cellbit!" she shouts. "Calm down, it's just me!"
Cellbit responds by lunging at her with his teeth bared. He's been filing his teeth down for years, but he knows that he still cuts an intimidating figure when he's pissed enough.
The woman doesn't seem afraid, though. If anything, she just seems angry. And sad. Mostly angry.
She easily sidesteps his attack and yells, "It's me! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Oh, that's cute. Royalty asking why someone would want to hurt them, that's funny. They have the self-awareness of a walnut, all of them.
"Stop shouting 'it's me'!" Cellbit snaps. "Why should I care who you are?"
The woman's face starts turning red from frustration. "Because I'm your sister!"
Oh, that's rich.
"I don't have a sister," Cellbit sneers.
He swipes at her. Of course he does, he doesn't have a sister. He didn't have a family before he and the others found Richarlyson, and he only has one now that he has his kids and his husband.
"Then why do we have the same ears?" the woman demands.
She ducks under his knife and sweeps his legs out from under him. He falls and hisses and growls and does all sorts of things that princes might do because he isn't royalty. He knows that for certain. His first memory was him eating the corpse of a soldier on an empty battlefield, and it's with that image in mind that he snaps his teeth at the woman's throat.
"Only the royal family of the Gato Kingdom is born with feline features," the woman snaps. "Idiot!"
"Fuck the Gato Kingdom," Cellbit spits. "Your war destroyed everything I had!"
The woman's eyes turn sad. "It destroyed everything I had, too. It took my family from me. My friends. My home. We're just now starting to rebuild, and-"
She shrieks as Cellbit manages to flip their positions so that she's the one being pinned to the ground.
"So you show up and try kidnapping someone to fill in for your lost prince?" he snarls. "You people haven't changed."
The woman's mouth thins into an angry line. "I'm not trying to kidnap you! I just want to bring you home!"
"I don't have a home! This is my home!"
"You really don't remember, do you?" she asks, voice low. She isn't even struggling any more, not really. "It's me, your sister. Bagi."
The name stings Cellbit's brain in a way he doesn't like.
"I don't know you," he firmly says. "You don't know me. Leave my family alone."
He stands, hands shaking, head spinning. He doesn't like this.
Roier calls his name from the front of the building.
Cellbit, sure that this Bagi won't do anything while she's busy crying, turns and starts running towards the store.
He doesn't make it three steps before getting thwacked in the back of the head with something large and heavy and metal.
"Sorry," Bagi flatly says.
As he falls to the ground, his knife falls from his hand and ends up just out of reach.
He lands on his stomach and immediately tries standing again.
But he's stopped by a foot on his back pressing him down.
"I'll be sure to bring your family with us," Bagi tells him. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Could have fooled me," Cellbit mutters.
Darkness takes him at last as Bagi smacks him again with her weapon, and all Cellbit can think is that he hopes that the kids ended up making it to Bad's after all.
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zeb-z · 11 months
no okay but this whole scuffed interrogation that ultimately just wasted time and resources is actually perfect. like normal bad and foolish antics are in itself usually productive in odd ways, but the witnesses - especially a federation worker witness - help make it look so much more suspicious than it is. everyone there except for agent 18 read the death message in chat, they all know it was cellbit. they effectively wasted a whole day of productivity, while seeming busy and shifting suspicions elsewhere.
while they haven't talked about it, bad and foolish are on the same page - shift the blame entirely onto bad to protect cellbit. bad has a history of being confrontational to workers, they're already wary of him, and he's given foolish the go ahead to frame him however he pleases. and because it's such a normal occurrence between them, this whole cat and mouse kinda dynamic, there's no cause for suspicion due to unusual behavior. of course foolish is focusing his suspicions on bad - it's his MO, and there's actual suspicion this time.
and because bad has a reputation of being such a straight faced liar for no conceivable reason, who constantly shifts blame onto foolish specifically for things that both have and have not happened, when he says foolish's plans outright, it's not believable whatsoever. he says straight up that foolish is clearly making false accusations because he's secretly an infiltrator wanting to take down the federation from the inside - of course nobody believes it. it does more to legitimize foolish if anything.
their ability to work on the same page without no prior discussion will always be impressive - and the fact that they're both looking out for cellbit inside the federation and out covers their bases. foolish can frame bad, bad can act suspicious, and hopefully nobody else will get caught in the crossfire, so long as they pull the right strings.
they put on their little two man act, waste a ton of time, and no one is ever the wiser.
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kadextra · 9 months
q!Forever & q!Bad, comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin
(little meta rp analysis & appreciation)
Comedy and tragedy- complimentary concepts when it comes to the dynamic that is these two characters.
Their lore together is truly like a soap opera to me in the way it operates, entertaining in how goofy it is- I laughed so much during interrodate. They had a whole elaborate musical prank war over a stolen gun (which neither of them even had, they’re just too dedicated to the bit.) The first thing they say to each other after q!Forever returns from the nether is “You look terrible!” 💀 and my guy gifted a bloody chainsaw as the flower of the day to q!Bad in purgatory 1 which was happily accepted.
Even when the characters show attraction for each other, it’s usually through some ridiculous romcom thing. q!Forever is in love with q!Bad dressed as pink barbie and thinks photos of her are the best gift a person could ever receive?? 🤨 q!Bad daydreams about q!Forever as a lobster with blonde hair and a six-pack??? brother be projecting him onto larry the lobster from spongebob squarepants dude what is wrong with them 😭 sometimes I wonder how they’re able to do all these bits in improv and take it seriously, it’s impressive
The characters are not normal, their relationship is not normal, it cannot be viewed normally. the ccs know exactly what they’re doing in creating whatever *gestures* this is, and it’s amazing. over the top, cute, played perfectly for comedy
But the characters aren’t just that, you can’t have them without the inverse 🎭 like a punch to the gut after all the sillies, they really know how to do tragedy well.
I very much look forward to whenever they’re at the top of their angst game, bc they both LOVE to make their cubitos suffer. to an insane degree. My god these two can’t go 3 days with their characters experiencing some peace and joyful whimsy, they *must* rp their ocs actively dying, horribly diseased, going crazy
And they go hard with it. I’m very serious when I say multiple times during the lore I’ve had to get up and walk away to calm down because it was too intense. super special shoutout to the q!Forever first happy pills arc stream & October 1st q!Bad psychotic breakdown stream. I’ve never been so shocked as I was watching those live, the stamina to do highly emotional rp like that is actually nuts. some of the most angsty mfs on this server fr (the #1 spot goes to quackity though. hey maybe i’ll make a tierlist)
So when Bad & Forever bring the best of their angst ability into serious rp interactions together that Aren’t comedic…? we are in for a treat. that talk they had right when q!cellbit died to the code, the richas rescue mission, the election, voting arguments, post-ron kidnapping, colorblind test/therapy, flower of the day. many scenes that are seared into my mind, but none is more so than The Happy Pills Proposal. goosebumps whenever I think about it… the scene ever. the way it was framed, the lines they said, how it had tense, chilling buildup before a literal explosion. how are these people capable of doing the most silly things and then turning around to stab us in the heart 50 times
So you bet I’m crossing my fingers for a meeting between @v@ & q!Bad. Forever is absolutely killing the role so far. If q!Bad gets involved I can already taste the glorious angst…. since he has specific traumatic experience in also being possessed, & having killed his possessed friends in another life. he recalled the memory when talking about how to save q!Forever last night. fun! *shaking*
anyways that’s all :D love these characters, I had been wanting to do a little meta appreciation post for a while so I thought why not now ^^
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somebluemelodies · 10 months
Roier tries to be sneaky, Cellbit will give him that. And sure, he is sneaky! Against other people. Humans.
And, well, Cellbit is decidedly not human. Not one-hundred percent, at least. In other words: he hears Roier coming sneaking up the stairs to the bedroom long before a normal person would, ears tuned into the sound as he reads.
But he decides to let his husband have his fun, not looking up from his book and playing the oblivious game. Red appears in his peripheral.
And then there’s a spider-hybrid strewn across his legs.
The investigator doesn’t look away from his book, but there’s a contented smile on his face. “Oi, guapito.”
Roier adjusts so he’s between Cellbit’s legs instead. The latter keeps reading, not needing to see the former’s face to know he’s starting to pout.
He’s patient, though, giving it a good while to wait and see if the cat-hybrid makes any move to put the book away. He doesn’t.
(He knows exactly what he’s doing.)
“Cellbo,” Roier whines.
Cellbit chuckles to himself. “Que?”
“Pinche pendejo— you know exactly what the fuck you’re doing, man!”
He feels two arms wrap around his torso, and another two pull the book from his hands indignantly. Six eyes stare up at him; two browns, and four extras laced with a beautiful ruby red.
Roier seems to contemplate, and Cellbit knows he’s considering throwing the book far away, but the spider-hybrid decides against it, merely tossing it onto the nightstand to their right, out of reach.
Hands free once more, he settles them on Cellbit’s chest, resting his chin on them and looking up at him, blinking in faux innocence.
The investigator laughs again, fond, gently cupping his husband’s face and stroking his cheeks. His tail flicks happily, curling somewhere around Roier’s leg as it always does.
It falls silent for a short while, the two basking in their silent admirations. In front of them, the sun has started sinking below the horizon, painting the whole bedroom with yellows and oranges and blanketing them in a comforting warmth.
The light catches Cellbit’s already-piercing eyes, casting his face in a golden glow, and for a moment, the spider-hybrid is left truly breathless, heart thumping in his chest.
(Is this what it feels like to fall in love all over again?)
He finally moves one of his arms, reaching up to the cat-hybrid’s head. Finding the right spot behind the base of Cellbit’s right ear, he scratches gently.
Immediately, Cellbit’s eyes flutter shut, hands dropping from Roier’s face so his arms can wrap around him instead. He subconsciously tilts back into the touch, and his husband hears the telltale begins of a purr rumble from his chest.
They stay like that a while, until Roier pulls his hand back but the purring persists, and he takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around Cellbit’s chest, above his extra pair. His head settles against the investigator’s chest, and he feels Cellbit hold him tighter in turn.
The bedroom gets progressively darker, but the warmth stays, settling into their bones as they feel sleep on the verge of taking over.
Only then does Roier pull Cellbit to lay down completely, and his husband complies immediately. They shift to be under the blanket and onto their sides, still facing each other, holding right back onto each other.
They become a web of tangled limbs, then, and pieces puzzle into place like routine clockwork. Roier tosses his leg over Cellbit’s and feels something soft curl around his in return. The spider-hybrid feels hands curl into the fabric of his shirt, tight but not desperate, keeping him pressed close.
(They physically can’t get any closer to each other, not with their tangled legs and three total pairs of arms wrapped securely around each other.)
(But they’ll try anyway.)
He presses his own face right back against the cat-hybrid’s chest. The purring is louder now, even as they’re clearly drifting off and can barely murmur te amo to each other in goodnight. But it’s not distracting. It’s… comforting.
It’s home.
This is home.
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anartisticdreamer0 · 7 months
i have big desires for how tallulah and chayanne will react to possessed phil
because i constantly think about how phil reacted to code tallulah and chayanne because the WAY that he immediately clocked on it and IMMEDIATELY went “those aren’t my kids” he didn’t NEED to check those beds but he did to prove it to himself and everyone else. now it’s the reverse, phil is the weird one and the death kids are catching on. and i want so badly for them to clock on immediately. tallulah is already speaking to other eggs but i want to see her talk to other players, i know there’s so few trustworthy people on (as in they don’t join on) right now but like Bagi, Fit and maybe Cellbit, i don’t know when Etoiles coming back on but that would be cool to see. these are just like the most realistic ideas of who would help. (Tubbo with his current rp situation might not but also cc tubbo would probably want to help his friend so i have no idea how that would go) i see it like tallulah would spread the word while chayanne distracts “phil” from catching on, maybe even catching evidence like how phil did with the beds. the kids run around trying to help get their dad back but without “him” catching on. i already have SO many ideas how they could do this or further develop this idea. and then one day it ALL comes to ahead like phil never comes to get them from his looting, and they go to someone else who’s online and they start talking about how they have literally no idea where he is, like last stream sure he was gone for a while BUT he was checking the tab list every now and then, it was out of the normal but they were in fact not awake. i’m talking he sees they’re awake, he acknowledges to the crows they’re awake but he doesn’t go to them. i’m talking they’re awake for a whole 20 minutes, but he doesn’t STOP.
i should probably stop here :p
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tiredsleepy-gd · 11 months
Time to say some things here because today was cinema and I have a lot of things to say
So, q!cellbit has been controlling himself all this time and we can see it in the way the moment he presented himself to the others he said "I may kill some of you", he is a killer and that sadly is part of himself, so he was trying to control himself with the coffee, trying to be awake and have some type of control avoiding Killing and drinking blood, trying to live his new life normally
And you have him getting himself busy with the investigation, but the same federation that makes him want to escape as a kid tortured him the moment he gets back again, so it just puts him more and more to the limit, and that limit was crossed when he saw the stateof his husband and the moment he discovered that he has a sister
The sister that he leaves behind and don't remember, the sister that is trying to bring a brother that died 15 years ago, that is not here anymore, something she still doesn't understand.
And in the other hand is his husband, he saw his husband getting more and more destroyed by the same federation, q!cellbit is the one that understands q!roier the most and today we saw that.
Q!roier has been betrayed by his friends as we already know, he was tortured by the federation, we joked that he was a favorite of the federation since the early days in the island but after bobby died he doesn't want anything to do with it, the federation leave him alone, without his sons and sister, he lost to much things and q!cellbit knows him and can see past the mask of being silly and happy that he puts in front of everyone and sadly q!bagi doesn't understand this and q!roier and qcellbit said this to her but she still doesn't understand
Anyway, as cellbit say q!cellbit is a complex character and I love him for it
The thing that I see in the future is that q!roier and q!cellbit are gonna go against everything, not only the federation, because it is both against the world
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cherrynwinesk · 9 months
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As u Sleep pt.2 ~ Cellbit
Story g: horror (no love), not safe
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: supernatural creatures, blood, murders, horror. This is too violent, minors or sensitive people do not read, NOT SAFE, ONLY +18, (no sex, only violence)
CC's: Cellbit, Pac mention
Reader g: Neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content
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Cellbit was putting a body into a metal fridge
"Ugh, this one spilled a lot of blood" you said in greeting.
"Yes, he just arrived, he has been dead for a very short time so his circulation was still running very fast, you would have seen the first cut I made on him" he turned around and showed you his suit where there was a mark of blood from his stomach to his right shoulder. As if he had been wet with a small but powerful hose.
"Where does all the blood and organs you take from them go?"
"I put it in a thousand plastic bags with a biological waste label and the hospital takes care of throwing them away"
"In fact, Dr. Cellbit, there is not much waste at the end of the day even though up to 4 bodies arrive every day," the cleaner spoke behind you.
"Yes, I end up cleaning most of the blood with paper and absorbent towels, since it all remains on the metal tables when doing necropsies, and what remains is removed with the aspiration tube directly from the blood vessels," Cellbit replied to the man. I'm done, shall we go?"
Cellbit took his things from his desk and you left the morgue, you went to the nearest supermarket, there you stocked your pantry, laundry detergents, for general cleaning of the department or staff.
Once back home you began to put all the products in their place, some in the pantry, the refrigerator. You also found some of Cellbit's personal things, he had already gone to his room, so you decided to go take him. You knocked on the door to his room but he didn't answer, you knocked again a little louder and waited, when you didn't receive a response you assumed that Cellbit had some headphones on and couldn't hear, so you opened the door to enter. You had never entered his room, yet you believed that both of you were in considerable confidence to allow yourself to enter his room and he yours.
You entered and the place was very cold, almost to the point of matching the temperature of the morgue, you imagined that Cellbit had no problem with the cold and that he must be used to it. The place was dark and the door to his balcony was open, the only thing that illuminated the room was the moonlight and the reflection of the public light from the streets. Before fully entering the room you could see Cellbit outside, as you had thought, he had his headphones on and was browsing his cell phone so he was very distracted.
You decided to turn on the light so that he would realize your presence, the moment you turned on the light you could see what was inside the room, it looked much more like a smaller morgue. There was a metal table that apparently was used as a desk, on this table you could see a hand and in the process of decomposition, what terrified you the most was the refrigerator with a transparent door that was next to the closet. Inside the refrigerator you could see frozen organs, hanging from clothespins like socks drying in the sun. You were paralyzed, it shouldn't have surprised you much, you knew perfectly well that this was what Cellbit was looking at all the time. The lowest part of the refrigerator contained a metal tray where you could find bags of blood that are normally found in blood banks. Some bags were already in the trash can.
The moment Cellbit realized your presence he rushed to get you out of the room.
"What the fuck Cellbit? What's that all about?"
"It's work stuff"
Cellbit just closed the door in your face, you returned to your bedroom and tried to call your coworker who was your only friend after Cellbit.
With your trembling voice you tried to tell her what was happening, everything you had seen, your friend reassured you by telling you that she would help you investigate what was happening and that you should go to sleep tonight. You calmed down and immediately lay down on your bed and spent some time tossing and turning trying to fall asleep.
You woke up due to an immense pain in your stomach, the first thing you saw was how your best friend Cellbit stabbed you in the stomach and began to bite your neck, the pain began to decrease thanks to fear and adrenaline, you fought for that man who used to be your friend will let you go, but your sight was gradually lost until you couldn't see anything, didn't feel strength and couldn't move.
Cellbit had been listening to your panicked calls. He left you on your bed, stained wine red, your mouth communicated pain and your eyes open fear. Your nails who tried to attack your murderer in self-defense, broken.
Cellbit wiped the corner of her mouth with the crook of his arm, returning to his bedroom looking for a note and pen. In the dining room, he left a note as if it were another person, talking about how the coroner Cellbit had been kidnapped to be tortured for being the one who helps in criminal investigations, while his friend had had to die for being close to him.
Cellbit left the apartment in absolute silence, once on the street he took off the latex gloves he was wearing and set them on fire, then disappeared for at least a generation and returned when no one recognized him.
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cat-mentality · 11 months
For the lovely anon who screamed about this event with me yesterday ❤️
It starts with the flowers.
Bagi finds the first ones in the morning sitting in the middle of her secret room, pretty, colorful flowers tied with an orange ribbon.
The next morning she finds yellow tulips with a red ribbon.
Sunflowers with a blue ribbon.
Roses, deep pink, with a brown ribbon.
Every day she wakes up and runs to see what she will find this time, it's the brightest part of her day, warmth spreads on her chest every time she looks at them, the feeling of being cared for, of being loved to the point someone takes a moment of their day to give her a gift. The flowers are tenderly kept in a special backpack she carries with her, they feel too special to be left anywhere else.
At first Bagi thinks they are from Xaninho.
He is after all one of the only people who knows that place exists after all and more implicaria she can't think of many other people who would give her flowers.
It's pretty surprising then when after a whole night hanging out with her little buddy and bidding him goodbye she still finds a bouquet waiting for her.
Bagi takes the flowers, purple with a pink ribbon, and gently caresses the petals, a frown on her face.
That is..... Baffling to be honest.
The detective on her is brought to life immediately.
Neither Pac or Badboyhalo seem the type to give her flowers.
Tina would, and the thought does make her smile slight, but she doesn't know about this place yet.
And besides them?
Bagi doesn't know of a single person who would give her flowers.
She picks a book and a pen, writing a simple "who are you?" and leaving it in the same place the flowers have been.
Bagi wakes to a larger than normal bouquet, yellow roses with a white ribbon, underneath the bouquet there is a book on the meaning of flowers.
No one is there to see the way her eyes fill with tears as she looks for each flower she was given and Bagi will never mention it to another soul.
She smiles as she hugs the bouquet tenderly to her chest.
She can use a friend in this Island. Even such a strange and mysterious one, things are so shit already she doubts it can get any worse.
Bagi leaves another book, a single "obrigada" with a heart.
After that it escaletes, but not in a bad way.
Bagi and her new friend establish a form of communication, they leave her flowers and she leaves books, it's not perfect but it works.
Some days she will find other little gifts, blocks she mentioned in passing she wanted, food when coincidentally her's was running low, tea when she had a rough day.
One day Bagi swears she feels her little buddy's presence.
It had been a rough day.
Cellbit is still hellbent on self destruction, the Islanders in their knit tight little groups have no space for a stranger like herself and her attempts to protect her brother only manage to make everything worse, isolating her from him and the others equally.
Bagi is tired, soul deep tired and drained and hopeless.
Maybe it would have been better to have given up.
Maybe she should have stayed in the ice.
It sure feels like it would be better for everyone.
Maybe it's not too late to go back.
She is so tired she can't even bring herself to go check on her little buddy and even if guilt strikes her chest like lead she cannot force herself to leave her bed.
Tears fall down her face, wetting her pillow.
She is almost sleeping, out of sheer exhaustion, when she feels it.
A cold thing brush against her side, something strange, cold and light but still able to be felt snuggling against her. The same cold feeling brushes against her head like invisible hands are petting her.
She cries harder and the presence preses tighter against her, like it wants to offer her comfort.
Her eyelids are too heavy and she is asleep before she can force herself to look.
When Bagi wakes she is alone. The presence is gone, but on her bedside there is a bouquet of red poppies and a book, one she never saw.
She opens the book with shaking hands, forcing the tears back when she traces the simple phrase 'I care about you.'
After that her little buddy makes themselves known more often, a cold presence brushing against her when she is sitting by herself, food magically appearing in front of her when she loses track of time, what she suppose are small arms throwing themselves around her when she is sad.
Her little buddy is truly little, she manages to gather from these interactions, hardly even reaching her knees. Their handwriting is familiar as well, Bagi just can't put her finger where she saw it before.
It worries her that her little buddy is the only one giving her things, she writes to him one night after she woke up to find the chairs she wanted in the middle of her living room.
'What can I do for you? How can I repay you?'
She finds the largest bouquet yet. Daisies.
"Family?" She had memorized the book long ago "You want to be family?"
The cold feeling she has come to associate with hugs makes itself known around her legs, a book manifests out of thin air in front of her, the words appearing like magic.
'You said you aren't a good singer, but would you sing a song for me?'
She remembers where she saw that handwriting before.
Bagi drops to her knees, blindly she reaches forward trying to reciprocate the hug and for the first time she can vaguely see the presence that had been keeping her company, a little boy with a hat, ghostly features in a shaky hopeful smile.
She hugs him to her chest gently, afraid that he will disappear if she pushes her luck too much.
Bagi is not a singer, she barely even remembers any songs she may have known before the ice but she couldn't see herself refusing this. She sings, quietly probably badly, a little tune she remembers from her own mother, the lyrics from 'reconhecimento' easy to come back in their simplicity.
She did tell him he could haunt her house didn't she?
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aledanshi · 7 months
EK!Philza/Cellbit fic idea
I want to write a oneshot where Philza is slowly losing his identity to the Ender King's possession and starts plotting to get more power and dominate the island through conquer.
But because of his host's supreme gayness for his husband, the Ender King also ends up falling in love with Cellbit.
Things seem normal for quite a while, Cellbit and Philza spent their days taking care of their children and exploring dungeons together because it's a fun activity. Philza has someone to keep him company while he compulsively steals and gets really happy when he finds things like gold and jewels to gift his husband. Nothing's better than surrounding your most precious treasure with even more treasure right?
But his addiction slowly turns into a quest of becoming more powerful, scavenging for enchantments and loot, learning about magic items and rituals that would render him unstoppable.
His personality also changes, his demeanor turns more calm and collected instead of his usual aloofness, he becomes more cold and distant towards his friends and other people that aren't part of his family. His clothes slowly turn to darker shades of green and black, with a few purple and gold details.
Cellbit? He's unfazed by everything.
In fact, he kind of digs his husband's newfound "goth era", besides, everyone needs a hobby right? So what if Philza really likes spending time looting and researching about occultism? So does he! Nothing wrong with that.
He also feels that Philza has become especially affectionate, with the way he talks about wanting to move to a little vacation shack away from the others so they have a little time and peace for themselves. He also brings him lots of gifts ranging from rare weapons to jewelry made of gold and obsidian, which he has no issue with wearing if it makes him happy.
The Ender King was also pleased to see that his "queen" is equally protective of him as he is of Cellbit. On one occasion, after their friends noticed the signs of Philza's change in personality, he was listening to Bagi and Pac trying to warn Cellbit when he heard his husband laugh at their faces and question them.
"Are you insane? Are you really insinuating that Philza could be dangerous to me and the kids? He trusts me, if he had something to tell me he would do so in an instant. Stop trying to isolate me from the people I love, haven't you tried that already? Was it not enough?"
They left soon after, not only because they had no proof of their accusations, but because they did not want to test Cellbit's patience any further, which made the Ender King really happy.
After such a demonstration of fierce protectiveness, the Ender King was especially affectionate and intense with his queen later that night.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
"Ouch! Pendejo," Cellbit mutters under his breath, kicking the chest in front of him as he shuts the lid. Clearly, that wasn't going to work, so he'd just have to figure out something else—
He turns around to face the door. There's a figure there. A person Cellbit was slowly starting to lose all hope of ever seeing again.
Forever looks horrible, by every definition of the word. His suit is wrinkled and dirty; his hair is falling halfway out of his braid, his bangs curled in strands around his face. The circles under his eyes are dark and sunken, giving his cheeks a hollow look. The flag that used to sit atop his shoulder is wrapped over the back of his neck, looking more like a blanket at this point.
But there's an ever-so-slight glint in his gaze that hasn't been there for nearly a week: a look of determination, a careful curve to his lips. He stands in the doorway of the Ordo, one hand clutching the doorframe tighter than it really should be. But that doesn't matter right now—at least he's on his feet.
Cellbit barely notices what he's doing until he's already halfway across the floor, insignificant item tossed from his hand as he throws his arms around his friend.
Forever stumbles backwards a bit and Cellbit throws his elbow out, catching them on the wall just before they go down. He can feel the other man's arms hesitantly hovering around his shoulders, before they carefully close around him. Cellbit himself digs his fingers into the shoulders of Forever's suit, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath.
"Thank god you're okay," he whispers.
"All thanks to you and Pac," Forever murmurs back, voice cracking with disuse.
There's a small noise from behind them and Cellbit's eyes rocket open to see Bad standing in the hallway, jaw dropped. Carefully, he untangles himself from the president's arms, giving his hand a final squeeze. Then, he nods to Bad, stepping aside to let them have some time.
The demon has a smile on his face, even as the worry in his voice pokes through when he speaks. "Forever, you've been out for four days."
"...it was a lot longer than four days, Bad," Forever responds softly, laughing.
Cellbit shakes his head, squeezing past them to exit the room. It would take a while for things to go back to normal; he knew that. It would take a while for Forever to readjust, whether he showed it or not.
But for the first time in nearly a week, things were hesitantly starting to look up.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
I've seen a person or two intrigued by q!Antoine's thoughts on Forever and Cellbit (not in a bad way at all, just that they were curious), and I wanted to point out a few things for those who were wondering.
(To be clear, Antoine, the cc, is VERY GOOD at roleplaying when his character doesn't know things but he does, for an example, one time he was talking about his suspicions on Baghera, and his chat was trying to justify her, he answered "I know. But my character doesn't." He is very aware of these type of situations.)
Anyway, wanted to point out how in q!Antoine's eyes, Forever and Cellbit being suspicious makes a lot of sense, especially since he is a paranoïd character (that was stated by cc Antoine himself) :
Outside of the first day, wich we can consider mostly out of character for the french etc and the second wich was fairly normal and in wich both Cellbit and Forever explained the danger of the island to Antoine and Baghs... His first impression of Cellbit and Forever were during the Richarlyson custody battle : Forever being at his lowest, and Cellbit being extremely suspicious and asking questions to them.
Then his second direct interaction with Forever was during the consecutive Pomme attacks, where Forever was panicking because nobody was listening to him, and when Ninho failed to work properly at the third attack. He already expressed (in character) some of his suspisions at that time, I think most of you remember.
Then Cellbit disappeared and he didn't get to meet or talk with Forever during that time.
After that came the elections, in wich his second major impression of the duo was Cellbit being changed since the kidnapping, somehow the two being reconciled, and both being very enthusiastic about becoming president. (there already you can see where he has his reserves)
Also, after the first debate, where he saw them being very adamant about being the best choices for being president, Forever came at his base to directly talk to him about all the good things that he did, and that he'll do if he was elected president. To q!Antoine, a deeply paranoïd character, and ANTI-election from the very begining, that was a BAD MOVE. (this was then quickly followed by BBH, then Baghs, doing a similar thing, two characters he doesn't trust too much either for a lot of things)
At the night of the second debate he saw them being enthusiastic about becoming president again, without adressing the problems of the presidency once again, and both expressed again their willingness to work with the federation. THAT to q!Antoine, was very suspicious. Like he said himself : ElQuackity is obviously the wrong choice and federation candidate. TOO obviously... There is somehting fishy about Cellbit...
TLDR : q!Antoine got introduced to the two of them through their worst times, and skipped a few steps to directly see them reconciled and allied to become something that seems very dangerous and powerful, and that he doesn't want. No wonder he's suspicious.
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anonymous-dentist · 11 months
Okay, so Melissa is a princess, and she’s been betrothed to this noble’s son named Quackity for basically her entire life ever since she was adopted by the royal family at age six. She is. Not happy about this for a variety of reasons, but that’s only halfway important right now.
It’s Melissa’s wedding day, and she’s already halfway done escaping out the window when a dark shadow falls over her kingdom. Before she knows it, she’s being scooped up by demonic magic and spirited away to the Demon Realm to be held prisoner by the Demon King until her kingdom agrees to stay the fuck out of his land and leave him alone.
Or, well. That’s what’s supposed to happen.
Because, see, Melissa isn’t actually Melissa. The “princess” is actually Prince Roier, who’s been going by Melissa in public in order to allow him to escape from the castle and pretend to be a normal person. But the problem with this is that, well, nobody knows of a Prince Roier. Just a Princess Melissa.
And Roier is sick and tired of royal life. He never really wanted to marry Quackity, and Quackity only sort of wanted to marry him. But there are “rules” and “agreements” and, really, it’s all too much bullshit for Roier to deal with. So he’s glad he got kidnapped! At least in the Demon Realm he can get some goddamn sleep!
But, unfortunately for Roier, the Demon Realm isn’t quite as fancy as his castle back home. The beds suck, the food sucks, the water’s always cold, and it’s so freaking lonely down in the dungeons! It’s almost like he’s being held prisoner or something!
Luckily, Roier is ridiculously resourceful. Every night when the rest of the Demon Castle is asleep, he switches from his Melissa Outfit into his Roier Outfit and he sneaks out of his cell and steals food and sheets and pillows and everything nice just to make his room in the dungeons that much more comfortable.
He doesn’t usually run into anybody, but, one night, he ends up running from some guards and hiding in a library that he’s never seen before. This is fine, but. But there’s someone else there, seemingly also hiding from the guards behind some dusty old bookshelves. Hot. Sexy, even, complete with spooky eyes and fucking cat ears, of all things.
He looks at Roier. Roier looks at him. They come to a mutual agreement to leave each other alone, and that’s that.
Except maybe Roier starts sneaking around even more just to see this mysterious hot demon guy again. He doesn’t know who he is, but he’s definitely worth the risk.
(Meanwhile, the Demon King Cellbit is still trying to figure out where Princess Melissa goes every night. He keeps hearing reports from his guards of her vanishing seemingly into thin air, and, honestly? Cellbit isn’t even angry at this point, he’s just confused. Because. Since when do humans know magic??)
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inquebrar · 8 months
"apa celbi¿"
Pepito had been waiting for this moment for a long time, after learning that he was the man who made his apa q!Roier so happy, he really wanted to meet him, he saved his favorite flowers so he could give them to this man... his name "celbi? apa celbi" without even thinking much, in his heart he was already his apa too.
unfortunately the circumstances in which they met were not the best (but it wasn't bad either), Pepito seems to have no luck in his first interactions with his parents... after arriving at the library and seeing a book with his father's name "how to marry a brasilian" and q!Cellbit's reaction, all proud and confirming the information Pepito realized "wait, could it be... that's him?!" Pepito approaches and asks "are you... apa celbi¿" at that moment it's as if we can feel q!Cellbit's heart sinking, a confused expression and a bit of... fear?
"you're not his father"
q!Cellbit's thoughts filled with confusion, he freezes for a few seconds "no, i'm not good enough to be your father i'm not your father i can't be, i don't deserve it" but seeing that little kid in front of him, a child with such a pure look, so happy, he just responds "yes...? yes i'm Cellbit" he can't say the word yet so he just reaffirms that yes, that's his name, that's him. and at that moment q!Mariana arrives and says "stay here Pepito, why are you with these guys?" and the thing is that he didn't do it on purpose but at that moment Pepito was with his awelo who took care of him for weeks and was the only one present at Pepito's first birthday and his apa, the apa he was so excited to meet, Pepito was waiting for so long for this moment but q!Mariana didn't know any of that so when he said that, it's kinda comically tragic
q!Cellbit is very afraid of disrespecting q!Roier, he doesn't want to do anything that goes beyond his boundaries, he respects all of q!Roier's decisions and always listens to him, and after what happened on dia de los muertos, he felt that he had crossed a line that was a sensitive topic for his husband. yeah, the "stepfather incident". however, it was all just a cultural thing, it's in these moments that we see some language barriers which is normal to happen since they are a married couple from different countries and cultures. but again, even though it wasn't intentional, they both didn't know. q!Cellbit carried with him the weight and guilt of never having had the opportunity to take care of Bobby, saying goodbye to him was painful as if he had lost his own son... and then, Bobby? running towards him jumping of joy. finally! mi hijo! after saying that he was married to q!Roier, Bobby got extremely happy and stayed the whole time beside q!Cellbit, this could only be a dream. and maybe it really was, after spending the whole day saying "mijo" "come here with your pai" "filho" hearing q!Roier say that he's not Bobby's father was like pouring cold water on all the happiness he had felt, after all he lost the opportunity to be Bobby's father. "i'll let you spend time with tu hijo"
i really liked that on that day it provided a cultural exchange, several conversations with the intention of understanding different points of view in our community, that's so cool! and seeing from q!Cellbit's point of view, in brasil there's a big difference between stepfather and father, the impact of these words are very significant, saying stepfather shows a lack of closeness, a distancing that often means a lack of affection. therefore, another example that demonstrates the view of other brasilians is that both q!Pac and q!Mike have already told Richas several times in different conversations "are you spending more time with Roier? that's good, he's also your father" "even though Roier is not brasilian, he is Richas' dad too you know?", in the view of someone who's from brasil, that's why hearing that on the day that q!Cellbit finally saw Bobby again hurt so much and as it was never explained, q!Cellbit still feels this separation and is afraid of being disrespectful.
so then when he saw 'q!Roier' (Doied) talking to q!Mariana about Pepito and he doesn't mention that he is also Pepito's father, he quickly goes looking for Richas and when he finds him he tries to bring some lightness and make jokes so that he don't think too much about it. Pepito didn't stop calling him apa celbi, today he said "apa celbi y apa mariana" to his awelo q!Foolish, yes, for Pepito they are both his parents and i wonder if at some point this conversation will happen with q!Cellbit, because Pepito just wants to have his family well, close and happy. and they deserve to have it. communication!!
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occasionally-victor · 24 days
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bwaah ghost au spiderbit; you can see i kinda lost motivation on this one a bit lmao welp
in this au people that die peacefully leave like. normal ghosts. the "transparent floating person maybe with some quirk" type of ghosts. idk whether make them move on to some Otherside or are they just still hang out in normal world - probably a bit of both (alive people usually can't see those tho). the people who die from some sort of cruel death or at the moment of death have A Lot™ of negative emotions? their ghosts are Fucked Up and Kinda Dangerous™ and less person looking. the nature of it is Unknown™, but those ghosts considered "cursed" - which entails that the curse can be lifted and the ghost can be granted peace. those ghosts behaviour is in fact totally targeted towards ridding themselves of that curse HOWEVER it's usually slow. have i mentioned those ghosts are Fucked Up and Kinda Dangerous™? yadda yadda there are people who specialise in helping those ghosts get rid of their "curse" because otherwise they can do a lot of damage before doing it themselves.
this au was kinda born after thinking what would the actual ghosts of cubitos look like, and then deciding to just make a seperate thing from it
!roier was still abducted, but here it's by some fucked up people who wanted to experiment on humans - he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. take a wild guess how he dies (idk body gave up after weeks of horrifying experiments or something). ghost!roier is surprisingly Not That Dangerous™ - mostly scares encountered people and also seems to bring the rat infestation to every house he is seen in. barely floats, in general looks like a walking corpse that slightly glows, rarely seen on street as seems to hate light (most of it, at least), rats do follow him a lot. doesn't seem to talk and in general also feels constant sickness and disorientation. moves between places a lot, so not many actually seen him. the commonly used name in reports is "Blinded man" (as his eyes are very much hidden behind the cloth constantly)
spiderbit were very much married in this au and well, you could have guessed, !cellbit didn't take the news well at all (authorities eventually found whatever that underground lab was and yknow the bodies). mans left his work at flower shop, became basically a complete shut in and then one day theirhis apartment was on fire. the fire part actually nor because someone set it in fire or whatever - it's because some ghost can be "born" uhh with very real impact on normal world let's just say, and in this case the very first thing ghost!cellbit did was to set the place on fire👍 not cool, because the fire was white, which is very notoriously very hot actually (the whole thing was brief tho - the only thing affected was the apartment) (the cause of death is very much grief induced heart attack btw). the heat from ghost doesn't appear right until the flames themselves are touched - while the burn itself is nonexistent, the pain is very much is. moderately aggressive, seems to have a soft spot for kids (as in, avoids them and in general seems calmer around them). often noticed around various flower shops and other flower related placed (looking for something?) - in a places where his sightings were reported often found ashes of already burn flowers (a specific flower does seem to be burnt much less tho-) (flowers actually can completely distract him - seems to be stuck in place until they finish burning - ideally not be there when that happens). the blood is real, but it vaporises before it hits the ground most of the time. the common name in reports is "Whiteflame ghost"
the way to lift their curse is for ghosts be reunited - the nature of their curse does kinda force them to be "physically" inseparable as to not return to their cursed selves, but it's not like an issue for them at this point.
will i ever expand this au? probably not tbh, but maybe.
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