#for food they'd order takeout ramen :3
pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
Imagine Makoto has never gotten comfort or help when he's sick but then after he and Yuma are on good terms, Yuma takes care of him and Makoto's super touched
Yuma can't cook but he gets Makoto a wet rag to help him feel better, let's him lay his head in his lap and just makes let's him rest
Oh, trust me. That exact kind of scenario Iives rent free in my head ALL the time. And I even made it a bit of an angsty headcannon.
Due to Makoto having to hide the truth about his body and what he is, he never once let a doctor examine him in the 3 years he’s lived. He may have been the same as all the citizens, but what if he was just slightly different due to being the only “perfect” one of his kind?
Because of this concern, every time he gets sick, he deals with it all alone. He tries to nurse himself the best he can and continues to push himself to work despite his health. Hiding his condition with his voice changing mask, and it fools people every time.
And if it gets bad enough… then he just lets himself die.
He is immortal after all…and not defective.
Hoping he comes back feeling better the next day when he revives. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
But when Yuma eventually finds this out, he is furious and becomes even more determined to care for Makoto himself. Telling him his life is precious and he should never throw it away like that.
“It’s our…I mean your body…don’t treat it like that…”
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Yuma tells him that anytime he ever gets sick and is too afraid to ask for help from his people, that he can just call him. And he’ll come as fast as he can to assist him. (Unless he’s in the middle of a case, then he’d have to wait)
This of course touches Makoto to the point of tears. And he allows his original to continue to take care of him. Their bond growing stronger as he does so.
His original…is a good person.
He… likes him.
But Makoto will take advantage of this…
…because he wants yuma to visit him more <3
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sunaluvs · 2 years
omg hi <3 for sleepover saturday, tell me more about u + kamishin (i.e, the teasing, big/little spoons, anything mwah)
[ sleepover sunday asks! ]
every time someone asks me ab my selfships is another 10 years added to my lifespan
omfg okay ,,, me n kamishin. where do i begin
(under a readmore bc i... rambled 😞)
cuddling is a huge thing we do. ALL the time. our most common positions r denki laying on my chest and me laying on shinsous chest, or me in the middle and shinsou n denki caging me in from the sides. denki will frequently switch w me and be in the middle and shinsou typically likes being on the sides unless me n denki wanna lay on top of him and annoy him <3
denkis love language is physical touch, shinsous is quality time, and mine is both!!! so its very easy to accommodate everyone and our dates and hangouts r always p chill and easygoing
speaking of dates! we all take turns each week choosing a spot/activity for our weekly sunday date, and thank god we have denki w us bc if it was up to me n hitoshis lazy asses we'd js stay inside all the time LMAO. me n him don't rlly care as long as we're together, so when its our turn we either stay inside n watch movies, go to his fav cat cafe, or take walks through parks n food stalls. when its denkis turn, he likes picking arcades n sort of niche areas that have a decent crowd and lots of stuff going on. also knows the best spots in every festival and loves going on late night car rides w loud music and junk food :3
tbh we don't have a lot of conflict. denki is emotionally intelligent and shinsou is naturally observant and im a little bit of both, so we all tend to notice when one of us is a tad off. communication is a big thing ofc, but most times we understand each other without the explicit need of saying anything. when we do though, its usually them trying to pry shit out of me LMAO
i am, unfortunately, the only cook between us all 😞 shinsou can make very basic stuff, and denkis not allowed in the kitchen, so usually im the one who has to cook, bc if it was up to them, they'd eat takeout n instant ramen for dinner every night 😒
(i once had to travel for a little over a week and leave them alone. i made POTS of food in advance and froze it so they'd have something to eat, and they still ended up demolishing it and ordering takeout for the last 4 days 😑)
im also sort of the mother hen between us hdjdhdjd i take. moderately okay care of myself, but im always accidentally fussing over them when they haven't rested or eaten properly, and i can almost never remember my own responsibilities but i will always be on their asses for theirs HSJSVDJFBD
.......thats enough. that is very much enough HHHDJDHJD i will shut up now
TDLR: me and kamishin r perfect for each other n im gonna fist fight god for not making them real </3
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