#for my Davidism folks
spooksicl-e · 2 months
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he was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and i had become one of them… i was a whetstone for his mind. i stimulated him.
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swiftzeldas · 4 months
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The X-Files 8.20: Essence
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
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"Can't wait to see you lose" "Goodnight from me and my favorite loser"
Move along. Nothing to see here...
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efingcod · 10 days
I have a Black Ops 2 playthrough going while I work and I actually forgot a lot. I played through it so quickly 3 years ago and haven't played it again because 😭 (also I'm not looking forward to the strike force missions). But damn.
But I'm also getting a little mad. Because if you think Woods is stupid and or impulsive yeah you haven't played this game. You haven't even watched a playthrough. You haven't even touched it.
I knew I was right. I internalized his characterization but forgot about specific moments. But there's SO MUCH solid evidence in this game (also in BO1 which I have played multiple times, it's my favorite ok?).
I don't want to write an essay but I MIGHT.
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Took these from Hollow's playthrough (that's why he's there). But I think this has me motivated to pick up Black Ops 2 even though I'm BIG SAD about the canon ending. So I'll take my own pics then.
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dreameroftheblue · 7 months
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mentally I am chewing on him like a stim toy
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baura-bear · 11 months
Ok it may not be Thursday where I am (it is in fact 6pm on Wednesday) BUT it’s Thursday in the land of @ftm-megamind so of course HAPPY JAVID THURSDAY!!!!
Ignore the fact that I obviously just got done crying (thank u @noxexistant for prompting the autistic Davey chat 🫡) this is the surprise… part 1 (the hell site won’t let me post 2 videos on one post)
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uservalentine · 1 year
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who cares? it a fucking friendly!
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The more I think about it, the more I realise how much I prefer 11 over to 10 and 14. Matt Smith is such a wonderful, underrated and talented actor, and although he didn't always have the best scripts, he made do with what he had and he made it work.
He had the wonderful balance of capturing his Doctor's darker and lighter moments, and yet still maintaining that message about kindness and friendship.
In other words, I miss the Eleventh Doctor.
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dxvidtennxnt · 5 months
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we back 🔪📲
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rhapsodynew · 1 day
Pink Floyd
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starlightseraph · 9 months
i have spent way too much time thinking about how doctor who exists in the good omens universe. either crowley played the doctor under the alias of david tennant, or he has a doppelgänger running around somewhere. if crowley had some double life as an actor (wouldn’t put it past him tbh), he would’ve played one of the most adorably earnest characters ever (fun to think about, but unlikely imo). if david tennant the actor exists as a completely separate entity, it’s rather miraculous that no one’s noticed crowley looks just like him.
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karuuhnia · 2 years
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My dad, a decades-long fan of Terry Pratchett’s work, recommended the show Good Omens to me. When he said that David Tennant, (who he knows is one of my favourite actors) had a lead role, I was sold! XD
So I watched the show and immediately fell in love with the humour and the wholesome, silly characters. It’s such a shame it was only 6 episodes. But every second was a delight! ❤️
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)  
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
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New Insta story from Georgia. Because nothing screams "supportive spouse" like "Can't wait to see you lose"...
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brookbee · 5 months
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David Bowie performing "Cracked Actor," 1983
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practicallybrucebanner · 10 months
i cannot stop thinking about how the end of e6 is framed from crowley’s perspective. it was a brilliant narrative choice. we watch crowley talking to nina & maggie, getting the bookshop ready, etc., and we don’t see what aziraphale is doing at any point. aziraphale’s conversation with the metatron is only showing what aziraphale is telling crowley during their confrontation. i have no idea what aziraphale’s plan is nor what he’s thinking. like, i can speculate, but i don’t know.
of course we all sympathize with crowley. we’re watching this happen through his eyes.
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constantvariations · 1 year
I remember someone saying "there's no such thing as a good racism allegory" and it's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I'm someone who typically thinks anything can work if given the right circumstances, but then I really started thinking about it and I believe they're right
Because if you want to talk about racism, you should just talk about racism
(This is unpolished and ramble-y, so strap yourselves in)
Racism is deeply ingrained into our society, no matter where you live. Imperialism and colonialism has ensured that no corner of Earth has been left untouched. Choices from hundreds of years ago are still being felt today. There's practically no end to the discussion of its effects on the world and its people
So, why should anyone feel the need to dress it up in cat ears?
I've consumed a lot of media where writers have consciously echoed in part some aspect of racism in their fantasy story: Bright 2017, Dragon Age, RWBY, the MCU, Harry Potter, Detroit: Become Human, etc. The biggest thing they have in common is that the narrative is told to side with the victims, but it somehow always ends up against them
It always sides with the status quo
It's confusing, maddening even, because the narrative oft goes out of its way to show how horrible the system is and how these folk don't deserve their treatment, so why are we going back to normal as if it's a good thing? Why are the people actively working to improve the system decried as annoying at best and monstrous at worst?
Then you look at the people who write these storylines. The beliefs they hold, the people they vote for, which charities and organizations they give to, and it all makes sense. Centrists (at best) trying to look progressive are the ones who need to dress racism up in cat ears and rainbow freckles. They set aside the long, brutal histories and crushing systemic realities to play pretend that racism is Not That Bad and is only done by Those Bad Individuals
That's why Velvet's ears are tugged instead of culled. That's why the Mantle drunkards say mean things to Blake instead of attempting to assault her. That's why everything surrounding the SDC's labor practices is so vague as to be useless while the biggest evidence of their malice is hand-waved away by a writer who says the victim "had it coming" as if someone can deserve being branded by being too much of a brat
These stories aren't meant to make the audience question why our society works off the bloodied backs of the exploited or demands we take good, hard looks at ourselves and how we've been duped into believing so much garbage about entire swathes of people. They're meant to satisfy the people who only feel bad that these things are happening because they (white folk) look like the bad guys. It's a self-congratulatory wank about how "I'm not like THOSE guys, therefore I'm a good person!"
And then there's the characters meant to convey this story in the first place: always inoffensive, mostly aimless, "not like the other girl" types that pander to that delicate palate. Blake - a conventionally attractive, pale skinned girl in fashionable clothes - used to be passionate about equality but only in the right way, and demonizes anyone who does not conform to this mindset despite having no reasoning to back it up while never once demanding better of the privileged people around her even when they do racially insensitive things
The biggest downfall of these racial allegories, be they about cat girls or orcs or elves or robots, is that they do something that marginalized folk have been forced to endure since the dawn of time: literal dehumanization. There are tangible differences between humans and whatever the allegory is, which undermines the very fundamental fact that black/asian/queer/neurodivergent/disabled/whatever folk are unapologetically, undeniably, exceedingly human. By dressing up their plights in cat ears or spottled blue skin, you're creating theater not for the people who actually live through these struggles as a means of connecting with them and providing them a safe outlet for their feelings, but giving the people who benefit from passively allowing the system to enforce said struggles a pat on the head for not being the grand wizard
I don't really know where I'm going or how to end this, so I'll just sign off with if you're going to talk about racism, just talk about racism
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