#for my digimon frontier rewrite
windfighter · 2 years
Kouji's bucketlist 2
They hadn’t talked about the bucket lists for about half a year. Kouji figured they had all forgotten it, just like most of Takuya’s stupid ideas tended to end up. Forgotten in the mists of time. Kouji had put his in one of the drawers of his desk and hadn’t looked at it since that day.
Neither Tomoki nor Kouichi had beaten him at Mario Kart yet.
He was looking for his math book. He had brought it home with him, studied until too late and put it away somewhere. It should have been in his backpack, but it wasn’t and the only other place he would put it was in his desk. It was there, and beneath it was the black notebook with a wolf on the cover. Kouji blinked.
”Well, it’s stupid to not use it.”
He put it on the desk, opened it and wrote ’Kouji’s awesome bucketlist’ on the first page. And then he added ’1) See a wild wolf’ to the page. He put the open book to the side and packed his bag and got ready for school.
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mandiips · 19 days
hi i found ur blog through my intensely returned digimon autism, im rewatching frontier rn and i want. to know abt ur rewrite. please tell me where to read abt it more. or just tell me abt it straight up. i need to fEED
That's actually so sweet and motivating omg. I'll cook something substantial up and @ you lol.
I will say that it revolves around Agunimon and Pre-Canon lore, then there's my Post-Canon AU where everyone besides the twins is having a bad time being young adults. I've never actually touched canon much or thought about how I'd change it- sans a few minor things and interactions. I did a big WHAT IF ONCE, but now I'm not a fan of that past idea. This also expands on it.
(My friends @/flamemons and @/flamon are more hyper fixated on this Canon Re-write AU they COOKED UP, they haven't posted about it much because, as it is, it's not formatted to their liking for public viewing- BUT THEY COOKED)
My other friend, @/speedsketch, is working on an ENTIRE ASS REBOOT with her partner that has a fic posted with six or so chapters thus far! I've seen through the drafts and it GETS SO GOOD IM TELLING YOU RAAAH, so show her some love!!
Here's some navigation for my blog lol:
-Kiiiiiinda pertains to the Pre-AU but not really because its old and I have new ideas: Link
-Hints at the Post-AU: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
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baenyth · 4 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Rewrite: What's in the Box?
So this is the contents of Master Fu's Box in this rewrite. Since there are only two Miraculous here, the guardians take in, protect, and utilize all sorts of magical items instead. A lot of these items are larger than mere accessories, but the box stays the same size. It's just non-euclidean. Bigger on the inside, you know.
Also real quick a definition of magic: Magic is a form of energy that is attracted to people's ambition and willpower. It can be pretty hard to attract magic at first, but thankfully there's magical items like the ones in the miracle boxes for that. So without further ado, here's what's inside Master Fu's Miracle Box, the Heavenly Miracle box with some extra items given to him by the Order of The Guardians as they collapsed:
The Ladybug Miraculous (Contains Tikki, one of the seven essences of reality that takes the form of an incorporeal fairylike entity known as a kwami. Tikki is the essence of creation and is associated with good fortune and light.)
The Black Cat Miraculous (Contains Plagg, one of the seven essences of reality that is also a kwami. Plagg is the essence of destruction and is associated with bad fortune and darkness.)
The Five Elemental Idols (Basically the Legendary Spirits from Digimon Frontier: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Wood)
The Saint's Corpse (Peacock Miraculous Equivalent; Lost and Scattered; Coeur has the heart while a retired supervillain has the ribs, wings, and pelvis.)
Wayzazz (An immortal tortoise with a snake's head, tail, and 'neck.' Has human-level intelligence but no powers, and really just keeps Master Fu company. He and the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous are the only items that can be accessed at the start of the season due the tumor Coeur created on the Miracle Box.)
A Time Bomb (Blows up time. Smash it to blow it up and be sent back in time alongside anyone close to you. Click one way to set a reset point. Click the other way for the Time Bomb to set the reset point. Don't worry, it has failsafes to prevent infinite loops.)
The Puzzle Box, a box of layers and layers of puzzles, containing Chronos, the essence of space (one of the seven essences of reality!)
Energos, another one of the seven essences of reality.
The Pseudo-Mouse Miraculous (convergent evolution; made by a Victorian English woman with passion, a desire to become a mouse, and a love for skip rope. Lacks a kwami and was picked up by Fu instead of the guardians themselves.)
The Frozen Heart (Crystalline ice heart that never melts attached to a chain necklace made of similar ice. Wielder can create and control ice. Works best with ice queens with hidden fury. Useless with overemotional people.)
The Power Gauntlet (Golden adamant gauntlet with magical gemstones, that grants super strength on the arm it's on.)
The Holy Grail (Golden and platinum adamant with magical gemstones. Doesn't grant immortality but any liquid inside it becomes purified and delicious.)
The Dominion Crown (Also golden adamant with magical gemstones. Wear the crown on your head and create a large bubble. That bubble is your domain, and you have full control over what goes on inside it. Basically the Op-Op Fruit combined with the Turtle Miraculous.)
A Philosopher's Stone (One of the larger ones, if not the largest one. Has a golden adamant container decorated with magic gemstones. A stone that resembles white jade and displays both solid and liquid properties. Put in the right ingredients to convert any material into another material. Smells like salt and rotten eggs. Handle with care.)
Excalibur! (Not to be confused with the prop sword in the stone. Silvered adamant blade with a golden adamant and magic gemstone hilt.)
The Miraculous Grimoire, a dense book detailing all the magical objects, species, and spells in this world. Lost by Master Fu. Found by three archaeologists.
Feel free to ask any more questions about these magical items, btw. I love infodumping and adding detail to my work.
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higuchimon · 2 years
Starting on January 1, 2023 and ending on December 31, 2023, every Sunday I will post a fic or a chapter set in my YGO GX Reversal AU. Starting on January 4, 2023 and ending on December 27, 2023, on every Wednesday, I will post a fic or a chapter set in a different AU for a different fandom. At the moment, my choices will be drawn from this list:
Game of Life: Digimon Adventure 02: breeds AU
Angels, Demons, & Deciding Factors: YGO Arc-V: angels/demons AU
Godslave: Digimon Frontier: fantasy AU with Lucemon as god-king
Cry of Vengeance: YGO Zexal: supernatural creatures AU
Replacement Vampire: Digimon Adventure 02 & YGO GX: alternate timeline
Dark Brotherhood: Digimon Adventure 02: breeds AU
Dead Weight: YGO GX: zombie AU
Course of Events: Digimon Adventure: breeds AU
Stirring Shadows: Digimon Adventure 02: status of AU kept secret for now
Hunting The Great Game: Digimon Xros Wars: rewrite of Hunters & parts of Xros Wars
No Good Choices: Digimon Adventure 02: Kaiser & Daisuke
Blood of His Blood: Digimon Adventure 02: breeds AU
Strike Hard, Strike Fast: YGO Arc-V: vampire AU
Collars and Keeping: YGO Arc-V: captive Shun AU
Fragmented Memory: DIgimon Adventure 02: memory loss AU
In Space In Light: YGO GX: Juudai possessed by the Light of Ruin AU
Confusing: YGO Arc-V: memory manipulation AU
Destructive Flames: YGO GX: combination Reversal & Healer/Firestarter AU
Hell's Ice: YGO GX: Ryou as a Seven Star/Hell Kaiser of Ice AU
Scars of Victory: Digimon Adventure 02: Kaiser defeated the Chosen AU
Bonds & Bondage: Digimon Adventure 02: captive Daisuke from episode 2 AU
Bridges: YGO GX: Juudai is the incarnation of Light AU
In The Shadows of the Fae: YGO GX: Juudai as the Fae King AU
World of Fusion: YGO GX: Brron fused all twelve dimensions AU
Shadow Demons: YGO GX: Juudai as the king of demons & hell, Ryou as a demon prince, Yuusuke as a shadow mage AU
Dragonflame & Nature's Spark: YGO Arc-V: Healer/Firestarter AU, featuring other legacy characters such as Ryou & Mizael
Division of Destiny: Digimon Adventure 02: Vamdemon defeated the Chosen AU
Bitter Bargain: Ken x Daisuke: Kaiser blackmails Daisuke for sex AU
Forgotten Families: Digimon Adventure 02/Tri: alternate ending to Tri
Those are the options from series I've already posted. I am not ruling out fics that I have yet to post. One thing they'll all have in common: they'll all be on the darker end of the writing spectrum. What I enjoy writing the most.
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digitaldreams0801 · 3 years
Spirit Fuse AU
Posting Note: I was unable to post this until after the story ended because this contains spoilers for the last two chapters, but now, it is here. I typed this months ago, but now you get to see it. Fucking finally. Anyways, on with the show!
It’s been a while since I did an info dump about Frontiers Unexplored, so here we go. This is a long one. The Google document for it is seventeen pages. Yeah. Anyways, the concept of this AU is basically ‘what if traces of the Spirits were left to share bodies with their vessels after the adventure ended?’ I gave all of them personalities, and it took FUCKING forever. Spoilers for Frontiers Unexplored. Enough talk; let’s get into this!
Spirit Fuse AU
In which the Legendary Warriors share mind and body with the Spirits who call human children their vessels. 
Each of the Spirits acts as common fragments of the current Legendary Warriors and the Ancient Digimon who once saved the Digital World. They act as checkpoints throughout the lives of both, sometimes taking on certain traits from their hosts or offering what their vessels need most. Hybrid forms are often closest to the personalities of the Ancient Digimon since they have combined broken memories from the Human and Beast Spirits, though this is not always the case. 
Warrior of Fire
This collective includes Takuya Kanbara, the current vessel of Fire, along with Aguni the Human Spirit, Vritra the Beast Spirit, and Alda the Hybrid. The body itself is immune to heated temperatures and feels significantly warmer than all others. They are also immune to burns and can breathe in smoke easily. Their strength is replenished when in the presence of fire. 
Takuya is known for his endless passion and confidence. He is naturally charismatic and a strong leader, though he can be stubborn to a fault. His loyalty and courage cannot be understated, and he cares for those who get close to him above all else. Takuya has a strong sense of justice, but he rarely thinks before he acts, and this can very easily get him into trouble. He hides insecurity involving his body behind his brazen optimism. Takuya is the most casual out of the Warriors of Fire in posture and movements. 
Aguni is known to be a somewhat chaotic person, and he’s openly talkative with the people around him. He’s a leader at heart, very easily earning the trust and admiration of others without even trying. He can be stubborn at times and refuses to give up even in the face of opposition with every power to crush him. In the Ancient Warrior of Fire, Aguni manifests as the leadership needed following the death of the Ancient Warrior of Steel. In Takuya, Aguni is meant to reflect Takuya embracing his true self following his transition. 
Vritra is detached and borderline confrontational in his wish to be kept secure. He despises physical contact under most circumstances and is prone to snapping in the name of safety. He personifies the Ancient Warrior of Fire from the start of the war with Lucemon when times were chaotic and lives were being lost constantly. In Takuya, Vritra reflects his host’s struggle with dysphoria and a wish to stand up to his intrusive thoughts. Vritra takes control on bad days and is known for his general snappiness and cynicism. 
Alda is known for his endless confidence and stoic nature. He easily rallies others to his causes and has gained a reputation as a powerful soldier who bows to no one. He also has a strong sense of leadership modeled after his peers and those he looks up to. Alda is analytical by nature, doing what he can to get the upper hand in and out of battle. He reflects the Ancient Warrior of Fire’s time as a fighter during the war after he grew used to a life of combat. For Takuya, Alda is meant to reflect someone who Takuya came to admire and rely on throughout his youth (Chihiro). 
Fire Collective
The Warriors of Fire get along well, though the most distant out of their group is easily Vritra, who tends to clash with Aguni while Alda acts as mediator. All of them can be endlessly stubborn at times, though Alda is the best at listening to the issues of others. Aguni is the best at imitating Takuya followed by Alda and then Vritra. Their prominence order is the same, though Vritra notably makes an appearance when they begin to suffer from dysphoria-induced struggles on the worst of days. Since they’re so similar, they both get along very well and clash simultaneously, leading to frequent shifts in dynamic depending on if their various senses of stubborn confidence get the better of them.
Warrior of Light
This collective includes Koji Minamoto, the current vessel of Light, and Lobo the Human Spirit, Garum the Beast Spirit, Beowolf the Hybrid, and Erocia the False Fusion. The body has perfect eyesight in lighted spaces but struggles in darker areas. Their temperature is naturally slightly higher than most humans. They gain strength in daylight and well-lit areas, and they rarely require sleep. 
Koji dislikes interacting with others and prefers his own company. He is rather quiet, but when provoked, he can be sarcastic almost to the point of irritating those around him. He believes firmly that actions speak louder than words. Koji does possess communication issues though, and he’s prone to times of being snappish and angry when rubbed the wrong way. He struggles to convey his emotions, specifically sadness and grief, due to being forced to hide them from a young age. His actions show how closed-off he is, and he only relaxes around those he trusts. 
Lobo has an incredible sense of justice, always believing in what he finds to be right regardless of what others say. He’s a white knight of sorts, wanting to defend those who are unable to save themselves. He can be somewhat stubborn in his ideals, sometimes refusing to accept it when he’s wrong. He reflects the Ancient Warrior of Light’s wishes to keep the Digital World and its occupants safe from Lucemon’s tyranny. For Koji, Lobo personifies his stubborn wish to defend those he cares for. He is confident in his movements, refusing to bow or otherwise yield to anyone. 
Garum acts as an ideal fighter of sorts, unbending in his loyalties. He’s somewhat reclusive, only showing his face when he has to. He’s somewhat distant from the world but possesses more than enough determination to make up for it. He manifests the Ancient Warrior of Light’s resolve to end the war following the death of most of his comrades. Garum also personifies Koji’s stoic mask that kept him from spiraling into despair throughout childhood, causing him to come off as a brick wall at times. He moves somewhat slowly and often makes uncomfortable eye contact with others. 
Beowolf is fueled primarily by his emotions, and he’s incredibly caring for those who are suffering. He’s also empathetic beyond imagination and often offers others quiet motivation to keep them going even through difficult times. Beowolf can be swayed by his feelings at times, most notably when it comes to grief. He manifests the Ancient Warrior of Light’s sadness during the battle with Lucemon when his comrades fell in combat. He reflects Koji’s often excessive emotions as well, causing him to be a bit rash when it comes to jumping to conclusions. Beowolf moves fastest out of the group’s members and has the worst posture. 
Erocia, unlike many of the other Warriors, isn’t entirely a stable presence on his own. Instead, he’s the combined might of the Spirits of Light and Darkness, leaving him often unstable and difficult to predict. He’s rarely present, but he holds heavy emotions tied to grief and anger that cause him to look rather spaced out at a first glance since he tends to ignore the emotions to keep from being crushed by them. He doesn’t speak much either, preferring to keep to himself. Erocia may take control during times of extreme emotion or chaos since he can defend the others from suffering too much under the weight of negativity. He is incredibly protective of those around him, but Koichi in particular is a target for Erocia’s defensive nature. 
Light Collective
The Warriors of Light are close for the most part, but Erocia is somewhat distant from the rest. Garum is the best when it comes to imitating Koji followed by Lobo, Beowolf, and Erocia, though there’s a wide gap between Garum and Lobo. Lobo is most prominent followed by Garum, Beowolf, and finally Erocia. Beowolf and Erocia tend to keep to themselves outside of times of extreme emotion, and Erocia very rarely appears unless he’s absolutely required to ensure that everyone else is kept safe. Erocia is prone to notable bouts of fear and anger, so the rest of the group tries to defend him to the best of their abilities. 
Warrior of Ice
This collective includes Tomoki Himi, the current vessel of Ice, and Kuma the Human Spirit, Blizzar the Beast Spirit, and Daipen the Hybrid. The body is incredibly cold to the touch and immune to chilled temperatures. They cannot freeze either, and they feel at their best when in cooler environments. 
Tomoki is on the shy side, easily made nervous and anxious by his surroundings. He longs to connect with others but is often too wrapped up in his own fears to actually reach out. He can be rather clingy at times because of how fiercely loyal he is to those who are able to earn his trust. Tomoki has issues with hiding his feelings as well, rarely expressing his pain until it is pushing him to the point of nearly breaking down. He has a heart of gold beneath all of this and hates hurting others. Tomoki moves quickly and often seems rather jittery. 
Kuma is free-spirited and laidback, uncaring as to the opinions of others. He simply wants to go through life at his own pace, and he doesn’t mind what others think of him along the way. Kuma’s connection to the Ancient Warrior of Ice is that he acts as a fragment of childhood and innocence. His link to Tomoki describes Kuma as the person that Tomoki would have been if not for his traumas, and as it is, Kuma acts so young and carefree to embody the childhood that Tomoki had taken from him. He is energetic and moves quickly with confidence. 
Blizzar is careful and contemplative, often abandoning his connection with emotion to concentrate on survival. He’s rather quiet and enjoys reading and meditating. Blizzar acts as the manifestation of grief in the Ancient Warrior of Ice, representing his sadness when the war with Lucemon began to take the lives of Digimon. In Tomoki, he reflects the way that his host cut himself away from his emotions at times to keep from being harmed too heavily by his brother. Blizzar’s lack of emotional connection is a coping mechanism to balance out Tomoki’s overwhelming compassion. He walks slowly and heavily and often appears to be spaced out. 
Daipen is caring and gentle, handling every subject that comes his way with a certain degree of logic and emotion that balances out perfectly. He is the personification of the Ancient Warrior of Ice’s care towards the rest of his team during the war, and he is incredibly self-sacrificing, though he does understand his own limitations. Daipen acts as the older brother that Tomoki never had due to Yutaka’s treatment of him, and he is seamlessly able to ease Tomoki’s anxieties when he gets afraid or otherwise worked up. He is quiet and firm in his movements.
Ice Collective
The four Warriors of Ice get along rather well all in all, though there are occasional spats between Kuma and Blizzar due to them being polar opposites regarding emotions (all at once versus none at all). Kuma is the most prominent of them followed by Daipen and then Blizzar. Daipen is the best at pretending to be Tomoki where Kuma is the worst and Blizzar falls in between them. Kuma enjoys bright colors and exciting environments such as amusement parks and playgrounds, and he’s the most social of the three. Blizzar is rather defensive and keeps the group from getting into trouble. Daipen is the best at easing Tomoki’s fears, causing him to appear when paranoia hits a peak. 
Warrior of Wind
This collective includes Izumi Orimoto, the current vessel of Wind, along with Kaze the Human Spirit, Zephyr the Beast Spirit, and Aero the Hybrid. The body has an incredible sense of hearing along with amazing stamina and speed. They have amazing lung capacity as well and feel strongest in windy areas. 
Izumi is a kind and caring person who prefers to keep to herself rather than interacting with others. She is naturally empathetic and often maintains a perfect mask of what she wants to show the world with a smile on her face. She wants to make sure that others are happy and isn’t above self-sacrifice to unhealthy extents to satisfy those around her. Izumi has an awful complex regarding perfection though, and she can be self-destructive in pursuit of her goals. She is known for consistently having a demure smile on her face. 
Kaze is confident and flirtatious in a way that not many others are. She’s playful and bold, often believing that everything will work out regardless of what is taking place. Kaze represents the Ancient Warrior of Wind in youth, nonchalant and laidback about the world around her. Kaze is a manifestation of Izumi’s ideals of the person she wishes that she could be. She possesses incredible optimism that she often uses to rally others into action. She is far more energetic than Izumi, and she moves and talks faster than anyone else in the collective. 
Zephyr is detached and emotionless by comparison, the complete opposite of Kaze. She is self-assured and intelligent, but she can get a bit stubborn and wrapped in her own ideas of tough love. Zephyr reflects the Ancient Warrior of Wind when she was a general in the war against Lucemon, stern and unflinching. She is Izumi’s hidden pragmatism made real, a reflection of Izumi’s slipping faith in others following her years of struggling with an eating disorder. Zephyr’s gaze is always unbreaking when she is in control, and she generally seems scarier than usual. 
Aero is soft-spoken and sympathetic, caring for others in a motherly way. She understands the emotions of others easily and is able to slip into the shoes of those around her seamlessly. Aero is a representation of the Warrior of Wind in her older years prior to the war when she shifted her overwhelming energy towards empathy. Aero represents Izumi’s deceased mother as well, and she acts as a natural caretaker. She is the best at pretending to be Izumi, but those who watch her carefully will notice that she walks slower than Izumi slightly. 
Wind Collective
Izumi is the vessel for the Warrior of Wind, and she gets along rather well with the other three extensions of herself. Zephyr is the most prominent of the three easily due to the heavy ties Izumi and Zephyr formed when the latter took control after being discovered. However, it’s rare for Zephyr to actually take control unless she finds it to be necessary, instead being a constant close presence for Izumi. Kaze takes control most often followed by Aero and then Zephyr. Aero is the best at acting as Izumi followed by Kaze and finally Zephyr. Kaze prefers social situations to anything else, and Aero takes control when another person needs comfort that Izumi cannot provide. 
Warrior of Thunder
This collective includes Junpei Shibayama, the current vessel of Thunder, and Blitz the Human Spirit, Bolg the Beast Spirit, and Thundra the Hybrid. The body is naturally charged with electricity, and they can charge technology if they hold it for long enough. When stressed, they emit small sparks and shock others, and they are immune to electrocution. They feel at their strongest when surrounded by technology or during storms. 
Junpei is deceptively cheerful around others, showing off his true nature from the very beginning. He’s open about the sort of person that he wants to be and the fact that he wants to make others smile. Despite this, Junpei possesses a strange sense of nihilism, believing that he should be loyal to himself since there’s a chance that nobody else ever will be. He also has anger issues that stem from his self-loathing and inability to satisfy those around him. Junpei moves slowly and often shows off his awful posture. 
Blitz is a people-pleaser who longs to satisfy those around him. He’s openly very cheerful and enjoys teasing others, almost as if he doesn’t know how to stop smiling. Blitz goes with the flow most of the time and often encourages the mischief of others. He’s the manifestation of the Ancient Warrior of Thunder’s hope for the world. In Junpei, Blitz is an ideal that Junpei wishes he could achieve. He often moves quickly and seems to always be smiling in an over-the-top and goofy way that attracts the attention of others. 
Bolg is, in a word, volatile. He’s very easily pushed over the edge by the words of others, and he’s incredibly defensive of those around him. He’s not above getting explosive in his anger when it comes to protecting himself and others. Bolg has good intentions but can go too far at times due to the strength of his emotions. He’s somewhat nihilistic, knowing that everything ends sooner or later. He represents the Ancient Warrior of Thunder’s anger at Lucemon for harming the innocent. In Junpei, Bolg reflects and protects from extreme moments of upset. His steps are heavy and often perceived as aggressive even without harsh intentions. 
Thundra is an incredibly curious soul who longs to learn more about the world around him. He loves tinkering around with small devices, and he is absolutely fascinated by various obscure inventions. Thundra has an amazing mind and always longs to do something productive and creative. He’s the Ancient Warrior of Steel’s creativity and ambition from the war that helped him to survive. Where Junpei is concerned, Thundra is the manifestation of Junpei’s coping mechanisms when he was left on his own. He moves quickly and seems unable to sit still. He also has a wide vocabulary that differs from the others in the Thunder category.
Thunder Collective
The group of four gets along well, but when there are occasional arguments, chances are they are between Bolg and Blitz since they utilize their excessive emotional capacity in different ways. Blitz is the best at acting like Junpei followed by Thundra and finally Bolg. Blitz is most prominent, and Bolg comes after him leaving Thundra last. They tend to do more talking under their breath than the rest of the Legendary Warriors because of their general banter being constant. All of them are talkative to some extent, leaving them to hold extended conversations with one another when left alone. 
Warrior of Darkness
This collective includes Koichi Kimura, the current vessel of Darkness, and Lowe the Human Spirit, Umbra the Beast Spirit, Rhihi the Hybrid, Dusk the False Human Spirit, Velge the False Beast Spirit, Malkako the False Hybrid, and Erocia, the False Fusion. The body is slightly colder than others, and they possess perfect vision in the dark while struggling to see in overly bright areas. They regain strength when in darker areas. 
Koichi is unsure of how to interact with others due to his fear of reaching out and making a connection. He fears being a burden on others, causing him to retreat into his shell when he feels that others are trying to get too close to him. Koichi is immensely kind and curious though, and he will do what he can to cheer up those around him without getting too close. He is shy and sweet, and even though he’s introverted, he is rarely hated due to his caring nature. Koichi is slow when he walks, and he often keeps his eyes locked on the ground. 
Lowe is on the introverted side, tending to keep to himself above all else. He’s quiet and takes a while to open up to people, but he possesses a gentle sense of charm that most others lack. He’s also positive and optimistic, there to soothe others enduring tough times. In the Ancient Warrior of Darkness, Lowe acts as a manifestation of the middle of his life when the war was going on but he did his best to remain optimistic. Lowe also reflects Koichi’s hope for life to get better in the future, and the two get along well due to their similar soft-spoken natures. 
Umbra is the quietest out of the Warriors of Darkness, rarely speaking unless he absolutely has to. He’s reclusive and chooses to keep to himself when he can. He’s starved for attention and, despite wanting to be around others, fears making connections with others. Umbra acts as the manifestation of grief for the Warrior of Darkness in the time leading up to his death. For Koichi, Umbra reflects how he would hide his problems out of hope to not inconvenience others. As such, Umbra holds considerable amounts of sadness and fear for the future.
Rhihi is upbeat and talkative, easily able to connect with anyone he comes into contact with. He has an endless sense of optimism and creativity, loving the arts and spending much of his time making anything that he can to get out his extra energy. In both the Ancient Warrior of Darkness and Koichi, Rhihi reflects childhood and the potential for infinite possibilities. Rhihi represents the way that Koichi would have been had he not been distrubed by his trauma from such a young age, and despite being the Warrior of Darkness, he rarely allows life to get him down.
Dusk is honest to a fault, and he’s known to be rather confrontational. He speaks his mind regardless of how others will react, and he can be quick to anger, causing many to find him to be abrasive and harsh. Dusk is not a manifestation of the Ancient Warrior of Darkness since he originates from the corruption of the Spirits of Darkness, so he only holds memories of Koichi’s past. In Koichi’s case, Dusk represents his anger towards his father, and Dusk absolutely despises Kousei despite Koichi’s (albeit hesitant) attempts to make amends with him. 
Velge has a reputation for being anxious and easily unsettled. Nearly anything out of the ordinary will upset Velge and send him into a panic, often leaving him defensive and agitated. He sometimes goes to unsettling lengths to feel secure in a situation, and he chooses to not interact with people unless he deems them safe. Much like Duskmon, Velge holds no memories from an Ancient Legendary Warrior. Instead, Velge acts as a manifestation of Koichi’s insecurities brought on by his unorthodox upbringing, and Velge makes sure that everyone is able to survive when times get tough. 
Malkako is confrontational and angry much like Dusk, though he doesn’t ever seem to need a reason to be upset unlike Dusk, instead carrying himself with an aura that makes him seem dangerous. He chooses to not spend time with others when he can. While Malkako is open to speaking with those he finds to be safe, it takes a lot to reach this level, and he’s a harsh judge of character. He holds no Ancient Legendary Warrior’s memories. Malkako holds Koichi’s desires to be cared for by his father, so he has a strong grudge against Kousei just like Dusk. 
The fragment of Erocia that Koichi holds is completely different from Koji’s half. This version is rather soft-spoken and doesn’t talk a majority of the time. He is similar in appearance to the other variation of Erocia, always seeming to be off in a world of his own. Erocia holds immense sensations of sadness and fear, specifically the fear of death. He prefers to write as opposed to speaking, and he can very easily be pushed too far by the words of others. He is distant from most others out of his own paranoia, but he feels a certain connection to Koji due to the two halves of Erocia caring about each other even from afar. 
Darkness Collective
Despite the varying personalities found in the Darkness Collective, they do get along rather well and rarely get into full-on arguments with one another. They make up for one another’s weaknesses and look after each other when times get tough. In order of prominence, the list is Lowe, Umbra, Rhihi, Velge, Dusk, Malkako, and Erocia. When it comes to imitating Koichi, the best is Lowe, followed by Umbra, Erocia, Velge, Rhihi, Dusk, and then Malkako. This group is the least open to trusting new people, and it takes a long time to earn the full confidence of any member of the group, much less each Warrior of Darkness. They are all notably defensive over Erocia, and they fear death above all else. 
Warrior of Earth
This collective includes Chihiro Ayumu, the current vessel of Earth, along with Aeoel the Human Spirit, Cybele the Beast Spirit, and Yaia the Hybrid. The body has perfect balance and cannot be knocked over. They can smell better than most others and possess immense physical strength and stamina. They feel best when outdoors in particularly rocky environments. 
Chihiro generally keeps to themselves out of a pessimistic belief that the world is a difficult place to be in. They are incredibly stubborn about remaining detached from the rest of the world, often ignoring their issues until they blow up in their face. Chihiro is rather snarky and sarcastic, using jokes as a way to keep people from getting too close. They are independent but struggle to rely on others, and they can be rather temperamental when rubbed the wrong way. They walk with detached confidence as a way of silently keeping others at bay. 
Aeoel is known for being snappish and almost rude at times, and they are blunt and honest in all situations. Their number one priority is self-preservation, and if they have to resort to being mean to do it, they will. They are caring deep down, but they prefer not to let emotions interfere with their work. They act as a bearer of trauma for the Ancient Warrior of Earth, recalling the life or death nature of the battle against Lucemon and the pain that came with the deaths of their comrades. For Chihiro, they are a defender who prevents others from crossing any lines. They walk roughly and heavily and have a broody aura about them. 
Cybele is defensive in the same way that a caretaker is, and they care greatly for the other members of their collective. Despite their stoic nature, they act similar to a parent to the others found within the collective, doing what they must in order to keep everything running smoothly in and out of the group. Cybele represents the Ancient Warrior of Earth from times of chaos during the war when they worked to help others above all else. For Chihiro, Cybele is meant to act as something that they never had: parental connection. As such, they look after their host as they would their own child.
Yaia has a strong sense of charisma and leadership, knowing how to get the attention of others and use it to their advantage. Despite having a laid back and casual personality, they know how to get down to business when needed, and they use their endless confidence to rally the spirits of those around them. Yaia acts as what the Warrior of Earth was before the war, always looking on the bright side and believing that everything would work out fine despite evidence to the contrary. For Chihiro, Yaia is meant to represent an ideal that they always wanted to reach, and they're incredibly similar to Chihiro’s best friend from childhood (Takuya).
Earth Collective
The Warriors of Earth rarely get into disputes with one another and act as a family of sorts. Even though Aeoel and Yaia are polar opposites in many respects, they still get along well and look after one another through thick and thin. When there are issues among the members of the group, Cybele takes on the role of a mediator and calms things down before anything can go too far or cause serious damage to their relationships. Aeoel is the most prominent out of the group’s members, and Yaia follows them while Cybele takes up the rear. The order is the same as far as imitating Chihiro is concerned as well. Despite what one would expect, it takes a while to earn their trust as a whole, though Yaia is the most open to accepting the good found in others.
Warrior of Wood
This collective includes Yumiko Mihara, the current vessel of Wood, and Fiore the Human Spirit, Calanthe the Beast Spirit, and Lyseir the Hybrid. The body possesses a natural ability to ease the worries of others, eliminating panic easily. They have a natural green thumb as well and can talk to plants in a limited capacity. They feel best when outdoors in areas with many plants. 
Yumiko is rather shy and reclusive, preferring to spend time alone rather than with others. She has an incredible sense of compassion that can overwhelm her if she isn’t careful. She tends to repress her emotions rather than expressing them out of a wish to not inconvenience others. Yumiko is naturally graceful and elegant as well, easily earning the trust of others even if she isn’t enthusiastic to hand out faith of her own. She possesses a naturally calming presence. Yumiko tends to somewhat hide herself when in control, rarely making eye contact unless she trusts the other party greatly. 
Fiore is a dreamer above all else, tending to drift through life without a care in the world. She is a wonderful dancer and always seems to be moving rhythmically or humming a song. Fiore is a representation of the Ancient Warrior of Wood’s past as a performer prior to the fighting starting. She also acts as a manifestation of the person Yumiko was prior to her trauma. Fiore glides everywhere that she goes, and she has a relaxing aura that can almost put others to sleep. She’s also an incredible singer, putting even Yumiko, another talented performer, to shame. 
Calanthe is incredibly shy and tends to avoid speaking with people where possible. She’s very easy to overwhelm and absolutely detests being touched. She enjoys writing poetry and taking care of plants and animals, operating under the logic that none of those things can hurt her. Calanthe is the manifestation of trauma and grief from the Ancient Warrior of Wood, leaving her as a hollow shell of her former self. She’s the embodiment of Yumiko’s fears, prompting her to be easily frightened and agitated by Yumiko’s triggers involving assault. She moves quickly in an attempt to keep from being touched and speaks softly and carefully, sometimes stammering if she’s particularly nervous. 
Lyseir is proud and firm in herself, possessing a confidence that many others lack. She exudes an aura of pure power, the type of boldness found only on the battlefield. She can be rather morbid without meaning to, saying something casually tragic like it’s nothing due to her experience in combat. Lyseir personifies the Ancient Warrior of Wood’s battlefield prowess and preparedness from the early days of the war with Lucemon. In Yumiko, Lyseir is an ideal companion, the type of person who can defend her from anything negative. She walks confidently and at her own pace, making others wait for her rather than the other way around.
Wood Collective
The group rarely argues, if ever, possessing incredible skills of communication that allow them to easily understand each other. Fiore is the most prominent followed by Lyseir and finally Calanthe. Fiore is also the best at pretending to be Yumiko, but Calanthemon is second in this category, leaving Lyseir last. Lyseir protects everyone in times of turmoil while Fiore cheers them up in dark moments. Calanthe soothes the group similarly to Fiore, but her primary job is to keep Yumiko from giving in to her overpowering empathy and spiraling as a result. 
Warrior of Water
This collective includes Hinoka Sakatami, the current vessel of Water, and Oceania the Human Spirit, Aquaria the Beast Spirit, and Cerulea the Hybrid. The body can see, breathe, and hear perfectly underwater, leaving them immune to drowning. They feel at their strongest when in the presence of water, and they heal quickly when completely submerged in liquid. They also enjoy rainy weather. 
Hinoka is gentle and jittery, often keeping others away out of a fear of getting hurt. She is open about her anxiety and doesn’t even try to hide it when she’s struggling. Hinoka finds herself to be weak and longs to be strong without being nervous over how others feel about her. She is incredibly emotional both for herself and others, but she has a lot of compassionate energy that doesn’t seem to have a place to go. Hinoka is very kind as well, almost to the point of naivete. She moves quickly and awkwardly, and she often seems rather jumpy. 
Oceania is a shy and soft-spoken person, and she struggles greatly with anxiety and the fear that comes with being around others. She takes a long time to open up to others, believing that it’s rare for other people to be worthy of hearing about her struggles. In the Warrior of Water, Oceania acts as a manifestation of youth from before she had a sense of confidence and struggled greatly with self-esteem. For Hinoka, Oceania holds anxiety and fear, and Oceania bears part of Hinoka’s trauma so that the vessel of the system doesn’t have to. She speaks the least out of the group’s members.
Aquaria is described by many as the manifestation of strength, rarely allowing the words of others to get to her. She has an undying sense of confidence and faith in herself, and she helps out others with a heart that many would describe as endlessly noble. For the Warrior of Water, Aquaria reflects her personality during the war when she completed her journey of self-discovery and set out to aid those who were struggling under the weight of the fighting. For Hinoka, Aquaria is an ideal that she longs to reach but finds to be impossible, leading to Hinoka admiring the Beast Spirit of Water greatly.
Cerulea has a maternal aura that allows her to easily connect to others. Many find her to be easy to trust, and she is seen as a shoulder to cry on when times grow to be difficult. She has a naturally soothing presence to counteract the stress placed on other members of the group. For the Ancient Warrior of Water, Cerulea acts as the halfway point between Oceania and Aquaria when she was focusing on finding herself in the final days leading up to the battle with Lucemon. In Hinoka’s case, Cerulea is the mother figure that Hinoka always wanted but never got due to her mother’s various personality flaws.
Water Collective
All four of the Warriors of Water are very close, and they rely on each other through thick and thin. They never get into arguments since they simply understand one another well and know how to talk out issues when they arise. Since they can soothe one another’s anxieties well, the Warriors of Water help to ensure that Hinoka doesn’t fall apart under her issues with stress, greatly improving their shared quality of life and mitigating the impacts of severe anxiety and depression. Oceania is the best at imitating while Aquaria is the worst, leaving Cerulea to rest in the middle. Prominence is a different story entirely though, and Cerulea is the most prominent most of the time followed by Aquaria and then Oceania. 
Warrior of Steel
This collective includes Saki Fushida, the current vessel of Steel, and Lyra the Human Spirit, Onyx the Beast Spirit, Aeris the Hybrid, Seraphi the Hope Celestial, Ophani the Light Celestial, and Cherubi the Destiny Celestial. The body can read minds and move small objects, though the ability is limited and can induce severe migraines if care is not used. They can also touch electronics and immediately access the data contained within. Their memory is also above average. They feel best when the presence of excessive amounts of metal. 
Saki is a distant strategist, always wanting to find the best solution to a situation. They care about survival more than anything else, and they refuse to hurt others unless the person in question is a threat to Saki or those around them. They hide their emotions as a defense mechanism, unwilling to show weakness in case those they distrust exploit it. Saki struggles to open up to others, but their intelligence and quick thinking is second to none. They always move with a purpose, shoulders pressed back and watching everyone critically to frighten those who may pose a threat to them. 
Lyra is emotionless at a first glance, always viewing situations from a pragmatic and logical eye. They have an incredible natural feel for tactics and strategy, and they often notice even the smallest actions and note what they mean about a person. Lyra is the manifestation of the Ancient Warrior of Steel during the war against Lucemon, reflecting their stoicism as the team’s strategist. For Saki, Lyra is the embodiment of a wish for survival, and they will do anything to ensure that prolonged safety is secured. They move stiffly and tend to glare without meaning to. 
Onyx has immense ambition and a powerful sense of what is right and wrong. They want to defend those who have been hurt by others, and they detest those who misuse their positions of power to harm those around them. They act as a defender of the weak when given the chance. Onyx reflects the Ancient Warrior of Steel’s righteous anger at Lucemon and others who willingly inflict pain on others. In Saki, Onyx acts as an idol figure who will keep them safe from the pain that others have caused them. They move quickly and with purpose. 
Aeris is easily the most passionate and emotional out of the Warriors of Steel. They fully understand the wide range of emotion and how to properly utilize it. They are a strong leader and know how to appeal to both the emotional and logical sides of others. Aeris is the personification of the Ancient Warrior of Steel at their peak before their death when they acted as the leader of the Legendary Warriors. In Saki, Aeris embodies the feelings that Saki spent many years repressing and ignoring in favor of control. Aeris moves with a sense of casual authority.
Seraphi is the personable type, and he excels in strategy as well. He’s caring as well, believing that all creatures are deserving of care. He has a fatherly aura, and he often attempts to understand the perspectives of others. Seraphi has an interest in reading. Since he is not a direct Legendary Warrior, Seraphi does not embody anything in the Ancient Warrior of Steel or Saki. Instead, he simply holds all of the memories of Seraphimon from the Digital World after Saki scanned his memory data. He walks with an air of authority. 
Ophani is charismatic and confident, knowing what she wants and how to get it. She’s elegant and tends to attract the admiration of others without even trying. She’s a natural leader and can easily get others on her side regardless of the situation. Ophani cares greatly for those around her and will do what she can to cheer them up when possible. She is not connected to an Ancient Legendary Warrior or Saki, instead only manifesting as the memories of Ophanimon prior to Saki’s scanning of her data. She is known to have a motherly aura. 
Cherubimon is the shyest and most reclusive out of the Celestial Three. He tends to keep to himself and is rather passive. He dislikes conflict but suffers from an awful sense of paranoia that can leave him worried and anxious. Cherubi wants the best for others but isn’t the best when it comes to expressing his emotions. He lacks a connection to an Ancient Legendary Warrior, and he isn’t linked to Saki either. Instead, he holds the memories of Cherubimon from before he was scanned. He moves slowly and avoids eye contact. 
Steel Collective
There are rarely issues of dispute between the members of the Steel group. Lyra is most prominent in the group followed by Aeris, Onyx, Ophani, Seraphi, and finally Cherubi. Aeris is the best at acting in Saki’s place followed by Lyra, Onyx, Ophani, Seraphi, and Cherubi. The Celestial Three are nowhere near as prominent as the Warriors of Steel, often preferring to stick to their own devices. There is communication among all of them, but the Celestial Three spend more time with each other than the Warriors of Steel when push comes to shove. 
Warrior of Energy
This collective includes Mayumi Reiku, the current vessel of Energy, and Kiris the Human Spirit, Sheyu the Beast Spirit, and Aether the Hybrid. The body is naturally energetic and can operate incredibly well even under stressful circumstances. They also have incredible speed and can sense the chaos and energy found inside a person. They can give limited doses of energy to those around them, and they feel at their strongest along other energetic people. 
Mayumi has more energy than she knows what to do with, and she’s incredibly chipper. She’s incredibly optimistic and has a natural way of rallying others to look at the bright side of a situation. She often takes risks without thinking the consequences through, leading to her being somewhat clumsy and disorganized. Mayumi has a short attention span as well, but she always puts her heart into something when it captures her full focus, and she’s filled to the brim with love. She moves quickly and practically never stops moving, always fidgeting with a small toy if she can. 
Kiris is an unapologetic trickster who doesn’t care what others think of her in the slightest. She’s hyperactive and bubbly, and she almost never stops moving. She has a strong sense of humor and always knows just how to cheer others up. Kiris acts as the manifestation of the Ancient Warrior of Energy’s youngest years before she found a purpose with her allies. For Mayumi, Kiris reflects childhood and optimism prior to when Mayumi suffered abuse at the hands of her mother. Kiris moves similarly to Mayumi, but she never stops smiling regardless of the situation.
Sheyu is rather somber and expresses guilt and detachment from the rest of the world. She fears being a burden and wants to be as productive as can be for the sake of satisfying others. Sheyu is an extreme contrast from the others under the Energy name and is calm and self-deprecating by comparison. For the Ancient Warrior of Energy, Sheyu is the manifestation of guilt prior to her betrayal of her allies to side with Lucemon. In Mayumi, Sheyu holds negative emotions regarding the way that Mayumi was treated and cast aside throughout childhood. Sheyu moves and talks far slower than anyone else in the group. 
Aether is confident and outgoing, putting her all into the subjects that she cares for. She is charming and can be a bit of a flirt at times, playing around with others as a way of getting them where she wants. Aether cares for those around her though, and she wants to keep them safe. She manifests the Ancient Warrior of Energy’s endless love for the rest of her team. As far as Mayumi is concerned, Aether is a protective figure, the type that Mayumi idolized for being strong throughout her youth. She walks the fine line between Kiris’ speed and Sheyu’s slowness when it comes to movements. 
Energy Collective
The four get along well and bounce off each other rather well. They know how to lift one another up when they’re down, taking their unique perspectives and helping one another through them. Kiris is the best at imitating Mayumi followed by Aether and then Sheyu. The order of prominence is the same, starting with Kiris before shifting to Aether and finally Sheyu. During negative times, Sheyu’s prominence rises because she’s closer to Mayumi when she has an awful issue with her mental health. They talk to themselves a lot since they’re mostly energetic and upbeat. 
Warrior of Cosmos
This collective includes Haroi Tsurumaki, the current vessel of Cosmos, and Orion the Human Spirit, Cygnus the Beast Spirit, and Sirius the Hybrid. The body is usually calm and also operates well despite outside stressors. They have an amazing capacity for knowledge and an incredible memory. They are drawn to areas of peace and can sense a person’s balance. They naturally calm those around them without needing to try. They feel best in spaces far from others, especially if the sky is easily visible. 
Haroi is relaxed and calm, always thinking through every situation that comes his way. He’s logical and quiet, preferring to observe rather than act. He enjoys seeing the people that he loves happy more than anything else, and he’ll do what he can to cheer them up. Haroi often worries about bothering others though, and he sometimes makes excuses when others hurt him due to his low self-esteem. He tends to get caught up in his head a bit much at times, causing him to often stay within the confines of his comfort zone. He’s focused when in control, and he can be spotted due to his habits of people watching. 
Orion is endlessly curious about the world around him, and he tends to talk to himself almost constantly. He yearns to figure out more about how various things work, and he loves fiddling with both technology and scientific subjects, though astrology is his favorite topic for obvious reasons. In the Ancient Warrior of Cosmos, Orion shows off how he behaved in his youth before the war disturbed his years of development. Orion is a manifestation of how Haroi would have acted if not for his trauma as well with Orion showing signs of being outgoing despite Haroi’s introverted nature. 
Cygnus is the most outgoing out of the members of the group, and he isn’t afraid to speak his mind, though he’s always careful to be respectful to those around him. He has endless energy and practically never stops moving and spending time with others unless he hits the point of crashing. He’s the best at handling social situations since everyone else in his collective is so shy. For the Ancient Warrior of Cosmos, Cygnus reflects the charisma and respect he needed as a general in the early days as a war. For Haroi, Cygnus is an ideal that he wishes he could reach, causing him to admire Cygnus greatly.
Sirius is introverted and quiet, greatly enjoying reading and writing in his free time. He is more than content with his own company despite easily getting along with others. He is also analytical and logical, easily able to find answers to puzzles that have no solutions at a first glance. For the Ancient Warrior of Cosmos, Sirius is a manifestation of a need for self-preservation born of the war’s existence, something that ultimately led to the Warrior of Cosmos turning traitor before being killed by Lucemon. For Haroi, Sirius holds negative memories of the past, most notably those involving his insecurity after his mother abandoned him.
Cosmos Collective
The members of the Cosmos Collective mesh well and are easily able to communicate their problems thanks to their desire to avoid long-running conflict. Even though most of them are quiet, Cygnus still gets along with the other members of the group, always willing to pull them out of their shell when they need it most while still respecting their boundaries. Sirius is the best at pretending to be Haroi followed by Orion and finally Cygnus. On the other hand, Cygnus is the most prominent with Orion in the middle and Sirius at the end of the list. They all share love of the world around them, and they have a common hobby in stargazing due to their elemental affinity.
Warrior of Heaven
The Warrior of Heaven refers to the combined might of all of the Legendary Warriors when placed together. They share fragmented memories of Susanoo, the Warrior of Heaven, and Luce, the Angel of Hell, that grow stronger when they are near one another. 
Even when separated, the Warriors all share similar passive effects on their bodies. They are able to understand animals when they focus enough due to their inherent connection to nature. They develop muscle faster than normal humans as well, and they rarely tire despite their differing levels of stamina. The Warriors can all sense one another’s presence as well, and they can temporarily indulge in the passive abilities of the others if they put enough effort towards it. Being able to sense one another and use the abilities of the others are both side effects of becoming Susanoomon and merging to become one being temporarily. These effects are all permanent. 
Susanoo has a strong sense of justice and is very rarely deterred by any of the ups and downs of life. They are eternally confident and get along with others well. While all of the members of the group hold fragments of Susanoo that reflect their power and loyalty through their own personalities, the strength of Susanoo grows when they are together. They are all bound by Susanoo’s thread between them, and while Susanoo lacks the ability to take control, the various Legendary Warriors are able to share thoughts when they are close enough physically as a full group of twelve. Susanoo is characterized by all of the group’s members talking in sync, though this is incredibly rare.
Luce is the complete opposite of Susanoo. Rather than being passionate and confident, Luce is detached and quiet, rarely finding interaction with others to be worth their time. Unlike the Digimon they are based on, Luce isn’t downright malicious, instead simply choosing to keep to themselves. Since they are scattered into fragments across the Legendary Warriors, Luce is nowhere near as prominent as the others, and they even lack strength in comparison to Susanoo. When Luce is in control, the group also talks in sync, though this is even rarer to see than Susanoo being in full dominion of the Warrior of Heaven. 
Heaven Collective
As a whole, the Legendary Warriors have a powerful dynamic, something that can be shown through their connections of Susanoo and Luce. Susanoo is the stronger out of the two by far, and their sense of justice can be seen in all twelve of the Legendary Warriors thanks to the time when they united as the Warrior of Heaven. Luce is benevolent and quiet, though since they are less open with their emotions, they tend to slip between the cracks. The prerequisites for the members of the Heaven Collective to appear and take control are already notably difficult to overcome, causing Luce to be widely unheard and unseen.
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Okay okay, have some basic notes
Izumi & JP are in eighth and ninth grade respectively, bc I think it'd be funny and it adds a new dynamic to the cast
Yutaka! I know he's only in flashbacks in one episode in canon but I added him to the group because I could and now he's got an arc and I am going to bully him relentlessly. He gets the spirits of wood bc petaldramon my beloved
Found family found family found family
Tomoki has a backpack bc I said so
None of the kids come out of the Digital World unscathed. They themselves are the ones fighting, after all, even if they've got the protection of the spirits. And there are plenty of points where they don't have their spirits active >:]c
Ranamon and Grottemon are close friends, because it's a neat little dynamic that serves the story. Ranamon does not take Grottemon's death well
Tomoki gets a little Lopmon friend! Who is completely absolutely just a Lopmon, no funny business here, nope, not at all ;)))))
Gotsumon and other digimon join the group; the kids get a small army for the fight at Cherubimon's castle and an even bigger army for the fight at Ophanimon's castle
Found family found family FOUND FAMILY
Trauma. These kids may have found lifelong friends and become better people but they're definitely traumatized. Throwing yourself into a war at the behest of a higher power will do that to a person
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shinydmoon · 6 years
Friend: hey Shine if you want writing practice why not rewrite digimon frontier? Me: Do you want me to list why that is a bad idea? Friend: oh come on, it can’t be that bad. Me: -writes how my rewrite would probably basically go- here you go. Friend: -reads outline+list-...it is still not that bad Me: Really? The whole never being fully human works? Friend: no but you will still have fun. Me: ...still not doing it
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asjjohnson · 3 years
I have this one fanfic idea for Digimon 4, or Digimon: Frontier.
There's a time travel episode that I'd always found interesting (I really like time travel, haha), and, a few years ago, something had reminded me of it, and I had decided to make a fic related to that episode.
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He was on the floor of some kind of dark room, or cave, with bright white shapes randomly strewn along the walls. He slowly got to his feet as he glanced around. The room didn’t have corners and the walls were rough, while the bright screens seemed almost natural, as though they had organically grown from the cave walls—if this was the digital world, they probably had.
Focusing on the bright screens, he started to make out the images playing on them. Most of them seemed to show views of a trailmon station.
(keep reading for more info and a link)
In the original episode, Takuya has just been through something really traumatic, and is given the chance to go back in time and stop himself from ever going to the digital world. He's mysteriously transformed into a digimon while he's in the past (some kind of glitch? maybe there can't be two Takuyas at the same time? It's not really explained). And he does try to stop his past self, but, at the end of the episode, he decides to leave the past as-is, and overcomes his fears.
But... what if he really had changed the past?
He could feel himself beginning to unravel into fractal code. He must have been wrong to think he could return to his family. But it was alright. It just meant he had succeeded. The human Takuya may be disappointed now, but it would end up being for the better. That Takuya would live a happy life with his family, never knowing true despair. He himself, whoever he was, would never come to exist, and the future would be rewritten. His smile widened as he completely vanished.
The fic is titled "It's a Wonderful Digi Life" (inspired by the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"). Takuya succeeds in rewriting time, and writes his current self right out of the timeline, becoming stuck as Flamemon, someone outside of time with no place to belong. He hasn't overcome his fears and still has flashbacks. And he finds himself in a mysterious cave filled with screens that show his friends as they go through their adventures in the digital world. This time without Takuya.
I like my idea, but it involves a lot of retelling of the series, and I find that really difficult to write. But, at the start of this year, I'd decided to give it another go and see if I can figure it out.
I'd also had an idea of making a slowly evolving illustration for the fic. Where, over the course of several chapters, I would add more characters standing with Takuya/Flamemon.
The first chapter's here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36160081/chapters/90137824
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I started a rewrite of my fanfic!!! From like!!! Years ago!!!!!
Here you go! Enjoy! I’ll have a tag for the fic specifically, please @ me and tag the fic if you post about it 🥺🥺🥺
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dfaftershock · 4 years
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Hello! Welcome to the home of all things Digimon Frontier: Aftershock, my and @ecdragon​’s sequel to Frontier!
Basic summary:
A new threat to both worlds arises from an unexpected source, and with the help of new and old faces, the Digidestined swiftly learn that it’s not just the world at stake, but their memories of it.
A few things about how this blog’s gonna go:
1. Updates are going to be sporadic, mostly because I have an active job and my focus runs away often.
2. Floating timeline; posts with story elements in them aren’t going to be posted in any particular order because, again, my focus changes a lot even within this story. I will try to give reference points for when important things happen though.
3. There will likely be both art and writing, sometimes in conjunction with each other. Depends on my mood.
4. This is still very much a work in progress, so many ideas haven’t been solidified, are still being reorganized, or haven’t been written down yet. There are a few things that are subject to change and some things may be retconned further down the line.
5. You may ask anything you want about the story, just bear in mind it may be answered in a future post as well!
6. I will be using the English names, but as a headcanon they function more like nicknames anyway; the Japanese names are their actual names.
7. Unless specified otherwise, all characters are speaking Japanese. Yes this is relevant.
8. DF:A is a complete rewrite of an old rp me and ecdragon did in high school and heavily features OCs and some very basic plot elements from that rp. There is romance involved, but it doesn’t come up often and will be kept to a minimum on this blog as much as possible (I have other blogs for that >:3c). The only canon-compliant pairing is Takumi. Sorry not sorry.
9. If you’re good with all that, then enjoy! If not, thank you for peeking in anyway!
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morningstarlucemon · 5 years
Exodus Lore: the Legendary Warriors, Holy Angels, and Great Demon Lords
So, since this will be relevant to any Warrior, Holy Angel, or Demon Lord muses who chose to interact with either of my Exodus (blog main) verses, I wanted to put this out there and clear up the exact history of these important figures in the history of Exodus, and Lucemon’s relationships to all of them. I will touch briefly on the Knights, as well. But as we have less set in stone for them, their lore is much looser and more open.
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As in Frontier, Lucemon existed long before the Warriors did. They were one of the first beings to come into existence aside from the those who existed in the primordial soup of the Digital World (while this does include the data that makes up the Warriors, they did not exist in their individual forms as we know them, so Lucemon as an individual entity is older).
Lucemon is the youngest in an original Pantheon of angels which included such beings as the Holy Trinity, along with some less historically preserved characters such as Bagramon.
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The full list of angels in the original Pantheon (as of right now; more may be added later), is as follows:
Lucemon - Lucemon FM
Seraphimon - Seraphimon Fallen - Daemon
Ophanimon - Ophanimon Fallen - Lilithmon
Cherubimon - Cherubimon Vice - Belphamon
Holydramon - Barbamon
Marinangemon - Leviamon
Valkyrimon - Beelzemon
Bagramon - Bagramon Fallen
Hartmon - Morrigumon
Rasielmon - Grandracmon
Dominimon - Gulfmon
Guardiangemon - unfallen
Clavisangemon - unfallen
Darcmon - unfallen
Mastemon - status unknown
These angels were a product of Drasil wanting a justice system for the Digital World. This is the group who was charged with ending the Human-Beast War, the resolution of which was most heavily credited to Lucemon. But due to several defecting in various ways over several centuries, the majority of the original Pantheon was culled, the strongest seven being branded with the Seals of Sin. These are the mons who would go down in history as the Seven Great Demon Lords.
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The two exceptions to those strongest mons who were branded were Bagramon, and Rasielmon, as they were the first to be cast out for distributing the X-Antibody throughout the Digital World during the X-Death era, and were not among those who took part in the first Great War of Heaven.
The Royal Knights were made to compensate for this massive loss in security programming, with far less free will than the Angels ever had, to avoid another mass rebellion. The Holy Trinity (second generation) of angels was re-created, as well. Though they served more as a symbol of the Light in the Digital World and figureheads of peace, and had little actual duty to the Digital World as a whole aside from their appointed role as “peace keepers.” All of these new mons were individually less powerful than the original Pantheon, as well, to avoid any one of them growing too strong. However, this does make any one-to-one fight against one of the Fallen entirely skewed in the Fallen’s favor. This is why the Knights were created to function as a unit.
The Warrior Ten did not come into existence until well into the Demon Lords’ campaign against Drasil, at which point they were not called the Warriors. They were initially theorized by some to be a product of the Sovereigns, but while they both seemed to emerge from the same raw data of the world, the Warriors showed no servitude toward them as the Devas did. So common Digimon as well as the Demon Lords and related mons were left without a proper explanation for these unique and quite powerful new Digimon.
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Perhaps surprisingly, at first the Demon Lords and the Warriors did not have qualms with each other. The Warriors saw themselves as protectors of the natural world, and the Demon Lords saw themselves as protectors of the spiritual world. And unlike the Royal Knights, the Warriors had no obligation to Drasil, and hardly interacted with it at all. As long as their World was not threatened, the Warriors had no reason to fight with the Demon Lords or anyone else.
The conflict arose after Bagramon’s disappearance from the Dark Area at the hands of the Royal Knights. Lucemon, the youngest but most ambitious member of the original Pantheon, was crowned King of the Dark Area, and given the role of ruler in Bagramon’s absence. With their progenitor, a mon they considered the champion of those cast away by the world at large, missing at the hand of Drasil’s underlings, Lucemon was beyond enraged. They vowed to take down Drasil by any means necessary, even if that meant becoming a god themselves.
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Lucemon set on a mission to become the strongest and wisest Digimon in existence. This started with a war to conquer the entirety of the world itself, which progressed with terrifying success on the part of the Demon Lords. This is when the initial concern began among the Warriors. However, they did not escalate into full-out warfare until Lucemon began to devour parts of the world to feed their power-- threatening not only what they protected, but their very existence.
They fought long and hard against Lucemon, and were the first enemy to truly slow their progress. With Lucemon’s immense following and ever-rising power, the Knights were no longer any match. They had long achieved the title of strongest individual Digimon in the Digital World, and were slowly attempting to rise above their god status to take on the Core Kernel. And along with this overflow of power, Lucemon’s sanity began to wane as they took greater and greater risks. The Warriors knew not of the finer workings of Heaven, and only that their home was being destroyed, and the curator of all this destruction needed to be stopped.
But then, they hit a plateau. They were able to stop Lucemon from devouring what was left of the world, but Lucemon had far surpassed their power and was getting closer and closer to attacking the code of the universe directly. With no other options, they reached out to legends of old. it had been told that the Sovereigns had become gods through the partnership of humans-- beings from an entirely different world. And with the entire world on the line, the Warriors sent out a desperate plea for help. A group of children answered the call, coming to the Warriors’ sides in battle, and aiding them in achieving their utmost power.
It all came to a head when the Warriors confronted Lucemon as one unit. Lucemon had been planning their final attack on Drasil, despite several of the Demon Lords defecting from the cause due to Lucemon’s growing insanity. And when the Warriors confronted them, they were caught completely off-guard. How this was achieved has been lost to history. But the fight went down with the Warriors having the advantage of preparation. To give them even more of a leg-up in the battle, Lucemon had long been neglecting their physical and physiological needs for favor of absorbing raw data, and they had grown unsteady. However, this did not take away from their godly power, the affects of which would leave the Warriors severely damaged, some being mortally injured in the battle. Lucemon was only brought down when the children merged the Warriors’ spirits into Susanoomon, who was finally able to defeat Lucemon and lock their data away in the Core of the Dark Area - the condensed heart of the Digital World from which Yggdrasil's roots grew. Lucemon was damaged so severely in the battle, that the data they had stolen from the world left their form, and returned to the Digital World, making it whole once again.
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However, many of the Warriors did not survive the battle. All except AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon perished in the hours after the battle ended, and their spirits reverted into totems which the two remaining Warriors kept very close to them. These two would be the ones to send the children back to the Human World. They would remain for several more decades, acting as the world’s Last Guardians and bringing down a few other major threats who arose in Lucemon’s wake while the world rebuilt itself. Then, once their lives were also spent, their spirits reverted into totems, as did the others. These totems were later sought out and gathered by the Royal Knights, and ordered under lock and key by Drasil to prevent anyone form gaining access to them.
As for the other Demon Lords, the ones who remained to fight were scattered about. Belphamon was knocked down to one of his lower forms, and disappeared some time after the battle was over. Lilithmon vanished before the battle started-- an occurrence Lucemon blamed on the Warriors. Leviamon was sealed in a cavern in the deepest ocean by AncientMermaimon, left in eternal darkness. Daemon abandoned the fight mid-battle, seeing that Lucemon would lose; he has planned to absorb Lucemon’s data, but was prevented from doing so when the Warriors sealed them away. Barbamon was defeated and slunk off to a cave in a mountain in the far reaches of the Digital World, where he grew his hoard and avoided the average populous. Beelzemon had left long before the battle started, wanting to part in Lucemon’s tyrannical conquest. Many of them remained trapped for eons before eventually being released by one method or another. The rest simply remained in the shadows, the fallout from the lost battle so great that they knew the world would never accept them.
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Lucemon remained in the Dark Area for four thousand years, and was presumed dead by most of the world. Drasil would rewrite and retell history several times over the course of the years, going as far as to hard reset the world and erase the memory of everyone on the mortal and sometimes celestial levels, as humans continued to find their way into the Digital World despite its best efforts. The Dark Area and the Core within, however, were immune to these resets, and the denizens therein would remember everything. There are very few Digimon who can recount the history of the Digital World as it really happened, and even fewer who are willing to talk about it. This has left most of the world without a proper history of the Digital World. A Monoshiri book dictating events prior to the culling of the Pantheon does exist under Belphamon’s possession, but was left in Old Heaven and was only recovered when Lucemon took back that location during the war. Belphamon used this time to add events he had been recording from the past several eras to the book, before it was once again wrenched from his hands. The book has been lost ever since, likely hidden away somewhere in the ruins of Old Heaven-- a location not considered to exist at all by the Digital World at Large. A copy of this book does exist in the hands of modern High Scribes (such as Bokomon), but this is not the original book. If you ask and of the original Pantheon, you will get accounts from varying viewpoints which vary wildly from what commonly circulated history books say.
The shifting of power and intrusion of humans continues to this day in the Digital World, the latest being the rise of eaters in the Digital World. Drasil has blamed this on human involvement, and remains adamant that humans do not belong in the Digital World.
Full List of Powerful Digimon in Exodus (Will be added to as time goes by.)
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ao3feed-saiyuki · 5 years
what if we rewrite the stars (say that the world could be ours)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WPRNnG
by KuudereWizard
Basically just a jumbled collection of one-shots from my favorite ships from some of my favorite shows. I'll add more as I think of them.
Words: 2127, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Saiyuki, ナンバカ | Nanbaka, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers | Digimon Data Squad, Digimon Adventure, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, 不機嫌なモノノケ庵 | Fukigen na Mononokean | The Morose Mononokean, 転生したらスライムだった件 - 伏瀬 | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | Regarding Reincarnated to Slime - Fuse, Free!, Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Jyuugo (Nanbaka), Uno (Nanbaka), Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Makoto, Souei (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken), Benimaru (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken), Rimuru Tempest, Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Blue (Pokemon), Red (Pokemon), Gold (Pokemon), Silver (Pokemon), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida, Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Kanbara Takuya, Minamoto Kouji, Daimon Masaru | Marcus Damon, Tohma H. Norstein | Thomas H. Norstein, Abeno Haruitsuki, Ashiya Hanae, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Dabi/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Izuku, Jyuugo/Uno (Nanbaka), Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto, Souei/Rimuru Tempest, Benimaru/Rimuru Tempest, Genjo Sanzo/Son Goku, Abeno Haruitsuki/Ashiya Hanae, Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Blue/Red (Pokemon), Gold/Silver (Pokemon), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida/Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Kanbara Takuya/Minamoto Kouji, Daimon Masaru | Marcus Damon/Tohma H. Norstein | Thomas H. Norstein, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Additional Tags: Fluff, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is So Done, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Kaminari Denki, Pining Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki is a Ray of Sunshine, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Dabi is a Todoroki, Pining Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Soft Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Dork, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Oblivious Jyuugo (Nanbaka), Jyuugo (Nanbaka) is a Dork, Jyuugo (Nanbaka) is Bad at Feelings, Dabi (My Hero Academia) is Bad at Feelings, Nanase Haruka is a little shit, Oblivious Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Makoto is a Sweetheart, Oblivious Tachibana Makoto, Uno (Nanbaka) is a Dork, Uno (Nanbaka) is a Good Friend, Red (Pokemon) is Bad at Feelings, Gold (Pokemon) is Trying His Best, Oblivious Silver (Pokemon), Oblivious Red (Pokemon), Blue (Pokemon) is Trying His Best, that could be said about all the semes tbh, and everyone no matter who they are are just dorks, but loveable dorks, Adorkable, that's an actual tag wow, Adorkable Midoriya Izuku, coined it, it's mine now, Benimaru (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken) is Trying His Best, Souei (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken) Needs a Nap, Oblivious Rimuru Tempest, Sassy Rimuru Tempest, Rimuru Tempest is a Tease, Kanbara Takuya is a Dork, Oblivious Kanbara Takuya, Minamoto Kouji is Trying His Best, Daimon Masaru | Marcus Damon is a Dork, Oblivious Daimon Masaru | Marcus Damon, Oblivious Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida is Trying His Best, what made me think this was a good idea, whoever said that should be fired, oh wait it was me, i stand by what i said, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Angst and Feels, Short & Sweet, Short Chapters, kill me, plz, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, Author Is Sleep Deprived, all these ships are my personal favorites from each show, Drabble Collection, Basically, requests sometimes, don't expect me to do anything other than my fav ships tho, i need a break from me too ok, future smut, Maybe - Freeform, Abeno Haruitsuki is Bad at Feelings, Oblivious Ashiya Hanae, i literally forgot about these two until just now, i'm so sorry bbys, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, when thought of, like what i just did, again so sorry bbys, ;v;, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders is Extra, Smitten Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders In Love, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders is a Little Shit, Hurt Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Winged Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders is a Sweetheart, he's my son, fking fite me, Magic, oh snap i have a good first story now, based on an animatic, it's great, i'll link it, holy snap that's a lot of tags, most of them unnecessary, i don't think i spelt that right, but owhale
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WPRNnG
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mandiips · 2 years
There are so many rewrites of Frontier it's almost funny. And I think it’d be a fun exercise, so y’know why not? (Granted an exercise I’ve poorly attempted back when I was a pre-teen, but since I’ve a little more experience under my small-ass belt, let's try again.)
If you want a really fucking fantastic, modernized Reboot of Frontier, I beg you to read this fic right here. As for me in this almost traditional exercise, I just want to spice up what we’ve got with some personal experiences and good-ol’ wiki info. Give this show a good retrospective.
I feel like when reviewing Frontier, you've gotta look at the series as a whole, not just the dub. Don't get me wrong, the dub for Frontier is one of the best out of the entire franchise- gives the characters that bit of spice that the sub lacks,  but it also does the conventional thing all dubs do- make the characters excessively rude and not shut them the hell up when it needs to. That takes away little hints and subtexts of who these characters really are, which is necessary because we don't have the digimon partners to reflect their character growth- no, in frontier we have to look underneath the underneath to really appreciate the lessons and facts of life these characters tell as a whole.
Frontiers’ entire shtick is about how much of a bitch you are. It's about the separation of naivety and innocence, black and white, you and the world around you. It's not your conventional story about good v evil, at least not at the beginning, where the show is strongest in writing and execution. It's about learning about and opening up to your faults, about how you perceive the world, and how that perception affects your mental state. Frontier says cry and bitch about your social situation all you want, because there's no magical fairy that's going to suddenly fix all your problems. You only have the power to change yourself, so why not be the one to take the first step in solving the problem? All of this because you can't objectify the people around you- you can't run away from the things you're afraid of when they catch up to you.
 And that is just such an underrated and beautiful message; stay innocent- don't dirty your hands- but drop the naivety you whiny brat, go make some friends. Fucking love it.
That's why Frontier is deeper than Tamers. No doubt that Tamers handles heavy topics, but Frontier is all show- don't tell. You need to ask questions and delve into the characters to find the message- the really. really fucking good message. The reason why you don't like Frontier is the execution, not the lack of anything. After the Seraphimon episodes, it almost seems like entirely different people are writing the show. Characters lose their flavor, all development goes to Kouji, and the physical story we see contradicts what is being said (takuya's problematic ass) Yet I'm still surprised that so many people dislike it, because despite some of the characters losing or getting off track of their flavor- it's still good. Not great- but solid. I have a few critiques with the world-building, but the lore makes up for that. (The fucking lore. There is so much goddamn lore that frontier itself should be a spinoff series with multiple seasons- like hot damn i swear.) 
The second major problem beyond execution is the reluctance to break away from the formula. Now yes, obviously there's the break in the partner and power system motifs- but the characters' potential is being taken away because of the cookie cutter standard that they've found themselves in. (takuya's problematic ass again) Kouji is clearly the writer's favorite, which is more than fine because of how well written and solid his character is, but the problem is that they can't execute that character correctly when he's in the wrong role. Had they just made him the lead, it would've given them the room they wanted to tell the twin's story and then properly develop and fill the gaps with the supporting cast. (who they then would have time to y'know- develop! Seriously! Izumi has suffered enough!) Takuya's untapped potential as a morally grey side-character who balances out the black and white of Kouji and Kouichi is URGH, good shit. Kouji being the lead would also solidify that this is a different season so you need to look at it differently- show don't tell theme, right in the marketing. Bam! Genius.
Overall, treat Frontier like a first draft. A gem that needs polishing. Fire concept, questionable execution. Oh and don't talk to me about the Royal Knights, I won't remember their existence unless necessary.
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baenyth · 2 months
The Five Elemental Idols and Frozen Heart in my Miraculous Rewrite AU thing
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If you're wondering what these things are, they're items in Master Fu's Miracle Box replacing the auxiliary Miraculouses. Only the Ladybug and Black Cat remain, and Hawkmoth and the others gain their powers from a variety of different sources, including these six items.
The Elemental Idols are willpower-activated, meaning the wielder has to will themselves into using them. The Miraculouses are too in this rewrite, but we ain't talking about them. Saying a certain statement typically helps psychologically with the activation. When activated, the idol "overlaps" over the wielder in a sense. Think the Spirit Digivolutions in Digimon Frontier. Different wielders have different appearances. The Wood Idol, for example, had a wielder that takes the form of a heavily wooden centaur knight, a horse-headed knight that was basically one plant with wooden armor, and a plant-and-wood pony straight out of Friendship is Magic. The elemental powers each idol has are as follows:
Earth Idol: Earth manipulation; excellent burrowing; always a large molelike creature made of earth with a drill nose and vertical line eyes, although the body shape can be different.
Fire Idol: Fire generation & manipulation; always wears the robe.
Air Idol: Air manipulation; electricity generation & manipulation; always made of clouds.
Water Idol: Body is made of pipes that can suck, filter, and squirt water at high pressures; excellent swimming; always a blue transparent body full of water with a scuba mask, scuba tank, and fishlike tail alongside webbed feet, the former three storing extra water.
Wood Idol: Manipulation of plantlife inside the wielder's body; always has a horse and knight motif; always made out of a combination of wood and plants
The Frozen Heart, meanwhile is also willpower-based, but doesn't have a transformation unlike the Miraculouses or Idols. It merely generates and manipulates ice and the cold at the cost of pouring the excess heat into the wielder's body. More advanced wielders can even freeze objects in space! It works better with wielders having a more 'frigid' personality. You know, ice queens and the like.
Feel free to guess who gets what idol and who gets the heart! A hint is people can wield an idol and the heart at the same time!
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higuchimon · 2 years
rewrite choices
These are my longest rewrites on my list. Some have been sleeping on the back burner of my mind for ages. So, now, I ask you, the readers, which of these you'd like to see first. Because I need to know where to devote regular writing time. Otherwise, I'll just wander over the landscape writing-wise. So.
Targeting A Cold Heart: Akoya x Io x Ryuu: Projected Word Count: 96,000: 32 chapters & 3,000 words per chapter. A tangled triangle of human, angel, and demon that will end up how you expect it and they don't.
Hunting The Hunter: Ruki x Renamon: Projected Word Count: 120,000: 30 chapters & 4,000 words per chapter. Somewhat like canon but also with active magic, shapeshifters, vampires, and other creatures of magic. Someone thinks Ruki is their fated love, but she has other thoughts on the matter. Ruki x Renamon.
Kept In Shadows: Shun, Yuuri: Projected Word Count: 120,000: 20 chapters & 6,000 words per chapter. Yuuri is a vampire. Shun is a shapeshifter. Yuuri likes keeping pretty things close - and hurting. Implied sex, but no actual romances (tenative Yuuto x Shun but not decided yet)
Across The Threshold: Ryou x Mizael: Projected Word Count: 130,000: 26 chapters & 5,000 words per chapter: Mizael the dragon keeps away from most people, and doesn't expect it when a vampire crosses his paths on a mission of his own. Ryou x Mizael.
Shards of Ice: Rio, Rin: Projected Word Count: 148,000: 37 chapters & 4,000 words per chapter. Rio has been a Frostflame for years. Rin is just frosted over. Ice isn't easy to control for one born to fire, but for the sake of Yuugo and the sake of her world, Rin will do what she has to do. Mild Yuugo x Rin, mostly Rio & Rin friendship.
Shards and Sunlight: Asuka x Mizuchi: Projected Word Count: 150,000: 35 chapters & 2,500 words per chapter. Asuka vanished years ago. Fubuki's still looking for her. Meanwhile, in the Barian World, Asuka, Queen of the Barians, searches for the past she can no longer remember, and meets someone she doesn't want to forget. Asuka x Mizuchi.
Keys To The Tower: Durbe x Chris: Projected Word Count: 200,000: 50 chapters & 4,000 words per chapter. In a world of magic, Sir Durbe finds a hidden tower with a sorcerer cursed to remain inside of it. He wants to break the curse, but it's not that easy. And there's a lot that Chris Arclight isn't telling him. Durbe x Chris.
To Frost To Flames: Ryou, OCs: Projected Word Count: 240,000: 40 chapters & an average of 4,000 words per chapter. Ryou is a nascent Firestarter, who ends up kidnapped while a child still. His life isn't in his own hands now - and it's going to be very, very cold. No actual ships but hints of Ryou x Yuusuke.
Eyes of Light: Kouji, Kouichi, Chosen: Projected Word Count: 250,000: 85 chapters & an average of 3,000 words per chapter. A rewrite of Digimon Frontier where Kouji and Kouichi meet just before the trip to the Digital World and end up traveling it together. No actual ships.
Rage, Revenge, & Reprisals: Lucemon, Black Mist, Chosen: 300,000: 75 chapters & an average of 4,000 words per chapter. Post both Zexal and Frontier. The last remnant of Black Mist and the last remnant of Lucemon cross paths. This isn't going to be good for anyone (but lots of fun for Lucemon and Black Mist). No actual romances decided (potential Kouji x Kouichi, potential Lucemon x Black Mist)
Way Too Easy: Yuuya, Yuuto, Yuugo, Yuuri, others: 360,000: 111 chapters & an average of 3,000 words per chapter. The war didn't happen when they were fourteen. It might not happen at all - or perhaps it'll happen in a different way, when the four boys end up as vampires. No decided ships as of yet.
Dragon Magic: Seto, Mokuba: Projected Word Count: 360,000: 90 chapters & an average of 4,000 words per chapter. AU where Seto and Mokuba are dragons. Possibly related to an old story of mine, possibly not. I need to plot more on it to be sure. No ships decided as of yet.
War of the Undead: Ryou, Samejima, others: Projected Word Count: 360,000: 80 chapters & an average of 4,500 words per chapter. In a world where Brron fused all the dimensions years ago, those who survive, humans and spirits alike, must forge a future together. Which isn't easy when someone's trying to engineer a war between zombies and vampires. If any ships, probably Ryou x Yuusuke.
Walk The Dark Paths: Projected Word Count: 450,000: 36 chapters & an average of 12,000 words per chapter. Yamato falls through a crack in the worlds and ends up in a place where he's - Piemon's son? Is that his own ancestry or is it something else altogether? (breeds-verse and breeds-verse AU)
Ninjetti Rebirth: Projected Word Count: 510,000: 85 chapters & an average of 6,000 words per chapter. A mild rewrite of the PRiS era, focusing on the Rangers on Earth, who gain new powers in order to defend Earth, leaving the Space Rangers free to fight Astronema in space. Ships of choice: Kat x Tommy, others mostly undecided
I answer most questions about these if anyone wants more details. These would take months to write, but they're the very longest. So I ask you readers for your thoughts and opinions.
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Digimon Fic Progress Report
As I sit here in an online class waiting patiently for the teacher to show up (it’s been forty-five minutes since the class was supposed to start), I’m going to type out a little update on my Digimon fic, because for those who don’t follow me on Twitter (__digitaldreams), you have no idea what you’re in for. 
I do more talking on Twitter than Tumblr since it’s simply easier for me, and it has come to my attention (aka I had a revelation ungodly early in the morning) that I haven’t explained some fun stuff about Frontiers Unexplored and what is to come next, so here we are. If anybody is curious about my long Digimon stories, this is the post for you, because it’s time to explain all that fun stuff. 
So, first and foremost, progress report on Frontiers Unexplored. My rewrite of Digimon Frontier has been in progress since late May, and as of now (October 19), I’m 31 chapters into writing it. I’ve posted the first 21 chapters since I use a weekly update schedule and post new chapters on Sunday. I’ve got 24 chapters left, and I have roughly a four-day turnaround between starting and finishing a chapter. As of now, my estimated finished date for the Frontier rewrite as far as writing process goes is January 22, 2021. I will be posting weekly chapters until the middle of June though (June 13, 2021). I’m still unsure as to if I’ll be writing a sequel for this story or not, but at most, it would be a trilogy. For the time being, I’m only planning on having this be a standalone story, but this is subject to change. 
Next, we get into the announcement that I really wanted to get out here. I have already decided which story will replace Frontiers Unexplored in my posting schedule... Sort of. Since I’m going to be finishing up the book in January, I’m going to be starting the next story in my plan in January. The story will be posted on Fridays, one chapter a week just like with all my other stories, and it will be released on February 21, 2021. I’ve been planning this story for a while now, and it already has more than twenty-five pages of just notes on my computer. Yeah, this is going to be a big one. 
As for what this story is going to be... I already have a title for it. Allow me to introduce Echo. It’s a Digimon Adventure Tri rewrite/alternate universe story written in a similar vein to Frontiers Unexplored. With the Frontier rewrite, I was fully able to say that it was a rewrite above all else since it follows very similar plot beats to the original, but Echo is a bit different than that. Aside from a few minor plot points, Echo is completely different from Tri. It will include all twelve of the kids from Adventure and 02 plus Meiko, each with their own character arcs and new evolutions. When I say that it’s completely different from Tri, I really do mean it; aside from the presence of a small handful of characters (Meiko, Meicoomon, Daigo, and Maki), it’s completely different from Tri. It’s honestly up to you about if you want to consider this more of a rewrite or AU, but the point still stands about this story being next for me. Like with the Frontier rewrite, I’ll be typing pretty far in advance (the first chapter will go up after the first five chapters have been finished). I don’t have a chapter count for Echo since I’m still in the planning phase, and I’m currently working on outlining chapters for the second act out of five. Like I said before, this is going to be a pretty big story of mine, and we’re just going to have to see how it all pans out. 
So, in conclusion, here’s a rough summary of my lengthy explanations: 
Frontiers Unexplored will be finished being written on January 22, 2021, or some date close to that. It will continue to be posted weekly on Sundays until June 13, 2021. 
Echo, my next long-term Digimon fanfiction and a Digimon Adventure Tri rewrite, will be posted first on February 12, 2021, and will be updated weekly on Fridays. This story is completely different from Tri, and its plot is 100% loyal to the original Adventure duology’s canon establishments. 
Well, I’m still sitting in my online lecture, and the teacher hasn’t shown up yet when class ends in five minutes. I guess I woke up early for nothing but to bring this important information to you. All of that aside, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be posting a preview of next week’s Frontiers Unexplored chapter soon since I can finally do that without spoiling anything (I haven’t been able to do this since chapter seventeen. Damn it, Chihiro and Izumi, this is all your fault), but until then, have a nice day, everyone! 
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