#for my english peeps
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Loustat short comics - There is nothing else until the storm is over - Interview with the Vampire TV Series
text transcription under the cut ⬇️
Fake magazine illustration
Page 1 Daniel : So, tell me... Did you see Lestat again?
Page 2 Louis : When he's not on Tour, he would occasionally visits.
Page 3 Daniel : So you're what, now? Friends?
Louis : [Hello Lestat.]
Lestat : [Hello Louis.]
It would be too simple. You know us.
Louis : [ That's new. Still enjoying the glitz and glamor?]
But there is this arrangement we are both fine with.
Page 4 When two people hurt each other so deeply, what is left afterwards?
Page 5 Things like that, it seals doors once still unlocked at the time. Can time really heal everything?
[Mets moi dans mon cercueil, Louis, Louis...]
Page 6 [Stay down chéri, I don't want to fight like this. I'll stay. I'll stay, I'll never leave you ever again. I promise. I'll be happy. For you. For her. Please please please please]
Some things were flipped over to show the truth. Others, I learned to see differently. I faced my wrongs.
[I'll be anything please please please please please please. I didn't know it was a gift. I wore it like a curse. I was selfish. I wanted you to suffer. Because I was. Suffering. I came to thank you.]
Page 7 Do we love each other still? Yes. Can we live under the same roof, share the same spaces, the same bed, for an extended period of time, again? No. But this raging, all devouring passion, it is now replaced by something that can never be altered. Is this the price we had to pay to finally be equals?
Page 8 We have never been more understanding of each other. A shadow of something that could have been from the start. Friendly jokes. Bickering I will never admit enjoying. Respect. And then, the always surprising softness. So eerie after all that happened. Yet, we always welcome it.
Page 9 Daniel : [How dramatic. Not ready to live together again, yet he's all over your coffee table.]
Louis: [I didn't buy these.]
Daniel : [Sure. Will you let me know the next time he passes by?]
Louis : [Well I can't. This is his safe place. You will have to find him by yourself I'm afraid.]
Daniel : [Of course. He can't make anything easy. As if he didn't have enough safe places with his ten properties.]
Page 10 Louis: [Nice chat. Bye, Daniel.]
Lestat : [Only when I'm not on Tour, hm?]
Louis [Approximately.]
Lestat : [Thanks.]
Louis : [Did you really just say thank-]
Lestat: *kisses Louis* [...too soon?]
Page 11 Louis : Almost a century is enough waiting.
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temeyes · 4 months
Random but I just dreamt of Soap being a taho vendor
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huy mare, let's be real. Soap would be a conyo-ass taho vendor.
(non-filos, here's a [vid] so you'd get what i mean by "conyo" HSAHSHASH)
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panelshowsource · 7 months
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PEEP SHOW — 1.01 ➜ 2024 panelshowsource rewatch (1/?)
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Question genuine why do you think spider is an important for Neytiri character and why do you think they'll have a relationship in the future
Gotta be honest dude, you are like, my favorite follower; not everyone I get into discourse with in the tags sticks around and I genuinely love it. I really appreciate disagreements that are chill that's literally how I try to be all of the time. If any of you disagree with anything I say, please feel free to tell me, just know I'll argue with you about it but also I am loving it as long as you don't call me any names lol then it's not very chill :(
ANYWAYS. Great question! So, a lot of it is from a narrative standpoint. In literature, to have a good story at the beginning a character needs to start at a place and then by the end be in a different place. I mean this like, emotionally, not physically. There needs to be a change or what is the point? This is basic storytelling and Avatar at it's core is Super basic. It's easy to forget with how complicated the world-building is, but the character changes are really simple. At the beginning of Way of Water Jake is determined to flee to protect his family at the end he tells us "I understand now no more running we have to stay and fight." Basic, easy.
Neytiri's big obstacle that's been set up is her trauma and how its manifested, which is of course in her hatred and fear of humans and how she treats Spider. It seems to me that the only logical journey for her character to make is a healing one, one where she can hope to begin to move past her trauma and heal, strengthening these relationships with her half human family. Because it is so tangentially related to humans, it is only logical that the one human character she has big emotional moments with will be essential in that arc. It just seems right to me from a writing standpoint that acceptance or acknowledgment of Spider is integral to a symbolic acceptance of her past, and the ability to move on from it. Right now it is driving her and consuming her.
Not even gonna touch this thematically rn or what it means in the grander scheme of things, I just think narratively that is what they have set up. It's what I would do. I think it seems pretty evident in Spider's arc as well, but you just asked about Neytiri and this is already long as hell lol. Thank you so so much for asking!!
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
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orbitfalls · 6 months
Oh how unstoppable I would be if I could write fics in my native language
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thinkingnot · 2 years
is the phrase “Don’t tell me” odd or normal to hear? (and is it the right grammar?)
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musingartblog · 11 months
..hi its me again- uhhh- errr- ahem...can we- CAN WE-CAN WE BE FRIENDS!?.
..at least take me out for dinner first
jokes aside i don't do "can we be friends?" stuff, if you wanna be my friend ya gotta get to know me first, ask me about my day, about my ocs, all that jazz
also hard to be friends with someone whos wearing sunglasses
and i dont think this needs to be said but i only want to talk to adults (over 18s) if your a baby im just gonna block you
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 england 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 🇱🇾 libya
having shitty managers that pick favorites and cannot for the life of them manage to save their asses in any kind of competition 🤪
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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Just now I managed to complete this 100% and honestly, my thanks to miss Seele for being such a great carry and mister Welt too for being the MVPs here uwu
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sneindeer · 1 year
good morning!!! good morning!! good morning sunshine!! lost this night as well but you must not be sad <3
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Dieser "Arschloch" Firmenname killt mich. Wie kommt man bitte auf sowas???
Es passiert ja echt nicht oft, dass ich Asks auf Deutsch bekomme und wenn, dann bin ich immer gleich am Feiern 😂 also Danke schonmal dafür Anon.
Ich frage mich ganz ehrlich auch, wie man auf so eine Idee kommt. Da PMs Kinder zweisprachig aufgewachsen sind, sprechen die ja fließend Deutsch. Vielleicht soll das witzig sein? Wenn, dann habe ich eine ganz andere Art von Humor. Gerade in Verbindung mit Lebensmitteln finde ich Arschloch irgendwie sehr fragwürdig und verstehe es echt null.
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sunuism · 2 years
why did i agree to do an interview w some japanese students i can’t speak japanese today
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writing-winters · 1 year
y'all, it's SUB-suh-kwent, subsequent. it is not sub-SEE-kwent, please stop that, it makes me want to commit violence
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It was the Bestcester,
It was the Worcester...
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lestatslefttit · 1 year
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I get stealing the title style but like.. that’s literally a pic of Rarity?? And over saturated Fluttershy at the bottom too
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