#for no other reason but because they're nice ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
byanyan · 1 year
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@babyitsmagic sent:ㅤFollowed you bc ghost promo'd you!!!, stayed because of so many reasons. byan is FUN. even when we're not actively writing together? byan is a truly fun presence to have on my dash. i love characters who are awful. who have depth!!! and are awful!!!! and then i followed you elsewhere bc i just enjoy writing with you and seeing you build your characters. they're all so unique, which i think can be challenging sometimes but each of them has their own distinct voice and i'm so happy to watch them all grow as you learn more about them.
followed for _____, stayed for _____ㅤㅤ✧ * º •ㅤㅤaccepting
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ㅤoh man oh gosh, this has me feeling some kind of way. thank you so much! it forever means so much to me that anyone enjoys not only byan, but my other characters too. while byan has definitely become my favourite child despite being the most recently created, and as such i've put a lot more time into fleshing them out over the other two, i do love my other kids too and it's really nice to hear that someone else appreciates them lmao. i've put a lot of effort into making sure they're all very different & distinct from one another, so!! i'm happy to hear that it's come through!! and i'm grateful you've stuck around for all of them because i really enjoy all of our interactions!! even if i'm oftentimes very bad at keeping up with them l-lmao...
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zivazivc · 3 years
ok there are SO many things but definitely one of the most distinctive to me is the way you draw eyes. your eyes are always big and open and expressive and almost have this really honest, vulnerable quality to them? like you communicate so much with just the eyes alone and that is so impressive to me. i’m thinking especially of that ladrien comic you did for your acrocat au, the panel after he’s grabbed ladybug’s hand and is just LOOKING at her with those desperate, longing eyes. like. ugh eyes okay
YOUR CHARACTER DESIGN HOLY COW. LIKE. I AM OBSESSED WITH EVERY DESIGN YOU CREATE. i think your fox miraculous designs for the whole crew was the first piece i ever saw from you and i don’t know how many hours i’ve spent just staring at those designs. they’re all so simultaneously original and creative and also so true to each character’s style and spirit! which is! makes me insane!!! how do you do this!
you’re also just a literal master at visual storytelling. i want you to direct every movie i want you to storyboard every show. the shots you choose are so interesting and i am always immediately drawn in and want to know more!! i’m thinking of your pinocchio au drawings and how there was this rising tension and discordance until the final reveal of the eyes (eyes!!!!!) at the end and it made me feel so intrigued and unsettled at the same time,, and you did that without any music! or audio at all!! just. your mastery of visual storytelling is OFF THE CHARTS
i could genuinely go on and on (your technical skill. your originality. your sense of mood/tone/lighting) but i’m not gonna crowd your inbox anymore ajsndkdnd just know i love your art so so much it makes me insane <3333
Anna do you want me to explode into tiny heart shaped confetti???
Thank you for the compliments on how expressive my eyes are AAAAAAA I love you. But even so I have no idea if I can pull off Anna™’s superior “in love with the power of a thousand suns” puppy eyes. just 🥺🥺
As a thank you I at least tried. Here. It’s nowhere near yours because I have to use the whole face and body to get near the result you get with just the eyes but it’s a start...
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thank you for the compliments on the fox hero designs too. i think i drank some magic water when i drew that because i have no idea how i pulled it off. i’m still proud of them so so much!
please don’t call me a master of storytelling whaaa 😭😭 but thank you!! i’ve often been very intrigued by silent cartoons and comics. also i am such a sucker for dramatic angsty stuff like you probably already know and i just like being a meanie. but thank you!! I want to make original comics one day and these sort of compliments just mean so much!!!
You are so nice to meee!!! waaaahhh!!!!! also you also started writting my name with a ž! I feel blessed 😭😭
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dreadlock-detective · 6 years
would you be able to talk about dindel and vale's relationship? i think they're so fascinating 😍
Yes. Yes I can ramble on about D&D shenanigans you do not have to ask twice! Especially about those two doofuses (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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(By the by, I keep an in-character journal of this campaign collected here for further reading)
Granted, I don’t know much more than Dindel herself does about Vale, so everything about him is Subject To Change Due To Dramatic Reveal®, but a bit of background on the two prior to the game proper:
Dindel (Who’s actual name is Dindelion, or more correctly Dandelion but her dad always said it wrong) had lived her whole life in the crime ridden dried up port town of Delzimmer. When she was very young her elven mother left for reasons unclear to little Dindel and her father subsequently was completely unable to keep his shit together, losing his cobbling business after taking up gambling and drinking, and the two have been living more or less on the streets ever since. Unlike clerics or druids, Dindel has a seemingly natural born ability to use divine magic and would often need it to take care of her dad, but he taught her to hide her gift from everyone lest someone try to take her away from him and use her talents for their own gain.
Being so cooped up for someone homeless, she’d occasionally get her hands on books where she’d fantasize a lot about the world outside of Delzimmer and became pretty infatuated with romance stories. She’s had a few relationships but none of them went anywhere - the most notable one being with a halfling soldier who told her grand stories of travel and promised to take her away with him. Sadly he was just a lying douche and she caught him bragging as much to his friends one day, so after that she just kinda gave up on the idea of leaving and resigned herself to taking care of her father.
Vale (Who’s full name is an entire flipping sentence and I haven’t heard it since character creation stuff but is something along the lines of ‘Hidden Vale Beyond the Waterfall") was born to a Tabaxi tribe on an island far away. Through some manipulation by merchants or mercenaries (cant recall which exactly) traveling through the area, Vale ended up sold into servitude and grew up a member of a band of mercenaries - specifically he was trained with a flail to break enemy shield walls. Some time prior to the game the majority of the mercenary gang was wiped out and Vale ended up a drifter who found himself in Delzimmer.
Their first meeting didn’t involve much actual words passing between them, but Vale was sitting by a window in a tavern when he noticed Dindel outside looking for food. Seeing this he began to make a ruckus about something being wrong with the soup he’d ordered and it being unacceptable and demanding a replacement, while putting the soup bowl itself on the window sill and making it clear that he wanted her to take it, which she happily did.
Soon after, her father’s gambling debts finally caught up with him and he was taken away by what amounts to essentially the local mafia. They then found her and essentially got her to agree to pay his debts. Not really emotionally equipped to deal with being on her own and no idea how to pay off her dad’s debt that wasn’t degrading, she reached out to Vale for help - he wasn’t from Delzimmer, he’d been nice to her, and he looked like a soldier and soldiers get paid and get hurt and she can heal people, and damnit she was desperate.
We haven’t actually figured exactly who that meeting went (Vale’s player was planning on writing something up at some point. I’ll have to ask him about that) but luckily Vale had just received word that a city to the south was looking for capable soldiers, agreed to take her with him, and they set off on a boat down south (Dindel apparently gets super seasick btw)
Overall the two both seem to be emotional wrecks who each use the other to keep their shit together. Especially after Vale’s player wrote Cat’s Scratch Fever  it seems like Vale’s holding up Dindel as a kind of symbol of innocence and goodness, and helping her as a means to try to make up for past sins from his mercenary life. And he does sacrifice basically everything for her. Aside from the general “Barbarian bleeds to protect the party” thing (Where he has, on multiple occasions, put Dindel’s safety above anything/everyone else), he’s also given her essentially all of his share of everything to help her pay off her dad’s debts, which he never actually mentioned to her but she caught on to when he started handing out shares to the other members and they were half the size he gave to her. The biggest hurdle on his end seems to be that he’s put her up on such a high pedestal he sees himself as unworthy to try to be with her.
As for Dindel, she’s had a rough time during their travels. Her fantasies of the outside world have basically come crashing down around her as she’s start to figure that every place is pretty much the same as Delzimmer, just Delzimmer doesn’t try to hide how awful it is. That’s pretty much just reinforced her old emotional dependencies but now with her father gone the party are the only ones she can really latch on to. And of those, Lucan is super distant, Niles hates anything remotely elven, and Essmer is a weird embodiment of all of her dad’s bad habits so none of them have come as close to her as Vale. And her feelings towards Vale have been all the hell over the place: He’s SUPER nice to her and has done a lot to improve her situation, but he’s also absolutely pants-wetteningly terrifying when he’s enraged to the point where that being aimed at her is possibly her greatest fear and that’s a massive red flag, but he’s also shown himself to be remorseful over things he’s done and wanting to do better, but also refers to her as “Kit” like she was a child so is he just being nice to her because he thinks she’s a kid or what?! She’s basically run the entire gamut between being afraid for her life and complete infatuation and it’s EXHAUSTING lol.
So that’s the current state of things. Which will possibly change in the next session or so because Dindel has gone through enough of an emotional whirlwind and the action has died down enough lately that she’s going to try to work up the courage to just talk to Vale about this shit and find out where they stand. Unfortunately the last session didnt quite reach a good point for that (mostly because we spent waaay too much time talking about non-game stuff), and the one last weekend was canceled since we couldn’t all make it, so this “Will They Wont They” bullshit has been in my head for like A MONTH NOW and I’m ready for some level of resolution to this plot arc lol.
Mostly because I want the two characters to come to some understanding before we enter the next section of the game, which is settlement-building shenanigans that will have large time skips during downtime and I’d rather the characters hash it out now than either just say “they decided X” during a time skip or to somehow contort it so they could go LONG spans of time around each other with no horribly pressing life threatening situations and somehow have NOTHING develop in their relationship over that time, like it was a terrible romance anime~
So yeah, hopefully soon (next session is the next week’s saturday, 11/3) we’ll find out if these two goons can admit their feelings and accept the other’s in return and go from there. No matter what happens it should result in some good character development~ Maybe not positive character development if things go poorly, but good none-the-less \( º w º  )/.
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