#for other places I tend to get strawberry milk related drinks
luxites · 2 months
Can I PLEASE request a drawing of Muichiro Tokito with some boba so I can live up to my username?
Also I'm in LOVE with your artstyle
It's so pretty ❤
doodle request rules
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hello!! AAAA thank you so much!!! (and thanks for waiting!)
idk what his usual order would be 🤔 I had a large strawberry milk slush boba yesterday so it was still on my mind... but my usual order is brown sugar milk tea or matcha latte with cream cheese foam
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Pet Owners Part 1
Owning pets is rare for nations because a true nation’s pet has a bond with their owners as much as they do the land. Many of their pets don’t really have something they represent inexactness, it's just they were there when the nation was born, and they bonded. No one can really explain how they come to find their owners, both parties just know.
Some nations don’t have the nation pet, but instead either found a mythical creature or own regular pets that will eventually die.
America – A big black shaggy dog. Allen has owned Makwa since he was a small child. No matter where he went Makwa would follow. This mini mammoth is very protective of Allen and has bitten Oliver many times. This dog has even followed Allen into war zones. Their bond is as deep as man and dog can go.
He is Allen’s best friend and more often than not the wall he bounces off of. Whether he is venting, planning, or just sleepy mumbling, Allen takes the time to talk to Makwa.
England – Flying Chocolate Bunny (FCB) and Flying Strawberry Bunny (FSB). These mythical evil bunnies are downright monsters. Unlike his 1p that has only one, Oliver has two. Both nations discovered their bunny allies together, but instead of taking just one. Oliver decided to take two. They were found when the nations were about 150 yrs old.
Since mythical creatures have longer lifespans, they aren’t nation pets and die much later than an average pet.
FCB has red beady eyes and is the color of dark chocolate. His wings are shaped more like raptor’s wings and have a white chocolate underside to his wings. FCB often twitches and drools and looks like he is about to eat the nearest piece of flesh. He is known for being wilder and more chaotic, he does some of the dirty work for Oliver by getting physically involved. Scratching and biting Oliver’s victims, slowly driving them mad by wounds made from an unseen force.
FSB on the other hand is much sweeter. She is a light red with small yellow spots. Her wings look like a swan's, and have a light green underwing. Her eyes are small beady and green. FSB looks like a toy rabbit, small and fluffy. She is Oliver’s eyes and ears. She spies on whomever Oliver asks her to and takes the time to ensure that Oliver has whatever information that he needs. When Oliver had many colonies she was the one sent to spy on them. She is quick and knows how to use magic to shorten her fly time.
Oliver loves his bunnies and feeds them a lot of cupcakes and meat. He spoils them with fancy beds and toys. Though he does expect them to earn their keep with various tasks given by him.
Canada – A big white polar bear. Kuma is Canada’s oldest frenemy, over the years they have traded blows and saved each other. The amount of trust these two have is unrivaled by any other nation and their pets. Kuma has been with Canada since he was about a week old. Kuma is a typical adult polar bear with a scar across his left shoulder and it splits his fur.
Canada’s scars on his chest come from Kuma. They got really intense in a fight one day and came at each other for blood. That same fight gave Kuma his scar. Both winded up extremely wounded and ignored each other for a week before making up.
Over the years Kuma mostly follows Matt’s orders. But occasionally Kuma acts like a brat and ignores Canada. Kuma has his own little house outside that Canada built, but he also has a huge mat on the floor inside Matt’s cabin.
Japan – Koi. Like it’s been said before, Japan likes koi. They are beautiful and he owns many. He has been keeping them since he was physically about 12 years old. He has a pond that connects to a tank within his home. It is a huge tank that has all the proper fixings that allow for a comfortable space for his fish.
He invests heavily in the industry and always checks the farms himself when he has the time. Many family farms know of Kurai, at least a fake name he puts out, and newer farms hope to receive his blessings. His name carries a lot of respect and honor for the koi industry and those that don’t meet his standards close shop quickly.
Every so often he will enter his koi in contests. He loves to know that his are the best and has many ribbons from the past ones he has either won or come close to winning.
Germany – A small brown tabby. Luther loves his tiny kitty and spends many a nap with this little baby on his lap. His little tabby is called Winzig and her name is literally her size. Winzig was found by Luther one night after making his way home after a night of drinking about a year ago. She was small and hiding under a box by his apartment. In his drunken stupor, he picked up the kitten without thinking and brought her home. She is actually his third cat.
There were two others he had owned in the past. His first was a calico that was named Schnurrhaare (Whisker). She was very aloof, but they too napped together often. She sadly died in the year 1901. His second cat Axel came to him about 1950 and was a gift from his boss. Axel was a big Mainecoon that looked like a burnt cookie. He acted more like a dog than a cat and Luther loved him. They played fetch together.
None of Luther’s cats have been a true nation pet. So, each one has passed, Winzig is still young and very lively so she has a while still with Luther. Though the other two, Luther has kept their collars and buried them behind his father’s house. He leaves little bits of string on their graves for them.
Rome – This old man had a lion. Not just any lion, the extinct European lion. Mars was the name of this old boy and Rome had him from the time he was a child. At first, Mars was unsure about Rome and chased him. Over time the two became close. Mars didn’t have a huge mane it was more of a gentle fluff around his head and down his chest. His body and head were covered in scars. Mars was known to have a light pale coated rather than the deep dusty color of many of his brethren. He had a regal air about him and Rome cherished his lion a lot.
When Rome passed Mars lived on, but not much longer than Rome. He lived about 5 years while being taken care of by Luciano. Mars being old then, didn’t do much and seemed to enjoy the calm final years that Luciano offered him. He got a bigger and cooler grave than his master did.
Prussia – Alvin is an old destrier and looks like a Percheron. Lightly colored with dark grey boots and muzzle. Alvin has been with Wil since he was born, this stocky little foal just showed up outside and has been with him ever since. Alvin has been Wil’s first pick of steed into every battle that used horses and Alvin like his owner is brave and loyal.
Both master and pet love spending nights together riding through the woods. Prussia gives Alvin lots of training and treats. They are so close that more often than not spend many afternoons together. Alvin is also trained for various horse competitions.
Spain – So we all know this man owns a bull. Idiota is special to Armando even though he won't admit it. When Armando is tending to his fields Idiota is there giving a presentation of an old friend. Many believe that Idiota is a nation pet because of how long he has lived and Spain agrees. As much as he gets angry at his bull being stupid he could never bring himself to part with the bull.
The centuries of being petty with each other make it interesting to both parties. Though in times of danger both have each other's backs. Once during a siege when Spain was young, Idiota was all that stood between him and Rome. Though despite losing, it took Rome impaling the bull and beheading it to keep it from defending a young Spaniard.
Netherland – He has a snake. It’s a simple grass snake that often hangs out with him at home. He loves his little snake and named him Hazel. He says his snake looks like a Hazel. Baas and Hazel go on many adventures when the weather is ok for Hazel. He takes him to the store, to meetings with his boss, and other places. They spend lots of time gathering info on people and just pulling pranks. Baas believes that Hazel enjoys it as much as his master.
 Hazel has a huge terrarium with plenty of space, heating lights, and pools of water. It takes up a whole wall in Baas’ home. It also contains fish and other small creatures that make the tank self-sustaining. 
Baas relates to his danger noodle; in that, he sees himself almost the same as his snake. Both are hidden predators that take care of nasty rats. Which happens to relate to his favorite thing to do with Hazel, feed him.
Austria – A Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, I mean what could be better for him. Austria found Krampus around Christmas time when he heard some noises coming from his attic. Krampus had found his way into the attic and freaked out trying to get out. This caused a tear in his wing, and Austria being surprised by this tiny nightmare.
Austria feeling the spirit of Christmas was compassionate and took care of the bat. First, he forced his way into a vet clinic and had his little Krampus looked at. Krampus's huge tear would heal, but it makes it difficult for him to fly again. That was the vet’s opinion and then went off to call a sanctuary to come and collect the bat. Well, Jon didn’t like that and ran off with Krampus.
Since then Jon has done a lot to ensure his little friend was becoming better. Eventually, the wing healed, but not well enough for flying. So Jon has a little bat that can glide short distances and has a little cave in his home. Krampus gets all the proper nutrition and cleanings.
Though shortly after bringing Krampus home, Jon did call Matt. Matt had some words for Jon when he found out what he did.
Switzerland – This man loves goat cheese, so obviously he wanted goats. He and his 1p own a small herd together that they both manage. Vash does most of the physical labor while Hans makes them look good for competition and takes care of their papers. 
They are all Swiss breeds and earn their keep by giving milk. They have a great life with all the latest things for goat care. Hans even personally watches the new items get installed to ensure that it is done right and that his goats are given something nice. 
Hans pets them often and coos to them as he does. He keeps plenty of treats on hand, to the point all the herd runs toward him wanting treats.
Iceland – Mr. Puffin or Puff as Iceland calls him. This is puffin is nothing like his gangster 1p. He wears a small top hat and monocle. He is much more gentlemanly and often speaks about how Iceland could be better behaved. He often says things like stand straight, address the lady with respect, and so on. Unlike most nations and their pets growing up at the same rate, Puff was an adult when he met baby Iceland. Which concerned 2p Norway, because he could have been some kind of monster trying to destroy his new colony. One of the few times Norway showed concern for Iceland.
Though being the typical expectation for nation pets, Iceland loves Puff. They spend time together going about and causing havoc and attempting to win Norway’s attention. Though Puff still tells Iceland that there are better things to do than pursue Norway, but Iceland wants his brother’s love and acceptance.
Puff does his best to keep Iceland under control and professional, but he fails often. Though he refuses to give up and rather would keep on taking care of his young ward.
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wigglepixelsims · 3 years
The Sims 2 Farmer Challenge
I’ve been working on this challenge for a while now and feel confident enough to share it - that said, it’s still pretty much in the works. I may change things as I test it in game, but I don’t have a lot of time to devote to that atm.
So, please let me know if you have any thoughts or recommendations. I would really love the feedback!
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☼   The Sims 2 Farmer Challenge  ☼
Your Sim has always dreamed of owning a farm and living off the land. So when they find out a distant relative passed leaving them title deeds to a piece of land they took this as a sign and immediately made the decision to leave everything behind and start the hard work towards making their dream a reality.
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❀ Goals:
To successfully live off the land and have §180K active funds before becoming an elder.
Earn highest talent badge (Gold)  
Have a fully operational crop farm
Be able to plant all the harvestable plants/trees.
Must have at least 80% of your plants at the ‘Thriving’ health rating at one point after having planted all types. (cc plants don’t need to count)
Produce a “Mouthwatering” harvest at least once.
Self built farm building(s) of your choice – quaint cottage, deluxe farmhouse, barn, greenhouse(s) – one or all, its your call. These must be fully decorated.
The entirety of your land must amount to +§200K.
✿ Gameplay
Create a CAS sim, it’s suggested you dress them in good work-ready clothes fit for work on a farm or country/cowboy/prairie aesthetic if you’d like, for the everyday outfit (other outfits are up to you). Can create a pet as well.
Move them into an empty 5x6 lot
Register your farm i.e. name it. Give it a generic farm name, a witty name or a fitting name just make it yours.
Your savings amounted to §3500 when you made your lightening fast decision to go for it. Use the money cheat to set this amount at the beginning. No money cheats are allowed after this.
No motive cheats, skill adding cheats, skill building mods/cheats that will affect the Garden talent badge, cleaning skill, environment interest, nature enthusiasm, are allowed. (I know there are some nice mods for building these skills from regular yard work but for the purposes of this challenge these skills must be built only through harvest-able plants.)
Becoming a plant sim is allowed but only after you’ve gained the bronze badge. Using a cheat code or mod to become one is not allowed. If you become one by accident before then you will have failed the challenge (unless you find a way to turn back + get your badge back to bronze before touching your crops).
You can use elixir of life to add days in moderation.
Your Sim can join the Garden Club to get discounts on seeds and fertilizer.
You cannot hire a gardener to tend your harvest-able crops. They can tend to flowerbeds, shrubs, rake leaves, etc. If you do hire a gardener you might have to gate your crops/build a greenhouse and lock them out.
Since your sim will be so busy they can attempt a social/love life but can only marry a sim or move a sim in after a week of gameplay has passed.
Your sim may have a regular job.
❀ Categories
These have no hierarchy and can be combined or disregarded. Or even turned into a legacy where each generation adds something to the farm.
The Homestead - §60-80K – Every member of the family chips in to help out on this farm
Family Farm – §90-120k + at least two generations active on farm
Commercial Farm – §130-150K + level 10 business selling produce from the farm
Orchid – your farm boasts +50 harvest-able trees
Animal Farm – Have one or more types of animals breed to 2nd generation (cc listed below)
Flower Farm – (Optional handicap) original farm has made at least §50K, branched out to floral arrangement with level 10 business (Florist)
The Apiary – (Optional handicap) original farm has made at least §50K, branched out to bee keeping with level 10 business (selling all things apiary related, e.g.. beeswax candles if you have the cc)
Pick-Your-Own Farm – open your + §50K farm to the community, + get it to a level 10 business
Hobby Farm – add fun activities to your +§50K farm and open it up to the community
Tea Farm – Turn your farm into a tea house + farm combo  (tea farming + tea making mods listed below)
✿ Handicaps/Branch offs
Your sim wants to put all their energy into making their farm a success and so will not have a regular job. They may work part time as a barrister/bar tender or use alternative income streams like fishing, digging for treasure, writing, etc. from time to time to cushion their finances.
They settle down nicely with a like minded sim – your sims partner will quit their job and make your sims dream their dream. Handicap above applies to both sims.
All children living on the plot adopt this self-sustaining habit as well (see first handicap) Teens may enter into part-time jobs but leave the corporate rat race as adults.
Your sim has a fear of becoming a plant-sim and will do anything in their power to prevent their becoming one.
Your sims want to be a plant sim is akin to the way some sims feel about grilled cheese. As soon as they can become one they will and remain one for the rest of their lives.
Wants to make a legacy farm with the farm being handed down to the third generation and having at least one sim from all three generations active on the farm.
Your sim is a plant scientist that has become obsessed with the potential existence of Laganaphyllis simnovorii (common name Cow Plant), their research has shown that they can indeed be cultivated and wants to make it their life’s work to prove their theory. Grow at least one Cow Plant during your sims life. You can do this in the next generation (since this career is unlocked with a degree) or you can use a cheat to get your first sim in the career path (applies to CAS sim only).
Your sim is a mad (plant) scientist and having discovered the reality of the existence of Cow Plants wants to drink its milk at least once in their life. Grow a Cow Plant and Drink its milk. You can do this in the next generation (since this career is unlocked with a degree) or you can use a cheat to get your first sim  in the career path (applies to CAS sim only).
Your sim has built a successful farm and has fallen in love with the idea of adding a floral section to their farm and opening a florist! Create a flower bed section to your farm, Earn flower arranging gold badge and get your flower shop business to level 10. (if you choose this handicap you may use a mod that allows skill gains through tending flower beds)
❀ List of harvestable plants by badge
Tomatoes (§8) and orchard trees (§1200).
Strawberries (§12) and cucumbers (§12).
Peppers (§16) and pole beans (§16).
Eggplants (§20) and can talk to plants to increase their health.
Cow plants may be planted at own risk!
✿ Useful tips + mods
Placing a ladybug loft within two tiles of a crop reduces the frequency of bug infestation.
Greenhouses can protect plants and trees from bugs and weather, and allow garden plants to be grown in Winter. (Mods that allow trees to do the same are allowed)
This mod by Numenor makes the water from sprinklers invisible + reduces lag from too many going at once.
These harvestable plants by simaddict99 can be added for more variety (will need the harvest basket listed below)
Farmers' Set by echo_eternity can also be added for variety (also needs the harvest basket below)
Harvest Basket by echo_eternity
This mod adds a useful “rake many’ option for fallen leaves.
Bees/Apiary Set
A list of many more things
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Hey btw, if you're attempting this challenge on any social media let me know, I'd love to see how you do with it and I wouldn’t mind adding a link to you below if you’d like!
Check out:
My Farm - Prairie Oaks
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@distant-wcrlds sent: I kinda want to ask all of the kitchen and living room questions for Cisco...
Household Muse inspired questions!
Does your Muse have a favourite food?
Cisco loves chow mein and szechuan chicken from Mama Chow's. Big Belly Burger is a close second, and he's not going to turn down pizza if offered. His taste in food boils down to highly Americanized ethnic foods, or foods with American origins. He quite obviously has a sweet tooth and always has a supply of candy on hand, particularly strawberry Twizzlers, and Tootsie Pops.
Do they know how to cook / bake?
He does know how to cook, and even though he doesn't do it particularly often when there's a big bad being dealt with, he's quite capable of making a good meal in his kitchen without fear of burning it or being inedible. Baking is not his forte, and while he enjoys baked goods, most of them come from CC Jitters.
Have they ever burnt their food while cooking or set off the smoke alarms?
Yes, but it's only happened if someone interrupted him and he became distracted. Left to his own devices allowed to focus, it's not a frequent occurrence as he was helping his mother cook at a young age and it was not new territory when he moved out on his own.
Do they drink enough water throughout the day?
Hell no. Caitlin actually rides his ass a LOT about that. He drinks far too much coffee, water is not his go-to for hydration and he often needs to be reminded that he hasn't had any yet that day.
Are they a messy or organized chef in the kitchen?
Organized. He can't stand when things are out of place as he's cooking, and will shoo people out of the kitchen to prevent disturbing of where he is working.
How often does your Muse get groceries?
Unless he's planning a certain meal, grocery shopping is often left until there's no more groceries left to cook a proper meal with the amount of time he tends to spend at Star Labs.
Plastic or reusable bags?
Plastic, it's actually less environmentally impactful, and easier to reuse.
Do they use the recommend serving sizes of food portions?
If that recommended serving amount is what's going to leave him feeling satisfied, which as a general rule with American food, is typically less than what is served, so it's safe to say he eats more than the recommended amount, not that he's bothered by that fact.
What is one food they could absolutely binge on?
Chinese. He would have no problem eating it for every meal in a day.
Do they have a favourite drink? (Pop, alcohol, juice, milk, etc)
Coffee. Iced, hot, doesn't matter it's coffee. But unless it's summer and he's actually outside he tends to err towards hot brewed. The cortex is typically cool no matter what so it really doesn't matter, and he prefers to wake up and have hot coffee.
Does your Muse watch television? What is their favourite show?
Yes, he watches a lot of tv when he has free time, although he will often be tinkering with something, putting together a figure, or doodling calculations even while he watches as it's not enough stimulation if it's a rewatch, sometimes even with new shows unless it's so intense he has to give it his undivided attention. One of his favorites is Star Trek, but very close is This is Us.
Does your Muse play any games? (Video, card, board, etc)
He actually collects vintage gaming systems. He does not play as often he as he did while a kid, but he still plays them sometimes. He also enjoys arcade games. One of his favorite games is Marvel vs Capcom 2 (you're not going to tell me it doesn't exist in arrowverse, he knows about She-Hulk). He also enjoys board games with his friends. Card games are the one he's not huge on.
Do they have a designated spot they always sit in?
He always has his specific chair on the right in the cortex, he does not like sitting on the left and will get cranky if for some reason he is not able to take His Spot. He will not sit in the middle of a couch unless he absolutely has to, preferring the right side if available, otherwise he'll take the left. Unless he's with close company, he prefers a chair to himself.
Do they fall asleep watching movies?
Rarely, unless truly exhausted, or so familiar with the movie and it's a volume as to be more background noise than mentally stimulating. Will never fall asleep during a horror movie.
What genre of movie do they prefer?
Sci-fi, action, and fantasy are his go-tos. He prefers something that removes him from reality, although the more time he spends on Team Flash, the more it's starting to blend.
What is a television show they cannot stand?
Touched by An Angel. His mother would watch it a LOT when he was a kid, and he just isn't religious anymore. He found it far too sappy as he would put it if asked, but really he just doesn't like the 'blindly believe in god' message.
Any commercials they find annoying or catchy?
He will guiltily admit to enjoying the Geico commercials, but he finds most commercials annoying, either for how patronizing they are, the lack of true necessity for the product, etc.
Have they hosted a party before?
Not at his home, that's what bars or other people's houses are for. Having a crowd socializing is not particularly something he wants in his home, which is his sanctuary and he rarely just invites people over unless they're in a relationship with him.
Has your muse broken any objects in their past?
Yes, both on accident and on purpose. He gets very put out with himself when it's on accident, he does not like having to replace things, nor having the lack of control of a situation that leads to breaking things.
How does your muse relax?
Working on building something, whether for Team Flash, or a model, figurine, etc. He likes being able to zone out and work with his hands and just think about what he's doing and not the things around him. Same for watching tv shows, it allows him to remove himself from his life for a bit.
Does your muse have a favourite book?
He relates to Peter Parker a lot, being a bullied smart kid, so his favorite book is basically just the og Spider-Man run.
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Survey #387
“today i woke up, & i hate myself”
What common problem have you never experienced? The loss of a close family member (that doesn't include pets). Alternatively, what's an uncommon problem you have experienced? Homelessness. Do you know anyone who opposes marriage equality? I sure do. What was the last thing you got really emotional about? Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty premiering. What's the longest amount of time you've been ill for? I don't really know. I don't get sick a lot at all. Who is your closest male friend? Girt. Do you know anyone who hunts for meat? Sadly. I say "sadly" because it's not like they need it. Have you ever lived with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, although I wasn't a technical resident. I was there all the time, though. What do you wash dishes with? Sponge, scrub brush, rag, something else? A sponge. Is there anything you prefer to do the old-fashioned way? There's probably something, but I can't think of anything. Do you put your glasses and mugs right side up or upside down on the cabinet shelf? Upside-down. What was the worst part of your childhood? My parents fighting. Have you ever seen a high school relationship last long-term? (like 10+yrs) Yeah. Do you know any cancer survivors? Quite a few. Leftover pizza for breakfast... yay or nay? Good shit, man. Do you personally know anyone who's a psychopath or sociopath? I don't think so. What is your most used kitchen appliance? Lately, it's been the apple slicer. I've been on a real apple slices + peanut butter kick lately. What is something that you would personally like to be remembered for? For being a caring person towards all living things. Have you ever been diagnosed as clinically depressed before? Yes. Do you like bowling? Yeah, it's fun. Do you own binoculars or nonoculars? What do you use them for? No. Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? Yeah, that'd be cool. Have you ever had to deal with someone close to you going off to war? No, thankfully. Who do you feel you have the most in common with? Sara, easily. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? My damn self lmao. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No. My parents didn't grow up in NC. What’s one thing that people definitely CAN’T count on you for? To remember like... anything. What about something they definitely can count on you for? Someone to listen to encourage them. What’s one food that you want to try but haven’t yet? I've always thought macaroons look good. Do you have anything planned for the summer? No. Do you walk fast or slow? Slow. Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? No. What is a common slang word from where you live? Plural "you" does not exist. It's "y'all," lol. What’s the scariest thing you’ve accidentally found on the internet? *shrug* Probably something as a kid, going on those sketchy websites with loads of games and stuff. Thinking of every Halloween costume you’ve had, which one was the most creative? I don't think I've had any creative costumes for Halloween. What’s one random city you want to visit? It's not exactly "random" as it's a popular location, but anyway, I would love to visit Venice. What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math. When was the last time you ate cake and what type of cake was it? That's a good question, actually. Maybe my niece's birthday in February? I don't remember what kind of cake it was. Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? No; I don't have any. Do you like snowy winter days or do you prefer rainy days? SNOWY! Name 3 things you find most beautiful in nature: Mountains, large waterfalls, and desert dunes in the wind. If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask? Jason. I'd ask if he thought I was emotionally abusive. What is your favorite winter activity? Building snowmen. Who is the greatest singer who is no longer living? Freddie Mercury. What is your idea of heaven? I don't know, really... I have to ask myself IS there a heaven in eternity? Living forever just... doesn't appeal to me. "Living" is an odd word to use there, but hopefully you get it. Existing on and on and on and on seems like it'd just be a drag, but at the same time I do like the thought of feeling relentlessly happy and peaceful with my loved ones. I guess that would be my definition of it, if it does exist. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done? ODed. Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? Just once, on my 16th birthday because I was at Jason's place and all of his family was watching it. I had absolutely zero interest, but we wanted to hang with the family. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Canada. Do you watch American Horror Story? I haven't in years. It was Jason's and my first "show," and the first season was excellent. I lost interest in the second one, honestly. I'd be up for watching other seasons, though. How many relationships have you been in this year? None. What's your favorite cereal? Probably Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That's also the only cereal where I can happily drink the milk afterwards. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook. Do you like to paint your nails? No. What's the coolest place you've ever been to? Disney World, probably. Have you ever punched anyone? No. What's something you wish you knew how to do? Cook. :/ I really need to make an effort to learn. It'd be great to not rely on a microwave for the rest of my life. What's a celebrity that everyone likes but you don't? *shrug* What food do you eat the most? Probably bread in some form or another. That really needs to stop. Green or purple grapes? Either one, but they have to be firm. I cannooooooot with soft grapes. Have you ever cried over a text? Yeah. What's the background of your phone of? My lock screen is this pretty, simplistic periwinkle color with "work on you for you" written on it. It's one I plan on keeping for probably a long time because I connect to it so deeply with my stupid damn head frequently demanding I have to improve "for Jason" to prove him wrong. Which is a very unhealthy mindset to have, I know. My home screen is a cute lil Mark edit someone made with a very similar pale blue background, so my phone is just currently an #aesthetic. Do you have a Snapchat? No. What's your favorite sports team? (if you like sports)? I don't like sports, but I'm biased towards the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team because of my dad. Last thing you ate? I had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. Do you take a lot of selfies? Definitely not. I just hate how I look so much; it takes way too much effort for me to get an "acceptable" one. Do you prefer strawberries or cherries? Strawberries. I hate cherries. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Maybe like, three. -_- Our A/C is still out, and it was like, 87 in the house last night. It was impossible to sleep. Do you listen to music daily? Not EVERY day, but usually. Biggest insecurity? My weight. Do you play video games? Not as much as I used to. I'd probably play way more if I actually had a PS4 + the games I'm DYING to have. Do you consider yourself lazy? "Yes, but a lot of it is also health related for my lack of energy and motivation." <<<< This for me as well. What recently made you laugh? I was watching a bit of The Nanny with Mom yesterday. We love that show. Do you like gummy bears? Yep. What was the last song you listened to? I'm randomly hooked on "My Nocturnal Serenade" by YOHIO. Like, I've known the song for a long time, but NOW I'm bingeing it???? Describe your mom with one word. Selfless. What's the biggest turn-off? Probably being misogynistic. But being a cocky ass is definitely high up there, too. What fish scares you the most? Mfkng whale sharks terrify me. How do you feel about snails? They're cuties!!! What's your favorite app? Pokemon GO. Would you rather time travel into the past or future? The future, to see what's coming. I feel like you could come back with some pretty valuable information. What is the saddest song you've ever heard? I think "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade has to come on top. What insect do you hate the most? I was reminded that stag beetles exist last night, and omfg those. Well, "hate" is the wrong word, really, I'm just terrified of them. Would you ever have a wild animal as a pet if possible? I 110% want to rescue an opossum, emphasis on "rescue." I'm not plucking one from the wild or anything like that. I would be in HEAVEN raising one of those angels. Are there any decorations that makes you happy? (lights, candles, plants..) I love those beds decorated with fairy lights, and just Christmas lights in general. Halloween and Christmas decor tend to give me sparks of happiness when I see 'em. Does race matter to you when it comes to dating? Not at all for me. When was the last time you painted something? Not since I was still in school and took a Painting course. When was the last time you really felt alive, and what were you doing? I have NO idea. What is one question you would like an answer to? Why the worst things tend to happen to good people. Name one favorite thing to do with kids while babysitting. I don't babysit, but if I was to be in charge of a kid, I'd love to teach them to play video games from my childhood. Playing Pokemon with my niece and nephew is always a blast, ahhhh. Name one flavor you like. Strawberry is pretty consistent. Name one thing you are hoping for. Venus' new terrarium soon... big sigh. I can't for the life of me find one that's a reasonable price and also adequately sized. I'm willing to put the rest of my cash into it, but Mom is helping, so I can't just buy the first one I see. Then I'd need more substrate, I seriously want a temperature gun and hygrometer, a cool hide, sticks and stuff for cover... It's going to be expensive, but I want Venus to have a truly proper environment she can thrive in. Write the name of one of your imaginary friends from when you were younger. Oddly enough, I can't remember the imaginary wolf that was my "friend." I say "oddly" because his whole idea was important to me as a weird-ass kid. Name one girl's name that starts with a "J" that you like. "Justine." Name one boy's name that starts with a "J" that you like. Maybe "Jaxson." Have you ever been kissed? Yeah. Have you ever feared that you would be killed? It's never been like, a fear I actively worry about. I just acknowledge it's always a possibility for anyone. What is the last great opportunity you missed? This was quite a while ago by now, but I'd say by dropping out of school, I really let photography opportunities slip since I became the newspaper photographer...
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idreamofhazeleyes · 5 years
Ties in Blood -- Chapter 28
Sorry it took so long to get this done. Life threw a few curve balls my way in being fired from my job and needing to find another and other family issues. I might try and do a drabble or two and add to Aaliyah’s hunting journal.
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @winchestergirl-13 @percussiongirl2017 @optimisticpeacecollector5 @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid
Chapter 28
Aaliyah picked another piece of ghoul out of her hair and flicked it away with a twist of her wrist. The hunt had taken three days longer than expected and she had smelled better after a week at the teaching hospital. She closed her eyes in the effort to recover from the rush of adrenaline after the fight. Leaving the ghoul remains behind in the abandoned building, Aaliyah climbed into her car and tossed the machete onto the back seat. Cricket chirping filled the air and she swore there was an owl nearby. A scream sounded in the night when her cell started to ring. Something she wasn’t about to admit to Sam as she answered the call.
“What’s up?”
“We picked up a case that’s probably nothing,” Sam started. “We could just use another pair of eyes.”
“What’s the case?”
“You hear of these mystery spots dotted around the country?”
Aaliyah could hear Sam was trying to beat around the bush in asking her to meet up with them at one of the spots. “Heard of, but tend to avoid them. There’s nothing really special about them. What’s up with this one?”
“A man disappeared there.”
She half bit a lip in thought. “Alright. Send me the motel details and I’ll be out that way after a shower and a few hours of sleep.”
“Sure thing.”
Aaliyah hung up and felt her cell buzz a few minutes later with the text from Sam. Driving off from the area, she admitted to herself that she had missed the two brothers. Part of her felt guilty for not even calling them after Christmas, but they did have more important things to worry about. And joining them on this missing person’s case would give her the chance to find out what they’ve been up to.
The Heat of the Moment was muffled playing from one of the motel rooms when Aaliyah shut her car door. She went to the back and pulled out her gear bag and clothes bag before going for the room playing Asia. Her sweatpants hung baggy off her legs in the few feet to the door. It had been a more comfort decision than a function one. An eyelid twitched, probably from the long drive.
“Aaliyah,” Dean greeted when he opened the door. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“Yeah, saw a missing person’s case and decided to check it out,” she lied. “I saw the Impala in the lot, and with Asia playing…”
“Figured you’d ask for help.”
“That the three of us can figure it out together,” Aaliyah corrected. “Give me a few minutes to change and we’ll head out for breakfast.”
Aaliyah slid into the booth and settled in while Sam sat next to her. She listened as Sam summed up the case of how the man disappeared at the mystery spot.
“Sounds like a Fed suit case,” she said when he finished. “And that it’ll be nothing but a waste of time.”
“That’s what I said,” Dean said. “But we’re here.”
A waitress sporting a name tag that read “Doris” came up. “You three know what you want?”
“The special,” Dean said. “Side of bacon and a coffee.”
“Two coffees and a short stack,” Sam said.
“Ice tea, sweet and milk. And chocolate chip pancakes,” Aaliyah rounded out the order.
“We should be going after Bela,” Dean said when Doris walked away.
“Not her again,” Aaliyah moaned. “You’re just sore she took off with your scratch offs.”
“And she didn’t with yours, is that it?”
“Yeah, she didn’t. Because I was smart.”
“Okay, you two,” Sam cut in. “Until we find out where Bela’s been, we got this.”
Aaliyah looked over his arm as he unfolded the newspaper clipping. “Dexter Hesslebeck last seen in Broward Florida. What’s he some sort of relation to Knight Rider?”
“Where was he last seen?” Dean asked.
“His daughter,” Sam said after giving Aaliyah a ‘not funny’ look. “Said he was on his way to the county’s mystery spot.”
“I don’t see how this calls for the three of us,” Aaliyah told Sam. “Most of these spots are tourist traps.”
Doris returned with their drinks and somehow the hot sauce fell off the tray.
Aaliyah followed along after the brothers as Dean tried to figure out why the mystery spot was a big deal.
“I’m just saying,” Sam said. “There are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people. The Bermuda Triangle, the Oregon Vortex…”
“Broward County Mystery Spot?” Dean countered.
“Okay, some places are legit,” Sam gave.
Aaliyah side stepped around the woman carrying a stack of fliers.
“The lore’s nuts,” Sam continued. “It says that the magnetic fields in these places are so strong it can bend space time and send victims who knows where.”
“Sounds a little X-Files to me,” Aaliyah spoke up. She moved around a couple movers in their attempt in moving a desk into a building.
“Alright, I’m not saying it’s not happening,” Sam gave up. “But if it is, we should check it out.”
“Alright, we’ll go tonight,” Dean said. “After they close and get us a nice long look.”
The flashlight reflected the neon green paint into her eyes as she followed Sam into the hallway. It had been a sudden change from the dark outside the building. She closed her eyes and put a hand to her head in an attempt to not get a headache. A hand rested on a shoulder as if the owner asked if she was okay.
“Damn paint job,” she commented, opening her eyes.
Aaliyah flicked her own flashlight on and drifted away from the brothers. She shook her head in amusement at them in her own search. She lost sight of them as she rounded a corner and nearly ran into a shotgun.
“What the hell are you doing here?” a male voice asked, carrying through the room. “You here to rob me?”
Aaliyah put her hands up. “No, not here to rob you. I can explain.” She heard rushed footsteps behind her.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Dean’s voice carried over. “How ‘bout we put the gun down and we talk about this like people?”
Aaliyah didn’t move as Dean moved around her to put himself between her and the other man.
“Don’t move,” the man said.
“Dean,” Aaliyah whispered, a sense of foreboding washed over her.
A gun blast echoed in the room followed by a thump of a body hitting the floor. Sam was there at her side while Aaliyah stepped over Dean.
A switch had flipped in her when she moved toward the man in a predatory fashion. He turned and started to run from her. At one point he disappeared around a corner, and Aaliyah couldn’t find him.
Aaliyah blinked a few times to find herself sitting in her car. Something was off. The last thing she remembered was chasing after the guy that shot Dean at the mystery spot. She climbed out of the car and grabbed her bag and started for the room blasting In the Heat of the Moment. Everything seemed the same. The way the wind blew, her sweatpants brushed up against her legs, even that irritating eyelid twitch from the drive.
“Liyra,” Dean greeted when the door opened. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“I … um … caught wind of a missing person’s case,” she said. “Figured I’d get it or run into the two of you.” She walked into the room and heard the door close behind her.
“We’re on the same case,” Dean admitted.
“Want another set of eyes?”
Aaliyah caught Sam walking in from the bathroom and narrowed her eyes. There was something she couldn’t place written on his face. Like he had noticed the change.
“It wouldn’t hurt,” Dean agreed.
“Give me a few minutes to change and we’ll head out for breakfast.” Aaliyah started for the bathroom.
“Hey, Aaliyah.” Sam’s voice was quiet as he followed after her. “Quick question.”
“What’s up?” She dumped her clothes bag down as Sam stood by the door.
“Are you getting the feeling that you’ve done this before?”
“Déjà vu?”
“More like Groundhog’s Day.”
Aaliyah looked up from her bag and into the mirror that reflected her ragged self back. Groundhog’s Day would explain it better than Déjà vu. “So, how do we break it? I mean, didn’t Murphy figure out how in the movie?” She pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt before toeing off her boots. “Would it work with us?”
“Probably not. There’s gotta be a reason why we’re stuck in a loop here.”
Aaliyah shed her shirt and sweats before threading her limbs into the jeans and a clean shirt. “So, we just keep going until something is outta place?” She put her boots back on and turned to Sam. “How long do you think that’ll last?”
Aaliyah stared at the tally marks in her journal. If her math was right, Dean ‘died’ over a hundred times. Each time was something different no matter if they all stayed at the motel, went to the diner for breakfast, or changed a small detail in the day. Aaliyah had gone out and picked up breakfast before going into the boys’ room, gotten her own room, even stayed in her car the whole day.
The door bell rang out, bringing Aaliyah’s attention up to see Sam and Dean. She closed her journal as they walked over and joined her at the booth. Sam slid in next to her while Dean took the other side, giddy about the Tuesday special of ‘pig and a poke’. She adjusted herself against the wall and looked over the people eating at the bar. The man that had maple syrup with his pancakes for the past several loops suddenly had what looked like strawberry. With a finger out of Dean’s eye sight to poke Sam, Aaliyah gestured with her head to the Pancake Man. Nothing had changed until now. Why was that?
“It doesn’t make sense,” Sam said. “Why change now?”
Aaliyah shrugged. “Think it’ll stop now?”
Aaliyah stared out of the windshield. Another loop. She reached for her bag and climbed out of the car and headed for the motel room. She opened the door without bothering to knock.
“No knock?” Dean called out.
“Nah. Figured the worse I get is a gun to my head.” Aaliyah freed the same pair of jeans and shirt she had a hundred times before. “Sam here?”
“Yeah. What’s up, Liyra? You’re normally not like this.”
“Just wanna get a jump on this missing person case.” She stripped off her shirt and sweats and put on the clean clothes. “Who wants breakfast?”
Aaliyah sat at the booth next to Sam and Dean’s, one leg against the outside of the seat and the other under the table. She had brought along her journal in the attempt of adding to the entry on “Groundhog’s Day”. The half filled page had been opened for the past ten minutes in her attempt. Behind her Dean was trying to understand what was going on while Sam kept an eye on Pancake Man. She heard someone move and head for the door. Her eyes shifted up to see Pancake Man on the other side of the door. Already on the move, she closed her journal and reached the door seconds before Sam and Dean.
Something hit her free hand as Sam came up beside her on the sidewalk.
“It’s a Trickster,” he whispered. “Only way to kill one with a stake covered in lamb’s blood to the heart.”
“Thought you guys took care of one.”
“We did. Could be another one.”
Aaliyah nodded as Sam took the lead in their trail after the man. Behind her she could hear Dean asking what was going on. Her hunting switch had flicked on and nothing short of solving the case could switch it off. She was steps behind Sam as he grabbed the man and tossed him into a fence.
“What’s going on?” the man asked.
“It took a while, but I figured out who you are,” Sam said, the stake to the man’s throat. “Or what you are.”
Aaliyah tightened her grip on the stake when she came up on the man’s other side. There was a second she had seen him look at her like he recognized her.
“Please don’t kill me,” he begged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh, Sam?” Dean tossed in.
“It’s your MO, isn’t it? Going around giving pompous jerks their just desserts,” Sam continued. “Your kind loves that, don’t they?”
“Yeah, sure, okay.”
Aaliyah heard the man’s voice shake a little from frayed nerves.
“How ‘bout we put the stakes down,” Dean suggested.
“There’s only one creature that’s powerful enough to do what he’s doing,” Sam countered. “Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops. You’d have to be a god to be able to do that. Like a Trickster.”
“Name’s Ed Colman,” Ed stumbled over. “My wife’s Amelia. I got two kids, I sell ad space…”
“Don’t lie to me,” Sam yelled. “We killed one of you before.”
Aaliyah’s jaw dropped when “Ed Colman” morphed into a whole new person.
“Actually, bucko, you didn’t,” the new man said.
“Why are you doing this?” Aaliyah asked, stepping forward.
The Trickster turned his attention to her and smiled. “You friends here tried to kill me. Why wouldn’t I do it?”
“I wasn’t there. So why did I get stuck?”
“Because you’re tied to them,” the Trickster told her. “You may not have been there last time, but you know how the life turns.”
“And Hasselbeck?” Dean chimed in.
“That putz? Said he didn’t believe in wormholes. So I dropped him in one.” The Trickster laughed. “Then you two boys showed up.”
“This is fun to you?” Sam asked. “Killing Dean over and over?”
“Yes, it is. And the joke’s not on him, bucko. It’s on you, Sam. Watching your brother die every day, forever.”
“Still doesn’t explain why I’m stuck seeing it,” Aaliyah said. “No. You know what, it ends now.” She took two steps forward, lifting her stack.
“Now, hold up a second love,” the Trickster said. “It was all a joke; I was playing around.”
“Making us watch Dean die a hundred fucking times isn’t a joke,” Aaliyah shouted.
“You’re out; all of you. When you wake up tomorrow, it’ll be Wednesday. I swear.”
“You’re lying,” Sam said.
“If I am, you know where I’ll be,” the Trickster said. “At the diner having pancakes.”
“Easier just to kill you.”
Aaliyah couldn’t move fast enough before the Trickster snapped his fingers.
Once again she looked out the windshield at the exterior of the motel. Part of her just wanted to recline the seat back and sleep a while. It was either going to be another Tuesday, or the Trickster actually fixed it that the day was in fact Wednesday.
Aaliyah just settled in for a nap when a gunshot rang out. She opened the car door and rolled out just as Sam raced from the motel room. A quick look around showed the shooter, who panicked and ran. She gave chase but lost him after a few blocks. Defeated, Aaliyah jogged back to the motel parking lot. There Sam held Dean in his arms, dead.
“We should have woken up,” he said. “Something’s way off.”
“The Trickster,” Aaliyah told him. “He said it’d be Wednesday when we woke up next. Not that Dean won’t die.” She took a step back when he looked up at her; a predatory glare on his face.
“Then we hunt it down.”
“Sam…” She trailed off when he stood and started to work on taking care of Dean. “Keep in touch, huh? If there’s anything on the Trickster, I’ll let you know.”
Aaliyah grabbed her clothes back and ducked into the motel room to change. By the time she emerged, Sam had driven off. With nothing to keep her in town, Aaliyah drove off and passed by the diner.
Aaliyah fumbled with her phone while trying to keep the car in the lane. The past six months had been more finding any sign of the Trickster than hunts. Sam hadn’t helped by calling every few days asking about it.
“Hey, Bobby,” Aaliyah greeted.
“Hey, Kid,” he replied. “How’s the hunt?”
“Hard. Sam’s been pushing it harder than before. I love him as a brother, you know that Bobby. But this is how they all got into hunting in the beginning.” Aaliyah heard some shuffling on Bobby’s end. “This isn’t some curtesy call, is it?”
“Sam says he found him,” he said. “Think you can haul ass back to the mystery spot?”
“I’m about a day’s drive out, but I can make it. I’ll let Sam know when I’m close.”
“Aaliyah.” The sound of actual concern in Bobby’s voice caught her from hanging up. “Be careful, will yah?”
“That green and black paint job still creeps me out,” Aaliyah commented when she walked into the room Bobby set up with the trap. “Need a hand?”
“Just about set. You hear from Sam?”
“He’s a few minutes out. Should be here soon.” Aaliyah stepped around the chalked diagram, making mental notes for any possible future use. “You really think this will get the Trickster here?”
She looked toward the door when it opened and Sam stepped into the room.
“It’s the last place the Trickster worked his magic,” Bobby answered.
“What else do we need?” Sam asked.
“How much?”
“Ritual calls for a gallon. And it’s gotta be fresh.”
“That’ll bleed someone dry,” Aaliyah claimed. It got mild shocked looks from the two men. ��Former nurse, remember?”
“The ritual needs to be done tonight,” Bobby continued. “Or not for another fifty years.”
“Then let’s go get some.” Sam started for the door.
“Sam, wait,” Aaliyah called after him.
“You think I’m gonna let you kill an innocent?” Bobby countered.
Sam turned to him. “Then why’d you bring me here?”
Aaliyah shifted her eyes between them. Some part of her understood where Sam was coming from, but to go out and kill someone who had done nothing wrong was taking a step over that line that blurred for them.
“Because it was the only way you’d see me,” Bobby shouted. “I’m trying to knock some sense into you. I thought you’d back down from killing an innocent man.”
“You thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I’ll do it myself.”
“You can’t be serious, Sam,” Aaliyah cut in. “Killing an innocent man just to get Dean back?”
“You would for your siblings,” Sam yelled.
“I’d do just about anything for them, but not what you’re wanting to do.”
“If you’re so hell bent on killing someone.” Bobby held up a knife to Sam. “Kill me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Better me than a civilian.”
“You’re crazy, Bobby.”
“Oh, now I’m the crazy one? Look, Sam. I’m near the end of my line. But you can keep fighting. But you need your brother. Let me give him back to you.”
“You boys are the closest I have to a family,” he cut in.
Aaliyah stood there and watched Sam take the knife and Bobby knelt in the circle. The air in the room seemed to stand still. Her skin tingled as a shiver ran up her spine. Something was off here. She stood there and watched Sam put a stake through Bobby’s chest.
“What the hell, Sam?”
“It’s not Bobby.”
Aaliyah went to move into the circle as Sam yelled at Bobby’s corpse before it disappeared. The stake that had been in Bobby’s chest flew back into Sam’s hand before the Trickster appeared.
“You’re right,” he said. “I was messing with you. Pretty good, Sam. Whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one hadn’t seen you with a sharp object.”
“Bring him back,” Sam demanded.
“Who? Dean? Didn’t you get the flowers I sent? Dean’s dead, and he ain’t coming back. His soul’s downstairs doing the hellfire rumba as we speak.”
“Send us back to that day it started,” Aaliyah spoke up. “Please.” She stood her ground when the Trickster turned his attention to her. “I swear I won’t come after you.”
“You. You I believe. Sammy here, I’m not too keen on believing.”
“You believe her over me?” Sam asked.
“You did chase after him for six months,” Aaliyah pointed out. She shrugged when Sam looked at her. “It’s true.”
He lowered his gaze and sighed. “I swear, no more chasing.”
“Yah know,” the Trickster said, swaying a little. “I don’t know if I could.”
“You can,” Sam countered.
“But it doesn’t mean I should,” the Trickster said. “There’s a lesson I’ve tried beating into that skull of yours.”
“What lesson?”
“This obsession to save Dean. The way the two of you always sacrificing yourselves for each other. Nothing good comes of it; just blood and death. Dean’s your weakness. Even Aaliyah over here has become a weakness to you. All three of you are each other’s weaknesses; and the bad guys know it. It’ll be the death of you, Sam. Sometimes you have to let people go.”
Aaliyah’s heart pulled for Sam. For all the hunts and life pains that they shared, she couldn’t imagine losing any of her siblings. She went through hell trying to save Xander; first from the vampire then at the assisted living and the Djinn. She walked over to Sam, his face pulled down and a tear threatened to fall.
“He’s my brother,” he said.
“And like it or not, that’s what life is gonna be like without him,” the Trickster countered.
Aaliyah looked at the Trickster. There was some sort of shimmer around him that wouldn’t focus when she trained her eyes right on it.
“Please,” Sam pled.
“I swear, it’s a brick wall with you. Look, this stopped being fun months ago. I’m over it.”
“Meaning what?”
“For me to know and you to find out.”
Aaliyah swore the Trickster winked at her before he snapped his fingers.
She shifted around in the bed and moaned. A hand moved and brushed against the cheap motel sheets. It took another minute or two before her sleep addled brain to wake up enough to make the connection. The Trickster must have made it so she wasn’t pulling up to the motel in her car. Her mind caught the radio not playing Asia as Sam and Dean talked.
“Hey, sleepy head.” A pillow landed on Aaliyah’s head. “Come on, don’t wanna be wasting the day.”
Aaliyah yawned and stretched before working herself up into sitting. Her shirt and bed pants were a bit skewed from the few hours of sleep. She sat there with a leg hanging off the bed and watched Sam go over and hug Dean.
“Dude, how many Tuesdays did you have?” Dean asked.
“Too many,” Aaliyah replied. “You remember anything?”
“That Sam was out of it and getting up with the Trickster. That’s about it.”
Aaliyah worked herself to her feet and ambled for the bathroom. “Give me five to get dressed, guys.” She sat on the toilet.
“In the bathroom?” Sam asked.
“You know that line is so blurred, it might as well not be there,” Aaliyah said with a smirk on her face. “After all the hunts and mutual wound stitching sessions we’ve head, it’s not there.” She stood and pulled her pants up. “You two got a case, or are we gonna split for a while?”
“I was thinking breakfast,” Dean said.
“No breakfast,” Sam said. “And wait on packing the car; I don’t wanna any chances.”
Aaliyah smiled more to herself in her changing efforts. She understood where Sam was coming from. Once changed, she stuffed her clothes back into her bag and sipped it. “I’m set.”
“You two don’t look so good,” Dean said. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else?”
“Just a weird dream,” Sam said.
“Clowns or midgets?”
Aaliyah chuckled at it as she followed Dean out of the motel room, the sense that no matter what, there could be no saving her older brother.
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mianaac-blog · 5 years
The Greatest Guide To banana face mask
https://www.wikihow.com/Make-All-Natural-Face-Masks on an organic and natural kick today and I like not To place nearly anything on my skin that I could not, perfectly, take in. This implies I'm moisturizing much more with oils (Imagine sweet almond and coconut), I am scrubbing my skin and lips with brown sugar and coconut oil, I'm steaming my face about my teapot and i am taking baths in milk and salts. All You need to do is unfold some honey about your face and wait quarter-hour. Clean https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask off applying lukewarm water, then gently pat your face dry using a tender, clean up towel.[23] [two] In addition, orange peel also incorporates potassium that can help the skin keep its humidity as well as magnesium that helps fight skin ageing induced by mobile oxidative problems. Suffice to convey then, that the rightful place for orange peels just isn't within your trash can but inside your attractiveness regimen. "My face is very oily and I have blackheads on my nose and chin. This worked really well, I will be applying it twice every week from now on."..." additional AO Afi Owusu I tried it yesternight …… The results had been remarkable …… My face was truely glowy glowy ……. I utilised the rice powder wnich I've grinded myself…. It has a little gritty composition which gave a wonderfull scrubbing xperience ….. Totaly in really like with the results….. *Thankyou* *thankyou* You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in in your Hubpages account. No info is shared with Facebook Except you interact with this function. (Privacy Coverage) bdw I've a question … Can a lady eat tangy oranges for the duration of her intervals …. I suggest vitt c contented eatables For hundreds of years, individuals have been working with honey masks to be a remedy for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. There's not only one recipe for just a honey mask that treats acne, but relatively, it might be comprised of different combos of herbs along with other substances. On this page, we’ll make an effort to include all related facets linked to utilizing honey masks as a treatment method for acne. Mixture skin signifies you will have a slightly oily T-zone and drier cheeks with dry patchy places below and there. This rose-primarily based mask is ideal for balancing out the oily and dry regions of your skin. We will make use of your facts to handle your account and requests and for study and analytics. We may perhaps share your details with dependable events acting on our behalf together with other The Body Shop firms. Honey consists of a significant serving of antioxidants for moisturized and vibrant skin. Polyphenols in honey damage no cost radicals that bring about oxidative worry in skin cells, thereby slowing down the growing older technique of skin. OEM ODM rorec moisturizing nourishing Olive honey aloe vera pomegranate blueberry cucumber sheet face mask Avoid the Solar between 10am and 2pm, as This really is when its rays are most dangerous.[18] If you don't like wearing sunscreen, consider using a moisturizer or Basis that have already got sunscreen in it.
5 Easy Facts About strawberry face mask Described
Banana Face Mask For Different Skin Types Get 1 ripe avocado, take out seed and 1 medium sized banana and blend it to kind a thick paste. Include 1 tbsp of honey and mix all the ingredients extensively. Apply this paste all on your own face (keep far from eyes), neck and hand and canopy your eyes with cucumber slice. Honey is naturally antibacterial, which allows your skin fight off acne. Moreover it has an a fantastic antioxidant potential, and you desire antioxidants about to battle the no cost radicals that hurt the skin. Keep your eyes crystal clear even though implementing these banana face mask, Go over your eyes with freshly Minimize cucumber slices. This also help to lessen the appearance of darkish circle below your eyes. Together, they cited info from 27 references. wikiHow's Articles Management Crew carefully monitors the perform from our editorial team to make certain that Every short article fulfills our substantial benchmarks. When you have cystic acne, white toothpaste (not gel) is an excellent remedy. Use some prior to deciding to head over to mattress each night time, and you will see a massive difference any time you get up. No prob, Amy! Just desired to Enable you to and anyone else examining that I feel Costco carries that very same manufacturer of coconut oil for a few bucks a lot less. I don’t Dwell around a Costco, but anybody else who does is likely to be happy to know that You might really feel a slight stinging through the baking soda, if you have delicate skin. On the other hand, don’t stress the baking soda doesn’t warrant a serious concern. In case you are uncertain how your skin will react into the baking soda, examination a small, inconspicuous area of your face very first right before making use of it throughout. "It really is definitely refreshing and successful. It's the easiest face mask to help make with what is actually by now on-hand. I attempted it and obtained Excellent effects."..." far more CK Corrina Knape Orange peel incorporates highly effective Houses that aid hold aggravating pimples away. Utilize a thick coat of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and generate out the Grime, grime, surplus oil, and microorganisms, all of which result in pimples and blackheads to type within the skin surface. To have the most bang on your buck and the ideal results, look for cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil. I use THIS coconut oil. You will discover chilly pressed, unrefined coconut oil in the majority of grocery and overall health food items retailers. "I know that almost everything in this article will function. I'm hoping for the very best! Thanks a great deal!" AA Abhishek Arora Incorporate the dairy product and stir right up until a sleek paste varieties. You should utilize a lot less dairy if you like a thicker paste. 4 tbsp. finely floor espresso or coffee beans (now floor coffee and also prompt coffee perform if you do not have your personal grinder) As this mask could possibly get messy, it would be a good idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You might also want to contemplate draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders to safeguard your apparel.
Not known Details About honey face mask
Together, they cited details from 27 references. wikiHow's Content material Management Crew carefully displays the do the job from our editorial workers to make certain each posting fulfills our significant benchmarks. Kindly suggestions on the most effective blend to first obvious the black acne heads, which resulted from my buying the face. It occurs unconsciously. Next is to restore my glowing sleek skin texture. As it burns I am able to’t leave it on for too extended. I clean it off and utilize the rest of the banana and depart it on for fifteen-20 min and clean it off with chilly drinking water and end off having a moisturiser. I'm loving it. Perfect for troubled skin. Some medical doctor’s termed that banana is really a purely natural Botox as this is a purely natural approach to achieve youthful skin that’s free of charge from pimples and wrinkles. In this banana face mask, I incorporate yogurt and orange juice. In case you read my preceding posts you may know that I wrote a write-up on how to handle acne utilizing papaya With this submit I wrote numerous ways to employ papaya to treat acne. Originally, apply the yogurt evenly about your face and depart on for quarter-hour. If following a couple of days you are feeling like your pores are smaller sized and skin Over-all enhanced, try out preserving the mask on for a longer time future time. (i) Whilst implementing a natural face mask such as this, help it become positive to stand about your sink or in bathroom to stay away from slippage on the floor. Tend not to rub your face to wipe from the mask, just use a clean cloth with warm h2o. It makes the removing much easier. Wear dark outfits while you are applying this mask since it stains the clothes (I learnt it the hard way!). This mask by itself gained’t dispose of the acne episodes. You might have to do that mask as well as other residence-treatment. To your acne and pimple complications research This page. This site has very best treatment options for acne and pimple concerns: Scientific studies have revealed that egg proteins significantly contribute in preserving the elasticity of skin. An egg incorporates about 69 distinctive proteins, which have the magical electrical power of lowering good traces and provides temporary reduction for the deep kinds. i am having pimples for 1 calendar year i utilized many but practically nothing worked .could you advise me by utilizing pimples and marks received by them The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and improve the potential of breakouts for individuals who have acne vulnerable skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects include the unfold of germs over the skin, as raw egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that might cause foodstuff poisoning.
Top Guidelines Of egg white face mask
As this mask might get messy, It could be a smart idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You may additionally want to contemplate draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders to protect your outfits. It also will help take out blackheads and scars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJNSnAWK8Y is surely an age-outdated skin cleanser. It eliminates impurities and performs like a normal emollient. Has highly effective antibacterial Homes. Kills microorganisms to stop incidence of pimples and acne. Enable your acne and rough skin troubles disappear Then you can certainly use these cures to eliminate dark circles: Simply because cinnamon is so effective, I'd personally propose only using this honey mask as soon as per week at most. You can utilize one of many other, gentler honey masks on other days in the event you’d like. Thanks in your quick reply. Could you please allow me to know any face pack which I'm able to use day by day in order to avoid extreme oil on my face. Transform and detoxify your skin which has a facial mask formulated to expose pure, clean and dazzling skin To accomplish your registration you should enter the verification code you acquired on your cellular. In case you haven't gained the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 It’s all approximately the person skin. A lot of people locate basic, organic yogurt functions like a magic to deal with acne, Other people obtain their skin is worsened. So, attempt it some instances and check its result upon your skin over a number of weeks. Make sure you recommend some excellent face mask to ensure my skin will likely be distinct from small acne on forehead and oil. Hope you may me to receive very good skin:) This stone mask within the pre-ceramic neolithic period of time dates to 7000 BC and is probably the oldest mask on the earth (Musée "Bible et Terre Sainte") Immediately after implementing honey compresses for eight times, he identified the microbes had entirely disappeared with no his taking just one antibiotic. And how to care day-to-day regime fir my below eye skin to help keep it youthful for prolonged a long time. Be sure to assistance me…. Here are several of the greatest pure moisturizers for oily skin. As you're a male, use these skin care strategies for Guys:
The 5-Second Trick For coffee face mask
In case you are looking for an all-pure Option for managing acne, good lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, then you might want to consider using an egg white mask. These masks, which you can have completed skillfully or make at your house, are considered helpful in managing many skin difficulties due to the proteins current while in the egg whites, which could boost skin tone and elasticity. Incorporate brown sugar to desired thickness. The amount of brown sugar you include will rely all on your own preferences. If you need the paste to become thicker, incorporate a lot more sugar; to get a lighter, runnier exfoliating paste, add considerably less sugar. Hi Fahi! Sure, I’d give it a try and see how your skin likes it! But something else that actually works very well for obvious pores is my deep pore cleaning mask recipe — I think you’ll definitely like that a person and spot a big change. Merge lemon juice and olive oil in container. Make certain that They can be nicely blended. You may use the container that you will be storing the exfoliating scrub in. For Sophisticated Dermatology, that affiliation features collaboration in generating, sustaining, and funding This web site. For Formulyst, the affiliation contains that we make a percentage of the proceeds on revenue of Formulyst products that are obtained via our web site as Component of our affiliate partnership. The associations with State-of-the-art Dermatology and Formulyst might have an impact on how products and solutions are reviewed and rated on the internet site. Pour one tsp of sugar into the palm of the hand. You can utilize whichever sugar you prefer. Many people recommend using brown sugar as it’s softer and gentler to your skin.[two] It's also possible to use coarser, granulated sugar if you like. It’s truly a make any difference of non-public choice. Wow, I am able to’t hold out to do this! Likely to test it tonight simply because I can’t wait around. In this article’s the insane issue I put on my face. …I purchase the massive aloe leaves in the make section at Wegmans. I peel them and Lower the insides into very little chunks that I set in a very jar and keep in the fridge. Coconut oil melts with very little warmth. Just putting a dab in strong kind in the palm within your hand will soften quickly. In case you’re concerned about it clogging, I would propose running some sizzling h2o inside the sink with a sprint of dawn dish soap to interrupt it up Once you have completed Together with the oil. It shouldn’t truly do any hurt, even so the dish soap could possibly be a straightforward preventative measure. There are a wide variety of masks used in Africa. In West Africa, masks are Employed in masquerades that sort part of religious ceremonies enacted to communicate with spirits and ancestors. Illustrations tend to be the masquerades of your Yoruba, Igbo, and Edo cultures, such as Egungun Masquerades and Northern Edo Masquerades. The masks usually are carved with a rare ability and selection by artists who will often have acquired their instruction as an apprentice to some learn carver - regularly This is a tradition which has been passed down in just a family by way of numerous generations. You might just preserve it in an air-limited container and set it inside the freezer. Then subsequent 7 days, just take out it about an hour or so before you decide to apply it in order for it to thaw. thanks a lot of Kelly.. My skin looks so fairly each time following I take advantage of this mix.. my skin improving as well .. and i constantly do use this mix in advance of any vital event and also the glow really lasts quite extensive ample for till the top of activities.. like u Rinse your face with awesome water. Rinse your face with interesting water until finally the scrub is completely absent, then pat your face dry with a clean up, dry washcloth. You must notice that your skin includes a slight glow and feels smooth. If you can and you've got the necessary components, then It's a necessity. Nonetheless if you do not have the required ingredients or time, then make it frequent but not every single day. step toremedies for making your account on EverydayMe. This text or item is added to the favorites.
The best Side of yeast face mask
Ideally, implement these egg white face masks about a sink or clean basin to avoid developing a mess. After software, keep your face above the sink for the couple seconds to collect any First drippings. Disclaimer: The content on This website is generic, informational and adjunctive at most effective, but are unable to function a alternative for Specialist health care information. It is actually your decision, you will get a truly feel for what your skin usually takes And exactly how finely ground the coffee is. ​Leftover paste could be saved within the refrigerator for several times. Rinse your face with water, gently pat dry utilizing a tender towel and implement a light cream to seal during the absorbed nutrients. I feel I’ll truly Incorporate three and four due to the fact I've dry and inflamed skin. Among the perks of working with this sort of components is that they received’t react poorly with each other like atore bought ones could! Once i was about fourteen, my hair bought a little oily from my things to do. To keep my hair fresh new longer soon after I washed it, I would use whipped egg white on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me0OTLqmi58 put it in my moist hair, and Permit it dry, then brushed it out. My hair had more volume much too. I'm wondering what my Duchess will think about all that scrumptious egg on my face. Duchess is my attractive cat. Honey is a natural humectant that pulls in dampness in the air, leaving your skin moist and easy, and it could also enable crack up extra sebum that might be clogging up your pores (and bringing about pesky pimples). An egg has quite a few antioxidants which make your skin glow and getting Banana within the face pack adds a far more nutritional importance to it. Additionally, these peels may be soaked in boiling h2o for a day plus the resultant liquid can be utilized for a skin toner. You may as well utilize it like a hair rinse so as to add glow in your hair and dispose of dandruff.   I realized the honey and lemon were being good for the skin but not the egg whites. That is the future issue I need to try out. i do believe that egg white on your own is very productive in dealing with skin concerns, my Tale of acne Once i was eighteen was cured by egg white. After i turned 22 the same remedy. and now im 27,managing my Grownup acne.just dont be lazy Place the egg white and orange juice in a small mixing bowl and whisk until it will become frothy. Insert in turmeric powder and blend extensively. Be certain the combination will not be much too drippy. Working with thoroughly clean palms, implement the combination to the face and therapeutic massage in the circular movement, letting it to sink deep into your skin. Honey and avocado are the best combo of hydrating ingredients for dry skin. Ground almonds gently exfoliate, as well as their excellent fats go away your skin feeling Tremendous gentle. If you want to add more moisturizing Rewards, insert a tablespoon of oil to the combo.
Examine This Report on skin care
How it works: Avocado is good for hydration and it exfoliates and cleans up your pores. Banana On the flip side enable lessening aging indications. Thnx lots fr ur speedy rply chandni…m much relievd nw…m glad dat i cme on diz website page n fulfill a frnd like u…thnx fr such handy n quick Do it yourself property fce packs little doubt as ud skin luks so distinct beautiful n youthful wil test dem as i hve dry skin…can u suggest a simple remedy fr underneath eye dark circles thnx in advnce Splash your face with cold h2o. Make use of the coldest drinking water it is possible to deal with, as this may help near your pores and lock in the main advantages of the mask. Afterward, Carefully pat your face dry with a cleanse, dry washcloth. Magnificence Epic will be the Natural beauty Community that sets a completely new degree of have faith in and honesty in magnificence details. We have been driven by a commitment to enhance Ladies's life by masking everyday breakthroughs in magnificence, Life style and Health. . Any in excess of that and you also’ll be dripping honey all over! I'd a problem with dripping at first, but once I Minimize back on the quantity of honey I used, the problem fixed by itself. In addition to that it’s a little more economical this way, way too! Rub the answer in circular motions over your skin for three to five minutes. You needn’t be as careful when you were together with your face, as being the skin on the remainder of One's body is a lot less sensitive. Now, a lot of the recipes underneath tend to be more effective and will only be utilised 1-2 times weekly. Other individuals You may use each day. I’ve built notes for how often Every single mask really should be applied. Utilizing cleanse fingers, use the mask onto your face and massage it systematically through your face for sixty seconds. Then reapply a thick coat in the mask on to your face and lie down for fifteen mins. Breathe calmly and Assume constructive ideas while letting the mask work its magic! • Merely rubbing clean orange peel in your face allows lighten skin colour. Additionally, it tightens the skin and increases the feel. Thanks for generating your account on EverydayMe. This information or solution has long been included for your favorites. We use cookies to make sure that we give you the best working experience on our Web-site. When you go on to employ This website We're going to believe that you'll be proud of it.Alright Dr. Boling reminds us that bananas have medicinal properties that may be used to soothe many inflammatory skin circumstances, including acne. Dr. Boling states, “According to a 2012 report in the Journal of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry No one will attempt any facial items that do not fetch any Rewards. Bananas have a great reward on our skin. Listed here are awesome banana face mask recipes you You need to use this moisturizing mask a number of occasions a week if you’d like. It’s incredibly Light on this skin.
skin care - An Overview
Our companions use cookies to make sure we show you marketing that may be pertinent for you. If you go on without having Altering your configurations, we'll assume that you're content to acquire all cookies on Boldsky Site. However, you could adjust your cookie configurations at any time. Learn more You are positive to notice a pleasant advancement for your acne scars which can appear less noticeable than just before! Vitamin B – This vitamin can help in protecting against and managing the skin from the signs of aging. Furthermore, it allows in lightening the complexion in addition to nourishes the skin from deep in. This content material is accurate and legitimate to the very best with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized advice from a professional Qualified. Together, they crystal clear up the skin pores. Honey is often a purely natural antioxidant and it has antimicrobial Homes. This eradicates the microbial infections that bring about acne. Korean masks have a long custom affiliated with shamanism and later on in ritual dance. Korean masks have been used in war, on both soldiers as well as their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to push away evil spirits; to recollect the faces of fantastic historical figures in death masks; and from the arts, specifically in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. This can be employed to gather information on traffic to content articles and other pages on our site. Except if that you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable facts is anonymized. Suffering from dry or aging skin? This honey face mask is sure to plump up and moisturize your skin cells and go away you searching fresher and more youthful than ever right before. Supply Also referred to as The Hot Face Mask, it truly is made up of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that triggers the burning feeling, but that’s if you place greater than 1/two a teaspoon! Anti-inflammatory signifies your inflamed crimson acne will likely be soothed and healed, generating them less pronounced. Antibacterial and antiseptic Homes can help fight off acne causing germs and microbes, staving off a lot more acne and pimples. Masks in numerous varieties (sacred, simple, or playful) have performed a vital historic function in the development of understandings about "what this means being human", since they allow the imaginative knowledge of "what it can be like" to become reworked into a different identification (or to affirm an current social or spiritual identification).[22] Not all cultures have regarded the use of masks, but most of them have.[23] Masks in functionality A "shameful" mask (Schandmaske in German) is devised for community humiliation; a well-liked reduced kind are donkey ears for your bad pupil or university student Combining avocado with banana this mask is a terrific way to deeply nourish and moisturize the dry skin from deep in just.
Not known Factual Statements About honey face mask
Almost Never ever had a crack from it Inspite of all prescription drugs internally and externally Despite having household made recipes. I pray this coffee will it for me Stay clear of skin-harmful foods. This contains processed or refined carbohydrates and also harmful fats. Consuming a lot of of such make your skin age faster. Prevent consuming a lot of sugars likewise.[fourteen] It is quite common understanding that oranges undoubtedly are a godsend for your skin. What isn’t emphasised plenty of, nevertheless, is the fact that when it comes to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, by far the most potent part of the fruit is, in fact, it’s peel. Image: Karen Cox/SheKnows For individuals who don’t have enough time to whip up a whole Do-it-yourself banana mask, a refreshing banana versus inflamed skin may well do the trick. To maintain pimples absent, use orange peel mask. In addition it cleans your pores of your dirt and oil and prevent blackhead as well. Insert the olive oil or coconut oil. You will need two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin emotion delicate and smooth. If you do not have olive oil, You can utilize coconut oil instead, which is also incredibly moisturizing. Will not rub your face to wipe off the mask, just make use of a wash cloth with heat drinking water. It will make the removal easier. Do you are doing a thing weird like rubbing a little something all over your face right before a date (or some thing critical), as well? Or perhaps you have got Yet another humorous ritual? I’d love to hear about it! Go away me a comment and let me know so I understand I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff Take into consideration adhering to up with some moisturizer. The lemon With this mask could be a very little drying for your skin. If you discover that your face is a little bit dry, utilize some moisturizer to your face. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 purchased a jar of it from wal mart but was $4 much more Wished I’d found This web site last 7 days. Can’t wait around to try this. I take advantage of coconut oil for a lot of things. This tends to avoid it from acquiring sticky. To protect your apparel, take into account draping a towel in excess of your upper body and shoulders. Picking sorting selection will mechanically update the items that are exhibited to match the selected sorting alternative > Onion juice is widely utilized to be a all-natural cure to treat hair decline and hair thinning. It contains wide quantities of sulfur, that is a component on the amino acids present in the hair. Blend well which has a motorized blender and make use of a beauty brush to apply this egg white face mask in your skin.
Not known Details About strawberry face mask
The amount you exfoliate is up for discussion. Some Women of all ages have skin that receives scaly rapidly. Many others seem dewy and contemporary with minimal fuss. Dermatologist Dr. Wash oranges and peel off the top most section. Seek to stay away from the white part just as much as is possible. For this, you should definitely use a sharp knife. You can buy microdermabrasion kits. See an inventory of the best facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. Individuals in the black bloc at protests commonly have on masks, frequently bandannas, to stay away from recognition, and to attempt to shield from any riot Regulate brokers employed. Rest your self as you await the combination to settle and dry on your own face. You can lie down and breathe deeply, imagining satisfied views! It's also possible to get ready a DIY face mask to eliminate facial hair by mixing egg whites with added-fantastic white sugar and corn starch. The sugar and corn starch flip the whisked egg whites into a peel-off mask on drying. Indeed, it will make a great Light cleanser likewise. I really like how it helps make my face sense within the mornings. Consider an egg as opposed to dairy When you are an egg mask lover, or substitute oils, such as olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, or sweet almond oil In case you have dehydrated skin. If utilizing oils, halve the quantity or it will be also runny. Mash up the banana, then blend in the honey. For most effective effects, put the elements inside a blender. Incorporate more info at social media in the lemon or orange. Use to face for 15 minutes prior to rinsing with a amazing washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth. Stick to together with your regular moisturizer. Coffee and cocoa face masks have long been a favorite of elegance aficionados. As a mix, they minimize puffiness within the face along with the eye location, brighten skin and wake up a dull complexion (good day caffeine!). This facial mask recipe is effective excellent irrespective of your skin form. Mix perfectly having a motorized blender and utilize a beauty brush to use this egg white face mask on the skin. Rites of passage, like initiation of younger members of the family, or funerals, were being carried out in the shrine underneath the look at on the ancestral masks. At https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Banana-Facial-Mask , professional actors would use these masks to execute deeds from the life of your ancestors,[24] Consequently linking the function of mask being a ritual item As well as in theatre. Fantastic and beneficial article. I like something do-it-yourself - It is really usually the purest and Ideal! I would use only organic and natural oranges due to many of the pesticides which can be Typically sprayed on them. Honey for the skin is largely character’s wonder, and these 4 Uncooked honey face mask recipes are a few of my favorite home made recipes for nourishing my skin.
New Step by Step Map For coffee face mask
To begin receiving timely alerts, as demonstrated beneath click on the Inexperienced “lock” icon next to the handle bar Yoghurt, as everyone knows, is a loaded all-natural source of protein and likewise contains lactic acid. This makes it the best ingredient to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin. Banana is packed with skin-useful nutrients and one of them should be to lessen the signs of aging.Indeed, banana will help you banish All those great strains and wrinkles. Oily skin is the main cause of acne breakout. Through the many solutions for oily skin The ultimate way to take care of it really is utilizing banana. Cut down your worry ranges. Strain can not simply wreck havoc on the mind and snooze, but your skin likewise. It can lead to acne, breakouts, along with other skin difficulties. Established practical objectives and boundaries on your own, and leave time every week so as to do things which you delight in. I liked the eggwhite, lemon and honey mask and I will use it 2 times a week. What https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask am i able to use for each day to improve my sagging skin, lighten the dark marks below my eyes and enable my turkey neck? I would like to question if it is regular to possess pink places showing on my face? Because I'm believing that it might be typical and just after it healed then I will have improved result if it healed than utilizing honey mask A straightforward way to independent yolk from whites is you crack an egg right into a bowl and consider an empty drinking water bottle and squeeze it, be sure to maintain that grip. then place the hole from the bottle over the yolk and Allow that grip go and it need to suck the yolk to the bottle. Do this incredibly easy and very effective treatment to deep cleanse your skin and expose a glowing complexion! Blend matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and blend nicely. (If you don’t have matcha powder, Slice open up a inexperienced tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Utilize this for the face and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off heat h2o. The necessary oil should normally be utilised with The essential oil in ideal amount. This maintains a great stability! Hold the mask on for ten to 15 minutes, then wash off with warm h2o. After patting your face dry that has a clean towel, you should definitely moisturize your face to stop your sebaceous glands (which hydrate skin by manufacturing pure oils) from going into overdrive to make up for The shortage of oils. Utilize moisturizer or lotion although your skin remains to be moist. Use facial moisturizers and creams on your own face, and lotions or system butter on Your whole body. Transform the sort of moisturizer or lotion you use depending upon the season. Once i was all over fourteen, my hair got a little bit oily from my functions. To help keep my hair contemporary longer just after I washed it, I might use whipped egg white on it. I place it in my moist hair, and let it dry, then brushed it out. My hair experienced additional volume far too.
sugar face mask No Further a Mystery
You will find a lot of well being and sweetness great things about consuming eggs. Also, Uncooked eggs can be employed to generate DIY hair masks to solve all your hair complications and DIY peel-off face masks to take care of skin complications and help your skin’s All round wellness and overall look. Disclaimer: The articles on This website is generic, informational and adjunctive at ideal, but are not able to serve as a replacement for Experienced medical advice. Turmeric masks are commonly used to even out skin tone and cut down the looks of darkish spots or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching influence though lemon juice and yogurt gently exfoliate to remove lifeless skin and really encourage new cell development. Based on the BBC, a man via the name of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with conserving his leg! Just after being cut by a koi carp, he became infected with Mycobacterium marinum and formulated a uncommon skin condition. Just washed it off. Skin is smother, complexion simply a taaaaaaad little bit brighter (not as dull) and perhaps. Pimples and redness just as prominent, perhaps a bit much more (imagined I suspect that’s through the cinnamon’s The natural way granular and abrasive texture). These four honey face mask recipes use distinctive further components, based upon your skin kind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB0QLruqRrQ are all manufactured with food-dependent ingredients which might be probably inside your kitchen area right now. Uncomplicated and practical! By promoting blood circulation within the skin, orange peel powder encourages a healthy rosy-coloured tone in skin. Enhanced circulation allows nutrients in the blood to get to the skin cells and nourish it. So ladies, future time any time you enjoy tangy oranges, don’t overlook to feed your skin with each of the attractiveness advantages of this Tremendous delicious fruit. That’s it for right now, till next time, consider care and continue to be tuned to IMBB. Here i will discuss 5 uncomplicated recipes to have you begun. Find the one particular that works on your skin form or the challenge you wish to address. No HTML is authorized in reviews, but URLs might be hyperlinked. Opinions aren't for promoting your content or other websites. With this easy blemish-eliminating face mask, You simply need to have two other substances: honey and yogurt. These powerhouse ingredients are filled with nutrients that deliver nourishing Added benefits to skin. Honey, especially, helps in night out discolorations and blemishes on skin. Elizabeth may be the founder and creative director in the Nourished Life. Her mission is to help you persons locate a far more well balanced (much less tense!) approach to living a happy, nutritious daily life. Study more details on Elizabeth in this article. These seem like outstanding face masks, honey does miracles towards your skin and leaves your face amazingly clean! An additional face mask that is super uncomplicated and intensely advantageous is a simple honey and cinnamon mask. The fresh lemon juice also will work to crystal clear acne and lighten the skin to provide you with smooth, blemish-cost-free skin.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pafCn_5-6Oc about strawberry face mask
Vitamin B – This vitamin will help in protecting against and dealing with the skin from your signs of ageing. In addition it assists in lightening the complexion as well as nourishes the skin from deep inside of. Equilibrium out oily skin with a gentle, but efficient orange peel face mask that may leave your skin refreshing and toned. Soon after making use of honey compresses for 8 times, he located the micro organism experienced wholly disappeared with no his having only one antibiotic. Banana is considered as Among the most delectable fruits all around the world. Other than The nice style, there are several skin advantages of banana. Wash oranges and peel off the best most portion. Make an effort to steer clear of the white component as much as possible. For this, ensure that you use a sharp knife. Banana being a wealthy purely natural supply of potassium and vitamin A is regarded as the most effective all-natural skin care ingredients. For those who have an American fashion coffee equipment, use the coffee grinds in the filter; For those who have an Italian style equipment, just unscrew and remove the debris left among the parts of the cafetiere. You may use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook Until you interact using this type of attribute. (Privacy Coverage) I have a little, modest pimple on my forehead(tzone) from so a few years, I have consulted the dermatologist too they gave some creams for software, Till i use Those people creams,my forehead is clear after I ended utilizing once more tiny acne will begin on my forehead. I have troubled skin including clogged pores on my forehead and lots of blackheads on my nose, what would you advise is the greatest purely natural remedies for extracting the Dust and oil in my pores? my skin could get dry pretty quickly nevertheless it tends to be pretty oily :(( गर्म पानी से नहाना पड़ सकता है महंगा-बर्बाद हो सकती है सेक्सुअल लाइफ Egg whites support tighten skin, generating them an efficient household remedy for minimizing appearance of crow’s-toes underneath and close to eyes. This do-it-yourself face mask is healthier if you have sensitive or dry skin, as it's gentler and more nourishing. You'll need ground coffee beans, two times as much floor oats and a tablespoon of honey.  Even though there are numerous skin care solutions out there out there but very little can provide you with with the sort of most effective effects that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles to your skin.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of skin care
Use a heavier, richer 1 over the Wintertime, in addition to a lighter a single in the summer. Contemplate a moisturizer that contains SPF to protect your skin in opposition to the sun's dangerous rays. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689410044/ in vitamin C, orange peel is great for lightening dim spots and acne scars. Evens out skin discolorations Honey's intensive antibacterial motion can cure present acne and prevent any more unwelcome pimples. Honey has amazing antibacterial Homes that assistance sooth irritation and stimulate The expansion of new skin tissue. Hi! Healthmunsta, I thank you for sharing this informative article about egg white face mask. When I was in highschool, I'd a Instructor who instructed me that she works by using egg white and milk combination for her face mask. No, as it has far too much oil in it. The straightforward mask works as the lemon juice acts as an astringent, although the honey can help filter the acne-resulting in germs. Thanks! Sure No Not Valuable 14 Handy 46 You can do the egg white facial as element of your weekly skin servicing plan. For face masks targeted to protecting against excessively oily skin, take a look at this hub in its place: ... I’m undecided in which you acquired the witch hazel from, but that may be a fascinating experiment. Allow us to know the way you want it Limit bath time. Very hot water and extended showers or baths get rid of oils from your skin. Restrict your bath or shower time, and use warm — instead of sizzling — drinking water. Can it be ok To place it on in the evening and snooze in and and acquire better yet success? Or leaving it on from the night time isn’t about to make any difference if leaving it on for 30 minutes? I don’t want to dry out my face If that's so. Many thanks for the posting Incidentally. Use the mask over your face and hold out 20 minutes. Wash it off utilizing lukewarm h2o, then gently pat your face dry by using a delicate, clean up towel.[22] Take into consideration incorporating a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten your skin or cut down acne. 1. As currently stated, orange juice is rich in ascorbic acid written content and deep cleanses the skin carefully. It lightens existing acne spot and blemishes. Orange juice also brightens complexion and retains in Examine abnormal oil secretion. Hi, I used honey mask for 6 times and saw a bright and healthy final result on my face then I try to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and noticed blemishes scattered on my face just on 1st working day of use, I continue working with it on one other working day hoping that It really is just the response of working with it fro the first time. Among The key tips on how to just take care of one's skin is to protect it with the Sunshine. A lifetime of Solar exposure could cause wrinkles, age spots and various skin difficulties — as well as improve the risk of skin cancer.
5 Simple Statements About coffee face mask Explained
Don’t press tough. The sugar will do its do the job In spite of gentle force, so resist the urge to push down hard when you distribute it more than your skin. Hello there, I'm just wondering when there is something I could to eliminate or lower my sagging face specially my chin and jaw location. I absolutely beloved studying your hub! As a youngster my mother would use egg white on her face, but I'd no idea about all the opposite elements you could possibly use to lighten darkish places and hydrate skin! [two] Additionally, orange peel also incorporates potassium that helps the skin retain its dampness and magnesium that helps combat skin growing older induced by mobile oxidative problems. Suffice to say then, that the rightful spot for orange peels is not with your trash can but in your magnificence program. Must you use all of the combination and can you save the rest for one more use? Also, how frequently really should it's utilized? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689372461 may blend them, but this concoction will not have extensive shelf existence. It’s generally far better to prepare contemporary fruits masks for finest outcomes…… one. Just source:- steptoremedies : Mash a ripe banana and implement on the face and skin. Let it sit on the face for 15 minutes then rinse it off with cold drinking water. To work with orange peel powder being a all-natural cleanser, Mix it with just a little h2o for making a paste. Apply it on your skin and go away it on until it dries totally. Eventually, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. Do that before you decide to go to bed and leave the mask on overnight. Rinse your face with warm water the following morning. It is recommended to do this for 2 months then evaluate the results. I have hardly ever utilized it on my skin even though, but I will consider it. Thanks for sharing. I've bookmarked it to refer back I Voted it up and beneficial. Increase a mashed up banana for the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Minimize it to lesser pieces having a knife. Make use of a fork to mash it to your pulp. The banana should help nourish your face. No, as it has a lot of oil in it. via stepto remedies to read the full post will work because the lemon juice acts as an astringent, whilst the honey may help filter out the acne-causing germs. Many thanks! Certainly No Not Practical 14 Handy 46 Comprehensively rinse your face with cool water. Rinse your face with amazing drinking water right until the scrub is totally absent, after which pat your face dry having a clear, dry washcloth. -Everytime you rinse your face or other system areas soon after making use of these masks, never use any type of soap. The truth is, cleaning soap will not be advised to the treatment method of acne, due to the fact the condition goes far over and above basic dirt or oil.
Not known Details About orange face mask
Many of us throw out orange peels the moment they’re done feeding on or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels can be a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a increased vitamin C material when compared to the fleshy inside of! to finish the stash of egg whites I have. When you are searching for a recipe to make use of up your egg whites, look no additional! This recipe takes advantage of four egg whites and It truly is so easy to generate! I have experimented a bit Use moisturizer or lotion although your skin remains damp. Use facial moisturizers and creams on your face, and lotions or entire body butter on One's body. Change the sort of moisturizer or lotion you utilize depending upon the period. Stay clear of paying an excessive amount of time during the sun, and constantly don sunscreen once you do. Pick sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. You ought to use it every single day, even throughout the darker, colder Wintertime months. This mask may possibly seem to some degree Bizarre on This page designed for organic items, but using Aspirin – Honey Mask for dealing with acne is usually a highly effective and easy Option. No HTML is authorized in feedback, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Remarks are not for promoting your articles or other web pages. For additional honey ideas, test honey and cinnamon for brighter skin or honey with cocoa and product to exfoliate. Dermatologists like baking soda as it’s the two anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Mix it with exfoliating lemon juice and comforting honey and you have a gentle but successful mask to aid reduce acne. As you could see, applying an orange peel face mask has several rewards that work for different skin forms. No matter what you may need it for, orange peel powder is without a doubt a blessing. A caution when making use of lemon juice: Lemon might also make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face completely and use sunscreen in the event you’ll be out in the sun before long afterward. This information is accurate and correct to the ideal from the author’s information and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized guidance from a professional Experienced. Will not decide on your pimples. You may make the inflammation worse and you've got a method bigger possibility of obtaining a scar even right after it goes away. There are a selection of good solutions for obtaining rid of pimples on this page on wikiHow. Any time you set the egg white on, lay a single layer of separated tissue paper above your face. Then use a lot more egg above that, after which peel it off. Meditate. That is an historic observe which has been all around for hundreds of years—and once and for all rationale! Many of us see that it can help them clear their minds and unwind.
5 Simple Statements About orange face mask Explained
Apply a moisturizer for your skin. Seal from the moisturizing consequences of the scrub with your favorite moisturizer. You should definitely Obtain your hair away out of your face in advance of applying this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to prevent the mixture from occurring your hair. Have you ever tried using a variation of the honey mask? What are your preferred foods-based mostly components to work with in your skin? Remark below! Conditions & Conditions The photographs depict actual product or service while shade from the image and product or service might a little bit differ. You positive can! Coconut oil is a fantastic splendor oil and yow will discover extra face masks with coconut oil in this article: Tired and out? Spare by yourself a time for Yogurt and Banana face mask to replenish your skin and temper. It energizes the spirit, clams the inflammation, and relaxes the skin. That’s as the career of cinnamon is to scrub your skin from underneath, it brings out all of the microbes and also your skin will get way more acne originally because it is having rid of almost everything beneath but after that your skin will look great–it works just like Proactive, it cleans almost everything beneath advert maintains that cleanliness [25] To apply the sugar scrubs use either your fingers, a cleanse washcloth or thoroughly clean exfoliating gloves.[26] Normally your arms are going to be your best guess as they are by far the most Mild option. This is certainly used to gather info on traffic to posts and other web pages on our web-site. Until you will be signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable details is anonymized. [30] Some experts advocate averting lemon juice all together, as they are acidic and may irritate skin by disrupting the skin’s purely natural pH harmony. Safer alternatives involve pineapple or papaya blended with basic unsweetened yogurt.[31] Some specialists warn in opposition to using sugar to exfoliate skin, mainly because it can result in compact tears with your skin, producing your skin rough, dry, and flakey in the long run.[32] Other specialists recommend against sugar and assert that it basically hastens ageing by binding to proteins like collagen.[33] You should buy microdermabrasion kits. See an inventory of the greatest facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. When you've got drinking water, which you with any luck , do have at hand, use that for making your facial a little bit more watery if needed. You could continue using your facial If you prefer. Go over your overall face, but stay away from your lips and eyes. Don’t make use of a washcloth to rub the sugar into your skin, as this will likely be also harsh of the exfoliant and should irritate your skin. Retinoids (for instance Retin-A or the greater moisturizing Renova) also function by eradicating the top layer of dead skin cells when also creating collagen within the skin. "Collagen is definitely the skin's structural fiber," dermatologist Dennis Gross explained in O Magazine
5 Simple Techniques For orange face mask
The citric acid within the orange peel also exfoliates and brightens up your skin. Here are a few orange peel face masks that you could make at home for the radiant search. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Executing this will take out any Grime and buildup prior to deciding to exfoliate. Be sure to pat your face dry Carefully that has a clean up, dry washcloth just before implementing the sugar-baking soda combination. Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. If you have been to work with a scrub face clean it could irritate your skin. Orange peel has all-natural bleaching Homes which assists lighten places. Honey has effective antiseptic, antibacterial and moisturising Attributes which hydrate and nourish the skin. It's also possible to check out these property therapies to get rid of blemishes. Turmeric is a standard ingredient in Southeast Asian beauty solutions. It truly is beloved for its skin lightening talents. Just be careful, the orange can stain quite light skin. that goes properly with ice product and nearly another kind of dessert sauces or toppings.I had to go searching for some time to search out the proper sort of sugar to make use of on the very best to ensure it would not dissolve Observe The easy fifteen min stay pack time with this mask and pat dry using a clear towel. It will eventually depart your skin experience attractive and easy. Spoon the mixture into your storage container and store. Be sure you near the lid tightly. You may retail outlet the combination within your fridge for approximately 2 weeks. Goaltender mask, a mask worn by an ice or discipline hockey goaltender to protect the head and face from damage Strategy: Combine them all in a bowl and apply a thick coat on your own face. Allow it perform its magic for quarter-hour right until it dries out. Then rinse with drinking water and dry your face by using a towel. Implement a moisturiser instantly to prevent dry skin. How often you exfoliate will rely upon your skin type, age, and weather. Typically twice weekly is ample. For those who have oily skin you are able to do it far more normally; when you’re older and/or have dryer skin, 2 times weekly can be too much.[29] Only use facial masks made up of lemon juice at night. Lemon juice is phototoxic and might raise your hazard of sunburn or simply chemical burns for those who go out in daylight with any residual lemon juice in your skin. Splash your face with chilly water. Use the coldest water you'll be able to handle, as this may assist near your pores and lock in the many benefits of the mask. Afterward, gently pat your face dry which has a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. Mash up the banana, then combine within the honey. For very best success, place the components inside a blender. Increase the juice of the lemon or orange. Apply to face for quarter-hour in advance of rinsing having a amazing washcloth or a steaming heat washcloth. Abide by using your regular moisturizer. The masks are often very exaggerated and formalised, and share an aesthetic with the carved images of monstrous heads that dominate the facades of Hindu and Buddhist temples. These faces or Kirtimukhas, 'Visages of Glory', are intended to ward off evil and therefore are associated with the animal planet as well as the divine.
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mrtroy · 5 years
On Second Thought – 5 / 2 / 19 - A Bo(w)l of Joy
This month’s ‘On Second Thought’ is a bit late, and it’s a bit different than I’ve structured them in months’ past, however, as it relates to mental health – as my ‘OST’ posts are intended to be – the correlation this month has much to do with patience. I think so much of mental health often correlates to our ability to be patient and allow our lives to unfold. *Now, let me be clear, this is not a statement to say that mental illness is a result of lack of patience, or that if someone is mentally ill in some way, that patience will in some way ‘cure’ them. However, in our on-going quests to stay in a good mental frame of mind, I’m of a strong belief that patience is key.
And, today’s story is an unexpected illustration of just how long something can take to begin to play out. The example I’m going to write about today is a long and winding journey for me to become aware of – and enjoy a smoothie bowl of all things. But, I think it’s pretty representative of how life often plays out – and is a good reminder for me to articulate in this season of life.
So, let’s sit back, relax and learn a few things together…  
Memorial Day of 2016, a group of friends and I headed to Hermosa Beach, California to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Two of the members of our traveling group had formerly lived in Hermosa, and served as our tour guides for the weekend. All in all, the entire experience was fantastic. Air BnB. Home-cooked meals. Plenty of beach time, fantastic views, morning runs along the ocean… near perfection.
After the rounds of morning runs, the group would often congregate at a favorite breakfast spot of our former Hermosa residents, called Paradise Bowl. Our friends had lived there a few years earlier and had fallen in love with the concept of smoothie bowls. Grains, nuts, seeds, fruit and even peanut butter could be mixed together to create a tasty, filling and nutritious breakfast. After eating one of these bowls, I found myself well satiated, full of energy, and not feeling gross – the way I might of after eating something heavily processed from a fast-food breakfast menu.
Apparently the bowl craze had been going strong for a few years in Cali, and soon after enjoying them that week on vacation, I saw a few places start to pop up in Chicago that featured similar items on their menus.
A little later, Jamba Juice added them to their menu. (A natural extension, if you ask me)
After that, I began to see in more and more mainstream places.
Let’s fast forward to two weeks ago.
I ran a 5k and after the 5k, I received a free sample of something called a Joy Bol smoothie. It came packaged in a 2-oz. plastic container with a plastic lid that had a foldable spoon included.
For two weeks, it sat in my cupboard as I waited for a day where I could not only eat it, but also investigate a little more about it as I did so.
Today was that day, and man, was it fascinating to make the connection between when I first was introduced to bowls nearly three years ago, to having one in packaged form this morning.
As I Googled Joy Bol smoothie after planning to eat my sample this AM, I came across an article from 2018 that chronicled Joy Bol coming to the UK. The main premise of the article was that the product was targeted at millennials and their busy lifestyle. Hmm. Apparently, at the time of development, there had been 1.5 million posts on Instagram that tagged #SmoothieBowl.
In addition, the product packaging and design had been inspired to capitalize on the trend of younger people doing something called ‘deskfasting.’ Or, eating breakfast at their desks.
As an elderly millennial, but a millennial nonetheless, I could definitely relate to the practice of getting on the train early in the AM and waiting to eat breakfast until I got to my desk. (I do it every day)
In this light, the product made perfect sense.
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The spoon is included. 
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The dry ingredients came in a pre-packaged, pre-measured bowl. To make the smoothie, all you had to do was add water up to a pre-drawn line. And mix it all up with the spoon they already gave you.
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You could make this thing with nothing more than a drinking fountain. All the contents of the packaging are recyclable. They had flavors like strawberry almond quinoa crunch. Perfect for millennials who are into ‘interesting and sophisticated’ flavors. They made note that you could also mix with ‘your milk of choice.’ Great wording for those who may drink soy, oat, or almond milks.
Nutritionally, for 260 calories, you’re right in the neighborhood of a Cliff Bar (250-270) or Belvita breakfast biscuits (230). Eleven grams of protein is a formidable amount for the protein-conscious crowd.
Everything about this product makes a ton of sense.
Going back to the article from 2018, it mentioned how this product had been in development for about eighteen months.
Which, after I did some math, took me back to right around Memorial Day of 2016.Fascinating.
This was right around the time I was first becoming familiar with this concept of bowls. Not surprisingly, it happened in California - a place that tends to be on the front-end of the curve of innovation and trend-setting in the US.
Buried deeper in my research about Joy Bols, was the fact that they are owned by / brought to market by Kellogg’s. This fact isn’t publicized on their packaging, or on their website, however it was mentioned in the article I read about the product, and it is mentioned when you try to buy them from an online retailer.
Kellogg’s took careful steps not to upset their millennial targets by associating their new product with Big Cereal – yes, this is a term that angry dissenters use to chastise Kellogg’s and General Mills over the use of high sugar content and unhealthy ingredients when marketing to kids.
Anyway, it was fascinating to see how Kellogg’s went about this, and how long it took for a trend I had been exposed to, to actually make its way back to me.
Mid 2016, identifying the idea based on behavior in the marketplace. Eighteen months of R&D. Testing in the UK. At some point, someone at Kellogg’s / Joybol identified 5k races as a great place to give out samples.
And, in April of 2019 in Chicago, I got my hands on one.
This fascinated me because I’ve been doing races and other events like the one I did a few weeks ago for years. I’ve gotten scores of free samples, and over time have even gotten samples from the same companies handfuls of times. I’ve ran races in the same location along the lakefront, in the same part of the year, and yet, it took until now to find Joy Bol.
Back to mental health awareness here, now.
The example I’ve been trying to build here is just how long it can take for things in our lives to come to fruition.
One way of looking at this is that after eating a smoothie bowl – and loving it – in May of 2016, it may have seemed like it was poised to become a staple in my life.
However, due to other factors – where I live, ‘deskfasting’ and commercialization timing – it took almost three years for the market to produce a product that I could find and begin to enjoy.
Three years isn’t that long when it comes to product development lifecycles. However, in our lives, three years can seem like an eternity.
Think about how much a child can grow in three years… Think about where you may have been three years ago in your relationship, or your career? Where you might have lived? What our political landscaped looked like…
Heck, the Cubs still hadn’t won the World Series in 108 years as of May of 2016. The Rio Olympics hadn’t happened yet…
I could go on and on down that path.
The grander point is that things take time. Especially, good, well-thought out things. Even if they are seemingly right on the precipice.  
Finding and enjoying Joy Bols over the last few weeks was a timely reminder of these lessons. One that no doubt was appreciated, and was very non-coincidentally named with the word Joy in the title  
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phantomlim · 7 years
Err can I ask 1-50 for the cute asks?
Of course!!!! I love a lot of these questions. Thank you for asking!.
1. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they?
Not that I know of or that I remember. 
2. What is your favourite kind of fruit?
Strawberries or oranges
3. Sweet or savoury?
I need both. If I eat something savoury, I have to have something sweet to balance it out and vice versa. 
4. What is your smallest/pettiest fear?
Compared to everything else I’m afraid of, spiders seems pretty petty, but spiders give me the worst anxiety, so its not really small at all. 
5. What is your least favourite vegetable?
Out of everything I’ve had, probably celery. 
6. What is your favourite art movement?
Man I can do history eras but art eras never stick with me.... Probably impressionism. I love how the colours blend together, yet everything is still very abstract and colourful. 
7. Do you drink milk?
Yes, it’s good. 
8. What was the last line of the last book you read?
“The three extra days were for leap years.” One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
9. Do you like bitter food?
No, not really. 
10. What is the most significant event in your life so far?
I don’t really think anything in my life has been significant. Probably finding out that I would finally be going to Europe. 
11. What is one thing (a book, movie, etc) that has greatly affected you?
Honestly, Rammstein has affected me in more ways than one. They’ve helped me through suicidal thoughts and depression and they’ve helped me discover my identity, and so much more. 
12. What is your favourite breed of dog or cat? 
Husky - Shepard mix. They look like wolves. 
13. List your top 5 favourite turtle names.
Does this mean like. Names for turtles or names of turtles? I’m going with the former. 
Frank, Henry, Tim, Turtwig, Torterra
14. What job would you have if you could have it without going through all of the school or experience that is required?
Probably an environmentalist, or any field that requires me going out into the wild and preserving parks and what not. 
You would’ve thought I would say historian, but I really do want to learn all everything to become a historian. 
15. Are there any names that you dislike so much that you would dislike the person with the name? What are those names? 
No, I don’t like to reduce a person to something that they’re not because of their name. However, I really don’t like the name Brittaney or any of those variations I guess. Every Brittaney I’ve ever met has been a huge jerk. But if I met someone name Brittaney, I wouldn’t keep it against them. 
16. What is your favourite letter?
17. Are there any instruments you wish you played?
I’d love to play bass. 
18. List your best friends.
This is a callout post. Sid, Madi, Ellen/Chase, Jake, Ollie, Liz, Tia, Taylor, Victoria, Brooke, Mihail, Ariel, Lu, Elisa, Samya. There’s probably more but I’m a terrible person and I can’t remember. 
19. Would you rather be a skeleton or a ghost?
That’s tough actually. Maybe a skeleton. But in Skyrim, skeletons are weaker than a rabbit, so probably a ghost. 
20. Do you prefer fish or lizards/snakes? (as pets)
21. Art or music?
I love both of these! I can only enjoy music and I’m not able to create it though, so I’ll probably say art for the sake that it’s something I can actually make.
This question is kinda redundant considering music is a form of art. 
22. What is your favourite type of flower?
All of them. It really depends. I really like zephyranthes because the name is RAD. 
I’ll say forget-me-nots because they’re very beautiful and colourful flowers despite their size. The name is also extremely striking to me. 
23. Soup or salad?
24. Are you good at keeping plants alive?
Yes and no. When I have plants I’m very passionate about them and I want them to last forever. But at some point, I’ll forget to water them and everything goes downhill from there.
25. Do animals tend to like you?
Dogs, yes, because I have a dog myself. Cats, sometimes. 
26. What is the worst book you’ve ever read?
Twilight probably.
27. Do you collect anything?
Photos of paul landers on my phone. Plants
28. How many pillows do you sleep with?
29. What is the latest you’ve ever woken up?
1 pm. I hate waking up late.
30. How many pictures are on your walls?
None. Unless drawings count.
31. What age did you stop keeping stuffed animals on your bed?
I’m almost 18 and I still have a stuffed animal on my bed, are you kidding me?
I’ve had a lot of mental anguish in my life and that stuffed animal has helped me sleep so many times it deserves to stay there. 
32. What is your favourite candy?
Um. I don’t really eat candy that often. Probably skittles? They’re not TOO sweet so they dont give me migraines. 
33. What is your favourite baked good?
Y’know those brownies that are fused with chocolate chip cookies? Yeah those. I also love those frosted cookies.
34. Do you have a camera? If so, what kind?
35. Do you wear jewelry?
I have a necklace with a dragonfly pendant on it that I haven’t taken off ever since I got it when I was 15 honestly. 
Sometimes I wear my class ring from my high school, but I’m too scared that I’ll lose it. 
36. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise. There’s something magical about the world lighting up at sunrise that sunsets don’t really have. 
37. Do you like to listen to music with headphones or without headphones?
Depends. If I want to be left alone, then with headphones. If I’m just somewhere hanging out, then without headphones. 
38. What was your favourite show as a child?
Heck if I can remember. Spongebob probably. It still is my favourite but whatever. I stopped watching tv when I was like 7. 
39. Describe your favourite spot in your house?
My windowsill. On it are 3 plants, one is a succulent, one is a type of flower which i can’t remember the name to, and the other is a small container of assorted flowers that my mom got me after we had to put our dog down. There’s a little toy Blastoise on there that I’ve had for a long time, and a dragon statue that’s used for incense. 
40. Do you like to be warm or cold?
Both. Cold is nice because I like bundling up. I hate the cold because my hands get dry and bleed a lot. The warm is nice because you can wear light clothes and be comfortable. It doesn’t make me bleed. I don’t like sweating though. The minute I start sweating I feel obligated to shower. 
41. The best joke you have?
42. Whats the weirdest thing that you’ve seen happen in a public place?
I can’t remember. 
43. CD or digital?
Both. CD’s feel really genuine. My copy of Sehnsucht is older than I am, so I have a lot of sentimental value for it. I don’t mean to brag, but it also has the rare track “Stripped” on it. But because of todays age, digital is probably my preferred choice because I can take my music with me where ever I want. 
44. Who do you miss right now?
I really miss my dog, Roosevelt. It’s almost been a month since he died, but it still hurts a lot. I’ve been seeing a lot of yorkies and it makes me miss him more. I wish he was still here. 
45. If you could combine two places in the world, which two places would you choose?
Um. I’m not sure actually, I’ll get back to you on that. 
46. Describe the worst substitute teacher you’ve ever had.
OK so in biology junior year of high school, our biology teacher had to quit because of really bad family problems, totally okay not his fault at all. HOWEVER, we had a substitute for the rest of the year, and we couldn’t do ANYTHING. We were forced to work on worksheets and nothing but that when we go to a school where COLLABORATION and PROJECTS is how we learn. It was awful. 
47. Do you believe horoscopes?
I try not to. I’m paranoid, so I often look at them and worry about the truth behind them. 
48. Are you spiritual?
This question can mean several things. Am I religious? No. Do I believe in the power of my own spirit and soul that can allow me to do certain things? Yes. 
The reason I’m not religious is for that reason alone. I don’t believe there is a deity that is stronger than I am. I don’t think there should be a deity who tells me what I should and should not do. I’m strong enough to make decisions on my own and without the help of anyone. If I do something, its because of my own will. 
49. Describe your pets.
I only have one now, but I want to describe Roosevelt too.
Roosevelt was a really small boy. He was very thin and nimble, especially as he got older. He had HUGE ears that were bigger than his head. We called them his Satellite ears. When he would get a hair cut, he would kind of look like a rat, so I called him Rat Boy.
Phin is a really sweet boy. He’s a big-ish dog, but not BIG big. He’s goofy and he really likes to play. When he’s really playful, his eyes get wide. When he was younger, his tongue had black spots, but they don’t now. His fur is really oily and greasy which is kinda gross, but my face gets really oily so I can relate. He’s really anxious, but he’s such a sweet boy 
50. Are you good at getting over mistakes?
No. I’m paranoid, so of course I can’t. It stays in my mind until someone tells me that it’s okay and until things get fixed. 
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notsofly · 5 years
Ties in Blood Chapter 28
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @winchestergirl-13 @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @percussiongirl2017
Chapter 28
Aaliyah picked another piece of ghoul out of her hair and flicked it away with a twist of her wrist. The hunt had taken three days longer than expected and she had smelled better after a week at the teaching hospital. She closed her eyes in the effort to recover from the rush of adrenaline after the fight. Leaving the ghoul remains behind in the abandoned building, Aaliyah climbed into her car and tossed the machete onto the back seat. Cricket chirping filled the air and she swore there was an owl nearby. A scream sounded in the night when her cell started to ring. Something she wasn’t about to admit to Sam as she answered the call.
“What’s up?”
“We picked up a case that’s probably nothing,” Sam started. “We could just use another pair of eyes.”
“What’s the case?”
“You hear of these mystery spots dotted around the country?”
Aaliyah could hear Sam was trying to beat around the bush in asking her to meet up with them at one of the spots. “Heard of, but tend to avoid them. There’s nothing really special about them. What’s up with this one?”
“A man disappeared there.”
She half bit a lip in thought. “Alright. Send me the motel details and I’ll be out that way after a shower and a few hours of sleep.”
“Sure thing.”
Aaliyah hung up and felt her cell buzz a few minutes later with the text from Sam. Driving off from the area, she admitted to herself that she had missed the two brothers. Part of her felt guilty for not even calling them after Christmas, but they did have more important things to worry about. And joining them on this missing person’s case would give her the chance to find out what they’ve been up to.
The Heat of the Moment was muffled playing from one of the motel rooms when Aaliyah shut her car door. She went to the back and pulled out her gear bag and clothes bag before going for the room playing Asia. Her sweatpants hung baggy off her legs in the few feet to the door. It had been a more comfort decision than a function one. An eyelid twitched, probably from the long drive.
“Aaliyah,” Dean greeted when he opened the door. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“Yeah, saw a missing person’s case and decided to check it out,” she lied. “I saw the Impala in the lot, and with Asia playing…”
“Figured you’d ask for help.”
“That the three of us can figure it out together,” Aaliyah corrected. “Give me a few minutes to change and we’ll head out for breakfast.”
Aaliyah slid into the booth and settled in while Sam sat next to her. She listened as Sam summed up the case of how the man disappeared at the mystery spot.
“Sounds like a Fed suit case,” she said when he finished. “And that it’ll be nothing but a waste of time.”
“That’s what I said,” Dean said. “But we’re here.”
A waitress sporting a name tag that read “Doris” came up. “You three know what you want?”
“The special,” Dean said. “Side of bacon and a coffee.”
“Two coffees and a short stack,” Sam said.
“Ice tea, sweet and milk. And chocolate chip pancakes,” Aaliyah rounded out the order.
“We should be going after Bela,” Dean said when Doris walked away.
“Not her again,” Aaliyah moaned. “You’re just sore she took off with your scratch offs.”
“And she didn’t with yours, is that it?”
“Yeah, she didn’t. Because I was smart.”
“Okay, you two,” Sam cut in. “Until we find out where Bela’s been, we got this.”
Aaliyah looked over his arm as he unfolded the newspaper clipping. “Dexter Hesslebeck last seen in Broward Florida. What’s he some sort of relation to Knight Rider?”
“Where was he last seen?” Dean asked.
“His daughter,” Sam said after giving Aaliyah a ‘not funny’ look. “Said he was on his way to the county’s mystery spot.”
“I don’t see how this calls for the three of us,” Aaliyah told Sam. “Most of these spots are tourist traps.”
Doris returned with their drinks and somehow the hot sauce fell off the tray.
Aaliyah followed along after the brothers as Dean tried to figure out why the mystery spot was a big deal.
“I’m just saying,” Sam said. “There are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people. The Bermuda Triangle, the Oregon Vortex…”
“Broward County Mystery Spot?” Dean countered.
“Okay, some places are legit,” Sam gave.
Aaliyah side stepped around the woman carrying a stack of fliers.
“The lore’s nuts,” Sam continued. “It says that the magnetic fields in these places are so strong it can bend space time and send victims who knows where.”
“Sounds a little X-Files to me,” Aaliyah spoke up. She moved around a couple movers in their attempt in moving a desk into a building.
“Alright, I’m not saying it’s not happening,” Sam gave up. “But if it is, we should check it out.”
“Alright, we’ll go tonight,” Dean said. “After they close and get us a nice long look.”
The flashlight reflected the neon green paint into her eyes as she followed Sam into the hallway. It had been a sudden change from the dark outside the building. She closed her eyes and put a hand to her head in an attempt to not get a headache. A hand rested on a shoulder as if the owner asked if she was okay.
“Damn paint job,” she commented, opening her eyes.
Aaliyah flicked her own flashlight on and drifted away from the brothers. She shook her head in amusement at them in her own search. She lost sight of them as she rounded a corner and nearly ran into a shotgun.
“What the hell are you doing here?” a male voice asked, carrying through the room. “You here to rob me?”
Aaliyah put her hands up. “No, not here to rob you. I can explain.” She heard rushed footsteps behind her.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Dean’s voice carried over. “How ‘bout we put the gun down and we talk about this like people?”
Aaliyah didn’t move as Dean moved around her to put himself between her and the other man.
“Don’t move,” the man said.
“Dean,” Aaliyah whispered, a sense of foreboding washed over her.
A gun blast echoed in the room followed by a thump of a body hitting the floor. Sam was there at her side while Aaliyah stepped over Dean.
A switch had flipped in her when she moved toward the man in a predatory fashion. He turned and started to run from her. At one point he disappeared around a corner, and Aaliyah couldn’t find him.
Aaliyah blinked a few times to find herself sitting in her car. Something was off. The last thing she remembered was chasing after the guy that shot Dean at the mystery spot. She climbed out of the car and grabbed her bag and started for the room blasting In the Heat of the Moment. Everything seemed the same. The way the wind blew, her sweatpants brushed up against her legs, even that irritating eyelid twitch from the drive.
“Liyra,” Dean greeted when the door opened. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“I … um … caught wind of a missing person’s case,” she said. “Figured I’d get it or run into the two of you.” She walked into the room and heard the door close behind her.
“We’re on the same case,” Dean admitted.
“Want another set of eyes?”
Aaliyah caught Sam walking in from the bathroom and narrowed her eyes. There was something she couldn’t place written on his face. Like he had noticed the change.
“It wouldn’t hurt,” Dean agreed.
“Give me a few minutes to change and we’ll head out for breakfast.” Aaliyah started for the bathroom.
“Hey, Aaliyah.” Sam’s voice was quiet as he followed after her. “Quick question.”
“What’s up?” She dumped her clothes bag down as Sam stood by the door.
“Are you getting the feeling that you’ve done this before?”
“Déjà vu?”
“More like Groundhog’s Day.”
Aaliyah looked up from her bag and into the mirror that reflected her ragged self back. Groundhog’s Day would explain it better than Déjà vu. “So, how do we break it? I mean, didn’t Murphy figure out how in the movie?” She pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt before toeing off her boots. “Would it work with us?”
“Probably not. There’s gotta be a reason why we’re stuck in a loop here.”
Aaliyah shed her shirt and sweats before threading her limbs into the jeans and a clean shirt. “So, we just keep going until something is outta place?” She put her boots back on and turned to Sam. “How long do you think that’ll last?”
Aaliyah stared at the tally marks in her journal. If her math was right, Dean ‘died’ over a hundred times. Each time was something different no matter if they all stayed at the motel, went to the diner for breakfast, or changed a small detail in the day. Aaliyah had gone out and picked up breakfast before going into the boys’ room, gotten her own room, even stayed in her car the whole day.
The door bell rang out, bringing Aaliyah’s attention up to see Sam and Dean. She closed her journal as they walked over and joined her at the booth. Sam slid in next to her while Dean took the other side, giddy about the Tuesday special of ‘pig and a poke’. She adjusted herself against the wall and looked over the people eating at the bar. The man that had maple syrup with his pancakes for the past several loops suddenly had what looked like strawberry. With a finger out of Dean’s eye sight to poke Sam, Aaliyah gestured with her head to the Pancake Man. Nothing had changed until now. Why was that?
“It doesn’t make sense,” Sam said. “Why change now?”
Aaliyah shrugged. “Think it’ll stop now?”
Aaliyah stared out of the windshield. Another loop. She reached for her bag and climbed out of the car and headed for the motel room. She opened the door without bothering to knock.
“No knock?” Dean called out.
“Nah. Figured the worse I get is a gun to my head.” Aaliyah freed the same pair of jeans and shirt she had a hundred times before. “Sam here?”
“Yeah. What’s up, Liyra? You’re normally not like this.”
“Just wanna get a jump on this missing person case.” She stripped off her shirt and sweats and put on the clean clothes. “Who wants breakfast?”
Aaliyah sat at the booth next to Sam and Dean’s, one leg against the outside of the seat and the other under the table. She had brought along her journal in the attempt of adding to the entry on “Groundhog’s Day”. The half filled page had been opened for the past ten minutes in her attempt. Behind her Dean was trying to understand what was going on while Sam kept an eye on Pancake Man. She heard someone move and head for the door. Her eyes shifted up to see Pancake Man on the other side of the door. Already on the move, she closed her journal and reached the door seconds before Sam and Dean.
Something hit her free hand as Sam came up beside her on the sidewalk.
“It’s a Trickster,” he whispered. “Only way to kill one with a stake covered in lamb’s blood to the heart.”
“Thought you guys took care of one.”
“We did. Could be another one.”
Aaliyah nodded as Sam took the lead in their trail after the man. Behind her she could hear Dean asking what was going on. Her hunting switch had flicked on and nothing short of solving the case could switch it off. She was steps behind Sam as he grabbed the man and tossed him into a fence.
“What’s going on?” the man asked.
“It took a while, but I figured out who you are,” Sam said, the stake to the man’s throat. “Or what you are.”
Aaliyah tightened her grip on the stake when she came up on the man’s other side. There was a second she had seen him look at her like he recognized her.
“Please don’t kill me,” he begged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh, Sam?” Dean tossed in.
“It’s your MO, isn’t it? Going around giving pompous jerks their just desserts,” Sam continued. “Your kind loves that, don’t they?”
“Yeah, sure, okay.”
Aaliyah heard the man’s voice shake a little from frayed nerves.
“How ‘bout we put the stakes down,” Dean suggested.
“There’s only one creature that’s powerful enough to do what he’s doing,” Sam countered. “Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops. You’d have to be a god to be able to do that. Like a Trickster.”
“Name’s Ed Colman,” Ed stumbled over. “My wife’s Amelia. I got two kids, I sell ad space…”
“Don’t lie to me,” Sam yelled. “We killed one of you before.”
Aaliyah’s jaw dropped when “Ed Colman” morphed into a whole new person.
“Actually, bucko, you didn’t,” the new man said.
“Why are you doing this?” Aaliyah asked, stepping forward.
The Trickster turned his attention to her and smiled. “You friends here tried to kill me. Why wouldn’t I do it?”
“I wasn’t there. So why did I get stuck?”
“Because you’re tied to them,” the Trickster told her. “You may not have been there last time, but you know how the life turns.”
“And Hasselbeck?” Dean chimed in.
“That putz? Said he didn’t believe in wormholes. So I dropped him in one.” The Trickster laughed. “Then you two boys showed up.”
“This is fun to you?” Sam asked. “Killing Dean over and over?”
“Yes, it is. And the joke’s not on him, bucko. It’s on you, Sam. Watching your brother die every day, forever.”
“Still doesn’t explain why I’m stuck seeing it,” Aaliyah said. “No. You know what, it ends now.” She took two steps forward, lifting her stack.
“Now, hold up a second love,” the Trickster said. “It was all a joke; I was playing around.”
“Making us watch Dean die a hundred fucking times isn’t a joke,” Aaliyah shouted.
“You’re out; all of you. When you wake up tomorrow, it’ll be Wednesday. I swear.”
“You’re lying,” Sam said.
“If I am, you know where I’ll be,” the Trickster said. “At the diner having pancakes.”
“Easier just to kill you.”
Aaliyah couldn’t move fast enough before the Trickster snapped his fingers.
Once again she looked out the windshield at the exterior of the motel. Part of her just wanted to recline the seat back and sleep a while. It was either going to be another Tuesday, or the Trickster actually fixed it that the day was in fact Wednesday.
Aaliyah just settled in for a nap when a gunshot rang out. She opened the car door and rolled out just as Sam raced from the motel room. A quick look around showed the shooter, who panicked and ran. She gave chase but lost him after a few blocks. Defeated, Aaliyah jogged back to the motel parking lot. There Sam held Dean in his arms, dead.
“We should have woken up,” he said. “Something’s way off.”
“The Trickster,” Aaliyah told him. “He said it’d be Wednesday when we woke up next. Not that Dean won’t die.” She took a step back when he looked up at her; a predatory glare on his face.
“Then we hunt it down.”
“Sam…” She trailed off when he stood and started to work on taking care of Dean. “Keep in touch, huh? If there’s anything on the Trickster, I’ll let you know.”
Aaliyah grabbed her clothes back and ducked into the motel room to change. By the time she emerged, Sam had driven off. With nothing to keep her in town, Aaliyah drove off and passed by the diner.
Aaliyah fumbled with her phone while trying to keep the car in the lane. The past six months had been more finding any sign of the Trickster than hunts. Sam hadn’t helped by calling every few days asking about it.
“Hey, Bobby,” Aaliyah greeted.
“Hey, Kid,” he replied. “How’s the hunt?”
“Hard. Sam’s been pushing it harder than before. I love him as a brother, you know that Bobby. But this is how they all got into hunting in the beginning.” Aaliyah heard some shuffling on Bobby’s end. “This isn’t some curtesy call, is it?”
“Sam says he found him,” he said. “Think you can haul ass back to the mystery spot?”
“I’m about a day’s drive out, but I can make it. I’ll let Sam know when I’m close.”
“Aaliyah.” The sound of actual concern in Bobby’s voice caught her from hanging up. “Be careful, will yah?”
“That green and black paint job still creeps me out,” Aaliyah commented when she walked into the room Bobby set up with the trap. “Need a hand?”
“Just about set. You hear from Sam?”
“He’s a few minutes out. Should be here soon.” Aaliyah stepped around the chalked diagram, making mental notes for any possible future use. “You really think this will get the Trickster here?”
She looked toward the door when it opened and Sam stepped into the room.
“It’s the last place the Trickster worked his magic,” Bobby answered.
“What else do we need?” Sam asked.
“How much?”
“Ritual calls for a gallon. And it’s gotta be fresh.”
“That’ll bleed someone dry,” Aaliyah claimed. It got mild shocked looks from the two men. “Former nurse, remember?”
“The ritual needs to be done tonight,” Bobby continued. “Or not for another fifty years.”
“Then let’s go get some.” Sam started for the door.
“Sam, wait,” Aaliyah called after him.
“You think I’m gonna let you kill an innocent?” Bobby countered.
Sam turned to him. “Then why’d you bring me here?”
Aaliyah shifted her eyes between them. Some part of her understood where Sam was coming from, but to go out and kill someone who had done nothing wrong was taking a step over that line that blurred for them.
“Because it was the only way you’d see me,” Bobby shouted. “I’m trying to knock some sense into you. I thought you’d back down from killing an innocent man.”
“You thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I’ll do it myself.”
“You can’t be serious, Sam,” Aaliyah cut in. “Killing an innocent man just to get Dean back?”
“You would for your siblings,” Sam yelled.
“I’d do just about anything for them, but not what you’re wanting to do.”
“If you’re so hell bent on killing someone.” Bobby held up a knife to Sam. “Kill me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Better me than a civilian.”
“You’re crazy, Bobby.”
“Oh, now I’m the crazy one? Look, Sam. I’m near the end of my line. But you can keep fighting. But you need your brother. Let me give him back to you.”
“You boys are the closest I have to a family,” he cut in.
Aaliyah stood there and watched Sam take the knife and Bobby knelt in the circle. The air in the room seemed to stand still. Her skin tingled as a shiver ran up her spine. Something was off here. She stood there and watched Sam put a stake through Bobby’s chest.
“What the hell, Sam?”
“It’s not Bobby.”
Aaliyah went to move into the circle as Sam yelled at Bobby’s corpse before it disappeared. The stake that had been in Bobby’s chest flew back into Sam’s hand before the Trickster appeared.
“You’re right,” he said. “I was messing with you. Pretty good, Sam. Whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one hadn’t seen you with a sharp object.”
“Bring him back,” Sam demanded.
“Who? Dean? Didn’t you get the flowers I sent? Dean’s dead, and he ain’t coming back. His soul’s downstairs doing the hellfire rumba as we speak.”
“Send us back to that day it started,” Aaliyah spoke up. “Please.” She stood her ground when the Trickster turned his attention to her. “I swear I won’t come after you.”
“You. You I believe. Sammy here, I’m not too keen on believing.”
“You believe her over me?” Sam asked.
“You did chase after him for six months,” Aaliyah pointed out. She shrugged when Sam looked at her. “It’s true.”
He lowered his gaze and sighed. “I swear, no more chasing.”
“Yah know,” the Trickster said, swaying a little. “I don’t know if I could.”
“You can,” Sam countered.
“But it doesn’t mean I should,” the Trickster said. “There’s a lesson I’ve tried beating into that skull of yours.”
“What lesson?”
“This obsession to save Dean. The way the two of you always sacrificing yourselves for each other. Nothing good comes of it; just blood and death. Dean’s your weakness. Even Aaliyah over here has become a weakness to you. All three of you are each other’s weaknesses; and the bad guys know it. It’ll be the death of you, Sam. Sometimes you have to let people go.”
Aaliyah’s heart pulled for Sam. For all the hunts and life pains that they shared, she couldn’t imagine losing any of her siblings. She went through hell trying to save Xander; first from the vampire then at the assisted living and the Djinn. She walked over to Sam, his face pulled down and a tear threatened to fall.
“He’s my brother,” he said.
“And like it or not, that’s what life is gonna be like without him,” the Trickster countered.
Aaliyah looked at the Trickster. There was some sort of shimmer around him that wouldn’t focus when she trained her eyes right on it.
“Please,” Sam pled.
“I swear, it’s a brick wall with you. Look, this stopped being fun months ago. I’m over it.”
“Meaning what?”
“For me to know and you to find out.”
Aaliyah swore the Trickster winked at her before he snapped his fingers.
She shifted around in the bed and moaned. A hand moved and brushed against the cheap motel sheets. It took another minute or two before her sleep addled brain to wake up enough to make the connection. The Trickster must have made it so she wasn’t pulling up to the motel in her car. Her mind caught the radio not playing Asia as Sam and Dean talked.
“Hey, sleepy head.” A pillow landed on Aaliyah’s head. “Come on, don’t wanna be wasting the day.”
Aaliyah yawned and stretched before working herself up into sitting. Her shirt and bed pants were a bit skewed from the few hours of sleep. She sat there with a leg hanging off the bed and watched Sam go over and hug Dean.
“Dude, how many Tuesdays did you have?” Dean asked.
“Too many,” Aaliyah replied. “You remember anything?”
“That Sam was out of it and getting up with the Trickster. That’s about it.”
Aaliyah worked herself to her feet and ambled for the bathroom. “Give me five to get dressed, guys.” She sat on the toilet.
“In the bathroom?” Sam asked.
“You know that line is so blurred, it might as well not be there,” Aaliyah said with a smirk on her face. “After all the hunts and mutual wound stitching sessions we’ve head, it’s not there.” She stood and pulled her pants up. “You two got a case, or are we gonna split for a while?”
“I was thinking breakfast,” Dean said.
“No breakfast,” Sam said. “And wait on packing the car; I don’t wanna any chances.”
Aaliyah smiled more to herself in her changing efforts. She understood where Sam was coming from. Once changed, she stuffed her clothes back into her bag and sipped it. “I’m set.”
“You two don’t look so good,” Dean said. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else?”
“Just a weird dream,” Sam said.
“Clowns or midgets?”
Aaliyah chuckled at it as she followed Dean out of the motel room, the sense that no matter what, there could be no saving her older brother.
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cckuro-blog · 6 years
My 14-day Consumption journals
Day 1: Monday, October 29  
Breakfast: No time for breakfast
Lunch: 2 cups of black coffee, a plate of fried noodles, a plate of vegetables and fruit, and a slice of creamy chocolate cake.
Dinner: Too sick to have dinner
This is the first day that I am going to record my daily behavior of consumption. This morning I got up at 7:50 so I didn’t have enough time for breakfast. As a result, after my morning class, I was quite hungry and I ate a lot. However, I didn’t finish my cake because it had cherry jam on it. I do like cherries but I am not a big fan of cherry jam since it tastes like children cough syrup to me. For the sake of consumption, I tried to eat most of them with my resentment.
Here is a picture of the debris of my poor cake.
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In the evening, I felt sick because of indigestion. I think the cherry cake should take part of the responsibility for my stomachache. Honestly, the lunch today at Dewies was just so-so. My classmate threw her whole plate of food into the dumpster. I guess I should have dumped my cake also. To avoid vomiting in the middle of the night I didn’t have dinner, and I didn’t drink water either. The only thing I consumed was a hydrotalcite tablet produced by Bayer.
 Day 2: Tuesday, October 30  
Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast, some scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and a cup of black coffee.
Lunch: A plate of vegetables, turkey, fruit and ice tea
Dinner: Spaghetti, fruit and 2 bowls of soup
      I felt better when I woke up this morning, and I was hungry. I took a hot shower then went to Dewies for breakfast.
      In the evening, after dinner, I went to Doolittle’s with my friend and I saw chips labeled as “$6 for 2”. I thought it would be great if I buy discounted chips now and save them for later, so I bought 2 bags of potato chips.
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      When I was writing down what I ate and what I did, I also thought the processes when the food was cooked and what I consumed. For example, the toast is made of wheat and water, then it has to be baked in a factory. Then it is transported to the school, which consumes gas and produces carbon dioxide. When I put the toast into the toaster, I consumed electricity and also produced carbon dioxide. As for my hot shower, I stayed in the bathroom for 25 minutes, and I wonder how much water was used and how much electricity was consumed for heating the water.
      Thinking my every behavior consists of many procedures, the meaning of “a cup of tea” suddenly dawned on me. Everything we consume is not the surface we see, but a chain of substance beforehand. The food we eat comes from the raw materials that it makes of; the water is pumped from the underground then filtered with electricity, then it is transported via underground pipes to us, etc. Everything that appears that we have easy access to is processed in a sophisticated pattern. I am guilty that I have wasted a lot in my life.
 Day 3: Wednesday, October 31 (Halloween)
Breakfast: I slept late, so I skipped breakfast and got lunch instead.
Lunch: Salad, fruit, coffee, rice and boiled vegetables
Dinner: Spaghetti, cream of vegetables and a cup of ice tea
After dinner: Party
      I went to the poster exhibition held on campus today. I saw a bunch of posters of animals and fashion. Specifically, there was one poster about sustainability. My friend told me it was just cliché, and I should write it here. However, I don’t think so.
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      This is a picture that displays the relationship between nature and human industries. It delivers an idea that it is human ourselves who keeps impairing the nature, but it took a long time that we thought we were doing good with nature.
      I had dinner with a French guy and I found every time when he was done eating, he never had leftovers in his plates and bowls. So I asked him why so, and he said he had been taught to have this table manner. When I was a kid, my grandma told me not to have leftovers in my bowl too, but I never managed to do so. It was bizarre that he has such a good habit that he wipes the bowls and plates with a bread while eating.
For the first time I tried cream of vegetables and it was surprisingly awesome! Therefore, I had 2 bowls of that, and I tried to clean my bowls as my friend does.
After dinner, we went to a Halloween party on campus, and almost all the students had a Halloween costume. Actually, a lot of students in my building had decorated their room at the beginning of October. In stores now items for Christmas are available. Soon they will dispose of the Halloween decorations and put the Christmas on. I asked some Canadian students if they would keep the items used this year for next year, and most of them said NO, because they don’t want to see the same thing again and they don’t like to hear their friends saying they wore the same costume last year. It is quite wasteful that they buy cheap costumes every year and wear them for only one night.
However, I saw some students wear their normal clothes and simply did makeup or crafts on the clothes, which is better than buying disposable items. Some of them were ingenious, now that they borrowed decorations for the room from their friends and taped the decorations on them when they went to the party. I think it is a good idea on the ground that once people go to the party no one will care for the decorations in the room and eventually it will go to the trash. In that case, why not take advantage of them?
      If I hadn’t taken this course and hadn’t assigned this task, I guess I would never consider so much overnight. Before I went to Canada, I never thought sustainability was relevant to me because I used to think even though I wanted to make the environment better, other people would damage it eventually, therefore it was meaningless to try. Now, I think even though an individual cannot change the world, but we can have more individual efforts on changing small things.
 Day 4: Thursday, November 1
Breakfast: No
Lunch: Coffee, 6 pieces of brownies, fried noodles
Dinner: Curry tofu, salad, rice, and fruit
      The resident assistants (RA) in my building are so cute that they made pumpkin faces and put them on the stairs. It made my day when I opened the door for class this morning.
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      But it is kind of waste that they used 5 pumpkins just for exhibitions on Halloween. Thinking about this, I talked to one of my RAs and he said it is a tradition in my residence building that residents make cute pumpkins together on Halloween. I also saw some pumpkins were placed at Dewies and they are getting rotten now. Even though it is a convention that pumpkins are made to artifacts during Halloween, it is still a pity to witness a number of pumpkins get rotten and go to the trash can.
  Day 5: Friday, November 2
      I have a cold today. When I woke up this morning I was light-headed, so I was in my bed all day. I only consumed several candies, but I used millions of tissues to blow my nose. I know it is gross, so I am going to upload only a small part of my tissues.
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      Finally, I had a low-consuming day. However, it doesn’t cheer me up, because a lot of tissues were wasted by me. Tissues are made of trees, so technically I am damaging forests. The only reason I can comfort myself is that tissues are easier to degraded than plastics.
 Day 6: Saturday, November 3
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Fried potatoes, coffee, fruit, toast, an egg from classmate
Dinner: Rice, Cream of broccoli, boiled vegetables, salad.
Midnight: Hot chocolate.
I didn’t feel good because of my cold. I wanted to go to the pharmacy but it snowed and rained, and I had a group meeting in the afternoon. There was no way to buy medicine. However, I still had a lot of food today.
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Before bedtime, I was craving for a cup of hot chocolate as a reward for my hard working day, so I got up and made myself a cup of instant hot chocolate. It was quite good! Connecting this behavior to The Origins and Nature of Consumerism by Norris (2011), it can be explained that I desired for the hot chocolate, so I consumed it. It was not because I really needed it nor it was necessary for me. I just wanted the motivation to prepare my presentation for Monday’s class. I know I am greedy.
 Day 7: Sunday, November 4
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Chicken, seven-grain rice, mushroom pies, coffee, and salad.
Dinner: Coffee, water, spaghetti, pizza, and sandwich
Before bed: 2 oranges and an apple.
      Today’s dinner was not that tasty. Even though, I don’t want to go out for dinner because firstly, it is too expensive; secondly, I pay $30 for my meals at Dewies every day, I don’t want to waste my father’s money.
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      I have to say fruit is the best in Canada. In China, people tend to buy imported fruits since they think it is less poisonous and Chinese simply think imported stuff is better than domestic ones, although the price of domestic commodities is half of the imported ones. People are willing to pay more for safer food and enjoy their “high-quality life”. There is nothing wrong for people to pursue a longer lifespan, but, for enjoyment, it is wasteful to buy imported fruit just for bragging about their richness and spreading their pompous lifestyle. This is also discussed by Norris (2011), he asserted that one of the factors that stimulate people to consume is their “self-indulgence”. Based on Norris’ perspective, I agree with him and think that when the intention of self-indulgence overweighs the real needs, consumerism is formed. Because of that, behaviors related to over-consuming the nature resources show up.
 Day 8: Monday, November 5
Breakfast: Homemade mocha, 4 croissants, 2 strawberry paste, fried potatoes, toast, a sausage
Lunch: Skipped because of my make-up class
Afternoon tea: Brownies, coffee, and an apple
Dinner: Beef, rice, boiled vegetable, and cream of broccoli.
      I made mocha by myself at Dewies—mixing coffee with chocolate milk. I know I ate a lot at breakfast. It is because my make-up class would occupy my lunch break and I worried I might get light-headed. In addition, I had a group presentation in the morning. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to perform well and affect my group’s presentation. So I decided to be pretty full before going to my morning class. I also filled my water bottle with coffee and chocolate milk so I could keep awake in the whole day.
 Day 9: Tuesday, November 6
Breakfast: Homemade mocha, 4 croissants, 2 strawberry paste, fried potatoes, toast, a sausage
Lunch: Skipped because of my make-up class
Afternoon tea: Brownies, coffee, and an apple
Dinner: Beans, fried potato, spaghetti, and pot mushroom pie.
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      I had some spaghetti left tonight, because it was too spicy. Accidentally I added pickled peppers and chili powder at the spaghetti bar. The mushroom pie was so great.
 Day 10: Wednesday, November 7
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Strawberry cake, fruit, coffee.
Dinner: McDonald’s
      I went to Jean Coutu today for my medicine. I spent $56 dollars in total on 2 types of medicine. While waiting for my medicine to get ready in the pharmacy, I walked through every aisle in the pharmacy, and in every aisle, I found something I wanted to buy. In the first aisle, I found eye drops, and I selected 2 kinds of them, one for wetting contact lenses, and one for eye irritations. In the second aisle, I saw hair dye and bleach, and a bunch of hair caring products. I did intend to get bleach and pink hair dye, but considering that I was going back to China in December, I changed my mind. In the third aisle, there were products for body caring and self-care products, such as shampoo and toothpastes. I got a bottle of hair conditioner, a bottle of body wash, a toothpaste, as well as a toothbrush. I didn’t dare to walk into the forth aisle because for 10 minutes, I already got 6 products and my hands were full. Therefore, I had to go to the cashier. I didn’t ask for a plastic bag since I took my backpack with me. All of the items I bought cost $40.
      When I was walking in the street, the whole street smelled like food now that several restaurants were located there. Thinking that I had to give tips if I ate in a restaurant, I decided to go to McDonald’s. I got a large French fries, which roughly cost $2.
      After dinner, I realized I forgot to buy Vaseline, so I went to the neighbor of McDonald’s—Dollarama. Similar to what happened in Jean Coutu, I went through the aisles and the items I got were more than Vaseline. In addition to Vaseline, I bought 3 bottles of air fresher, 2 laundry washing bags, 2 sausages and a bag of cough drops. I paid $15 at Dollarama.
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      Today I spent $57 in total. To most people, 57 bucks are not a lot, but to me, a stingy person, it is pretty much. On my way back home, I got a conclusion that commercials were evil, shops were evil, and restaurants were also evil. My desire for buying goods in the stores was amplified a billion times after seeing the description of the item. While walking through the aisle, I saw the items and it appeared that I needed all of them. “Even though I don’t need them right now, I will need them eventually.”, this is what I told myself when I was in the store.
      As what Norris mentioned in Consuming Schools: Commercialism and the end of politics, my shopping behavior was simply hedonism, which was irrational. However, when I was on the way to the stores from home, I didn’t plan to buy so much stuff.
Why did I end up with a pile of unplanned items? What did happen in the store? It is undeniable that it was because the impulse drove me to grab those items. But where did the impulse come from? Now that I didn’t want to buy anything in the first week, it is impossible to assert that I am a shopaholic. Recalling all details when I was at the store, I believe my desire for shopping was aroused by the advertisement and discount labels. Furthermore, I notice that the way commodities exhibited on the shelves can tempt customers to spend more money. Cheap commodities are placed on the lowest shelf, and those on eye-sight level appear to be more expensive. In this way, customers unconsciously spend more money.
Next time when I go to the store, I will pay more attention to the items on the bottom shelf.
 Day 11: Thursday, November 8
Breakfast: Ice tea, fried potato, egg, toast
Lunch: Rice, sushi, fruit, tropical tofu, coffee
Dinner: Oatmeal with raisins, 2 slices of pizza, ice tea.
Snack: Chocolate cookies and oranges (From Dewies)
      After dinner, I went to a room escaping activity on campus—Escape the Gait.
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     I can’t believe the game was so hard but I solved the puzzles backward, and eventually, we managed it. It was a good exercise after dinner, so I got hungry around 10 pm. I went to Dewies for snacks.
      After 8 pm, hot dishes for dinner will be replaced by pasta, creamy sauce, and tomato sauce. Imagining plain pasta is mixed with sauce, I have to say it is not tasty. Therefore, a lot of students just avoided it. Otherwise, some of them thought they would eat it, then they found it was intolerable, in the end, they dumped it. Every day I saw so much leftovers in the trash bins, I feel bad for the crops and farms. Therefore, I talked to the staff at Dewies, and she told me every day they collect more than 20 bags of trash, including food dumped by students, leftovers that students don’t like from the counter, and garbage from the kitchen. That is a gigantic waste.  
      As a person eating at Dewies every day, I agree that the food served at Dewies is not always good. But there are a lot of choices, like sandwich, salad, fruit, flakes, toasts, etc. I believe there must be a good one among so many choices. If the main dish served is not good, why not go to something else?
      Before I took this course, I thought saving nature sources had nothing to do with me, in that no matter how hard I tried to save the resources, the contribution from people who did not care about nature could always destroy my effort. My effort on sustainability cannot compare to damages done by other people, so why should I try?
      However, observing the amount of trash from Dewies, where I have meals every single day, I think the individual’s effort can count. If every student lessens their leftovers, and try to accept the food they don’t like, the food wasted can be dramatically reduced. Even though it is impossible to require everybody to act in a sustainable manner, at least I can start with myself and spread this idea to my friends. Little by little, people around me will try to save something.
 Day 12: Friday, November 9
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Ice tea, boiled vegetables, curry tofu, fried rice noodles
Dinner: Fish and fries, a sausage, boiled vegetable, water.
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      This picture displays the food that my friend got tonight—4 sausages, a bunch of fries, vegetables, eggs in a bowl of soup. However, he only ate 2 sausages, a little French fries, and only the eggs in the soup. 70% of his food that night was wasted. His explanation for his waste was: “I spend $30 at Dowies, therefore, it is my right to throw the food into the trash bag.”
      He has been doing this since September. Until today I noticed how terrible his behavior had been. Therefore, I told him what I learned from sustainability. Then he argued: “It costs more money to recycle, simply wasting resources is simpler. Don’t forget we are in capitalism. We are dying to earn money.” I have to admit his logic works now that the core of capitalism is fortune. However, I must point out that many problems are caused by the wealthy. According to the picture below (APF, 2015), 49% of CO2 emissions are contributed by 10% of the wealthy population, whereas 50 % of the poor is responsible for only 10% of CO2 emissions. The wealthy buy private jets, cruise ships and run industrial factories, and consequently, produce more CO2. In addition, the wealthy buy luxuries excessively. Their consuming habits are no longer for basic biological survival, but for self-indulgence.  
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Global income deciles and associated lifestyle consumption emissions Photograph: Oxfam  
Picture resource 
      The capitalist economic system is increasingly trapping and seducing human now that human needs are insatiable. Norris (2011) asserted that consuming habits are related to the following dialectical variables: biological survival (consumption) and consumerism, affordability and accessibility, as well as necessity and luxury. In capitalism, most folks care about wealth, vanity and enjoyment, which is the root cause of consumerism and materialism.
 Day 13: Saturday, November 10
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Fried potatoes, bacon, toasts, coffee
Dinner: Fruit, pizza, stir-and-fry, coffee.
      Today I was busy reading books recommended by professors. I stayed on my bed all day besides going to Dewies.
 Day 14: Sunday, November 11
Breakfast: Skipped
Lunch: Cream of mushroom, chicken, rice, salad
Dinner: Spaghetti, salad, curly fries.
Today I finished my toothpaste. This is the first toothpaste I used up entirely. Before this one, I always disposed of my toothpaste when it was about to be empty.
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      According to the 14-day record of my daily consuming behaviors, for most of the time, I just had meals at Dewies now that I live on campus. I have paid the meal plan before I came here, therefore I am reluctant to spend extra money eating outside. I don’t think I am a high-consuming person. Although I do long for owning luxuries, I can avoid shopping online. However, when it comes to seeing items on sale in the store, it is a different story. I am inclined to buy discounted commodities when I go to the store, even though the goods on sale is not what I need right now. I think I can save money if I buy with discount, after all, next time there may not be a discount.
      Nevertheless, when I sat down and calculated the discount, it actually cannot help me save a lot of money. For example, there are always some goods labeled “2 for $X”. When I checked the original price and multiply 2, X just helped me save 1 dollar. If each discounted commodity can only save me, let’s say 2 bucks, it seems there is no reason to buy it during the promotion. For those self-cleaning items, such as shampoo and toothpaste, a new one can last 6 weeks. Technically, I don’t need discounts at all. The impulse for shopping is simply stimulated when we go to the store because it plausibly tells us we can save money if buying now. Market strategists grasp that customers want to save money, so they create a scene where customers think everything is cheaper than usual.
Norris, T. (2011). Consuming schools: Commercialism and the end of politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. doi:10.3138/9781442690257
APF. (2015, December 2). World's richest 10% produce half of global carbon emissions, says Oxfam. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/02/worlds-richest-10-produce-half-of-global-carbon-emissions-says-oxfam?fbclid=IwAR0hl12JNBq7fTq2cAhCXB_KCHz3Vl-C1LoNLe1hkpfBk_HM6t1ETzpnLXc
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cucinacarmela-blog · 6 years
Cooking The Mediterranean Countries-Egypt | jovina...
New Post has been published on https://cucinacarmela.com/cooking-the-mediterranean-countries-egypt-jovina/
Cooking The Mediterranean Countries-Egypt | jovina...
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  The Mediterranean countries include France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal along the north; Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel on the east; the African countries of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco on the south and the Mediterranean Island Countries of Cyprus and Malta. The Mediterranean countries utilize many of the same healthy ingredients but each country has a unique way of creating recipes with those same ingredients. So far in this series, I have written about Mediterranean cuisine in general and about the cuisine in the countries of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. This series continues with the country of Egypt.
The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the northeastern region of the African continent, bordering both the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The climate is arid and dry and most of the country receives less than one inch of rainfall each year. However, Egypt’s northern coastline can get up to eight inches of rainfall each year and the year-round temperatures are cooler here than inland. Egypt has no forests and only 2 percent of the land is arable (land that can be farmed).
The well-known Nile River, the longest river in the world, runs north and south through eastern Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River Valley, which includes the capital city of Cairo, is the most fertile land in Egypt. Approximately 95 percent of the country’s population lives alongside the Nile River.
Egyptian cuisine is characterized by dishes such as stewed fava beans; lentils and pasta and okra stew. Egyptian cuisine shares similarities with other Mediterranean countries, such as rice-stuffed vegetables, grape leaves, shawarma, kebabs and kofta. The cuisine most often utilizes legumes, vegetables and fruits from Egypt’s rich Nile valley and delta. Although entrees in Alexandria and the coast of Egypt tend to use a great deal of fish and other seafood, the Egyptian cuisine is based on foods that grow in the ground. Meat has been very expensive for most Egyptians throughout history, so a great number of vegetarian dishes have been developed.
Easy access to various spices due to Egypt’s many seaports has, throughout the years, left its mark on Egyptian cuisine. Cumin is the most commonly used spice. Other common spices include coriander, cardamom, chili, aniseed, bay leaves, dill, parsley, ginger, cinnamon, mint and cloves.
Egyptians are known to use lots of garlic and onions in their everyday dishes. Fresh garlic mashed with other herbs is used in a spicy tomato salad and also in stuffed eggplant. Garlic fried with coriander is added to soup and sometimes to chicken or rabbit. Fried onions can also be a popular addition.
When meats are on the Egyptian table, they are usually rabbit, pigeon, chicken or duck. These are often boiled to make a broth for stews and soups and the meat is served separately. Lamb and beef are the most common meats used for grilling.
The local bread is a form of hearty, thick, gluten-rich pita bread called eish baladi. This bread is made from a simple recipe that forms the backbone of the Egyptian cuisine. It is consumed at almost all Egyptian meals; a working-class or rural Egyptian meal might consist of little more than bread and beans.
Although many rural people still make their own cheese, notably the fermented mish, mass-produced cheeses are becoming more common. Cheese is often served with breakfast, it is included in several traditional dishes, and even in some desserts.
Despite the country’s dry climate, Egypt grows a variety of fresh fruits. Mohz (bananas), balah (dates), burtu’aan (oranges), battiikh (melon), khukh (peaches), berkuk (plums) and ‘anub (grapes) are grown.
Tea is the national drink in Egypt, followed only distantly by coffee, prepared using the Turkish method. Egyptian tea is uniformly black and sour and is generally served in a glass, sometimes with milk. Tea packed and sold in Egypt is almost exclusively imported from Kenya and Sri Lanka. Egyptian tea comes in two varieties, kushari and sa‘idi. Vendors also sell a variety of asiir (fresh-squeezed juices) made from fruits like banana, guava, mango, pomegranate, strawberry, from sugar cane, and even hibiscus flowers.
Egyptian desserts resemble other Eastern Mediterranean desserts. Basbousa is a dessert made from semolina and soaked in syrup. It is usually topped with almonds and cut vertically into pieces, so that each piece has a diamond shape. Baqlawa is a sweet dish made from many layers of phyllo pastry with an assortment of nuts and soaked in a sweet syrup. Ghuriyiba is a sweet biscuit made with sugar, flour and liberal quantities of butter, similar to shortbread. It can be topped with roasted almonds or black cardamom pods.
Dining customs vary throughout the country and between different religions. When invited to be a guest in an Egyptian household, it is polite for guests to bring a small gift to the host, such as flowers or chocolate, to show their appreciation for the meal. Before dinner, cocktails (usually nonalcoholic) are frequently served. This is a time for socializing and becoming acquainted. Mezze (salads and dips) would also be served at this time. When dinner is ready, usually between 9 P.M. and 10 P.M. , guests seat themselves and food is placed in the middle of the table. Bread will almost always accompany meals, which may include vegetables, rice dishes, soups and meat dishes. Following dinner, guests will move into another room and enjoy coffee or mint tea. Guests should always compliment the cook.
Although Ramadan is a month of fasting for Muslims in Egypt, it is usually a time when Egyptians pay a lot of attention to food variety and richness, since breaking the fast is a family affair, often with the entire extended families meeting at the table just after sunset. There are several special desserts that are served almost exclusively during Ramadan, such as kunafa and atayef. during the Ramadan month, many Egyptians prepare a special table for the poor or passers-by, usually in a tent in the street, called Ma’edet Rahman which literally translates to “Table of the Merciful”.  Observant Christians in Egypt adhere to fasting periods according to the Coptic calendar; these days may extend to more than two-thirds of the year for the most observant. The more secular Coptic population fasts only for Easter and Christmas. The Coptic diet for fasting is essentially vegan. During this fasting, only vegetables and legumes are eaten and all meat and dairy products are avoided.
Egyptian Recipes To Make At Home
Gebna Makleyah (Oven-Fried Cheese)
Serves 4 to 6.
1 cup firm feta cheese, crumbled or traditional Egyptian cheese, such as labna or gebna 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Olive oil Lemon wedges and pita bread cut into triangles, for serving
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Place the cheese, flour, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Roll the mixture into 1-inch balls. If the mixture seems too loose to hold the ball shape, add a little more flour. If the mixture seems too dry, add a bit of lemon juice, vinegar or water. Pour 2 or 3 tablespoons olive oil onto a cookie sheet to grease. Arrange the cheese balls on the cookie sheet, rolling them around to coat thoroughly with the oil. Bake 5 minutes. Wearing an oven mitt, open the oven door and shake the cookie sheet to prevent the cheese balls from sticking, then turn them over. Bake 5 more minutes, until golden brown. Remove with a spatula and drain on absorbent paper. Serve warm with lemon wedges and triangles of pita bread.
Ful Mudammas (Broad Beans in Sauce)
Serves 4 to 6.
2 cans (15-ounces each) cooked fava beans 6 cloves garlic, or to taste 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1 tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed ¼ cup olive oil 1½ tablespoons parsley, minced Garnish, such as radishes, hard-boiled eggs, chopped scallions, pita bread (toasted and cut into wedges)
Press the garlic cloves through a garlic press into a medium bowl. Mash the garlic and salt together. Next, add the lemon juice, olive oil and parsley to the garlic mixture and combine thoroughly. Drain the beans well, rinse and put the beans into a large pot over low heat. Add the garlic mixture and stir with a wooden spoon to combine thoroughly. Serve warm with the garnishes arranged on a platter. Each person is served a plateful of Ful Mudammas and adds the garnishes of his or her choice.
Koushari (Lentils, Macaroni, Rice, and Chickpeas)
Serves 4 to 6.
1 cup lentils 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup elbow macaroni 1 cup rice 1 can (15-ounces) chickpeas (also called ceci beans) 2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup canned tomato puree ¼ cup olive oil 2 onions 1 garlic clove, or to taste
To prepare the lentils: Place the lentils in a sieve and rinse thoroughly. Place them in a large saucepan with 3 cups of water and 1 teaspoon salt. Heat until the water begins to boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 1 hour or until the lentils are tender. Drain and set the lentils aside.
To prepare the macaroni: Fill the same saucepan with water (add salt). Heat until the water begins to boil. Add the macaroni and boil about 12 to 15 minutes, or until the macaroni is tender. Drain and set the macaroni aside.
To prepare the rice: Heat the 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the same saucepan. Add the rice and cook for 2 or 3 minutes, thoroughly coating the rice with oil. Add 2 cups of water and heat until the water begins to boil. Cover the saucepan and simmer until the rice is tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for about 5 minutes.
To assemble the koushari: Drain the chickpeas and rinse them in a colander. Add chickpeas, lentil, and macaroni to the cooked rice and toss very gently with a fork.
To make the sauce: Peel the onions and cut them in half lengthwise. Slice each half crosswise into thin slices. Heat ¼ cup olive oil in a skillet. Add the onions and cook, stirring often with a wooden spoon until the onions are golden brown. Add garlic clove and cook 1 or 2 more minutes. Stir in the tomato puree and heat until bubbly. Pour the sauce over the lentil mixture and heat over very low heat for about 5 minutes, until completely warm. Serve with pita bread.
Serves 4
1 cup dried prunes 1 cup dried apricots 1 cup dried small figs, halved 1½ cups raisins 1 cup sugar, or to taste 2½ cups boiling water Nuts for garnish
Place all the fruits in a bowl and mix together gently. Sprinkle the sugar on top of the dried fruits. Carefully pour the boiling water into the bowl, cover and allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight if possible. ( Khoshaf is best when allowed to marinate overnight or for several hours before serving.) Garnish with nuts and serve.
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Posted by Jovina Coughlin in Bread, Cheese, Egypt, fava, Fruit, Healthy Italian Cooking, lentils, Pasta, pita, Rice, Vegetables Tags: the cuisine of Egypt
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Survey #288
“i never believed the devil was real, but god couldn’t make someone filthy as you”
When was the last time you drove or travelled for over an hour? Where did you go? Around a month back, I rode with Mom and my sister to my mom’s doc appointment. When you get old, are you going to let your hair go gray or dye it instead? Haha, I don’t see my desire to dye my hair wild colors ever fading. What genre was the last book you read? Was it any good? Fantasy. It was very good. Did you ever wear braces on your teeth? Yes. What’s your favorite condiment to have with sausages or hot dogs (or the vegetarian equivalent)? I just have ketchup and mustard. Which fictional character can you relate to the most? Is this a character from film, TV or a book? I dunno, there’s just so many to dig through. I’ve never felt a *strong* connection to any. Do you groom your eyebrows? If so, how? Not really anymore. Do you own any photo albums? Are they dedicated to special occasions or just a random selection of photos? We have old ones stored in a cabinet somewhere. I haven’t looked at them in a long time, but I think they’re loosely bound by time periods. What’s your favorite meal of the day - breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Breakfast, for sure. Who was the last person you texted? How do you know that person? Sara. She’s my best friend. What was the reason behind the last time you shouted or raised your voice? It wasn’t severe at all, but I raised my voice to tell Roman to stop clawing at the carpet. Are you a citizen of more than one country? Would you ever use that advantage to move abroad? No. Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? If so, which one is your favorite? I barely started The Fault in Our Stars, and that’s it. I’m quite sure I would if I actually read them, though. Are you a protective person? UM ONLY JUST SLIGHTLY. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No. There’s been very, very mild ones here, and the one “big” one (which, mind you, was only big enough to make the pool water barely tremble) that’s happened in my lifetime I wasn’t even home for; I was hours away at the zoo. According to Facebook outrage much more recently, my area experienced a teeny-tiny one, but I sure didn’t feel it. Are you a fan of penguins? Omg yes, such darlings. So intelligent, too. I particularly love emperor penguins. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. Are you a good painter? I’ve been told so. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I’ve never been in this position. When was the last time you met someone for the first time? Ummm I dunno. Maybe Nicole’s ex? Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? No and no. I hate the taste of both. Squishy and just… ew. Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? Being the cheapest, probably McDonald’s? I usually get a double cheeseburger and small or medium fry. Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? Nah. I mean their claws can hurt, but it’s all worth a dog’s love, haha. What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? I pet my cat Roman last. How would you describe your sense of humor? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? Seeing as I don’t even find myself funny, idk how to answer that. I don’t believe I’ve ever offended anyone with a joke. When was the last time you cried - what caused it? It was literally last night when I was really deeply thinking about stuff I’ve been running from. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip? You can’t beat the original ruffled kind, imo. Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavors do you like? I love fruit juice, but you’ll never see me even try vegetable juice. I enjoy lots of fruit ones: mango (my favorite), pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, orange, apple… Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? If you mean via a call and not texting, that would be my psychiatrist. I met him during my partial hospitalization. He helped save my life. Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? Jesse McCartney /swoons. Now I’m a l l about Mark Fischbach like jesus fucking Christ lord- Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? It’s closed. What’s your favorite love movie? The Notebook. Afraid of heights? Kinda, yeah. Do you take a vitamin daily? Not daily, no, but I have to take Vitamin D once a week. Wal-Mart, Target, or K-Mart? Wal-Mart. Is K-Mart even still around? Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos; I don’t really like the latter. Are you patient? N O P E, not unless it’s really called for. Which are better black or green olives? I hate olives. Black aren’t as awful, though. Who was your high school crush? Ha, Jason surpassed “crush” by a lighyear. Have you ever had your computer or e-mail hacked? Did anything bad happen as a result? No to both, but I’ve had my Facebook hacked. Nothing too bad happened. Do you prefer the company of people or animals? Animals, for sure. I need human company sometimes too, though. When was the last time you went to the beach? What did you do there? A few years ago when Colleen and I were still friends. The water felt fucking incredible, so I swam a lot, and then I just chilled with her, her husband, and their then-infant son under the umbrella. I still got insane sun poisoning, though. What kind of milk do you prefer to drink (if you drink it at all)? 1-2%. Skim is gross and whole is too thick. When was the last time you wore some kind of fancy dress? That witchy photoshoot I mentioned in I think the last survey. Do you enjoy dressing up (ie. in suits or smart clothing)? When was the last time you did so? Ugh, no. Too much effort and usually not very comfortable. See above answer for the second part. What’s worse - being overdressed or underdressed? I think the latter would embarrass me more. What do you think would be the worst thing about being stuck in solitary confinement? Being alone with only your head for “sound.” And if you’re in solitary, odds are your head isn’t in a good place, so it just makes it worse. How old were you when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Idk, but I know I learned it the “wrong” way first from Dad. It always annoyed Mom because they weren’t tight enough, apparently. Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays? For the most part, honestly not really. I love SEEING places decorated, but hate doing it myself. So much effort for sometimes not even a month’s worth of enjoyment. Would you rather go into a restaurant or just go via the drive-thru? I prefer the drive-thru. Do you like having your teeth cleaned at the dentist? Yeah, even if there may be a bit of pain here and there. It feels nice afterwards. Have you ever had a gun drawn on you before? YIKES, NO. When was the last time you went to a petting zoo? I probably haven’t since I was a baby. How old were you when you first started using Tumblr? Have you had the same blog all that time? Idr, but I know I was waaaay late to the party. I’ve had the same since the start, though. Are you a fan of Reddit? What are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve never used it. Have you ever watched those YouTube videos of people popping their own spots or zits? Do you find them gross or fascinating? EW EW EW EW NO. They gross me the FUCK out. What’s a food you hated as a kid but love now? How about vice versa? Hmmm… I only know vice-versa, really. I loved peas as a baby, but now it’s a “fuck no” from me, man. Do you prefer socks, shoes or going bare foot? Bare feet, at least where it makes sense. Are you currently in the second story of a building? No; my house doesn't have a second floor. Who was the last music artist you listened to a song by? Ozzy. Have you ever written or drew something on a dollar bill? No. What was your favorite childhood game to play with your friends? We played lots of things, but I guess "Categories" in the pool probably wins. Basically the person on one end of the pool had to guess somebody on the other side's favorite in a certain topic, and if they guessed it right, you raced the other person to the opposite side. Whoever got there fastest was the next guesser. Where did you get your favorite pet from? My favorite pet of all time, my old dog Teddy, we got as a puppy from a friend of a friend. Her cocker spaniel had a massive litter and adopted the babies out. Have you ever called animal control on anyone? Not me personally, no. I think my mom did when our childhood neighbor's two rottweilers got loose and killed at least one of our kittens of the time; she was livid because it wasn't the first time they got out and attacked our cats, and of course us kids were absolutely devastated. I think they got off with a warning. Do you prefer wearing hoodies to coats? Yeah, especially slightly oversized. Is there anything written on the shirt you are wearing? No, it's just a black tank top. Have you ever been to another continent? No. Do you ever go out of your way to avoid someone? Not really. What was your last voicemail about? I don't even have a voicemail set up, so. Are you currently wearing a belt?I haven't worn belts since high school. How much was gas the last time you looked? I think $1.99. Is there someone who would support you no matter what? My mom, probably. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I REALLY don't want to think about this one. Do you still get carded when you try and buy things you’re old enough to? I very rarely order one, but I don't really get carded for drinks at restaurants anymore. Do you know anyone fluent in a really uncommon language? Not that I know of. Do you kiss on the first date? This would depend on a lot of things. Odds are though, no. When was the last time you slept on something other than a bed? I've got no clue. How do you feel about the last person you shared a kiss with? I love her. Describe your current mood: Hopeless. Confused. Aimless. Exasperated. Just depressed. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I mean, somewhat, but also not really. I don't believe life exists by chance, so whoever/whatever made that decision obviously had some reason - but not for each person in particular, I believe. I highly doubt something/someone thought out extravagant stories for every single thing that lives. I believe we give ourselves a reason. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Absolutely nothing, off the top of my head. What were you doing 10 years ago? I woulda been 14, almost 15... so starting high school. I was in school with actual goals and confidence I'd do great in life, despite my depression being in full swing. Did you ever have a MySpace? Yup... Still remember Natasha Bedingfield's "Pocketful of Sunshine" was the song on my meerkat-slathered page too, haha. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don't believe in breaks, period. You don't turn love on and off. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes, what’s your content? Yeah, but it's not one that seriously produces content. Its primary purpose is just to like, favorite, and rarely comment on stuff while having recommendations catered to my interests. I used to make GMV/AMV-type things and mostly Meerkat Manor tributes, as well as various MEP parts because BOY could I only accomplish very short videos. I no longer have "professional" video editing software (I'd always pirated it before, anyway...) nor the necessary motivation and patience to make them anymore. Are you a math person? Heeeeeeeell no. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? No to both. When do you think things will be normal again? Who the fuck knows. It'll probably be a couple years, at least. Do you watch anime? If I'm watching television, yeah, I like some animes. Do you like TikTok? Never used it. Do you ever miss Vine? YO Vine was fuckin FUNNY If you're in school, are you doing it on Zoom or in class? I'm not in school, so. But if I was and in-person classes were expected, guess who the fuck isn't going with how serious I am about social distancing. Lives come before education. Would you ever have a pet rat? I've had a handful, but I don't think I will again. Their cages require so much cleaning, and they need more socialization than I'm able to provide. I fucking adore them, though. Favorite memory with your best friend? It's weird, we've "seen" each other for only like, a month's collective time, and I'm not sure of my answer because there's so many. Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? No. Have you ever “dined and dashed”? No, I never could. Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? No. Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don't think so. Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? Fuck no. Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? N/A, but I wouldn't. Have you ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket? No. Have you ever lied during a job interview? Me? Social? People person? Well duh, of course I am. Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? No, that's awful. Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wouldn't want your parents to see? Actually no. Did you ever get fired and tell someone you were laid off? No. Have you ever turned in a school paper that someone else wrote for you? Absolutely not. I liked writing papers anyway and am very serious about creative honesty. Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF’s family? N/A If you were an employer, would you hire someone with your exact work ethic? Well, what's the job? Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? No. The only thing I ever did to his car was decorate it for his birthday lmao. Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? I don't think so, no. Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? No. Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? Yes. The guilt otherwise would be unbearable. Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? Ew, no. Have you ever held back a well-deserved compliment because you were jealous? I wouldn't put me past it lately. For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? I hate my body so fuckin much that I'll take the first, please. Have you ever used a false ID? Nope. Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I'm embarrassed to admit I don't HAVE a job. If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? Oh my god no, I'd have to stop to break the fuck down. Ever lie about you (or your kids') age to get a discount? Ha, I'm sure my parents would sometimes at restaurants when I was young. Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? A LOT. Have you gotten close to anyone recently? Not really. Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? No, but I can assure you it probably wasn't nice lmao. Have you ever gotten a D or F on your report card? Not until college. If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? No. What are you listening to? "Radio" by Rammstein is on atm. Have you ever fallen into a mud puddle? Maybe as a kid. But that might'a been on purpose, lol. Are you scared of spiders? To a degree. Like, I want a few tarantulas but will scream and jump five feet the moment I see a huge spider beside me unexpectantly. I think they are very, very fascinating and important, but I also prefer to give them distance. Unless I have a camera in hand, haha. Do you think that crying is a form of weakness? Absolutely not. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone? Yeah. Last person to call you? Some number from Mississippi??????????? Ever feel like you have been replaced? Oh yes.
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