#for the hicsqueak stans
ceo-of-ethred · 3 years
Mildred: why is Miss Pentangle crying in the bathroom?
Hecate: She’s drunk.
Mildred: And?
Hecate: She heard that I’m married.
Mildred: But she’s your wife!
Hecate: *sighs* I know.
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Dear Hicsqueak stans (or anyone who likes witches and gay) I think you should watch this.
Tell me what you think. (And please, watch until the end).
Katy Perry— Cry About It Later
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marvellouslymadmim · 5 years
Whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up there, hoss.
You’re joking, right? This is just a bit of snark, correct? I really hope so. 
[EDITED TO ADD: You were joking and being snarky, for really awesome reasons. I am going to keep the rest of my response because I do feel like it’s something that certain people *cough cough haters cough cough* do need to read and remember. Also I’m really glad bc I was wondering who could ever hate on Starbroom.]
Just in case anyone else misconstrues my feelings on the matter, based on previous posts: One thing we’re not gonna do is switch from defense to offense.
It is 100% valid to feel that your ship is the best.
It is 100% valid to defend your ship against attacks.
It is 100% Super Not Cool Bro to attack other ships.
Also, for the record: I don’t reply to the Hackle hate anon(s) because I believe that Hackle actually needs to be defended (the ship stands on its own merits and will continue to do so, with or without my piss and vinegar tactics) or because I want to invalidate other ships (I’m a multishipper so…I kinda wanna fight you over Starbroom).
It’s a simple tank tactic. If I engage the haters and keep their attention in this corner, there’s a greater chance they’ll leave the others alone. 
Because the Hackle fandom is such an amazing party. We have headcanon clerics and world-building wizards (witches) and kind fluffy healers and the occasional angsty ranger. These people are wonderful. They create art and bring inspiration to so many corners of this fandom. I, being a small creature composed mainly of spite, zero chill, and a cockroach-like ability to survive and thrive, can take on the role of tank. If you have a strength, you should play to it, for the betterment of the community. So I try to do just that. Because this anon has so much fuel to burn, and I can take the heat, hopefully containing it to a smaller, less destructive space.
Please understand that I am not trying to romanticize my responses into something heroic or noble. There is no good in what I do. But like Jaime Lannister, I am what I am and I accept that (Self awareness? Check. Self control?…Self control? *marks absent for the 57th day in a row*).  And it boils my blood to think that some of these people, who I hold quite dear, have to feel a wash of unease and anxiety every single time they get an ask notification. Some have even had to shut down their anon messaging feature, which keeps other genuine fans from leaving sweet commentary on their work. I would never wish that on anyone REGARDLESS of their ship or even how they feel about mine.
And if by sheer dumb luck the hackle hate anon is reading this, consider it your gilded invitation: come at me, bro. For whatever reason this thing upsets you, and you need to get that frustration out because it seems like we can’t see what you see–and that’s OK. Just come here, with someone who will gladly meet you measure for measure. If you wanna fight, I have so much here for you. I’ll give you all the recognition you crave, and then you can be on your merry way. 
Hiqsqueak, like Hackle, is alive and well and for the most part happily inhabited by fans who have learned to carve their own world out of a disastrous canon. 
Starbroom is my ultimate BROTP but I do like to sometimes visit a world where they’re absolutely fucking. 
Basically I stan one VERY SAPPHIC goth marshmallow and defend her right to have all the sex with all the ladies, however the spirit moves her.
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