#for the record this was written days ago im still doing those prompts do not worry
Hello Adrien~ how are you? I hope you've been doing well! Thank you so much for taking the time to accept and write the request I submitted to you. You released it at such perfect timing b/c I was in bed, sick and miserable, but reading your Jonggun x reader made my week and made me feel nice and comforted🥰 as always, I enjoy your characterization of lookism characters and I'm amazed on how you're able to write for so many characters in different prompts like you're a great writer and I hope that you continue to do what you enjoy doing^^
Since I saw that your requests are back open, is it okay if I request a reunion between Jonggun x reader who broke up a few years ago b/c Jonggun didn't want to involve reader into his life as a full-time Yamazaki head since his lifestyle would put them in danger but he and reader still love each other? Whether or not they decide to get back together is totally up to you! Please and thank you for always gracing the Fandom with your wonderful writing❤
perhaps (gun park x reader)
details: soft angst-y oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun are exes that still love each other
summary: gun has a sudden reunion with his ex. many feelings are spilled.
a/n: hello cherry anon !! ive indeed been well, i hope the same goes for you T_T + thank YOU for sending requests and enjoying my writing !! im glad it made you feel better 💓
also i really appreciate ur compliments :(( 💖💖 hearing that people like my characterizations always cheers me up ;_;
here's your request, thanks again <33
Gun's hand reached into his pocket once more to grab his box of cigarettes. He pulled out another cigarette for the night and put the box back to feel around his pockets for his lighter. As soon as he found it, he quickly lit up his cigarette and put the lighter back away as well.
Slowly inhaling... slowly exhaling; watching the smoke escape his lips as he blew it out. The only thing that made it visible were the dim lamp posts nearby the fountain he was currently seated on the edge of.
Feelings of temporary relaxation filled him up, as well as the cool, fresh air of the quiet city night. This was what he needed after his long day. No, make that a week.
He felt rather pathetic thinking about the heavy weight on his mind that he allowed to cause such a wreck of a week for him. And to think it was triggered by a song he hadn't heard in years, playing on an old record player he was looking at in an antique store.
Was this simply a period of grieving he was going through? Was he missing the bittersweet memories of a person he cut off and tried to bury long ago? Ah, but "person" was rather insulting to use to describe you. "Someone he deeply loved and cared for," was a much better descriptor.
If only you were just a "person," though. He wouldn't be feeling so sentimental then. He wouldn't care so much.
The particular memory resurfaced every once in a while, it was just easy to ignore when it was a thought. Hearing something directly from the memory causing him to nearly relive it, however, that he could not just ignore.
Muffled but recognizable, a traditional Japanese song was playing from the inside of Gun's home when he stood outside to have his last conversation with you. He figured one of his older relatives was playing it. Such a small detail, yet it was something that stuck with him. As for what was said in the conversation, he couldn't recall exactly, but your glossy eyed expression and the emotions he felt that day he remembered crystal clear.
At least because of those clear memories, he could guess what he said to you. Something rash, something immature and inconsiderate of your feelings. Despite that, he--in some strange way--still felt like he did the right thing, but he wished he had listened to you more instead of turn you away by insisting what he was doing was the best option for the both of you.
It felt selfish to think such a thought, though, because the reason he regretted breaking up with you the most was hurting you and not having you by his side anymore. He missed having someone that made his heart race in a way that wasn't related to fighting. He missed having someone he could wholeheartedly trust. He missed having a companion.
He missed you.
Of course, he hoped you felt the same. But how could anyone still harbor love for a person that pushed them away so harshly?
"Oh my gosh, hi! I didn't expect to see you here," a rather cheerful yet stiff voice called out.
Gun moved his gaze from the empty sky to the side where he saw someone smiling nervously at him. They sat down too closely to him for a stranger and asked him how his night was going.
He blankly stared at them, unable to feel much other than slight irritation. He just looked the other way and continued to inhale the smoke of his cigarette, every breath helping to keep his mood steady despite his rampant thoughts.
"Right, haha..." said the person, as if Gun replied with something. They then cleared their throat and very quietly said, "Sorry for disturbing your night, but someone's been following me. I'm hoping if I pretend to hang around a friend they'll leave me alone."
Ah. That kind of situation.
Gun knew he had no business playing hero, but he was a decent enough man to help someone innocent in need if it was happening right in front of him. Plus, he had time to spare anyway.
He dropped his finished cigarette onto the floor and gave it a firm stomp. After making sure it was extinguished, he picked it up to flick it into a trash can nearby and finally turned back to look at the stranger.
"I see. Let's talk, then." Honestly, he had to applaud the stranger for daring to approach him. Surely he must've looked as scary as whoever was following them?
"Thank you!" The person set down a bag they were holding into their lap and began to ramble about random things concerning how their day was spent. Gun listened half-heartedly, nodding and replying when polite, and occasionally checking his watch. He wanted to get home before 1 AM at least.
However, the longer he spent with the stranger, the more he felt himself losing track of time. They started to feel familiar. His intuition was never wrong, so he tried to study this person and make connections. The way they spoke, their mannerisms, their facial features: everything about them lead him to a blurry conclusion.
This stranger... were they you?
"What about you? How was your day?" The person still looked nervous. "Oh, wait, nevermind, I've definitely talked too long now. I should head home, thanks for keeping me company!" After an awkward beat of silence, they added, "Friend!"
Gun eyed them suspiciously, but with no malice. And in his ever so straightforward fashion, he said, "Of course. But before you go, may I ask you something?"
"Is your name..."
When he finished his question, the stranger's--your eyes widened.
"So it is you." Gun nodded, not quite sure how he was feeling at the moment. Ironic was most likely the best word. "Do you perhaps remember me?"
"Uh..." You fidgeted with your fingers, looking away. "Gun," you muttered, "Jonggun Park?"
"That's right." A new emotion washed over him. Relief? Happiness that you had kept him in your memories after the passing years? Well, you most likely didn't remember him in a good light...
You shifted in your seat before turning back to look at him, laughing sheepishly. "I knew you looked kind of familiar. No one wears slicked back hair as good as you." The compliment made Gun raise a brow as quickly as you had slapped a hand over your mouth. "I'm so sorry, that was really inappropriate to say." Your hand slid down and you vaguely gestured with it. "I-I meant no one wears slicked back hair like you. As in, um, it's a very... you look. You know?"
Some people really don't change no matter how many years go by.
A chuckle left Gun before he could stop himself. He'd imagined many times what it would be like to see you again, and the things he'd say. He would apologize first and foremost, but then explain himself and ask if you'd like to start anew. If you said yes, great, if not, then he'd respect your decision.
This time he would hear you out. Maybe there would be an argument and you both would part just as terribly as in the past, or maybe you two would make up and mutually agree to stay out of each other's lives.
Whatever scenario he thought up of, it wasn't anything like this. Still, he knew you better than that.
"We should cut to the chase, don't you think?"
Your smile faded as your brows slightly knit together. "I know we're exes, but that doesn't mean we have to be hostile to each other."
Gun still had a raised brow. "Even though the reason we aren't together anymore wasn't peaceful?"
Immediately, any lightheartedness in the mood blew away with the wind, revealing only the tense feelings shared between the both of you.
"Gun..." You moved your gaze away once more. "What's happened in the past can stay in the past. I've moved on." You held up a hand just as he was about to question you. "And before you ask, yes, I can't help but still hold a little grudge against you, but I understand now. I was upset back then, but after having years to think about it and mature, I get why you did what you did."
He nodded, taking note of your sincerity. "I suppose I don't have to explain myself then."
"No, you don't," you sighed softly.
"Then... at least allow me to say I'm sorry, too." You stayed quiet. "I didn't give you a chance to explain your feelings. It was arrogant of me to decide where we should take our relationship without hearing your input." Gun subconsciously turned away from you as well. "But I will say I don't regret what I told you. You knew very well the dangers that came with associating with someone involved with the Yakuza. Especially as the head of a clan."
"Right. You were keeping me away for my own safety. I know." You sounded tired, like you were being lectured at. "It probably was the best decision for our relationship. Didn't really stop me from hurting, though." A somewhat bitter laugh came along your last sentence. "It definitely hurt a lot more back then when I didn't understand, but even today..."
Gun didn't need to hear you finish what you were going to say to get the message. He said your name and then, "I feel the same. In all honesty, I miss having your presence in my life." He looked back at you. "You know, when I said I don't regret what I said, I meant it. Although, I do somewhat regret what I did: cutting off all ties with you. It was the logical thing to do, to ensure no one could trace you to me or vice versa, but sometimes I feel it did more harm than good to us."
"Hm." You shrugged with little emotion. "You look like you did fine without me."
"And you?"
"I turned out fine, too, I think." You didn't lift your head up to meet Gun's eyes, but you turned back at least to look at him. "I'm not dressed in rich people brands or anything, but I'm living. I have friends and a comfortable home."
The mention of his clothes mildly embarrassed Gun, but he quickly brushed it off. "That's good. You're living a normal life."
"Yeah. The kind you wanted me to live."
Well. That just stung.
He went quiet for a moment, thinking carefully of what to say next. "Are you happy--"
"What's the point of this conversation?" You cut him off, voice strained. "I know you hate beating around the bush, so just tell me what you're trying to say."
"...You're right." Gun sat up straighter and rested his hands on his knees. "I miss you. But I'm still living the kind of life I told you to stay away from. Do you see my problem?"
You let out another laugh, this one sharp and short. "Glad to know you haven't changed much. Still living a dangerous lifestyle and still not asking for my opinion."
"Except this time I don't think I need to ask for your opinion. You've made it rather clear where your feelings lie for me."
There was a moment of silence before you sighed. "I hate your confidence and your knack for reading people correctly."
"I think even a child would be able to pick up that you miss me from the bittersweet way you spoke."
"Shut up." He smiled softly, seeing you attempt to hide the small smile on your face. "What do you want me to say anyway?"
"I want to hear what you think. I'm making up for my past mistakes. Most importantly, I want you back in my life, but only if you want me back in yours as well." The unfamiliar feeling of mild nervousness had Gun conflicted on what to do. "Back then, I said we should never see each other again, no matter what, but maybe if we tried now we could make it work."
Finally, you looked up to make eye contact with him. "Why don't you just leave your criminal life behind?"
"I can't. And I don't want to." As your expression turned into one of concern, he went on to say, "It's just the kind of life I'm suited for. Call me immoral or a bad person; I'll be whatever that allows me to keep fighting. You already know I live by my own standards anyway."
"You're as weird as ever," you chuckled with a shake of your head.
"Yet you fell in love with me anyway."
"I know. That was my fault."
"Give me some credit for charming you at least." He leaned to the side just in time to dodge your hand moving to whack his shoulder.
After a huff, your shoulders dropped and a worried frown replaced your smile. "I don't know what to do. I do know I want to be by your side, though, and it's honestly relieving to hear you've been missing me all these years, too. It's just... are you sure this is okay? What do you mean by we could work things out now? How's it going to be any different from the past?"
Gun slowly replied, "The harsh truth is that it won't be any different. I still advise you to stay away, but my selfish side wants you by me despite the danger. It tells me I'll just make sure my work doesn't affect you." You nodded along while he added, "I won't force you into my lifestyle, either, of course. It'd be inappropriate to shove someone into a life they're not made for. Even if I do get you used to it, that doesn't guarantee you'll ever grow fit for it. Some people are not made for certain things. And... I want you to be happy with me, not miserable."
He let his words hang in the air for a while, to make sure you could properly digest them and then said, "There. That's all I can say." He crossed his arms. "I now leave the decision up to you. We're both adults now, aren't we? We've had time to grow and we can make our own decisions and talk things out like adults do. Whatever you choose, I understand."
"This is all very sudden, you know." Your frown turned even more lopsided. "After experiencing the horrific feeling of thinking someone's following me, I run into someone who I thought vaguely resembled my ex from when I was a teenager, only to find out he IS my ex and wants me back the same way I do, too. Except it's not that simple." You sighed in frustration and Gun nodded in sympathy.
"I'm not expecting you to think of an answer right away. I understand this is all very sudden." He reached a hand out, placing it atop of yours which was resting on the fountain edge. "I'll wait as long as needed. As long as you give me an answer, I'll be satisfied. Patience is needed for love, after all, whether that love flourishes or is buried as a loving memory."
"Okay." It seemed like you were trying to give him a reassuring smile as you stammered, "I'll--I'll think about it, then."
"Please take your time." Gun glanced at his watch. It was nearing 1 AM, and he decided you two had spoken enough. "It's become rather late, so I believe we should head home. Would you like me to walk you to your place?"
You scrambled up, grabbing your bag with a hand and leaving the other free to wave at Gun. "Oh, no, it's okay! It's been quite a while, I don't think the person following me is still sticking around."
"Nonsense, how ridiculous would it be if I let you walk home alone only to find your death on the news tomorrow morning?"
He had tried to say it in a half joking way, but the wide eyed look you gave him said you clearly didn't see it that way. At least until you began to laugh.
Once you quickly settled down, you had a soft smile resting on your lips. "Asking me a question only to ignore what my reply is and do whatever you want. Your feigned politeness hasn't changed either, I see."
Gun decided not to mention he was attempting to make a joke. "I hope you realize you haven't changed much either. You're still the same person I loved then, and love even now." He smirked when you began to look a little nervous.
"Right..." You side stepped and gestured forward. "I'll get going then. You can walk with me since you insist."
"Good." He followed after your stride, walking alongside you and easily keeping up with your pace. "What were you doing out so late, if you don't mind me asking?"
You glanced down at the bag in your hand. "Um... midnight snack craving."
Now it was Gun's turn to laugh and bring up the repeated sentiment of, "You really haven't changed."
"Whatever." You playfully rolled your eyes. "Can I ask why you're wearing sunglasses at night?"
"...That's a story for another day."
"...Right." Your eyes lit up as a new topic popped into your head. "Oh, and I can't believe you smoke now. I know you did it a few times whenever you were offered a cigarette when you were younger, but you should really stop if you want to live a long life."
Gun chuckled. "I'll think about it."
In some miraculous way or another, the rest of the walk to your house went peacefully. With a little healthy bickering, of course. You both exchanged phone numbers before finally parting ways.
On his way back home, Gun found himself thinking again, "Ah, that was exactly what I needed." Forget the cigarette he was using earlier as a stress reliever. Apparently what he needed most was a real conversation with the ex he still loved, and luck decided to be on his side today.
Yet, out of habit, (and because his walk home was extended by accompanying you home) he was pulling out another cigarette and lighting it.
"I wonder what decision they'll make."
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ad1thi · 4 years
@starklysteve me?? spamming you w recs because i love talking about my ships?? more likely than you think :)) (here’s some rhodeytony to get you started on what is objectively the best tony ship)
i place your hands around my neck:  @fanfictiongreenirises
"Rhodey could practically feel his lungs getting heavier again, weighed down by roots of plants that he’d thought would never take hold in him again."
Or: the one where Rhodey's been pining over Tony for much longer than either of them realised and develops the Hanahaki disease
Pretend We’re In Love (The Heartache Still Hurts): @marvelingjules
Rhodey's dad is dying, and what he's always wanted is for Rhodey to be happily married. Tony and Rhodey were best friends, and haven't spoken in years. But after a chance meeting at the airport, and a desperate, insane idea on Rhodey's part, they end up pretending to be engaged.
But how much of it is really pretend?
i can’t seem to get a grip, no matter how i live with it:  @psikeval
Tony knows he's got no business being a father.
A Million Shades of Blue: @notfknapplicable
“I just know that if I could get to wherever he is, I could find him. Dead or alive, I'd bring him back to us.”
James Rhodes will never stop searching for Tony Stark.
Twenty Five Years: @notfknapplicable (part of a series)
Nobody knows how long this has actually been going on. (Tony Stark has pretty much been in a monogamous relationship since he was 18 years old.)
Leave The Light On: @notfknapplicable (part of a series)
He was never doing this for fun. He'd just wanted to stay awake. And whatever you do, please don't tell that guy he's been fucking. He kinda likes him.
coloured in sun: @heleus
The one in which Anthony Edward Stark, having just reached the warm age of seventeen, realizes that he's in love with his best friend.
(The idea is terrifying.)
the planets that bend us: @deathsweetqueen
When Antonia Margaret Stark wakes up on her sixth birthday, it’s to the words: I didn’t get any sleep last night after that fucking lawn mower decided that 7 in the morning would be a perfect time for him to start his day, right outside my room.
She runs a thumb over the long string of words, wrapping around her wrist like a thick leather band.
She smiles.
She’s fourteen when she meets James Rupert Rhodes for the first time.
Written for the "more than a partner" square (S3) for the Tony Stark Bingo 2019 and the "soulmate" square for the Iron Husbands Bingo 2019
we rattle together in a bed of honey: @deathsweetqueen
Toni first met James Rhodes in Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing, when she was fourteen and trying very hard to stay in the shadows. She stumbles into the classroom, clutching her books and binders and pencil case close to her chest, as she stares at everything, wide-eyed and hungry and terrified. She seizes on the contempt, the confusion, the incredulity of the other freshman who look at her like she’s an incongruity – she’s used to that look, all that hate and derision.
She eats it up like chocolate cake.
Much to her luck, all the seats are filled, all except for one towards the middle of the row, a table shared only by a tall, handsome black boy, sleeping on top of the counter.
a winding road that stretches to the truth: @/coulddaughter (this author ostensibly has a tumblr but im unable to locate it -- so if anyone knows what their tumblr is please let me know so i can tag them!)
“Why do you need a date? Also, no offence, but why did you come to me? I stole, like, four of your girlfriends and at least two boyfriends, remember.”
“I do remember that, Tony,” said Jim, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, I need you to come on a date with me.”
Love in the Eyes:  @child-of-sunshine
The moment each of the Avengers realized Tony and Rhodey were in love.
The Curious Case Of The Discarded Condom:  @/AssvengersArsemble
Natasha, Clint and Steve get just a little nosy about Tony's love life. Tony finds it extremely amusing they can't see what's right under their noses.
takes a lot of love and compliance: @gyzym
She's born breech, feet kicking out before the rest of her screams free; she's born breech, and never stops running. (Rule 63!Tony)
Targeted Persuasion: @galwednesday
Jim opened Tony's most formal closet and started pulling out tuxedos. "Put one of these on.”
"We're getting married."
Tony froze. "No, we're not."
"Oh yes we are." Jim tossed three tuxedos onto the bed. Three was a good number of options, enough for Tony to make a choice, but not so many that he'd get lost analyzing the ramifications of navy pinstripes vs. charcoal paisley. Tony did best with clear, specific expectations rather than an unlimited universe of possibilities that he would inevitably filter through his neuroses and obsess over, and Jim was really kicking himself for not considering that, oh, ten years ago when they’d first started this, but there was no point in beating himself up about it now when he could put that energy towards solving the problem instead. "You brought this on yourself, Tones. Pick a damn tux."
Five thousand roses: @/forestgreen
She is broken and all the more dangerous for it. The world should tread carefully around the shards of her former self lest they cut themselves on Antonia Stark's sharp edges.
A Guide to Handling the Unhandleable Tony Stark:  @/nightrider101 (this is ab a/b/o verse)
Written for the following prompt on the Avengers Kink meme: The rest of the Avengers assume Tony is an unbound Omega by the way he acts. He's reckless and carefree and does what he wants. Imagine their surprise when they find out that Rhodey is Tony's Alpha. They're all confused at the way Rhodey lets Tony act and how they can be away from each other for long periods of time and Rhodey's just like 'He didn't want to give up his career and I didn't want to give up mine. And I gave up trying to tell Tony what to do years ago.'
It’s Not Bacon Until It Ceases To Be Bacon: @sobebold
Tony has lived with his best friend Rhodey for fifteen years, and everything is perfect.
Until Rhodey finally gets a boyfriend, and Tony's world gets turned upside down.
by any name: @machi-kun
Tony calls him ‘mine’, sometimes.
And he also calls him platypus, honeybear, sugarplum, all those stupid nicknames; but James’ favorite will always be ‘mine’.
Tutor Me: @wisiaden
Tony really wants James Rhodes to be his math tutor. The guy was hot, and if he had to play dumb, well, he can say he hates math.
run and hide: @/starksrhodey
Tony may or may not have a crush on football captain James Rhodes.
Or, Tony is extremely insecure, Pepper knows best, Steve likes to bake, Bucky loves red heads, and Rhodey keeps trying to talk to Tony.
This Is The Real Life: @blancheludis
It takes doing the laundry for Tony to realize he is completely, irrevocably in love with Rhodey. Who knew that the way to Tony Stark's heart is to teach him how to wash his clothes.
Anything For You Darling: @areiton
Tony is sitting on the balcony of his palace in Malibu, and Rhodey hates it, more than he's ever hated anything, watching his best friend stare at the water, limmed by the sun and utterly alone.
"She's dead," Tony says, before Rhodey can ask and he feels his breath catch, his heart stumble.
Grief. For pretty, troubled Maya with her big eyes.
Heartbreak. For a sweet infant who will never know the mother who gave him up, whose life will never be exposed, now.
Relief. Because Harley is safe. Safe. Gods, he's safe.
Rhodey helps Tony raise his son.
it goes like this (just like heroin): @quandongcrumble
He’s twenty-six and you’re twenty-eight and you get a midnight phone call from Obadiah and between the two of you, you manage to beg and bully until you can fly back to the States and sit beside the white hospital bed while they say words like heroin and accidental overdose and that Tony should pull through but Tiberius might not wake up.
It goes like this—for almost sixteen years Tony’s addiction problems are a blight on Rhodey’s relationship with him. Friendships crack and trust is shattered, over and over again.
motor oil and coconut oil: @/halfasgoodasanything
James loves his best friend. He's entirely supportive of his friendship and his almost relationship with Steve Rogers. He is! He is. Carol and Pepper seem to think otherwise, but he's cool. Loving Tony doesn't mean no one else can. Even if he wanted to.
lost and found: @starkslovemail 
“Are you lost?”
Tony jumped at the voice cutting into his thoughts. Turning around, he saw another teen, maybe a year or two older than him, decked out in Team USA gear. He shook his head, flashing what he hoped was a disarming smile, “Nope.”
“Are you sure about that?” The athlete raised a disbelieving brow as he stared down at Tony. “You’ve been walking up and down this hallway for the past ten minutes, and the least embarrassing reason why is being lost.”
The blunt honesty startled a laugh out of Tony. He grinned cheekily, rocking back on his heels, “Guess I’m lost then.”
Written for the RhodeyTony Mini-Bang! Art can be seen on twitter here!
two boy geniuses walk into one frat house: @starkslovemail (part of a series)
There were too many white people at this damn party.
The Other 'Mr Stark': Iron Man’s Mysterious Paramour:  @presidentrhodes 
Clint leans over to Tony and whispers. “For the record, I know you’re lying. You’re describing the perfect man and he doesn’t exist. You might as well say you’re dating Superman because at least Christopher Reeve was a looker.“(Based on this prompt: Tony keeps telling the avengers how awesome his husband is but they don't believe he exists because it has been months and they still haven't met him yet and then finally, Rhodey comes home.)
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bensakindofmagic · 5 years
As Hard
Tumblr media
(gif creds to @queenmercurys​)
okay i wrote a thing, cause apparently i can't stop writing at the moment (it’s all this goddamn fresh content). i hope yous aren't complaining. it’s for courtney’s writing challenge (@ijustreallylovezebras​ // @writingfortoomanyfandoms​) and I KNOW THE DEADLINE WAS SUNDAY BUT IM A LAZY HOE so you can have it now <3
(also know this isn't the lovely fluffy content that usually surfaces this time of year but there you go. hope you like it anyway)
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of death
w/c: 2.6k+
based on this prompt:
“I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you” - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
(ALSO i went a tiny bit abstract with the prompt, cause my initial idea was basically the same as a chapter i just wrote for my series [but you’ll have to wait a wee while to read that ;) ], so i went with this instead. anyway, i’ll shut up and let you read now)
Begins below the cut
Ben looked in on his sleeping daughter and decided to let her lie in a little longer. He smiled at the sight of her; she was the light of his life, the most precious thing in the world to him. She was sleeping soundly, her face the picture of serenity. Those moments were like gold to him. He never wanted to see her cry again.
Lily. His wife had chosen the name. He recalled the moment she told him she was pregnant. She’d been nervous; they weren’t married back then, but it was one of the happiest days of his life.
“Ben, love, can I talk to you?”
The tension in his shoulders was involuntary. Those words made him nervous. “Yeah, of course. What’s wrong?” He tried to act nonchalant. 
She sat down beside him on the sofa. He could hear the shallowness of her breathing. She looked mildly terrified and instantly Ben’s nerves on his own behalf switched to worrying about her. Her skin was pale and clammy — was she sick? 
She breathed out slowly. “Okay look, here’s the thing… I’m pregnant.”
His whole world stood still, the word bounced around in his head. Pregnant. 
Vaguely he heard her muttering something and forced himself to tune back in. 
“… understand if you’re not ready to have a baby, but I don’t think we should just jump into getting rid of it—”
“Getting rid of it?! No, angel, I don’t want to get rid of it,” he grinned, finally letting his joy shine though his face. “It’s your choice and I’ll support you whatever, but baby there is nothing I want more than to start a family with you.”
Her relief was palpable, as her lips spit into a smile and she collapsed in his arms, letting him pull her close. “Thank god,” she whispered.
Ben pulled back and wiped away a tear with his thumb, before kissing her with all the strength he could muster. 
“We’re having a baby,” he chirped, elated and overwhelmed.
She bit her lip as she smiled — he always loved when she did that — and hummed, “You’re gonna be a daddy."
Lily had been born healthy and beautiful, and he had fallen in love with her instantly. It was a moment unlike anything he had ever felt before, sitting next to the love of his life on the hospital bed as she held their new baby in her arms. She had sobbed, exhausted but overjoyed, and he had kissed her forehead and told her how well she had done. It had been a tricky birth but she was a trooper. He couldn’t have been more proud of her. 
He had proposed a couple of years later, on their anniversary, and when Lily was two they were married. She had been a flower girl for them — she loved dressing up in her little frock, and was very pleased to take as much attention as she could away from her mum. Luckily Y/N had loved every second of it, and smiled constantly. She had never looked more beautiful. 
Ben stumbled as he thought of that day, and he had to grip onto the arm of the sofa to stop himself from falling. It still felt like a knife wound in his chest. Most of the time now he could think of her and carry on, but their wedding day? That was too much. Ben was tired, he ached. He sat heavily on the sofa and let his bones sink. He didn’t fight the tears that fell from his eyes, he had learned long ago that there was no use in fighting, so he let them roll solemnly down his cheeks. 
But he heard the gentle patter of little feet on the floor and sat up, wiping his face. 
Much against the wishes of his body, Ben had hauled himself out of bed. He could have ignored the muffled cries of his baby daughter coming from the kitchen and Y/N’s gentle lullaby, it was the gnawing anxiety at the fact that she had been trying to get Lily to sleep for nearly an hour that kept him from sleeping. He squinted against the light, but heard how frayed Y/N’s voice was. She sounded tired, and a little frazzled. When his eyes adjusted he saw her disheveled hair and panicked eyes. 
She spun on her heel; her fear was written all over her face.
“She won’t settle. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she just won’t stop crying.” He could hear in her voice how close she was to tears.
“You’re stressed love, and tired. You know how babies can tell when you’re anxious.”
“I don’t know if that’s it, Ben.”
“I’m sure she’s fine. Give her to me darling, go get some sleep. You need it.”
She was clearly still a little unconvinced, but relieved to let him take over. He knew she was struggling with being a mum more than she had admitted. She had wanted a baby for such a long time, Ben didn’t suppose it had ever occurred to her that she might find it hard. Of course, he knew she was doing an incredible job, but she beat herself up too much over the little things. He’d have to talk to her about it, or maybe ask his mum to. She’d listen to his mum.
She carefully placed the little bundle in his arms and kissed him. She whispered, “Thank you,” and wandered back to the bedroom, half asleep already. 
Ben looked down at the tiny face of his daughter. It was contorted in mid-wail, but he sat down on the sofa and laid her on his lap while he pulled his tshirt off. Then he unwrapped Lily from her blanket, took her baby-grow off, and placed her on his bare chest before covering her back over with the blanket. She still cried, though a little quieter when he started rubbing her back with a hand that was almost the same size as her. She nuzzled her cheek into his chest and started to settle with a little groan and a gurgle. He nestled his finger into her closed fist, and she latched onto it, squeezing it with all the might. He smiled; he would never get tired of that. He hummed a gentle lullaby until her eyes drifted closed and her could lay her back in her cot. 
When he went back to the bedroom, Y/N was fast asleep. Contented to see his two best girls both sleeping peacefully, he climbed into bed and pulled Y/N close, kissing her cheek and whispering that he loved her.
“You didn’t wake me up daddy,” said Lily, stifling a yawn. 
“I know petal, I thought I’d let you have a lie in.”
She clambered up onto the sofa next to him and latched her little arms around his neck. “But we’re going to see mummy today. You promised.”
“It’s okay, she’ll still be there. Go get dressed and do your teeth, then we’ll go see mum.”
She planted a delicate kiss on his cheek and raced off to to her bedroom. His heart swelled; thank god he still had Lily. 
She was ready in record time and appeared from her room with a few bits of paper in her hands. 
“I’ve done some drawings for mummy. Please can I take them?”
“Of course you can, darling. I think she’ll love them. Have you got her letter, too?”
She nodded; she always took a letter. 
She was quieter than she used to be. Her mother had been strict on manners but she used to have a naughty streak to her; Y/N always used to laugh that she got that from her dad. That was gone now, or at least subdued. Ben prayed that she would get it back, in time.
He picked up the flowers he’d bought the day before and took his little girl’s hand, leading her to the car.
It wasn’t a long drive, and they soon parked. Ben and Lily walked hand in hand down the path that ran alongside the church. When they passed the big oak tree Lily knew the way, so he let her run ahead.
“Be careful of the big roots Lily, mind you don’t trip!” he called after her, but she wasn’t listening.
When he caught up with her, she had already laid her drawings down against her mum’s headstone. 
“Is that mummy?” he asked, pointing to the woman in the drawing.
Lily nodded, “And that’s you and that’s me.”
“We look very happy.” 
“I thought that’s what mummy would have wanted.”
“It is petal, it is.”
He took the old flowers out of the vase and put the new bunch in — lilies of course — before taking his daughter’s hand once more. It was still so tiny, engulfed in his large one.
“Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Lily, 
Happy birthday to you!”
Ben and Y/N cheered and Lily blew out all four candles on her birthday cake in one go. Ben lifted her up and twirled her round the room, her dress flaring out behind her. She giggled in that joyful way that children do, and Ben grinned. He could hardly contain his glee. 
She hadn’t wanted a birthday party, saying that she only wanted her mum and dad there. Ben had felt guilty: he’d been away a lot filming just lately and he knew the girls missed him. Y/N would never say but she wished he didn’t travel so often, and Lily was always happiest when they were all together. Spending her birthday with his beautiful little family reminded him how lucky he was. As he watched his wife cut his daughter’s birthday cake, he promised himself he would make for time for them, be home more often. He would be the best dad he could.
Lily merrily ran off to get her new toys once they’d eaten their cake, and while she was occupied Ben pulled Y/N onto his lap. She squealed and laughed and it was music to him. He threaded his arms around her waist and let her lean back, resting his chin on her shoulder. She hummed contentedly when he kissed her neck.
“I’m going to be home more this year.”
“It that right?” she pondered.
“I promise. I want to spend more time with you two.”
“That would be nice.” He could hear her smiling.
“And I’ve been thinking—”
He chuckled, “I adore our little family, but how would you feel if it got a little bigger?” 
She turned to him, eyes wide. “Really?”
He nodded, gnawing at his lip. 
She beamed, “I would love that.”
As Ben kissed his wife he let his hand trail towards her thigh, and felt her smile against his lips.
It was only a few weeks later that Y/N had collapsed one Sunday afternoon and he’d rushed her to hospital. After that everything was a blur. They knew from the start that it was terminal but when she slipped away two months later it still came as a shock. It had all happened so fast, Ben had barely had time to process it, let alone Lily. She lost her mum at the age of four. He worried constantly what that would do to her, and how to be both mum and dad to her. It was an endless struggle, mourning for the death of the only woman he had ever loved, and learning to be a single parent. The last two years had been hell, but he finally felt like there was some light in his life again. 
“Do you want to read your letter to mum?”
Lily shook her head, “She knows what it says,” and lay down the letter next to her drawings. For a while they both stood, quietly grieving in each other’s company. When Lily sighed and started to fidget next to him, Ben knew she was ready to go.
“Why don’t you go and wait in the car, sweetheart? I want to talk to mummy in private for a minute. I promise I won’t be long.” 
She nodded and set off. He watched her until she was safely back in the car before turning back to the headstone.
He read the words he had chosen:
Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.
They were Emily Dickinson’s words. He trusted her to know what she was talking about, despite the fact that at the time he didn’t believe them in the slightest. Now, perhaps, he was starting to see what she meant. Perhaps.
“Oh love, my darling girl…” 
He broke down, sobs wracked his body. He just missed her so goddamn much. She had been his whole world, the love of his life, she had given him the most precious gift in their beautiful daughter, and she was gone. Forever. 
Eventually he composed himself, and placed a hand on her grave. The stone was cold beneath his fingers.
“God, I miss you. I thought it would get easier but it hasn’t, I’ve just got better at living with the the hole that you left. I’m still mad at you, you know. For leaving us. That was a real dick move.”
He sighed, shaking his head with a small chuckle. 
“Not that it was your fault. I know you’d still be with us if you could. But Lily’s doing well, you’d be so proud of her, baby. She’s still a little quiet but she’s getting more confident these days, you can see it. And she’s so smart too, she really got your brains. She’s cleverer than me already, it’s embarrassing. She gets more and more like you every day.” He took a deep, shuddering breath. 
“I suppose you want to know how I’m doing? Ha, well I’m okay. I miss you, but I already told you that. I think I’m doing better though. For a while there it was really just Lily that kept me going. I don’t know what I would have done without her. I was just trying to make to the next day, so that I could be there for her, but I think I’m ready to start living for me again. She’s everything to me, you know, but maybe I’m ready to get back into the world a little bit.” 
Suddenly Ben was able to unload all the thoughts that had been swirling around in his head, weighing him down. You always made it so easy for him to talk to you, even when you weren’t there.
“I feel kinda guilty though, like I’m leaving you behind. I don’t want to forget you, I don’t want to move on from you, I just want to move forward. I can’t keep living in this pit, I… I don’t know. Not that you need me to tell you any of this. I know you wanted me to move on, find someone else. I don’t know about that, but I think I’m ready to start embracing life again. But you should know that there’s no one in the world like you, no one else I could ever love the way I love you.” 
He felt tears prickle at his eyes again, and he knew it was time to go.
“Christ Y/N, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. Maybe then we’d still be together.”
His head dropped, his shoulders fell heavy. He kissed his fingers and pressed them against the name carved in the stone. His wife. His rock. 
“I have to go, Lily’s waiting, but I'll see you soon. I love you.”
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 8)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count: 1537
Warnings: Language
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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It's good to know you are receiving the letters. Trying to find a raven was rather difficult, but Thor managed to borrow his father’s. This feels almost like Harry Potter, doesn't it? Writing via letter, and sending it through magical realms on a bird? Hehe.. I wasn't sure the raven would even know how to find you. 
I miss you and Lucky very much… I hope you're giving him a kiss every night for me.
I am going to go mad. But I take solace knowing that Tony will ask you on a date very soon. Believe me, Shannon, that man is head over heels for you. It will be any day now.
That is good about Jane. She will be a great asset to the team, I'm so glad my data helped you. 
I am sending the phone back with the raven. I hope you can upload the photos and see what I see. And as a matter of fact, King Odin has asked for my help. He is looking into getting me a job with some elite scientists. Thor told him of my work on Earth and he felt my skills should not go to waste. I am looking into studying their atmosphere. 
Shannon, this world is incredible. They have fruit sweeter than candy, meat that needs no seasoning. They use and believe in magic. Queen Frigga and Loki are well versed in magic, probably what we would call witchcraft back home. I tried to take a picture of them performing magic, but the energy won't show up. But yes, Frigga and Diane would get along great! 
Funny story, I got a “formal” portrait of the royal family. It took a lot of begging on my part, and convincing on Thor and Queen Frigga's. It looks amazing. Odin is on the throne… you'll see. Thor lets me take all the pictures I want. Frigga is shy, but she allows photos so long as it is in the evening. Odin forbids them except for the portrait. He was not amused when I tried to take a selfie with him. Loki, I tried to steal a few photos of him, but he is clever and wise to me. 
I decided to drop a note at Loki's door. He seems to be quietly brooding, constantly on edge. I thought maybe if I reached out, and gave him the chance to approach me, it might be better. I basically told him in the note I know what it's like to be overlooked, to be unwanted. I told him that it doesn't matter what his father thinks of him, or his brother. What matters is what he feels his worth is. I dropped that at his bedroom door this morning, so we shall see. 
He hasn't spoken to me since I broke up their fight two weeks ago. It’s killing me. I can't explain it but I desperately wish to get to know him. I want to help him, and I don't know how to get him to open up to me.
No promises about the battles, hehe. My footwork is getting better, or so Thor and Sif tell me. Tomorrow I will practice against Fandral, which makes me very freaking nervous. Wish me luck. 
The books about Asgard actually aren't foo far off the correct path. There are a few things I need to revise but so far we've gotten it mostly right. I am going to have to stress how stunning this world is. I may even update some of the politics. They run things somewhat differently.
I will ask Thor what he would like from Earth, for his gift, haha.
The news on my parents is promising. The data team here has been going through records and they've found birth records for my month and year. When they find a female baby with my similar characteristics they'll let me know… I hope to know something soon. 
I miss you. 
Love, your bff,
Dear Y/N/N,
It's so good to hear from you again, I was hoping to get a letter soon enough you have no idea what's been going on over here.  It feels like im awaiting my letter from Hogwarts except this is so much better! I’m sure Odin doesn’t mind that we’re using his raven. The raven thing works well, although it did give Lucky a good scare when it flew over his head to land on the lab table. 
Speaking of Lucky, he’s been doing alright there’s a few times where he’ll cry because he misses you but I’ll be sure to let him know you asked for him. Ever since I snuck Lucky in and Tony caught me giving him a bath, he’s arranged for us to have a room to stay in. Although Tony won’t admit it, he does like seeing Lucky in the morning. Bruce even makes us have breakfast. Lately Lucky’s been disappearing a lot from my side, he usually lays down under my desk and watches me work, and you won’t believe where I found him. I found him sleeping in Tony’s bed. Seems he’s gotten Tony to actually get to bed most nights. 
Speaking of Tony, you can take solace because I overheard him talking to JARVIS about planning a dinner date for us two but he’s unaware that I heard. He asked me out the next day to say I'm nervous is an understatement i have no idea what to wear I wish you were here to help me pick my outfit. I don’t know about head over heels for me but he did seem different after he asked me out. 
With looking at the research I was able to retrieve for her, I showed Pepper the results and was given the go ahead to fund any further research she makes so as long as I’m able to read through and add to our file. She’ll be getting a letter soon. I’ll let you know how she reacts seeing as you two are good friends. 
I’ll be sure to upload the pictures onto the system and try to locate the heat signals off the energy from their magic. I’ve made some changes to the system. Just make sure its secured on to the raven good so we don't lose it. Seems like Odin is a bit of a stiff man. Does he ever smile?
Good to hear that even on another planet you’ll be helping further some sort of research. They are very lucky to have you there. You have to tell me more about it when you start working. 
It must look formal with how Sif and the other warriors were dressed it must be something out of a story book. In sure Queen Frigga is private about herself which is quite normal, are you planning a way to get pictures of Loki in anyway? Don’t tell me you plan on asking to be taught magic by either of them as cool as it would be there must be some risks. 
Glad to hear your still trying to help Loki but I’m not sure he’s looking to connect just yet maybe give him some more time? Try and get to know him rather than just getting him to see you two are equals?  
Y/N, so help me I will find a way to get to Asgard, don’t you go riding into battle unaware of whether or not your truly Asgardian. Sounds to me like Sif has her work cut out, you always were a quick study kinda girl. Wish you the best of luck and that you knock Fandral off his feet. 
I could send you the book to you so you can make the changes as you see? I’ve finished reading through it and with what you know now it’ll be even better. 
Maybe I’ll send him poptarts he did seem to enjoy those when you told me. Haha 
I'm sure you’ll get the answers you need soon enough, Y/N, try not to stress too much about that. 
Lucky and I miss you too.
Your sister,
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Run for the Hills
Goodness I should have written this long ago and I really don't know why I didn't! I am so pleased this prompt appeared because it has finally, finally spurred me on to write it. It's another character I don't usually write solo for – not that I know why, I think just because I haven't as opposed to any issues with writing the character.
Anyway, I would kill for a backstory series on all this you know, but hey, I'll just keep making it up to my pleasure until they choose to see so fit as to give me one.
20: Run for the Hills
Summary: He'd honestly thought it a saying, and little more. He was re-evaluating that now.
Words: 1805
Spoilers: Potential references to 'The Hexpert' [S1E20], 'Designated Driver' [S1E22]. Mentions 'Signals: Part One' [S3E14]. Nothing major.
'e ad hoften thought habout hall this running haround: driving ha fancy car hand looking the part…
It was him. There was no denying that.
FAB One and the beautiful, kind young Lady (okay, and the mutt), he drove around were proof of all he know was.
Chauffeur, Butler, Protector.
Yes, he was all of those things thanks to Lord Creighton-Ward's faith in him.
No hone 'ad hever 'ad faith like that hin 'im.
Not even those who were always meant to have his back, those who he ran with had never had that much belief.
Safecracker, illusive thief, criminal mastermind…
Okay, well, maybe he hadn't quite made the records for the last one, but they were the things he had been, the things he thought he had left behind, so to speak.
They never left him. He couldn't forget all the things which had made up his checkered past, which formed his skill set, and had led him to this ultimate point.
This point hof faith.
Lord Creighton-Ward gave him a chance and he took it. He was already something and someone, but maybe this gave him a chance to be more than that.
He'd been thinking that in the sense of… well, some kind of retribution for his past failings and run-ins with the law.
He hadn't been thinking in the sense of an ex-astronaut who his Lordship seemed to be quite friendly with.
"Parker, this is Mr Jeff Tracy."
"Nice to meet you, Mr Tracy, Sir."
"Oh, you don't need the 'Sir', Parker."
"hOh… right you hare, Sir."
When he accepted Lord Creighton-Ward's offer;
"What would hI be doing, M'Lord?"
"Just driving my daughter around, Parker. Looking out for her."
"hOh, hI can do that, Your Lordship. hI hused to be hour get-haway driver."
"Did you now?"
"Yes, Your Lordship, hand might hI say, hI was halmost has good has that, has hI was hat cracking the safes."
"Well, then I'm sure I couldn't be hiring better hands."
…He had, well, assumed it was a one-person sort of job. One person to mind that was.
But since the arrival of Jeff Tracy, it seemed more had come his way.
Much more.
Crikey ho' Riley… what 'ad 'e signed 'imself hup for?
Lord Creighton-Ward gave Mr Jeff Tracy Sir, quite ha lot hof funding for some project hor hanother.
That was what Parker worked out early on, from being stood in the room or sat in the driver's seat.
The American visited the residence quite often too.
And one day, he brought his eldest son with him for the trip.
"Ah, Parker, you remember Jeff."
A polite nod to show the answer was the haffirmative.
"This is Jeff's eldest boy. Mr Scott Tracy."
The boy seemed very confident too, holding out a hand like he was ready for a handshake. Parker obliged, after a polite bow, of course.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Scott, Sir."
"Oh no, Parker, he's definitely not a Sir."
"hOh… right you hare, Mr Jeff Tracy Sir."
He'd gone promptly to serve the tea, missing the very bright-eyed glances shared between the two men.
It was the right choice.
hAccepting his Lordship's offer.
Of course it was the right choice.
Lord Creighton-Ward rather thought so too.
"Tea, M'Lady?"
"Tea, Parker."
The young Lady Penelope, heir to his Lordship, wasn't quite one for all that sitting still at gala's and charity balls. Parker thought she was a sight worse than him, and he at least wasn't supposed to be a.. huhem… 'igh born.
She set him off half the time.
Her Father didn't seem to particularly mind either, Parker noticed. He'd spare her a cursory glance, non-interruptive to whatever or whomever he was conversing with, see he was already prepared to follow along dutifully behind her, and return to whatever he was occupied with.
Parker wondered for many years whether that was strange or just a trait of the 'igh born.
He never realised, nor had time to be told by his Lordship, that it was only because he was going to be there that the man could take his eyes off his daughter for more than two seconds.
His Lordship would rather have liked to tell him that.
Mr Jeff Tracy Sir continued to visit often.
The young Lady Penelope was rather liking getting to know his sons too. Parker supposed it made sense.
"hAh 'ello hagain, Mr Tracy Sir."
"Yes, hello Parker. Lovely weather today."
"Makes ha change from the rain, Mr Tracy Sir. hOh, there's three hof you."
"Yes, Parker, this is another of my sons. John Tracy."
"Nice to make your hacquaintance, Mr John Sir."
"Oh, I'm not-"
"And 'ello hagain to you, Mr Scott Sir."
"-a Sir."
Parker had often thought of the old saying… Run for the hills.
Maybe that's what he should be doing, and doing now. Running whilst there was still some kind of chance.
He didn't. Lord Creighton-Ward had chosen him, and put his faith in him.
He owed the man a certain amount of loyalty for that.
And he'd promised to protect the man's daughter.
Even if that seemed to come with an additional family who he somehow ended up playing butler for too.
FAB One had been a replacement for FAB Zero when petrol began to die out.
Lord Creighton-Ward had intended to get a black car this time around, much sleeker and more stylish, but her young ladyship had kicked up a fuss… a rather polite fuss, but a fuss nevertheless.
"Everyone has black cars."
"It's the nature of high society, dear. Chauffeurs drive the cars, the cars blend in."
"The last car did not."
"No, well, that was a favour I was testing for a friend, you see. But it is not viable to have another pink car dear."
"But I think something pink to carry on the tradition would look most fine, Father. Don't you think so too, Parker?"
"hOh… hI hum… well, yes, M'Lady."
"See Father, Parker agrees with me, and since he'll be the one driving it, I think it's only fair if we make sure it is pink."
"Yes, Penelope dear, whatever you say."
"hI ham sorry, Your Lordship. hI didn't know what helse hI could say to 'er."
"That is quite alright, Parker. She's right, after all. Why not have another pink car."
FAB One could also be black though, there was a rather handy switch for it.
Yes, Parker very much liked the new 'get-haway' car, 'is Lordship 'ad bought 'im.
FAB Zero had lived in the garage for many years.
Many, many years until Parker and Scott crossed paths again. He'd been doing a spot of… spring cleaning, when Mr Jeff Tracy Sir had turned up with the boy, His Lordship and young Lady Penelope in tow.
"Good morning Parker."
"Good morning, Mr Tracy Sir."
"Yes, well… Apparently it's okay for you to take the day to teach Scott here how to drive."
"Me, Mr Tracy Sir?"
"Yes Parker, you." His Lordship agreed. "Who better."
"Can Parker teach me how to drive?"
"You don't need to drive, dear, that's why you have Parker."
"Hmm, but one of these days-"
The conversation faded away as did the figures until Parker was left very much halone with the eldest Tracy boy. He'd lost count now as to how many of them there were. It was so much easier with just her Ladyship to look after on a daily basis.
"So, how do I drive?"
And he thought her Ladyship moved fast. hOh to be young...
"This car looks awesome. Oh, why's there a button there? Dad's doesn't have one of those-"
It wasn't usual custom, but he grabbed the young man's hand before it could even reach the little impress.
"hI wouldn't touch that, hif hI were you."
"What does it do?"
"Well, Mr Scott Sir, maybe hone hof these days hI'll show you, but for now your father 'as hasked me to teach you to drive."
"So teach me! I'm ready."
"No, Mr Scott Sir. You're sitting hin the wrong car."
"The wrong car?"
"hOnly hI 'ave the 'onour hof driving FAB One."
"So what am I meant to drive."
"hI'm glad you hasked."
"Yes, M'Lady?"
"I'd like you to meet Sherbet."
"hOh, hI hused to love Sherbets… hOh."
"He's my new companion. He'll go with us wherever we go."
"hEven hin the car, M'Lady?"
"Of course. I wouldn't expect him to walk alongside us on the road, would I now?"
He sighed.
"No, M'Lady."
"You will look after Penelope, won't you?"
"hOf course hI will, Your Lordship."
He wasn't going to dare tell the man that she was perfectly capable of looking after herself.
Or that 'e might 'ave let slip ha few hold tricks to 'er.
They were saying goodbye to Mr Jeff Tracy Sir.
He'd just come for tea in the wake and told them some very interesting information.
It had made Her Ladyship rather happy anyhow.
"Well Parker, that does make things more exciting."
"Certainly, M'Lady. hI'm sure Mr Scott Sir, hand Mr John Sir, hand Mr Virgil Sir will hall be very pleased to see you hat the hIsland."
"Yes, quite, um… Parker?"
"Yes, M'Lady?"
"You do know the boys aren't Mr Tracy's yet."
"hAre they not, M'Lady?"
"No, no, no. They still have Jeff. They're Master Tracy's."
"hOh… hI see. Well, M'Lady, hI'm sure Master Scott Sir, hand Master John Sir, hand Master Virgil Sir will hall be-"
He never realised how much Lady Penelope loved the little mistakes he made with his terminology or his speech. And she never told him – too much – for fear that she would correct her source of entertainment too much.
No, she rather liked this character her Father had found for her.
Parker never told her that he rather liked her too.
The little bell rang, somehow clear and shrill through the house.
Blimey! 'e no longer knew 'ow that was possible.
Back up he went. hAgain.
Master Gordon was a bound to be ringing for something.
He was in this for the long haul, certainly until that leg repaired itself.
hOh… He'd have a five in six chance of it being any of the other Tracy siblings, and he was including Kayo.
But of all the ones Her Ladyship had to take a shining too… it had to be the blonde currently laid up with a stack of injuries, one heck of an attitude and a little annoying bell.
The bell rang again.
"Coming! Master Gordon Sir. hOh…"
Maybe he really should have run for those hills when he had the chance.
He'd honestly thought it a saying, and little more. He was re-evaluating that now. hAgain.
But of course, it didn't change a thing.
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Unforseen Chasm (part 8)
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 Part 8 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count:  1537 Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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It’s good to know you are receiving the letters. Trying to find a raven was rather difficult, but Thor managed to borrow his father’s. This feels almost like Harry Potter, doesn’t it? Writing via letter, and sending it through magical realms on a bird? Hehe.. I wasn’t sure the raven would even know how to find you.
I miss you and Lucky very much… I hope you’re giving him a kiss every night for me.
I am going to go mad. But I take solace knowing that Tony will ask you on a date very soon. Believe me, Shannon, that man is head over heels for you. It will be any day now.
That is good about Jane. She will be a great asset to the team, I’m so glad my data helped you.
I am sending the phone back with the raven. I hope you can upload the photos and see what I see. And as a matter of fact, King Odin has asked for my help. He is looking into getting me a job with some elite scientists. Thor told him of my work on Earth and he felt my skills should not go to waste. I am looking into studying their atmosphere.
Shannon, this world is incredible. They have fruit sweeter than candy, meat that needs no seasoning. They use and believe in magic. Queen Frigga and Loki are well versed in magic, probably what we would call witchcraft back home. I tried to take a picture of them performing magic, but the energy won’t show up. But yes, Frigga and Diane would get along great! 
Funny story, I got a “formal” portrait of the royal family. It took a lot of begging on my part, and convincing on Thor and Queen Frigga’s. It looks amazing. Odin is on the throne… you’ll see. Thor lets me take all the pictures I want. Frigga is shy, but she allows photos so long as it is in the evening. Odin forbids them except for the portrait. He was not amused when I tried to take a selfie with him. Loki, I tried to steal a few photos of him, but he is clever and wise to me.
I decided to drop a note at Loki’s door. He seems to be quietly brooding, constantly on edge. I thought maybe if I reached out, and gave him the chance to approach me, it might be better. I basically told him in the note I know what it’s like to be overlooked, to be unwanted. I told him that it doesn’t matter what his father thinks of him, or his brother. What matters is what he feels his worth is. I dropped that at his bedroom door this morning, so we shall see.
He hasn’t spoken to me since I broke up their fight two weeks ago. It’s killing me. I can’t explain it but I desperately wish to get to know him. I want to help him, and I don’t know how to get him to open up to me.
No promises about the battles, hehe. My footwork is getting better, or so Thor and Sif tell me. Tomorrow I will practice against Fandral, which makes me very freaking nervous. Wish me luck.
The books about Asgard actually aren’t foo far off the correct path. There are a few things I need to revise but so far we’ve gotten it mostly right. I am going to have to stress how stunning this world is. I may even update some of the politics. They run things somewhat differently.
I will ask Thor what he would like from Earth, for his gift, haha.
The news on my parents is promising. The data team here has been going through records and they’ve found birth records for my month and year. When they find a female baby with my similar characteristics they’ll let me know… I hope to know something soon.
I miss you.
Love, your bff,
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Dear Y/N/N,
It’s so good to hear from you again, I was hoping to get a letter soon enough you have no idea what’s been going on over here.  It feels like im awaiting my letter from Hogwarts except this is so much better! I’m sure Odin doesn’t mind that we’re using his raven. The raven thing works well, although it did give Lucky a good scare when it flew over his head to land on the lab table.
Speaking of Lucky, he’s been doing alright there’s a few times where he’ll cry because he misses you but I’ll be sure to let him know you asked for him. Ever since I snuck Lucky in and Tony caught me giving him a bath, he’s arranged for us to have a room to stay in. Although Tony won’t admit it, he does like seeing Lucky in the morning. Bruce even makes us have breakfast. Lately Lucky’s been disappearing a lot from my side, he usually lays down under my desk and watches me work, and you won’t believe where I found him. I found him sleeping in Tony’s bed. Seems he’s gotten Tony to actually get to bed most nights.
Speaking of Tony, you can take solace because I overheard him talking to JARVIS about planning a dinner date for us two but he’s unaware that I heard. He asked me out the next day to say I’m nervous is an understatement i have no idea what to wear I wish you were here to help me pick my outfit. I don’t know about head over heels for me but he did seem different after he asked me out.
With looking at the research I was able to retrieve for her, I showed Pepper the results and was given the go ahead to fund any further research she makes so as long as I’m able to read through and add to our file. She’ll be getting a letter soon. I’ll let you know how she reacts seeing as you two are good friends.
I’ll be sure to upload the pictures onto the system and try to locate the heat signals off the energy from their magic. I’ve made some changes to the system. Just make sure its secured on to the raven good so we don’t lose it. Seems like Odin is a bit of a stiff man. Does he ever smile?
Good to hear that even on another planet you’ll be helping further some sort of research. They are very lucky to have you there. You have to tell me more about it when you start working.
It must look formal with how Sif and the other warriors were dressed it must be something out of a story book. In sure Queen Frigga is private about herself which is quite normal, are you planning a way to get pictures of Loki in anyway? Don’t tell me you plan on asking to be taught magic by either of them as cool as it would be there must be some risks.
Glad to hear your still trying to help Loki but I’m not sure he’s looking to connect just yet maybe give him some more time? Try and get to know him rather than just getting him to see you two are equals?  
Y/N, so help me I will find a way to get to Asgard, don’t you go riding into battle unaware of whether or not your truly Asgardian. Sounds to me like Sif has her work cut out, you always were a quick study kinda girl. Wish you the best of luck and that you knock Fandral off his feet.
I could send you the book to you so you can make the changes as you see? I’ve finished reading through it and with what you know now it’ll be even better.
Maybe I’ll send him poptarts he did seem to enjoy those when you told me. Haha
I’m sure you’ll get the answers you need soon enough, Y/N, try not to stress too much about that.
Lucky and I miss you too.
Your sister,
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​ @livelikeawinchester​ @sammysbuttcheek​ @bran2015 @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @depressed-moose-78 @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​
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mintypothos · 8 years
KingBurr night time shame posting
So in skype with @badromantics and @narwq I kind of came up with an entire canon era fic idea for KingBurr? Bc Alex wanted some KingBurr and I am nothing if not a fount of hastily constructed fic ideas. It spawned an RP so honestly my job is done. But here’s what I wrote anyways
It was total chaos. Burr knew that sharing a command of soldiers with Hamilton could end no other way, but somehow he hadn't expected this. It was a very small command, a scouting party at best and a way for Washington to satisfy Hamilton's undying thirst for command with little danger to his safety.
Hamilton was left quite safe, in the end. Burr on the other hand, the one left in charge of babysitting, was considerably less so. Before he could even draw his pistol, Burr found himself yanked off his horse and summarily dragged off, kicking and screaming, by a trio of camouflaged redcoats. In the chaos of the scuffle, no one noticed. Burr saw the nearby patrol burst onto the scene, putting a swift end to the battle. By that point, however, a thick gag was wedged forcefully between his teeth and Burr could do nothing but struggle and curse his godforsaken luck.
“Hamilton”, they addressed him as, after Burr was thoroughly restrained, forced to ride sidesaddle with legs tightly knotted and hands secured to the saddle-horn. “We've heard you talk too much,” They laughed, joking about the gag thoroughly leeching every bit of moisture from his mouth. It took Burr more time than he'd like to admit before he realized.
They wanted to capture Hamilton, not Burr. But they had Burr, who was the wrong man, and their mission was already a failure. They were also making their way as fast as possible to the nearest British-controlled harbour, speaking of a “Delivery for the King”, of all things.
In short, Burr was in a very unfortunate position, and it was all Hamilton's fault. As usual.
The situation became even more unfortunate when Burr found himself pushed to a kneel before the king himself. Burr was almost too tired to care, after an extremely unpleasant voyage and still tied up like a thanksgiving turkey. His only consolation was that the gag his soldier captors were so fond of was lost sometime during the ocean crossing.  
“Well, don't just leave him trussed up like that! Someone, untie this poor man.” Somehow, the first reasonable, intelligent words Burr heard came from the mouth of the man who ordered this fiasco. That knowledge did nothing to prevent the sigh of bliss when his raw, reddened wrists were finally relieved. For a moment, he forgot who he was in the presence of, licking at the painfully irritated skin and blowing gently. Pale, carefully manicured fingers slid suddenly between lips and wrists. Burr flinched back.
“No little one, allow me. It was my subjects who have caused this, after all.” Burr was seized by pure panic- everything coming together at once. King George the 3rd, the tyrant America was trying to free itself from, gently guided Burr's hands to his lips. At that moment, Burr was certain that his heart had stopped for good.
The hold was gentle, patient even. It might as well have been made of the strongest iron, Burr did not dear break it. There were guards behind him, guards that the King could order to run Burr through at the snap of a finger. Instead of doing so, the King carefully began to lick striped down Burr's bloody, raw wrists. The warmth of his mouth was uncomfortable, but the coolness as wet skin met air felt amazing, the accompanying breeze of gentle breath almost heavenly.
Burr pointedly did not forget this time, who he was kneeling in front of. He stared down at the ground, resolutely, trying not to feel too thankful at the relief. This was the man responsible for Burr's position.
“Oh, and by the way,” the King gave one last, long swipe of tongue along the bloodiest patch of skin, before placing Burr's hands back to his sides. “You aren't Alexander Hamilton.”
Burr had been expecting this moment. Regardless, his stomach dropped out and the buzzing feeling of pure panic took its place. “No, I'm not, your majesty.” Burr spoke on autopilot, his mind completely, utterly frozen. “I attempted to inform my guard of this mishap.” The excuse spilled from his lips. Burr was not a babbler, but he couldn't think. This was where he died.
“I'm not Hamilton,” He told them. It was a good day since his capture, Hamilton was no doubt seen to safety. They wouldn't let him go, but he could escape while they formed some counter plan- one that would never work with just the few of them.
“Nice try, Hamilton. We knew you were put in command of that party. And look, you're in officers dress.” They scoffed.
“I'm serious. My name is Aaron Burr, Hamilton and I were both put in command, I was to supervise him!”
They laughed, all of them, uproariously and entirely unnecessarily. “They also say you're small and talk a lot. Give it up, Hamilton, you're meeting the king whether you want to or not.
They were convinced. Burr couldn't say anything more, or they would likely gag him again. So Burr stopped protesting. There was no point, his fate was sealed.
“Yes,” the King's lips quirked up in a wide smirk, utterly confident. “Would you give me the honour of your actual name?”
He looked down at Burr like her were an errant child. Burr felt like an errant child, his heart beating a jackrabbit rhythm. “My name is Aaron Burr.” He swallowed audibly. The order of his death sat somewhere behind the King's false angelic smile.
“Ohh, Aaron Burr? I've heard of you.” Something cold tapped underneath Burr's chin. The King's sceptre, unforgiving, chilly metal. It pushed up at the underside of his jaw. Burr followed the motion automatically, not about to wait for more force. “Quite accomplished in your own right, and very intelligent from my reports. But they never mentioned how cute you were.”
Burr flushed, sudden warmth conflicting with paralyzing fear and morphing into a roiling, uncomfortable feeling in his gut. He didn't answer- couldn't. “Oh, you like compliments?” The King's smile turned ever wider, white teeth flashing behind red lips. From Burr's perspective, they seemed sharp. Ready to eat. “That's precious. And settles it.” The King straightened, removing his sceptre from Burr's chin and twirling it idly. “Guards, please escort our guest to our prepared rooms.”
Burr was hauled to his feet, numbly. He couldn't feel his body and he certainly couldn't feel his emotions. It was too much. “Gentle! What are we, animals?” The King reprimanded. Miraculously, the guard's hold became softer, waiting for Burr to straighten himself.
“Wait,” Burr croaked, finally finding his voice. “What do you mean, 'settles it'? What rooms?” The answer felt obvious, but just out of his grasp. Burr couldn't think straight.
“I thought it was rather clear,” The King teased, suddenly leaning far too close into Burr's space. He stepped back instinctively, or tried to, but the guard behind him stopped the motion with a firm hand to the shoulder. “I can't be letting you go, not after all this work, but you are useless as the bargaining chip I intended Mr. Hamilton for. No offense my dear, but Washington wouldn't hand over a single horse for you. He's frustratingly practical outside of his few blind spots.” The King paused to roll his eyes, as if the tactics of General Washington were akin to a bickering sibling.
“I..” Burr trailed off.
“You probably thought I would have you executed? The thought did cross my mind.” Something danced behind the King's eyes, and for the first time, Burr knew it wasn't his impending death. Somehow, it felt worse. “But snuffing your life out would be an absolute waste. And your blush is simply adorable.” Burr stuttered, despite the situation. “No, I think I'll just be keeping you.”
The world stood still. No one else existed, just Burr and his thoughts. Then, reality came rushing back. “Keep me?” He parroted.
“Yes, absolutely.” The King nodded, and then gestured at the guard behind Burr. “Please behave for my royal guards, they're just there to do their jobs. I'll let you settle in for today. I'm sure it's been a long, tiring trip for you.” He lifted his fingers and waved them in dismissal. The guard tugged at Burr's arm, grip gentle, but firm and insistent. Burr allowed himself to be lead. His mouth moved, trying to shape some kind of objection or argument. But nothing came.
The King was keeping him, and that was apparently that.
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sleeplesssecrets · 7 years
story time? im feeling like not blogging like i normally do but just talking about me a little bit. there are only two artists who make music that can make me feel better no matter what. the first one was someone i listened to in middle school, and when i say nearly exclusively, i mean it. the second is a band who just has a good sound and the only kind of music i can listen to louder than other music. when i’m just listening to music at home by myself at my computer eating ice cream hating myself and trying to not think about things to think about, i turn up their music, which is unusual for me to do for any other kind of music because louder music in a situation where i’m just by myself doesn’t make any sense to me, unless it’s either of those artists. one of them is what i consider pre-tanner, uh obviously cos i listened to her before i ever met tanner or actually before i ever met his brother in middle school. and the other is post tanner, i listened to them during high school, just a year or so after we started dating. i think timing with things that happen in your life is fun to think about. there’s a particular youtuber who several times now has uploaded things that hit too hard about when i don’t want to be thinking about things to think about. it’s like they have a spy on me. i’ve seen all of their content but one video because it was so poorly timed with my life and it upset me when i went on to youtube to not feel upset. i dont actually blame them i just wish i didnt feel so bummed about things i would have never imagined myself being bummed about even a year ago. i stopped listening to the aforementioned band for a hot minute, sometime between graduating high school and recently, but listened to them again because someone i had made friends with on tumblr had a username related to them. i stopped listening in the first place tho because it would remind me of a person who stopped talking to me and then moved. he left a weird impression on me. weird as in undefined and closure-less. he struck conversation with me because i had a t shirt with a pig on it that said cake, band merch from a different band that i grew up listening to. i loved that shirt because it was from actually going to a concert, and because it had two seemingly unrelated things put together that would confuse people. anyways we started talking a lot more cos he changed his path from school to home just to talk to me all the way to my house. boys are weird and girls dont typically do those kinds of things and i am  impressed and weirded out and amused. but i digress. we would sit at my porch and just talk music. he listened to the weird fucking shit i did that i never considered other people might have the same alignment of music tastes as me but it was just fun to have a friend i could tear apart music with. he had such wide eyes for me, or something about me i couldnt tell. i probably chose not to question having a cool friend so i couldnt tell you know why he spent time with me other than talking music and whatever. then one day he heard me say the word fuck and he lost his shit. he was so excited that i cursed. anyways before he ever struck conversation with me, he made eye contact with me every day at the same place at school between two classes. the same crowded stairway, every time. i counted on it. it was fun and i looked forward to it. the day he did decide to talk to me, the hallway was emptier so it was easier to just talk to me, idk? anyways he turned around and walked with me until i got to my class, then the rest was history i suppose. we talked more and shared music and had our friendship. then he stopped talking to me. he stopped talking about his family and cool places he’d been. he stopped going on the sarah train with the other couple of people who changed their home from school paths to walk home with me. and then he moved i suppose and stopped responding to me on facebook and i just realized that any time i find someone who listens to the band i keep mentioning but not naming, i lose them haha. first him then my tumblr friend. im listening to them regularly again so im hoping i dont find anyone else cool who listens to them cos im gonna know that they’re temporary. anyways. this dude made such an odd impression on me, with our short lived friendship, that i still think about to this day obviously. i blogged regularly back then on and have several blogs mentioning him, and one even talking just about the weird guy who keeps making eye contact with me every day at school but never saying anything. i could find it and read it but i am definitely never going to do that. i have more than ten tears worth of blogs fleshing out my daily life in middle school, high school, now, and in between. i sometimes get sad i dont have a written journal because i feel like im missing out on recording or documenting my life, when actually i have the impulse desire to type like no other and store every thing i make in txt documents that follow me hard drive to hard drive as i get older. my first ever blog, and the several made after, are lost to the internet aging and eating them. my first ever post on my first ever blog that actually had readers is sitting in a gigantic txt document with all the rest of them on my computer. i was 12 when i made that first “successful” blog and that was the time i started listening to the first music artist that ever made me want to turn the volume up past reasonable listening volume for generic headphones. i felt pretty cute, in my own room, madly typing away, listening to good music that my brain can play on repeat without prompt, taking some of my first artsy photos, uploading and creating and writing and reading other people’s blogs. and here i am now, listening to music, writing about myself, and making an over the top list of things i want to try for an upcoming shoot i’m planning. i’ve always had the same face, i’ve always had the same ideas, when i don’t feel like myself, i revisit things that i know are myself, the things that are home to my being. so im never doing a blog like this again have a nice day bye
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