strangehamiltonchild · 11 months
“ I wanna be in the room where it happens. ”
hi! i’m will. i’m 21 and not new to the hamilton fandom. i was around in the golden age of 2015-2020 before i fell out of it, but unfortunately my autism has kept me from ever fully leaving.
if you haven’t noticed, i have a favorite hamilton child. i don’t know as much about his as i do about his father, but just know that he’s my favorite. i also may or may not believe i’m him sometimes due to mental illness. eek!
i’m your one-stop-shop for all things hamilton facts. i know 90% of everything about the man and the musical. feel free to drop an ask with any questions you have! i hate the man and will gladly expose his deepest darkest secrets to the realms of tumblr.
my one singular boundary is DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BRING ME INTO FANDOM DISCOURSE. i’m here to have fun, not to be a part of your petty fights that should’ve stayed in 2015.
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Ships (no particular order):
lafham / laflams
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holdthesewords · 5 years
Time for ANOTHER Poll and this time we’re doing fairytales/myths! This poll will stay open until the last day of the month, June 30th at midnight EST. 
Please help me pick what my next story should be. I’ve been going back and forth between so many fairytales that I really need help nailing one down.
I will probably not start writing it until halfway through July as I’m working on other stuff currently, but this will help me start outlining a plot and characters and etc. 
Thank you!
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ninjoots · 7 years
More Kingsburr! Please!!!
I did fluff i hope thats ok its just that i’ve been doing fricken nsfw and i wanna break off from that and have more fluff and angst on my blog for my lovely handsome followers hhhhhhhhhhh but if you want nsfw ill write another thing for you hhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH- ok here take
Aaron Burr was in his college dorm room, trying his best to stay quiet. Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens were on Alexander’s bed, making out and being as loud as possible while they did it. Aaron Burr was on the phone with his… “friend”. Or at least, he prayed to God that that’s what everybody thought they were.
George “King” Frederick III was the most popular and known boy on college campus. He had a fan club, popularity, a million girls or more to flirt with, and was in the best classes. He was majoring in beauty and fashion and minoring in politics and psychology. So he had the same political science class as Aaron, and that was about the only time they talked in front of people.
“Hey,” King sighed, “So where are you that you managed to call me?” He was outside a Starbucks, waiting for Samuel to come out with his unicorn frappuccino.
Aaron mumbled quietly. “I’m in my dorm. Alex is… distracted right now. He’s with John.”
“Ah say no more,” King groaned, “I don’t want details on that hot mess. Blegh. So how’s my favorite blue bird doing?” Aaron blushed and rolled his eyes. George and all his silly little nicknames for him.
Aaron replied, “I’m fine, idiot. How’s your silly little fan club? Nobody stalking you today?” He heard laughter on the other end and smiled with contempt. George’s laughter was so beautiful and stupid at the same time.
“Oh I’m being stalked alright. They think I don’t see them around the corner or in the bush over there.” King spoke loudly, waving at the two girls hiding in the bush nearby. He winked and went back to his phone conversation. “I wanna see you, why don’t you come here?”
“I’ll ruin you.” Aaron whispered, “You know that. Believe me I would love to cuddle with you… Be held by you… let you kiss me everywhere-”
“Save the sweet talk for the bedroom, blue bird.” King teased, “I’ll see you tonight. I’m coming to your dorm. What’s the number?”
Aaron huffed, “John and Alex are fucking, I’m not telling you my dorm number.”
“Soooooooo, 406?” King giggled. Aaron huffed and hung up, rubbing his eyes in annoyance.
George got his frappuccino from Samuel and went to his car with a smile. He waved goodbye to the stalkers and sped off to the college. Once he got into Aaron’s room he immediately picked the boy up, brought him to the bed, and forced him into a cuddle session. Alex and John, naked but covered with a thin sheet, were staring in awe as the most popular rich and privileged boy in school was cuddling with Alexander’s snotty roommate.
“Love you, blue bird,” King said in a singsong voice. Aaron huffed and buried his head in the other’s chest.
“I love you too, ya dork,” Aaron sighed before closing his eyes and dozing off.
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narwq · 7 years
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idk if i ever posted these but have some more kingburr yall @badromantics
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mintypothos · 8 years
KingBurr prompt- cuddling
A prompt in exchange for the set terms. The Contract is sealed.
Burr turned and twisted in his opulent, feather soft bed. He was lying in the literal lap of luxury, but he could not sleep. All because of his damn cold. Burr sneezed again, for what had to be the tenth time. Tears streamed down his cheeks, not from pain or sorrow, but from a simple watering of the eyes, taken to the extreme.
That wasn't even the worst of it. Burr sneezed again, wiping the resulting mess of his nose onto the fine silk bed sheets. He knew it was gross, but couldn't even care. He was too tired to get up for a handkerchief, but his nasal passages were completely blocked through.
Another unconscious tear dribbled down the side of his nose. Aaron flipped onto his other side, wiping it off on the pillow as he did so. It had to be well past midnight by now. All he wanted to do was sleep, but his stuffed nose, dry eyes, and dry, swollen throat said otherwise. This was almost worse than the journey to England he was forced into during his abduction. Certainly it was the worst thing to have happened since being taken into the King's dubious custody. That included his strange lack of propriety  and the way he kept draping his arms over Burr like a heavy coat. It even included the vaguely humiliating dress-up session that the King called 'developing your wardrobe, little bird'.
Funny, that Burr's most miserable moment was due to something that the King had nothing to do with. Burr decided not to analyze that.
The King... was a strange character. Burr hadn't been held in the palace for all that long, but he'd figured that out pretty quick. The only consistent, predictable thing about him seemed to be his bizarre, unending interest in Burr. It was unnerving, but between the choices laid out for him- the King's company, or the isolated, yet accommodating safe house originally meant to imprison Hamilton- Burr would pick the King every time.
Burr tossed himself again, burying his leaking nose deep into the pillow, an act of pure frustration. Also, however, an act of regret as thin strands of mucus stretched from the pillow when Burr pulled back. He huffed, wiping his nose with the cloth of his nightshirt and flipping the pillow. This was disgusting, and he was never getting to sleep.
Finally, he sat up, swinging his legs to the edge of the bed. Burr wasn't sure what his plan was, beyond retrieving his handkerchief from his desk. Burr blew his nose as harshly as he could, thinking. Again, his mind wandered back the the King. Was he asleep? It was a distracting thought.
It wasn't like the King could order away Burr's dratted cold. Additionally, it was really putting his majesty's strange affection to the test, bothering the King of England at the crack of dawn because he was frustrated about being just a little too sick to sleep. On the other hand, Burr was miserable, incredibly sleepy, and frustrated and bored in equal measures.
The King bothered Burr all the time over nonsense reasons, and even over nothing at all. He could afford a taste of his own medicine. Burr padded out the door.
The guard night shift nodded to Burr as he passed. Anyone in this wing likely already knew all about Burr, so it was little surprise. What was slightly surprising, however, was the guard standing right in the way of the King's bedroom. It probably shouldn't have been a surprise.
Burr coughed, only slightly forced- his throat was incredibly itchy. “Ah, his majesty wouldn't happen to be sleeping here..?”
The guard gave him a very strange look. Burr almost wilted then and there, suddenly wishing with all his might that he hadn't bothered- there was no way the guard would let him in the King's room while he was sleeping! Burr was a revolutionary officer! What was he even doing? But, before Burr could apologize and turn around, the guard nodded very slowly and very cautiously, then proceeded to rap sharply at the door before sliding out of the way.
The guard opened the door for Burr, shooting him a strange, cautious look the whole while. Burr, just as cautiously, thanked the man and slowly crept in.
“Who is- it's the middle of the night, what?” the King's half asleep voice echoed through the ridiculously large bedroom. “...Burr!?” the King blinked in front of Burr, bedside candle flickering and only barely illuminating his face.
Burr stared as the King rubbed his eyes wearily. It was a vulnerability he hadn't been expected. Like this, in fine but nondescript night clothes, he just looked like another wealthy man, rather than the most powerful person in England. He certainly didn't look like the man responsible for the whole war, and Burr's capture in specific.
“Little bird, is something wrong?” The King frowned, stepping closer but not pushing. Burr sniffled- mucus attempting to drip down once again. The King jumped, eyes widening at the sound. “Little bird?”
“I'm-” Burr coughed, his throat too scratchy. Again, he started to regret everything. “I've got a cold and I can't sleep. I don't even know why I'm here, I'll just-”
The King seized Burr's hand as he tried to turn around. “So, you've come to me?”
Put like that, it sounded even more ridiculous. “Sorry for waking you.” He made to tug his arm free, but the King gripped tight, adding his other hand as well.
“Don't be sorry,” The King's voice was quiet, so sleepy that it lacked his usual flair. It sounded more genuine than Burr had thought possible. “Didn't I tell you I wanted you to come to me for anything? There is a reason I've ordered my guards to allow you full access to my person. Here, come.” The King was tugging now, and Burr found himself gently following, guided to the bed. Burr sat down on the edge.
“Now would you like to sit here while I fetch the doctor?” The King placed a hand on Burr's chest, easing him into a lying position. Burr let it happen, his embarrassment drained from the earlier moment; he was left only with his ever-present sleepiness.
Burr sneezed yet again, and turned over on the bed so he wasn't facing the King for his next words. “Please don't,” Burr asked, voice just above a whisper. “I just want to sleep.”
“Oh, I- oh.” Burr couldn't see the King's reaction, but he could feel the confusion. No doubt he wondered who Burr thought he was. “Well, what kind of help would you like?” Cloth shifted, Burr could feel the King lean closer.
Burr sighed. He was already this far, congested and miserable and thoroughly out of line. He might as well just admit what he secretly wanted, too sleepy at this point to really care. “Just cuddle me, please.” This, he really did only whisper. Close as he was, and silent as the room was, the King had no trouble hearing.
The King didn't verbally answer, instead slipping immediately in behind Burr. He scooted over to give the King more room- who wasted no time closing the gap and pulling Burr into a possessive embrace. It was so warm that Burr felt himself relaxing almost immediately. He nestled back into the chest behind him, slotting his head against the King's cheek. Arms tightened securely around him, and their legs tangled.
Burr sneezed, whining at the almost violent motion. The King shushed him gently, laying a warm kiss on his forehead. “It's okay, my songbird. I'll take care of you.” His arm shifted, bringing with it a soft handkerchief to wipe at Burr's nose.
Being absolutely coddled like this should have shamed Burr. The fact that it was the King of England should have degraded Burr utterly.
Burr had no use for should haves, here. They were left back in America. Here, however, he was warm and relaxing and he might finally be getting some air through his nostrils. He shifted in the King's hold, turning towards him and curling inwards. The King patted his back, drawing Burr impossibly closer. His face squished comfortably into the King's neck as comforting circles were rubbed gently into his back.
Burr slept like a baby. When he woke up, the King was still holding him tight, smiling contentedly against Burr's scalp, each puff of breath tickling his short hair. It was impossibly comfortable, to the point where Burr dreaded getting up. He decided to doze off again or at least relax and pretend to sleep- it wasn't like he could regain his dignity after last night, anyways.
The King's smile stretched wide.
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collector244457 · 4 years
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bluvira · 7 years
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KingBurr otp
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blackcatarts · 7 years
kingburr is amazing and ou should love it okok
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by ninjentsie
Aaron Burr is kidnapped by redcoats during a battle and sent straight to Great Britain to be executed. But King George III, after seeing the young soldier, has much different plans in his head now of what to do with the boy.
Words: 848, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aaron Burr, Richard Montgomery, King George III, a random chef guy that nobody knows idk, Samuel Seabury, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton
Relationships: kingburr, montyburr, washingburr, burrington
Additional Tags: Trans Aaron Burr, submissive aaron burr, possessive king george, random short rape scene, Rape/Non-con Elements, Trans, historical times, bottom aaron burr, young Aaron Burr, revolutionary war era, Kidnapping, idk - Freeform, Shitty Writing
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tardnT
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whothrewawayhershot · 7 years
Sometimes I wonder what's going through peoples heads when they decide to do something like name a character "Large baguette" or create a ship like "KingBurr"
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holdthesewords · 6 years
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mintypothos · 8 years
10. Sitting next to them and starting to cry because they’re just so perfect
KingGeorge was an annoying, clingy man, Burr had long realized.Unfortunately, he was a clingy man who also happened to have absoluteauthority over all of England, and especially over the proceedings ofhis own palace. Which included Burr, despite being an entirelyunwilling resident. Or, so Burr told himself. It was gettingconfusing, lately.
CertainlyBurr had never had such fine clothes and food and book collectionback in America- or such constant attention, though that was both ablessing and a curse.
“Littlebird? House sparrow? Wren? Where are you hiding?” The king's voice,playful and nearly musical in tone, rang from down the hallways. Burrtried to squish himself further into the wall- the bookshelf he washiding on was not very wide at all. The ground was a very long waydown, but his hiding place was perfect. Any time the King startedbreaking out the bird names was a good time to hide lest Burr besmothered in affection and played with like a puppy.
“Youcan't hide from me, little bird!” The sing-song voice entered thelibrary. Burr held his breath. The King's footsteps echoed in thesilence as he slowly swept the aisles. “I know you're in heresomewhere, little bird. The guards ratted you out.” Burr winced.That figured.
Burrlistened as King's footsteps made a circuit of the library. He didn'tdare poke his head past the shelf to check- he knew he wasn't fullyout of sight to start with. This depended on the King not looking tooclosely up at the ceiling. With any luck, he would think the guardssaw wrong and give up. “I know my guards would never be mistaken ona matter I find so important, they're too well trained for that. It'sonly a matter of time, sparrow, don't make me punish you!”
TheKing's definition of punishing Burr was generally a matter ofembarrassing him in front of people whose opinion of Burr was alreadylong shot- being the King's official play thing would do that. Still,Burr wrinkled his nose in distaste. He was already committed thisfar, Burr couldn't back down now.
“Isthat- oh, little bird, you know better than to knock books of theirshelves,” The King was very close, somewhere just below Burr'shiding place. His already frozen body stiffened further. Burr hadn'tbeen able to do anything about the few books he spilled, climbing hisway up. But maybe the King wouldn't look up, maybe he would move on-“Aaron!? What are you doing up there!?” Or not.
Burrsqueezed his eyes closed, though the jig was up. “Get down fromthere!” The King screeched, nearly piercing Burr's eardrums. Hesnapped his eyes open and carefully shuffled so that his head peekeddown. The King stood below him, arms held up and a pale look on hisface.
Wasthe King... actually concerned? Burr furrowed his brows. “Why?”He tried, quietly.
“Why!?You're going to hurt yourself! What were you thinking!? Guards, getover here!” The King pitched his voice, immediately summoning thenearby pair that likely saw Burr enter the library in the firstplace. “You two! Find a way to get my Aaron down safely! Honestly,”He turned to Burr again, “I know I call you 'bird', but I did notmean that literally!”
Theguards were both large men. They didn't look like they'd be able toclimb up the way Burr had. “Your majesty!” One bowed, deep andformal. “I will retrieve the library step ladder.” Burr inwardlycursed. He'd forgotten that a library with shelves so tall would haveto have one.
“Excellent,please do!” The King clapped his hands together. “I'm sure whenthis is done, my wren will apologize for wasting your good time. Iknow you take this job very seriously.” The guards puffed at thepraise, one running off to find the step ladder.
Burr'stime was up, that much was obvious; but at the same time, he wasalready too far in. He put one knee in front of the other andcarefully scooted a few inches down the shelf. It worked, so he triedagain.
“Sir!Stay where you are, please!” Burr scowled. The other guard. Heignored the voice and started crawling in earnest. “Sir!”
“LittleBird! Aaron stop, I order you this instant! Hurry up with thatladder!” Burr could hear the rumbling wheels of the library stepladder. He crawled faster. Then his foot slipped.
Burr'sleg fell over open air. His heart seized, but his center of gravitywas still firmly on the shelf- he was fine. Then, Burr tried to pullhis leg back up, only for his elbow to slide off the smooth woodenshelf next. For one surreal moment, Burr was weightless; but only fora moment. Gravity caught up, and Burr plummeted, his gut leftsomewhere up on the shelf.
TheKing was screaming, so loud that Burr didn't even hear his ownimpact. He felt it though, first as a fully body, numb shock, then asa piercing pain from his leg, crumpled somewhere under his body.
“Oops,”Burr muttered as several pairs of feet stomped around him, blockinghis vision. Then, he passed out.
WhenBurr woke up, he felt pleasant and dreamy and had no idea why. Therewere a few flashes of recognition- pain, something being forced downhis throat, soothing words, oh god, his leg hurt- but they weredistant, almost ethereal. He was laid out on a fluffy, soft bed. Hisown, perhaps?
Burrpeered at his surroundings. His head swam at the motion- why was theair swimming?
“Aaron! Are you feeling better?” The King's voice was beautiful,as always.
Whywas it so beautiful? Burr turned to see the King's piercing- far toopretty- eyes. They were wide as saucers, and awfully close to Burr'sown face.
“Youthink my voice is beautiful? And my eyes? Why thank you, littlebird!” The king eyes turned fond, though still wide and surprised.
Itwas weird. Aaron wasn't speaking aloud, was he?
“Someonefetch a stenographer, immediately!” The King hissed, a wild smileon his face.
Evenhis hisses were melodic.
“Now!No, that takes too long, just get someone who can write quickly! He'ssaying my hisses are 'melodic'!”
“Ican write quick,” Burr noted, dreamily. “I like being helpful.”Oh. He didn't usually say that out loud. Was that okay?
“Morethan okay, little bird, more than okay!” The King's lips stretchedinto an even wider smile, his too-perfect teeth flashing. Predatory.It fit. “Now, do you know where you are?”
Burrlooked around again. “Not really. Not my room?” He was rewardedwith the chiming, bell-like laughter of the King. Bells werewonderful things, just not the tiny high pitched ones. The Kingwasn't quite as dignified as a low church bell, but perhaps thosehand bells- now there was a nice sound.
Therewas a snorting sound by Burr's side. “I'm plenty dignified, thankyou. I've had you moved to my rooms, so I can watch you moreclosely.”
“That'snice,” Burr answered.
“Itis nice, thank you!” The King sounded pleased. Burr decided heliked that.
“Ibet your bed is very nice. You are the King, after all.”
“Itis very nice. You're laying in it right now.”
“Oh.”Burr tried to turn over, but something prevented him. “What-?”The King's hand pushed Burr's chest, until he was forced back intohis original position.
“Don'tmove, sparrow- your leg was broken in that fall. But not to worry,I've gotten my best doctor to care for you. He has assured me you'vebeen given the best pain relief there is.”
Burrnodded, or he thought he did. Maybe the room was nodding around him.He wasn't sure. The taste of the air was distracting.
“Thetaste of what? Wait, never mind, our stenographer has arrived!”Burr considered that 'stenographer' was such a nice sounding title.He considered applying to be one when he got back to America. “Now,my bird, tell me what you think of me!”
Burropened his mouth, considering the words the King likely wanted tohear. But that sounded far too difficult, how was he supposed to getinto another's head? “I can't be other people, but I'm alwaystrying,” He admitted.
“Uh,”he King coughed. “I'm sorry?”
“Ishould tell you what you want to hear.” Burr closed his eyes- theroom inflating and deflating infront of him was far too distracting.“But what does anyone want to hear? How do you know the thoughts ofanother person's mind? Minds aren't even physical things to befigured- reasoned out.”
“Isee.” Burr could hear the rustling of cloth as the King adjustedhimself. “Then tell me what you yourself think. I'd like to know,since, as you say, I can not truly know your mind. You mentionedearlier that my eyes were... pretty?”
“Theyare,” Burr confirmed. “So pretty. Your face is perfect.” Hepaused when the King made a choked, squeal of a sound. “I don'tknow why you pay so much attention to me when you're so damn pretty.Don't you have a job or something?”
Sputteredgiggling. Burr kept his eyes shut- the colours dancing behind hislids were quite nice. “You are very pretty yourself, little Wren.”The King's voice turned quiet, and closer to Burr's ear. “That'sthe real reason I kept you, you know. Of course, now I know you areso much more interesting than a thing to simply look at. I'm veryglad to have made that choice.”
“Oh.That's nice.” Burr felt something welling up, inexplicably. “Noone found me interesting back home.” Something wet was pinching athis eyes.
“That'sbecause they're all a bunch of idiots, over there,” The King wasquick to comfort. Burr sniffled. “I'll always give you theattention you deserve.”
Handswiped at Burr's tears, hands that weren't his. “I hate admittingit, but I like the attention.” Burr said, interrupted by a suddenhiccup. “I wish other people wouldn't see as often, though. Andsometimes it's too much. But I like feeling wanted.”
Thehands lingered on Burr's face. Something soft touched against hisforehead, and then disappeared. “I like making you feel wantedtoo.”
“Montgomerydid, too.” Burr wasn't sure why he was bringing it up. Maybe theKing reminded him of those days. “Then he died in Quebec and I wentto Washington. He never liked me, always ignored my work, nevercommended me when I did twice the work of my fellow officers. Andthen he put me in charge of babysitting Hamilton who just let me getabducted in his stead.” The tears were streaming now, and Burrwasn't even sure if he was really upset or not. “I probably deserveit.”
Thesoft touch came back, one on each of his wet cheeks. “You deservenone of that. You are perfect.”
Burrcould feel himself openly sobbing, now. “You're more perfect thanme.” His voice hitched. He hiccuped again. “You're keeping melike a pet, but at least you're good at your job. Why would theyrespect me? I got dragged off by redcoats when I wasn't even thetarget!”
Armsdrew around Burr, fuzzy cloak soft under his chin. “Shh, it'salright.” The King crooned. Somehow, it was soothing. Burr relaxedinto the hold.
Thisfelt nice. Burr didn't want the feeling to stop, even if his head didseem to be full of bees.
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by betabookwyrm
Aaron gets petty revenge on King.
Words: 490, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aaron Burr, George III of the United Kingdom
Relationships: Aaron Burr/George III of the United Kingdom
Additional Tags: Kingburr is so good, Fluff, Rough kisses but not rly in a kink way, Same with pet names, Kisses, rarepair
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tEePiv
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holdthesewords · 6 years
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ninjoots · 7 years
Butler Pt. 10
"Leave me alone," Aaron whimpered, curling up in a ball in the mud. One of the many soldiers around him kicked him again, causing him to cry out in pain once more. Montgomery laughed, "See everybody? This is what a fucking freak looks like! A disgusting, indecisive, abomination! Obviously, God must have been sucking down Sam Adams when he made you, Veronica Burr!!" Aaron opened his eyes a little and shouted at Richard, "I'm sorry!! Please!! Please let me see him!! Let me go!! I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE-
"Aaron woke up alone, lying in Richard's bed. He was still tied up and unable to move, and Richard was a few feet away at his desk. Burr sniffled and tried to hide his face so Richard wouldn’t see him cry. But it seemed Montgomery already noticed.
The general quickly stood up and walked over, sitting Aaron up. "Did you have a nightmare?" He whispered, kissing the boy's hand. Burr didn't move, and he continued to glare at the monster of a man. Richard sighed and kissed Aaron's forehead. He crawled into the cot and kissed him softly, forcing the boy to stay still. Aaron huffed when he pulled away. "I hate you," Aaron mumbled, his eyes filling with tears once again. They rolled down his cheek and dripped onto Richard's coat, which was draped around him. Montgomery sighed and wiped his tears away with the handkerchief from his pocket. "I'm so sorry you had to stay with that monster. I missed you so much, Aaron." He mumbled. Aaron sobbed and turned away from him. "I hate you." He growled, "And I wish I had never gotten engaged to you, you monster!" Richard frowned but continued to comfort the poor boy. "I know," He sighed, kissing Aaron's cheek, "I know."
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