#for you babe muah!
crownedinmarigolds · 11 months
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"All my life I've been over the top. I don't know what I'm doin' All I know is I don't wanna stop."
OLD art that I'm very proud of! My husband's Malkavian "Daimund." An old rocker Embraced in the middle of an overdose while nestled in the garbage behind the performance venue (shitty bar.) He's a rolling stone and a liar~
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sol-insidious · 3 months
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Luke weilding both his green lightsaber and the darksaber is my favorite thing in the world actually.
Close-ups below:
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cebwrites · 1 year
hi!! I noticed you didn’t have anything for roger so hey, why not? Could I request a lil Drabble or headcanons of roger and rayleigh with a VERY nervous/jumpy gn S/o? I have ptsd and HATE being touched, and tend to jump or snap at anything that touches me unexpectedly, and I tend to get panicked easily if I feel cornered. I always wondered how those two do with that sorta thing! Tysm!!
a/n: hello hello, the main reason i didn't have anything for roger was because i'm not too familiar with him haha, but this is something i can relate to to an extent! i've been going to the same hairdresser for years but without fail every time he touches my shoulder to let me know it's my turn in the chair i flinch 🥲 (on the flip side though i do like touch a lot, just not when it’s unexpected ;; )
ah well i’m not too familiar with these characters yet, so in any case i hope you still like it! ;w;/
with a jumpy s/o (Roger, Rayleigh)
gn reader word count: 0.5k
He’s loud, he’s imposing, he’s there - when Roger steps in a room everyone knows it, not just because of his size but also the weight of his presence - and I don’t mean Haki either
Roger’s very touchy around the people he cares about, his crew, the red and blue runts that have more or less become his sons, and any partner he has as well; he has a lot of love and only wants even more to share it
To someone who doesn’t quite share the same sentiment, though, this is... less than ideal
There would be mis-steps at first, big and small, with Roger’s nature potentially giving his partner a serious although unintended scare, but he’s a quick and keen learner (not to mention incredibly apologetic, prostrating to you in his quarters until Rayleigh smacked him to quit the theatrics)
Roger’s usually aware of how imposing he is, but after the first incident he’s much more careful - he never takes any snapping to heart and as an added bonus Rog takes up a lot of space when he sits down, so it’d just be you and him close together if you feel like you’re up for the contact
Roger always leaves the reigns in your hands, mindful of being too overwhelming by accident again, but can never quite hide his joy when you do show him affection, grinning as brightly as the sun itself when you brush your hand against his face in the morning, allowing him to gently kiss the back of it before either of you are quite fully awake
Rayleigh on the other hand would have a keen eye for this, picking up on it from the start, making sure there was always an adequate amount of distance between the two of you and announcing his coming/goings so you’d never be spooked or surprised by him
Perhaps even a little too well, however, he realizes when you ask him late one night after everyone’s hit the hay, all cuddled up in one giant pile on the deck while you made yourself comfortable in a small nook away from much of the noise, if this quirk of yours made him dislike having you as a partner
He’s quick to realize his mistake, calmly reaching out a hand to take or reject at your leisure; Rayleigh explains how it was never his intention to alienate you in any way, how he only wanted to make sure you could feel safe around him given how touchy-feely and ‘in everyone else’s shit’ the rest of the crew tended to be, much like their captain
Rayleigh is used to being the one to initiate any contact if at all, so he’s grateful for what small hints you’re comfortable showing him from time to time, like falling asleep on his shoulder, where he fights himself internally on whether or not to give your snoozing head a little kiss - his heart eventually wins out, planting a quick one to your hair before you or anyone else saw
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epiclamer · 2 years
for the horny jail asks, how about villain’s first time?
maybe a wholesome n sweet horny?
Whatever you may wish for…
Cw: smutty
@save-the-villainous-cat you know it babes ;)
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One in Charge
The kiss only deepened as the night went on. Some stupid honour party for one of the older superheroes winding up some off-chance make out for the real hero themselves.
“Fuck- Villain…” Hero moaned, gently tilting the others head back to allow their tongue to explore the criminal’s mouth.
Villain could only hum in agreement, letting Hero’s hands slowly whisk their clothes away one by one onto the guest room floor. Feeling the way the mattress beneath them moved against the pressure of their bodies, Hero’s knees planted firmly by Villains hips, causing them to sink slightly.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this…” Hero sighed, pulling away from the kiss gently to shed their jacket on the floor.
Villain smiled, “If you ask me, you should’ve been the one on the podium. Not that other wimp…” Hero chuckled and their eyes gleamed when they met Villains once more. “You’d have to be a real teachers pet to get some medal of honour.”
The hero shook their head, finally shedding their shirt and trapping the villain between the bed and their lips in a longer, softer embrace.
“You have no idea, babe.”
“Mmmm, explains why they’re not married…” Villain gleamed as they wrapped their arms and legs around their lover, pulling them even closer and lingering in another kiss.
Hero smiled into the kiss, hands finally serving up the strength to begin their search for more under Villains final layer of fabric. Trying not to be too hasty, they slowly made their way under the waistband to Villains underwear.
The criminals eyes shot up, a little shocked at the coolness of Hero’s hands and a little nervous for what was to come.
Hero, having sensed the tense in Villains body and the slight stutter in their kiss, they pulled their hand away. Hero knew this was Villains first time, they knew they were nervous and they knew that Villain suffered from a terrible case of performance issues which couldn’t have helped the stress of the situation.
If Villain wasn’t ready, then Hero wasn’t going to push it. End of story.
“‘M sorry…” Hero whispered into their kiss, but Villain gently bit their lip to stop them, palming the hero’s crotch through their underwear.
The hero groaned, mumbling some sort of plea under their breath. Villain had teased them mercilessly before—Hero never wanting to instigate a good time didn’t stop Villain from pushing them to their limits.
“Don’t apologize, love.” Villains soft stroking turned harsh as they grabbed and squeezed between Hero’s thighs.
Hero shook, barely able to keep their composure and not just take Villain right then and there.
They needed the villain.
Every part of Villain infiltrated Hero’s senses and it made them crazy, the need that pumped through their veins was intoxicating and the hands on their body made them weak.
“I’m ready, Hero.”
The one in question blinked, the haze of lust clouding their eyes momentarily cleared.
They shook their head, trying to focus on their words with the distraction of the hand gently rubbing against them. “A-Are you serious???”
Villain grinned lazily at their flustered lover. “Yes baby. Now c’mere before I change my mind and flip us over.”
And without further ado, Hero’s hands were skillfully placed on the villains body, well enough to keep the pair up all night.
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deva-arts · 2 months
wait wym he's seen everyone naked?? 🥸
I mean he's seen everyone naked. He tries to avoid it as much as possible, but emergency treatment tends to be awkward.
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willow-dino · 2 months
Happy lesbian week to me only this is my first year having a relationship the rest of you can go home
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roosterscockpit · 1 year
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Hi babe! This is my original account for posting HLG! @milesdickpic is currently shadow banned. So the story will be updated here 🥰 Thank you so much for taking interest in my story! It means the world to me!
When it comes to reading, 'HLG' it has its own series list of chapters HERE. These are all in order 😁 after that, you are more than welcomed to read any of the other fic/HC lists as you desire!
Thank you again for reading and welcome to the HLG family! ❤️ I love ya 😘
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Is it really gay if your boyfriend wont co-create an indie horror game with you?
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spohkh · 2 years
ive never been able to read hannibal fic let alone write it because of. you know. the inherent nature of the canon. and yet i am getting feelings. i am getting inclinations and ideas. i am getting desires and thoughts. about writing a fic for strangers from hell.
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shaytizzy · 10 months
Time to yearn, time to learn
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lyvhie · 26 days
HEY LYVIIIEEEEE…. ATE THAT VALENTINE FIC AWPPPPP like whoever requested that needs their ass ate cause…. Anyways! Thinking now about mark being all like lovey dovey with you in public and like “aw yes babe like I love u!” And corny but when he’s with u alone he has no mercy and like treats u like a ragdoll and shit… LOVE U!
intensely loved | mkl
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boyfriend!mark x fem!reader (18+ mdni) summary: he can't control himself when it comes to you. a/n: HII, 🦋ANOOOON!!! HOW U DOING?!! thank you for requesting again, i hope you like it! LOVE YOU TOO MUAH <3333 cw: smut, unprotected sex, a bit of praise, petnames.
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mark lee has forever been the epitome of boyfriend material, a fact that was solidified even further when you became his official girlfriend.
whether it was his charm, his kindness, or his thoughtfulness, mark had it all. he was the kind of guy every girl dreamed of, and the perfect partner for you. whether it was the way he made you laugh, or the way he always knew just what to say, he was the ideal boyfriend, and your love for him only deepened with every passing day.
witnessing his affectionate and clingy behavior when you were near was incredibly captivating. he would constantly hold onto your waist, keeping you close at all times, and would whisper sweet nothings in your ear that always made you laugh and feel loved.
he was fiercely attentive to your needs, always checking in and making sure you were content and comfortable. as a result of his unwavering devotion and tender care, being in his presence felt like being ensconced in a warm and loving embrace. with his attention fixed solely on you, it was clear that you were the center of his universe.
to many outsiders, your boyfriend appears as the perfect image of a devoted and adoring partner. they perceive him as sweet, loving, and exceptionally caring, as if he idolizes you to the point of metaphorically worshipping the ground you walk on.
despite his loving and affectionate nature when in public, things took a contrasting turn behind closed doors. in private moments, you occasionally found yourself yearning for the softer, gentler side of your boyfriend that you were used to when surrounded by others.
“m-mark, please-” your voice, husky from the intensity of the moment, pleaded out for him, desperate to reach his ears. yet he remained oblivious to your attempts to communicate, focused solely on the intense rhythm of his hips against yours. with each collision, you couldn't help but roll your eyes in response to the overpowering sensation, the roughness of his movements leaving you breathless.
“you f-feel so good, baby,” he whispered breathlessly into your ear, his voice rough and filled with need. with each movement, he lost himself in the exquisite sensation of being inside you, his breath catching in his chest.
he would never tire of this sweet feeling of being consumed by you, of how your warmth envelops him so completely. the sound of his name on your lips, especially when your voice grew hoarse from his fervor, sent shivers down his spine and intensified his desire for you even more.
grasping you with a tight hold, his grip was possessively firm, leaving no doubt that there would be bruises. he held your lower back tautly, seeking a deeper angle as he slammed into you with unwavering force.
he threw his head back, fully immersing himself in the intoxicating sensations of taking you without restraint. he lost count of how many times he already came and filled your pussy with his hot seed.
you shared his frenzied need, and like him, you’d lost count of the number of times you’d reached your climax, but your body was exhausted.
every time you gasped and whimpered, trying to convey that you needed a break, he refused to stop. "just once more, babe," he kept whispering over and over again, his passion unyielding as he pushed you beyond your limits, determined to give and take everything the night had to offer.
your cries filled the room as his hand gently, yet firmly glided down to the tender bundle of nerves, massaging it with a rough circular motion. his gaze focused on your face, drinking in the mixture of pain and delight that contorted your features. he continued the relentless assault on your most sensitive spot, his touch precise and adamant as he watched your expressions twist between torture and ecstasy.
his ruthless rhythm never ceased as he whispered huskily, "one more, baby." he buried himself deeply within you, hitting every spot that sent waves of bliss coursing through your writhing body, his moans mingled with yours in a chorus of passion. he leaned in, capturing your lips in a frenzied kiss, eagerly drinking in your soft gasps and protests.
his words whispered against your lips in a seductive murmur "one more, and i promise you can rest.” as he uttered those words, you felt a wave of sweet relief wash over you, a soothing reprieve from the intense sensation of pleasure.
he sensed the way your body responded, squeezing him tightly, as if clinging to the hope of respite. in response, he whispered softly, "that's it, darling, let it go for me." his voice held a tantalizing mixture of dominance and coaxing, teasing the edge of surrender as he skillfully guided you deeper into the abyss of pleasure.
the sheer intensity of the experience sent you spiraling over the edge, your body unraveling completely under him. your mouth opened in a gasp, but the energy to utter a sound eluded you, leaving you in a state of blissful silence. your body convulsed fiercely, your vision clouded by a haze of ecstasy. as you looked at mark, his small smirk told you he was fully aware of the delicious mess you had created.
he continued to push you to the brink, now seeking his own release. he buried his face against the tender skin of your neck, his hips urgently grinding against yours, his own control unraveling.
“g-gonna fill you up, babe,” he muttered through clenched teeth, his breathing labored and quick. his teeth sank into the soft flesh of your neck, marking you with a possessive urgency. his body quivered involuntarily, trembling as he found his elusive peak deep within you, his muscles taut and tense, a low groan slipping through his lips.
with a few final, deliberate strokes, he ensured that every last drop of his cum found its home within you. slowly, he withdraws, his body trembling with the residual tremors of delight. he lowers himself gently over you, the weight of his body pressing against your tired form.
he can sense the exhaustion that courses through your body, the subtle quiver of your muscles. he knows that you're utterly spent.
"you did so good, sweetheart," he whispers into your hair, his voice tender. he presses gentle kisses to your forehead and your cheek, savoring the feeling of having you close before getting out of bed.
your soft, weak voice called out to him, “where are you going?” you were expecting some well-deserved cuddles after being so… "intensely loved".
he only chuckled softly and leaned in to place a tender peck on your lips. “get you some water before we continue.”
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gild-and-fire · 2 years
lim sohoo is the most precious boy. i would not fix him but i would fix myself for him
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thatfizzyyyy · 2 years
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vyinter · 2 years
the world's biggest crime is when someone gets a charming asshole role and then they make it boring
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ladyelissarose · 11 months
can you write the most sheet gripping smut for hobie pls
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Hobie Brown ‘Spider-Punk’ x Spider-Woman reader
Summary; After Miguel sent you two on an almost impossible and risky mission, leaving you with cuts and bruises, you two decide to celebrate in a risky position.
Warnings: NSFW 18! Smut ladies and gents... oral (f & m receiving).. and some more smut y’all.. fluff too, I’d want to believe Hobie was a great-ass fucker but sweet too.
Authors note: You asked.. I serve. Period babes. Enjoy- muah ;) oh and I’ve never written anything so provocative.
“H-Hobie you sure about thi-ah!”
Hobie sucked the sweet spot behind your ear as he kneaded your thighs while they wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to your aching core.
On Miguel’s desk you were, making out heavily, after you and Hobie came back from a mission that had you two aching for some kind of release. The mission was successful but an atrocious process, but Miguel had given that one specifically to you two after pranking him on the last mission you three went on.
You were a little doubtful about this risky place to pull such a risky action, but Hobie finally pulled away after spending the past few minutes absolutely covering your skin with his open-mouthed kisses and sucking marks into your skin that undeniably screamed him.
Taking a moment to breathe and wipe off the streak of blood falling from your busted lip with his thumb, Hobie collected his thoughts to answer your question and not instead dive into your lips that cried for him to claim them in every way.
He grabbed a hold of your face and held them in between his palms as he panted,
“I’m so sure lovie.. Miguel thinks he can take risks with our lives- especially yours my adorable doll-“
In midst of his words he pulled you in for a deep kiss, tasting the crimson blood from yours and and lips, spurring him to go on as he heard your sweet moan, but he made sure to finish his statement first so h abruptly pulled away and smirked at your needy pout,
“-then we can take a little risk here too no? Don’t you think puppet?”
You nodded while taking deep breaths of air, you refused to spend another second away from him, it was your turn to wipe the little blood off his lip rings while feeling incredibly needy for his pleasuring touch even though you needed medical attention more than anything.
You had horrible bruising after ramming into a glass building, which also brought some cuts through your suit, but you couldn’t remember where they hurt exactly as Hobie kissed all logic away and your brain cells practically shut down at the touch of Hobie’s lips all over you.
You could’ve probably resisted and jumped off of Miguel’s desk and go to medic, but the way he groped you tightly and had you squirming in his hold kept you away from medical and glued to him, only wanting more.
Hobie let out a low moan when you gave a kitten lick to his jaw then kissed his bruise that rested right at his Adam’s apple, but he hissed when you palmed him through his jeans, feeling his hardened cock that was straining through his jeans because of you. You smiled in triumphant when he bucked into your hips and promised,
“Hold on lovie.. I’ll take care of you.”
He planted a kiss to you lips and dropped to his knees, his greedy hands never leaving you as he began to pull down the bottom of your spider-suit, the one that had him hard every day for the way it perfectly shaped your curves and gave him unholy thoughts.
He’d never make it to heaven for how he sinfully thought when you were around, but you for sure brought heaven to him every time his eyes met your pussy, like right now.
You loved everything about Hobie, from his kindness towards you and his unique humor- and of course the sex... but mostly his hair, especially for moments like these when you needed good grip when your pussy was being absolutely devoured by him.
You moaned out loud when he licked up and sucked on your clit, knowing just exactly how to make you roll your eyes back and curl your toes. Like a starved man or someone who was having their last meal- with desperation and pleasure, Hobie ate and sucked your pussy hard, focusing on your clit to have you cumming on his face in no time.
Warmth spread throughout your body but that familiar pressure was felt in your lower tummy, your pussy throbbing for more as you neared your release. Using his thick hair you pulled him closer as you cried,
“I need more Hobie- p-please.”
Hobie looked up from where he sucked on your clit, and he smirked at your fucked out face, and those tears that streamed down your cheeks because of him. His cock jumped at the sight of your pouting lips that were partly opened taking breaths in, they looked so perfect for him, and to take him. He knew just what he wanted next, but you came first, his rules.
He brought up two fingers and slid them into your pussy, pumping swiftly as your were soaked and dripping for him already. The grip on his hair tightened, and letting him know you were close, very close also when your pussy clenched around his fingers. He praised you and added to your high while adding a third finger and encouraging,
“C’mon lovie, cum for me.. I can feel you-“
You let out a cry at the feeling of being right on edge, moaning Hobie’s name as he held your waist down and growled,
“Cum for me- now.”
That was all you needed to let go, wailing and moaning his name only as Hobie fingered and ate you through your high. White spots had covered your vision-even when you’re closed your eyes, the pleasure of it was so overwhelmingly euphoric.
Hobie as always hit all the right spots perfectly to have you coming undone until you were breathless. When your high died down, with the hold of his hair, you pulled him away and whimpered,
“To sensitive baby... to sensitive..”
Hobie made sure to press one last kiss to your pussy then pulled away, standing to be at your level and let you taste yourself on his tongue and lips. He made sure to praise how sweet you tasted to him as he cooed,
“So sweet f’me lovie? Yes.. always. My perfect and sweet lovie..”
You smiled through the kiss and began to undo his jeans, but Hobie stopped your hands as he concerned,
“Let’s wait for a bit puppet.. don’t want to hurt you-“
“Let me taste you. Please Hobie.”
There was no way he could deny you that, not when your doe eyes did a lot of the begging as well of your tongue wetting your lips, and of course your polite words that didn’t match your dirty actions.
With ease he lifted you off Miguel’s desk and helped you onto your knees on top of his little vest jacket, so your knees wouldn’t bruise too bad (he still tried to be gentleman where he could be)
You waited for his signal which came when he bid,
“Go on love.. I’m all yours.”
You couldn’t hold back your hunger for him as your quickly undid his belt, your knuckles running over his thighs as your pulled down his pants and boxers in one go, not wasting time for you or no one.
It always took you a good second to decipher the difference between reality and a dream when you came face to face with Hobie’s cock. It made you warm, cum, scream, cry, cho- just so much that no one could do but him.
Your hands rested against his toned stomach as he grabbed a gentle but firm grip on your hair, slowly guiding you to take him in. He let out a gutted moan when he felt your lips take his length in, your tongue swirling around the pre-cummed tip that had him instinctively bucking himself into your throat.
He mentally wanted this to go slow, but he physically couldn’t, as you began to bob your head and deep throat him completely. He could feel himself coming close to ecstasy while you gagged around him and moaned, sending vibrations up the vain you licked up, he caught a glance from a new angle of how fucked up you looked, and he could’ve sworn he died and woke up in heaven.. as the sight of you on your knees for him was paradise.
A hand left his stomach to hold his balls and play with him as you continued on your highway through paradise with him. Hobie felt his high come too close for comfort, and got a tighter grip on your hair, and sped up your bobbing, cursing under his breath at the pressure of the heat but praised you loudly,
“fuck- you’re taking me so well puppet.. ah! fuck fuck! So good f’me.. so good. I- oh fuck- my good girl.”
You could feel his hard length throb in your throat, making you chose to take him fully and hold him there, causing him to topple over the edge and fall into pleasure.
He groaned out as he painted your mouth white, and held you down as he pumped a few times into your lips, wanting you to swallow all of him. You finally got his last drop, savoring his taste that compared to nothing, and pulled back with a ‘pop’. You smirked in pride as you watched him wipe sweat from his brow and his thighs shake slightly under your hold,
“You’re a fucking delight my love.. c’mere.. I’m not done yet.”
His still hard cock spoke enough for him, but you were ready to take him as he sat on Miguel’s chair and you lifted yourself to sit on him. All fear of risk and shit was out the window at this point, you were too far fucked out and numb from all pain as you only felt and knew Hobie. I mean- Come on, you’d rather die on Hobie’s cock on Miguel’s chair than on a mission because of Miguel at this point.
You sunk down only his cock easily, the juices from him eating you out and your arousal spilling out from hearing him moan your name for how you swallowed made you absolutely dripping for him. Hobie kissed your cheek as he groaned happily,
“You feel sooo good love.. perfect.. squuezin’ ‘round me like a pretty vice hm?”
Once he bottomed out completely, you both let out whimpers into one another’s lips as you kissed away the loud moans from the bottom of your gut or lungs.
For a few seconds you cherished how perfectly he fit in you, his warmth consuming you wholly and his hands holding onto your hips with a bruising grip.
But once again, all thoughts of everything else but Hobie came over you as he lifted you up and slid you back down, wordlessly but actionably telling you he was very close and wanted this last release bad.
You could feel it bubbling up too, his tip hitting your cervix had you holding onto his shoulders tightly to be able to bounce on his cock faster. If anyone passed by Miguel’s office, they would’ve thought a pornographic film was in the works by how you two went at it passionately. Moans synchronizing and smacking wet sounds filled every corner, telling the untold.
Your legs began to burn and shake, causing you to slow your pace but cry out to Hobie for help.
“H-Hobie! Please baby.. help me.. I- Iwanttocomesobad!!”
“Me to lovie- let’s finish this.”
He suddenly stood up from the chair, holding onto you tightly as he lifted you up and down his cock, letting praises and curses slip into your lips as he tried to clear a space on the desk, swiping things off or to the side. You grind your hips against his as he laid you down, pinning himself over you as he warned,
“I really need this.. might be rou-“
“Just do it Hobie.. rough, fast.. h-hard.. all the magic you have.”
Hobie smiled sweetly as he brushed a hair from your face and pecked your lips,
“As you wish your highness..”
Now the real pornshit started. Legs secured around his hips you made sure Hobie never left you or went out too far, but he never had that intention as he pounded into your pussy with purpose. Spending his every breath of life and movement on his body to pleasure you fully was what made Hobie most proud to have you.
Air left your lungs as you felt so full and couldn’t take a break, or more actually you didn’t want to. If you died like this it’d be a very proud death for you, you probably already did considering how rough yet pleasurable it all was.
Deep down you knew you would have new bruises on your hips, not because of your mission, but because of Hobie’s strong grip on you as he railed into you fully. Both of you knew that you were coming soon, he throbbed in your pussy and your walls clenched around him tightly. You held onto Hobie’s shoulders tightly as you kissed him and pleaded,
“Please Hobie! I’m so- so close!”
He pressed himself onto you and went impossibly deeper as he groaned loudly, feeling you milk him,
“Jus’ come lovie- ah! Now love-“
A gasp left your lips as you cried when you started to come undone for a last time,
“I’m cu-cumming! Fuck Hobie!”
Your legs shook violently as Hobie smacked his hips against yours, vision gone black with stars surrounding you.
Hobie moaned out your name as his hips finally came to a stutter, as he released his cum into you. He stilled and held you close as he panted for air, he had never come so hard in his life, but he was already praying for another chance for this moment, but he needed air and a break first. Hobie then glanced down at you and smiled to himself as he watched you, wet stains covered your cheeks and you had a soft, effortless smile on your face.
Your release was so harsh but euphoric, it left you in a fucked out daze and feeling tingles everywhere... and for a while that’s all you felt as you came down from your high, but you’ve never felt so happy and complete.
Kisses to your face and soft touches got you back to reality, your eyes fluttered open to seeing Hobie caressing you carefully. You felt your sore legs move under a warm cover, and that’s when it clicked for you, you weren’t at the lair. Your head shot up for a second as you looked around, but Hobie pulled you back down onto his bed and kissed your cheek as he cooed,
“Tis’ ok lovie.. you’re home remember? Took care of ya already.. bath... massages and all.. hm?”
That’s when it clicked for you and you vaguely remembered parts of what he told you, his warm and reassuring touches caring for you. He always let you know beforehand what he would do, and he would go on once he had your word. You took a deep breath and laid your head next to Hobie’s, holding his face as you thanked him,
“Thank you.. for everything.”
A soft peck met your nose and lips as Hobie replied,
“Anything for you... get some sleep now.. we’ll take care of Miguel later-“
This time you fully sat up and gasped,
“What do you mean?-“
“Eh.. he doesn’t know exactly what we did on is lair.. but he has an idea we messed around... I might’ve not put everything back exactly where it was.. but it’s ok. C’mere.”
Knowing Hobie was going to be with you through it all gave you peace, and made you lie back down, this time in his arms. Hobie held you tightly once more and rubbed your back softly, luring you to sleep. You rested your hand over his heart as you sleepily breathed out,
“Love you Hobie..”
He squeezed your hip and replied,
“Love you too lovie... I’ll be here when you wake up.. so rest plenty.”
You nodded and curled into him, letting the sleep take you over.
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: dating sanji edition
— modern! au , so fun , slight nsfw bc sanji is funny like that ig LMFAO
— SANJI X MALE READER one of my favorite pairings to ever cross the universe
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liked by [name]s.chef, uso_pp, 9k others
lvrboy[name]: oh my god hes so fine someone give me this guys' number
-> dni_nami: no fucking way, why did this guy just leak his number TO HIS OWN BOYFRIEND
uso_pp: the day sanji doesn't comment in all caps to his boyfriends posts is the day the apocolypse comes
-> roro.zoro: fr why he always yelling at him....
-> freeluffy: sanji is so aggressive to his own boyfriend, should we help [name]? -> [name]s.chef: YOU MORONS HAVE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE AND IT SHOWS
-> uso_pp: ruhroh he angry
love.pudding: is he single?
[liked by lvrboy[name]]
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liked by freeluffy, dni_nami, boahancock, and 10k others
tagged: lvrboy[name]
dni_nami: never seen you smile that wide before
-> roro.zoro: i wish i never saw it, it's terrifying
-> [name]s.chef: i fucking hate you, dont interact with any of my posts you idiot
-> [lvrboyname]: holy shit whenever you guys breathe do you have to insult each other
-> [name]s.chef: I WON'T ANYMORE MY BABY
SUPERCOLA: do you guys remember when sanji said he hated [name] and rejected the idea of being in love with him.
-> lvrboy[name]: LMFAOAOOA
-> {name]s.chef: that wasnt me, that was my evil twin that was plotting on my downfall.
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liked by [name]s.chef, roro.zoro, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: personal bottle boy <3
tagged: [name]s.chef
[name]s.chef: until the bed breaks. as many rounds as you want, any position you want, anything.
-> dni_nami: sanji please be fucking normal challenge
[liked by roro.zoro and 100 others]
dr.law: is this sanitary???
-> lvrboy[name]: deez nuts in your mouth are about to be sanitary
-> [name]s.chef: TELL HIM BABY TELL HIM !!!
-> dr.law: this shit doesnt even make sense ???
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liked by [name]s.chef, lvrboy[name], and 15k others
freeluffy: i can't eat when sanji is making out with [name] across from me. i'm never going out with these two again.
tagged: [name]s.chef and lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: LMFAO i thought it was known to never go out with sanji and [name]? sanji just ends up ignoring you and only paying attention to [name]
-> [name]s.chef: and that's the way it should be. who else should i pay attention to when my beautiful, handsome, erethral boyfriend is right in front of me?
robinkills: i have never heard luffy sound so serious before, what did you two do to him?
-> roro.zoro: probably traumatize him
lvrboy[name]: i'm sorry lu, i'll make it up to you sometime
-> freeluffy: pay for my meals on campus for a week straight :D
-> lvrboy[name]: i'll pay for it for two weeks, i'm really sorry luffy </3
roro.zoro: i think i vomitted in my mouth a little bit, happy for you guys ig.
-> lvrboy[name]: thank you...?
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liked by [name]s.chef, dr.law, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: my bby in crop tops >>>
tagged: [name]s.chef
-> lvrboy[name]: i love you so much muah
SUPERCOLA: sanji and [name] stop making out challenge literally fucking impossible.
[liked by dni_nami, uso_pp, and 90 others]
-> skullnsoul: they're so funny
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liked by lvrboy[name], roro.zoro, and 14k others
[name]s.chef: my beautiful boy suprised me by preparing me food with his own recipe today, i think i could cry genuine tears. you guys don't understand how happy i am that i found him and am now able to call him mine. i will love [name] until my last breath. i am so, so lucky.
tagged: lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: okay i guess this was a cute post or whatever.
[liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 100 others]
lvrboy[name]: sanji i'm gonna cry :< i love u sm too
-> [name]s.chef: pls dont cry my love
ttchopper: my favorite couple, you two are so sweet!
roro.zoro: cant even say anything mean, this is very heartwarming
-> lvrboy[name]: sanji won't tell you this but he giggled and kicked his feet when he read this.
lvrboy[name]'s story
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my boyfriend's so fucking sexy-
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