manic-misfit · 2 years
I had a terribly stressful start to my day, so she sent coffee and sweets to me at work and tbh still gonna cry about it on main cuz she’s a sweetheart and I adore her so much ;w;
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eoieopda · 1 year
Unnie, how long does it typically take you to write? Do you normally do little bits of a story over a few days, or do you hammer it all out at once? I have to put pieces together slowly and I honestly don’t know if that’s normal.
beeb, there is no normal, so don’t worry! the amount of time it takes me to write something depends on a lot of things, tbh. full answer below the cut!
some of them are physical/physiological: how bad is my fibro pain, did i remember to take my adderall or has it worn off, am i too fatigued to expend energy on a lot at once? etc. moooooost of the time (like 98%) i ignore the check engine light and do not stop once i’ve started something (because who tf knows when i’ll pick it back up if i stop, lol.)
these are some things i’ve noticed about myself and my writing habits:
the thing that will be easiest is the emotional stuff, like the inner thoughts or the dialogue. the thing that will always be the hardest is cleaning up once the writing part is over. it takes me FOR👏🏻EV👏🏻ER to try and edit/proofread. with my adhd, i make a lot of careless mistakes — and even if i don’t, i THINK that i have, and i have to check 5 billion times before posting — then i get so sick of looking at the thing that i need to stop. 🥲
i drag my feet with smut because i don’t think i’m good at it. i try really hard to vary descriptions and shit because i don’t want all the smut scenes across my fics to be too similar, then i get mad that i can only think of a few ways to describe a certain sex act, etc. even if the rest of the fic is done, the smut takes twice as long — which is wild because i’m a gd degenerate as an individual, but struggle so badly with WRITING sex 🙃
angst is infinitely faster than fluff because i am a a sad, soft boi with a lot of feelings lmao. lacuna was banged out in, like, 2-3 hours but i’ve had fluff drabbles take twice that long (only to be 1/8th of the length???)
series chapters, even if they’re shorter than my one shots, take longer. this is because i’m bad at planning 🤪 i have general concepts of things i want to maybe have happen, but i do not make detailed outlines of shit. then i change my mind COMPLETELY as i’m writing, and have to figure out what i’m doing/if it makes any sense/if it is in any way consistent with what i previously posted.
idk if any of this answers your question or helps you, but i hope it does???
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dearreader · 2 years
and without a warning i realize YOUR LAUGH IS THE BEST SOUND. I. HAVE. EV👏🏻ER👏🏻HEARD👏🏻.
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