#shes so creative and smart and funny and caring and just aaaaaaaa
manic-misfit · 2 years
I had a terribly stressful start to my day, so she sent coffee and sweets to me at work and tbh still gonna cry about it on main cuz she’s a sweetheart and I adore her so much ;w;
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pocket-infinity · 5 years
Here we go again...
Pardon me what whilst I indulge my complete fanaticism for a minute and make a bulleted list about why I’m entirely addicted to reading through this every other second.
Mandatory link (go read it). Mandatory @corruptapostasy.
Chapter 1 •Establishes a status quo in 2 seconds flat •Quickly and efficiently introduces the conflict (even though we all already know who it’s gonna be) •Lurien and Monomon banter (it’s a blessing, trust me), which efficiently lays down a groundwork of character for each without muddling either
Chapter 2 •Radiance time baby!!! seriously though she’s introduced well and I love the gravity she has the moment she appears •PK is, like, strong as all hell, but it’s left unknown exactly how strong he is •The White Lady, my girl, the best tree wife! I’m. She’s so good I can’t even. She’s… so amazing I love her. •Holy shit, Grimm too, oh my god Grimm, Mr. I-know-way-too-much-about-void. Love him and his demeanor and he’s just SO damn GOOD. •PK glowey boi (but really tho he GLOWS) •Looking back this is like Gods: The Chapter and I love it
Chapter 3 •Okay PK and Grimm working together just makes me so happy, alright? •PK just casually tossing corpses out of windows, that’s just… comedic to me, somehow. •Bat Grimm asks to hide in PK’s robes and that’s a little too funny to me •Soul -Soother- -Master- Bastard has an amazing introduction to establish the kind of person he is •But really Soul Bastard what the fuck •Brumm my guy (specifically when he calls Divine a miserable cretin) •The Grimmchild! Adorable baby (and of course Grimm is an amazing dad).
Chapter 4 •Ogrim is such a goof •Hegemol actually has good jokes (really, though, the comedy, when it’s gone for, is very well done). •Dryya cannot take a joke and is 100% serious all the time, and any/everyone mocking her for it is amazing, especially for her fear of ghosts. •Isma is high key what’s holding them all together •Ze’mer is just calm and composed the whole time and I just really like that. •More White Lady more White Lady more White Lady (can you tell I like her yet?) •Pale King mourning his citizens is written really well, specifically the part where he ruins one of the Delicate Flowers (don’t we all know that pain, buddy) •But really, though, you can feel how much PK cares about all these people. There was a sense of distance before, but this part just makes it all feel so much more real. •Let’s turn it all around with the SEER OH MY GOD she’s amazing •The White Lady picking PK up is just the most adorable and amazing thing. It deserves like 3 bullet points of importance just because I love it so much; oh my god the two of them are adorable. •Oop there’s some Grimm/Nightmare King foreshadowing here •Again, the entirety of the city grounds everything in reality. •Not to mention when literally one infected tries to snap at the Pale King, it becomes abundantly clear how poorly the guards are handling the situation •The White Lady just knows how to handle shit? Like so well? Oh my god she’s so amazing I just really love the tree lady y’all •But really, though, this would be worth reading even if the White Lady was the only good, well-written character, which she is definitively NOT. •She’s such a good person, and oh my god every time she interacts with PK is just. Adorable 101: an introduction to a loving relationship. •Xero time baby! Holy shit the whole fight is an amazing, well choreographed, well written scene. *Chef’s kiss* Magnificent! •Soul Bastard is really a bastard •Xero’s last thoughts before the infection gets him are just so good. For the short amount of time he’s in the story, he feels like he has a character; that is to say, he’s not just scooby doo villain man
Chapter 5 •Oh boy oh boy this one’s a wild ride •Void Grimmchild oh god oh fuck jesus christ what the hell •Grimm has never been angry before and it’s positively terrifying! •E N K A Y •But really though I just… love Enkay here. The entire scene is so soft and good, and even though we don’t get a particular amount of concrete events that happened between PK and Enkay, there’s just such obvious chemistry between the two. They’re just really adorable and I like seeing adorable things, so just let me have this, alright? •The Archives are now a hospital and dear god is it sad •Honestly a lot of this is sad but it’s really well written so you’ve gotta love it •Lurien calls out the fact that it’s Radi and oh dear gods it hurts to watch the trauma give him a personalized hell experience •Aaaaand he also sees the Troupe. •Lurien and Monomon talking about The Pale King is just so good •Honestly every time Lurien is sad I’m sad- •Oh god an earthquake and everything has gone horribly wrong •Watching The Pale King jump between incredibly pissed and just crying on the floor because of how much stress he’s under just hurts like hell. •Honestly any time Grimm and PK fight just hurts me because I love them both so much •Grimm yoinks some Enkay memories and the fact that PK likes brewing tea is,,, adorable •Pale King is too curious for his own good like 200% of the time •Quirrel!!! He’s so good why does everything try to kill him •Herrah oh my god she’s amazing •Jesus there are so many things I love about Herrah, mostly her casually insulting everyone else and not being able to walk down stairs but just… ughhh she’s so good and also helps Quirrel so that’s, like, an instant +10 points •Quirrel wears a bandana!! adorable •Lurien’s constitution is a -12 •Uh-fucking-oh the Shade Lord’s here
Chapter 6 •More Quirrel more Herrah! •Literally everyone has to tell Herrah to stop cursing around Quirrel •I’d like to correct myself: Lurien’s constitution is -15 or more •Monomon being a mom is just :) •Oh dear god The Shade Lord has the complete eldritch god vibe •Pale King is completely and utterly helpless! Fun times for everyone! •Really though the Shade Lord is terrifying the entire time oh my gods •To be specific, the way the Shade Lord communicates is just… so different, and it only serves to strengthen the unknowable eldritch monster vibe •Pale King can’t keep his legs on the ground •Hell even Grimm’s afraid of the Shade Lord •Making contracts bound in blood with an eldritch god? Lovely, what could be a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon •Pale King and Grimm just, like, cannot get along on the smaller level and it’s amazing •M O R E White Lady. Tree goddess being happy for even a moment is amazing and oh my god she’s just- so good. •And Herrah’s here now too! Dear god I love the way she interacts with everybody •Quirrel just cannot stop being adorable. He’s too good for this world •He’s so excited to see the King do stuff I love him oh my goooooood •Quirrel almost got adopted by the Pale King? And the White Lady? Love it. Also Quirrel is a child and he’s adorable •I’ll never not call Quirrel adorable •Pale King feeling the pressure and fear to hurry up with the cure •Ogrim and Hegemol with Quirrel, even for the 2 seconds we see it, is amazing •L O R E •So much LORE I love it •Gods splitting (“Split Theory”?) is really creative and I love it •Literally none of them thought of replacing the nightmares with dreams… Pale King you’re smart as all hell but also a complete idiot •The White Lady picking the Pale King up by his crown is so fucking amazing oh my god •Oh boy another ancient god! Nightmare King! Yaaaaaaaay! •Pale King’s crown as toothpicks I’m just- •Gods: The Chapter Volume 2: electric boogaloo
Chapter 7 •The White Lady is so good and amazing she’s just aaaaaaaa- •She makes… a specific variety of implication and it had me cackling •Quirrel is too curious and 2fast4you •Quirrel hugging the Pale King!!! I love him •The Pale King cares about Grimm. Cute. •Drinking game: Take a shot every time the Pale King blushes; you’ll have alcohol poisoning before you know it! •Void is a mix of jello and play-doh •Oh, great, Soul Bastard is back! •Rain would rather die than get near Grimm •Dryya is scared of ghosts and everyone mocks her for it; it’s hilarious •Grimm asks if they’ve met a ghost and Dryya nearly has a heart attack •Pale King healing his people is just :) •Honestly every time the Pale King interacts with his people is great because it establishes the stakes more, but, then again, we already know how the story ends, so it’s just a bump up in the sad factor •All the worldbuilding and lore (Grimm healing [or at least helping] people via fire, nobody being able to look at the Pale King without a mask, etc). All of it is so good •Quirrel and Grimm! A winning combination •Podzol. Love Podzol. He good. •But really, though, it’s interesting to have a character (a mortal character) who is skeptical and questioning of gods, and he’s consistent and well-written (as usual for this fic). •One of Monomon’s scholars freaks out when he sees Grimm, which makes total sense and fleshes out the world a bit more. •Honestly it’s really nice that there are stakes existing “hey you know these characters and like them” •Also more worldbuilding is always amazing •Also Podzol just figures out that it’s another god on his own with literally no knowledge given to him, so well done my guy. Smart boi. (This may be my bias towards people solving mysteries on their own but shhhhhhhhh) •Okay I’m gonna cut it here at every scene with Podzol? He’s so good •Grimm and Monomon making puns at each other •The reason for Lurien’s magic sight (did not expect his face to be scarred to high hell but I love it) •Enkay trying to bench press a bookshelf oh my god he’s such an absolute fool I love him •”I read you like an open book!” “Yeah! A blank one!” I’m fucking wheezing out here •”Ms. My-Entire-Fucking-House-Is-Made-With-Acid-Pipes!” This is her new canon name •I think Dryya just really wants to duel Grimm (I’d watch that tbh) •The troupe!! Oh my gods, the troupe! •Divine and Brumm and some ghosts know people!! •Monomon just chomps a jellyfish •The White Lady holding the Pale King! I’ll never not smile at those two being adorable together •Talia the Flame Demon! Ms. I-Ate-A-Magic-Fire-For-Fun. Wh- How the hell?? •Grimmchild is so hyper I love them •Grimmchild is an adorable little baby!! The Pale King holding them is just aaaaaaaaaaa it’s so cute I’m gonna die •The Grimmchild just hopping into the Pale King’s crown. Adorable. •PK’s reaction to having something in his crown. Hilarious. •Ooh more Podzol debating against gods •Monomon making a specific type of implication about the Pale King and Enkay (best gay bat bf) •Oh god oh fuck wait holy shit what the fuck ghost Enkay oh god no that’s terrifying •Grimm is a mass murderer! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (oh god what the fuck) •The Fundament? The Void Heart? Can’t wait to learn more! •Grimm getting possessed and just the Nightmare King generally •Soul Bastard how DARE you hurt Wol you little fucker
Chapter 8 •Hi welcome to the all-good-things-get-slapped-in-the-face chapter •Except the Pale King and the White Lady’s relationship. That’s still amazing and good and nice and I swear if that ends rough I will cry •Monomon and Podzol have many questions •The White Lady shakes the ground by jumping down a 5 foot hole •OOPS THE TROUPE IS A DEATH CULT OKAY THEN I GUESS! THIS IS FINE I’M FINE EVERYTHING’S FINE! •Quirrel being adorable is so nice to see- oh wait the Soul Bastard’s here •OF FUCKING COURSE THE SOUL BASTARD IS HERE! He just had to go and traumatize little baby Quirrel huh? Had to do that? God damn it Quirrel is too good for this world •Oh and the Fundament hates Talia wonderful just wonderful this is such a lovely and positive chapter •Oh great now the Radiance is here to mock Lurien •She’s got gravitas but she fucking DARES TO HURT MY BOI •I will end her. I will stab her, don’t think I won’t, how DARE she bring up his scars •Lurien’s got magic, though, so that’s fun and nice •If the Radiance could stop talking and specifically not say that Lurien will always be a slave I’d appreciate that kthanksbye •My lovesick little fireflyyyyyyy I love him •Quirrel is damn good at improvising! Such a good kid •Lurien coming in and vibe checking the Soul Bastard with a one-liner in tow is the greatest experience of my life •Lurien is such a good person why do I have to know how this all ends damn it  :( •Grimm and Brumm don’t know how to react to the tram aww that’s adorable •Monomom and Quirrel reunion oh my gooooooood it’s so adorable I’m dying •The Seer is a blessing upon all of us •Oh great Grimm has a panic attack because of memories! What a fun time! •Oh and of course the Fundament is bullying Grimm. Hey sir could you kindly back the fuck off? •The Seer making jokes about the Pale King’s height I’m-pfffff I’m dying •The Pale King should 100% paint his nails •Oops the Pale King might have done some immoral stuff in the name of knowledge- •Okay now this is normally the part where I’d start going thing-by-thing with what I like about the conversation between the Pale King and the Fundament but uh… I tried that and I found myself just rewriting the whole scene so we’re REALLY chopping it down •But, seriously, read the scene slowly and thoroughly because it’s amazing •Oh great Grimm’s dying because he’s not accepting memories! Hurray! This is so fun can’t you tell that’s I’m having such a fun time •Ooh yay more lore on so many things. There are too many topics so I just don’t have time •Oh hey the Radiance used to be kinda nice and now she’s a psychopath. Lovely •”You didn’t have to let your children die” oh boy Pale King wait until you see what’s coming… •Wonderful! An argument! This is such a good vibe and I’m having the time of my life •Radiance, if you could just kindly fuck off and get out of the entire area of the Pale King’s head (and everyone else’s while you’re at it) that would be nice •Ah great good to know that Enkay made the Wyrm change into the Pale King as a way of trying to escape the Radiance this is lovely, please continue killing all the saints •Thank you Fundament for shoving her the hell out •Aww and the reconciliation (really tossing my heart around here, huh?) •Sleepy Grimm is adorable •The White Lady and the Pale King being a couple is so damn cute I love them •The White Lady is clearly the superior gardener •Fantastic now she’s crying why have you done this to meeeeeee •Oh not to mention that they have to sacrifice their kids to the void fantastic • :( •”fits” (you’ll know it when you get there) PFFFFFFT OH MY GOD I’M DYING •Oh so the Fundament knew the Wyrm? Well shit now I’m damn intruiged… •All of the incarnations feel like a ton of roommates and it’s a Good Vibe •Ah great now the Radiance is here again, just being a complete psycho towards Grimm this time! •Thank god for the Fundament coming in to vibe check the Radiance not once but twice •Also aww the Fundament cares about Grimm
Well, that covers about… half of it? A third? Somewhere around there, but I think I’d be here for a month trying to get all of it. So, yeah, I hope you all enjoyed my obsessed ranting again, and that’ll be it for this one.
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