coca-coola · 5 years
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FAK plans on letting kids (from the camps and in the “army”) get shot for a political statement
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healthgnome · 5 years
FAK; Important Gaslighting / Manipulation
Ok so. Upon request to find something in my camera roll I found the set of videos I took when I was being gaslit by Tobias/Isaiah. Idk if they’ve all been posted before but this will be a specific post for just these.
I haven’t watched them in.. months. Because I really haven’t wanted to, that’s why they aren’t on my phone. But, I did today, and felt genuinely sick to my stomach. I have a hard time taking in negative information about those I associate myself with, even in past, because of inner moral turmoil, largely. But I cannot ignore the blatant manipulation and ignorance of how awful the situation was handled.
Please keep in mind that while I may seem composed in my repetition of how I don’t believe in what Tobias/Isaiah is saying, it is breaking me and hurting me because I can’t know that for sure, it’s why I recorded the videos and sent them to a group chat.
Anyway, here are said videos. [Under the keep reading line, so as to make the post less large.
In this one, and I’m still not sure of the truth, I heard my name by said, very quietly, and Tobias/Isaiah said he was trying to sleep. (On my bed, with me there.) But his mouth was just the slightest bit agape and it sounded like my name came from his mouth. This is denied vehemently. Again, still no idea if I really did hallucinate or not.
More of the same. There's also laughing at the situation. (I’m not.)
Now I’ve been told I don’t exist, I’m in a mental hospital and made Tobias/Isaiah and his story up in order to cope. Being told nothing is real, my phone isn’t real, it’s all my subconscious. (My phone is a very important thing to tether me to reality. It connects me.) Saying he died, being strange.
Keeps up that this isn’t real. Saying he told me “stories” (his traumas) that were all bs bc obviously none of it would happen if it were real. Saying his parents killed him, trying to logic that it wouldn’t make sense for him to live through abuse and then be raped twice. Keeps up that I’m in a mental hospital.
Telling me he cannot be hurt because he isn’t real. Keep trying to logic that it’s not real. Insulting himself to logic that this isn't real. Driving me out of my mind.
Referring to himself in the third person; “Is he trying to make you have delusions?” Continuing the same story, trying to be creepy, laughing loudly at himself. Telling me that I’m not real. Trying to tell me I’m trying to cope. In the end he says “Ok yeah you’re real if you wanna believe that.” Then laughs but the video cuts off again.
This video is very quiet, almost as if in a tone of guilt but is still smiling. Stares at me for a period of time smiling, then says, “I’m real.” Laughs, “I wanna kill myself that’s all.” Apologizes, asks if I want to beat him up, tells me to do it, and says he did this because “Allan did it to me so I wanted to do it to somebody else.” He keeps talking about how he wants to die, kill himself, how he wants me to beat him to death. Laughs more, then brings up the name thing again.
Tobias/Isaiah tries to get me to trust him, tries to touch me at the beginning. Claims he’s my best friend. (I’m not adding that out of meanness it just feels like it’s all part of the manipulation and potential guilt-tripping.) Laughs, says he’s going to act normal again and then negates it completely with voice changing and other things. Continues to insult himself, begs for my trust, and keeps trying to claim he's my best friend. He hits himself to claim he’s real, then does so again for the fun of it. In the end he is playing with a bracelet he found in his basement, slowly smiling, denying my mockery of his gaslighting and laughs again as if this isn’t serious.
In this last video Tobias claims to have just woken up. More laughing throughout the video. Asks me not to kill myself and saying he cares about me, in his quiet voice. He comes forth about being awake, but continues denying the name thing, and using different weird voices. He says he knows I’m mad bc I have “psycho tits” (psychosis). He claims how worried he is about me bc I hallucinated, keeps telling me I have psychosis. Tobias/Isaiah expresses how people with psychosis often hear voices and whispers, he says that “now you’re trying to pin that on me.” Accusatorily, as if I were doing something bad by not believing I hallucinated. He mentions a girl who was at the hospital who heard voices and began to believe she could read people’s thoughts. I explain that I don't believe I can, I was told maybe I could because through the friendship Tobias/Isaiah claimed that I’m magic, and in this instance used that to say that maybe I could read thoughts. I took it as that, upset about it all, and he agreed and told me he believes it.
Sorry I got more detailed per video it.. happens with me.
Anyway Tobias/Isaiah is not someone to be trusted, is a manipulator and a gaslighter, and laughs about it throughout a now blaringly obviously bs apology.
Thank you for taking the time to read/watch these videos. Please spread them, this isn’t a safe person, especially not with the information out, and how many vulnerable people who follow him and look up to him.
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borgevino · 5 years
i have been following the for-abused-kids ICE raid drama (it is really a shitshow, if anyone is looking to spice up their saturday evening) and there’s something that’s been bothering me.
obviously this organizer has myriad problems -- personal, interpersonal, moral, emotional, etc. these should be paid attention to, of course. but i find it interesting, and somewhat alarming, that the most relevant problems to the issue at hand are a much smaller part of the discussion than general attacks on his character. these being:
the supreme folly of organizing any event like this over social media
i can’t state that first point enough! i cannot think of anything stupider than to plan a raid on a government facility and then make a facebook event for it! this is grossly unsafe for everyone involved and guarantees the plan will not work from the start!
the egotism involved in needing to be the leader of such an event (and insisting that someone else take the fall for it)
again, and primarily, the extreme lack of situational awareness displayed by planning this on social media
all of these things would spell disaster for an event like this, particularly the first one, but a huge number of the callout posts have been focused on “he’s a pedophile!” “he’s an abuser!” “he’s racist!” which is not to say that these things aren’t important, of course. but it does tend to give a false impression that the main thing wrong with the raid is that the guy organizing it is a piece of shit, and it would be fine otherwise.
this is, of course, not true. if someone morally upstanding, with a blameless record of being an exemplary human being, was creating the same event in the same way, it would still be an extremely dangerous thing to participate in.
it seems to me sensationalist to make accusations of abuse and pedophilia the central objection. “he’s doing this so he can groom kids -- the facebook event was originally for ages 12+!” like, yes, that is a problem. but the bigger problem in the context of a raid on an ICE facility is the existence of a facebook event. do you see what i’m saying? there’s a large-scale ignorance of the forest for the trees.
i don’t want this to become a pattern, where the loudest objection to a terrible idea is an attack on the organizer. there should be a desire and willingness to take the idea and examine it, point out its flaws on their own merit, and then -- as an addendum -- note the personal shittiness of the organizer, thus protecting from similarly terrible ideas that come from good people in the future.
anyway. i am not an expert in activism security, so i cannot provide clarity on how a direct action raid would actually be planned -- and if i could, i would not, for the sake of security -- but i am a tech worker, and thus familiar with how whistleblowing and secure journalism is done. here are some sites that are worth reading:
the intercept’s guide to secure reporting
tech solidarity’s security resources for activists and whistleblowers
surveillance self-defense from the electronic frontier foundation (particularly the page about secure communication)
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genderpunktheo · 4 years
Hey ijustwanted to point out: on ur feminismandmedua blog, there’s a fallout post (about forabusedkids) made by an aphobe/queerphobe (g’owstone). I would have said it over there, but wished to remain anonymous, sorry. I get this information should be spread I just don’t like this person
Thanks for letting me know! I’m sure none of the mods would have shared that post if we had known that and we always appreciate when someone informs us - since most of us are queer and some of us are aspec that’s definitely not someone we want to be associated with. 
I’ll fix it, thanks again ❤︎
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cherrysnax · 5 years
who tf is forabusedkids...
someone who speaks over poc and is making a meme outta the whole raid ice thing in order to seem super-mega-woke and is either a scammer or a naive idiot who doesnt know that piblically going after a govt insured concentration camp is going to get him and the children he‘s rounded up for this self indulgent white saviour adventure™️ killed...
said person also doesnt know that he‘s white, and is extremely racist
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zoruwua-moved · 5 years
Just for grins I put forabusedkids url into tumblr search to see if I missed anything and it's awfully interesting that he apparently has top surgery scheduled for next month while asking for money to ~*~storm ice*~* And having it go directly into his personal paypal a few weeks before surgery. 👀 (btw am also trans this is about my suspicion that he's scamming people for personal benefit NOT about him wanting top surgery)
👁 wouldnt put it past a white honestly.. these people think that being lgbt pemdas cancels out their inherent racist tendencies
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polygonyall · 5 years
people like forabusedkids who act like the paragon and a representative for a vulnerable group are really disturbing to me because people like that never admit they’ve done something wrong or they lace what they’ve done with manipulative excuses and gaslighting. I’ve known multiple people like this and they are almost always awful dreadful people who should be kept 10,000 miles from the people who they say they represent
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emmettalert · 5 years
not sure if you know this but the op of the raid concentration camp post is a abuser,pedophile already stole some of the money for the fund and is only doing it for clout. just look up forabusedkids or fak in the tumblr search for a master list of all the bad things he’s done
not sure what this is referring to but i’ll check my blog and delete anything pertaining to that
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beebebe · 5 years
that forabusedkids person keeps pissing me off the more i have to hear from their dumb ass jfkdkdmdmd please find some brain cells! you cant raid a goverment facility by planning on fb/discord and out right ignoring the people you claim to be doing this for......... like please shut up and sit down gringo........
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Please don’t let him keep doing this. Please question him about it all. Please stop him from causing harm.
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I don't usually do these here but I'm making an exception for once. :)
I was tagged by @forabusedkids
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you wanna get to know better
Gender: Genderqueer.
Star sign: Leo.
Height: 5'2"
Time: 9:19 AM EST
Fave bands: Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, idk I do listen to other stuff but I can't think of it right now
Fave solo artists: Kesha, Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey
Song stuck in my head: Let You Down by NF or Dress in the Dark by HC McEntire
Last Movie: I don't even know. I think the last movie I watched start to finish was The Amityville Horror, and that was back at Christmas.
Last show I watched: just the news probably....I haven't seen an episode of Star Trek in months and I am sad about it.
When did I create my blog: I had to check my archive. February 2014. That's incredible, I hadn't realized its been so long. Four years now.
What do I post on this account: What it says on the label. Positivity posts and images for genderqueer and queer folks. Sometimes news, politics, and discourse appear here too.
Last thing I googled: "3/8 inch hair" (I bought a set of clippers for my hair, trying to see what that length looks like)
Do i have other blogs: Yes, my main blog, a food sideblog, a rainbow aesthetic blog, an inactive learning disabilities/neurodiversity sideblog, and a couple of saved urls.
Do i get asks: Yeah and instant messages. And I'm horrible about answering them and some of them are rude. I can go entire weeks now without looking at my inboxes.
Why did I choose my url: It summed up the goal for what I wanted to do. When I made this blog, I was feeling very down about myself because of my gender. Support was hard to come by and transphobia and negative discourse were everywhere. I wanted to counter those messages. This blog started out being for me...but it has become so much more than that.
Following: 65
Followers: 13,177, for this blog. 179 for my main.
Fave colors: purple, blue, silver, green, pink. Pastels, neons, metallics, rainbows.
Average sleep hours: 11 AM to 8 PM. #ThirdShiftLife
What am I wearing at the moment: a uniform shirt I haven't yet changed out of, a pair of blue shorts, and black socks that don't match.
Dream job: I'm not certain of the answer to this anymore. I've settled for a job that I can do and that pays okay. Outside of work, or perhaps a more important kind of work: I want to live well and be happy and see the world become a more just place--and I want that for as many other people as possible.
Dream trip: I want a week in a cabin in the mountains, North Carolina or Tennessee, preferably near a waterfall, sometime around the end of August or mid-September. I want to walk through parks and national forests every morning and spend my afternoons exploring those little shops just made for attracting tourists. I want to eat ice cream next to a river and drive around and look at the lights in the mountains at night.
Favorite food: Pizza
Nationality: USA. Living in the South--technically Appalachia, some maps say yes and some folks say no.
Fave song rn: One Foot--Walk the Moon
I tag: No one. Rules were made to be broken.
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adultprivilege · 6 years
New Mod Here!
Hi, I'm Tobias, my Tumblr is firstnonbinarypresident (or forabusedkids since that's a blog with a related topic). My pronouns are he/him or they/them, trans masc, 17 years old. I'm here especially for survivors of any kind of abuse, and sufferers of mental illness. Happy to be here!
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languidschizoid · 6 years
Does anybody know discord servers for [emotional] abuse survivors that don't indicate the topic (abuse) anywhere obvious (like in the server- or channel names?)
@forabusedkids @emotionalabusesurvivors
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zoruwua-moved · 5 years
FHJHFKJSDHFJKDSHFJKSFHJK forabusedkid's fucking info form to fill out on the raid fortsill site wants to know if drivers have "a permit".....you can't.....drive alone or out of state.....with a permit........
this whole idea was stupid from start to finish but i think it really peaked when forabusedkids wanted to let people leash kids
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(both) Hey there, I'm just gonna call myself Starry Anon for right now. I believe that my girlfriend and I are being abused (neglect + physical for her, emotional for me). We're both really scared about telling anyone about this since we figure it would just make things worse. I'm going to be starting college in fall of 2018, where I can hopefully get some therapy (parents wont let me see a therapist rn). Do you have any resources we could use to make our situations less strenuous? many thanks;;
hello starry anon!
i’m so sorry that you and your gf are being abused :( i would recommend talking to a therapist or a listener on 7 cups of tea. a therapist would cost money and be a trained professional and a listener would be minimally trained online and would be a person like you and me basically. either way, it would be someone to talk to about what’s happened to you both. you could also talk to other abuse survivors on the discord chats made by @speakingofabuse and @forabusedkids ! (i believe if you scroll back a couple of pages in my references tag you’ll find the link to one if not both of them). i hope this helps and i wish you both the best
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coca-coola · 5 years
(Posted with permission)
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