#forbidden starfruit
frugyy · 3 months
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𝘧𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘺 ⭐️🌈🥭🍄
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supremeuppityone · 5 months
Klaroline fanfic update: Perhaps One Day
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Finally working on that Klaroline sequel that I get asked about sometimes [Chapter 166 (‘The Plus One’) in A Beautiful Symmetry]. Here's a quick peek:
Chapter 24: Part 2 – The Plus One
                  They uncovered the lie over many, many dragon fruit cocktails. The only rule Caroline and Katherine had from the moment they stepped off the plane had been to not talk about Klaus. Or Hayley. And certainly not the baby. But Caroline had never been able to turn off her brain — especially when she could feel something wasn’t right. As she stared at the turquoise lagoon, it inexplicably came to her. “White Oak Manor on July 8th,” she said haltingly, her tongue slowly chewing on the syllables as her brain went into overdrive.
                  Katherine opened one eye to wordlessly glare at her, instantly recognizing the date as one of the forbidden topics they’d agreed not to mention when they ran away to Palau, mostly because at 8,657 miles away, it was the furthest point from Virginia that the airline had available when they showed up three days ago.
                  Toying with the starfruit rosette garnish, Caroline explained, “When that tabloid did their exposé on Klaus and Hayley’s love child, they posted all those tasteless photos of Hayley leaving fancy suites at different high-end hotels and one of them was at the White Oak Manor on July 8th. But Klaus and I were at my dad’s old cabin that whole weekend.” 
                  “So? Those asshole stalkerazzi must’ve gotten a date wrong.”                  
Caroline had known Katherine long enough to see past the cool confidence borne of the highest blue-blooded pedigree. There was uncertainty there. And something else. Something they both had missed. 
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masseffecthoe · 3 years
Forbidden starfruit
Chapter 2/5
Summary: Next day bliss.
Warnings: Wetting his Whistle, Taking a trip to pound town, but seriously nsfw
< Chapter 1
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Y/N woke up Kylo Ren's annoying distorted voice commanding her to return to base. The sun was gently shining through the round window making the covers warm and nice, but her lover was missing from bed. She stretched her limbs still feeling the remnant of the afterglow, gaze searching for the man in question. Poe was standing with his back towards her, pants already on. Bummer, she was hoping for a lazy morning in bed, Kylo could wait. It had been so long since she felt such chemistry with someone and she didn't know when or if she'd see him again. She smiled, eyes tracing the muscles on his back, his shoulders tense. She had a few ideas on how to relax him.
"Come back t-" He spun around so quickly she actually flinched out of reflex, mind already grasping for the Force. His words were sharp and loud. Not how she imagined the morning would be going.
"You're with the First Order!" Her heart sank at the tone in his voice. She hadn't kept it from him intentionally, it was just not a very good conversation starter... or first impression for that matter. But she gathered now that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea this time around. He looked devastated, eyes blown out in shock. Had he lost someone to the First Order? It was not impossible with the rate they were killing people left and right.
"Yeah, I was hoping it wouldn't be a big deal..." Most people were afraid when they found out, but Poe seemed furious, his fists tight around the fabric of his T-shirt, nostrils flaring with every breath.
"Wouldn't be... is this some kind of game to you??" He was shouting now, took a step forward, but backed away immediately, then just paced to the other side of the room, eyes never leaving her like she'd pounce on him at any moment. Well, she wanted to pounce on him, maybe ride his 'blaster' for a while, but he was making such a fuss about it it was ruining her mood.
"What? N-"
"Was this the trap all along??" Constantly interrupting her was not helping his case either. "No, it can't be, that monster said you dealt with the traitor." Poe’s eyes lit up, mouth hanging, and she had to suppress the sigh and eyeroll combo. "You... the informant..." She wasn't sure if his little ramble was meant to be said out loud, but it gave her the insight she needed. She pinched the bridge of her nose - the morning was definitely not going the way she hoped now.
"You're with the Resistance. Of course." It was just her luck if she was being honest with herself. For how much she valued her power and independence, shit rarely actually went her way. Why couldn't have Poe been just a random freighter pilot like he said? Maybe would have even agreed to join the First Order with her, the pay was good for transport services... It hit her too a moment later, wide eyes fixing on his handsome face. "Well fuck... Poe! As in star Resistance pilot Poe Dameron?" She took his silence as answer enough, her laughter filling in the small space. What were the odds? She couldn't help the flirty line as she eyed the half naked man up and down once more, seeing him in an entirely new light. "The stories don't do you justice."
"Stop it!" He recoiled so fast it only made her smile grow. She wondered what was going on in his head. He didn't look scared, maybe just surprised and perhaps just a little bit disappointed, like she was. But it was good news, they were surely going to meet again, even if they'd have to keep their trysts a secret. At the end of they day they were both just two adults having some fun.
"Look, we don't have to make this awkward."
"You're crazy."
She slipped out of bed, the sheet covering her body falling and she stood naked a few paces away from him. The soft morning light beamed around her from behind like a halo. He was playing tough, but his traitorous body flinched when she drew closer, his eyes straining to stay on her face. He still wanted her, but hated it. She was going to make this hard for him. Y/n placed her hand on his cheek and traced it slowly to the back of his neck pulling him to her, so close her breath sent chills on his skin.
"I may as well be, but remind me who's head was buried between my legs last night?"
"It was a mistake." His voice was low, his defenses slipping.
"But it felt so good!" She let out the last words in little gasps, lips pressing gently over his jaw, following down his neck and over this collarbone, greedy fingers traveling all over his abs and sides before tugging at his pants. He sucked in a breath, hands clasping around her arms in protest, but didn't push her away. It was kind of cute, his internal struggle so obvious on his face. "One last time can't hurt anybody."
Her hands worked painfully slow at his pants, lips barely breaking contact with his skin as she nipped and kissed her way down his toned chest. Fabric out of the way, she stroke his hardening member, a gruff moan escaping the pilot. She felt his fingers flex around her arms, loosening right before the grip was back in full force. The battle between his mind and his dick was exhilarating, never had she wanted to make a man submit so much, let her have her way with him. It was a win-win scenario anyway, why resist at all?
She was in a weird position, halfway to crouching, just as far as his hold allowed her. Her hand cupped his balls, teeth nipping at the skin just below his left pec and his resolve crumbled, head rolling backwards. She wasted no time, slipping through his fingers and kneeling before him. She gave his now throbbing cock a lick from base to tip, his hands wrapping in her hair. She thought he might try to pull her away, but he gathered her hair with gentle strokes in a loose ponytail, prying the loose strands from her face. There eyes met and she knew she had him, flustered cheeks and brows furrowed, mouth gasping for air, watching her expectantly. She gave his dick a few more cheeky licks before taking it all in, throat relaxed and eyes never leaving his.
Cheeks hollowed, she sucked on it like she knew best, one hand massaging his balls, the other firmly pressed to the back of his thigh, nails pressing in the taunt muscles. He was panting, gaze burning with lust, hips buckling ever so slightly when she pressed her tongue along his shaft. He was breathtaking, a parallel to the night before when he had her pressed against the door, his mouth on her core. The memory of his lips on her and the sight of him ignited her from within, her hand traveling to rub her aching clit.
She let his dick out of her mouth with a pop and lowered her eyes to admire him in his full glory, but before she knew it he was pulling her in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist for support. His eyes met hers again, his pupils blown and breath ragged, but she couldn't focus for long and his thick member stroke against her dripping folds. A moan escaped her lips, her head falling back as he shoved his dick inside her roughly. His head fell on the same spot from the previous night, on the crook of her neck, and sucked on the still tender flesh. He pressed her against the wall, adjusting his grip on her thigs and pulled back until just the tip was still inside her, only to push in with renewed vigor. The pace quickened, turning into a heavy rhythm, so different and yet the same. It was still lustful, she could still feel the desire, the spark between them, but also his anger. Her arms circled around his neck, one hand fisting into his messy hair. He groaned on her skin, biting her shoulder, the pain mixing in with the pleasure. She thought she forgot to breath for a moment, his dick hitting that sweet spot one last time before the rapture came over her like a wave, radiating from her core, every nerve in her body sparking to life in its wake. She was vaguely aware of his arms tightening around her as his last thrusts became uneven.
They stayed like that for a while catching their breaths, his dick still inside and head still hiding on her shoulder, skin against skin sweaty and hot. Her eyes fell on his mouth when he finally pulled away. He had such perfect lips. She untangled her fingers from his hair, nails scraping gently. She caressed his cheek, thumb tracing his lips, moist and swollen. He almost leaned into her touch. Almost.
She smiled, but she felt it didn't quite reach her eyes, and untangled herself from him. They dressed in silence, Y/N sighing a few times. No sexy morning shower together then. She cleaned herself the best she could, but she'd still need to sneak in the bath before her training with Kylo. She stole glanced at the pilot, admiring his form, the way his muscles flexed when he pulled the T-shirt over his head. The thought of him in his X-wing, orange jumpsuit fully zipped open, cock standing in full attention. What a sight that would be! She sighed again and took her long hooded coat out of the drawer and wrapped herself in it. She saw him watching her from the corner or her eye as she swiftly clasped her lightsaber belt, the black leather hanging oddly on the satin dress beneath. She took the holopad and few other possessions and turned towards Poe, mustering a smile. His eyes were glued to the First Order badge on her cape's shoulder. Why was he making shit so awkward?
"Well, until next time, fly boy." She cringed bit at her own words, the thought of meeting him during a battle somewhere flashing in her mind. He grabbed her by the arm as she went to pass him by, his grip firm but not constricting. His gaze was piercing, as if he wanted to see inside her soul. Cute, but it didn't work quite like that. Mind reading was a more complex art.
"Did you kill him?" Her brows furrowed, chin lifting in defiance. Was everyone in the Resistance so naïve?
"If you mean the traitor then of course." His face fell at her answer, but she felt her blood boil. She had half a mind to rip him a new one, who did he think he was? Self righteous bastard! She smiled instead a dark little smirk and added with more venom than she intended. "Let's not ruin a perfect morning." She ripped herself from his hold with ease and rushed out of the room. Anger did not look good on her, it was one of the emotions she did not particularly enjoy. She took a little detour both to calm herself down and to make sure she wasn't followed. The Resistance had that annoying habit of finding itself where it shouldn't.
Tali was waiting for her on the ship. It was jut a bit smaller than Kylo's command shuttle, his ego always pushing to prove he was above her. But that was Snoke's plan, wasn't it? To pit them against one another until he'd eventually snap and try to kill her. She hoped he wouldn't, but lately she was not so sure.
"Sooooooo, how was it?" The other woman's excitement died down when she saw her face. "That bad, huh?" Tali was a sweetheart, clearly not cut out for the life of constant murder and backstabbing, born in a line of ex-empire followers and pushed into the grips of the First Order by her family. For the glory of the former Empire! Y/N imagined they would shout a speech even Hux would be proud of. The less she knew, the safer she'd be, even if it unfortunately meant Y/N could not vent to her friend too much about Poe.
"Eh, he got all squeamish when he found out I was First Order."
"I'm sorry."
"Sex was great though." She giggled, the sound making Y/N smile as well.
"Not to be the bearer of bad news, but Commander Ren is, um, angry." Ah, poor baby was throwing a temper tantrum again. It was sad how se seemed to want her attention and her demise all at once.
"We should get going then..."
One jump into hyperspace and a quick shower later, Y/N made her way into the training room. She had her full uniform on, the mix of leather and soft fabric like a second skin, but she kept the helmet under her arm. Kylo was already in the center of the ring, oozing wrath like some sith lord in the legends of old. It was goin to be an intend training session.
"You're late."
"Hhhm... Hutts are ugly." He stared at her like she had grown a second head. "I thought we were stating random truths." He ignored her quip and stalked closer to her, fidgeting with the lightsaber in his hand.
"What took you so long?"
"I took a little time off for a night of drinks and debauchery. You should try it once in a while, great stress reliever." He snarled, the crackling noise of his weapon his only reply.
They clashed, red against red, his saber frizzling, hers smooth. She had to steer clear of his cross-guard, burning angrily like the rest of his sword, but hers was also dangerous, a circle of sharp, unforgiving metal. He charged at her in a frenzy, each strike less coordinate, desperate. She parried and dodged, always meeting him halfway, but never pushing back. He was a raging inferno, she was a leaf in the wind. Something was clearly eating at him and she doubted it had much to do with her. What had Snoke gotten into his head now? One of his swings came awfully close to her face, the heath from the lightsaber pinching at her cheek. Would he really do it? Strike her?
She was growing tired of just stepping out of the way, but he did not show any signs of slowing down. If anything, he was was becoming more erratic, his moves harder to predict. He jabbed at her, shouting now, seething. But he'd never actually hit her... would he?
She saw a small opening, a chance to strike back and she took it before she could think twice, her muscles tiring and aching for a break. His eyes widened, but before her lightsaber got even remotely close, she felt the familiar grip of the Force around her limbs, pinning her to the spot. She could have fought against it, but the man before her seemed to cool down, if only just barely. His lightsaber was still on, it's jagged pattern casting dancing shadows on his clothes.
"How are you better when you're not even trying?" He freed her from his hold, lightsaber back on his belt, and she in turn released a shaky breath.
"Oh, I am trying not to get stabbed, you can get pretty scary. I'm actually not entirely convinced you wouldn't cut me down if you had the chance... but I'm just not taking it so seriously."
"Not taking what seriously?"
"The First Order, Snoke, the sith code, any of it."
"But you're training to be sith." He was looking at her again with that same expression, somewhere between irate and impressed, curious yet exasperated. She was sith, but the code spoke to her in different ways.
"If 'there is only passion' shouldn't we enjoy life a little more? It says nothing about being miserable and angry all the time. Or following the orders of a wrinkled ballsack..." He actually chuckled and she considered it a small victory so she went on, inching closer to him. "'Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.' Do you feel free, Kylo Ren?"
"I've never felt so lost." She placed her hand on his shoulder. She remembered him when they were younger, in Luke's jedi camp. He seemed happy then, she thought he'd make a great jedi one day, worried even that he'd be the one to chase her down after she left. Never would she have guessed he'd come recruit her for the First Order years later.
"You should listen more to yourself and less to the ones around you." She meant Snoke, but saying his name felt like summoning a demon sometimes. She squeezed before taking her hand off, but was surprised when he engulfed her in his arms, caging her against his chest in an iron grip. She sighed and patted him on the back, almost felt bad for the sucker, when she felt the hilt of his lightsaber just below her ribs. He'd only have to turn in on now. He inched away, his steady gaze meeting her own, a smile playing on his lips. The pressure of the saber went away the next second. He ruffled her hair like he used to do when they were both naïve little padawans, in what seemed like a lifetime ago.
"I'd never cut you down, Y/N." But that was exactly why Snoke was keeping her around, couldn't he see? How could they still pretend to be friends when one of them was always going to die at the hand of the other? This was more than some misplaced sibling rivalry! She was sith, but even she could admit that the stupid 'rule of two' was ridiculous and outdated. The code was a guideline, each generation seeming to interpret it to their own needs. So why were listening to that overpowered morsel? Why were they playing along to revive the Empire's glory when it had obviously failed once? But he seemed so naïve sometimes, placing such trust in someone like that old scrotum. She was reminded of the Resistance and their own innocent dreams. Could she still pull Kyl- Ben out of Snoke's grasp?
"Let's go another round."
"Fine, but then we sneak off to Nar Shaddaa, get some drinks, maybe get into a barfight, kill some bandits. Deal?" He shook his head, but there was a glimmer in his eyes as he took stance for attack.
Y/N didn't know if it had been then that she decided. It might have been in the back of her head since that day he came as Kylo Ren and offered her a place in the First Order, but it was in that moment when he charged at her, the childlike joy back in his dark eyes, that she swore she was going to get him away from Snoke's influence.
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shsl-gay-nurse · 2 years
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you know what? fuck you //Au’s your cookies SOME CRUCK AU SPRITE EDITS! idk I just wanted to edit some sprites both for fun and to show off some of the AU designs, not everyone gets a design change, just the ones I feel like doing for fun (or for story reasons like rambutan cookie) Default GingerBrave- I just wanted to give him a few touch ups dfsjkl, gave him a few scars cuz I imagen him to be a bit reckless at times, also brightened up his eyes cuz they prettyer now fksdfd Post-Redemption Pomegranate- IF DEVSISTERS WON’T REEDEEM HER THEN I’LL DO IT MY FUCKING SELF. after the events of her leaving DE she’s began to grow her hair out, she no longer has the mirror due to it shattering but honestly she doesn't want it regardless. she has her old headband swapped out with a starfruit one cuz, iv decided in this AU in cookie culture, instead of wedding rings you wear or carry an item that reminds you of your partner. starfruit has pomegranate themed accessory's in her hair though I haven’t edited them together yet jkfdls. pomegranate is incredibly happy in her new life and is now often seem smiling without feeling the need to hide it, she has exactly the kind of life she’s wanted since she was a little kid, it took great sacrifices for her to get here but if given the choice? she wouldn't change a thing. Post-Isle of Dragons Rambutain- im sorry besties but I do not like rambutan cookie. tbh I find her in cannon kinda boring- so in this AU I went “fuck it” and now she’s worse. she values her tribe above all else and will do anything for their safety, though theirs a selfish side deep down that only rarely comes to light. inside her village is a healing spring that can fix any wound, the tribe using it for their injury's. while rambutan is friendly to outsiders, they are forbidden from using this spring. after the events of Isle of dragons (witch is changed quite a bit in this AU) the spring is left drained without its powers, leaving rambutan unable to heal the scars left on their body from the fight with lychee dragon, the worse being their missing eye (cuz yeah that shit is GONZO).   
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typically-untypical · 3 years
All of my Sanders Sides Artists out there!
I just say the new promo, had me laughing. I adore my boys, but I am mildly sad to not see a dark side jam. So I was wondering if anyone had any mock ups of dark side themed jams. Specifically, I’m looking for Remus’ Forbidden Fruit Jam. Maybe a kiwi starfruit jam? IDK, I just need to see my boy on a Crofters jar!
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cctinsleybaxter · 5 years
When I was a little boy we used to have to go to these Sunday buffets at a mountain country club my grandfather belonged to. They were both a torture and a delight, as I had a rough relationship with my dad’s family but the building itself instilled a sense of wonder. The decor hadn’t updated since the 70s and  was dark with steep staircases and tiffany lamps everywhere. We weren’t allowed to wander off for fear of 1. getting lost 2. getting a concussion on wood panelling, but you could go into the restrooms to examine the potpourri or out on the balcony to look at the abandoned and forbidden playground nearby. 
The main dining hall was enough of a distraction anyway. Ice sculptures, chafing dishes filled with gourmet omelets, five different meat carving stations, and a bowl holding what were the first starfruits I had ever seen. It smelled like mothballs and honey ham and pine trees. 
But the reason I bring this up is that the crowning glory of this buffet, my favorite sight in the world, was a table covered in a spotless white tablecloth and piled with Andes mints. Like they were just kinda. Out there? In a stack? It looked like the desk in Scarface but instead of cocaine it was just this tower of green shiny rectangles. This place had what I assumed was every delicacy on earth, and right alongside cakes and pastries they had thought to provide The Mint Table?
If I could see anything from my childhood one last time it would be that.
(Oh also because children weren’t allowed to do anything fun in that hellhole we also weren’t really kept track of, so I became an expert at pilfering the mints and every winter jacket I owned always had a few in the pockets.)
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borghildrs · 6 years
Animal Folks
This was a spiel I went on discord so I’ll just copy past her:
Ok so the thoughts. One thing I've always thought a lot about are the status of animal folks in DSP's worlds. Yea I know it's just one of those things we're just supposed to accept and not really think too much about but that's not fun and it's kinda fun to unravel. I just bring this up because I don't really feel there is really enough to say anything of certainty on the matter with what we've been presented and...I don't think there really is something (canonical) to be said. 
That out of the way the first thing I often think about is sentience--which animals have it, if all, and if that was something they have always had. What we do have confirmed is that there are animals who have the ability to take on a "humanoid" form, and are capable of critical thinking, emotion, and speech, and then some who cannot take on a humanoid form but still have the same capabilities. 
What isn't, confirmed is if there are animals who are not capable of this. Do they all think and feel or are there some who don't? Throughout WATGBS and TGG most of the leveling in the beginning was against fish, bees, butterflies, so forth. Some spoke (like the birds who were guarding the starfruit) and some didn't like the butterflies and sea bathers. As those latter two were just generic enemies as opposed to a baby-boss from a developer perspective you can chalk that up to giving speaking lines--even repeated flavor text to every enemy just being an unnecessary pain. 
Yet consolidating that in a narrative perspective is kinda difficult because 
1) If these ARE actual people it makes what the PC characters are doing kinda fucked up and 
2) They could have just as easily made them more sinister enemies. 
The fact that you can easily avoid all non-boss battles, and in this case have no reason to attack these creatures is just very odd. 
Whether all animals are people or not it's pretty clear that the laws of nature, so to speak, are still prevalent so one possibility I have considered is that within a certain radius of the kingdom, killing and eating one another is strictly forbidden. Outside of it, all is game. More than that, I do think though that animals who do not lack critical thought are still in existence, and indeed that those who have evolved to possess it are considered to be unnatural and have come about in an unnatural way. 
Now we are stepping into 100% headcanon territory. I feel that all those who have the capability to transform, have in some point in their ancestry have had someone who was a familiar to a witch. It was via their witch’s magic that they were able to gain those forms that then became something genetically passed on.
Ahhh kinda losing track of myself. There's something else I wanted to mention that I'm forgetting.
Ah right. Another thing I feel maybe leads to this conception of animals as lesser is the whole idea of familiarhood. To most others they see it nothing more as a form of slavery/being a pet that some willingly go into--even if the definition has broadened a little to include others it's still mostly seen as a thing that animals do and in fact any others who do it get criticized pretty harshly as a whole. So when they see some people who are familairs but against the idea of "pets" they are considered contradictory, shrilly, and incapable of making up their minds.
I think the idea [of familiarhood] really is individually defined between witch and familiar. But most just. Assume the worst. I feel especially in Pitch World where there seems to be very much an idea of the strong get to do whatever they want with the weak that the idea of something like familiarhood seems like an admission of weakness and submissiveness.  
Like I can imagine that the contract between say...Fungas and Chlomaki is pretty lax. or if it wasn't in the beginning has become so over the years as their relationship grew. Given what we have seen of his attitude and the way he acts with Chlomaki theirs is definitely one where the love and friendship comes first and the idea of servitude second.
Whereas I imagine that between Lobco and Chlomaki there is a literal paper written contract which cites what Lobco would do for her, and in turn what Chlomaki would do for her services. Because Lobco has very sorta......definite ideas of what a familiar should be for a witch.  
 She takes her duties very, very seriously. Lmao, she's like Pearl. Witch comes first in everything. She gets Very Upset when someone tries to criticize familiarhood...but even more so when they call her Roc's pet and not just cause it's Roc. Like....she thinks that's even worse than when people call her toy because even if the latter is an inanimate object it doesn't have this incredibly ugly history attached to it
But yea overall animals? They are still seen by others as things to own.
On Elwine’s end I’ve shifted back and forth on how she would perceive this. At first I thought that she might be a little resentful of being part cat, especially since, as I mentioned in my previous post that makes her and Nadine anomalies among angels. She had been the type to deny that aspect of her.
Now, I don’t think she really does care about that or ever did since that was how Fumus created her, and if that’s how he wanted her to be then that’s how she should be. Furthermore, it just gives her all the more reason for a good excuse to rip people apart if they dare look down or criticize her for it. She wouldn’t truly care if they regarded her that way, but hey. If they do, then she’s got a good reason to start something.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Starfruit, The Sworn Enemy of Kidney Disease
Star Fruit (Averrhoa carambola)
Star fruit has the Latin name Averrhoa carambola. This plant is cultivated lots in Southeast Asia and various other subtropical countries such as America and Australia. This fruit comes from India and Sri Lanka.
The shape of the star fruit resembles a star. What does a star fruit taste like? It tastes sour and astringent when it’s young. When ripe, it turns sweet and contains a lot of water.
Star Fruit Slices
The star fruit plant breeds excellent if planted at an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level. Especially if the habitat has a lot of water and gets sunlight continuously, bear the resulting harvest will be abundant.
Star Fruit Tree
Star fruit usually bears fruit throughout the year. So, you can consume it every day. There are other varieties of star fruit, namely, bilimbi/cucumber tree/tree sorrel (Averrhoa bilimbi). Commonly, this type of star fruit is a cooking ingredient. Its function is to give a sour taste to vegetables or other processed dishes.
Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi)
Star fruit is rich in fiber and vitamin C. One medium-sized star fruit (90 grams) contains at least 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and can meet 52% of the body’s daily need for vitamin C.
Besides being rich in fiber and vitamins, star fruit is well known to be low in calories. In one medium-sized star fruit, there are about 30 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates.
Inside a star fruit also contains minerals that are good for health, including iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, beta-carotene, and several vitamins. What vitamins are in star fruit? It ranges from vitamin A, B9 (folic acid), B3 (niacin), and vitamin C ( L-ascorbic acid).
Medically, star fruit is useful as an antipyretic and expectorant drug. The effect can reduce coughs that often hit children. Vitamin C in star fruit is very rich and suitable as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and diuretic.
Star fruit is good for curing several diseases such as fever, cough, canker sores, sore throat, diabetes, cholesterol, and even cancer. Of course with consuming this fruit regularly and with the proper dose.
The roots of the star fruit plant can treat headaches and joint pain. Star fruit leaves can treat ulcers, stomach ulcers, and purulent skin inflammation.
Starfruit has a lot of health benefits. But for people who have kidney disease, it is forbidden to consume it. Why star fruit is dangerous for kidney diseases sufferers? The high oxalate content inside star fruit is dangerous for people with this disease.
According to an expert on kidney disease, Dr. Med Salim Lim, a consultant of renal medicine in Singapore, star fruit contains oxalic acid. In healthy people, the kidneys filter and remove them. Whereas in people who have kidney disease, the core toxins cannot be removed and worsen the condition of their kidneys. Occurs obstruction or blockage in the kidneys, resulting in acute or sudden renal failure.
Star fruit contains neurotoxins or nerve poisons. These substances are more dangerous because they can affect the work of the brain and nerves. Unfortunately, not many people understand it, even medical personnel and doctors. It is better to be extra careful in consuming starfruit.
People who have high cholesterol or diabetics should also be careful and are advised not to consume star fruit. The high sugar content in star fruit can harm the health of the diabetic’s body.
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shearintegrity · 5 years
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RepostBy @damianmonzillo: "Forbidden Fruit @withrepost • Model @tugononjanine Makeup @vjosamua Hair @damianmonzillo Photo @albertmarashistudio #starfruit #beautyphotography #missphilippines #philippines #fruit #makeup #beauty #hair #missuniverse #edibles #qualitynotquantity #SnapBackPins 💥 #pinsforprofessionals #WearProPins #damianmonzillohair #damianmonzillo #ScissorandCombPins #scissorandcomb #dontletbadpinshappentoyou" (via #InstaRepost @AppsKottage) (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlEYeUgul3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bzoy0uh4ppoo
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
Fruits and Vegetables for Diabetes
Diabetes is an ailment wherein blood sugar or blood glucose level goes up consistently.  Prevention is better than cure and so by following certain rules we can keep our blood sugar level stable to control diabetes which is the main cause of diabetes.
We are aware of the fact that any kind of disease requires immediate treatment as otherwise it may get aggravated. People are not aware of the mishaps of diabetes which can cause obesity, kidney complications and heart ailments.
Diabetes has no treatment via drugs till this date but it can be controlled by keeping a check on the blood sugar level. Right diet can become a wondrous treatment for this disease.
To start about the do’s and don’ts of Diabetes we come to following rules:
Avoid junk and sugary food. The reason being, carbohydrates metabolism acts faster and thereby elevate the sugar level.
Intake lot of water.
Take fibrous food.
Abstain taking three square meal. Rather take five small meals through the day to keep blood glucose levels stable.
Then comes vegetables which need to be taken in diet. These are Spinach, Bitter Gourd, Okra, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Kale and Carrots
Avoid taking Potatos, Corn and Peas
There are certain Nuts and seeds which are good for health of these patients. They are Fenugreek seeds, Sesame Seeds, Date, Almonds, Walnuts and Pistachios.
Following is the list of fruits that are advantageous for diabetic patient:
Apple a day keeps doctor away. They contain antioxidants which reduce cholesterol levels, boost the immune system and cleanse the digestive system. They also help in digestion of fats.
Orange– It is a Citrus fruits that is rich vitamins A and C, which act as powerful antioxidants.
Guava– Guavas are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C and has good amount of dietary fiber. This is good for constipation which is commonly suffered by diabetics.
Pears– These fruits are rich in vitamins and fibre.
Peaches– They are good for diabetes patient.
Kiwi– They are good for diabetics but should be avoided in diabetic nephropathy patients due to high potassium content.
Berries– They are rich source of antioxidants. All kind of berries like Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and blackberries are good for diabetes patients.
Starfruit– They are good for diabetics as they helps to lower sugar but at the same time should be avoided in diabetics with renal problems.
Cherries– Cherries have very low GI and are good for diabetics.
Black Jamun– Last but not the least black jamun is good for diabetes.
There are certain Myths and facts about Diabetes.
They come as following
Carbohydrates are taken to be harmful for diabetic patients.The carbohydrate having low glycemic index (GI) can be taken by diabetic patients. It could be oatmeal, whole grain bread, dried beans and legumes and low starch vegetables like spinach, tomatoes and Broccoli.
Eating sugar causes diabetes
According to American Diabetes Association , intake of sugar in lot of quantity is not alone the cause of diabetes.  Overweight, high Blood pressure, living sedentary mode of life is certain risk factors that can lead to Diabetes. Drinks like sodas and fruit punches, are high in empty calories, and recent studies have come out with the fact that there is high risk of diabetes. Other form of sweets is not the cause of diabetes.
Starchy foods are forbidden
Starchy foods contain carbohydrates, and so they can fit into meal plan.
Diabetes diet can include any kind of fruits. It is true that some fruits contain more natural sugars than others but still one can enjoy any of them on sticking to the proper portion.
1/2 medium banana
1/2 cup cubed mango
3/4 cup cubed pineapple
1 1/4 cups strawberries
So Diabetes can be controlled by following certain rules in life
Sugar-free products are healthy
It is generally taken for granted to eat sugar-free, processed foods. Even sugar free products contain a lot of carbohydrates, fat, or calories. So, check nutrition label for the total carbohydrate content.
Precaution of the food while taking medication
When one is on diabetes medication, one still has to abstain from eating anything one want. Healthy diet to control diabetes is must.
Fats don’t matter
According to American Heart Association, type 2 diabetes increases risk of heart attack and stroke. One of the reason is that many people with diabetes are overweight. They often have high blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels.So to get rid of risk of heart trouble, limit saturated fat in diet.
Sugar Knocker - Herbal Supplement to Rejuvenate Pancreatic Beta Cells & To Increase The Uptake of Glucose by Body Cells
Based on Ancient Ayurvedic Recipe and Principles of Aahaara, Vihaara, Aushadhi, Sushrut Ayurved Industry with 28+ years of experience in medicinal plants, formulated Sugar Knocker.
A unique combination of 11 natural herbs extracts such as Bitter melon, Gurmar, Vijayasar, Salacia, Black Jamun, Indian gooseberry, Heart-leaved moonseed,Holy Basil,Turmeric, Cinnamon, Banaba.
These natural herbs lower blood sugar and also work towards reducing the damaging effects of the disease, unlike most prescription drugs which focus only on reducing blood glucose. The all natural Sugar Knocker works along with your prescribed drugs without any side effects.
Opt Sugar Knocker Today & Bring Results to Your Diabetes Management Efforts
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masseffecthoe · 3 years
Forbidden starfruit
Wanted to write a little one shot, plotless porn... so here’s part 1/5 :)) Some plot wiggled itself in, oops. I just wanted the reader not to be a goody two shoes, couldn’t find any fanfics, so I wrote one. Classic story.  Y/N is not evil, but definitely on the morally grey, leaning dark side. Seduction to the grey side if you will.
Spam me any ‘seduction to the dark side’ stories with OC/reader tho, Poe, Kylo, anyone. I crave MORE!
Summary: Poe meets a stranger in a bar. They bang.
Warning: uum the no pants dance. sucking the oyster.
EDIT: AHAHAHA OMG the paragraphs didn’t paste in order!!! FFS... fixed it now >.<
Probably ooc, probably some wrong tech/lore. Wrote for fun.
I like mood boards.
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The bar was packed, the music loud and energizing. People were either chatting on the margins, tables full of drinks, or enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Poe checked the time again, remembering to keep his expression relaxed. The informant was almost four hours late, something must have went wrong. Or he'd changed his mind, or perhaps he never existed. It was not everyday that they received intel about the First Order from a supposed deserter - the possibilities were endless and the factors unprecedented.
Everyone thought it might be a trap, but the chances for it were dwindling by the minute. Surely if this was some kind of ploy something would have already happened by then. He took another short sip of his drink - his second cup of ardees already - trying to stall for as long as possible. His eyes wandered over the crowd again, a small smile forming on Poe's lips. It was nice to see them having fun, aliens and humans alike, no worries of the oppressions of the First Order. Or the constant pressure for duty in the Resistance. He felt like he could be a part of that, in a simple pair of trousers and a white T-shirt he could pass as one of the party goers and pretend, for just a selfish moment, that he was carefree.
A flash of red caught his attention and he turned his head, dismissing the previous heavy thoughts. The source of the vibrant color was enticing, the silky fabric of her crimson dress hugging all the right curves as the woman made her way to the opposite side of the bar. Skin glistened in the brighter lights from behind the bar. Two drinks were placed before her and he noticed she was accompanied by another woman, the pair clinking the glasses and gingerly sipping on the neon colored liquid.
Her friend whispered something in her ear and she turned towards him, piercing eyes meeting his for a split second, landing straight on him as if guided by some unknown force. It lasted but a moment, the two women giggling between them the next.
"Something caught your eye, Black Leader?" Poe let out a small sigh and shook his head ever so lightly. He was not supposed to answer and in fact, they were not supposed to use the channel at all, except for an emergency if the whole operation had turned out to be a trap. Chatting about a stranger in a bar did not sound like an emergency. Still, a silly smile played on his lips. How long had it been since he'd done something so... mundane, like going out drinking and meeting a woman who was not also his colleague in the resistance. "Heads up, she's coming your way."
Poe panicked for a moment. He was on a mission! Even if the chances of the informant coming were close to none and at that point and they were about to call it a day, he was still on duty. For about another 15 minutes maybe. The woman could spook the mole, or worse, get caught in some twisted First Order plot that made him waste time and credits in a bar on some nondescript outer planet... Ok, there was probably no evil plot and a beautiful woman was drawing closer.
"Hi. Mind if I sit?" She gestured to the stool beside him. Her voice was smooth and pleasant and she seemed to strain a bit to be heard over the noise. She was pretty, but there was something more to it, something in the way she stood tall and proud, those sharp eyes, playful and wise at the same time.
"I'd be a fool to refuse." Her smile widened and she sat gracefully on the cushion, his eyes immediately drawn to her backside. He snapped them back to her face, but the all-knowing smirk on her plush lips told him he did not go unnoticed.
"I'm Y/N." He reached to shake the outstretched hand, her skin soft against him, but she had a good grip, not as delicate as he'd imagined. His name passed his lips before he could think of an alias, or a reason to use one.
"Poe." He could almost hear Temmin's scoff on the other end of the comms, even if they hadn't been turned them on.
"Nice to meet you, Poe." She almost purred his name and he had to remind himself that they were on a Resistance mission. Focus! "Now tell me, who had the audacity to stand up a guy like you?" He raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask she continued. "I saw you coming in a while ago. Was mustering my courage to come over, but you looked like you were waiting for someone. Didn't want to cause any trouble." Somehow he doubted the last part. He couldn't place the mischievous little glint in her eyes.
"Not used to being the one to make the first move?"
"On the contrary. I've learned in life you have to seize what you desire." Her eyes traveled slowly across him, right hand playing with the rim of her glass.
 "You risk someone else stealing it from right before your eyes. Like I'm doing right now, I suppose. Your date missed the chance, and here you are with me instead."
"Turned out in my favor I'd say." He let his own gaze wander, from the soft features o her face, down the curve of the neck and all the down her low cut of her dress, the valley between her breasts exposed to him.
"We shall see. We've barely met after all, but the night is young." It really wasn't that early anymore, midnight was just hours away. "Tell me about yourself, Poe."
"What would you like to know?"
"Are you a local? You don't look like it, though." There was that look in her eyes again, playful but observant, not letting anything escape her.
"I'm not, I'm from Yavin."
"Long way from home." He shrugged, sipping his drink to give himself time to find an excuse. He'd already given his real name, probably shouldn't follow with 'Resistance pilot' right after. 
"I'm a freighter pilot."
"Ah, hauling goods across the galaxy. You must have seen so many place!" He was not expecting her to be so enthusiastic about it, but he welcomed the attention. For once someone was interested in just him, not the star pilot of the Resistance.
"You wouldn't believe half of them." She scooted over, or maybe he just thought she did, wished it so, but she felt closer nonetheless, lashes fluttering as she fixed him again with her eyes. Her voice was low, like they were sharing a secret, despite the music still blasting around them in the bar.
"Well, what it the strangest place you've seen?" He tried to quickly excluded some of the more famous ex-Empire location and obviously Resistance related ones, but truth was he'd only ever traveled for his work. It was fighting the First Order here and looking thought jedi sites there, endlessly searching for a trace of the Luke Skywalker, one day after the next, it was always related to the conflict between light and dark.
"Probably Telos. The sheer determination to build up a chunk of a planet just to keep it together... it was an impressive sight, motivating." She hummed nodding her head.
"I've always wanted to travel and see everything. So many different ecosystems, cultures, creatures... I get a little sad when I think I'm never going to be able to discover them all."
"You travel a lot then?"
"When the job allows me." She paused and bit her lower lip, drawing Poe's eyes like a magnet. "I'm a glorified errand girl, but I get away with some little excursions." She leaned a little closer still, he could see a faint scar right below her eyebrow, easily missed with a trick of the light. He could feel the genuine excitement in her voice. "I strayed a bit off course once to this planet in the Belderon sector, Lola Sayu. Don't think 've seen anything quite like it... half of it is missing, blown up ages ago, but the atmosphere formed around the missing part, encapsulating it. It made this giant ball, yellow and purple mashed together.
"The Belderon sector? What were doing all the way there?"
"Ok, ok, I strayed a lot off course, like a week maybe, but I just had too see it."
"Seize what you desire..."
"Exactly! We only have one life and we never know when it might end. I plan to make the most of it." Poe stared at the woman for a long moment. She was bright and smart and oh, so beautiful - it was more intoxication than his long forgotten drink. A mouthful of fresh water after days in the desert, her view of the world, simple but joyful, gave him a surge or energy, of hope. Temmin's voce in his ear was low, but the words were exactly what Poe needed to hear.
"You deserve a break, Poe. Our contact ain't coming and we are to leave only in the morning. See you at the ship tomorrow. Black Two, out."
He wasn't sure who leaned in first, but one moment her hand was on his thigh and the next his own hands were cradling her closer, pulling her off her stool and onto his lap. His senses were assaulted all at once, the loud music, the sweet taste of her mouth and the flowery perfume he hadn't notice before. Her lips were soft but the kiss was relentless, both devouring one another, her body pressed so close to his.
She smiled, a little curve of her lips that stirred things in him, that promised passion and a reckless abandonment, and took his hand to pull him along. He craved for more, more kisses, more skin, so he followed without a second thought. She skipped across the street and they hastily made their way to her room on the first floor, stealing kisses in the doorway and on the stairs.
He pressed her against the door as she was locking it, her ass pushing back deliciously. His mouth fell on her shoulder, hands going up her sides, slightly pulling on the fabric of the dress, making her body shiver in anticipation. The damn thing had to come off. Her arms lifted as if thinking the same, so he backed up and pulled the dress over her head with ease. His fingers traced the expanse of her back and hooked on her lace thong pulling it slightly. With a small gasp she turned, eyes dark with lust, only in heels and the flimsy little piece of red lace. Poe couldn't remember a time he had been more turned on.
He kneeled and lifted her leg over his shoulder with little warning. She gasped as his fingers traced the lace, already seeping wet and ready. The thong was pulled aside and his mouth was on her, sucking and biting eagerly, his tongue circling her bud, lapping at her flowing juices. She moaned loudly, her fingers twisting in his hair.
"Not fair..." She panted from above, but her hips bucked towards him. He smirked and pushes a finger inside her, then a second, lifting his head to look at her. She was gorgeous, ragged breaths and knees trembling as he pumped his fingers vigorously, thumb stroking her clit. The obscene sound of her moans and dripping pussy filled the small room, tantalizing. He got up, mouth clasping over a nipple and she arched her back pressing to him, head rolling back against the door as the walls clamped over his digits. Poe backed up barely an inch to look her in the eyes as he brought his fingers to his mouth, needing to taste her one more time. She let out a straggled breath, half sigh half moan and roughly pulled on his T-shirt. "Clothes off. Now."
"Yes ma'am." He was happy to oblige, his dick straining in his boxers, already damp with precum. His clothes flew off unceremoniously, their hands bumping as they both pulled on the fabric, rushed to unzip his pants and pull down his boxers. Hand on his chest, she backtracked him until his legs hit the bed then pushed him on it. Her hands traced up his legs, crawling in between them, eyes never leaving her prize as she laid kisses up his thighs, nails scraping at his skin, closer to where he needed her the most. He took hold of her upper arms and spun them around so she was caged beneath him.
"Not fair." She breathed out a moan as his dick rubbed against her folds. He wanted her, needed her like air.
"Next time."
"Deal." He pushed inside her in one swift move, rougher than he intended, but she let out the most erotic sound he's ever heard, a loud and lewd groan, ringing in his ears as her body purred. Her words slurred from her pretty little mouths in short breaths.
"Shit, Poe, you're driving me, insane." She had no idea what she was doing to him. His mouth was on hers again, drowning her moans as he rocked his hips, plummeting in her core. Her shaking arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer like her life depended on it. He hooked one arm beneath her knee and pulled her leg up, spreading even more, going even deeper. It was raw and desperate, passion in its purest form. Her nails dug at the skin on his back, his name chanted from her lips like a prayer as his rhythm turned merciless. Thank the gods he'd told her his real name. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking at he tender flesh.
Her eyes rolled in back of her head and his entire body shook above her as her pussy milked his dick with greed, clamping around him like a vice. Their breaths mingled, their skin sleek with sweat, but tingling still. With the last sliver or power he had, Poe rolled on his back and pulled her with him, her leg slipping over his, her hand on his chest. He was still in a daze, but looking at her she was not better, eyes half closed and unfocused, her fingers drawing lazy patters on his chest. He remember bringing her hand to his lips before falling asleep.
He woke up first, Y/N still curled over him, hair sprawled on the pillow behind her. She had pulled a silky sheet over them some time after he passed out. He smiled, lips pressing gently on the top of head. He pulled her closer, almost not believing she was real. She stirred, letting out a contents little sigh, but didn't wake up.
Poe enjoyed the feeling of her in his arms a moment longer, his brows more furrowed by the second, his lips pressed in a thin line. He had to go soon and he didn't know when he would see her again. His hand trailed the smooth skin on her back, not wanting to leave the bed, taking in every detail of her beautiful face. When the sun had finally fully risen there was no more time left.
He went to collect his scattered clothes, his mind running a mile a minute, thinking of how to tell her he was actually in the Resistance, wondering his she will react to him lying about his work, about his identity, but most importantly if she would want to see him again. Gods, he hasn't even left her room yet and he was already dreaming of when he'd hold her in his arms next. Poe smiled, he felt like a teen again, the only care in the world the affection of his lover.
But the world was cruel and he was not a silly boy back on Yavin. He found his T-shirt thrown all the way near her side of the bed and as he bend down to retrieve it, the holopad on the nightstand beeped loudly three times before a robotic voice boomed in the small chamber, the dark figure projecting from it chilling his blood.
"Y/N, I assume the traitor has been dealt with already. You better be on the Supremacy when I arriver to continue our training. You have an hour." Poe's breath caught in his throat, his mind so overwhelmed it first went blank then exploded with the possibilities and implications. The idea that he'd spent the night with one of the First Order's top assets... Did he steal something off him? Had it been a trap? 
His eyes fell on the holopad again, the blinking light showing she had a message. From fucking Kylo Ren! She was training with Leia's kid, she was dark side.
She was evil.
But she couldn't be, could she? 
Poe was so lost in thought he didn't even hear her as she stretched in bed behind him, the yellow glint in her eyes catching in the morning sun as her gaze fell on him.
Chapter 2 >
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vapemeet-blog · 7 years
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Forbidden now available at your local VapeMeet & online. Forbidden Starfruit Banana Coconut Just trust us on this one. It didn’t make sense on paper, it doesn’t make sense now, but it feels oh-so-right the moment you try it. As deep as it is rich, you’re going to be amazed. . #VapeMeet #Forbidden (at Vapemeet.ca)
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masseffecthoe · 5 years
Poe Dameron
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Forbidden starfruit
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
James Vega (Mass Effect)
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Soul Glitches 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, honestly just waiting for the remastery
Little disclaimer: Gifs are not mine, I googled them lol. 
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