sev-arts · 3 months
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The Unbreakable One
linocut print, this time with white paint on colored paper - featuring the ever patient @ivolederer
Reah is from my comic @souls-foreclosed where she beats up catholic vampires and fascist cops
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rich people make me laugh
it's so funny how the wealthiest people you know of are always like "I make enough money to be comfortable."
oh really mr moneybags?
you need two boats, nine exotic cars, a mansion on a hundred acres, and a private jet to be ""COMFORTABLE""
maybe you're just a Marie Antoinette reincarnated or something
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souls-foreclosed · 20 days
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Chapter IX: De Civitate Dei
Second Verse: LOVE - "... So Above" (175)
(MAY 29 - 2024)
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We haven't had one of Reah's classic monologues in a while, have we? Although to be fair last time this issue was brought up, it was Tabitha being all fatalistic about their role in the world.
For my Vienna readers: you will be able to see me at Kess & Camp Queer Art Market this weekend, held at Ullmannstraße 45, 1150. There will be coffee served by world's best maids @ivolederer and me.
Archive No. 755
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
Liberals will b like "what do you mean ethnonationalism is the logical extension of my beliefs" & then 2 minutes later say shit like "I generally think everywhere with a distinct language and culture should be its own state"
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somadrawsart · 5 months
Nine Gates crossover pic with @sev-wildfang's Souls Foreclosed that I realized I never posted. Jeane and Reah outfit swap!!
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lion-buddy · 3 months
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vamprisms · 2 years
if theyre going to insist on any more movies or shows set in the breaking bad universe i hope they do a bunch of low budget hallmark style christmas movies starring mike
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waterparksdrama · 22 days
so no one is considering ip2 is parx5.5 and not parx6…with songs like brainwashed 2…this is a double album hello
it’s still probably the stupidest double album release i’ve ever seen in my life - iz
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sev-arts · 10 months
What the webcomic is and why YOU should be reading...
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(i.e. a promotional post by the Author @sev-wildfang/@sev-arts herself)
The story of how vampires used Christianity ahem, The Church to enslave humans and steal their Souls, and one sexy Devil's quest to reclaim them... repossess them in a way... if only there was a catchy two-word phrase for that
Starring two trans women who put on the horns and skin of Demons to fight the power - homophobes get pummeled, transphobes get zapped, fascists are blown to smithereens, and at least one alpha male grifter gets his mojo permanently turned off.
Your new blorbos: Reah, orphanage escapee and former nun on a quest for revenge, and Tabitha, ex-cop drag queen on the path of atonement
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Will they? Won't they? Can they settle their differences and work as a team? Will the past they thought they had left behind come back to haunt them?
Tasteful amounts of graphic nudity and bloody violence, language that does not sugarcoat social stigmas around gender diversity, and frequent use of hateful language by characters who would say those kinds of things IRL too - this is a comic for readers 18+ ONLY *
Rendered in gorgeous black and white ink and select splashes of color, entirely hand-lettered, with labyrinthine detailing that make every single page worth dwelling on, with hidden extras to find - the Devil's in the Details!
Alluring nonstandard panel layouts inspired by stained glass windows, photo collages, fever dreams, art nouveau advertisements, underground comix, etc.
An astonishing archive of over 700 pages as of right now (DEC 2023)
Seriously, look at them:
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Where can YOU read this comic right now?
On its ComicFury site
On its tumblr mirror @souls-foreclosed
On its own website
Technically you could buy the physical books off of me, but you wouldn't be reading a web-comic then
Paging @readwebcomicsgdi for some extra eyes on this!
* You'd be surprised how difficult this comic is to host online with any sort of reach these days. Tapas (mobile app) and WebToon don't want it. And that's not even getting into the fact a lot of platforms treat ANY kind of trans content as sexual and unwanted in the first place.
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seyche · 1 year
hi hello and happy new year!
it’s been a hot minute since I logged in. I’m not here much at all any more, and I’ve barely been on Tumblr much at all in the past few months or really, in the past year. which I never thought would happen but I’m actually in my offline era now??? amazing. most of my time on this blog happened when I was unemployed and in covid lockdown, and now I have multiple jobs, another degree, and I spend as much of my free time as I can going outdoors or hanging out with friends. and I will be continuing that as much as possible in 2023. 
anyways, all this is to say idk what’s going to happen with this blog going forward. going to leave it plus all of my themes up and available to use of course, and I may end up dropping the occasional code from time to time. coding is occasionally a nice stress relief for me. but I definitely won’t be around to keep my themes updated or respond to problems like I used to. 
I know tumblr has changed quite a few things in the past year and will continue to, since like everything else, it’s constantly growing and evolving. yes I know npf is still doing stuff especially with audio posts, but I simply don’t have the time... or desire tbh to do anything about it.
so, sorry if you sent me a message about something not working over the past year, and apologies in advance if you send something in later. I probably will not be responding since I do not have time 💖
I found an old theme in my drafts I completely finished ages ago and completely forgot about so I may see if I can release it in the next few days. don’t like being the kind of thememaker who puts stuff out but isn’t around to fix anything that goes wrong but... well.... here I am. 
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souls-foreclosed · 12 days
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Chapter IX: De Civitate Dei
Second Verse: LOVE - “Puppet Me, Puppet You” (176)
(JUN 05 - 2024)
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I'm back, badly battered by my bout with hosting Kess & Camp Queer Art Market to ring in Pride Month 2024. This page is a little late because of that… I finished it just a few hours ago down at the café, away from all distractions (and highly caffeinated). Next weekend I'll be at Pride in Vienna! Let's hope it won't deal me as much of a blow as serving coffee in a maid dress for two days in row!
Archive No. 756
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putnamcapital · 3 months
S2/E3 rewatch notes
really only just figured out that the reason August called his stepfather, who he hates, is because Sara got through to him — he was actually thinking about confessing. and his stepfather informing him about a potential prison sentence was a real shock
i swear even their periods are sync’ed - when they’re running splits in the gym, and Vincent blows the whistle, Wille leans over on his knees breathless, and then Simon does exactly the same thing, for no apparent reason. also now, post-concert, very obvious that Omar’s finest acting moment across both seasons was ever being remotely out of breath due to athletic exertion
Sara, you need to take lessons from Wille about bro-taps. For them to actually be read ‘as’ bro-taps. that one didn’t work very well.
there’s a brilliant contrast between Simon confessing his frustration to Rosh & Ayub that he can’t just fall in love with Marcus, and Wille admitting to Boris that his ‘friend’ ‘stirred up new feelings in him’. in both cases, they’ve got the verb / nature of their feelings totally wrong and flipped. But Simon is able to be open with his friends, and there’s real contact between them as he tries to work through his emotions. Wille, in contrast, looks like he’s doing a cameo in an early 20th century English period drama starring Anthony Hopkins and last experienced an actual feeling on his face sometime in the late 1970s. And the camera work shows the ‘space’ for Simon’s emotions — it’s a wide shot - whereas for Wille, the camera is practically sitting on his shoulder, you see only his face. It’s almost only a shot of his insides.
Nils winning the prize this episode again for revealing to W several world-shaking pieces of information in a very awkward time and place. Extra credit for not holding his dick at the time though.
“that wasn’t so difficult” okay for real Wille you are talking to yourself there. and then Simon pauses for an eternity, and you watch him go through the same mental moves as he did with his mother (and his father!), “what can i say or do that will take this pain away because watching him/her hurting is physically unbearable to me”
Wille’s music video moment, the fence blocking him from his emotions, his true self (the water)
i hadn’t realized that Marcus puts the same kind of pressure on Simon as Wille does, “I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait for us.” no one is listening to Simon. Burn it all down, my beloved.
what for the love of god is Vincent wearing when he goes full toxic masculinity and drowns Henry’s lunch. It’s tie-dye. It’s got decals. It’s an awful shade of neither beige nor brown. he looks like he could be eating his necklace. Someone deliver him.
I’m going to get yelled at, but I didn’t think the kiss between Felice and Wille was that bad. I think it actually made a lot of sense. Kissing someone you love, even non-platonically, because it might temporarily feel good, because who the hell really cares about the line between friendship and romance if you’re both consenting. What didn’t make sense was Felice saying, Hey, wait - and implying “what are we doing here” - and then neither of them actually using their words. Then things went downhill. I really need to know, however, if Edvin hit his head on that shelf at any point filming this scene.
August stands up for Simon, in the locker room after they lose the race - but it’s not exactly for Simon, it’s for some sense of fairness and honour that is very aristocratic male-coded. he’s a much more complex character than we might wish he was.
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sev-wildfang · 1 year
You Are Not Immune To Propaganda
aka. “look at my blorbo, boy.”
Entering the @lesbocs​ tournament is Reah, Lucifer’s Revenant - star of the webcomic Souls Foreclosed (18+)
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Why should you vote for this butch?
some of these links lead to images with nudity and gore in them, viewer discretion is advised
she’s 7ft tall, has horns and a prehensile tail
she fights transphobes for a living at the behest of Literally The Devil
apart from that, she’s a nice bible-readin’ Southern girl (she even speaks Latin! O tempora o mores!)
she’s nigh indestructible and has survived trekking through a valley of thorns alone at night, being branded with a lobotomy iron, getting hit by a train, being shot in the head and gored with a scythe, a gatling gun salvo to the stomach, having her Soul mutilated and ripped out of her body, possessing her femme (consensually), being trapped in a sealed playing card, and falling from a crashing airship
her first action immediately after being resurrected in a new body? Stop an evil Frankenstein from attacking her friends (based)
she can’t hold her liquor but by God she does try
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No butch can thrive in solitude, and she’s no exception. Her femme partner Tabitha is the self-proclaimed greatest sorcerous mind of her time! She couldn’t be in this tournament because I was only able to submit one character - they’re part and parcel though. Tabitha is the mastermind behind Reah’s pain-dampening sigils and the one who kept her Soul in the realm of the living when Reah was disembodied. A vote for Reah is a vote for both of them though.
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You will vote for her in the upcoming @lesbocs​ polls!
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zeitghaest · 11 months
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@sev-wildfang's wonderful reah and tabitha for artfight!!
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adelaidedrubman · 5 months
also if i weren’t allergic to writing courtroom drama lawyer!john/bailiff!jestiny who practice/work at the same courthouse would be oft on my mind.
he’s always purposefully handing her the wrong exhibits just to keep making her walk back and forth between counsel table and the bench. he always grabs her entire hand when he hands them to her instead of just holding them out. when he tries to move about the well of the courtroom without asking permission first she just grabs him by the hips and moves him back to counsel table and sits him down. when he does ask permission he asks her directly instead of the judge. everyone can tell it’s a sex thing
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vamprisms · 6 months
maude of course i am ruining your christmas; i work in customer service all i think about all year long are ways to ruin christmas. your christmas specifically. also killing myse-
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