#yr s2 rewatch
putnamcapital · 7 months
S2/E2 notes
how have i never noticed before the ABSENCE of Simon’s backpack in S2E2??? he gives Sara her new breeches from a black hold all with two handles. we see the yellow backpack later, when he’s in his room, it’s on his bed - and he takes Wille’s orange sweater out of it — i.e. trying to un-burden himself of Wille, and of the backpack entirely.
Wille is wearing green through most of this episode - for jealous, for feeling bad, for feeling ill
Just fantastic blocking of that scene where everyone is crowding around Wille’s room while Malin is trying to deport him - and then Simon arrives late, and he gets just pushed around like he’s in a pinball machine. he’s both in the way and totally ignored. it’s the same vibe as when he is about to go for training and everyone ignores him and he does his penguin arms and Wille goes running to catch up with him in only one (1) sock. big contrast to how integrated he is during gym / floor hockey scene.
Wille on the phone with the Queen, cos-playing as his mother. This isn’t the first time they’ve bargained hard like this. he gives up on her being his mother and just goes toe to toe with her.
But Wille is not clueless. he apologizes to Simon, during their locker room fight, about how he presumed he “didn’t care” - he just says “sorry” and it costs him nothing - like, he’s not cut up about admitting he is wrong.
aside from hating every minute of the scene with Simon and Marcus, it is exquisite. the dissociation in Simon’s eyes. The way Omar delivers entire pages of emotional content with just his expression. It makes me insane. and fair play to Marcus for being clear about what he wants and what intimacy he is okay with.
The expression of Malte and Frida right after she just jumps him and kisses him and then gets up to leave “I think … I think I want to have sex with you.” Those expressions!!!!! they are just so spot on and they make me laugh out loud every time.
This is the first time i noticed how Boris smiles so kindly to Wille when he stares at the ceiling. it might be the first time WIlle has been allowed just to feel what he feels and do what he needs.
The babygirl desperate eyes when Wille is trying to figure out some way to ‘stay with Simon at all costs’ on this ridiculous cross-country race ordeal. he is just so stupid and gone and i love him for it.
August and his expression at the utter horror of receiving a voicemail. he didn’t even know it was Jan Olof. i was just A VOICEMAIL. Peak Gen-Z.
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Before in dreams, now real.. 💜💜
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Truly just paused in my tracks because my brain had A Thought, and that Thought is Marcus Sköld (from young royals) and Tommy Kinard (from 9-1-1) give off the same vibes. Granted, they both have very little screen time in their respective shows. They’re dismissive of their partner’s signals and verbal requests (Simon not wanting anything serious with ANYONE post-video/breakup with Wille, Buck talking about his struggle with Bobby’s near death experience while Tommy makes a daddy joke). They’re both so clearly plot devices for a different endgame ship (Wilmon, Buddie), but a few wild corners of each fandom started shipping them with their temporary love interests anyway. They don’t fit in with their partner’s inner circle (we barely ever see Marcus interact with anyone besides Simon, Tommy has bad blood with basically Buck’s entire family that knew him before the two of them met). They’re willing to take shots at their partner when they feel like they’ve been done dirty (Marcus during the ENTIRE breakup scene with Simon at the stables, Tommy making a closet joke and almost outing Buck to Eddie and Marisol bc Buck didn’t cop to being on a date the first chance he got). Neither are genuinely trying to connect to their partner, or if they are, it’s done with a marginal amount of effort (Marcus coming to the dance at Hillerska, but later berating Simon for not appreciating this effort taken enough, Tommy coming to the bachelor party for Chimney that Buck plans, but without an actual costume, and leaving as soon as everyone decides Chimney’s a no-show…unlike Eddie, who sticks by Buck’s side for literally the rest of the night).
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all-too-unwell-13 · 2 months
the voices are telling me to rewatch young royals but idk if i can handle that emotional stress again 😃😃
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omar-bb · 10 months
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what will happen to us?
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littlebabywille · 2 years
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the way wille heard simon talk about them making the rules (and following traditions) and said not on my watch!!!
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prncewilhelm · 2 years
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can’t stop thinking about the significance of wille wearing erik’s watch during their first time together after the video (ok, i know that sounds weird but hang with me). after they’re together for the first time in season one, we see wille put the watch on afterwards (out of shot on the screen, but it’s still there and implied). the watch we know is symbolic of erik and wille gets it after he dies to symbolise him taking the role of the crown prince, taking erik’s place. the fact he puts it on after the two of them are together in season one, shows that their relationship and his role as the crown prince are separate. the fact he wears it in season 2 during their time together, shows that his role as crown prince and their relationship now exists as one. there’s no separation. 
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I don't think the Queen's backup plan was August, essentially. It was using Wilhelm's rage against August to actually give him an understanding of the leverage he has in his life(in Kristina's mind). You could tell she wasn't ready to see August as the heir of the throne at all, and I don't think he was actually gonna be one, anyways. It was just to keep August under a false sense of power(which controls him) so that he doesn't mess up things for the Crown anymore and simultaneously the one who's actually supposed to be the leader (Wilhelm) takes the lead, even just out of spite. I know on the surface it sounds like a manipulation tactic (which it kinda is) but deep down it was a very clever move by the Queen. She really killed two (clay) birds in the same shot, didn't she?
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willesworld · 11 months
perhaps i am the ONLY one who hasn't noticed this yet. but. (and hear me out here, okay?)
in season 1, when wille walks into the piano room because he hears simon there, simon is trying to learn the school song on the piano. they're flirting and wille is trying to teach him how to play the school song etc. etc.
i did NOT realize that in the season 2 parallel--where wille hears simon playing piano and then does not walk into the piano room--simon is playing the school song.
it's the same. song. but in season 2, simon is playing it just fine all on his own. he's just sitting there at the piano playing the school song.
i am going to throw up. why did i not realize it was the same music too? not only are the scenes paralleling, but so is the music and sound. except this time wille turns away.
i don't know what it means but i can't believe i didn't notice that simon was trying to play/playing the school song in both scenes. something something about traditions? and how wille is trying to teach simon the school song (the traditional one) in season 1? but in season 2, simon already knows the traditional school song and the traditions?? and then season 2 focuses on simon writing his own version?!! and then getting shut down by the monarchy?!?!?!? and then wille breaking all the traditions by the end of the season (which he was taught to do by simon??)?!?!?!?
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i know everybody prefers s1, and overall i do too, but for me there’s just such a rewatchability to s2? i’ve definitely watched it more than s1 since it came out. there are a few things in the season that disappointed me but overall it’s still so good? idk where i’m going with this i just love young royals y’all😭
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putnamcapital · 7 months
S2/E3 rewatch notes
really only just figured out that the reason August called his stepfather, who he hates, is because Sara got through to him — he was actually thinking about confessing. and his stepfather informing him about a potential prison sentence was a real shock
i swear even their periods are sync’ed - when they’re running splits in the gym, and Vincent blows the whistle, Wille leans over on his knees breathless, and then Simon does exactly the same thing, for no apparent reason. also now, post-concert, very obvious that Omar’s finest acting moment across both seasons was ever being remotely out of breath due to athletic exertion
Sara, you need to take lessons from Wille about bro-taps. For them to actually be read ‘as’ bro-taps. that one didn’t work very well.
there’s a brilliant contrast between Simon confessing his frustration to Rosh & Ayub that he can’t just fall in love with Marcus, and Wille admitting to Boris that his ‘friend’ ‘stirred up new feelings in him’. in both cases, they’ve got the verb / nature of their feelings totally wrong and flipped. But Simon is able to be open with his friends, and there’s real contact between them as he tries to work through his emotions. Wille, in contrast, looks like he’s doing a cameo in an early 20th century English period drama starring Anthony Hopkins and last experienced an actual feeling on his face sometime in the late 1970s. And the camera work shows the ‘space’ for Simon’s emotions — it’s a wide shot - whereas for Wille, the camera is practically sitting on his shoulder, you see only his face. It’s almost only a shot of his insides.
Nils winning the prize this episode again for revealing to W several world-shaking pieces of information in a very awkward time and place. Extra credit for not holding his dick at the time though.
“that wasn’t so difficult” okay for real Wille you are talking to yourself there. and then Simon pauses for an eternity, and you watch him go through the same mental moves as he did with his mother (and his father!), “what can i say or do that will take this pain away because watching him/her hurting is physically unbearable to me”
Wille’s music video moment, the fence blocking him from his emotions, his true self (the water)
i hadn’t realized that Marcus puts the same kind of pressure on Simon as Wille does, “I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait for us.” no one is listening to Simon. Burn it all down, my beloved.
what for the love of god is Vincent wearing when he goes full toxic masculinity and drowns Henry’s lunch. It’s tie-dye. It’s got decals. It’s an awful shade of neither beige nor brown. he looks like he could be eating his necklace. Someone deliver him.
I’m going to get yelled at, but I didn’t think the kiss between Felice and Wille was that bad. I think it actually made a lot of sense. Kissing someone you love, even non-platonically, because it might temporarily feel good, because who the hell really cares about the line between friendship and romance if you’re both consenting. What didn’t make sense was Felice saying, Hey, wait - and implying “what are we doing here” - and then neither of them actually using their words. Then things went downhill. I really need to know, however, if Edvin hit his head on that shelf at any point filming this scene.
August stands up for Simon, in the locker room after they lose the race - but it’s not exactly for Simon, it’s for some sense of fairness and honour that is very aristocratic male-coded. he’s a much more complex character than we might wish he was.
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Their story - thinking about that first time Wille saw Simon and smiles, first hand hold, first kiss, first I love you.. how much they've been through and where they are now.. how it ends with him smiling and how beautiful, poetic it all is.. ❤️💜
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amyriadfthings · 2 years
(I´m sure others have written about this, but I just need to get this out while rewatching this particular scene in ep 5. Still just beginning to process everything.)
That image of Wille being fitted into the institution/tradition (uniform) with a thousand tiny needles (it´s not one thing, it´s so many things, too many, everywhere where there´s supposed to be room) is really so poignant on a few levels.
First, it comes after the confrontation with Simon, where Simon said Wille IS the royal family and the same as his mom, as in he´s just part of the whole, indistinguishable, he´s representing it completely, like wearing a uniform. (And how it hurts in that moment to hear Simon say that, clearly putting them on opposing sides once more, Wille being an impersonal power and not really Wille anymore, and hasn´t he sort of played that role all season in his revenge on August?)
Secondly, it hints at where Wille is at this point in his story when he wonders and asks the royal institution represented by Jan-Olof and the tailor if it´s supposed to be so tight after Jan-Olof says it´s perfect? (Yeah, that´s the point, it´s supposed to be that tight.) But Wille still questions it at this point, after everything, his own sensation, he´s still not quite there to just state it´s too tight, even though he´s the one having trouble breathing, but asking the ones doing and praising the fit if it is.
And he´s still apologizing for ripping off the button, too.
Like, he´s raged against it all since ep 1, but it´s still not fully internalized. It´s clear he doesn´t fully trust his own stance yet, his own perspective, his own power, his own voice and is still sorry for the damage done.
And it´s all so OBVIOUS and so well done and painful and you´re just wringing your hands and want him to be able to breathe and live and. Yeah.
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egyptienneallure · 2 years
the scene where jan-olaf stops simon from singing his song has to be the most frustrating in the whole series, it makes me so mad omg. he whispers the choir teacher, and you already know what's going to happen.. it feels just as horrible for us as it does for simon, realising that of course, he's not going to be allowed to sing because of the video, especially considering it's his face that's shown. they're not gonna let him have this opportunity.
but im totally in love with simon standing up to him right away and walking out of there.
also, i suppose it's symbolism of the royal court and the institution stopping wilhelm and simon from being together - whether it's through wilhelm's own actions or the court themselves. they stop simon from singing his song, the song about his love for wilhelm.
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Remember that subtle rollercoaster of a scene when Felice invites both Simon and Sara to the movie night and Wille looks at her like she saved his life or smth 😂
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Look how grateful that sucker looks I'm dyinnggg
Felice is all like YES HE LIKES ME *starts fixing her hair*, meanwhile Wille's brain has stoped functioning-
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canablist-clown · 2 months
one of the many benifits to the dsmp fandom being one of the first fandoms i ever was in is that i dont think hiatus impacts me much anymore. Like masisve breaks between new content was standard practice and so now i feel quite patient when it comes to other medias. one of the many. Not benifits. Was that it permantly fucked up my views on subscriber counts and viewerships.
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