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"That moment you realise - he's probably never going to propose."
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matrixonvhsanddvd · 2 years
we desperately need to bring back homestuck gmod!!! especially the low grav ttt with the tiny ass player models. my brain yearns for everyone doing all the shitty octopimp voices as they murder each other again.... shoutouts 4250stuck, foreverstuck, and skaianet!! the sandbox servers were good too just a shitshow to moderate. fun times though! really miss it a lot.
Reading the word foreverstuck just blew me the fuck back oh my god. I’m surprised someone remembers all of these too lol, they’re literally what I spent most of my time on when I was young. I get so sad though because I know our time has passed and I’m not sure if anyone at all would even join a Homestuck gmod server again lol.
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lonesomemorgue · 8 years
In ten days, it will be my 27th birthday...
and I”m not even excited for it. My original plan was to have some drinks and forget all my woes. It was the only thing that I wanted for my birthday. However, with the way things look now, I don’t think I’ll be doing anything for my birthday. I’ll most likely be stuck at the house watching three children, while my sister in law is at work and my brother is running around with his friends. The story of my life. Who knows if they actually remember my birthday is coming up.
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One Of Those Days
The Worst
Another day Another light
Whole being shaking
Losing touch
This aching feeling ,pulsating through my veins.
Losing touch
Whole being shaking
This clutter , these voices
Whole being shaking
Losing touch
This aching feeling , my veins wanna bleed out.
Losing touch
Whole being shaking
This clutter , these voices I can't anymore
This aching feeling ,my veins wanna bleed out
Another day Another light
Losing touch
My veins wanna bleed , these voices ...
Another day Another light
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rgboys · 11 years
-The Beginning- Your name is Jake English. It's about 3 in the morning and you just can't seem to fall to sleep. You try but it's impossible. Your mind thinks over the alarming message you received from Dirk a few hours earlier. You decide to read the message one more time. You grab your phone and pull the message up. timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT] TT: Jake? GT: Oh hello there! TT: Jake! TT: Oh thank fucking god you're here. I need you man. You have to save me. GT: Oh? Where are you? TT: I don't really know but shit I'm really scared. It's really dark and I hear screaming. Oh god the screaming wont stop! GT: Screaming? Whos screaming? Dirk youre scaring me.. GT: Dirk? GT: Dirk?! timaeusTestified [TT] has become an idle chum. GT: Dirk...? TT: Don't fucking talk to me. GT: Dirk? What did i do? TT: Stop it! Don't talk to me! It's all your fault! TT: The voices won't stop Jake! TT: And the fucking tapping! Who the hell is tapping behind me?! GT: Can't you just look behind you? TT: Don't you think I'm smart enough to look Jake? I can't look. That's the problem! And Hal stopped. He won't talk to me..Ugh! Who needs these stupid shades anyway?! GT: Dirk..? timaeusTestified [TT] has lost connection. You stare blankly down at your phone and can't help but wonder how you can help him. You know that if you needed help he would be there in a heartbeat. Wouldn't he? You look down at the conversation and start to wonder if he really would be. You decide not to think to much about it right now. You decide to force yourself to sleep and you would figure out how to help him in the morning. Then next morning you push yourself out of bed and into the living room. While you make breakfast you reread the conversation with Dirk a few times. Your heart sinks lower and lower every time you read. Eventually you just can't take it. You go to pester Dirk when you hear someone knock on the door. You jump up from your seat at the table and run to the door. Maybe it's Dirk. Maybe everything is fine now. But when you open the door Jane stands on the other end. She offers you a warm smile as she readjusts her fake legs. Wait. Fake legs? You can't help but stare at them. She obviously catches you staring but doesn't say anything. Instead she simply offers you a hand. "Come with me please Jake." "Where are we going?" "To save our friends." "Save them? All right.. who or what are we saving them from?" "I'm not allowed to say. I was told you have to figure it all out on your own" "Oh." She leads you to a car that you've never seen before. "When did you get this?" "My boss supplied it for me." "Boss?" You hop in the car after her but she doesn't respond. Instead she starts the car up and begins driving. You try asking about her boss again but she tenses up so you drop it for a few minutes. "Hey jane?" You ask quietly. You figured you lighten the mood with some small chat. "Yes?" "Have you been able to see the others?" "Yes." "How are they?" She stays quiet. You're not sure if she was avoiding the question or if she didn't hear you. The rest of the ride was filled with and awkward silence that puts you at unease. You pull up in front of a tall red building in the middle of nowhere. When the two of you pile out of the car she leads you to the door. "Have fun Jake." She says with a sad smile. Before you can ask her why she looks sad she opens the door and shoves you in. "Striders are down the hall. Pick a room and hope for Dirk." She closes the door and you look blankly down the hall. The room is dark but you what you can see vaguely reminds you of a haunted mansion of an amusement park. The walls are a deep red with pictures everywhere. You look to the one on your right. It appears to be a group picture of the Condese and your friends. Your heart drops as you see the pain of there faces. The picture has a small tablet next to it with the words "Predestruction" carved into it. You decide you're taking too much time looking at the pictures. Before you have the chance to begin walking you hear screaming down the hall. The screaming quickly switches to laughing and then to crying. You rush down the hall before the noises stop. You look between the two doors. A sign hangs above your head. It reads "The Strider Brothers". You turn to the door on your right when you hear muffled shrieking. Not shrieking of pain but of fear. You turn the nob which triggers a loudspeaker to turn on. "Good choice." A voice speaks from the speaker. "Enjoy the attraction and remember not to interfere with the performance." The voice was sweet and too innocent. You decide to ignore the voice and step inside the room. When you enter the room Dirk is placed on a table dead center in the room. He appears to be missing the lower half of his body and he's built into the table. A huge plug is built into his back connecting him to the wall behind him. His head hangs low and he appears to be asleep. In front of the table are two robotic legs. They appear unfinished. Dirk appears to be surrounded with wires and bolts. You make your way up to the table and tap his shoulder. When you get closer you can't help but notice he appears to be almost completely machine. His head rises and he slowly opens his eyes. But they aren't his eyes anymore. His eyes are a dark orange circle. Inside the circle is another dark red cycle. He blinks but you swear you saw the glow of a camera in his eyes. "Jake?" He smiles. You go to smile back but you notice his smile quickly turns into a scowl. He glares at you and pushes you away. "Dirk.." "Go away!"
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bodyofyours · 11 years
Someone please pick me up from the airport Saturday morning or I will be forever stuck at the airport.
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foreverstuck-comic · 12 years
more infoooo
Name: Kyle Knight
Class: Activia
Title: Knight of Life
Land: Land of Harmony and Fauna
Land Feel: (See advocating in the land feel list)
Physical Description of land: thing
Land Mission: (See Artisan)
Dreamer: Derse
Symbol: a sword
Color: green
Handle: covetedGaiety
Prototype: my shitty acoustic guitar
Strife Specibus: fencing foil
Guardian: hi mom
Astronomical Sign: virgin
Player Order: second to last
House: a house
Medium: a writer's pen
Name: Mara Candrec
Class: (-) Active
Title: Page of Time
Land: LOHAS (Land of Hourglasses and Secrets) 
Land Feel: (Advocating) On the surface, your land is bright but still softened, are you enter into the many areas of organized consorts, you'll find that the world becomes much more lively and a bit more chaotic! The world itself is very complex, and the consort's many organized cities/civilizations are even more so! There is much to explore and much to learn.
Physical Description of land: Very, very bright, only thanks to the hourglass shine light on the planet, but only while they are active. Once the sand runs out, they flicker and die, making it harder and harder to see. The top of the planet is exclusively sand. All of it is sand, until you go down a set of stairs (the first riddle is to find this), and find an entire civilization hidden here, guiding the page (obtusely) into a whole tunnel passage made of rusting gears and clockwork, occasionally causing the planet to tremble in its wake.
Land Mission: The Page of Time will have to find the secret that will save the planet from imminent destruction (and possibly jeopardize the entire session), before all the hourglasses, ranging from five seconds to a week, run out. This quest is based on complex puzzles and truth seeking, in order for the page to achieve their full potential as a Time user, and to aid her session’s companions with hidden knowledge. Should the hourglasses run out, Shiva will awaken and destroy the planet, along with herself and everything on it.
Dreamer: Prospit
Symbol: Hourglass 
Color: Lilac
Handle: TimeConquerer
Prototype: My cat, Luna
Strife Specibus: Glovekind
Guardian: My sister, Andrea
Astronomical Sign: Cancer
Player Order: 4th
House: Me and my sister’s future apartment
Medium: Mirror (break it)
Typing: Quite formal and very descriptive, tries to spell well but if a typo appears, ignores it completely.
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luna-dsmp · 12 years
Tippin' on mah dick, tip tippin' on mah dick. B'|
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