#forgot about capsaicin
quibbs126 · 2 years
Okay, I just wanted to do this for posterity’s sake, but basically this post is: Things About Dark Cacao Cookie That (At Least to Me) Point to Him Having Odd Origins (But I’m Probably Overthinking It)
No I will not shorten that name
So I really only have three points (at least that I can currently remember) that apply here, but let’s just mention them regardless
So first up: his abnormal strength
As shown below, his story specifically states that his sword takes 3 average Cookies to even budge, yet we see in game that he’s able to wield it with seemingly little struggle. There is no explanation ever given for this. I mean I suppose you could say that it’s the Soul Jam that gives him the strength, but given that none of the other Ancient descriptions mention their Soul Jam bestowing upon them enchanted physical attributes, it’s little more than conjecture, and it seems more likely to assume that this is just natural for him. But then the question remains: how and why?
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Next up: the slit eye thing
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In these two sprites, we see Dark Cacao have these slit eyes that he never has in any other sprite. The Wiki names them his “rage sprites”, and while yes, the Wiki is unofficial, the only times we really see these sprites in game seem to be when he’s incredibly angry, or in other words, enraged
Again, no explanation is given for these. I have seen some people say that it’s because cacao and chocolate have small amounts of caffeine in them, and the coffee Cookies are noted to have dilated pupils due to their amounts of caffeine, and thus this is a reference to him having small amounts of caffeine. And yeah, I can accept that as an answer. But also at the same time, these eyes don’t exactly operate like the other coffee eyes, given that they only show up at certain emotionally driven points for Dark Cacao, as opposed to them where it’s just natural and doesn’t seem to ever go away. Also again, this is just a fan theory, and in canon there is no official explanation for this
Now let’s get into my third point: his younger self’s clothes
I know that sounds a weird one but hear me out
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Now there’s two parts of this that I want to take note of
First, let’s compare this to the other young Ancients’ outfits
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I’d say that by comparison, Dark Cacao’s outfit looks much nicer than theirs
Now yes, you can have explanations for why theirs aren’t the nicest looking. From what I’ve gathered, Pure Vanilla was a pilgrim, and if the art book is to be believed, was once a shepherd, and let’s just say that kind of lifestyle probably isn’t leading you to be wearing particularly nice clothes. As for Hollyberry, while she know she came from a noble house, you can just say this is her adventuring attire, made for battle and roughing it out in the wild rather than looking nice
But that in itself isn’t the weird thing. The weird thing is that Dark Cacao’s clothes look a lot nicer than theirs, which is odd considering the Dark Cacao Kingdom doesn’t seem to be known for having clothes that look particularly high quality. I’m not saying their clothes aren’t of nice quality, it’s just that clothes like this look a bit too nice for just a presumably normal villager, no?
I mean, both the cape and top have those trims you usually put on clothes to make them look nicer (at least I think that’s what it’s called, sorry I’m not good with how clothes work), as well as his nice looking brooch that has a small gem in it. Not to mention the sword he’s carrying, which looks like it has engravings and has what looks more like a dark gem at the pommel. Compare that to the swords we see the Watchers at the Citadel use, and it looks much higher quality. Again, odd for a normal person of a kingdom that isn’t known for its wealth or high quality of clothes or swords (again not to say they can’t have it, it’s just odd in this scenario. Those people who do have high quality stuff are cookies of high ranking in the kingdom, not normal cookies. I don’t think I’m wording this well)
There’s also the fact that it’s purple, which back in the day, was hard to come by and rather expensive. Yes in the current day kingdom, we see people wearing purple, but first off nowadays purple isn’t as hard to obtain, and second those cookies are all those who are at the Citadel, the place of highest ranking in the kingdom. They’re probably allowed higher quality clothing. But also keep note that these are Cookies, not humans, and how clothing colors work could easily be different, so take this point with a grain of salt, it’s probably not all that strong. And I know he’s associated with purple, so it makes sense for him to wear it, but it doesn’t look a particularly dull shade of purple (I mean it does somewhat, but it’s nice enough that it doesn’t just look like grey fabric with a purple tint), and that’s why I call it out
Secondly, there’s the fact that aesthetically, it doesn’t really match the Dark Cacao Kingdom
Now sure, fashion isn’t constant, and it’s not ludicrous to imagine that outfits 1000+ years ago would look radically different, but let’s compare this to the only other cookie we see of the soon to be kingdom from this time period
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Just compare the two and they look nothing alike, which is odd considering they’re supposed to both be from the same place. (also it again affirms my point about his clothes looking pretty high quality; Reluctant Cookie here looks like they’re wearing torn and ragged clothing unlike Dark Cacao)
Like Dark Cacao has said himself that he is native to this land, and his features compared to other members do support this idea, so why doesn’t he dress like them?
I mean sure, at this point the land was a bunch of different tribes, and you can assume they probably each have their own style and don’t all look the same, but still, the radical difference
Now okay, those last two points are more speculation on my part, while the other two are objective facts, but you see what I mean? Him being a normal Cookie from the (future) Dark Cacao Kingdom just doesn’t seem to add up
I mean yeah, I know he’s an Ancient, he’s not a “normal Cookie”, but like, everyone else only became “different” later in life, they seem to have started out relatively normal. Dark Cacao stands out as the odd one of the bunch (I mean other than Golden Cheese, but that’s probably because we don’t know anything about her yet)
Originally, back when I was first getting into Cookie Run, I speculated his oddities could be because he’s related to the dragons or was raised by them, hence his unusual traits and clothes. However, Might of the Ancients seems to disprove this, as there, he seems to not be familiar with the dragons at all, not even knowing they were the ones causing the odd storms and snow, simply trying to find the sources of these “anomalies”. And when he does know, nothing tells us that he has any familiarity with them. So I think it’s safe to say he’s not connected to the North and South Dragons
Alright, I so I should mention here that I don’t actually have an answer for all these oddities. I just made this to point them out and say they were weird, at least to me. Hopefully at some point these things get answered. Or again, I’m just overthinking it all
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Can I uhm request yandere prune juice cookie head canons like reader is a champion that's in the trio cup
Trigger/content warnings:
Forced relationship (love potion)
Memory loss (memory potions)
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Prune Juice Cookie, when he first saw you, was struck by how.. interesting you were. You represented an up and coming school that somehow managed to get into the running, and here you were, representing them.
He was captivated by you in an instant. He needed to know you, understand you, why did you make him feel this way?
He'd often find times to sneak into your dorm, snoop around, and see what made you you. Anyone who saw him merely had a potion thrown in their face, and they forgot he was there.
You, too, would find you had gaps in your memory, often times relating to late at night. Your memory would just.. stop, and then you'd find yourself in bed. It was odd, but you merely chalked it up to stress.
(Prune Juice Cookie couldn't help but delude himself into thinking it was killing two birds with one stone; find out about you and make sure his potions work!)
Love potions were, of course, used. Small or large doses, discreetly, however he could. You'd end up as his anyway, why not speed up the process?
Kouign-Amann Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie are very well aware that something is going on with Prune Juice Cookie and you, Kouign-Amann Cookie being especially sure.
But there's nothing they can do because Prune Juice Cookie is scarily good at hiding his tracks. You're his, and quite honestly, he won't let anyone get in his way.
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starlightsugar · 4 months
stands here waiting for Capsaicin Cookie headcanons (love your headcanon posts btw :3)
-19 years old
-Pansexual 🩷💛🩵
-I headcanon that Scovilla functions as a combined high school/university, so Caps is in his 5th year (college freshman)
-Dating Kouign Amann + Prune Juice <3
-Hot wings is kind of his emotional support animal
-Treats the rest of his buds at Scovillia like siblings (especially Lil Pepper)
-Was chained up for 4 years (from age 14 to age 18)
-Very extroverted
-Got chained up after he accidentally burnt down a bunch of houses. Things occasionally catching on fire isn’t Dragon’s Valley but this is the first time someone who wasn’t a dragon dealt this much damage
-Mala Sauce is like an older sister/mentor figure to him (I think I already put this in a Daily CRK Headcanon? Idk)
-Mala taught him how to use a lot of different weapons, so he knows how to use a lot of different weapons, he just doesn’t because he has magical fire powers and stuff
-He uses lava as hair conditioner (lol)
Anyway that’s it for now, I love this guy! Although it’s a tight match, I think I’d say he’s my favorite TCC champion (and definitely not because I’m biased since I was put in Scovillia/hj) Also general message but pls keep sending me asks for hcs, I love replying to them ^v^
Also, I will be declaring this as today (and yesterday’s) Daily CRK Headcanon! because I forgot a day lol TvT
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hello there!
Could I ask for various cookies x cheating reader?
Where the cookies walk past a restaurant and they saw reader and someone else inside, they were talking and laughing that it looked like a date and that's what the cookies thought. So the next day they confront reader about it asking what they did to deserve that, but in reality it's just reader and an old friend catching up and the cookies won't let reader a second to explain
Not What It Seems
capsaicin, dark choco, madeleine x gn!reader
summary: one of your old friends is in town, and you decide to go to dinner with them and catch up. when the cookies pass by and see you with someone else through the window, they automatically assume the worst.
warnings: hurt/comfort, mentions of cheating (obviously), physical touch, crying (capsaicin), petnames (dear/dearest - madeleine), general anxiety, also maybe ooc idk i wrote this at 4 am
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Capsaicin Cookie hummed a tune as he leisurely walked. He had no destination in particular quite yet; Instead, he was window shopping in order to find a nice gift to surprise you with once you git home.
In the window of a small hobby shop, Capsaicin Cookie noticed that they happened to be selling a particular item used in a hobby that you had been getting into recently. Smiling to himself as he checked out the item from the cashier, he figured he hit the jackpot. Though, at the same time, he figured he should get you something else as well to go with it. Thus, he began walking down the streets once again.
Not long after, he noticed a peculiar scene inside one of the restaurants he was passing in the corner of his eye. He looked over, hoping that he saw wrong, that he was mistook it in his vision.
His heart dropped. At a table inside the restaurant, Capsaicin Cookie watched as you sat, enjoying a seemingly pleasant conversation with Prune Juice Cookie. Suddenly, millions of thoughts were going through his head, all of them so fast it was almost hard to keep up with, but to him, one thing was abundantly clear: he had failed you as a partner. Clearly, he hadn't done enough for you, and you had moved on.
He rushed home, unable to watch any longer. He had to figure out what he had done wrong. He had to figure out what he should've done for you. As he sat on the couch, the gift he bought for you laying next to him, a billion possibilities ran through his mind. Had he said something that you took the wrong way? Had he been too clingy? Had he been too distant? Had he not shown enough interest in the things you talked about with him? Had he shown too much interest in those things? Had he-
"Capsaicin Cookie? Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?" Your sweet voice along with your hand finding its way onto his cheek snapped him back to reality. He couldn't speak. It felt like his heart had been torn into a trillion pieces, yet at the same time, he didn't want you to leave.
"Hey, it's alright. I'm here. I've got you. You can tell me anything," you gently whispered as you sat beside him. You pulled him in for a hug, "I love you, you know. With all my heart. You can tell me anything. I won't judge." He held you tightly, as if he was afraid you would disappear if he let go.
"...You and Prune Juice Cookie...Are you two a thing? I saw you together through the window," his voice came out quiet and shaky, almost like he was afraid that if he said the words aloud, they would become truth. "Oh, Capsaicin Cookie...Really, it's not like that at all. We were just catching up with each other since it's been a while since we last spoke to each other. I didn't mean to make you think I like him more than you, and I'm really sorry I forgot to tell you that I was going to hang out with him for a bit. Really, I didn't mean for it to slip my mind, and I didn't mean to make you think that I don't like you anymore, because that's not true at all. I love you. I love you more than anything, Capsaicin Cookie. You mean the world to me," you affirmed your affections for him and nuzzled into his neck.
"You promise?"
"I promise."
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It wasn't often that Dark Choco Cookie went out. After all, many other cookies feared him. Today was different, though. Today, Dark Choco Cookie decided that brief stroll would help clear his mind. Therefore, he was out and about today.
He honestly hadn't expected to find anything interesting in the windows of the shops scattered around the little town in which the two of you were staying for a few days. Most of the stored sold the same things. Essentially, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary nor was there anything that caught his eye.
What did catch his eye, though, was a certain scene in the park. Something out of place. Whilst everything else in the park was completely normal, the sight of you sitting and chatting with Red Velvet Cookie on one of the benches made his fists clench.
He quietly walked back to the inn where the two of you had been staying, many a question in his mind. As he sat down on the bed, negative thoughts invaded his brain. He had done everything he could for you. He devoted himself to you. He knew he didn't deserve you, yet he chased after your love and affection endlessly. You gave him hope, and now that hope was shattered into millions of sad little pieces.
He didn't even bother looking at you when you walked in the room, parting his lips and getting straight to the point, "So, you and Red Velvet Cookie, huh? You prefer him over me?" Eyes wide, you attempt to shut down his accusations, "No, it isn't like that! We-" "You don't have to lie to me," he cut you off, "I know I don't deserve you." Teary-eyed, you desperately try to get him to understand, "I promise it isn't like that, please listen to me!"
He looked up at you for the first time since you entered. He said nothing. "I swear to you, it isn't like that. We were just catching up, I promise. We just hadn't seen each other for a while and I figured it would be polite if I said hello. I didn't realise that you would think it was like that, I swear it isn't! I love you more than anyone else in the world, I promise! I would never even think of loving anyone else," you pleaded with him, praying that he would realise that you truly wouldn't do something like that to him.
He sighed, "...I suppose you're right. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. Just, please, promise me that you'll tell me whenever you're going to hang around a friend in the future. I just...get scared that you'll leave me sometimes, so if you told me about your outings beforehand, it would help." Gently, you placed your hand on his, and said, "Of course I'll tell you. I'm sorry I made you think that I was going to leave you. I promise I'll stay by your side until the very end."
"...Thank you."
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Seeing Madeleine Cookie out walking the streets wasn't a surprise to most other cookies. Most days out of the week, the paladin would leisurely peruse the many shops throughout the city. Oftentimes, he would be out buying little things that reminded him of you, and today was no different.
He wanted to get you something nice after he finished his work for the day so that he could surprise you when he got home, as he often did. Unfortunately, however, the shops didn't have very many things that he thought you might like today. Eventually, he walked out of yet another shop empty-handed, frustrated that the place didn't have anything that you'd find interesting. As he was about to suck it up and head home, a scene in the window of the restaurant across the street made him feel even worse.
There, at a table in the corner, you sat, in a seemingly in-depth discussion with Espresso Cookie. Immediately, questions started forming in his mind. Was he seeing this right? You, the cookie who was practically an angel sent down from the heavens to bless him with warmth and love, were quite possibly going out on a date with Espresso Cookie? No, no, no, that can't be right. Surely you were just having a friendly chat, right? Surely you weren't cheating on him? You wouldn't do that...would you?
Madeleine Cookie had to know what was going on. He simply wouldn't allow any possible negative thoughts to linger in his mind any longer. With newfound resolve, he pushed open the door to the restaurant and swiftly walked over to your table.
"...And that's how you- Oh, wow, would you look at that. Mr. Light-For-Brains is here. Hello Madeleine Cookie," Espresso Cookie greeted as you turned around to face your beloved idiot. "Madeleine Cookie!" you excitedly jump up to hug him, a big grin adorning your face. He wrapped his arms around you in return. "Hello, dearest. Am I...interrupting something? A...date, perhaps?" Madeleine asked, quickly getting to the point.
"A date? With him? Pfft, no, no, not at all. We were just catching up. It's been a while since Espresso Cookie and I have seen each other, after all. Don't worry, it's not a date, I promise. Here, sit with us! Oh, and order yourself some food, too!" you explained. "Ah, I see! Thank you for affirming your feelings towards me!" He smiled at you as you giggled, "I love you, you adorable idiot." "I love you too, dear," he said as he kissed your forehead.
"Ugh, get a room, lovebirds..."
"How rude, Espresso Cookie!"
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a/n: my god this request is OLDDDDD to the person who requested im SO sorry for keeping you waiting for so long i just could never think of any good ideas for this fic for the longest time but now it's finally here yay again im so sorry :,) since u didn't specify who u wanted i decided on a cast that would have more diverse reactions so that each part wouldn't seem like the same think over and over again, also i added comfort in at the end of each part because if i write hurt/no comfort i and many others WILL CRY so,,, yea and like i said in a bunch of my recent previous works, im trying to clear out my requests so yea,,, also i haven't been able to sleep a wink at all tonight unfortunately so ive been grinding fics instead lol, im abt to go to bed tho dw yall (it's 5 am help)
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? let me know!
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I'm always brain rotting about really silly things like food, fashion, and transportation in the devildom compared to the human world. world building i suppose?
but how do you think the spice levels compare? like there's different types of spicy, and the devildom for sure has spicier stuff. But i wonder how spicy it is. Like Mammon's hell sauce noodles...
I'm thinking about this because my mom cooked dinner, and she always makes separate food for me and my little brothers if she's using chiles (in this case it was just meat cooked without the spicy sauce). and i tried some because I'm trying to finally build my tolerance and I was dying at the first bite 😭 tastes so good though. she gave me a surprised look when i added more spicy food to my plate
i already know mammon would make me try spicy things for shits and giggles, or new foods because I'm a picky eater. Also there's a saying/joke in Spanish where people will ask if you were angry while making something if it's too spicy lmao.
I haven't been too active because I've been busy working early shifts and training in framing at my old store (forgot to set my alarms the last two days), but tomorrow I'm off, and going to ihop and bookstores with my friend !! she's trying to finish her current read so we can buddy read King of Wrath together (king of sloth comes out soon). I'M SO EXICTED
Anyway i hope you're having a good day/night, and I'm very excited for the anniversary banner. May everyone's boys come home 🙏
- ✨ anon
Ohhh yessss I love worldbuilding! And there's so much they leave out, there's plenty of stuff we can fill in, which is always fun.
Okay so spice levels, apparently it really depends on the individual as to how spicy something truly is. This is because humans at least have the ability to make themselves less sensitive to capsaicinoids, which is what they call plants with capsaicin in them. That's the spicy, I think they evolved with it to prevent predators from eating them, but humans were like nope we'll just get used to it!
Anyway, I think this is relevant because it's going to depend on whether or not demons also have that ability or if it's different for them biologically. Like okay, if humans eat enough capsaicin, over time they become partly immune to it, which is why some people can eat really spicy food and other people can't. I think some of that might also just be genetics... like some people might be born more resilient to it to begin with. But don't quote me on that lol.
So demons either have a natural immunity (not completely though because they clearly can still taste the spice, it's just much less) or they also have the ability to desensitize themselves to it.
I like to think it's a bit of both just like it is in humans, but demons have a higher tolerance level to start with. And they all have it. Because they're demons and that just feels right, you know?
But I also think it'd be interesting to consider that the tongues of demons are made of different stuff than the tongues of humans. Or that there are some demons who have tongues that are more scaly or something. Just because that'd be fun lol.
Anyway, I think the spice levels in the Devildom are probably pretty high. I like to think that Mammon has an especially high tolerance due to the fact that those spicy hell sauce noodles are his favorite. You know he eats them all the time and if they can also build tolerance, he must be super used to it by now.
I definitely think he'd make you eat spicy food lol. That's just how spicy food lover are, too. I'm also extremely sensitive to spicy foods. I've been trying to build up my tolerance, too, so I've been adding some hot sauce to things, but it's nothing compared to my brother in law. His spice tolerance is insane. And he's always like, here try this it's not spicy. I have learned not to believe it.
I love the idea that being angry while cooking makes food spicy.... I feel like there could legit be a spell for that in the Devildom, too.
There you go working all kinds of crazy shifts again... truly Mammon coded lol. I hope you had an amazing day off and enjoyed your time with your friend!! I looove bookstores and pancakes, so that sounds like an excellent time!
I hope you're having a lovely day/night as well! And YES I too am quite excited about the HDD~ spreading all the love & luck to all to get their faves~
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 7 months
HIII NEW MOOTIE!!! Anyways i wanted to come here to and yap about kouignsaicin fanchildren.... What ideas would you have one? I have some like giving her a fire sword, Making her look like capsaicin but dress like her mother kouign, And for capsaicin's powers i think she would have them but be much more weaker due to kouign's sugary and sweet ingredinants (forgot how to spell 💔) And im still stuck on backstory lolz
My one idea, she can also have hair like capsaicin with Kouigh-Amann hair style. The sword can be flamming, the dress can be something like Frost Queen’s or Sugar Swan’s but can have a little flame something like that :)
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gaycookiesnstuff · 7 months
the ''my cookie run fanfics with a shared canon'' headcanon list [using comic creator]
Canon couples/relationships [not every ship i like is necessarily canon in this au lol, some r very specific]
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Plenty of these ships r scenario specific, time specific or smtn else. [i also forgot to mention garlicghost]
family/relatives[more complicated, just send an ask for clarification]headcanons, anything canon WONT be included
licorice, black raisin and the chess twins are siblings
espresso and latte are [half] siblings
affogato, dhoco and crowberry are the parents of lico, raisin and the twins
kouign amann is the kid of finanrasprye
cream puff got adopted by latte
prune juice is a cousin on lattes side, no one knows how
snapdragon is the bio kid of pitaya, they simply forgot
capsaicin is the kid of burning spice but mala sauce adopted him
only exception to my aforementioned rule due to her being scrapped, rich cheese cookie ofc exists.
Crepe got semi adopted by black raisin
Other relevant headcanons
Espresso, latte, eclair and creampuff are part of the CoD [making their member total like 14?? If you only count main characters]
Pastry leaves the order, so does shadow sister
Latte and cocoa are friends, cuz why not?
Black raisin, despite being related to several CoD members, isn't aware that espresso and Latte are a part of it. She's aware of lico, affo and the chess twins though
any questions about...anything here? send an ask or rb with ur question, i like rambling abt my fanfic lore
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craostulpa · 1 year
Day 3751: Yes I Used A Calculator
Hey Guys. (I almost forgot that, whoops.)
So you might have noticed that it’s been... a while! Two years? Four? Good lord where does the time go? I don’t have an excuse. I dipped out. System’s still all here, chilling out, same as ever. Hope I didn’t worry anybody. I started studying Literature at uni and developed a severe food intolerance to capsaicin, so I am *officially* the whitest man on Earth now. Put your shades on.
Destiny celebrated her 10th birthday in April, which was very emotional. I guess when you start this journey you don’t actually think about making it this far. It’s more of an experiment than a long-term commitment, even if you say that you understand, you don’t grasp it. The reality of that amount of time and my best friend is still chugging along, different but the same. How a decade changes us all. I’m fucking proud of her, she’s been through a lot more than I have.
I’m not sure what else I can say aside from that I’m gonna continue chugging along. We all are. Here’s to another 10 years. Oh also I turn 28 on Friday and that’s weird. I was 17 when I started. Thanks guys. And thanks for sticking with me through this journey. A lot of people were lost along the way.
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So I have decided that all of this will be happening on the Corruption au.
If you have been following me, then you would know that only the Millennial tree cookie is the only one who's battling against everybody due to all legendries and even ancients cookies are corrupted and on Dark Enchantress side. While the dragons still living around and minding their own business.
Longan do not continues his era because he were fuelled so much with revenge and intension to kill Millie because of the banishments and betrays.
Capsaicin, Prune juice and Kouign Amann are still in the school the same as the original, but the one thing different is that they were protected by the wizards and the magic created a barrier to protect the student against the corruptions. the Crème Knights are in constant battle against the cake hounds and armies, Parfaedia are protected by the stronger barrier from the magics and the Scovillia are in no stress, they lives in the dragon valley that protected by the pitaya dragon himself and also living with the mala tribes.
The reason for the lab researches are to turning cookies from normal into rare or better version of themselves. They aren't working for others but they are under views and knowledge of Dark Enchantress herself. They are working for her basically because when Dark Enchantress found out about what they are doing, they come up with a deal to keep their life safe. And that is, what ever they discover, they will give what they gain to Dark Enchantress so she can grow her armies more powerful to kill the Millennial tree.
Also this supposed to be a surprise but you all will meet him in the comic thingy I've been working on.
This is Mulberry. He's a serpent dragon. It kinda the species I made during a roleplay with @roseofdarkness0. It been years since I made the first one and their history are simple.
They were basically the dragon who rule the islands before Ananas, Pitaya, Lotus and Lychee come to rule. The island were once just one big land before it finally breaks apart into 4 or 5, I forgot. But they rule and keeping the cookies safe from Dark Enchantress or the dangers and corruptions. They also taught cookies how to survived and the great meaning of kindness and cave systems. But when time grown, they(only one,) took their retirements, knowing there will be another who will take their place. So they gone and hide away.
Now, they are living in the pineapple island where Ananas rule. And Ananas have no clue that the serpent dragon still living in his island. There were only one, but because they needed population, The serpent dragon named Chokeberry dragon cookie, used his power on one of the egg he found that have been abandoned by one of the dragon and make it into his child. And the first child were Elderberry, while the second and youngest child name Mulberry.
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You'll meet him. If you read all of this, then I am surprised lmao
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The Tri-Cone Cup: Chapter 3
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Gelato Trio Cookie: AH, WHAT A THRILLING TOURNAMENT WE HAVE! GOOD MORNING! Gelato Trio Cookie: It is the day of the third trial! This time, our champions will have to descend into the depths of the Labyrinth Dungeon! Gelato Trio Cookie: Somewhere in the Labyrinth, they shall meet the mysterious Labyrinth Master, claim the Mark of Victory, and come back! Gelato Trio Cookie: Now… shall we begin? Students: OOOOOOOOH!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: …I bet this Labyrinth Dungeon is filled with hordes of magical creatures, just like yesterday’s forest. Prune Juice Cookie: Perhaps! Or perhaps not! Also, if you didn’t know, labyrinths tend to be rather… tricky to navigate! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …Prune Juice Cookie. Your portion pouch looks heavier than yesterday… Prune Juice Cookie: Well… Last night I managed to identify 412 possible emergency situations we might come across today… Prune Juice Cookie: With these potions in my bag, I’m pretty sure I can handle them with ease! Capsaicin Cookie: 412?! That’s dedication…! Prune Juice Cookie: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m quite desperate as well. Prune Juice Cookie: (Anyhow! Looks like we’re a team now?) Prune Juice Cookie: (Well, I’m glad that I can hide behind your strong and reliable backs!) Capsaicin Cookie: …Alright, let’s go!
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*Drip… drip…*
Prune Juice Cookie: The deeper we go, the more damp the air gets… And darker too…? Capsaicin Cookie: Hold on! It’s not getting darker, the walls are covered in… something black!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: (Hmm…?) Kouign-Amann Cookie: I’m prepared for any kind of ambush! Here, let me… ACK!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huh…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ah… It hurts… …Oh? Wait…? I can’t see a thing?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Also… He he… I mean… He he he ha ha ha! I don’t… Ah ha ha ha! I can’t stop… Ha ha ha! Laughing! Capsaicin Cookie: What happened?! Kouign-Amann Cookie? What’s the matter?! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh…? Aha! Prune Juice Cookie: (Only one thing can cause that unstoppable laughter…)
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Prune Juice Cookie: (The Muhahashroom!) Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ha ha ha ha! Wa ha ha ha ha! Prune Juice Cookie: Watch your step! Specifically, watch out for that black liquid! Capsaicin Cookie: Did you figure something out?! Prune Juice Cookie: No, not really. I’m trying to act cautious and not end up like our friend here! Because who knows what awaits us around the next corner? Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ha ha ha ha! He he he he he! Capsaicin Cookie: It’s a bit too late for caution! You know something about this place, don’t ya?! Capsaicin Cookie: I won’t pester you with questions, just do something about her! Don’t you have a portion prepared for that?! Prune Juice Cookie: You’ve got me there! I do owe our dear Kouign-Amann Cookie a favor… Prune Juice Cookie: I’m the master of potions, after all! And it so just happens that I’ve brought just the potion! Prune Juice Cookie: Here, have a sip of this! And try to swallow it as quick as you can! Prune Juice Cookie: And, for the record, this makes us even! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hah… Ha ha… Oh… HA! Thank you! Ha ha ha!
*Gulp gulp*
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eugh… Capsaicin Cookie: How do you feel?! Better?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: UGH… More like… bitter! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I do feel better, but the aftertaste…! Prune Juice Cookie: Looks like I forgot to sweeten your refreshment! My bad! But see, you’ve finally returned to your senses! Prune Juice Cookie: Many an unfortunate traveler met their… bitter end, unable to stop their unending laughter… Prune Juice Cookie: And if not for my potion… soon enough, you would’ve realized this wasn’t really a matter to laugh about, so to speak! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …Yes, you’re right. Thank you, Prune Juice Cookie! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, how great it feels to be recognized!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Hm…? Do you hear that? The wind…! Capsaicin Cookie: Oh…! Cookies! I think I found something! Capsaicin Cookie: *sniff*
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Capsaicin Cookie: I knew it! See! The exit is over there! Prune Juice Cookie: Bravo! I wouldn’t have expected you to find a way out so easily in all this darkness! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Excellent! Let’s get out of here!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huh… This place is… a bit odd, don’t you think? Kouign-Amann Cookie: I agree… It seems like we’re running in circles around a big chamber… Prune Juice Cookie: (Not to mention that this place is weirdly damp… And those water sounds just before… Perhaps there’s an underground river nearby.) Capsaicin Cookie: …Hm? What’s that smell… Smells like… grass! Prune Juice Cookie: (*sniff* Grass, huh…? No, regular grass wouldn’t have a smell that bitter… Nooo, wait a minute!) Prune Juice Cookie: CLOSE YOUR EYES, NOW! Kouign-Amann Cookie: What…?! ACK! Capsaicin Cookie: …What happened?! I can’t move at all…! Prune Juice Cookie: Tough luck! I wouldn’t believe myself either! Capsaicin Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie!!! What did you do?!
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Prune Juice Cookie: My friend, it wasn’t me! Look around- whoever still can- but be careful! This place is covered with Basilisk Ferns! Kouign-Amann Cookie: What now?! Prune Juice Cookie: If you look right at them, they will paralyze you! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, what do we have here?! The famous Anti-Basilisk Potion! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Unbelievable…! I don’t know if I’m impressed or appalled at you now… Prune Juice Cookie: *Gulp gulp gulp* Capsaicin Cookie: Why are you drinking that?! Prune Juice Cookie: Ahh… the sweet nectar of LIFE! Excellent! This buy us some time!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie?! Where are you going?! Prune Juice Cookie: To find the entrance to the inner chamber, of course! Capsaicin Cookie: Aren’t you gonna help us?! Prune Juice Cookie: Ha ha ha! Nah! Did you really think I wouldn’t use this opportunity to get an upper hand…? Prune Juice Cookie: I only stayed with you lot because you were useful to me! Prune Juice Cookie: Now let’s see… The entrance should be… somewhere… here…
*sizzle sizzle*
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Capsaicin Cookie: You little…!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eek! Capsaicin Cookie! You’re gonna burn us! Capsaicin Cookie: …!! S-sorry…!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Aww, look at you two! Two friends who are gonna lose together! Prune Juice Cookie: VERY WELL, I’ll give you a hint! Heat will be quite helpful in your predicament! You see, the fern’s paralyzing toxin is particularly weak against it. Prune Juice Cookie: And if I were you, I’d save myself and leave Kouign-Amann Cookie here. Capsaicin Cookie: Grrr…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie! Are you really gonna leave us here?! Prune Juice Cookie: Of course! After all, I’ve paid my debt to you! Word of advice: Do close your eyes sometimes, hm?
*rustle rustle*
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Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, there you are! Right where I thought the door would be!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ha ha ha! Don’t you just love it when things go smooth like butter?! I guess, it’s time for good-byes… huh?!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: What’s going on…?!
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Prune Juice Cookie: The hallway… is crumbling apart?! Capsaicin Cookie: That door must’ve triggered a trap…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Capsaicin Cookie! Use your powers right now! I can handle your heat! Capsaicin Cookie: No… NO! You’re gonna burn into ashes!!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie…! Don’t just stand there! RUN! Capsaicin Cookie: Save yourself!! Prune Juice Cookie: (...!) Prune Juice Cookie: Ha! Ha ha ha! Are you for real…? Now?!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: YES! Our doughs can take a hit or two but a frail Cookie like you will surely perish! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Run…! Save yourself! Prune Juice Cookie: Unbelievable!
Tap tap tap tap!
Two Contestants: Oof!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Prune Juice Cookie: I can’t believe I’m really doing this… SIGH. Desperate times call for desperate measures! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …! I CAN MOVE AGAIN! Capsaicin Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie… You…! Prune Juice Cookie: What are you looking at?! Whatever you’re about to say, SAVE IT! Run! We need to get out of here!
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Prune Juice Cookie: *Huff puff* If the crash didn’t crumble me, surely this run will… Capsaicin Cookie: Is everyone in one piece?! Prune Juice Cookie: What is the matter with you?! In case you forgot, we’re competing against each other?! Stop worrying about others and take care of yourself! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Says the Cookie that came back and saved us nevertheless! Prune Juice Cookie: Well…! I like my victories clear and plain! I can’t have other Cookies accusing me of cheating. Capsaicin Cookie: …Shh! Quiet, both of you!
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Prune Juice Cookie: The whole place is shaking…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I can’t figure out where this sound is coming from! It’s so loud as if its source was right next to us…! Capsaicin Cookie: That’s because it IS right next to us! KOUIGN-AMANN COOKIE, GET DOWN!
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Labyrinth Candy Golem: GRAAAAAH! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …! AAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: A Candy Golem! An enormously large one! Capsaicin Cookie: …Ugh. Must be the Master of the Labyrinth! Kouign-Amann Cookie: H-huh…! We should be able to destroy it…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hyah… Huh?! M-my sword… got stuck?! Prune Juice Cookie: Try to avoid direct contact! If you touch a Candy Golem, you’ll get stuck to it! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Gah! If you thought I’d stay still stuck to you, you couldn’t be MORE WRONG! HYAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: Did you really just… tear your sword off?! Just… how strong are you? I’m… disgusted at you two right now. Capsaicin Cookie: Is that golem really the Master?! Prune Juice Cookie: Well, we don’t have the luxury of doubt! Besides… Did you look at its central part?
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Capsaicin Cookie: Is that… the relic we’re supposed to retrieve?! Prune Juice Cookie: Yes, it’s the Mark of Victory! Which means… Kouign-Amann Cookie: Let’s defeat the golem first, and then decide what to do with the relic…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hyah!
Labyrinth Candy Golem: Wooo… Bzzz… Capsaicin Cookie: It’s preparing to strike! TAKE COVER!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAAAH! Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie: Ack…!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE!!! Prune Juice Cookie: …I just tripped! That’s all… Nothing to worry about… Laboratory Candy Golem: GROOOOOOH! Capsaicin Cookie: GET DOWN!
Prune Juice Cookie: GAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ahhh…! Capsaicin Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE! Prune Juice Cookie: …
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: He’s fine! But his potions…! Capsaicin Cookie: The potions…?! Prune Juice Cookie: …G …one. Prune Juice Cookie: The pouch helped to dampen the impact… But I’m alive… Thanks to it. Prune Juice Cookie: (But without my potions… I’m useless?!) Prune Juice Cookie: (I won’t be able to do anything…) Prune Juice Cookie: (I’m nothing… Without my potions.) Laboratory Candy Golem: Grraah! Capsaicin Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE! Snap out of it! Prune Juice Cookie: GAH…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie, NO!!!
Slam… THUD!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ha.. ha ha… What just happened?
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Prune Juice Cookie: The golem got hold of us two… Prune Juice Cookie: In one fell swoop!
Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAHHH! Capsaicin Cookie: HIYAAAAAH!!!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Ugh! Oof… Ha… Looks like it has quite the tight grasp on us…
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Let… GO! LET… US… GO Prune Juice Cookie: It won’t budge! Guess you got lucky last time since it was just your sword… Kouign-Amann Cookie: But we MUST do something! Capsaicin Cookie needs our help! Capsaicin Cookie: *Huff puff* Here goes… BOOOOM FIST!
Laboratory Candy Golem: KH… GRAAAAAAH! Capsaicin Cookie: WHOAH…! It didn’t even flinch! Now that’s a worthy enemy…!
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Prune Juice Cookie: But what can we do? Prune Juice Cookie: You can barely swing your sword right now! Even if you succeed, you’ll barely make a scratch on that golem. And I’M just a “worthless” little Cookie! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Think! I’m sure there is a solution! I didn’t become a Paladin to give up! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Surely you’ve experienced obstacles during your potion crafting journey?! Prune Juice Cookie: Obstacles, yes! Completely rendered useless? NEVER! It’s not like I can brew potions out of thin air!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Well, I don’t know much about potions, but there must be something you can do! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Maybe there’s a way to use the golem’s power against it. Think! What it’s made of, how it functions… SOMETHING! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Don’t tell me that you’re ready to just give up… I know you don’t want to! Prune Juice Cookie: …! Prune Juice Cookie: (If you’re so smart, then perhaps…!) Prune Juice Cookie: (Wait a minute… “Use the golem’s powers,” you say? That sounds like…) Prune Juice Cookie: (Muhahashrooms, Basilisk Ferns, running water, and this labyrinth’s structure…) Prune Juice Cookie: (...and a giant Candy Golem radiating with magic power…?) Prune Juice Cookie: Maybe… just maybe…! Prune Juice Cookie: Hmph. You ridiculously strong Cookies and your non-existent tactics. Do you even know how potion crafting works? Prune Juice Cookie: Seriously, this is why you must pay attention in class. Potion brewing is a delicate craft, not some fetch and brew nonsense that just happens to solve everything… Kouign-Amann Cookie: That sly smile…! You came up with a plan, didn’t you?!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAAOOH!
Capsaicin Cookie: *Huff puff* …Huh? A plan…? Prune Juice Cookie: To be frank with you, this is the most radical thing I’ve ever done, but I… INDEED do have a plan! Capsaicin Cookie: Spill it! It’s not like we have anything better to do right now! I’ll do whatever you say!!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I knew it! Prune Juice Cookie: Listen up! I’d tell you to take notes, but this will have to do! Prune Juice Cookie: We will use everything we’ve stumbled upon so far: the mushrooms, the ferns, running water, the golem, and…! Prune Juice Cookie: You, Capsaicin Cookie! Capsaicin Cookie: Huh? ME?! Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAOOOOHHH! Capsaicin Cookie: Huh… Eh… What?!
Prune Juice Cookie: I highly doubt that you will be able to follow my instructions word by word, so I’m gonna simplify everything so that even your muscle brains get it!
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Prune Juice Cookie: We’re gonna use the labyrinth’s structure and its ecosystem and turn it into a potion brewery! Prune Juice Cookie: Our solvent… is that Candy Golem! We’re gonna use the golem as the base for the potion! Two Contestants: ?!?!!!! Prune Juice Cookie: We have all the ingredients! The Muhahashrooms will stabilize the ingredients… Prune Juice Cookie: And the Basilisk Ferns will be the catalyst that will help speed up the reaction! Prune Juice Cookie: Which means… Capsaicin Cookie! Your role is crucial in this escape plan! Prune Juice Cookie: In order to fuse all the ingredients, we have to vaporize the river of this labyrinth and use steam instead! Prune Juice Cookie: The labyrinth is too large for any normal kind of heat! We need… flaming heat, like the one you demonstrated in the second trial!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huff… huff… I… I understood the plan. Capsaicin Cookie: But… I can’t. I won’t be able to control myself… I just can’t…! Prune Juice Cookie: What are you- Do you even comprehend how dire the situation is?! You just said that you’ll do whatever I say! Capsaicin Cookie: B-but you two saw it too…! I… I can’t control my powers! Kouign-Amann Cookie: But you can! Capsaicin Cookie: What…? Kouign-Amann Cookie: I heard it loud and clear when I reached you in the Hall of Mirrors! Kouign-Amann Cookie: You said that you don’t need those shackles anymore because you can control your powers! Capsaicin Cookie: But I couldn’t! I… I burned down those woods… with all its history and importance… Capsaicin Cookie: There weren’t any Cookies back then… But what if we didn’t split up? What if we were all in the same room? Capsaicin Cookie: You might’ve burned with the forest! And if I do what you told me… my flames are gonna get to you…! Capsaicin Cookie: I… I don’t want to hurt Cookies!!
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Two Contestants: … Laboratory Candy Golem: GROOOOOOO!
Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie: Cookies born with strength… I swear, it’s like their arrogance knows no bounds… Prune Juice Cookie: Kouign-Amann Cookie! Don’t you have anything to say to that? Kouign-Amann Cookie: T-that’s right! Capsaicin Cookie, even if we were in the same Hall of Mirrors, we wouldn’t have burned down. Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie has his potions, and most of all, I wouldn’t let you use your powers so freely! Capsaicin Cookie: No… That’s because you haven’t experienced the full scope of my strength… I… I’ve never fully unleashed my powers. Capsaicin Cookie: You… you are all too weak to face me in my full force. Kouign-Amann Cookie: !!!! Prune Juice Cookie: Did… Did he just…? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That’s it, I’ve heard enough! Prune Juice Cookie: Yes, maybe in the eyes of the Spice Overlord, Cookies may seem “weak.” But do you think that us “weak” Cookies are gonna just stand and take it like fools? Capsaicin Cookie: Don’t call me that! I never wanted to be called that! Prune Juice Cookie: DO you even know how hard it is to get a title like that? A lord. AN OVERLORD! Because you’re that strong! Because everyone looks up to you and wants to be you! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, if only they could see you now! Pathetic! Whining like a freshly baked Cookie without an ounce of common sense! What are you so scared of, OVERLORD?! Capsaicin Cookie: Stop… calling ME THAT!!
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Gelato Trio Cookie: Here, we have the third trial raging on in the center of the labyrinth dungeon…! Gelato Trio Cookie: The Candy Golem got a hold of the two contestants already! OH NO! Now it’s coming for Capsaicin Cookie! Gelato Trio Cookie: Will the champions be able to make it?! …But it looks like the champions are having a disagreement of their own…! Prune Juice Cookie: WHAT! Are you gonna boom fist me too? It’s not like we can do anything right now! Capsaicin Cookie: Accidents… happen when you least expect them!! And it’s too late after it’s over! Capsaicin Cookie: It’s not like I wanted to be baked this strong!! Prune Juice Cookie: And you think I wanted to be baked FRAIL?! Capsaicin Cookie: I… I’m always anxious because I’m scared a drop of my capsaicin essence might burn someone! But I always put on a smile on and act all dependable! Capsaicin Cookie: Or else the others will be terrified of me! Prune Juice Cookie: Excuse me? Who is terrified of who?! I’m pretty sure the only one terrified of yourself is YOU! Capsaicin Cookie: …! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Both of you! Calm down! We need to work together, not fight each other!! Prune Juice Cookie: Fine, you were chained down with shackles, whatever! But clearly, you were able to get rid of them! Capsaicin Cookie: That… that was just a lucky coincidence! Prune Juice Cookie: HA! Coincidence? Is that what you’re calling your achievements now? Prune Juice Cookie: Don’t you see that you’re the one hurting yourself?!! Prune Juice Cookie: Do you think you’re the only one with a tragic past? Look at you! Unable to move on, terrified to make another step…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie…! Prune Juice Cookie: Stop hiding from yourself! Capsaicin Cookie: I never hid from anything…!
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Capsaicin Cookie: (...But he’s right, I… I ran away.) Capsaicin Cookie: (I was scared of the harm my powers could cause… And chained myself away.) Capsaicin Cookie: (Are you saying… that it’s okay to let go? That no one will get hurt?)
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: CAPSAICIN COOKIE! Kouign-Amann Cookie: We’ll be FINE! We are the champions of our schools- the most capable and strongest of them all! Capsaicin Cookie: …If you get hurt… I will never be able to forgive myself. Prune Juice Cookie: I couldn’t care less about the conscience right now! I forgive you, so stop moping around! It CANNOT get any worse than this right now! Capsaicin Cookie: Do you HAVE to speak like that?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes, yes! Trust in us, Capsaicin Cookie! Everything will be fine! Capsaicin Cookie: Sigh… Alright. Here goes… nothing. Capsaicin Cookie: It’s gonna get real hot now…! HRAAAAAAAAH!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Oof… T-that’s it, you’re on the right track! Prune Juice Cookie: You have to make it hotter… just a bit more…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes! You can do it! Melt away your chains! The bind that you put on yourself! Capsaicin Cookie: Big talk for some soft dough Cookies…!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: Woooo… Kouign-Amann Cookie: It’s melting! Capsaicin Cookie: No more… I will no longer chain myself to the past…!! Prune Juice Cookie: Ugh… Almost there…!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: The chamber is full of steam…!!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eww… It’s so humid and sticky… Prune Juice Cookie, are you alright? Prune Juice Cookie: Of course I am. This is just a regular day in potion brewing! Capsaicin Cookie: No more running away…! These are my true powers… and I’m not afraid of them anymore!! Laboratory Candy Golem: Creak… CRACK… Kouign-Amann Cookie: It’s working! Prune Juice Cookie: Now! Capsaicin Cookie! Give it everything you got! MAXIMUM POWER!! Capsaicin Cookie: HERE IT GOES…!!
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Capsaicin Cookie: WITNESS… THE SPICE OVERLORD’S TRUE MIGHT! Prune Juice Cookie: Is the screaming really necessary? Laboratory Candy Golem: *Blub blub blub…* GRAAAAAH…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Gasp! Capsaicin Cookie! Watch out! Capsaicin Cookie: (Wait, I think I can fight the golem now… No, I know I CAN defeat it!) Capsaicin Cookie: (I’ll get to his core with my own hands!) Capsaicin Cookie: HYAAAAAAAH!!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Aiming for the golem’s core directly?! Prune Juice Cookie: He got it!! Capsaicin Cookie: Ha… HA! HA HA HA HA HA!! I did it! I… I DID IT!! Laboratory Candy Golem: *Blub blub blub…* Laboratory Candy Golem: Vroom… Capsaicin Cookie: I WON!!! WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Phew! If the heat didn’t burn me to crumbs, I might’ve melted away in all this goo! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Such potent potions… I feel like I just sat through one of Parfaedia’s infamous potions classes. Prune Juice Cookie: Eh… More or less. Does that mean I can send you a tuition bill later, he he? Kouign-Amann Cookie: Pfft, I see that you’ve fully recovered from the heat and reverted back to your usual joking self. Capsaicin Cookie: Huff… huff… huff… Prune Juice Cookie: Oh right. You did a good job, Capsaicin Cookie. I’ll make an exemption for you this time- I won’t charge you for the lecture! Capsaicin Cookie: …Ah… Prune Juice Cookie: Hmm? You’re… okay, right? Don’t go exploding on us right now! Capsaicin Cookie: …I feel GREAT! Kouign-Amann Cookie: *giggle* Prune Juice Cookie: …Sigh. You made us all go through all that trouble and now you’re all refreshed? Prune Juice Cookie: SIGH. Forget about potion lectures, I should charge you for counseling fees!
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Capsaicin Cookie: This relic is… Prune Juice Cookie: I believe that’s a relic from the founder of Parfaedia. Kouign-Amann Cookie: …You’re not plotting to steal it away from him, are you? Prune Juice Cookie: Just what kind of Cookie do you think I am? Prune Juice Cookie: That’s yours, Capsaicin Cookie. Prune Juice Cookie: If you did really go berserk, the only Cookie standing right now would be you. Prune Juice Cookie: Think of it as a prize for volunteering in my little experiment.
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Gelato Trio Cookie: And there we have it, folks!! Gelato Trio Cookie: After a series of events, Capsaicin Cookie has the Mark of Victory! He’s lifting the Golem’s Core up high! Gelato Trio Cookie: Scovillia wins the violent third trial! Gelato Trio Cookie: It looks like our three schools each have one point to their own! Gelato Trio Cookie: Which Cookie will take the Triple Cone Cup? Find out in our finals… TOMORROW! Gelato Trio Cookie: We hope to see you there! Gelato trio Cookie, coming to you live, from the Mountains of Trials and Harmony!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Ha ha! Is that right? One point for each school! Alright! Capsaicin Cookie: I look forward to battling you two once more…! Now that I know you two are much more than some rookie Cookie, I’m gonna give it my best! Kouign-Amann Cookie: It took you this long to realize this? I am always open to a good challenge! Prune Juice Cookie: I honestly don’t really care much for fighting, if I must say. I’m only the “master of potions,” so I’d rather sit in my corner and throw my potions from afar! Kouign-Amann Cookie: You say that, but we know better! Capsaicin Cookie: Yeah! You sure ain’t gonna quit that easy! We… we can read you now! Like an OPEN BOOK! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …*giggle* Capsaicin Cookie: HA! HA HA! Prune Juice Cookie: That’s not funny at all! …Heh. He he he… Prune Juice Cookie: Alright then, it’s settled! We shall see who the strongest Cookie is in the upcoming finals! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes! LET’S! Rest up, you two. You’ll be facing ME now! I’m a whole new Paladin! Capsaicin Cookie: And I’m not gonna hold back anymore! Ya think you have what it takes to face everything I got?! Prune Juice Cookie: Honestly, the Spice Overlord could do with SOME holding back. Capsaicin Cookie: HA! No can do! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie, such is the fate of the brave knights that have awakened the Spice Overlord. Prune Juice Cookie: Sigh… Did we really have to, though? Encouraging and helping out other contestants… What was I thinking! Capsaicin Cookie: I owe you two a LOT! THANKS A BUNCH! Capsaicin Cookie: It only makes sense to show you the full scope of my spicy powers, don’t ya think? Ha ha! Prepare to face the SPICE OVERLORD in his FULL GLORY!! HA HA HA!
12 notes · View notes
asheepaddict · 1 year
More on Lightning Strike Cookie
I FORGOT HIS HORNS IN THE ART- I KNEW HIS HEAD FELT EMPTY ...Well- :]] We'll just go with it now ig-
So y'know how I said Scovillia adores Lightning Strike as this therapist friend? Yeah- They're the school's calm button. Like, It's getting chaotic? dw we have Lightning Strike mediating the chaos. A fight broke out? ok Lightning Strike's coming (to watch with popcorn- jkjk) to stop the fight.
He and Capsaicin are pretty chill pals with each other, like they ain't close but- they're friends in a way- (Ahem- Capsaicin going to him for therapy lessons- AHEM-)
He doesn't usually have electric hair, it only happens when he's experiencing strong emotions or when he does it on command. Like, you catch the poor dude by surprise on the back? be ready for a zap of electricity once his hair sparks- (A fellow student did that once, never again-) Or in a fight- He's literally Wizard Cookie's ability but better-
He definitely got banned from multiple movie theatres for getting so emotional that his electric hair shut down the power of the entire theatre-
He has horns- I keep forgetting them so let's say they only appear when he's chill, like a sort of power bank or storage ykyk? Or also when he's on a high with the emotions and it just manifests as pure electricity-
Another one of those portable charger characters-
Angsty past anyone? He used to be a normal spicy cookie in a random tribe, but then he wandered out of Dragon's Valley one day, it was a very rainy night that day, he touched a random pole nearby and- boom, hit by thunder for at least a few times- (real unlucky am I right?), by the time the tribe found him, he had electricity surging through him, no one could touch him without getting zapped. They could only touch him once he woke up and he no longer looked electric.
Later, the tribe felt an increasing fear of his lightning abilities, and after an incident involving his lightning abilities, they threw him into the boiling lava with no hesitation (YEET-), next thing the poor guy knew, he was alive and not burnt to a crisp and was instead on a bed, and a cookie that is literally fire itself was sitting on the bed beside him. Next thing he knew he was being taught to control his abilities and how to keep his emotions on check. If you ask him, it all felt like a fever dream because the fire cookie did things pretty quickly, they had some patience but it didn't last long until they started speaking like an angry Indian mom- the cookie did seem to care about him but they barely speak like they do.
Fire Spirit Cookie is Lightning Strike's legal guardian in a way- Lightning Strike is 95% electricity, 4% Spicy, and 1% Therapist. He does actually have quite a bit of spice- enough spice to be in Scovillia- Mala Sauce treats him like he's her younger brother- She gets him to be chaotic whenever they're together.
He was trained to calm down at the sound of a bell, literally any bell will do as long as it ain't a church bell. He has a jingle bell he named "Clarity Bell", but it's only really important to have it on when he's in a situation where it involves going berserk so, he tends to forget it on casual days.
He plays the electric guitar with the headmaster whenever he gets the time, they play real killer tunes together.
"Your therapy is my therapy" kind of guy-
All in all- He's just your local traumatized and cool therapist friend to come find when you need therapy help! :DD (He recommends actually getting help when you really need it though, he ain't licensed for this yk?)
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quibbs126 · 6 months
Also could you make a kouign-amann x capsaicin fanchild?
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@amythecat2001 also asked for this before, but I made the other part of that ask previously and posted just that one with the ask, so I’m tagging
Anyways, she’s been done for a few days now, I just forgot to post, this is Spicy Roll Cookie
So she’s an absolute sweetheart, she just tends to be really loud. She’s great at giving motivational pep talks, and she’s someone you’d want as a friend. She’s also an incredibly powerful fighter. I didn’t draw her with a weapon, but she is supposed to have an axe, as shown by me trying to sketch one out somewhat in the top
She’s a Paladin in the Crème Republic, and tends to be more fond of their types of outfits, but she still has some fondness for her Dragon’s Valley heritage
That’s about it for her, I mostly just have vibes
As for her name, she’s basically just a cinnamon roll, but spicy. It was because pastry + spicy. I remember this pairing was giving me a lot of trouble because I didn’t know how to combine the two, and I eventually just kind of made something up. But I still like the name
Cinnamon roll:
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I was considering making her color scheme more brown/orange, to fit in with the cinnamon roll thing, but ah well I suppose. That is half the reason her dough’s brown, as well as it just working as a medium between Kouign Amann and Capsaicin. And it’s also the reason she has all those swirls
Oh, another thing I should mention, this wasn’t the original design I made for Spicy Roll. It’s not that much different, but it is somewhat different
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I had asked my Discord group if it looked good, since I had been watching Venture Bros while working on her, and I felt like I hadn’t been giving Spicy Roll my full attention as a result. I got some critiques and changed her accordingly. I do think the final design looks better tbh, but I still have some fondness for this version
I also did it on the same layer as the original lineart, so this you see here is the only physical proof of the original design
Anyways, back to her actual design, because I took a detour there
So when I was first rough sketching her back some time ago, I had planned on giving her the down facing horns, but I couldn’t get a hairstyle that looked good with it, so she got shelved temporarily. But I think I have something that works now
Her diamond pupils were supposed to be like a combination of Capsaicin’s slit pupils and Kouign Amann’s heart eyes. With the colors of Capsaicin’s eyes semi reversed because I like it better that way, at least on Spicy Roll
And yeah I think that’s all I have to say on her design right now. I like it overall
Oh wait, one last thing about her, in the notes on my list, the original first thing I put was “Barbenheimer?” Since I think that was going on or had just gone on at the time of the first request
Anyways, that’s it for Spicy Roll, I hope you like her!
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tallbluelady · 2 years
I'd hate to be a burden..." || "It's alright, (Name). I don't mind taking care of you"
Featuring @azure-dragonsinger's ancient Daedalus!
Minthe found Daedalus fiddling with one of the metallic owls - a skatene - when she came home. This is home now, isn't it?
"Oh, Minthe, what day is it?" he asked, perky. So no hopping today then.
"It's Wet Beast Windsday, at least according to Ares. She specifically claimed today."
Daedalus wrapped her in a long limbed hug and rubbed against her cheek with his.
Minthe giggled. "Darling, I can feel your beard starting to grow again."
"I thought you liked my stubble." He rubbed his chin with an eyebrow raised.
"I do! It's very fuzzy." Minthe rubbed at the short hairs along his jaw. "Thank you for letting me play with it. Hades would never let me do this when we were together."
"He's odd like that, isn't he?" Daedalus gave a quick smooch to her palm. "He's very passionate, which we both like, but he..."
Minthe watched as his eyes blurred in and out of focus. She could see the reflections on his eyes change, no longer matching the light in the room.
Grateful she was tall herself, Minthe laid him onto the couch. The trick to not melting into a puddle of nerves was to keep active during stressful situations like this. She gave him a stress ball to grip and brought out the essential oils and his mask. She knew he had to ride out these episodes before he came back, but it was easier for him to come back if he had some sensory input to guide him.
They had worked out a system that would give each space he was in its own smell. His workshop was a metallic, alkaline scent, and the Alexander a campfire like smell. Restaurants had a spicy capsaicin smell, the city itself was cinnamon. The Words of Helmarut a woodsy decaying smell, the Library a vanilla, and the Convocation building was orange peel. Home was, almost to Minthe's embarrassment, spearmint. 
 She brought out the spearmint vial and sat next to him. The problem with her trick was that sometimes there wasn't enough to do while he had his episodes, and she would worry as he twitched. Luckily, this one seemed to be fading as Daedalus let out a groan. Minthe uncorked the vial and waved it under his nose. It twitched at the strong smell, then he took a deep whiff.
"Home. I'm home," he said, eyes still closed.
"I'm home with you," Minthe said.
"It's a much better home with you." Daedalus still didn't open his eyes, but he took her hand with the one that wasn't squeezing his stress ball.
He lay there for a few minutes, counting and squeezing the ball in his fist. Minthe got them both a glass of water but otherwise remained by his side.
"What day is it?" she asked when he stopped squeezing the ball.
"It's Wet Beast Windsday." He slowly sat up, eyes still closed. "Ares chose the name."
"That's exactly it. And what was yesterday?"
"Woo Woo Watersday. We were making puppies howl." Daedalus opened his eyes, which had taken on a golden glow. He placed the mask on his face to reduce the glare.
"Welcome back." Minthe ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him.
Daedalus pulled her close again, this time more like he was trying to hold onto reality than be affectionate. "Can you keep a secret?"
"Of course, darling."
And so he told her. The terrible fate of the Star - how after so many of their people died, and still more sacrificed themselves, they would all be shattered, souls torn asunder. And that was the best possible outcome.
He tilted his head, the motion owl-like with his yellow eyes behind his mask. "Did I tell you all this before?"
Minthe felt the tears well up in her eyes as she nodded. "Last week, twice. It's... it's why I need to go on a trip. You're doing so well, but I think we can get you even better if we get outside help."
"Did you tell me about that trip already?"
She shook her head. "No. I... I couldn't really bear to tell you multiple times if you forgot."
He held her close again.
"I hate to be a burden," he whispered bitterly.
"No, no, Daedalus, I chose this." Minthe shushed him as he gave a soundless sob. "It turns out that having someone to be responsible for is actually a nice thing. Who knew?"
"Ha. Well, unlike Icarus, I'd still rather not cause my loved ones pain."
She chuckled at that. "That's the spirit. Do you want any water?"
They both drank their glasses and Minthe watched as the glow faded from his eyes and he took off his mask. Now would be as good of a time as any to try and make her memory stone with him.
"So I went to Mnemosyne today." She dug in her bag and pulled out the two memory stones, placing one in his hand. "We made a couple of memory stones. This one I made for you."
Daedalus traced the oddly shaped stone with his thumb. "What memories does it have?"
"It's stuff like the first curry I made for you. And the rain on our picnic. More sensory things than actual events."
"Does it have how your hair feels? Or your laugh? Or when you..." He scowled and gestured vaguely, likely having forgot the word.
She winked. "Yes. I made him leave the room when I put that particular memory in."
He laughed his strange, echo-y, haunting, sweet laugh. "Oh, I'll be visiting that memory all the time then."
"We can make another memory tonight if you're up to it," she said. "But before that, I want to imbue this one with memories with you."
"Oh?" he perked up at that.
"Em-hm. I... I want to make sure that my future incarnations know what it's like to be happy. That if they ever find out about me, they'll know that the part of them that enjoys life has always been the same. And to follow that, not aught else."
"They'll know." Daedalus smiled and pulled her close. "But I think it's a beautiful thing you're doing for them."
She rested her head on his shoulder, warmth brimming from her heart into her throat. "This one. Right now. Loving someone. That's what I want them to know."
He kissed the top of her head, and they imbued the thoughts, feelings, and love into the stone. The future seemed a lot less daunting afterward.
Thanks for the prompt!
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clonepa · 2 years
tmi but
spicy salsa for lunch today (to spicey)
after a full day of typing and chilling with friends i go home. (forgot about the spice residue)
i go pee
i wipe
spice is down there. and im going to die
weird part is that i washed my hands since i ate. capsaicin infects my body
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the op of that cookie run post is talking about how capsaicin is kind of sexualized by the story and also the victim of a lot of a lot of stuff that I would definitely side eye the writers for subjecting a child to. it’s like war crime level torture
re "this is not how children are drawn and if he was a child this would be so gross and weird that I would kill someone at devsis myself"
you sure, because they specifically cited how he was drawn? oh either way though, I don't think you should *threaten to kill* any actual real life people because a fictional cookie was sexualised. writers didn't "subject a child" to anything even if he was a child, because he wouldn't be a real child, it would be fine, he's literally fictional, you're supposed to subject fictional kids to war crimes. unfollow me if you would *threaten to kill* me for horror stories.
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I'm sorry for being late to the party
How would the TCC trio feel about accidentally hurting their s/o's feelings? (especially after a slight disagreement)
No such thing as ‘too late’: the party’s still ongoing hahaha
Capsaicin Cookie — he’d feel terrible once he realised and would launch straight into physical affection as a sort of comfort. He’d terrible and apologise for hurting them and, eventually, end up tearing up himself and begging them not to leave (he’s not often vulnerable like this but the thought of being alone again scares him more than anything else).
Kouign-Amann Cookie — she’d catch herself the moment she saw your expression change and, whilst she’d still be angry at whatever caused your disagreement, she’d take a deep breath and apologise for hurting them. They’d then have a discussion about how to deal with these kinds of situations moving forward and she’d promise to never say whatever she did again (of course she’s still upset, she doesn’t let go of her feelings easily, but she’s able to put her own grievances aside because she still loves her partner and doesn’t want to hurt them).
Prune Juice Cookie — he’s a simmering academic with a sharp tongue so it was only a matter of time before he forgot himself and said something hurtful to his partner. Of course he feels bad and he’d apologise immediately after he’d said it, but he’d opt instead to give them space and say that they should take an hour or two to themselves to calm down and think everything through before convening again (he wants to comfort them, of course, but he knows that this isn’t the time and he isn’t in the right mind to, hence suggesting space to help them tackle the underlying issue before he can offer them that comfort and full apology).
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