#forgot to mention we were “the weirdos” in 8th grade
i-have-a-lot-of-ocs · 6 months
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Vent below the cut!
I had a friend in 7th grade. We had no other friends and we liked each other. We moved to 8th grade. I met an old classmate from Elementary. I went "Hi!! Come join us!! :D" and we had a "friend group".
They found something in common that I'm not really interested in/understand. They talk about it infront of me without including me nor explain and show the stuff they like. They don't respond unless I talk/approach first. And even then, even though I walked up to them first to start the convo, they usually just respond with short answers. I am practically non-existent! Even though I reserved a spot for them THEY FUCKING REFUSE AND PICK ANOTHER ONE. ALRIGHT THEN. FINE. FUCK YOU. I TRIED SO HARD TO BE THE OUTGOING ONE WHO DOESN'T COMPLAIN WHEN YOU GUYS HAVE FUN TOGETHER BUT YOU ACTIVELY CHOOSE TO NOT ENGAGE WITH ME. FINE. Fine! See how you like it when I ignore the two of you in 9th grade! Go and talk to each other on your own! You don't need me anymore! You have someone else to get together with! I don't need to be here! I'll just sit in the corner and pretend we're strangers! I hope you like it that way! You sure seem to!
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aliciameade · 6 years
Fade Into You - Ch. 1
Title: Fade Into You (Chapter 1 of 5) Author: aliciameade Rating: T Pairing: Beca/Chloe Summary: Tip for newlyweds: send a wedding invite to every billionaire whose address you can find because it's a 50/50 chance their assistants just send you a perfunctory gift without ever wondering who the hell you are. Or: Beca had a really bad terrible idea when she got tired of being broke in New York. 
Also on AO3 and FFnet, but I probably can’t link there idk.
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Beca wasn’t prepared for how expensive it was to live in New York City. Sure, she’d done her research; she knew it would be costly, but just how costly it was was wreaking havoc on her bank account. Rent, transportation, groceries, household necessities and the very rare luxuries like a concert or theater ticket here or there to keep her sanity had her living paycheck to paycheck. Even bringing two roommates with her to cram into the tiny Brooklyn studio didn’t help her live any more comfortably (considering only one of them chipped in for rent).
Of course, it probably helped her afford to eat.
Whatever. The point was that it was not quite the life she envisioned for herself once she landed what she thought was a Big Job.
But at least she had her friends.
“Why do I have so many cousins? And why are they all getting married?”
Beca watched Chloe sitting at their tiny dining table on Sunday afternoon (if you could even call it that) as she tossed aside a just-opened fancy envelope and what Beca assumed to be a wedding invitation. As far as she could remember, it was the fourth Chloe had received so far that year. “How many cousins do you have?”
“Sixteen. And I’m the baby of the family so they’re all either married or about to be. And here I am.” She gestured at nothing specific and sighed. “I can barely pay my share of the groceries. I can’t afford to go to all these weddings so I need to send something off their registry, but I can’t afford that, either.”
“Weddings feel like a ploy to get free shit from everyone you met once in your life,” Beca said as she watched Chloe stress out. “Like, congratulations on deciding to spend your life with one person. Why do I have to reward that?”
“It’s like an expectation. You either have to go to the wedding or send a gift. Or both!” Chloe slid her chair back from the table and took the two steps needed to get to their bed which she threw herself on a bit dramatically. “I’m just going to elope.”
She liked being on the same page as Chloe. “And miss out on all the free swag?” Beca said as she nudged Chloe’s foot with her own.
“I don’t want to be part of the problem!”
“Okay, okay!” Beca laughed. “So elope. Must be nice, though: send out a bunch of invitations to people you know won’t come and get a bunch of free stuff in return.”
“I know,” Chloe mumbled into her pillow. “It’s so messed up.”
A devious thought slid through Beca’s mind and she paused the music she’d been playing. “I need a new Keurig; ours is going to die any day now. I can feel it.”
Chloe turned onto her side to look up at Beca. “What does that have to do with anything?”
She closed her laptop and slid down to lie next to Chloe, eye-to-eye. “I have an idea. But before I tell you, I blame it entirely on Amy’s influence.”
“Why Amy?”
“You’ll see. Now hear me out. What if we sent out wedding invitations saying we’re getting married in, like, Fiji where no one we know can afford to go, and set up a wedding registry somewhere.”
“Beca, that’s, like, fraud. No wonder you blamed it on Amy.” Chloe frowned at her. “And no one would believe we’re getting married anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not even dating!” Chloe said with a laugh. “And you don’t even like girls!”
Oh. Right. There were those little details that the people who would make sense to invite to their wedding would know she and Chloe weren’t together. Not to mention the giant elephant in Beca’s mental room that she was actually very into girls and very, very into Chloe.
Except literally no one in her new adult life knew either of those facts about her. The bisexual thing was weird to bring up unprompted at this point, and when she started dating Jesse in college, everyone just assumed she was straight and made it even weirder to try to correct.
And the Chloe thing, well...that was all sorts of messy and complicated.
“Okay, first of all, a person can fall in love with someone who’s not their usual...type, so anyone who says shit about that can fuck right off.”
Chloe seemed a bit surprised by her declaration but waved for her to continue. “And the fact that it’s me?”
She had to stop herself from saying, “It’s everything.” Instead, she said, “We’ve basically been living together for six years. I don’t think it’s that far-fetched.”
Chloe was quiet for a moment, thinking, and then a slow smile spread across her face. “Beca Mitchell, you devious little devil. You actually think this could work.”
“Well, why wouldn’t it? If Aubrey was getting married in, like, Fiji and you couldn’t afford to go, you’d send her something off her registry, right? That’s what you just said.”
“I would never miss Aubrey’s wedding,” Chloe said earnestly. “She’s my best friend. And she wouldn’t miss mine, either.”
“Okaaaaaay,” Beca drawled. “So we don’t invite our current friends. Or immediate family. Cousins, old coworkers, and friends from high school.”
“Can I invite Mrs. Higgins, my 8th grade choir teacher? She was my favorite teacher.”
“Yeah, I mean as long as she won’t try to show up—wait. You’d actually do this?”
“You’ve had worse ideas.”
“Have I though?” Beca shook her head. “This is dumb. Forget it.” She put away her computer and rolled out of bed. “I’m going to Target if you need anything. I’m out of conditioner.”
“I don’t think I do, but I’ll come with you.”
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
When Beca came home from work late on Monday, Chloe was laying in bed, laptop propped on her thighs. She was intently focused on whatever it was she was doing and didn’t look up at Beca’s entrance.
“Hey, weirdo,” Beca said as she kicked out of her shoes and pulled her own computer out of her bag to toss it onto the bed while she changed into comfy lounging clothes. “What are you doing?”
Chloe ignored her for a few more seconds before tapping the trackpad with particularly notable resolution and sitting up. “Hey!”
“Yeah, hey,” Beca laughed. “Seriously, what are you doing? Caught up in an intense Pinterest spiral?”
Chloe shook her head. “Come here; I want to show you something.”
“Is this going to be puppies or something dirty?” Beca knelt on their bed and walked her way up until she was sitting next to Chloe. There was no telling what Chloe had up her sleeve whenever she told Beca she wanted to show her something.
“Neither. Look.” She turned her screen toward Beca.
“What am I looking at?” she asked after a few seconds. “Because that looks like a wedding invitation with our names on it.”
“That’s what it is.”
She looked at the invitation on Chloe’s screen again and then looked at her. Chloe was biting her lip and almost buzzing with excitement. “And why is that a thing that exists?”
“I made it!”
Beca rolled her eyes. “And why did you make it?”
“We need invitations if we’re going to invite people to our wedding.”
“That idea was terrible! I told you to forget it; how much time did you spend on this?” She grabbed the computer away from Chloe so she could zoom in on it. The stationery had been painted with watercolors. It was quite pretty and one Beca wouldn’t be opposed to choosing for her actual wedding.
“A couple hours. I went with a silver and sage palette. I don’t think we’re a couple who has pink in their wedding.”
“Yeah, no,” Beca said, only half-listening because her brain was pretty hung up at the moment seeing the words ��The Wedding of Beca and Chloe’ in script. “No pink.”
“I just put Fiji because you mentioned it yesterday but we can pick something else. And a date. Oh, and we’re registered at Amazon and IKEA.”
Picking a wedding locale and date with Chloe? Sure. Cool. “Wait. You already registered us?”
“Well, no, not yet,” Chloe scoffed as if Beca’s question was absurd. “That’s what’s on the registry cards that go with the invitations. We need to make our registries together next weekend.”
“I’m not sure if I should be concerned or proud that you’re so willing to go along with my terrible idea.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Chloe said with a shrug.
Beca was pretty sure a lot of bad things could happen like someone showing up to a non-existent wedding. Then again, all they’d really have to do is apologize and explain that the wedding was called off last-minute and point out their would-be guests would now have a vacation in Fiji without wedding activities to inconvenience them.
“Several things come to mind,” she said as she returned the computer.
Chloe elbowed her. “Okay. We need this to be far enough in advance that it doesn’t feel shotgun, but not too far that everyone can rearrange their schedules for it.”
“So it’s like I forgot to send out the invitations like I said I would and you found them in a box two months after they were supposed to have gone out?”
Chloe looked at her, holding her gaze. “That sounds exactly like something you would do.”
“And we should have it on, like, a Wednesday so it’s super inconvenient. With no holidays around it that people can use to save vacation days.”
“I feel like you’re a secret evil genius,” Chloe said as she flipped through the calendar on her computer. “How about October 2?”
They then spent more than an hour Googling Fiji and wedding location options. It took so long because they kept bickering about the venues; Chloe loved one but Beca hated it. Then Beca loved one and Chloe hated it. Every fifteen minutes or so, one of them would remind the other this was all fake and it didn’t matter, and the other would argue that it still had to seem real. They’d finally settled on a resort located on the edge of a rainforest that had more than enough amenities for a destination wedding.
“Well?” Chloe asked when she finished entering the details on the invitation. “Good?”
Beca stared at the screen and what they’d created inviting recipients to their wedding. It made her a little queasy so she swallowed hard. “Perfect.”
They ordered a set of one hundred invitations, response cards, registry cards, and envelopes for it all and agreed to split the expense equally.
“Did we seriously just do that?” Beca asked as she put away her credit card. “That shit is nonrefundable. We just burned five hundred dollars.”
“Think of it as a down payment on my new dinette set.”
“Your new dinette? Pretty sure that’s going to be ours, babe.”
Chloe cocked an eyebrow at her. “Babe?”
Beca blushed. “Wedding fever. Shut up.”
“You’re adorable,” Chloe said with a laugh as she grabbed Beca by the chin to give her a shake. “Careful, or I might marry you for real.”
She blushed even harder, her heart getting lodged in her throat. “Yeah, right, dude.”
“We’ll see,” Chloe said with a wink before hopping off the bed to leave Beca behind, heart still pounding. “It’s my turn to make dinner. What do you want?”
“How many names do you have so far?” Chloe asked from her lounging spot lying backward on their bed, feet rocking back and forth next to Beca.
Beca looked at the spreadsheet on her computer; she hated spreadsheets. Loathed them. But Chloe created one for their wedding invitation list so she could have Staples print the addresses on the envelopes once they arrived. Had they planned ahead like actual would-be brides, they’d have had the list ready to import when they ordered the invitations to let the printer do that. But alas. “Thirty-six. It’s hard to figure out who makes sense to invite to my wedding but wouldn’t actually come.”
“If you can get to forty, I can make up the difference.”
“I should invite the CEO of BFD; it’s not like he’d ever come. I’ve never even met him. He’d probably pick one of the expensive gifts, too.”
Chloe sat up quickly and Beca tried not to think about how strong her abs must be to do that. “Beca.”
“You’re a genius.” She sat forward so suddenly Beca had a fleeting [stupid] thought that Chloe was about to kiss her but all she did was turn around to sit next to her and look at the list on Beca’s screen. “But don’t add him; I don’t want to put your career at risk. Put your douche boss from Residual Heat instead; there’s no way he’d come.”
“O...kay,” Beca said as she typed his name. She’d have to look up her old studio’s mailing address later. “But why am I a genius?”
“We can invite a handful of CEOs and tech bigwigs who won’t know whether or not we work for them. We send it to their office and their assistant will just buy something off our registry without bothering to look us up.”
“Should I be concerned that your mind is this twisted?” Beca asked as Chloe commandeered her laptop to open Google and start searching.
“Did you forget this was your idea to begin with?”
She watched Chloe pull up the address for the headquarters of Apple. “A little ambitious, don’t you think?”
“Are you kidding? The bigger the company the bigger the chance we get a ‘declines with regret’ and you get that Ableton Push you think I didn’t see you add to our Amazon registry.”
Beca grumbled under her breath to hide her guilt. She’d gotten a little click-happy the other night after a couple beers and added a few non-traditional items to their list like high-end mixing equipment and the new Xbox.
“I’m just going to pick ten companies from the Forbes 500. Let’s see what happens. And now you don’t have to come up with the rest of your list!”
“Sounds great,” she said with a tight-lipped smile.
Something in her gut was telling her they were taking this much too far. But that new Ableton was so, so pretty…
“Becs, honey,” Chloe said when Beca opened the door to head to work.
Beca turned, patting herself down to make sure she had her keys and phone. “What’s up?”
“Don’t forget to mail the invitations.” She smiled at Beca and pointed at the shoe box on the table containing their pretty little scams. Amy had stuffed the envelopes for them last night and was naturally agreeable to their little business venture. They’d obliged her request to add an absurd inflatable bounce house to their list as payment for her help as long as she promised to never try to set it up in the apartment.
Beca was pretty sure Amy had her fingers crossed behind her back when she agreed.
She picked it up and rapped her fingernails on it. “Are you sure we should do this? I feel kind of guilty.”
“We got our list down to eighty-nine people we barely know—or don’t know at all. It’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, okay,” Beca said with a nod, though being told not to worry didn’t magically erase her concerns. “You’re right. I’ll see you after work. It’s my turn to cook, so text me what you want and I’ll pick it up on my way home.”
“I’m totes going to be the one who actually cooks in this marriage, aren’t I?”
“Trust me; it’s for the best. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, sweetie!”
Beca dropped the stack of thick, fancy envelopes into the outgoing mail drop on the corner by her subway stop on her way to work, and that was it.
The deed was done.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Three days later...
When Beca came home from work she found Chloe at the table but she wasn’t sipping her usual tea and wearing a smile at Beca’s return.
Instead, she was visibly nervous, her arms crossed and eyes fixed on her untouched tea.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Beca asked and moved to sit across from her. “Are you okay?”
“Promise you won’t get mad?” Chloe said in a small voice, eyes refusing to meet Beca’s.
“It’s hard to promise that when I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’ll try. What’s going on?”
Chloe closed her eyes and sighed. “My parents got one of our invitations.”
“What?!” Beca almost launched from her chair; she gripped the edge of the table to stay put and she saw Chloe flinch at her outburst. She tried to lower voice when she demanded, “How?”
“I checked the spreadsheet because I know I didn’t put them on it.” She sounded on the verge of tears. “But it looks like it got corrupted, like it combined with my Christmas card list.”
Beca’s blood ran cold. “My dad’s on your Christmas card list, too.” She’d barely finished the sentence when her phone started ringing in her pocket. She could hear Chloe’s text alerts almost non-stop from where her phone sat on her bedside table. “Who else ended up on the list?”
Chloe closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Beca pulled her phone from her pocket; she already knew. She didn’t even bother looking at the screen as she swiped the screen to answer it. “Hey, Dad.”
“You and Chloe are getting married?!” he crowed into the phone. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? Oh, Beca I’m so happy for you both; you’re perfect together!”
“We’re not—wait.” She straightened. “Huh?”
“I knew it was only a matter of time.”
She looked at Chloe across the table who was oblivious to what her father was saying. She seemed to assume it to be terrible the way she was hiding half her face behind her hand. She looked miserable.
“Yeah…” Beca replied. She felt bad; this was all her doing and now Chloe’s going to be humiliated having to tell everyone in her life that she tried to do something dumb. Or that her fake relationship failed. And all her cousins were getting married… “We’re...really happy.”
Chloe’s hand fell and her eyes went wide. “What are you doing?” she whispered.
“And I’m so happy for you. The date is going to be tough for me to get away in the middle of the semester, but there’s no way I’m going to miss my little girl’s big day. Is there a block of rooms reserved for guests? Should I just give your name when I call?”
“Um, no. Sorry. We...we splurged on the trip so we couldn’t lock down rooms for everyone.”
“Don’t you worry; I’ll take care of the rooms. It’s the least I can do. I’ll call the resort and give them my information.” It was Beca’s turn to cover her eyes. “Thanks, Dad. That’s so generous.”
“Anything for you and my soon-to-be daughter-in-law.”
“Thanks. Listen, I just got home and Chloe and I have a lot to talk about. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Sure, pumpkin.”
Beca ended the call and set down her phone with a long exhale. “Shit.”
“What happened?” Chloe asked sounding as sheepish as she did excited.
“He’s...going to pay for everyone’s rooms at the resort for our wedding.”
Chloe blinked hard and sat back. “What?”
“He thinks we’re perfect together. And he wasn’t surprised at all. Well, he was surprised by the wedding. Not about us being together.” Which we’re not. “What did your parents say?”
Chloe cleared her throat. “They offered to pay for the rehearsal dinner and the reception.”
“What?” Beca said with a barked laugh.
“They’re over the moon for us. Asked what took us so long.” She looked like she wanted to disappear into her chair, which was a unique state for Chloe to be in.
“But you didn’t tell them it’s fake.”
“Did you tell your dad it’s fake?” Chloe countered. “No, you didn’t. You just went along with it.”
Beca sank into her chair, too. “And now our parents are ecstatic we’re getting married.” There was a lot to unpack with that fact and all that came with it. Chloe’s texts were still chiming and a minute later, Beca’s started up, too. “Seriously, who else got invited?”
With a sigh, Chloe slid a piece of paper across the table. Printed on it was a spreadsheet set up just like what they’d made to send to Staples, except it was a mish-mash of their distant cousins, millionaire executives, and people they actually knew. Their parents. The owner of the vet clinic Chloe was interning at.
Aubrey, Emily, and the rest of the Bellas.
“Oh, my God, how did this happen?” Beca said with a groan as she crumpled the paper and tossed it toward the trash can. (She missed.)
“I told you: I don’t know! All I can think is that my files were named List1 and List2 and somehow they got combined or maybe I didn’t delete everything from one of them before I saved it.” She reached across the table and grabbed Beca’s hands. “Beca, I’m so, so sorry. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll let everyone know it was just a prank gone wrong.”
Beca was about to agree when she remembered how excited her father sounded. “Your parents were really happy?”
Chloe managed a sad laugh; she still looked on the verge of tears and Beca couldn’t blame her. She felt like she might cry herself. “My mom said she was starting to get worried you were never going to propose.”
“Oh, my God,” Beca said, blushing hard. “She didn’t even know that we were dating. Or, that we weren’t dating. Whatever. What did you say?”
“I told her I asked you.”
“You proposed to me?!” Beca scoffed. “As if you would! I would totally ask you to marry me before you even had a chance!”
Chloe blinked at her, her worry and sadness starting to fade into a soft smile. “You would?”
Beca realized what she’d said and shook her head. “Nevermind. I should have looked at the envelopes before I dropped them off.”
“You didn’t have a reason to. This isn’t your fault.”
“Except that it was all my idea?” Beca said with a crooked smile. “You’d think Amy would have realized they were wrong when she was stuffing them. She knew the plan.”
Chloe sighed and let go of Beca’s hands to run her own through her hair. “Something tells me she knew they got messed up.”
“Why would you think that?”
Chloe shot her a look.
“Because it’s Amy. Right.” She sighed, too. “I need a drink.” Beca stood up and headed for the fridge, the top of which held their liquor collection. “What do you want?”
“Whiskey, neat,” Chloe answered as she pushed aside her tea.
“Yeah. Me, too.”
They waited until they were both two whiskeys in before they agreed to get on Skype with Aubrey.
“This is how you tell me you two are a thing?” Aubrey said as she waved the invitation in front of her camera. “A little warning would have been nice.”
“It all happened so fast, Bree,” Chloe said. “I guess living together in such close quarters...well, it brought some things to light.”
It was so convincing that Beca almost believed her. Except she didn’t know why they were lying to Aubrey. Not wanting to immediately disappoint their excited parents was one thing, but going along with it with Aubrey… She nudged Chloe from her spot next to her where they sat closely in bed so they could both be mostly in frame and threw her a look she hoped read, What the hell are you doing?
Chloe just winked at her and slipped her arm behind her to wrap around her waist and pull her closer.
“Well, as disappointed as I am that you didn’t think to tell me, I’m thrilled for you both.”
“You are?” Beca scoffed.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You two are good for each other. And I know you’ll take care of my best friend.”
Beca had to fight hard to not blush. “Yeah. Well...that’s the plan.”
“So, Fiji? I’ve always wanted to go! Do you have a wedding planner? And Chloe, I can’t believe you haven’t asked me to be your Maid of Honor yet! We made a pact!”
Chloe cleared her throat. “Right! I was getting to that! I’d love it if you’d be my Maid of Honor.”
“What are you doing?” Beca muttered from the side of her mouth.
“Asking my bestie to be in our wedding,” Chloe muttered in return.
“I’d be honored!” Aubrey said with a bright grin. “Now you have to let me take over the planning. You can’t do this all by yourselves. Put me in touch with your contact at the resort and I’ll take it over. What have you arranged so far?”
“Well, we could barely get the invitations out without trouble…” Chloe started and Beca elbowed her. “So we haven’t really had a chance to get going yet. We haven’t even put down the deposit to reserve the space yet—”
“Don’t say another word,” Aubrey said with her hand up. “I’m going to take care of that as my gift to you both.”
“Thanks, Bree. That means so much.” Chloe grasped Beca’s hand and pulled it up to kiss it.
Beca just stared at her in shock.
“Right, Becs?”
“Uh, yeah. Right. Thanks, Aubrey,” Beca offered. “We gotta go, though,” she added, desperate to end the torture.
“Okay. Remember to send me that info and I’ll send you the confirmations once I get it taken care of this week.”
“Totes. I’ll text you later.”
“Perfect. Have a good night, you two!”
“Bye!” Chloe chirped and Beca offered a weak wave as Chloe disconnected the call.
“Oh, my God, Chloe, we can’t keep this up!” she said as soon as the screen was blank. “What are we doing?!”
“Everyone’s so excited for us; I don’t want to disappoint them.” Chloe turned a little to look at her and she was so close Beca could see the different specks of light and dark in Chloe’s eyes. “We’ll tell them soon.”
“Aubrey’s going to spend money on this. We can’t let her do that.”
“I’ll wait a few days to send her the info and then we’ll just tell it’s off.”
Not two hours had passed when both their phones chimed with a group text from Aubrey to the two of them. Chloe was taking a bath when it came in so Beca opened it and read it aloud so she could hear it.
“Was too excited! Looked up the resort info and got it booked. Oh, my God. They said they didn’t have any record of your interest—gee, I wonder why—and the day was already booked for some corporate retreat but I got them to move it for the wedding. Of course she did. Good thing you let me take care of it! You might not have had a venue. Damn it, Chloe!”
“Well, it’s not my fault!”
“Then whose fault is it?!”
Nothing but silence followed from behind the shower curtain.
(Chapter 2)
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