#former baudrey
hannahhook7744 ยท 2 years
Audrey Rose Headcanons;
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Summary; my disney descendants Princess Audrey Rose headcanons.
Audrey's full name Is Audrea "Audrey" Fae Rose.
I got the idea for her middle name from @askauradonprep on their middle name headcanon thing where they said her middle name is Fae to honor the fairies that raised her mother.
Her birthday is August 3rd.
The above would make her a Leo.
She was raised primarily by her grandmother alongside her older cousin, Ariana.
She's scared of alot of things-- not being perfect, messing up, rejection, disappointing everyone, being abandoned, etc.
She hates spiders, which is one of fhe few physical things she is scared of.
She's very insecure despite what most people think.
Ariana is two years older than Audrey and becomes Leah's golden child after Audrey and Ben's breakup. Mainly because she's dating a prince.
Both Audrey and Ariana can be pretty nasty towards one due to their jealousy and upbringing.
The two of them use to be close when they were younger but grew apart over the years.
Audrey has two pets-- a bunny named 'Zinnia' and a horse named 'Solomon.'
She's younger than Chad by a month.
Her first word was 'Grammy'.
She plays multiple instruments, including but not limited to the flute and the piano.
Ariana plays the violin too but she's much better at it than Audrey is.
Her favorite colors are pink, white, and pastel blue.
She has a whole collection of cutesy shoes and sunglasses. Not to mention make up.
The reason why her hair is blonde in d3 was because she had it dyed on her spa trip so she looked more like Mal did at the time to appease her grandmother and as an attempt to win Ben back.
She ended up regretting it because she missed her natural hair almost immediately after she did it but it was too late to go back by then.
She is made to do community service (mainly just cleaning up the mess that was made during the queen of mean thing) and to go to therapy after d3.
She ends up going to both family and singular therapy and even has a couple of therapy sessions with Chad.
And eventually, she ends up apologizing for not clarifying exactly what their relationship was to Chad before going on to apologize to Ben for not listening to him enough and to the others for her various transgressions against them.
And they end up apologizing to her as well for their own transgressions against her.
Like in royal wedding, she offers to plan Bal's wedding but Jane helps her a bit and for once, Audrey allows her to.
Her and Chad continue going to therapy, slowing sorting out their issues and learn how to form non toxic relationships with each other and others.
After d3, Audrey's parents get more involved with her life and begin to put their foot down more often with Leah when it comes to Audrey and Ariana.
This makes things go alot smoother down the line and helps both girls become functioning adults.
And it definitely shows, especially when it waters down their somewhat bratty and competitive attitudes as they grow.
Audrey's favorite song is Killer Queen by Mad Tsai, ironically.
Audrey is great at drawing, as seen in d3, but she's not too good at painting.
She's a great swimmer and she and the others use to hang out at the enchanted lake and the beach alot before life got too hectic.
She's been raised since birth to be the perfect queen and wife, which explains alot of her issues when you think about it.
In the friend group of the main aks (Doug, Jane, Ben, Lonnie, her, and Chad), she's always been closest to Chad. Even before their group started to drift apart.
Audrey's a good actor which can be seen when she pretended not to care that Ben had dumped her for Mal after 'did I mention ' in d1.
She's great at ice skating, skating, and gymnastics. Oh and public speaking.
She's a fast texter.
Audrey loves cute things-- especially animals.
She is a beauty queen who's good at cutting hair and doing make up, and planning out outfits. Unsurprisingly.
She has a large following on all of her social medias and loves traveling. Though she unfortunately doesn't get the opportunity to travel very often due to her responsibilities.
She has a thing for bad boys though that doesn't outweigh the affection she held for Ben.
Oh and she's not allergic to anything.
And the older she gets, the more she regrets how she acted towards the vks and others around her.
She feels extremely guilty for how she treated Chad during d3 and ends up avoiding him for awhile afterwards.
And unfortunately that's all the headcanons I have for her for now. Enjoy everyone.
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