writerbot5000 · 1 year
I am so glad I have a repository of fics I’ve bookmarked downloaded to my computer or I’d be going through major AO3 withdrawal by now. 
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
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“kara that was an actual phone you just broke” she’s really sorry
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
Supergirl Finale Thoughts
Short of making Supercorp officially canon this was everything I could have hoped for out of a Supergirl finale.
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Well played on the writers’ part having Mon-El mention how busy he was in the future. The second he said that my stomach dropped as I thought they were setting up Kara’s “solution” to feeling stuck was going to be to run away from her life and go to the future with her ex instead of the much more empowering resolution we actually got. 
Also (and this is purely speculation) I have to wonder if the writers actually wanted to make SuperCorp canon but were prevented by higher-ups at DC or Warner Brothers (especially given there’s an unconnected Supergirl movie on the way). Just because the ending we do get is just about as close as you can get to having Kara and Lena get together without actually having them get together (and leaves us all free to imagine they still do become a couple sooner or later). 
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
The Fandom Lives On
Whether we get the best finale of all time, a total train wreck, or anything in between, it’s going to be a sad night for Supergirl fans. 
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The good news is that we are lucky enough to be part of a active and thriving fandom. That’s not going anywhere no matter what happens. 
All of our favorite characters and ships are to keep having new adventures in fanfic and fanart for years to come. 
And that goes for everyone’s favorites. Whether you are looking for Supercorp or Karamel. Whether you prefer Dansen, Sanvers, or AgentReign. We will all keep having new content to consume, celebrate and enjoy. 
So be sad tonight, but take heart. All the Superfriends, foes and supporting characters we know and love are going to still be there for us as long as we need them. 
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
I Know What You Did Last Summer Finale Theory
I have a theory about how I Know What You Did Last Summer is going to end next week. It’s super stupid and convoluted and I’m going to be so unhappy if I’m right. 
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At the end of episode 7, Dylan is apparently turning himself into the police. He also heavily implied he killed Clara. And we’re supposed to think he’s the killer, but there’s still a whole episode left and you lose any suspense for your finale if the killer is caught before the episode even begins. 
So my theory is he did kill Clara because he thought she was the killer. Then after her slept with Allison (which, ugh, I hated that plot point so much), he somehow figured out that Margot had to have been the killer (they did make a point of showing the ‘I’m Here’ note in Allison’s drawer when she was getting the condoms, so maybe that note was somehow a clue for him. But then he didn’t act on it until after having sex with “Lennon” so who knows?). 
Dylan decides he can’t prove Margot is the killer, so he decides to kill her himself by pushing her out the window. He thinks she is dead, so he then goes to turn himself in. 
We, the audience, think there’s no way Margot could be the killer since she was attacked, but if Dylan’s not the killer that leaves her free to be the killer. 
They also made a point of showing Margot repeatedly touching cuts on Allison’s thigh as if she was counting them. So I’m pretty sure she knows that Allison is not Lennon. Though she only figured that out now so honestly I don’t know what her motivation for being the killer would be. 
I really, really don’t want Margot to be the killer. And if there is a season two, I very much want Allison and Margot to be building a healthy and happy relationship without hidden identities, but I’m very worried this theory is right and in season two Margot will be dead and we will be saddled with the shitty Dylan and Allison love story instead. 
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
I’m loving I Know What You Did Last Summer, but I’m eagerly awaiting the AU fanfics where the characters can just be soft and happy without all the trauma and murder.
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Allison & Margot in 1.05 “Mukbang”
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
I hope William and Mary have a very long and happy life together. 
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writerbot5000 · 3 years
lena telling kara that she quit her job and karas just like “lena I know it’s our thing but I cannot afford to buy luthor-corp for you”
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
Fuck Netflix for cancelling 2 good shows with interesting storylines and LGBT+ characters
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
when the imposter kills you and you’re waiting for someone to report your body
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
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Nia's offhand comment in that deleted scene ("You're flying.") made me think of how Kara probably flies them to the scene to get the bad guys, and that just put the image in my head of how Nia would probably ride on Kara's back like she's one of those coin-operated kiddie rides.
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
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I’m just saying....
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
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credit to: artist
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
You asked for it, so here it is. A sequel chapter!
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
‪bodyguard romance trope: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆‬
‪bodyguard romance trope but it's gay: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★‬
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
“we’ll talk when I get back” is the fictional equivalent of saying “I’m about to die with all information relevant to your plotline”
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writerbot5000 · 4 years
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Wear your goddamn mask period
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