ember--alert · 6 years
I hate bananas so fucking much
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ask-ruckus-blog · 6 years
So update on my headcanons
So basically I want to change somethings for Ruckus
Ruckus' birth name is Marcy but he doesn't really like his name that's why he goes but his nickname Ruckus
Ruckus is a big flirt, he will literally try and flirt with anyone and anything.
He's an asshole, there is no sugar coating it, one he had a job at Durr burger but got fired because of how rude he was to customers
He lives around Junk Junction not directly there but on the outsides of it
Ruckus is a really hard on the outside type of person once you know him he's a complete softy
Ruckus is 5'6 and he's Australian mixed also twenty one
He is Pansexual he's not afraid to just say his sexuality he loves everything
He has habits of blowing stuff up it helps him cope with problems most times
Ruckus grew up with his parents untill they passed away when he was around sixteen.
Ruckus remembers having a sister he doesn't remember her name but they were separated for safety issues due to the sickness
Ruckus doesn't remember much but what he does is that he wasn't from the island he just one day woke up there in the world of fortnite
Ruckus grew up in a post apocalyptic world all the states, countries, cities, had some Airborne sickness which lead to Ruckus being hidden from the outside most his life.
His parents died from this so called disease, there was no info on it but, it was deadly.
Ruckus has plenty of radiation burns all over his body, cuts, scars, you name it.
His hair is naturally blue but he can never tame it to go down it's just always everywhere and puffy.
Ruckus has major trust issues he won't let anyone in unless he actually can trust them.
Ever since he got to the island he's been a bit happy that he's far away from that place where the sickness was but he was still bitter and very uneasy about the place because the place was actually okay and it wasn't a nightmare day and night for him.
(I will add more soon)
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ember--alert · 6 years
Headcanons For Ember
First off her name is honestly unknown all she remembers is being nicknamed Ember as a kid.
Ember hates bananas with a passion, this is because when she was younger all she remembers is that a banana had broke into her home murdering her parents cause her PTSD and Major Triggers when she does see a banana
With that she practically raised herself after the incident, she never really had been in a home after that causing her to dislike them.
Being by herself for along time made her have high social anxiety, being that she was by herself she cut allot of contact off with the world.
When others do try and talk to her she gets really nervous and scared, and she starts picking at her hands leaving small cuts there.
Ember had to teach herself to hunt since she was fending for herself and made her own bow and arrows bring assisted by her powers.
Since she could remember she had always had pyrokinesis type powers helping her allot even when it didn't seem like it,
she's also a pyromaniac she loves fires she can't get enough of them even if it means setting everything on fire, it helps her cope with allot of stuff too.
Ember is 5'5 and built with an average frame.
Ember lives on the outsides of Sunny Steps.
She loves to visit the volcano when she needs to think or just needs to yell out her emotions when she's tired of bottling them up she'll shout at the top of her lungs to get everything out of her system.
(This is all I have for now but I will add more to her character)
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ask-ruckus-blog · 6 years
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Ruckus can have all my owo’s
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ask-ruckus-blog · 6 years
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Bouta slaughter some people 😤😤
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ember--alert · 6 years
"Uhm hey local rocking climbing and land surfing teen here, might I ask why you hate bananas?" Carter (corvld-climbers)
She hesitated to answer biting her lip "i-i" she was having trouble trying to spit it out
I mean why couldn't she it was just simple words like 'oh yeah they like definitely killed my parents no big deal'
But she couldn't it sounded dumb and unbelievable, but she eventually came threw and tried her best
"w-when I was younger a man dressed as a banana, came an-," she sobbed a bit trying her best not to cry
"he killed my parents," she said flatly brushing her tears away as that saddening feeling was soon filled with sudden rage
"It's my duty to find this person and bring vengeance's to my parents," she said
"I will kill every fucking disgusting banana I come across and no one can stop me,"
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