#fortune is ready and willing to give hitoshi all the love he deserves
thelazyhermits · 3 years
A Whole Lotta Love
In honor Shinsou’s birthday, I decided to share a JWTN excerpt focused on him since I thought y’all would enjoy the fluff XD
As soon as Shouto and Neito exit the kitchen, Hitoshi deadpans, “Have you ever met someone so annoying that you just wanna throw them off the nearest cliff?”
Snorting, you move to stroke his hair. “Now, now, Hitoshi, you know Shouto didn’t mean any harm. I think he was just trying to bring some levity into the room since Neito-kun seemed kinda overwhelmed by everything. It was nothing personal.”
“Wish he could’ve done that without bothering me in the process.” Hitoshi huffs.
With a giggle, you continue to card your fingers through his hair. “If you want, I’ll get him to apologize later for bothering you.”
A smirk suddenly appears on his face, catching you by surprise. “If you really wanna do me a favor, how about you tell him that I’m your favorite?”
Once you get over your surprise, you start laughing. “I don’t know if I could do that. Just think how distraught Shouto would be if I did. I don’t think my heart could take seeing him look so heartbroken.”
His smirk grows. “Mine could.”
You shake your head. “Now, Hitoshi, we both know you love Shouto and wouldn’t ever wanna see him look that sad.”
When all he does is avert his gaze at your words, you smile. While Hitoshi isn’t on the same level as Katsuki and Neito, he definitely resembles them when it comes to having a difficult time honestly expressing his feelings.
Chuckling, you wrap your arms around the purple haired boy, surprising him. As he returns the embrace, you say, “While I don’t intend to play favorites with you guys since I love you all equally, I will admit that, when it comes to cats, you’re my favorite without question, and that I could never love any cat or person more than I love you.”
Amused, you watch as his whole face turns scarlet at your words. Rather than transform like you half-expect, Hitoshi just moves to bury his face in your shoulder. “Dammit, Y/N. Why’d you have to throw my words back at me like that?”
“I’m just doing what you asked.” You giggle before kissing his head. “I thought you’d be happy.”
A few seconds later, he pulls away from you before the thirty second time limit passes, but you can tell he wishes he didn’t have to since he clearly would prefer to keep his red face hidden from view. 
Even though you’d like to tease him, you decide to give him a break and focus your attention on preparing everyone’s drinks, so they won’t have to wait any longer than they already have. 
Since you figure Hitoshi will keep to himself until he has time to collect himself, you’re surprised when he suddenly hugs you from behind. After his chin comes to rest on your shoulder, he murmurs, “I love you as much as I love cats, probably more.”
Your heart swells with affection at his words. Quickly, you turn your head, so you can kiss his cheek. “I feel the same way.”
His already red face turns even redder as he averts his gaze. “You don’t need to say it again...”
Giggling, you reach up to ruffle his hair. “I know, but I wanted to. I want you to always know how much I love you, so you won’t ever think otherwise, not even for a second.”
Hitoshi presses his face against your shoulder to hide his embarrassment. “Like I would ever think that…”
“Good.” You smile as you return to preparing the drinks. “That means I’ve accomplished my mission.”
The purple haired boy goes quiet after that. For several seconds, he remains in his current position, but because of his curse, he arranges himself so that he’s not fully hugging you by putting some space in between your back and his chest.
Even though you doubt that position is very comfortable, Hitoshi doesn’t move away from you. Since he’s obviously where he wants to be, you leave him be and keep your attention focused on the tea you’re making.
Rather than try to break the silence that fills the room by talking, you just quietly hum, content to leave things as they are. For the next few minutes, your humming is the only sound that can be heard before Hitoshi suddenly asks, “Are you planning on helping Neito study for his English test after dinner?”
You nod, “While I don’t know if he’ll really need my help, I did offer it, so I’ll at least sit with him just in case he has any questions.”
There’s a brief pause before Hitoshi quietly asks, “Can I nap with you in the meantime?”
A grin forms on your lips. “Of course. I’ll hold you for as long as you want, Hitoshi.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the rosy hue his cheeks gain as the corners of his lips tilt upwards. “Thanks.”
It takes all your willpower not to drop what you’re doing, so you can shower Hitoshi with all the love he deserves. How dare he be so adorable.
While you do manage to finish the rest of your tea preparations, you can’t stop yourself from pouting. “You’re way too adorable, Hitoshi. It’s not fair. Please control yourself, or one day I’m gonna hug you and never let go.”
Just as his blush has started to fade, it returns at full force at your words. When he disappears in a familiar cloud of pink smoke, you quickly reach out to catch the purple cat before he can hit the floor.
When the smoke fades, you see Hitoshi looking up at you, looking a mixture of embarrassed and exasperated. “Was that really necessary?”
With a huff, you cuddle the cat close to your chest. “It’s your own fault. If you weren’t so cute, this wouldn't have happened.”
Hitoshi releases a weary sigh as he hides his face in your shirt. “I did nothing to deserve this…”
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