#found the pic on pinterest btw its not mine
belovedcherie · 5 months
shoutout to the stardew valley wiki fr
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roselyn-writing · 9 months
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The ice goddess and her icy warrior, chapter 14
Contains some lemonish features. If someone thinks that is the OOC of Kuai Liang, Then you can skip that part. Pic not mine btw; I found it pinterest, Enjoy reading 🖤🖤✨.
"Love in an icy world"
The frozen terrain was blanketed in snow, and the air was calm and silent. The sky was dark, and the sun shined dimly over the cold landscape. A little breeze rushed through the trees and rocks, churning up the snow and generating a flurry of white. Icicles dangled from the tree limbs, glinting in the dim light. A chill hung in the air. It’s like a breathtaking and awe-inspiring masterpiece by an artist.
Amidst the silent, frozen landscape, the Lin Kuei temple proudly stands still, proudly announcing its authority in the place. The Lin Kuei temple is as ancient as this silent, icy land, and it is a part of it.
The air is crisp and biting. And the fading sun is casting a light-yellow hue on the horizon.
Selviya's eyes opened slowly. As she felt the dim yellow hue on her face and her hair, she completely woke up. still wearing her casual clothes, and her hair was disheveled and messy. She found her lovely pet sleeping beside her. She gently caressed his face as she lightly chuckled.
She glanced at her window. She pondered the beauty of the icy land they were in. She always wanted to live near the snow. She calls it home.
She gently held her pet as she caressed him tenderly. Ferrets always sleep like they are dead. They are so deep in sleep that their owners fear they are dead. But not to Selviya. She knew that he wasn’t dead, but she learned it the hard way when she was a young girl, the first time she brought him home after she took him to the vet. He slept like he was dead. He was sleeping so peacefully and motionlessly that she thought he had died.
She remembered how hard she cried when her best friend was dead. She was running in circles as she kept crying and calling for her parents. Then he woke up and drank from his bowl like nothing ever happened. When she saw him drinking the water, she rubbed her eyes twice to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating. It turns out that ferrets sleep like they are dead, and they are known for their ‘ferrets dead sleep’.
She chuckled, and then it turned into a burst of laughter. She came to him and hugged him tightly. Her parents came, and she explained everything to them, and they laughed with her too. They told her she was worried too much.
Selviya chuckled at this funny memory. She gently pulled Casper to her lap and caressed his sleeping face. She decided to put him on her pillow, change her clothes, and brush her messy hair.
She heard a knock on the door. She opened it, and it was Kuai Liang. He greeted her and hugged her.
"Did you sleep well?" Kuai inquired with a gentle tone.
Selviya nodded. "Yes, I did."
Kuai was still hugging and kissing her. Selviya made a yelping noise as she was pushed into the bed by Kuai Liang while being held tenderly in his arms. He gave her several kisses.
The change to a fervent manner didn't surprise her. But she was aware that it was coming. She wasn't opposed to it. She felt desired, good, and loved. As a result, it happened right then and there; she was now in Kuai’s embrace. She loved him, and she wasn't hiding her feelings for him. She adored his touch. He was adored in every manner possible.
He continued kissing her fervently. As they made out passionately, he felt her soft lips on his. She was very incredible. A real snow and ice goddess, she was his entire world, his angel of affection.
He had to stay by her side. It had to happen right away. The feeling of Selviya's skin on his fingertips was warm, soft, and perfect. Despite the fact that she is a cryomancer too, just like him, He gently removed her clothing. He was so overcome with emotion that he was at a loss for words, and she belonged to him.
Finally, Kuai removed all of her clothes. Her lingerie revealed her unadulterated beauty. Her physique was superb. He was completely and utterly in lust for her, but also out of a desire to express his love for her, he went on to kiss her.
He approached her from underneath and began kissing her chest. After that, he began kissing her thighs and belly. Her skin was like snow—soft and pleasant to the touch. He enjoyed kissing every inch of her soft skin, which made him feel fantastic.
Selviya moaned as he touched her, yet she loved the way he touched her and kissed her with passion. She giggled because his beard tickled her. It gave his chilly touches more sensation.
However, two loud intruders—Bi Han and Casper—interrupted their beautiful moments. Casper awoke because the bed moved violently when the ice lovers were making out, and Bi opened the door as he saw Kuai Liang and Selviya cuddling up in the bed. He shut the door and walked out, and he repeatedly apologized.
Selviya chuckled, but Kuai blushed and cursed internally because his brother ruined his moment for the second time. Selviya pulled Kuai Liang so they could continue what they started.
Kuai Liang gave in to her and kissed her once again.
After a while of lovemaking, both lay naked and panting on the bed. Kuai Liang glanced at Selviya, pondering her beauty, and he wondered how a guy like him won Selviya’s love and affection.
She noticed him glancing at her, and she smiled at him and giggled. Which prompted him to giggle too. They decided to wear their uniforms and go outside to greet the gang.
Tomas and Cyrax prepared tea for the Grandmaster. Everything is ready and set, and they only need the grandmaster's arrival in this hall. The aroma of the delicious tea started to rise and spread to the other halls and corridors. Selviya smelled it and sniffed it deeply, enjoying the beautiful scent.
Selviya and Kuai Liang sat down on the seats on the left side, while Tomas and Cyrax sat on the opposite side, facing Selviya and Kuai Liang.
Selviya's thoughts once again stray throughout their chat. She recalls that when she found out the origin of who she is and where her cryomancy comes from, it wasn't what she had anticipated. Selviya is from Niflehim, while the Cryomancers and Kuai Liang are from Edenia. a universe apart from their own. The real world of snow and ice.
Selviya's case is a bit different and complex. She isn’t just from Niflheim. Her soul was born in Niflheim, whereas her body was born on Earth. It is hard to explain and believe, too. But hey! Unexplainable things happen all the time.
Just before learning this secret, She used to question where her soul left while she slept. What are these places she visited while her soul was free in the universe?
Now, she has the answer to the question she always wanted to know: She is a Niflheimer by soul only. She glanced at Kuai Liang while he was eagerly talking to Smoke and Cyrax. She didn’t want to disappoint him by telling him she wasn’t an Edenian like him; she was something completely different.
Selviya decided to inform him today. She can’t hide an important secret from the love of her life. He has a right to know. She breathed deeply, and she will await the right moment to tell him. Although his reaction is unsure, that doesn’t matter; she will tell him today.
Selviya was brought to reality by Tomas. When he asked her if she wanted to, she silently nodded with a smile on her face.
Tomas giggled at her, "Okay then," and poured her tea. He offered her a cup, and she took it from him and thanked him. She cautiously took a sip so that she wouldn’t burn her tongue.
Cyrax noticed that Selviya had been silent lately. She only offered big smiles and nothing else.
He looked at Kuai Liang and wondered, Did Kuai notice this too?
Kuai Liang seemed to notice it too. He gently called Selviya, "Dear? Are you okay?".
She softly smiled at her. "Yeah, dear, I am."
Before Kuai could open his mouth to speak, Casper rushed to Selviya with rapid speed and jumped on her lap.
Kuai gave a soft chuckle at this sight. He appreciates Casper and his actions.
He just can’t help but chuckle at Casper and Selviya. It’s like seeing a mother with her baby.
After a while of talking, Smoke and Cyrax excused themselves to leave. Kuai Liang nodded, and they left.
Kuai took a sip of his tea. He noticed Selviya was looking down while gently cradling her pet, Casper. He noticed her body language too. Her body stiffened. She took a lock of her icy blue hair and played with it. She sighed nervously.
Kuai Liang decided to ask her, so he gently called her. As expected, Selviya was startled, and she looked at him with a nervous smile.
"What is it, dear?" She spoke softly to hide her nervousness.
"Dear, Why are you nervous?" Kuai asked as he came closer to her.
"There's something I want to tell you," Selviya confessed nervously.
"What is it, darling?" He inquired softly.
Selviya took a deep breath. "Kuai Liang, I’m a Cryomancer, but I’m not from Edenia or Outworld." Selviya began. She studied his body language, but he is expressionless.
Kuai Liang’s eyes twitched multiple times. Then he chuckled. Which made Selviya smile nervously. Her mind was racing. Is he mad? or disappointed?
Kuai stopped chuckling now. He smiled at her and gently caressed her face. He kissed her soft lips.
"Darling, I suspected that you weren’t from my bloodline," Kuai Liang revealed. He isn’t disappointed or anything.
In fact, he gave her the warmest smile she’d ever seen, despite him being a Cryomancer: A creature of made of ice and snow.
Selviya let out a soft yelp. Her hand slowly covered her lips. She smiled warmly at him; her crystal-blue eyes glimmered with love. "So, you knew," she stated gently.
Kuai Liang smiled at her. "I wasn’t sure though."
Inhaling, Selviya stared him square in the eye. "I’m a Nifleheimer," she announced.
Kuai Liang wasn’t shocked or anything. He suspected that she wasn’t Edenian or Outwolder like him; she was something else. Her answer answered the question for him.
"Niflheim... is it real?" Kuai Liang inquired. His tone was laced with interest and fascination.
"Yes, it is real." She replied softly.
“I guess our trip in Virginia was just a vacation, huh?” Kuai Liang chuckled.
Selviya chuckled as Casper squeaked and climbed to her shoulder.
"He wants to sleep, Let’s go, love~" Selviya murmured, her tone laced with sweetness and love.
A red blush swept over Kuai Liang’s cheeks. "Let’s go, Snowflake~"
Then they headed to their shared bedroom. Selviya cleaned Casper, and he is asleep now. As for the Cryomancer lovers? They had to do something together in bed.
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