gender-luster · 15 days
it's so weird and scary, and i hate change, but i've been wanting to do it for a while now, and i finally did!! i changed my blog icon! i've wanted a robot pfp for literal ages now, and i was gonna draw it myself, but i have not had the energy or motivation, or inspiration, and i've been in too much pain to draw something like that. so instead, this is my straysona, courtesy of FoxJockey on picrew!
i also changed colours and stuff on my blog too and this is definitely gonna take some getting used to, but i'm really happy
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pricemarshfield · 2 years
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[Image ID: a woman with long black hair in water, colorized green and with the text “partners” over it. End ID.]
A Chlodine fic for @foxjockey​‘s birthday! They’re stranded on a desert island in pursuit of treasure, except there’s a storm. Cuddling for warmth ensues.
As tragic as it is, the capsizing really isn't anyone's fault.
The ship was well-maintained, with regular checks on even the tiny, insignificant pieces that couldn't cause anything. The crew was fully staffed and paid generously enough to give a shit. They weren't Shoreline-level, Nadine had said, but they were close. High praise coming from her, truly. And normally, that's a relief, or at least something Chloe doesn't have to waste her time thinking about.
But now, on an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, it means she can't even yell at the presumably-dead spirit of whoever's fault it is to vent her frustrations.
So far, it's just her and Nadine who made it to this island. It doesn't mean there's no other survivors, especially if there's enough of these islands everywhere, but Chloe doesn't have the energy to focus on that. Not with how she'd woken up to seawater splashed in her face and Nadine, stern as ever, telling her they need to find shelter now.
Nadine saved her life. She should be grateful. Hell, she is grateful. And Nadine's probably right when she says that exposure's the quickest way to die in a situation like this, that this needs to be their first priority. But she's exhausted, her muscles aching like that time she fell out of a helicopter and only survived by grabbing the ladder they'd (stupidly) left dangling. Nate had been the one to re-locate her shoulder, which had probably not helped. She finds herself telling Nadine this exact story, less out of a desire to seem cool, like when she told it to Harry, or to exploit someone's sympathy, like when she'd talked to Elena. (The former had worked. The latter had not.)
"It's a closed reduction," Nadine says.
"I don't follow."
"It's not called relocating your shoulder. It's called a closed reduction."
Chloe huffs out a breath as she picks up some mostly-dry wood to use. She knows Nadine resorts to simple facts when she's stressed, or, for that matter, when she's having too good of a time to bother even pretending with social niceties like not correcting someone in situations where you're likely to die, but it doesn't mean Chloe's a good enough person to respond with grace. "One, I don't actually care right now. Two, why the hell is it called a closed reduction?"
"Setting a bone is called reducing it, sometimes. In medicine. Same for joints. And it's closed because it doesn't require surgery."
Conversation sort of fizzles out after that. The island they've found themselves stranded at is, all things considered, decently survivable. There are trees they can get shade under, some bird nests, and even some pots and pans from the ship they can use to collect water, since the sky's still gray like there's rain left. Absurdly lucky, considering the ship had been torn practically in half in that storm.
She could have sworn the lightning was targeting the crack in the ship once everything had gone to shit, making it worse, but that's ridiculous.
By the time they find a cave that's got enough space to set up a lean-to to protect from the worst of the wind, the storm's either blown back towards them or an entirely new one's started, and they're both soaked through and irritable before they get the lean-to blocking them from the wind. And it's cold, too. Seriously cold, like it's not barely past summer.
"Any progress on that fire?"
"Frazer, I am working on it," Nadine says, shooting her a glare. Chloe rolls her eyes when she looks back down. Nadine mutters something in Afrikaans that's probably less than flattering, so she can assume she saw. At the first sparks, Nadine looks up at Chloe with a smug expression. "See?"
"Yes, yes, very grateful, now make room."
They don't have any dry blankets or, for that matter, any fabric at all, so they're both stripped down to their underwear, clothes all scattered around the other side of the fire to dry. Chloe's wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to warm up even the slightest bit faster, shivering like they're in the Arctic rather than somewhere near Japan, staring into the fire.
Then again, she doesn't know currents. Maybe they're closer to Russia now?
Nadine tentatively touches her shoulder; Chloe thinks she manages to hide how startled she is. Her hand isn't that warm, not like it normally is "Frazer, you're freezing."
"Well-aware of that, actually, thank you!"
"Come here."
Chloe arches a brow at her, though she doubts the haughty expression is even the slightest bit convincing; her teeth are chattering loud enough that it's practically . "Presumptuous of you, no?"
Nadine scoffs. "If you want to freeze to death, be my guest."
Chloe's avoided things that are good for her to "win" petty squabbles she doesn't care about before; it's practically a requirement of being friends with half the treasure hunters she's worked with over the years. But turning down a warm and willing person to cuddle with to avoid hypothermia would be a new low.
Also, it's not exactly like getting close to Nadine will be a hardship.
Chloe feels shy for the first time in awhile, even though she's not planning to, like, make a move or anything. She would very much like to not die, and she'd rather not get rejected and then have to spend an entire holding her, being held by her, or risk literally dying. But she's done harder things than this (that's what she said), and she shifts closer.
Nadine sighs and pulls her closer in one shift movement. It's a relief in more ways than one. One, being this close to Nadine Ross is any adventurer's dream, just look at her. Two, holy fucking shit, she was so goddamn cold. Nadine's probably not as warm as she's supposed to be for a healthy human, but she's certainly running hotter than Chloe right now.
"How are you still so warm?"
"Muscle, or something," Nadine says, voice a little breathless.
"You alright? I didn't elbow you or something."
"No, no, you're fine."
Chloe smirks, settles in. "So muscle or something?"
"I don't know everything. Just some fun facts."
"You were the type of kid who got those trivia books filled with useless information, weren't you?"
"...I wouldn't call it useless."
Chloe laughs. Nadine's arms get tighter around her, just for a second. She could fall asleep like this. If it weren't for the thunder, or the fact that they're lying on literal rocks. "Do you think our clothes are dry enough to use as a pillow?"
"Probably not."
They sit in a companionable silence, tension of the rest of the day broken by huddling for warmth, apparently. But Chloe's not used to letting silences sit for too long, not since Nadine came into her life and she found herself with an honest-to-God partner she trusts. "...how do you rate our chances of getting out of this?"
"Hm. Solid eight out of ten. Got to be close enough to a larger landmass to sustain a bird population of this size."
Chloe snorts. "Animal facts saving the day."
"Besides, it's not a huge surprise we ran into storms. I have a bunch of protein bars in my pack. Only half actually made it through since the pack got torn at some point, but we won't starve right away."
"Oh, I could kiss you!"
Nadine shifts a little under her, and doesn't say anything. Whether it's because of the fire or because she's flustered, she feels just that slightest bit warmer. Chloe smirks, rolls so that they're spooning. "You alright, Chloe?"
"Yeah," Chloe says. "Just tired. Good night."
She'd mostly meant it as an excuse to cuddle more, but the work of the day starts catching up with her. Still, she's fairly sure that when she hears fondness in Nadine's words, it's not just her sleep-addled brain talking. "Sweet dreams."
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olliesaurus-rex · 3 years
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saintvalentinex · 4 years
1-50, your turn binch :)
Okay! :D
1. do you have a crush on anyone?
the enormous amount of Fictional characters who haunt me daily.
2. what’s your favourite candy?
Cantelope Jelly Beans
3. favourite love song?
I am Yours by Andy Grammar
4. what was your first kiss like?
It was awkward. My boyfriend at the time just kissed me by surprise in front of the whole school and then ran off
5. What was your last kiss like?
I don’t want to talk about that. :)
6. sexual/romantic orientation
Demisexual and Panromantic! But I just say I’m NBLM.
7. do you prefer poems or love letters?
8. favourite fanfic trope?
9. have you ever been in love?
Yes. A million times yes. 🥰
10. favourite milkshake flavour?
Plain ol’ Vanilla or Salted Caramel
11. Dinner dates or Brunch dates?
Dinner! I’m not much of a breakfast person
12. favourite flowers?
Sunflowers!!! For sure!
13. favourite perfume / cologne?
My Loki one! But otherwise I’m not a huge fan. My nose is too sensitive
14. favourite candle scent?
Pink Sands from Yankee Candle absolutely fucks
15. what’s your ideal first date?
16. favourite love story?
17. what’s the most attractive thing a person can wear?
Boots, or a long coat, or a suit, or a professor type outfit, or-
18. Chocolate, Vanilla, or Red velvet?
Vanilla :( red velvet too rich and chocolate is a hit or miss usually
19. snow, rain, or sun?
Snow isn’t fun because you have to clean it up. Sun is too hot most times. Rain is the BEST until it starts storming!!!
20. sweetest romantic memory?
Not to be cheesy, but every minute on every FaceTime call with my wife
21. favourite dating sim?
22. fictional crushes?
I’m really gonna air this one out am I? It’s a list and I’m sorry.
ford pines, nick valentine, maximillian desoto, corvo attano, deacon, hancock, porter gage, arcade gannon, vision, dryden vos, julian devorak, gabriel reyes, viktor humphries, hiram blythe.
23. what’s your dream wedding like?
Something small. Located in the woods in an “abandoned church” during the fall, and its near Halloween so I can carve pumpkins for the ceremony.
24. what makes you blush?
Literally everything and anything. I’m a bashful bitch
25. do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, but not in the way that’s like, typical? I believe it’s more of a “you belong in my life but how” sort of look. Whether it be platonic / romantic / fwb / enemy to kill by your sword, that’s times job.
26. do you believe in soulmates?
Ooooooh yeah. Yeah I do. But then don’t have to be romantic ones.
27. denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
Personally wearing? Bomber jackets. 100%.
28. what’s your sign?
taurus sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising. does it show?
29. are you single?
Nope. Not in any sense of the word. 🤍🖤💙
30. do you prefer to charm or be charmed?
ooooh to be charmed. for sure.
31. guitar or piano?
¿por qué no los dos?
32. favourite romcom?
33. do you fall in love easily?
Yes depending on the person. Otherwise, no.
34. Valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
Legally I am bound to answer yes to this question because of my last name.
35. would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
I’d like either or to be honest. And my dream proposal? Something small and meaningful. It doesn’t have to be big or be in public. Something special to not only me but the person proposing AND us as a couple.
36. cloud gazing or star gazing?
I am once again asking, ¿por qué no los dos?
37. do you like to dance?
38. what’s your OTP?
Me and every fictional man I love as well as my wife.
39. kittens or puppies?
puppies, 100%.
40. coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
Fuck coffee, but fuck hot cocoa and tea, am I right?
41. favourite soda?
Any sort of cream soda or manzanita sol
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically on the sofa?
My roommate can attest to this one; I love staring out windows.
43. favourite ABBA song?
44. fuck / marry / kill
fuck all my fictional husbands, marry my wife, kill my st*pdad!
45. favourite pyjamas?
Just a T-shirt and underwear. Comfy
46. favourite liquor?
Green apple flavoured Smirnoff ice. Shit slaps
47. do you think about love a lot?
Yes, yes, and yes.
48. a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
oh the park for sure. beach I have to be in a specific mood and most of the time? I’m good :)
49. hand kisses or nose kisses?
50. what’s your dream house?
somewhere warm and safe, with the love of my life.
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chloenadine · 4 years
your tags!! are so good!! fuck tlou2!!
i wanted so badly for it to be good but god what a dumpster fire
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🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 mutuals to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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jupitersclaim · 5 years
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but also 69🤪 - are you bored yet? by wallows ft cairo 
send me a number 1-100 and ill tell the song its corresponds with on my 2019 spotify wrapped playlist 
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heartseeker · 6 years
for the D&D ask: 1, 7, 10 :D
1. How many dice do you have?
i dont have the brain cells to count them but at LEAST 8 full sets
7. Do you have an unlucky die?
does the discord dice bot count
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thank god for my modifiers
10. What is you favorite online dice shop?
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telltalegames · 6 years
How does it feel to run the telltale tumblr page?
Amazing! Our Tumblr fans are pretty awesome. Looking at tags every day and seeing beautiful fanart, gifsets, and cosplay is pretty special.
Plus, Tumblr is just fun! (Don’t tell Twitter.)
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foxfurbs · 6 years
Okay this is gonna seem so weird and I'm sorry bc we don't know each other but people call me Fox and there is a long running joke in a furby discord I'm in (long story) that I absolutely despise furbies and my gutteral reaction to seeing your URL invoked a guttural fear in me bc I thought someone made a furby blog in my name fhdjakdhajda
kjdfjk omg. there’s actually someone else with the url foxfurby so like... there’s Two of us lmao
ironically enough, i go by the name Fenn, as in fennec fox LOL. i lowkey feel like i need to give you the title of godparent to my furbys now
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wherethegravelsthin · 2 years
THANK YOU!!!! 💖💖💖
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pricemarshfield · 3 years
1, 8, 11, 19 22, 24 for Muse and also for Keriel but the Keriel answers where I can see them with DM privileges :)
1. who is she closest to? how did they meet and what do they do together?
she’s closest to the archfey who took the gaggle of abandoned children in. she was the oldest (even at 8) and the only one who seemed at all interested in all the weirdness of the feywild as more than play. she loves all the other kids (even though some, including her, aren’t kids anymore) but they’re not who she’d turn to talk to. also, the archfey gave her dope magic powers and lets her kinda do whatever so that’s cool!
8. what will always make her smile? what will always make her cry?
smile: whenever something in the feywild or on the edges of her new village does something magical just ‘cause, especially when it glows. the youngest of the kids reaching some sort of milestone. good food.
cry: visiting her old village. getting homesick, ESPECIALLY when she sees someone who reminds her of a kid back home. the pain from specifically burns.
11. who was her childhood hero?
her parents, both her bio ones and the archfey who ended up raising her. her biological parents did everything they could to save her and the other kids even at the cost of their lives, and the archfey took them in.
19. what does she wish she knew more about?
the world! she’s CURIOUS. it’s so weird to her: the rules aren’t whimsical-yet-follow-an-internal-logic like the feywild, and people get upset at her when she acts like she does in normal nature, but it’s all interesting!
22. what is something others admire her for? is she aware people admire her for it?
her willingness to be the person to stand up and take care of others. she’s definitely aware of it, and takes pride in it herself.
24. where did her name come from? does it have meaning?
in-world: her parents both had negative virtue names, and they wanted to name her something nice to make up for it. muse: maybe she’d grow to be an artist or an adventurer!
ooc: i like virtue names a lot
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olliesaurus-rex · 3 years
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saintvalentinex · 4 years
🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 mutuals to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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thefloorisbalaclava · 6 years
foxjockey replied to your photo “ŒðŸ¾â¤”
girl tf you cute as hell
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surprisingly not kate but damn that is a good description of her also
ok chloe then… or fox…… :thinking:
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