#fr build a dragon
primrose-fr · 2 years
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Hmmm, results seem a bit mixed. How about we do a tiebreaker?
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Choices are between Tapir, Tide, and Pinstripe!
Which Primary?
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
“alicent making homophobic remarks the night of laena’s funeral isn’t cool considering laenor was shown to be heavily grieving his sister and didn’t deserve to be attacked during it (not to mention it was an obvious ploy on alicent’s part to divert attention from her committing literal treason).”
i’m not gonna lie i don’t particularly care that they had sex that night. was it disrespectful? for sure. did it harm anyone for them to do it? it, in fact, did not. two consenting adults having sex away from prying eyes and keeping to themselves < an entitled boy purposely calling a girl at her mother’s funeral (whom he had never interacted with before) a pig and ridiculing her grief. laena’s storyline was cut short because the writers decided she wasn’t important enough to make into a proper character that isn’t at the mercy of other characters (it’s something i’m forever going to be salty about, daemon and rhaenyra loved her with all their hearts and were absolutely devastated when she passed) but out of those two scenarios who do you think she would be more upset with?
the people who bring this up in retaliation cannot handle alicent taking any criticism whatsoever. in all honesty i wouldn’t even care if her fans would just say ‘yeah, it was shitty. don’t really care though.’ it would at least save me the time of reading think piece after think piece on why alicent deserved to get her lick back against rhaenyra for her lot in life (caused by otto and viserys) by focusing on her pain rather than her son’s. these are the same people who try to claim that most of rhaenyra’s children and step children secretly hate her, due to wanting ‘complex and nuanced relationships’ to occur (they actually also can’t handle that rhaenyra was a great mom all around to all of her kids, and that maybe they need to be focusing those feelings on the green kids with their parents instead). let’s be serious for just one moment: it makes more sense that the children who were neglected by one parent and abused by the other having complicated familial feelings than children who were (for the most part) raised in a relatively stable and loving environment.
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Ah wow, I just finished building the Dragons Rising Destiny Bounty LEGO set - it looks SO GOOD and show accurate, I can't wait to see it more in the sho-
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sukibenders · 8 days
Look, I enjoy the Targaryens as much as the next person and think that their house, their family mess, all of it is very interesting. I want a dragon so bad and they are one of the reasons, I get it. But, on the same hand, it gets annoying when people say/act like they are the only interesting house within ASOIAF (this rhetoric is mainly on Twitter, from what I've seen) and it primarily has to do with them having dragons (to which, for a time many Targaryens didn't have after the dance and until Daenerys came into the picture). Look, having dragons is cool and all, but if that's all that makes a house interesting then maybe that house is boring. And, could be just me, but by saying that I feel like it's lowkey disrespecting all the work GRRM put into the other houses and their characters. If the Targaryens are your favorite that's fine, but there's no need to act like the lore behind other houses also isn't just as important. I'm new to this fandom, but there are so many aspects that have pulled me in and it's sad that people ignore it just because it's not a part of one particular house.
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humming-doodles · 3 months
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the elden ring DLC coming out reminded me I've actually had a larger er piece sitting around uncompleted for *checks watch* 5 months so was fun to revisit that a little today hahaha
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ink-asunder · 10 months
Me: Wow, the Ur-Dragon fight is so fun now! It did give me slight panic attacks when I first played because I was severely underlevelled and it took 3 days irl to do it, but I'm glad I'm not traumatized by it anymore and I enjoy it now.
*sees the dark Riftstone on the beach in new game plus and immediately feels the Sinking DreadTM*
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crows-of-buckets · 2 months
Lucio being short/more feminine is so amusing to me I keep thinking about him meeting Cassandra for the first time and it just goes
Cassandra: ...I had imagined you would be taller.
Lucio: Varric tends to exaggerate his heights in his stories. Not his fault everyone towers above him
Cassandra: And you are more...
Lucio: More what?
Cassandra: Well when Varric described you it seemed like you were...
Lucio: ?
Cassandra: ...nevermind
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wheeboo · 9 months
just randomly bought minecraft (again) but as a core pocket edition player all my childhood i've finally transferred to the land of the pc 🤭🥹🫶😍
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Edit: I'm still on break! But slowly coming back on here more frequently.
A friend has pointed out I should probably take a break, and they're right. I do need one. I am overwhelmed. Anytime I have a bad interaction, even small, it seems to pile onto everything else and bring down my mood. I'm not having fun. It feels like I can't even make a joke or react to the episodes without having someone not being pleasant in my notes about it. It feels I am constantly having to deal with rude anons too (though so many of you are also kind and I love you so much for it) or it at least feels like I have to keep dealing with rude anons more and more.
So I think I'm going to take a bit of a break.
I'm not sure for how long, or even how much of a break it will become. I know that I'm not going to be as active as I usually am. Might reblog some gifsets or art here and there. Maybe share some cool merch I find, but otherwise I'm going to be pretty quiet on here for a little bit.
I think it will help a lot.
Don't be afraid to send asks or anything when I'm on my break. Just understand I probably won't answer till I'm feeling better or back. And of course to any mutuals feel free to send a pm or ask for my discord!
Love yall lots. 🥰
(I'm going to pin this post for a bit so I'm linking my masterlist here in case yall need it for anything)
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cyrusthedragon · 1 year
If you're miraxus and bicksanna fan, STOP FUCKING SCROLLING, i need to share smth!
I've been thinking about it for a while now so hell I know I'm freaking delulu ok but here is the thing: I like thinking about miraxus children who can do horrible things just because they have a holy amount of magic and can't control it properly yet. They're just children (I like thinking about miraxus having three kids, first girl, second son, and third girl) and it's kinda normal for them, but the third one...
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The youngest daughter, fuckin' smoothie of her parents, multiplied by each other, is a DISASTER with a big no-no for magic. No magic 'till your eighteen birthday, young lady.
And there are little elements:
Since the middle and oldest are powerful (sister with thunder dragon slayer magic from her father, and brother with satan soul from his mother), the third one has everything IN ONE. UPGRADED. The mix of satan/transformation magic (pretty powerful on its own) and lightning magic gave her almost unlimited stamina and all abilities to change her magic by, for example, transforming it into speed, and being herself like lightning.
But that's not what I wanna say.
What I do want to say is that what if one day, examining her own powers, little brat will go too far and fuckING BREAK THE SPACE AND TIME CONTINUUM, so there we have a situation my brain is thinking about a whole month for now:
Mirajane and Laxus are on their fully deserved vacation, taking a break from their children, leaving them in the care of Uncle Bickslow and Aunty Lisanna.
With older siblings everything is fine, they almost are grown-ups, so they can take care of themselves and just chill or even take a few missions to deal with, it's normal for them, they're pretty skillful.
So the only thing Lisanna and Bickslow need to be worried about THE THIRD LITTLE PIECE OF SH- the third ten years old babygirl, with the angelic face of her mother, and the fucked up attitude of her father, brat it is.
Older ones do usually go on missions together, so the youngest is just with her uncle and aunt, but, if Lisanna is Responsible and Careful, Bickslow... poor man is doing his best, especially with the fem version of Laxus, who just doesn't really care about pretending to be a nice girl since mommy and daddy are no longer around and can't scold her (mommy) or make fun of her (daddy) for being rude.
And thinks now she can do whatever she wants.
Matter of fact, she is doing whatever she wants.
And she really, badly wants to know how fast she can run from her auntie and uncle, using her lightning magic to speed her up.
Turns out, she can be really fast.
They can't even come close to her speed.
Not to mention chasing and catching her.
So fast that suddenly the guild changes in front of her eyes, the familiar faces of guild mates, uncles, and aunties become younger, and someone even turns into a child.
Master Makarov didn't change tho.
And now Auntie Aska is a child, as well as Uncle Romeo is, Uncle Natsu and Auntie Lucy younger and without their wedding rings, Auntie Erza too, and her momma is...HERE?!
She did not quite understand what had happened, but seeing the shocked faces of the people in the guild, silently staring at her as if she were an alien when she was pretty sure she was human...Told her that she accidentally did something she didn't mean to.
Something for what not just daddy, but mommy too will definitely officially ban magic on her.
'The fuck just happened?..' she heard that familiar voice and faced her own father, looking much, much younger than she ever saw him, and then her mother's voice answered quietly in that still shocked silence: 'I... don't think, I know... Who are you, baby?'
Now her auntie Lisanna and uncle Bickslow need to bring her home from another timeline, cus she accidentally broke the laws of physics and Moved Into the Past Thirty Years Ago.
Without dragging her older siblings into that.
Otherwise, their parents would be really...really mad.
You don't want to see Mirajane Strauss and Laxus Dreyar mad.
You don't want to see Mirajane Strauss and Laxus Dreyar mad cuz you didn't keep an eye on their children.
That's all.
Thanks for your attention. I JUST NEEDED TO SAY IT. NOW I'M FREE. FINALLY. *ugly crying*
Check the tegs
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primrose-fr · 2 years
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Tide has won by a landslide! Next on the to do list:
What Secondary should he have?
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azurebolt-fr · 2 years
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FLUFFY BOY! By a single vote, the fella has become an Obelisk!
Now it's time for genes. There are a LOT OF GENES. But that's OK! We'll do another top 3 before deciding from there!
Here, here! RBs appreciated as always! Ending at rollover tomorrow (12/24).
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new beans new beans new beans new beans
finally found a snapper design that I've falling in love with, so Lotus gets to be the first snapper to enter the lair! She runs a tea shop at the Oasis' Bazaar, offering different blends for dragons and the volatile elementals alike. She prides herself on the quality of her imports and the overall flavour of the herbal mixes, and is immensely curious about the reactions of those from the Oasis when it comes to the more odd concoctions created for them to consume. Since a lot of the Oasis beings are raw magic elementals, their diets are very specialised compared to dragonkind despite the forms they take, mostly involving raw magics, ley energy, corrupted elemental energy, or anything else. This means Lotus gets to engage in trade with Quail quite a bit to snap up any corrupted objects that don't quite meet what he's looking for -- while most would be upset about getting the 'reject' items from a merchant, Lotus seems to understand that Quail is just an eclectic monster that finds fickle reasons to dislike things for no real quality reason.
Xaivur is a nomadic veilspun that took a few wrong turns and ended up at the Bazaar, originally intending to travel to the main outpost to look for lodging and work under Nazar. The original plan was to only stay for a few nights until he could figure out safe travel through the dunes, but he's decided to stay longer since meeting Cushie. The two are obnoxious goblins together, cackling and goofing around and enabling each others stupid choices. Cushie is absolutely smitten with the little bug dragon, never having seen a creature as small as Xai, and tends to get extremely protective over his 'little moth.' The two have an intense bromance and a deeply-rooted platonic love, their similarities in behaviour and inherent interests only making Xai root himself in the growing encampment further and further. When alone, Xaivur spends most of his time carving small insects or dragons from soapstone and prides himself on his skills. Many of the items are sold as charms of sorts, sometimes for luck, fortune, good health, etc.
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draakart · 2 years
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New Beaft, lore below
Ivarseer '142X' is one of many remnants of the old world. It dwells at the cusps of the city, wandering between the destitute and street lights.
It appears as an old, arthritic woman, luring people away under the guise of needing help with groceries or a guide home. It speaks quietly, as opening its mouth too wide would tear the delicate skin of its disguise. Ivarseer is very disarming and, as such, an efficient hunter with an almost 80% hunt success rate.
Growing this disguise takes a good day or two and requires that the beast stays relatively inactive, especially with its hands. It doesn't take much to damage the the false fingers on its knuckles before they've properly hardened. These 'fingers' only have one joint at the base, preventing it from grasping objects well in its false hands. After securing a successful meal, Ivar will tear off what's left of its disguise and eat it.
In the days of superstition, before late-stage capitalism strangled the city of its culture, folk would warn of old women that don't breathe, saying that they stole people away and took them into the underworld before their time was up. This refers to Ivar's lack of nostrils, as it breathes through vents above its collarbone. It collects dresses and fabrics, often buying new clothing with money found in its victim's pockets.
In an egalitarian and communal society, Ivarseer would not be able to survive, as it preys on people who will not be missed. Luckily for it, the city seems to be at no risk of revolution and reform. For now…
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starcluster-fr · 2 years
I really appreciate how often Flight Rising inspires me to do stuff. Like, I'm not joking when I say that part of the reason I'm currently taking a bachelor degree in Digital Culture is due to the site and its community. As a part of my degree I'm learning web design, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I'm trying to specialize in accessibility and responsive web design, (when a website re-sizes for different screens, and the layout changes for ease of use on mobile) as a result of reading a bunch of people's feedback on what works and what doesn't with how Flight Rising currently is built. I honestly want to get good enough to be able to help improve the site, and make it a better and more accessible place for as many as possible.
Will I actually be able to get there? Who knows! But I won't find out until I try, so I'm just gonna aim high and see where I end up. So I think I'm gonna try to use this blog a bit more for sharing some of the stuff I create during the rest of my degree. I'm nearly halfway through the degree, with exams next month. So I hope to post some of my works, (it's a portfolio exam, so I'm currently working on 4 different websites with different core focuses) when I've gotten my exam results. (Othervise it might get marked as plagiarism, which would be horrible.)
So, this is a huge THANK YOU to the Flight Rising community! I would never have thought that reading drama blogs like the morning newspaper, and making spreadsheets for commissions and stuff like NotN actually would have an important role in my life, but here I am C:
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zenithdreams · 2 years
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