#fractured futures
czcreation · 4 months
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Tubulars RADICAL FURSONA headcannon design
Extra doodle down there
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Pride is so cool
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intotheelliwoods · 2 days
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Its all fun and games till you get called by your actual name.. hell your NICKNAME of your actual name
Haha sometimes I forget these guys are Leos...
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nuttiebun · 3 months
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i've been obsessed with new kid angst for some reason lately so i made this
i like to think it's mysterion apologizing to new kid for how harsh he and the other freedom pals were to them during the entire series of events in the game
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crosshatchedaces · 2 years
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My scrunkle (Fracturing Time Mikey) may have lost in the @rottmntpeepawpolls but he still loves his boys, even if Leo likes driving him up the wall.
I don't have a comic for ya since he lost, but I've got this and some random FT! facts below if you're interested in my ramblings
• I was originally actually going to do a F!Leo back in time fic! I had some ideas on what to do, it was going to take place during the movie, but the ending I had in mind was kinda sad tbh so I didn't go with it (though I do have a oneshot with all three going back instead now). Plus, there were already so many beautiful Future Leo fics out there!
• I then realized that there was quite literally only one other one of Future Mikey that I could find at the time (Mystic Hands), so I wanted to explore that idea more and give F!Mikey more love because he deserves it! I thought it would be a fascinating idea to go with too!
• This fic had originally been planned to be 10-15k long and just a short exploration of what could happen. The plot had been pretty different at the time as well, but it quickly got out of hand in word count.
• A part of the former bullet point was because I couldn't really find any Future Mikey fics to read lol so I just kept building upon my own. I also wanted to explore what his interpersonal relationships would be with each of the turtles, so he will be spending more time with Raph, Mikey, and Donnie in future chapters (currently it is at chapter 9 at the date this is posted).
• I love the idea that the movie parallels how Donnie and Raph died in the future, hence Donnie's death protecting Mikey in the fic.
• I have around 12 more chapters written out so far (just not checked over).
• I've tried to make most things that happen in the fic have some sort of connection with future chapters in some way, even some subtle, seemingly insignificant moments.
• I went out of my comfort zone with this fic. I wanted to do something bolder, something more plot heavy and what I wouldn't normally do, because I love reading fics like that. I often feel that I fall back on writing domestic aus, even though I'm not as interested in reading them, it's just what I was comfortable with.
• If I could go back, I would probably condense some of the beginning and make it pov alternating (but! I have snuck some moments in there, one of which is very soon).
• This fic is on a mini hiatus for a few weeks. I am neck deep in projects at the moment and work a full time job. I need to focus on those first before I can continue it, but I should hopefully have another chapter up in the foreseeable future.
And that's what I can think of for now! I'm not sure which person(s?) nominated FT!Mikey to be in the peepaw polls, but I want to thank you, it means a lot to me that you consider him to be up there with the other peepaws! He barely made it in there (32nd entry) lol but he's there!! I'm so glad there's fans out there that genuinely enjoy the story, and everyday I wish to continue it for all of you, you all keep me so inspired!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, stay safe and cozy out there, everyone!
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rhymaes · 8 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) // Anne Carson
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burroestelar · 1 year
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I'm always late to parties, but eh whatever, I still wanted to try this challenge. So many fun AUs to draw ✦ Special mention to Fancesca G for their Kyman Future AU comic.
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what do you think dros was thinking when he first saw the phasmid? was he experiencing wonder; serenity? did he feel the world was still playing sick tricks on him: did he believe he was going insane from isolation and this was one of the symptoms? was it helplessness - that even though this miracle of nature stood before him, his beliefs prevented him from telling anyone about it? did the phasmid stand over iosef, watching him watch martinaise through his scope? did he feel her eyes on him for hours, until he forgot the eyes and the pheromones burnt a hole in his brain where she used to be? is he in a kind of grief over her absence in his head? is it a coincidence that the character who is most unable to move on from his past is on an island where the only other living being tells the player to turn from the ruin and move forward? that the most self-appraisingly noble and hopeless of causes has looked at the future for too long, and it is destroying him...
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lavender-not-fruit43 · 4 months
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Guess who watched new special yesterday 😁😁😁😁
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aalikazam · 3 months
A big sketch page! :)
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90% au stuff, 9% canon stuff, 1% Harper
(For the people at night, sorry for the flashbang!)
PLEASE reblog my art if you can, notes aren't enough to get my art out there, unfortunately ^^" Though, I do appreciate them!
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chill4234 · 5 months
Man I love Omori and Steven Universe, on tge first watch/playthrough it’s all fun and games but on the second time around you see that foreshadowing is everywhere and it feels like being stabbed. No other piece of media does it like them.
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jumpybox · 2 years
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Ok so I might be in the mood to draw peeps with Nikkō(reincarnated!Future!Mikey) and the first two who get hang out are some of the peeps that inspired my fic!
Fracturing Time -@ofdogsandwriting
Not Quite Kintsugi @tervaneula
You Are My Sunshine @jumpybox
Nikkō adores his other Future!me’s and thinks they should hang out with him and his momma Yua, they might get some burnt cupcakes but Nikkō promises they are made with love (his mom tried really hard!)
He also has more cupcakes to whoever wants to join him!
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buggernaut-kal · 1 year
Found a nasty crack on one of my Metru thigh pieces, and decided to marry my Gunpla tools with Bionicle.
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I decided to try and glue it using Mr. Hobby plastic cement. I couldn’t find an answer if this cement works on ABS, but I’ve used it on many a kit and I’m preeeeeettttyyy sure it works on ABS. Will update with results tomorrow.
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evienyx · 1 year
Hello!! I’m reading fractures right now and I must say I haven’t been captivated by a fanfiction like this in ages. Every chapter I get more and more intrigued and have, many times, been so emotionally effected by the fic. It’s just so damn good!!
My question is, what’re your plans for the story. I believe I read somewhere that you’ll be doing multiple books (which I’m extremely excited about!).
You have read that.
I've got five books planned in total. We're almost at the end of Book 1. To be honest, the Prologue could probably count as a book of its own, but whatever.
Books 2 and 3 are going to be the second work in the series, and Books 4 and 5 are going to be the third and final one. I already have the outlines written for the series as a whole, as well as for the books, but the individual chapters are not at all outlined.
Honestly, I can't really give much more away, because I really don't want to spoil anything, but I do have a lot more things planned. I've got a document just full of different sides and alliances, and there are far more than you might expect there to be.
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crosshatchedaces · 2 years
Wait wait wait!!!!!! You’re the author of fracturing time!!???? I love you’re fanfic!!!! Oh my god I love that Mikey has a flower shop!!! And his relationship with Leatherhead!!!!!!! <3
He’s infodumping abt his flowers yet again, but Leatherhead loves listening to him!!
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I am ahhh and thank you!! I’m so glad you love the fic and my inclusion of the flowershop and Leatherhead! He really deserved to be in Rise and I wanted to have him somewhere in one of my works lol
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kaftan · 2 years
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Alright, I’m spilling out my thoughts on this singular shot here, after multiple rewatches. Long post incoming.
Basic background:
Shiori doesn’t know that Juri doesn’t love this boy*.
Juri doesn’t know about Shiori’s actual feelings toward this boy, but assumes them to be “love.”
Extrapolations, possibilities:
1) Brown-haired boy is touching Shiori, but Shiori is touching Juri. A connects to B and B connects to C, but C does not connect to A—an incomplete triangle.
The fact that Shiori connects only to Juri speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Two essential facts about the triangle: it can never be completed, and it can never be broken along heterosexual lines. Ruka, appearing in episodes 28 and 29, tries for his own version—but refuses to swallow the second fact. Episode 29 starts with three chairs in a familiar arrangement. It ends with two, and Ruka is gone.
2) Shiori covering Juri’s eyes carries meaning on multiple layers.
Juri’s gaze, soon to be fossilized inside a golden locket, is a threat to Shiori’s selfhood. (An emblem of lesbian desire is a threat to Shiori’s selfhood.) (Wink, wink.) Shiori is neutralizing the threat.
Just as Juri’s gaze, the locket, and her trapped longing are threats to Shiori, this covering of her eyes—making herself vanish from Juri’s sight—is symbolic violence toward Juri.
Diegetically, within Juri’s memory, this gesture is:
A symbol of mockery: including Juri in an intimate moment, only to cut her out of it (wordplay intended).
A symbol of kindness: preventing Juri from seeing something she won’t want to see (but Shiori is wrong about what it is Juri doesn’t want to see).
An essential bittersweetness: Shiori’s touch is the reminder of everything Juri (so she thinks) will never have.
3) Overall themes: transference of touch, gaze as a kind of touch**, incompleteness as the birth of strife. And isn’t that just how adolescence goes?
*The fact that he doesn’t have a name is both symbolically fitting and extremely hilarious, but that’s utena for you.
**Remember episode 17, the elevator scene with Shiori? Remember how she cradled the locket, held it up to her face (inside her hands, but in front of her lips)? Remember how, at the climax of the scene, she threw it away as though it burned?
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kuchipark · 5 months
I am jealous of people who can just take one big shit and get it over with. My eating disorder fucked up my bowels so bad that I poop in 4-5 little poops for the duration of 2 hours until it’s finally all out. And the worst part is, every time I go I feel like I got it all out that time but then I DIDNT and I have to shit again. And whenever I go to the toilet I get distracted so I will stay there for at least 20-30 minutes. It takes so much time out of my day, honestly exhausted.
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