#francesca meldof
lostinaflashforward · 2 years
RECEFLASH | The Witcher: Blood Origin
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Il nostro parere su The Witcher: Blood Origin, miniserie prequel di The Witcher ambientata 1200 anni prima della serie madre.
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visenya-den · 2 years
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fran mills as meldof in the witcher: blood origin
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erualthewild · 2 years
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The Witcher: Blood Origin trailer (2022)
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lasaraconor · 2 years
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indisden · 2 years
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Francesca Mills as Meldof (The Witcher Blood Origins)
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Blood Origin thoughts. Spoilers ahead.
Honestly, it's shit.
The thing that I hated the most is how it looked. In books we have descriptions how elven cities were beautiful, delicate, breathtaking. Here... I was kinda expecting Deanerys to fly on a dragon there. It's too simple. Too ugly. Too human. And speaking about humans. Here we have elves that act just like humans. Just with different ear shape. In books the elves are different. Here's a part about elves from humans perspective when they first arrived on a continent.
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Secon thing is that they're basing whole franchise on polish book by polish author. Use our culture for gods sake! And I'm not talking about races. I really don't care what skin colors they have. But they did the most americanized version of a continent they could. Would it hurt to put a four-head god's statue somewhere? Would it hurt for some of them to wear krajka as a belt? In Poland is a castle called Krzyżtopór. In the times of it's glory the celling of one of the rooms were made of aquarium. With water and fishes. Why couldn't they use is? I mean I know why. Because they would have to actualluy care.
In games, especially Witcher 3 you can see that the world is a fantasy one. But at the same time it looks like what we know. The villages, the forsts - it's so Polish. So familiar. So ours. The Novigrad - they made port looks like one from Gdańsk. And it means so much. For forgein players it's nothing. But for Polish ones it's such a great thing. That we finally have that huge franchise and it's ours.
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The creators told that they wanted to create this series because Sapkowski didn't write about the history of Continent. How american of you. But they also fucked up so much because the first witchers were created by human mag Alzur. First he tried on a men. The children. And he succesed on children. Also the elves that lived on the continent knew how to travel between the worlds. They learned it from Unicorns.
And speaking od caracters. Avalac'h WHAT THEY DID TO YOU?! Also Eredin being the first openly gay character in netflix series. Eredin. The leader of a Wild Hunt. The main antagonist of a Witcher 3 game. Great job you guys.
Like honestly the only thing they took from Poland is how much characters are swearing. Exept from the part that eleves were not vulgar.
And about good things - the whole 3 minutes with Joey were good. They should put way more Jaskier there. But Scoia'tel helping him is FUCKING BULLSHIT.
Francesca Mills as Meldof was great.
Sorry for a bit of a chaotic post but I've just watched it and fuck, they butchere the source material so much.
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bamf-jaskier · 2 years
Blood Origin/The Witcher Season 2 Fix-it fic idea
my mind is full of ideas after seeing Blood Origin so I came up with a season 2 fix-it fic featuring the Blood Origin characters.
Francesca knows Nilfgaard's allliance will eventually turn against her and The Northern kingdoms are already out for blood. In this AU, instead of seeking out the Deathless Mother she tries to summon heroes of Elven past in a ritual. But she doesn’t have enough magic on her own which is why Fringilla and Yennefer were captured so they would participate in the ritual. And now instead of the Deathless Mother in S2 it’s The Seven who are transported to the future and the war between Nilfgaard and non humans and the North.
The Seven were taken from their timeline just before they headed to Xin'trea and since it's a ritual their original timeline still exists they are just now versions of themselves from that moment who have been brought to the future.
Unfortunately documentation of The Seven is very sparse and Francesca had no idea who she was summoning. She got them caught up on the war between Nilfgaard and the North and human oppression of Elven kind (and wow they don't even know what humans are so this is a trip for them). Francesca assumes they would join her in battle but once Eile talks to Fringilla and Yennefer she realizes they would also be helping Nilfgaard because Fringilla has convinced Francesca of an elven/Nilfgaard alliance and considering they were fighting against a similar empire in their time...yeah the Seven basically escape the Elven camp that night alongside Yennefer.
From here, they decide to split into two parties because they need to find out more about the future and what the Continent is like now. Syndril as a mage creates pendants with a glamour to hide the elves' ears so they can move freely.
Syndril, Yennefer, Zacare, Meldof and Callan all head towards Aretuza. Syndril, as an original creator of the monoliths is probably once of the best people on the continent to try and work out what is happening with them and why Yennefer lost her magic after Sodden Hill. In addition, Yennefer tells them that Aretuza holds many secrets about what happened after their time on the continent and what magic is like today.
Meanwhile Eile, Fjall, and Scian all head towards Oxenfurt since instead of focusing on the monoliths they need to figure out what the fuck a Witcher is and why people keep giving Fjall strange looks. Oxenfurt is their choice because Yennefer told them there is a masive library there and she heard there is a bard there who could tell them more about Witchers.
Obviously, the Oxenfurt crew finds Jaskier and him and Eile have a bard-off that turns into the sickest duet ever.
I could end up turning this into a whole S2 Canon Divergent AU if anyone is interested, who knows, maybe I will end up turning this into a whole fic.
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alexzalben · 2 years
Check 'em out below, as well as a synopsis - and surprise, Joey Batey is back as Jaskier (somehow)!
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Set in an elven world 1200 years before the world of The Witcher, Blood Origin will tell a story lost to time - the creation of the first prototype Witcher, and the events that lead to the pivotal conjunction of the spheres, when the world of monsters, men, and elves merged to become one.
Adding a sensational cast to the Witcher Universe, Sophia Brown and Laurence O’Fuarain play Éile and Fjall, two warriors estranged from their opposing clans, Michelle Yeoh takes the role of Scían, a sword master, the last of her tribe, Mirren Mack is Princess Merwyn, Lenny Henry plays Chief Sage Balor, Joey Batey plays Jaskier and Minnie Driver stars as a Seanchaí. Francesca Mills is Meldof, Zach Wyatt and Lizzie Annis are celestial twin sages Syndril and Zacaré. Huw Novelli is Brother Death.
Other supporting cast members include Amy Murray as chief sage Balor’s apprentice Fenrik, Mark Rowley as King Alvitir, Daniel Fathers and Faoileann Cunningham as clan chieftain Osfar and his daughter Ryl. Kim Adis is Merwyn’s handmaid Ket, Nathaniel Curtis portrays Brían, and Dylan Moran is Uthrok One-Nut. Ella Schrey-Yeats portrays the young prophet Ithlinne and her mother Aevenien is played by Claire Cooper.
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thegeekx · 2 years
The Witcher: Blood Origin - How Jaskier the Bard Transcends Time
The Witcher: Blood Origin – How Jaskier the Bard Transcends Time
Jaskier will no doubt enjoy hearing about the seven travelers, a group which includes a formidable leader Scian (Michelle Yeoh), warriors from rival clans Éile (Sophia Brown) and Fjall (Laurence O’Fuarain), and a feisty dwarf Meldof (Francesca Mills). The story even has a proper villain in the authoritarian druid chief Balor (Lenny Henry) who announces menacingly in The Witcher: Blood Origin…
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moviemunchies · 2 years
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So, uh, that was… not good.
A couple of years back the team behind the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher announced that they were doing a prequel mini-series that tells the story of the Conjunction of Spheres (an important event in the backstory of The Witcher) and the creation of the first proto-Witcher. It was written and filmed as six episodes, but somewhere along the line it was cut down to four episodes, and after some reshoots it was finally released Christmas Day 2022.
The result is a disjointed mess. Let me start by saying the good things: the performances are good for what they are. The performers aren’t given much good material, but they’re doing well with what they have. None of the blame here lies with them, and at least a couple of them are pretty fun to watch on screen. I particularly liked Francesca Mills as Meldof. She’s clearly having a ball with her role.
Fight scenes are pretty good throughout. Not all of them are, insanely good, but they’re pretty good. Scian’s first fight scene is pretty awesome though, which is kind of what you’d expect from Michelle Yeoh. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the fight scenes if you decide to watch this series. Unless you’re expecting realistic tactics and strategy, but I’ve learned that you should never expect that from Hollywood.
I AM intrigued in how some of the characters in this will pop back up later. Eredin and Avallach appear here, and they’re important characters in the overall storyline of The Witcher. No, they’re not well-utilized here, but they’re not bad characters and I want to see them moving forward.
Other than that, though? This show feels like a SyFy Original Movie from back in the day. That’s not the worst thing, but it’s also very much not a good thing. When the narrator isn’t telling us obvious things, like counting for us every time someone joins the group of heroes, most of the character backstories are told to us through infodump conversations. So much of this story is just characters standing around talking. I’m supposed to be getting the idea of seven heroes standing up to and leading a revolution against a tyrannical empire (itself not a particularly inspired storyline, despite the series acting like it is), but it’s bogged down by so much talking and lack of interesting characters that it’s just… boring, most of the time?
It’s a shame because these are ideas that really could do with a great prequel treatment! How DID someone come up with the idea for making something like a Witcher? In the series, Syndril just decides somehow that using the heart of an extradimensional monster and bonding it to an elf will create a hardcore warrior who can kill monsters better? Or something?? It doesn’t make a lick of sense to me, especially since Syndril’s expertise seemed to be in hopping dimensions and artifacts, not biology. And then we finally get the Conjunction of Spheres at the end, which is an accident and seems to be more of an afterthought to the story.
And if you think it skimps on those major world-changing events, wait until we get to things like the love story between the two leads!
The story does absolutely nothing with the fact that none of its characters are human–aside from Meldorf, they’re all elves. Except the elves all act exactly like humans do in the main series, and the only indication that they’re not human is that they have pointy ears and refer to each other as elves. All the magic and wonder of their culture is just… absent, it seems. And apparently when elves had their golden age, they were exactly the same in their douchery as the humans who later took over the Continent, just to dwarves instead. It doesn’t feel like it’s leaning into the themes of the world as much as that the writers couldn’t think of anything unique to do with this story.
I am not a massive fan of The Witcher to begin with, though I do like it, but The Witcher: Blood Origin? It’s bad. It’s embarrassing, really. I don’t know if it would have been good had it been six episodes (I suspect not, because not every problem is a pacing issue), but I would like to think it would have been better. I sincerely hope that if there are more spin-offs they’re better than this.
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dagneyrobertson · 2 years
So...The Witcher - Blood Orgins
That giant statue and her crown?
#I see symbolism everywhere #a call to Revolution? #also? I've got a girl crush on Meldof/Francesca Mills I expect big, big things from this woman of short stature
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lasaraconor · 2 years
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pandaspwnz · 1 year
I decided to watch season 3 of the witcher (the first 5 episodes that are out at this point at least) and by the time I finished it, I kind of forgot why I had been so hesitant to start watching it in the first place, aside of course the whole Henry Cavill leaving thing (and to clarify, I'm not watching season 4 and onwards because he's absolutely correct in why he's leaving, the show won't be the same without him, and the whole Joey having to write a 7000 word essay to get proper representation vis a vis Jaskier thing etc etc) because honestly I thoroughly enjoyed s3 so far! I did think the 5th episode was a bit.. or a lot 'meh'? But still. Then I remembered ofc that I'd been so hesitant because season 2 was ASS.
Anyway, I never watched Blood Origin, and after looking around the witcher subreddit and seeing that everybody apparently fucking hates s3, which I've concluded I liked so far, and also hates Blood Origin, I figured hey it might just be another one of those things where I would feel differently than the people who hate it.
So I just finished watching it and oh. my god. It SUCKS. ASS.
It's so fucking bad!!
Now I won't do what a lot of people have and go EUGH WOKE LEFTISTS RUINED IT or IT'S FULL OF BAD ACTING because what the hell are you talking about. First of all the only truly good thing about Blood Origin imo was the diversity. The most interesting story lines imo was Meldof and what happened with Gwen, I would have loved to see more of her story and her getting revenge, and Meldof was so endearing! I really loved how Francesca Mills played her. The humor came across as humorous, the grief was sad, and the weird goofy offball energy was delightful. I also think she did the fight scenes really well!
Also Eredin and Brían's story would have been so much more interesting to explore than what we got. Like hello? High ranking fancy schmancy general falls in love with a low born merchant? Even goes so far as to betray his ally for the sake of raising his lover in society, so they can be together without sneaking around? That's a classic premise for a reason! The reason being it's compelling and romantic! I love that shit.
I also don't feel like we needed seven characters. I loved Scìan and wish we had seen more of her life both before and after losing her clan. I didn't really feel we had time at all to get to know Brother Death and Zacaré at all, and even though I especially liked the actress who played Zacaré, neither of those two characters really made much impact on their own. I feel like they could have been condensed into other characters to make fewer stronger characters instead of many weaker ones. I also don't think we really learned very much about Syndril as a person, so if he had been combined with Zacaré, I think that would have worked better.
BUT I think every single actor in that show acted their heart out. They put their whole entire pussies into it!! And they did a great job with the material they had to work with. Unfortunately the material was bad (like jesus christ. by the power of friendship and also singing to calm the hulk like 3 times can we do literally anything else. Also everyone fucking singing the rose song like we GET IT but it felt so inauthentic and staged.) Also Fjall and Éile you knew each other for like 3 days calm down. There was no reason for them to fall in love aside from man meets woman and they are in physical proximity. I understand logically that they traveled together longer but it was SO rushed on screen. It was bad.
Anyway the costume design was gorgeous, and the makeup was as well. The fight scenes were nicely choreographed and shot. The effects were pretty good overall, I think!
But the pacing was bad, the script was bad, the dialogue was bad, it was bad. Beautiful but bad.
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tvsotherworlds · 2 years
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years
“The Witcher: Blood Origin” Adds to Cast
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Mirren Mack, Lenny Henry, Jacob Collins Levy, Lizzie Annis, Huw Novelli, Francesca Mills, Amy Murray, Nathaniel Curtis, Zach Wyatt, and Dylan Moran have joined the cast of Netflix’s The Witcher: Blood Origin. Mack will portray Merwyn, Henry will portray Balor, Levy will portray Eredin, Annis will portray Zacaré, Novelli will portray Brother Death, Mills will portray Meldof, Murray will portray Fenrik, Curtis will portray Brían, Wyatt will portray Syndril, and Moran will portray Uthrok One-Nut. They join the previously cast Laurence O’Fuarain (Fjall), Michelle Yeoh (Scian), and Sophia Brown (Éile). Declan de Barra serves as showrunner and an executive producer. Andrzej Sapkowski is onboard as creative consultant. Sarah O’Gorman and Vicky Jewson are directing the six-part series.
The Witcher: Blood Origin takes place before Netflix’s The Witcher and will tell the story of the first Witcher and the events that led up to the “Conjunction of the Spheres.”
(Image from 2019′s The Witcher)
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techstartro · 3 years
The Witcher: Blood Origin primește un teaser trailer în The Witcher: Sezonul 2
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Fanii cu ochi de vultur au fost răsfățați cu o surpriză în post-credite de la finalul The Witcher: Sezonul 2, deoarece Netflix a lansat un first look din seria prequel The Witcher: Blood Origin – următoarea parte mult așteptată din franciza The Witcher. Teaserul a apărut în creditele de la finalul ultimului episod din serial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bDHoS7D9s Teaserul dezvăluie distribuția serialului în acțiune pentru prima dată, inclusiv Sophia Brown în rolul lui Éile, Laurence O'Fuarain în rolul lui Fjall și Michelle Yeoh în rolul lui Scían.  
The Witcher: Blood Origin va avea premiera pe Netflix în 2022.
  The Witcher Sezonul 2 este disponibil acum, pe Netflix.  
Fiecare poveste are un început. Asiști la istoria nespusă a continentului cu The Witcher: Blood Origin, o nouă serie prequel, plasată într-o lume elfică cu 1200 de ani înainte de evenimentele din The Witcher. Blood Origin va spune o poveste pierdută în timp – despre originea primului Witcher, precum și despre evenimentele care conduc către „conjucția sferelor", atunci când lumile monștrilor, oamenilor și elfilor se contopesc pentru a deveni una singură. The Witcher: Blood Origin va fi lansat în 2022, doar pe Netflix.  
Informații deja lansate despre The Witcher: Blood Origin:
- Distribuție: Sophia Brown (Éile) Laurence O'Fuarain (Fjall) Michelle Yeoh (Scían) Mirren Mack (Merwyn) Lenny Henry (Balor) Jacob Collins Levy (Eredin) Lizzie Annis (Zacaré) Huw Novelli (Callan "Brother Death") Francesca Mills (Meldof) Amy Murray (Fenrik) Nathaniel Curtis (Brían) Zach Wyatt (Syndril) Dylan Moran (Uthrok One-Nut) - Sarah O'Gorman (Cursed, The Last Kingdom) va regiza episoadele 101,104 și 106, iar Vicky Jewson (Close, Born of War) va regiza episoadele 102, 103 și 105. - Sinopsis: Într-o lume a elfilor, cu 1200 de ani înaintea lumii The Witcher, Blood Origin va spune o poveste pierdută în timp – despre originea primului Witcher, precum și despre evenimentele care conduc către „conjucția sferelor", atunci când lumile monștrilor, oamenilor și elfilor se contopesc pentru a deveni una singură. Blood Origin va avea șase părți și este o serie limitată live-action și un prequel al serialului Netflix The Witcher. Declan de Barra este producător executiv și Showrunner, iar Lauren Schmidt Hissrich și Matt O'Toole sunt producători executivi. Andrzej Sapkowski va avea rolul de consultant creativ al serialului. Jason Brown și Sean Daniel de la Hivemind, alături de Tomek Baginski și Jarek Sawko de la Platige Films vor fi, de asemenea, producători executivi. - Blood Origin a încheiat filmările principale în noiembrie 2021. Read the full article
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