#frankie morales fanficton
littlepadika · 3 years
Frankie, 🌸🌻, yearning and innocence kink please 💞 Congratulations 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Thank you nonnie <3 Frankie + Yearning?!? My FAVORITE SONG!!! hope you enjoy...
500 follower celebration
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff, innocent reader. Slight innocence kink
AN: So Sweet Pea and Frankie are my jam but I am NEVER without Frankie ideas! I'm squealing at this one!
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source: @uuuhshiny
Frankie was master of his fear. On the battlefield, in the air, but not right now. Not when he's standing in line about to meet you. This was all Pope's fault. Pope had seen all your books on Frankie's book shelf, well worn from multiple reads, pages dog-eared and marked up. He got Frankie passes to meet you at your new book launch.
To say you were his favorite author was an understatement, you were his anchor. You understood him in a way he couldn't explain, but your words calmed the storm inside him. Your characters felt like family. He started reading your series when he was at his lowest point. Kicked out of his ex's house, detoxing from drugs, and miserable. You shone through the darkness like a lighthouse. He knew you were a best selling author, there were millions of people who probably liked your books but you felt special to him. When he would crack open one of your books Frankie felt like it was just you and him.
Frankie moved up a few steps. He could hear you talking to the person at the table. You were signing their book and laughing. He felt like he was going to pass out. He had watched a bunch of your interviews like a stalker but you sounded even sweeter in real life.
"Hermano, relax." Pope chuckled. "I don't want to do CPR on you in front of your future wife."
"Shut up." Frankie hissed turning red. Future wife. He wished. He stared down at the battered copy of your first book, his favorite. Bringing it didn't seem like such a great choice to have you sign now that he was in the fancy book store. "I can't do this-This was stupid. She's gonna think I'm weird. She's gonna hate me." He had dressed up for this. A new pair of jeans and a button up that felt too tight. What had he expected to happen? He felt like a lovesick idiot. He tugged on his hat trying to disappear inside of it.
"She won't, Fish, geez. She may think you're a freak if you keep fidgeting." Pope fought back a smile, he wanted to stay sympathetic but he had never seen his friend get so worked up over a girl.
Frankie and Pope moved up another foot. He was so close. He was excited even though he was nervous. He wanted to see you in the flesh. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you- your books. He wanted to stand in your gaze even just for a minute.
"I'm sorry folks, we're gonna have to shut this down." A bookstore staff member announced. Frankie felt his heart sink. You were being ushered away, taken further away from him. He couldn't even see your face. Just your small form retreating to the back room. Angry tears stung his eyes.
"What the fuck?" Pope shouted, not giving a crap about being friendly. There were a good 20 more people in line who looked wary at Pope, starting to disperse. Frankie didn't say anything. He wanted to shrink into a little ball. This always happened to him. He had the worst luck. He lost his once chance to meet you.
"I'm sorry sir-" The attendant was arguing with Pope now. "We said it ended at 2pm and we have to stick to that."
"Bullshit there's no one here but us!"
"Sir-I understand your frustration."
"We should get a fucking refund or something!"
"Pope stop..." Frankie started to feel embarrassed.
"Fuck I'm sorry, Fish. I wanted you to get your girl." Pope patted Frankie's shoulder sympathetically.
"It just wasn't meant to be." Frankie fought back the emotion in his voice. It would be stupid to cry over this. He didn't even know you. He would just have to throw himself even harder into your books. Trying to forget this ever happened.
"Excuse me- sir?" Someone tapped Pope on his shoulder. A young girl, who had been standing beside you. Your assistant maybe?
"I was sent out here to tell you, she can finish signing at 5pm today if you have time. Here's the address." She handed Pope a business card to a coffee shop.
"Thanks!" Pope grinned. The girl went off to relay the same information to other people.
"Well Fish, seems all my bitching paid off" Pope handed Frankie the card.
Pope dropped Frankie off like a mom dropping her kid off on his first date.
"Have fun but don't have too much fun." Pope teased much to Frankie's embarrassment.
"I got it." Frankie grumbled, tugging his hat forward over his eyes more.
"You brush your teeth?"
"Fuck you, yes I brushed my teeth." Frankie groaned, slamming the door closed.
"And deodorant? I got some in my glovebox." Pope shouted out the window.
"Yes I did ¡Dios! Will you leave before you cause a pile up?" Frankie gestured to the line up of cars building up behind Pope's car.
"Alright fine. I'm going. Buena suerte, hermano. Call me when you're done."
Frankie tried to slow his racing heart before pulling open the door to the cafe. The crowded atrium of the bookstore and the security all around had made you out to be some celebrity so Frankie melted at the sight of you sitting by the window, reading, looking like an ordinary person. Only you weren't an ordinary person. You were beautiful. Ethereal. Pensive and soft and everything Frankie hoped you would be. In his wildest dreams he wanted to meet you like this. Single you out and make you feel special the way you made him feel special every time he read your books.
"H-Hi." Frankie cleared his throat, causing you to look up from your book.
"Hello." You perked up, noticing your book in his hands. "Are you from the reading earlier today?"
"Uh yeah." Frankie rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You smiled wider. Frankie didn't look like your usual fan. Most of them were young women your age, certainly not attractive men.
"Thanks for coming."You extended your hand introducing yourself. Frankie laughed nervously. He knew very well who you were.
"Frankie." He shook your small hand, hoping his own hand wasn't too sweaty.
"Frankie." You repeated the name with a renewed smile. You liked that name. "I'm so sorry I didn't get to you earlier. We were running a little late."
"It's fine." Frankie blushed, trying not to remember how upset he was. This was far better. A quieter place. He looked around at the mostly empty shop. "Am I the only one here?"
"Looks like it." You shrugged, not minding the low turn out, especially with Frankie in front of you. There was something about him that felt so familiar to you. His deep voice was so like your favorite character. His mannerisms, the way he was so broad and strong, was like the character too. In the story he was a farmer turned nobleman. Frankie was all of that, but even more attractive. You adored how the apples of his cheeks were such a cute red and how his hair curled under his ball cap.
"Please sit." You gestured to the empty seat across from you. Frankie fell into it, still unable to look away from your face. He placed the book between you two on the table. No wedding ring, you observed.
You took a moment to admire the bent cover on the book, the yellowing pages, the little sticky notes sticking out of it. He hadn't just read your book. He had ravaged it. You felt your tummy heat up.
"So you liked the book?" You asked tilting your head to the side, your eyes bright with curiosity.
"Yeah-" Frankie shook his head trying to remember what he came here for. He was caught up in your scent and your warm eyes that he spaced out for a moment. "Yeah! I love it. I don't even think love is a strong enough word. I've read it like eight times. I just love all the characters and the story. And your voice- your narration- it's so powerful. I feel like-" He blushed realizing he was rambling. You only nodded for him to continue. You found his excitement endearing. You had esteemed journalists sing your praise but none of their flowery language sounded as real as Frankie's praise. "I feel like you're there with me-right next to me."
"Wow... eight times." You laughed suddenly feeling very nervous. Were you what he hoped for?
"Yeah- I mean eight times all the way through. I mark chapters I like and sometimes I'll just read a specific chapter again. So honestly probably more than eight times if you count that." He thumbed through the bright colored sticky notes.
"And what's your favorite chapter from that book?" You asked, trying to determine from where it was in the book based on clump of sticky notes. A little over halfway…
"Uh." Frankie turned bright red. There was no reason to lie to you but it didn't make him very manly. "Chapter Eight."
"Ah where they confess their love for each other." You nearly exploded from how sweet he was. Such a humble, rough, gorgeous man, who also loved a good love scene. He had to be your soulmate.
"It's just- you write it really well." Frankie scratched his beard, trying to hold eye contact though he was feeling embarrassed.
"I'll be honest. I haven't ever had that kind of love with someone." You chewed your lip, always insecure about your lack of experience. "I'm just basing it on what I hope happens to me."
"Really?" Frankie sits up straighter at that. "I would have thought someone like you would have- well..." He blushes again, crossing his arms "It seemed so real."
"Yeah." You looked down at your lap, looking away from him for the first time. Frankie felt like the sun just disappeared behind a cloud.
"That's fine though. It's sweet- I mean- you don't want to do all that with the wrong person." He grimaced stopping himself from oversharing. You were perceptive enough to figure out he was speaking from personal experience. Frankie, in an evil way, liked that you were innocent. It meant there wasn't anyone before him that had felt your love. He had a chance to make all your dreams come true.
You and Frankie chatted for another hour about the book, exchanging favorite scenes and lines. He almost forgot that you were a famous author. You were just a pretty girl in a cafe who made him laugh.
"So Miami...Do you like it here?" You asked him after a comfortable moment of silence.
"Yeah. I mean- the weather is great and the people are nice." Frankie shrugged.
"I'm thinking of moving down here." You confessed.
"Oh." Frankie instantly wished he gave a more enthusiastic answer. "It's amazing here. So much to do. Beaches and there's diverse people and-and-"
"And you." You teased feeling bold.
"Me." Franke gulped, suddenly hyper focused on you. Your eyes were dilated staring at him. Your cleavage rose and fell shallowly. Your plump bottom lip was bitten between your teeth.
"Where would you recommend for a good dinner spot?" You asked, hoping Frankie was catching your drift.
"Uh-OH." Frankie's eyes widened and you laughed. "there's uh-there's this Mexican restaurant a couple blocks away. It's authentic and good."
"Tables for two?" You flirted.
"Yeah." Frankie felt like punching his fist into the air. Was this really happening? "Table for two but it's a little tight. We'll have to sit pretty close together."
"I think we can manage." You giggled. Frankie felt the sound go straight to his tender heart. You stood up holding your hand out to him. "Shall we, Frankie?"
My masterlist
Permanet Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy
Frankie Taglist: @floraandfrost, @agingerindenial, @heythere-mel, @icanbeyourjedi, @linnie0119, @thisshipwillsail316, @peterhollandkait , @leias-rebelion, @phoenix-of-loki, @hnt-escape , @kennedywxlsh, @punkerthanpascal, @the-witty-pen-name , @twentyfirstcenturyfox , @madslorian , @sarahjkl82-blog, @bison-writes, @lightning-fast54, @maievdenoir, @nicolethered, @kenoobiwan , @danniburgh, @janebby @dihra-vesa , @yespolkadotkitty y, @ilikechocolatemilkh, @headinthestarz @tanyaherondale , @christina-loves @dobbyjen, @fangirl-316, @evildxad @a-skov @pasckles
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dinthehottotty · 3 years
Knots - Frankie 'Catfish' Morales
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Drabble FrankiexPlusSize!Reader
Warnings: Angst, self depreciation, anxiety, mentions of past trauma, comments about readers size, poor mother-daughter relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort,
Summary: Frankie comforts you when you can't sleep due to anxiety about upcoming dress shopping for your wedding. Your anxious about your mom.
A/N: this is a plus size reader insert and also a very personal experience myself. This is 100% me self soothing so please be gentle with commenting on this one. Thank you guys for reading. Also I feel like Frankie would give amazing hugs.
Soft. His mouth on you is soft.
The ball of anxiety in your stomach is twisted tight. You're so taunt with this nervous energy that the sleeping pills wore off too quickly - even in sleep.
His hands are too warm when they stroke firmly over your sides so he wouldn't tickle you. It makes you restless - your skin too tight. You want to chill. You want to freeze and sleep but he's a furnace.
Frankie's mouth had started on your shoulder blade. He was as light a sleeper as yourself so it's unsurprising when he woke with your tossing and turning. When he sinks against your back you can smell the sleep on his skin. The open mouthed kisses he drags over your bare shoulder makes you focus less on the knots in your chest.
"Trouble sleeping?"
You just nod as he makes his way over your neck. There's no rush on it, it's sleepy and lazy in nature. He works at you and you let him despite the way you began with feeling overwhelmed.
It's something about his rough voice. All low notes and raspy with his sleep. It's soothing to you. You don't want to pull away from him even though your body screams for it.
His hand lifts to smooth you hair up and away from your ear before leaning down to mouth at the bone behind the cartilage. "What's on your mind?"
You take a deep breath and twist under the blankets to look up at him. His brown eyes are half lidded and hazy. You try to trick your worried mind with them - using them to ground yourself. Those overgrown curls are pulled messily on his head. One side matted flat from his pillow.
"My mom." You reply softly as he drags his fingers over the curve of your breast. He nods slowly. A topic that seemed to recur. "Dress shopping."
His adjusts to lie on his back, inviting you to curl into his side. The familiar smell of his deodorant and the sweetness of the bedside candle mingle as you are embraced in his side.
"What about it?"
"She likes you, more than me." He scoffs, without the energy to argue he let's you continue as he uses fingers to trace your jawline softly. "I know she's happy were getting married but... I wish she was excited, ya know."
"Of course she's excited. Baby. She might just be sad he little girl's getting married." He offers. You take a slow breath - nodding.
"I wish you could take me dress shopping instead..." you murmur. He frowns.
"She loves you. She's going to love that moment."
"But she always... she always talks about if somethings flattering or not or if it covers enough. And then after she tells me that she'll ask if I like it and I second guess myself. I'm aware of what I look like... I just... she wants me to be small and nothing about me is." He frowns at that comment.
"It's not a bad thing though." You insist quickly. "I don't just mean my body. I've got a big voice. Big personality. Big taste." You go quiet for a moment, sucking up the way he's gazing at you lovingly. "Im under no illusion of my size. I'm comfortable in my skin most of the time because I am beautiful. I know that. But she makes it seem like I should want to be smaller and its dumb. We don't have the same tastes and it starts out innocently enough. She makes a suggestion. Has an idea she likes... then she builds on it and creates something she loves and I don't. I do it to make her happy but it's our wedding. She's had hers."
The pad of his thumb is distracting on your throat.
"Tell her 'no'."
"Easier said than done. She's got such a way with words, ya know? Makes me feel like I'm the bad guy. I'm not as tactful." You heave a sigh. "I just... I want her to be excited and supportive but she has this way of crushing my confidence.
Frankie nods quietly to you for a moment. Then he leans down, pressing his mouth to yours softly. "Why don't you think she's excited?"
"She had the most depressing response of everyone we've told. Your mom was so excited for us-" your voice breaks and you pause to swallow. "I just wish she would let me be excited about things and not play devil's advocate so much."
"Well you've got your friends there. They'll back you up if she crosses a line. It's your dress. You're going to be stunning no matter what. Just as long as you wears something that makes your tits look great." The last sentence is joined with a dirty smile and an appreciative caress. You giggle softly, overjoyed that he found one of your insecurities so appealing. You shift to give him more room to grope.
"Is that your request? Tiddies?"
"On full fuckin' display baby." He rumbles and his eyes fixate lower as you laugh. "It'll work out, baby. Don't fixate on something that hasn't happened. Just breathe. Get excited. Let your friends get you excited. Let me."
"Thank you, Frankie." You sigh, loving how easily he settles you. The knots in your chest easing with his soothing forehead kisses.
"Are you tired yet?" He hums.
"Not really. I've been up a while." You raise an eyebrow at the mischief dazzling his eyes. "I know that look."
"Can I get a sneak peek of my beautiful bride-to-be? Just a lil taste?" He teases, rolling on top of you and rubbing at your thighs. He nips your cheek playfully.
"Anytime you want." You promise, dragging him down so he's even closer. And so you let him show you all of his favorite things about your body.
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staticscreenwriting · 3 years
Christmas Calendar 2021
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … especially here in our little corner.
@onceuponastory and I absolutely love the holiday season and for a few years now we’ve celebrated it together in one way or another, always incorporating our passion for writing and being creative. And this year is no different.
From December 1st we’ll open a door of our Christmas Calendar content challenge giving you a new festive prompt. They will range from specific scenarios to movie quotes to songs. You can pick and choose whichever prompt you want and as many as you want and join our little celebration.
You can write, draw, create moodboards, etc. etc.. Whatever brings you joy. (Please use the appropriate trigger warnings where applicable).
You don’t have to post them on the day the prompt gets revealed so no pressure. On January 8th Bethany and I will create a masterlist of all the entries.
Every day a new post will be made revealing that day’s prompt and we’ll also have a masterlist pinned of the calendar so you can always check back.
Every fandom is allowed to join in and you can interpret the prompt however you like. Not all of these are specifically Christmas themed some are more focused on winter so people who aren’t celebrating Christmas are of course also invited to join in.
Tag your entries with #ChristmasCreationCalendar2021 and if you want you can let us know via ask or DM too so we don’t miss it (because we all know how well Tumblr’s tagging system works sometimes…)
We are really excited for this and hope you are too.
Expect some entries from us too :)
Happy creating ♥
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honeybeeespeaks · 4 years
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But in the stillness of the moment it takes for a Polaroid picture to capture our faces forever, the world has turned a touch on its axis and the only thing certain is everything changes...
• Polaroids •
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littlepadika · 3 years
I started my period yesterday and I could use some soft daddy Frankie or max for comfort 😢
i'm so sowwy😖. I hope your cramps aren't too bad! I think daddy Fwankie would take good care of you. Here are my rambling thoughts... I hope this makes things a wittle better 🥺💕
Warnings: Daddy kink, discussion of menstruation, not explicit period sex
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Daddy!Frankie is good at guessing when it may start based on your mood, food cravings, and frankly sex drive. You come crying to him when it starts because OF COURSE it had to come when you and Frankie have a big event. "now i have a pimple" you whine.
Frankie immediately gets the advil, heating pad, and chocolate. He instructs you to lie down and just wait for the medicine to kick in. He sets a timer so you don't miss a dose of medicine. He also makes sure you drink lots of water and juice to stay hydrated.
If you use tampons then he will help you put them in so you don't chafe. If you like pads he will help you stick them on just right so you don't leak. He knows exactly the kinds of products you like and has no shame going to buy whatever you need.
"Excuse me do you have more of the X brand tampons?"
"Uh..." The store attendant would be so confused. "We have Y brand."
"No it has to be X brand."
"I'm sorry. We must be out. We should have some in the store across town."
"Okay thanks." And daddy Frankie drives across town to get them. Nothing but the best for his baby girl.
If you'd rather change your pads/tampons in private he's okay with that but he stands outside the bathroom door and asks "do you need any help in there, baby?"
"No. I can do it, daddy."
"Good girl. I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself."
Daddy Frankie gives you a special red teddy bear named Mr. Reddington (anyone watch the blacklist TV show? 😂) that you get only get to play with when you're on your period. Frankie also gets any foods you want, even if it's unhealthy. You cuddle Mr. Reddington and your daddy and watch Disney the rest of the night. He will also give you tummy rubs until you fall asleep.
FRANKIE HAS NO PROBLEM WITH PERIOD SEX ALL U GOTTA DO IS ASK AND HE IS FERAL 😜 He carries you into the shower so as not to make a mess and goes to town on you first with his mouth then his cock. He loves the taste (filthy king) and how his skin and fingers are stained red with evidence of how good he made you feel. He wants to remind you that you're sexy and beautiful even when you're feeling gross. And after sex he's washing you off with sweet smelling soap and whispering praise.
"You're so beautiful. Daddy's so lucky. So fucking lucky to call you mine. I'm gonna love on you even more this week you won't know what hit you."
I also feel like Frankie loves educating himself on female anatomy. He likes learning about what your body is doing and what is normal so he knows how best to take care of you while you're on your period.
"Wow the female body is amazing..." He often says.
My masterlist
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littlepadika · 3 years
Oh my gosh! I’m so proud of you Padika!!!! You definitely deserve every single follower and so many more. Your writing is breathtaking and I stg the “Calling Home” universe is fucking 🔥
Anyway congrats and may I please request ❤️🍬 with our dear sweetpea? 😘
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Thank you darling @underwood0723 Mary... BUT dom!sweet pea DOM SWEET PEA!?!? @hnt-escape Thank you for your constant support since the beginning! I combined you two since you both requested sweet pea <3 I hope you like this!
500 follower celebration (closed now)
Warnings: Insecure Frankie, Dom reader, discussion of addiction, mental illness, and PTSD, piv sex (position is the amazon and it is not as easy in real life as I will make it seem), m receiving oral, rimming/ass play, a little DDLG.
AN: Frankie and Sweet Pea after calling home series. Ya'll have really brought out my dom in these requeests. Damn i want to top Frankie so bad. Ya'll ready for some comfort + service dom?
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Source: @uuuhshiny
Shortly after moving to Miami you came with Frankie to his therapy appointment, letting the therapist talk through different scenarios. Frankie told you his triggers, his symptoms. He hated he had to do this but in the off chance he had an episode of PTSD, he didn't want you blind sided. He told you his tells for when he was having cravings or, god forbid, had started using again. Your hand was steady on his thigh the whole time.
He thought telling you these things might change how you looked at him. That you wouldn't be staring at his hands because you liked how big they were, you'd be looking for tremors or traces of white powder. That you wouldn't wake him up in the middle of the night because he had stopped holding you, but because you thought he was having a nightmare. However, to his great relief you didn't seem bothered at all. You seemingly tucked those things away in some impenetrable box where it didn't touch your love. How did you do that?
"I'm sorry." Was the first thing he had said in the car.
"Don't-" You had nearly cut him off. Knowing he would say this. "Frankie... you don't need to apologize."
"I just hate this." He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and felt a gnawing in his stomach.
"I know." Was your short answer as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"I hope that didn't scare you. Do you have questions?"
"Not right now. I'm not scared, Frankie. I know whatever happens I'm not going anywhere. I know whatever happens we'll get through it."
"You make it sound easy." He sighed, looking at you glowing in the passenger seat.
"Not easy." You tilted your head back, the sun dipping in a straight line below your eyes. "I love you. Everything after that is simple."
He pulled over to the side of a road outside a gas station, hearing the tires squeal against the hot concrete.
"What's wrong?" You looked all around. A cop? A car problem?
He leaned over the center console and pulled your face into a crushing kiss, prying your mouth open for him so you could feel how you made him feel. His hat fell off his head with the force of it. He pulled you onto his lap, mumbling "come here" and proceeded to pull you down hard so you could feel his body respond to you.
He had been told his addiction was in his nature. Genetic. He was told PTSD was a biological experience. A natural reaction. But this was natural too. The way his body woke up around you. Did you feel it? He had to know.
"Frankie-" You pressed your forehead into his, breathing with him.
"I love you, sweet pea. This, fuck, how you make me feel, it's simple. I get it. I feel it, too." He tried to be as eloquent as you but he wasn't. He spoke with his body. With his touch. He captured your lips again, tasting every corner of your mouth before pulling back and letting you do the same. He wanted you inside him. He wanted you to take. He wanted to give you the control he normally hoarded as an offering of how much he loved you. "Do you feel it, sweet pea? I need to know. I need to hear you say-" He bit your lip. "I need you to know that I love you."
"I do." you giggled, pushing him back against his seat so you could meet his eyes. Your eyes drifted up in concentration as you tried to get the words out. "I know that you love me, Frankie. And I know that you know that I love you."
The repetitive wording and sing song voice made him chuckle, feeling the urgency go down some.
"I really do." Frankie insisted. "I need you to feel it. Make-make me feel it." He pleaded. Your eyes widened at the request.
"Get us home." You moved back into your own seat clamping your thighs tight together as Frankie hit the gas.
He had taken you home, ate you out until you were delirious then demanded you ride him. It was so unusual for him to ask. He was always possessive, in control, but he wanted you to have it that night. He needed you to rip his pleasure from him. He needed you to take what he didn't know he could give. He needed to be reminded his worthiness lay in your pleasure, his purpose was your pleasure. And you did so well. You took as much as you wanted. As much as he had in him before he was slurring his speech and sleepy.
That was weeks ago. Neither of you addressed it. You supposed it was just such a unique situation that it wouldn't come up again. That you had sated whatever that need was. You were wrong....
Today, you recognized something was off. He wasn't buzzed or anxious. Not any of the signs you were told to watch for. He was...quieter. A similar introspective attitude that he was in after the appointment with the therapist. Like he was staring down that dark path again, not walking into it, just staring.
"Frankie... what's up?" You kept your tone light, not accusatory. He had been staring out the kitchen window for the past five minutes. Not moving.
Frankie shut his eyes. "My dumb brain."
"Not dumb." You slid your hand around his waist, hugging him from behind.
"Why are you with me?" He asked, his voice stretched thin.
You froze against his back, listening to his strong heart beat.
"Frankie..." You tugged on his hips so he turned and faced you. You stood on your tip toes, kissing him with the lightest gossamer touch. "You're the kindest man I know. The strongest...You make me feel like I can do anything. There's no one else who will ever make me feel like that." His eyes remained distant, unreachable.
"You should go. You're gonna be late for work." He smiled weakly trying to put on a brave face.
"I'll call in sick. This is more important, Frankie." You squeezed his hands. "You don't have to talk but I'm not going to leave you alone."
He let you lead him to the sofa. You sat back against the arm, beckoning for him to set his head on your chest. He wordlessly complied, inhaling deeply into your shirt. You threaded your fingers through his dark hair, massaging his scalp softly and petting his scruff.
"You're everything, sweet pea. I feel so stupid for being unhappy. Like there's no reason. I just think things and it's stupid because they aren't even real."
"Maybe the thoughts aren't real but the feelings are. It's not stupid. I understand. It's like- if you think about it and deal with the feelings when it really happens it won't hurt so much."
"Yeah- you're probably right." He mumbled.
"I'm not going to leave you Frankie, so no need to prepare." You chuckled.
Frankie didn't respond. In his dark headspace, everyone in his life had left him. His ex wife, Tom, even Santi and Ben weren't around. Rosie was not even his because of the stupid custody arrangement. You were it. You were all he had and he worried you grow tired of him too one day. Of the burden of his conditions. He closed his eyes, wanting to go back to how he felt hearing your voice on the phone. The simplicity of his feelings back then. The straightforwardness of his desire. None of it tarnished.
You continue speaking in a steady voice "I have bad days too. Like last week I was just... out of it. You took care of me. You made the dark clouds go away. Would you ever get tired of doing that for me?"
"Never." Frankie answered instantly, tightening his arm around you.
"Did I feel like a burden?"
"No. Of course not." He sat up, kissing your lips.
"So... I feel the same." You ruffled his hair. "I'm never going to get tired of lifting you up, Fishie. Whatever you need. Whenever. Just tell me. I'll pull down the moon if I have to."
"Ha. That would be cool." Frankie chuckled.
You ended up turning on a marvel movie just to pass the time. Frankie was watching it out of the corner of his eye, his face still in your chest. You didn't know if this was helping but at least he wasn't in denial.
After five minutes he tugged your shirt up then unclipped your bra getting you to take the articles off and throw the across the room. He settled on your bare skin, letting out a relieved sigh.
"I like when you call me Fishie."
"Mmm okay, Fishie." You giggled, making his head bouce a little against you.
After ten minutes he was planting kisses on your bare chest. You gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. You felt your pussy ache from his attention. He started rolling his hips against you thighs making cute little grunts with each movement.
"Fishie... what-what do you need, huh? You need to cum? Will that make those evil thoughts go away?"
"Yeah." He nodded, continuing to harden against your thigh. He pulled off your nipple, staring up at you with big eyes and fluffy hair from your fingers. "I need you to fuck me, sweet pea. Like you did... remember? After that appointment. I need that."
"Yeah?" Your pussy tightened as you remembered. Riding him. Forcing him to cum over and over.
"Please." Frankie cupped your face, his eyes urgent.
"Okay. Hang on let me get up." You scooted off the couch onto the floor. You flicked off the TV before shimmying out of your pants. "Lay back for me. Undress."
He did, watching you with wide eyes. It was so strangely arousing to see him so submissive because you knew what he could do. You knew he could manhandle you and fuck you if that's what he wanted. It was the duality of his insecurities. One moment he wanted to possess you and claim you and make you feel how much he loved you and then the next he needed you to pull it from him, show him what he was capable of, remind him what he was good for.
"Color?" You asked, knowing that's what Frankie did when you two were experimenting.
You peeled his boxers down, watching with your mouth slightly parted as his cock jumped up to his stomach. It was hard and leaking onto his beautiful tummy. You traced the large vein running from the base to the tip with your index finger. Frankie inhaled sharply.
"Frankie... you're so beautiful." He just closed his eyes. You closed your fist around his cock "I need you to repeat it back."
He blinked up at you, a cute blush tinting his cheeks. He was a physical touch person. You were a words person. It was time to marry the two. You wanted to tie these words to his pleasure so he would never forget.
"Fishie..." You coaxed him with a stroke of his cock.
"I-I am beautiful."
"You're strong."
"I-fuck-" He groaned when you slid your mouth down on him. "I'm str-strong."
"Mm and you're intelligent."
"I'm-in-intelligent-oh..." You had started to apply suction, pulling off him with a pop before taking him back into your mouth. You had been working on your gag reflex all this time and you could take him deeper now, not quite to the base yet.
"Say I am enough."
"I'm-" You looked up at him. His neck stranded with effort. Sweat on his brow. There were tears pooled in the corner of his eyes. He was gorgeous.
"Come on, Fishie." You cooed you felt your own pleasure thrumming. "Tell me." You descended back on his length, rolling his balls in your hand. He was throbbing in your mouth. He was close.
"I'm-I'm enough." He choked out, fisting the cushion hard.
You slipped a finger past his balls down to his tight asshole that was clenching along with all his other muscles. You traced it with your index finger and pressed lightly hearing an almost inhuman groan rumble in his chest.
"Is this okay?" You asked.
"Yeah. Oh shit. Sweet pea. Fuck." And he came in your mouth. You could feel his tender hole fluttering in time with his twitching cock. You hummed as he jerked up, hand going to your head. "Oh god..." His breath returned harsh, mixed with a low pants.
"Mmm..." You finally pulled off him watching his spent cock fall back against his leg. You crawled up his body, kissing him gently. "Feel better?"
"Yeah... need more." He huffed pulling your hips in line with his. "Need you to fuck me, sweet pea."
"Fuck me yourself." You teased, booping his nose with your lips.
"I do. A lot. But I need you to do it. Please."
"I like you begging." You chuckled, reaching down to palm his cock.
"You're-you're good at being in charge."
"Flattery will get you anywhere, Francisco." You giggled, feeling him harden to his fullest.
"I fuck-I think about that night. A lot."
"Me too." You bit your lip.
"Maybe I should be your needy baby more often." He laughed weakly, still feeling insecure.
"You won't hear me complaining, Fishie." You kissed him softly, sucking on his bottom lip slightly. "Are you ready?"
"Mmhm." He nodded, his eyes fluttering shut.
"Can I try something?" You asked, your heart pounding in excitement. You had thought about this; what you would do if he ever let you take charge again.
"Yeah." Frankie nodded again.
You sat back between his legs, taking his strong calfs in your hands and pushing his legs up and back towards him.
"Oh..." Frankie grunted at the change in position.
"Your back okay?" You asked, watching his cock press further up his stomach. His belly protruding more.
"Are you- you're gonna fuck me like this?" His brown eyes widened.
"Yes. Just like how you like to fuck me."
You took a second to get positioned, holding his legs at your side. You slowly sank down on his cock, biting your lip. He was always so thick it was always a stretch.
"Oh shit." Frankie moaned. This angle was making the pleasure feel tighter. He felt like he was deeper. He knew he wasn't going to last long. Especially looking at you above him so confident, your body doing the work. He knew he made the right decision, giving you the reins. Because it did make everything simple. He was in your arms. Nothing could touch him here. You had your hand tight around his pleasure. You took what you wanted and he let you. The sensations, the smell of you, burned the doubts from his mind.
"Gr-Green." Frankie closed his eyes, tightening his legs around you. "Just- take what you want." He pleaded tightening his grip on the cushions below him.
"You feel so good, Fishie." You praised him. He keened at your praise, the words washing away that pesky insecurity. "You always make me feel good. No one else. How could I ever leave you when it's so good? Perfect."
You didn't lift off him, just rocked back and forth, grinding your clit against his pelvis. You had to squat to hold your weight up, your thighs shaking. You were determined to do this for him though. The burning in your muscles only added to the pleasure. The view was incredible, he was blissed out. The most sinful sounds leaving his swollen lips.
"I'm not gonna- I'm gonna-" His legs flinched back making his hips tilt up into you. You wobbled. His toes curled.
"It's okay, baby." You whimpered feeling your own orgasm creep up on you. "Cum. Give it to me..."
"Sweet-Pea-" He was twitching, right on the edge. His chest broken out in a sweat. You maneuvered yourself so you could reach behind you, feeling again for his clenched hole. "Oh!" He grunted when you pressed, not entering just applying a little pressure. You rocked against him more urgently, your back arched. "Fuck" His voice went taut as his stomach tightened. You could feel it. Ropes of cum painting your walls.
"Frankie!" You squealed as he sat up, making you pull off him. He pushed you down on to the couch and slotted between your legs.
"Thank you- thank you, little pea." He started thrusting into you hard and fast, trying to get you to cum as well. "I love you."
You held his face to yours. "I did-did good, right?"
"So good. You're the best girl. My girl. Taking care of me. Takin' care of daddy." He pulled out sharply, scooting down the couch to stare at your fluttering hole.
Exhaustion and need made the little in you rear her head.
"Daddy..." You whined as he latched onto your clit, swiping his tongue over it as it sat between his lips. His specialty. "Oh f-fuck. I'm cumming." He jabbed his tongue into your source, wanting to be right where you exploded. He grunted against you as you tugged his hair hard.
"Holy shit..." You panted, dropping your head onto the couch.
Frankie glanced up at you a smug smile on his wet lips.
"So... feel better?" You asked as he pulled you into his lap.
"Yes. Thank you, sweet pea." He cradled you against his chest. His precious world. "Mi cielo."
My masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug
Frankie Taglist: @floraandfrost, @agingerindenial, @heythere-mel, @icanbeyourjedi, @linnie0119, @thisshipwillsail316, @peterhollandkait , @leias-rebelion, @phoenix-of-loki, @hnt-escape , @kennedywxlsh, @punkerthanpascal, @the-witty-pen-name , @twentyfirstcenturyfox , @madslorian, @sarahjkl82-blog, @bison-writes, @lightning-fast54, @maievdenoir, @nicolethered, @kenoobiwan , @danniburgh, @janebby @dihra-vesa, @yespolkadotkitty , @ilikechocolatemilkh, @headinthestarz @tanyaherondale, @christina-loves @dobbyjen, @fangirl-316, @evildxad @a-skov @pasckles
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