#frankly my language skills are a MESS and i kinda like it that way
keeps-ache · 2 years
queso que mon petit chou?
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irkenheretic · 4 years
(How I Learned) How To Read Irken: A Guide
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(Pictured: Us....) (From @zimgay​ ‘s lovely animatic!)
Okay, I’m finally making this post. 
If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have caught on that I can read Irken. When I started, I was completely confused over wether or not I was teaching myself correctly, how long it’d take, et cetera. But I’ve finally hashed it out for myself, and I thought:
Why not make a guide for anyone else who wants to learn but has no idea where to start? 
So that’s what I’m doing. Some disclaimers, though:
- This is what worked for me. It may or may not work for you, I’m not sure. I think it’s a pretty good method, though.
- Reading Irken and Writing Irken are two different skillsets. I’m gonna show you how to do both, but don’t worry if you’re better at one than the other. 
- This will probably take a while of daily (or near-daily) practice to learn. It’s not impossible, it’s not super challenging, but it’s not super easy, especially if you have memory problems like I do. (For context: I started in September. But I also have a really shitty memory so, like. It might take less time for you.)
Okay! Let’s do this!
First off, you’d probably do well downloading the Irken font for practice purposes. Messing around with it and typing in it is fun, and can help!
You’ll also need a notebook. It’s not required, but having it all in one place is super convenient. (And, if it’s tiny enough, you can carry it around whenever, and also have it on hand to whip out at cons.)
The first thing I did was write each individual letter over and over and over again. This is what’s at the start of my notebook, and writing the letters over and over helped me remember which were which. I also had to focus pretty hard on what letter this actually was, this is tedious as hell but it’s not something you can do mindlessly.
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(Pictured: Normal levels of interest in a show.)
This is what my notebook looks like. Don’t worry about those simplified versions of the letters yet, but you’re gonna wanna leave room for them. Don’t worry about learning simplified/handwritten until later, it helps recognition if you really have to focus on actually drawing the letters, at first.
(And yes, I know my pen is really smudgy. And that my H’s suck.)
After this, three letter words are your friend. Pick just, common three letter words you know, and write them down a lot. I have just, the Irken for “THE” written in the margins of my class notebooks a TON. Once you feel like you can remember that word well, go onto another 3 letter word with a different set of letters. Recognition = good, so pick something you like, use all the time. 
While I was doing this, I tried to string together Irken letters I knew into like, coherent phrases. I was very bad at this at first. Acronyms are your friend here, lmao. (I don’t think I can count the number of times I’ve written ‘u r a qt pie’ in my notebooks.) It doesn’t matter what you write, just that it makes coherent sense. 
There are gonna be some uncommon letters that are gonna be hard to practice, like W and Z, off the top of my head. For Z, that was easy. I just wrote ZIM over and over and over. For W... I used UWU. You laugh now, but the absurdity of it cements that I will always recognize those two letters. 
Four letter words are also good. (Please, absolutely write “FUCK” over and over in order to remember letters. I encourage it.)
There is also the absolute cuntwaffles. Y’know how in English, b, p, d, g, all look kinda the same? Yeah, Irken has that too. 
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(Pictured: Head hurting juice.)
The I and Z don’t look that similar now, but good luck without a translation guide. By this point, you should have memorized a good chunk of the Irken alphabet, and be able to recognize some others when you see them. If you’ve been writing common three- or four-letter words, it’s likely you’ve been using letters very common in the English language. Which brings us to our next stage, and the actual fun part: 
You’re gonna want a translation guide on hand in these early stages, you will need it. The main goal of this stage is to read anything in Irken you can get your hands on- but start small! Fanart with Irken in it was a godsend to me. It’s not that long, so it’s not overwhelming. I did need to look up some letters at the beginning, and I read really slowly, but that’ll change quickly if you keep up with it! The specific fanarts I used are:
@inimoose​ ‘s The Last Irken comic, specifically chapter one: part one, and chapter two: part two have a lot of Irken. But I’d recommend reading the whole comic; it’s good!
@paketdimensioncomic​ ‘s page of lore for their comic! Spoilers, though. Again, I’d recommend reading through the whole comic, because it’s just that good. 
@xryn-art​ ‘s Linguistic Au’s first comic has a good chunk of Irken! The other comics do have some, but it’s all translated. Still good practice, though, if you wanna... read them......... ;) ;) ;) 
Yes, this segment was partially a way for me to plug my favorite fan-artists, (or at least the ones that use Irken,) sue me. It’s my guide and I make the rules here.
(I am very sorry if I bothered any of you by @’ing you.)
But just some sources isn’t enough, so I introduce you to browser fonts. And changing yours to Irken. 
It will not effect everything in your browser, and it can be toggled on and off, so don’t worry. If you really want, you can download a separate browser to change the font of, and leave your normal one be. It’d be convenient if you could, since having your browser font be Irken is inconvenient if you need to use Wikipedia, like, ever. 
Here’s a guide for that, for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer for some reason. You’ll see four options to change, I just changed all of them. Not every page is going to have Irken on it, though. For me, Wikipedia is all in Irken, and so is TV Tropes. And some Tumblr blogs (PAKet Dimension’s is one, just in case you need a reason to go back there ;)) But it might be different for you. 
Whatever it is, now you have a nice way to practice. I read Wikipedia articles on stuff I already knew about (so I wasn’t completely lost and could figure out what letters I didn’t know were from context clues,) but not a page I’ve read before in recent memory- you might just be recalling what the page said, instead of actually reading it.
And about the absolute cuntwaffle letters: yes, this will help you in recognizing which are which. Seeing the letters in context is always going to be much more helpful than just, a bunch of meaningless squiggles floating in the void.
At this point, I personally am much better at reading than writing Irken. It’s one thing to know a letter when you see it, and another to recall it and write it down from memory. Right now, I’m trying to write song lyrics and dumb little phrases in Irken, to improve my writing skills. Again, nothing too long, don’t overwhelm yourself. This sounds stupid, but Vines are good. When I don’t remember a letter, I just leave it blank and look it up after I’m done. 
Another thing that helps is having a friend to practice with, or someone to just give you Irken phrases for you to translate. 
Once you’re around this stage, you can try to learn simplified/handwritten Irken. You can also try to learn it before this, I started it around when I started reading fanart for practice, it’s up to you. This guide is a good starting point, but you don’t have to follow it exactly. This is your handwriting, do what feels natural for you!
(Also, don’t even worry about speedwrite Irken. That has no place in this holy land and frankly I am scared of it.)
And that’s... pretty much it! Most of the process is just... practicing a lot. 
If this post does well, I might make a server for people who wanna learn Irken to practice together and stuff. It all depends if anyone even wants to learn Irken. 
EDIT: Well, guess what I ended up making just the next day. Here’s the post for the server, and please read the joining rules.
Also, if you wanna learn Irken numbers, here you go. But start with letters first, worry about numbers later. These are never used, aren’t even in the Irken font, and three of them look a lot like those cuntwaffle Irken letters. 
Anyway I just really hope this guide helps someone out. If you do use it, tell me! And have fun learning Irken!! It really is just, a blast to do honestly.
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anika-ann · 4 years
What I’d Never Say or Do (Had I Been in My Right Mind) - Pt.1
We Both Break Free (…if We Make It on Top)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count (Ch1): 2050
Series summary: A story in which you officially come back from the dead, Tony with Natasha decide to take the blame for the whole mess and organize a party with unexpected party crashers and Bucky should consider thinking before speaking.
Fic title applicable to Tony, Natasha, Steve and his soulmate (aka the Reader), Bucky and his sort-of-buddy Matt Murdock and possibly few more.
Ch.1 summary.: In which Natasha and Tony go mad.
A/N: This series will be just a smaller thing, snippets set around The Age of Ultron (and later, Endgame). Later will be referred to as WINSoD because the title is a monster.
Warnings (ch1): mention of death and resurrection, mention of superntural creatures (see Errare Humanum Est), language, fluff
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Tony Stark was a ridiculously theatrical person.
While that was no news to anyone who knew as much as his name at least, but he still managed to outlive the legend, the reputation that preceded him.
He left you standing by the door, walked in to gain the undivided attention of the person inside the office and wanted you to reveal yourself in the exact right moment – a moment he trusted you to recognize.
Well. You assumed with a revelation like yours, it was rather hard to keep the drama away. But leave it to Tony Stark that he would blow it to proportion just to have fun.
“Tamara, darling!” the billionaire howled, the door opened only for a crack, so you could hear the reaction. You rolled your eyes, sighed and nervously looked around. The department was empty safe for the woman in the office, but it still made you feel uneasy; probably the effect of having to hide for the past weeks to avoid detection that could lead to a major scandal.
“Oh god, what happened?” Tamara asked, sounding as horrified as annoyed.
“Why do you assume— okay, that’s fair. How’s you hubby doing?”
“Alright,” the poor woman answered, clearly suspicious. “I more or less cleaned up the latest mess, so I’ve been coming home early…”
“Yeeeeah, about that. I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” Tony offered cheerily.
“Bad news. Always. Let me just sit down-- no, no, don’t let me sit down, I have a feeling I’ll wanna pace irritably.”
That caused the corners of your lips to turn up. You were starting to like this woman already.
“I’m gonna need you to deal with a major scandal worthy of your skills.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere and I assumed as much.” Now you officially loved her – and you saw why Tony did too. Sass and snark; Tony’s language. “So, care to elaborate?”
“Nah, I’ll give you the good news. You’re gonna get some help. I brought reinforcements. She doesn’t have much experience with PR-” Try none. “-but I’m pretty sure she’ll be the one all the questions will be aimed at.”
“Oh my god, Anthony, did you get a woman pregnant?!” the woman hissed, not bothering lowering her voice. She sounded… kinda pissed. Which was reasonable, given the fact Tony Stark was happily-not-single with one amazing Pepper Potts.
“What? No! I have Pepper!” he opposed her, having the nerve to be offended. You smirked, hoping Jarvis caught that one line too. “This is all on Capsicle-“
“Captain Rogers got a woman pregnant?! What the-“
You felt like this was the moment.
“No, Mrs…. Tamara,” you said it the end, realizing Tony never told you the poor woman’s last name, and entered the room. “But his soulmate sort of came back from the death.”
Tamara was a middle-aged woman, with blonde medium-length hair and huge majestic glasses, business suit in a bloody-red colour and lips perfectly shaped in an “O” as you demonstrated the problem at hand.
“Holy. Shit.”
Leave it to Tony Stark he would flee the moment an actual explanation was needed, letting the others deal with the aftermath of his dramatic tendencies. To be fair, this was more of your drama, so…
“Good. Looks like introductions are not needed. I’ll send you the necessary data. Have fun.”
He strode through the door, winking over his shoulder at you and sending an air kiss to Tamara and you nervously smiled at the woman, your awkward side showing when you raised your hand to a reluctant wave before you could realize a handshake would be more appropriate.
“Uhm. Hi…”
The blonde blinked several times, shook her head with an incredulous chuckle and stuck out her hand.
“Hi. I’m Tamara, Antony Stark’s cleaning service. What can I do for you?”
Oh yeah. You’d get along just fine.
The story was simple and yet enough to make at least two Avengers very much hated.
Tony and Natasha, perhaps from some residual guilt of which you weren’t sure where was coming from, were determined to be thrown to the wolves of public.
Apparently, it had been all their idea – to have Steve and you kidnapped in the first place by the bomb enthusiast psycho. They had caught something fishy, been aware of it for a long time and opted for drawing the something rotten within SHIELD and company out by leaking early info on where you and Steve would be going to dates for several nights in a row without your or Steve’s knowledge. Perfect bait with nearly perfect surveillance background and safety measures.
Predictably, it had gone to shit and while you had never been blown up to death, which was something Steve had had zero clue about, you had been recovering from your life-threatening injuries for weeks in a hidden facility of top-secret location with way too much security. Still without Captain America’s knowledge.
Admittedly, this tale was a PR nightmare in making, not to mention a complete bullshit. Yet, the Avengers (sans Steve so far) unanimously approved of it. Tony and Natasha would be the first to blame, while the rest would reluctantly admit they knew as well and they had all kept it from Steve.
“You can’t be serious,” was all you managed to come up with, Steve sitting on the couch next to you while the rest of the team, the part that was momentarily on Earth, gathered around you to break you the news. This was what they came up with? “People will hate you.”
“And their hearts would still bleed for their golden boy, who would forgive us in time, especially since we offered his girl a job and an apartment she can’t quite refuse.”
“Wait, what kind of a job?!” Steve snapped, waking up from the deep thoughts he had fallen into with this stupid talk.
“The non-dangerous kind, Steve, calm down, please,” Natasha cooled him off flatly, but you could see her sincere gaze when it met with Steve’s. We wouldn’t endanger her, not again, it whispered. Steve’s shoulders slumped.
“What kind of a job?” you echoed, still worried. You assumed the apartment Tony mentioned was a place in the Tower, not bothering to ask about that part.
“PR. Unless you want to deal with your old job of which I have no doubt your best buddy would give back. I’d just like to remind you how the public reacted to you dying.”
Right. You wouldn’t mind a little privacy and safe space. You liked your old job, but it didn’t seem like an option now. Except… this was crazy.
“But they will still hate you. It makes you guys terrible friends and teammates. Frankly, it makes you kind of… terrible people,” you said slowly, taking time to examine everyone’s face.
“She’s got a point,” Steve agreed, wheels in his head clearly turning in a lightning speed.
“Meh. You should know what Fury’s up to during his ‘the end justifies the means’ periods – which is non-stop. I wouldn’t worry about that,” Natasha shrugged it off, pursing her lips a bit.
“Wasn’t it you who said you weren’t sure how to get her back to the world without having to explain she was literally led by an angel from Heaven?” Clint reacted to Steve, who sighed.
“Yes, of course, but this-“
“-is perfectly believable,” Natasha interrupted him, raising an eyebrow before beckoning to Tony and herself. “Me and Tony came up with the operation – a spy and a billionaire with questionable conscience. We pulled the rest of the team into the charade. This can work.”
“I can’t say I’ll enjoy this,” Bruce entered the conversation for the first time, surprising everyone. “However, it will allow you to walk the streets freely – with uncomfortable questions, yes, but it is a reasonable deal for us.”
“Steve? Thoughts?” the spy turned to him again.
Your soulmate observed his team for a long time, just like you, watching each of them individually, trying to read them as he himself was conflicted and undecisive. Finally, his eyes settled on you, a hint of an encouraging smile on his lips.
“Doll? How do you feel about that?”
The softness of his voice, the actual freedom he gave you when it came to this decision warmed your heart and made you shudder at the same time. You had no doubt he had come to a decision; but the final step was on you and you only. He would be affected too, of course, but this was your life that could turn upside down for like… what, the third time since you had met him?
You worried your teeth over your lower lip. “I mean… I’d really appreciate not having to hide in here all the time, but… I don’t want people to hate you, guys. I feel like I caused enough problems-“
“No, doll,” Steve whispered, his hand covering yours and squeezing firmly as he locked his gaze with yours and didn’t let go. “I’m not asking about them. I’m asking about you. They are clearly willing to do this.”
“Are you?” you questioned despite being confident about his answer.
“Do I love you?”
That caught you off guard. “Huh? That’s not what I-…?”
What did that even mean? Did he love— come again? How was this about his feelings towards you all of sudden? Was it time to question them? God, you hoped NOT.
“That the newest version of asking whether the sky is blue, doll,” he explained with a lop-sided smile and you released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding.
Idiot. Sap. Sweet-talker.
“You’re such a sap.”
“You love it,” he hummed confidently. You smiled despite your better judgement. You loved him. And yeah, you loved this silliness too.
“I do.”
“So… are we doing this? Together?” His smiled grew a little wider, the twinkle you adored appearing in his eyes and you couldn’t but squeeze his hand back.
“Yeah. Together.”
“Jarvis, send Dum-E with some insulin shots,” Tony cleared his throat and you felt your cheek dust with a blush, roughly pulled out of the haze Steve managed to put you in once again. “We’re all having unhealthy sugar rush.”
The captain rolled his eyes. “Har, har, Stark. Are you guys really okay with this?”
Clint huffed. “It’s not like people will start planning our assassination more than they do already.”
“Tamara might,” Natasha opposed, amused.
“Ah, poor Tamara, I better bring a wine with me when asking…” Tony mused, scratching his goatee.
You turned to the red-head spy, not happy about being out of the loop.
“Who’s Tamara?”
Tamara, the head of the PR department for Tony (and sometimes for the Avengers too, because those two clients, so to speak, often came as a package deal), was currently starring at you speechless when you told her the tale of what actually happened and what lie they had decided to feed the public.
The silence lasted long enough for you to start worrying.
“Are you alri-“
“Angels are real?!” she burst out, nearly making you jump out of your skin with the sudden exclaim. You placed your palm over your chest to keep your racing heart inside your ribcage.
“…yes. But so are demons, shapeshifters, witches and so on, so…”
“Not a good thing to go public with. Got it. I understand the cover-up now. Though people being able to be resurrected would be enough on its own even without the… creatures. My my… we have a lot of work to do.”
“I’d imagine,” you agreed, not having a clue how to do this and where to start.
The woman looked at you over the rim of her glasses, her smile kind, in the Stark contrast to her loud cry only few second ago.
“…you don’t have any experience with PR at all, do you?”
“Nope,” you admitted, accenting the P and looking away, ashamed that Tony threw you into this without giving you anything helpful.
Now Tamara had to deal with the scandal and with you trying to help. That woman was worthy of some serious pay raise (though you had no doubt Tony paid her enough for her to own a villa or something, exactly as much as she deserved for dealing with his shit).
“I’m gonna kill Anthony, I swear…. Okay,  let’s get this shit on the road. Also, Jarvis? Tell Antony to get the freakin’ wine ASAP.”
Oh yeah. You would actually adore Tamara, you were sure of it.
Part 2
Here we go! The final part of the series. Admittedly, I’m not sure about quality of this thing, but I’m trying.
Chapter titles are taken from the chorus of Les Friction’s What You Need
Thank you for reading ♥
(I’ll be tagging my Errare Humanum Est taggies, if you don’t want ot be taggged anymore, let me know)
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lokiandbuckyaremine · 4 years
What Will It Cost?
Prompt: “pls do an angsty 2 and 3 with Bucky pls pls” ~ Anon
Summary: You really love that Bucky is protective over you and wants you safe on missions, but it begins to drive you crazy when it almost causes you both to lose a mission. And your relationship...
2. Whoa, what is with the attitude change?
3. Why does she keep avoiding me? It’s not like I did anything wrong.
Warnings: Language, pretty angsty between reader and Bucky, Bucky kinda being an asshole (SORRY!)...but FLOOFY ending. 
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One more blow to the side and you swear you were gonna pass out. Blood spread across your cheek, from your nose to your mouth, and began to harden since you had spent a much longer time trying to fight off these agents. Your arms were starting to give in, as you were sick of punching. The guns were out, you lost your knife, and your team aka your boyfriend was no where to be seen. Looks like you were handling this on your own.
You enjoyed yet feared doing these kind of missions partially by yourself because it gave you a chance to prove yourself to the rest of the guys, and to your boyfriend. He was the fucking Winter Soldier and it took a lot to impress him. BUT he’d always step in front when he thought you couldn’t handle yourself, and you were growing tired of him trying to save your ass. This was your time now to show him otherwise. 
Throwing down a couple of more agents, you saw that you almost had the area cleared except for this one guy that would not surrender. Running to him, you raised your leg to throw a hard kick, but instead he grabbed your calf and threw you against a concrete pillar. The sting of a cut and a bruised spine seared through your body and you hissed in pain. Your vision was going blurry yet you could see a black blob running in your direction. “Doll! Jesus christ!” A few grunts and screams could be heard, and Bucky was quick to your side. He brushed a few stray hairs out of your face and went to lift you up. “What the hell happened, y/n?” You refused to let him help you up and pushed him aside. “I’m fine, James. I have everything under control. Where’s the hard drive?” 
Nervousness filled his face as he attempted to help you up again. “I have to go get it but I saw you lying here and I had to save you.” Raging with anger, you punched him aside and screamed. “What do you mean you have to go get it?! You’re gonna cost us the fucking mission! I don’t need your fucking saving all the time. I’m a grown ass woman that can handle myself.” Stepping back in shock, Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “Whoa, what is with the attitude change? You have always appreciated me having your back.”
Walking away from him, you spoke over your shoulder. “There’s a difference between having my back and treating me Steve who you always had to save, like I’m some lost puppy. Your feelings are gonna get us killed, Barnes. Man up.” And with that you jogged off to go find the hard drive, that was in the jacket of a dead agent. Part of you felt extremely bad for talking to your boyfriend like that, but it was definitely built up feelings that needed to be shared. It was going to be quite the ride home...
When you and Bucky arrived at the compound, neither one of you spoke to each as you painfully walked to your shared room. You were in serious pain from the amount of cuts and bruises you earned with this mission. Seeing you in this much pain killed Bucky, but he knew by now to not mess with “the bull”. You landed on the bed harshly and began to undo your clothing. Wincing as you tried to pull off your bodysuit, you noticed Bucky walking over. “Here, let me help you babe.” His calloused hands stretched out towards you, but you pushed them away. “Don’t touch me, Bucky. I’m not in the mood.” You spat each word at him and his heart broke. Finally being in just your underwear, you saw the huge incision in the side of your rib.
Bucky stared at you with puppy eyes, and badly wanted to help you. “Doll, let me help you patch that up. It’s the least I can do.” You brushed past him to the bathroom and turned around sharply. “Let me tell you something plain and simple...I don’t need your help. I don’t need you to save me. And quite frankly I don’t need your pity. You nearly cost us a seriously important mission because you couldn’t keep your fuckin feelings to yourself and saw me as a poor little lamb. I apprec--” Bucky held up his hand and his body tensed up. “Oh, I’m sorry for being a great boyfriend. And maybe I wouldn’t have to save your sorry ass if you weren’t such an ignorant and egotistical fighter. It’s very apparent that you are not trained enough nor have the skills to handle highly trained and well equipped agents. But you’re right, not my job to keep you safe.”
Tears burned your eyes as you fought so hard to keep them from falling. “My bad. I forgot you were the perfect soldier. Always the heroic guy to swoop in and save the day, just like the good ol days. Well wake up, James. This isn’t 1942 and you’re not a perfect soldier anymore. And I’m a damn good agent. I have busted my ass day in and day out, training and pushing myself. Unlike you, my skills are real and not something that came out of a fucking bottle. I’ll handle myself from now on.” Bucky began tearing up too as he walked towards the door. “Well then I guess you don’t need me anymore.” With a slam of your bedroom door, Bucky stormed down the hallway wondering what the hell just happened to your relationship. 
You and Bucky were always the best team/duo, whether it was in combat, in the bed, or just being a couple. He loved you more than anything in the world, and never thought that he could love someone considering his broken past. But you were his partner, his girl, his everything....and he couldn’t afford to lose you. That’s why he was so overprotective of you. But this time he knew he fucked up really bad and didn’t know if you’d ever speak to him again.
A couple of days passed by and Bucky never returned to your room. The lonely nights with no warm body pressed against you was driving you insane, though you were still upset. You knew in your heart he was doing this to protect you, but how would you learn if he kept getting in the way? You couldn’t afford to lose him, but you also couldn’t afford to lose your rep of a bad ass agent. One was way more important than the other, and you knew you’d have to make some sort of decision to balance them both.
Trudging down to the kitchen, in the same clothes that you’ve worn for the past 5 days, you hear some muttering in the direction you were walking. “Why does she keep avoiding me? It’s not like I did anything wrong. I love her, Steve. And I can’t afford to lose her on any mission. Believe me, I know she can handle herself but seeing her in a near death state made me wanna screw the world and do anything to save her.” Hearing Bucky speak like this made your heart flutter and you began to feel bad for the way you had barked at him. The next mission would be interesting, whenever that was. Part of you hoped that you both could go back to the old days where you treated each other as partners and that’s it. But he meant well and had every right to protect you, as you would him. 
Walking into the room, the boys stopped talking and stared at your slightly disheveled appearance. Your eyes first hit Bucky’s and your body sunk. HIs eyes looked puffy, he didn’t shave, his hair wasn’t combed, and he looked like utter hell. Steve excused himself and the both of you sat there staring at one another. Bucky grew tense yet cautious at the same time because this was the first interaction you’ve had in a little while. Even you didn’t know what to make of it, but your heart had a different idea. You slowly walked over to him and paused inches away from his solid body.  
Staring up into his gorgeous steel blue eyes, you couldn’t help but pull his broad body into a tight hug. He sank into your arms and squeezed you back. He missed this. YOU missed this. Sitting in the warm embrace for a few moments, you murmured quietly into his body, “I’m sorry, Buck.” He smiled briefly against your head pressing a small kiss to it, and answered back sighing, “Me too, Doll. Please no more fights.” You pulled apart and linked your hand with his metal one. “Agree. Look, I know you want to protect me and you have no idea how much I love that about you, but I really can handle myself babe. YOU trained me to do so.” Nodding softly, Bucky pulled your interlocked hands to kiss it, “I know. And I promise not to interfere, but I can’t promise that I won’t stop saving you. You’re all I have.”
Leaning your head onto his warm chest, you rubbed you free hand up and down it, feeling his body relax. “I can’t lose you either. Guess that’s what makes us inseparable.” You both chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “You know what I think we could really use right now?” You smirked as Bucky cocked an eyebrow. “What’s that, Doll?” Running a hand through his messy hair, you pressed a small kiss to his lips. “A nap! Because we both look like serious shit and definitely aren’t living up to our expectations.” He let out a loud laugh as he began to bring you with him to the room. “Couldn’t agree more.”
When you both finally settled into your shared bed, skin to skin, and bodies intertwined, you tapped Bucky’s half-asleep body. He hummed in response, not opening his eyes but letting you know he was listening. “I love you, Buck. Thank you for saving my life, really.” He smiled and tugged you closer to him, pressing small kisses to your neck. “Anything for you, Doll. I love you more.” Letting Bucky be himself may cost you becoming a self-driven agent, but if it meant not losing Bucky and keeping him by your side, you’d give up anything. 
A/N: Awwww I hate angsty Bucky x Reader, but I had a lot o fun with this one. I was almost debating whether or not to make it a 2 part thing, but who knows?! PLEASE LIKE, REBLOG, AND COMMENT AWAYYYYY!!!!
@jobean12-blog @littlenerdgirl16 @jokesonjess @jewels2876 @mashtons-dirtbag @hernameiswhatt @ballyhoobarnes @lauxeyson @thiddlestoff @thatbitchsaidhi @marvelous-heroimagines @iamwarrenspeace @violentlybarnes @moondancewrites @toddneilanderperry @mizz-kraziii @lovelybones81 @thinemineours @godohammers @buckywhoops @thatfangirl16​ @thummbelina​ @notyourtypicalrose
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thinking-in-symbols · 3 years
Quinquennial Life Assessment
So, it’s been a few years.  When I was 19 I posted a sort of “roadmap” for the evolution of my life on this blog.  Today I thought I’d revisit that.  I want to take a look back and see what progress I’ve made, and then in a separate post I want to turn to the future, think about how my vision for it has changed, and consider how I can reincorporate these goals into that vision.
This is the list of things I wanted to get done in varying time frames.  I’ve crossed off the things I’ve done to get a sense of my progress:
1 year:
At 19, my hopes were to accomplish the following things by age 20:
- Joined, and consistently participated in, at least 2 campus organizations that suit my interests, at least 1 of which should be competitive in nature - well, I joined the ISO and KVRX, my college radio station!  Neither of those were competitive, but in retrospect I don’t really care about that :-)
- Made concrete plans to study abroad - Nope, unfortunately I never did this.  I’m not quite sure I regret that, all things considered - I traded that experience for other things.  I did make plans to spend a few months abroad of my own accord, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling global pandemic.  But as it stands I haven’t done this.
- Learned C++ and python to proficiency - Hm.  “Proficient” is a relative term.  But I think I have a tendency to downplay my skills, so in the interest of counteracting that I’m going to count myself as “proficient” in these languages.  I think that’s fair.
- Gone on at least a several day road trip with at least 1 friend - I’ve gone on several trips with @meeshbug​, my very lovely girlfriend and best friend in the world :-)
- Decided on a concentration beyond the extremely vague umbrella of “computer science” - Unfortunately as far as my education is concerned I never really did this.  If anything my interests have *broadened* rather than becoming more focused.  More on this later...
- Made meaningful, ongoing contributions to an open-source project - You know what?  I’ve published the source of everything I’ve ever made, and I’ve gotten to the point where I can make stuff that’s not trivial.  So I’m giving myself credit for this one.
- Learned to cook enough meals to eat in most days and not get sick of my own food - I wish.  I’ve learned to cook a fair amount of stuff but I still get way too depressed and lethargic to apply that consistently.  Whether I consider myself to have achieved this honestly depends on the month.
- Learned to keep my living area clean - I’m much better at this than I was at 19, but at 19 I could barely clear a path to walk across my room.  So there’s more work to do.  More on these last two later.
- Gotten a pet - Meesh and I have a dog named Courage (after the dog of cowardly fame) and a cat named Jax!
2 years:
- Independently written a piece of software to completion and deployed it publicly - I’ve always pretty bad at actually seeing projects through to completion, but I do have a few full, independent projects under my belt at this point.  I’ve built a simple game engine, a pathtracer, plugins for games I like, and some other stuff.
- purchased and begun regularly using some basic amateur radio equipment - Ah man.  I got my license but I still haven’t gotten any equipment.  I guess I have to get on that...
- purchased and begun experimenting with some basic music recording equipment - This one I’ve done, but I haven’t done as much experimenting as I’d like.
- hosted a party - I did this for my 21st birthday and it’s one of my favorite memories!  Honestly this was probably the last time I had all my really close friends in one place.  I’m actually getting kind of emotional about that.
- done some kind of hallucinogen - I have now done this.  I definitely did get something out of it, albeit not what I expected.  This is something I actually only did pretty recently and it’s still having a pretty profound effect.  Maybe I’ll write a separate post about this.
- Gone camping with friends - Despite my best efforts, this hasn’t happened yet.  Pretty fucked up.
3 years:
- learned to play another instrument besides the piano (guitar?) - I don’t feel comfortable crossing this one off quite yet, but I went ahead and bought myself some guitar equipment and have been messing around with it lately :-) I think I’m going to have to bite the bullet and pay for lessons if I’m serious about this, which I am.
- Written and recorded a song - Damn, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years and I haven’t even done this.
- Met a group of people I can play music with - nope
- Owned a leather jacket.  I can’t believe I’ve still never even owned a leather jacket - I’ve done this and wore it frankly too much.  Kinda cringe.
- Worked as a professional software developer - Yep!  Worked as a software developer for a retail company for a couple years.  I’m actually not working as a software developer right now, though; I’m working in a sort of adjacent position.  More on this later.
- Participated in research related to my field - That’s pretty ambitious.  Not sure I’ll ever do this, unfortunately.  But we’ll see.
- Been to a film festival - Oh shit, I totally forgot about having written this.  That’s a cool idea.  I should do this, it’s not like it’s hard (well, at least in principle.  I guess covid kind of changes the situation).
- Gotten a dog - Courage is one of those, I think, although he might also be part rat.
- collected 50 records - Lol, my dumb ass really thought I was going to buy $1,000 worth of records on college money.  No, I haven’t done this, but I’m on my way there.
- Purchased a desktop computer - Well, my dad gave me his old desktop.  That’s not really a purchase but I think it counts.
5 years:
- Begun accepting freelance development gigs - haven’t gotten here yet and I’m not totally sure this is a direction I want to go in my career.  Freelancing has its own stressors as I’ve come to learn from others.  No career path is sunshine and roses and I’m trying to internalize this fact.
- Participated in a student film - Nope.  I don’t even know why I wrote this down to be honest.
- Gotten laid by solving a 5x5 Rubik’s Cube in front of a girl because surely that’s gonna have to work on someone eventually, otherwise I wasted a lot of time - These are getting weird.  Surely I didn’t really expect this to happen, right?  Well, either way I now have a long-term girlfriend, so I don’t - wait, Meesh has seen me solve a Rubik’s cube and she saw it before we started dating.  So actually I’m going to give myself credit for it.  I’m the one who makes the rules here.
- Fleshed out my political opinions - Yes, I now know everything about politics and can answer 100% of questions on political issues.  Just kidding.  But I know where I stand.
- Participated in a protest or some other kind of political event - Done!  Went to a few protests as part of the ISO, participated in lots of their events, and attended some protests with friends as well.
- Studied abroad - Nope :-/
- Learned a language other than Spanish - I took a semester of French!  But I don’t quite want to give myself credit for this one because I really would like to learn a different language to something resembling fluency.
- Run a marathon - Lmao.  I am in much worse shape now than I was when I wrote this post, and even at that time I could probably do like 7 miles if I really pushed myself.  How sad.
- Gone hiking outside of texas - This is weird because I’d literally already done this when I wrote this post.  But I’ve done it more since then, so hey!
- Been out of the country with a friend - This I had also already done.  I guess the point is to have done it without “adult supervision” or whatever.  I haven’t done this since writing this list so I guess I have to leave it uncrossed.
10 years:
- Lived with a girl for an extended period of time - Meesh 🥰
- Spent at least 6 months living on the road in an RV, preferably with a dog and a girl - God, I am so close to being able to do this.  I don’t want it to be an RV anymore - those things are expensive.  But a van?  Still pricey, but doable, especially if I’m willing to sacrifice some comfort.  This has actually been front-of-mind for a while.  I’ll let you know when I get the balls to pull the trigger.
- Started making Real Money - Well, yep, I have gotten to that point.  I do have other thoughts on this, though.  Money is weird, man.
- Lived in a long-term living space outside of Texas (i.e. not including RV time) - How long is long-term?  Three months?  If so, I’ve done this by living in Boston with Meesh for a few months after she went there for law school.  However, I anticipate staying there much longer in the near future, so I’ll wait on this crossing this one off.
- Written a book about something, idk - Not yet.  I’m halfway to the deadline on this one and I have some ideas, but ideas aren’t worth all that much, especially to me, who rarely sees them through.  We’ll see where this goes.  It’s not exactly a priority and historically I struggle to get even my priorities done.  It might make more sense to replace this with recording a concept or narrative album, for which I also have ideas that I happen to take more seriously.
- Learned to solve a 6x6 Rubik’s Cube - nope
- Gotten laid by solving a 6x6 Rubik’s Cube - nope
- Lived in an apartment where I pay all the rent - Yes!  :-))) We love independence
- Earned an advanced degree (this one’s iffy) - This hasn’t happened, and whether it will ever happen is something I’ve been thinking a lot about.  I sort of decided half-way through college that I would be totally burned out on school by the time I graduated.  But in retrospect it takes way less time to burn out on work than it does to burn out on school, and grad degrees are a different kind of thing.  So it’s worth revisiting.’
- Given a best man speech (Sam, this means you have to get married within the next 10 years.  Good luck out there.) - Holy shit, Sam, you maniac, you actually did it!  Sam got married back in 2019 and I gave his best man speech! It’s another one of my favorite memories :-) 
- Gone on a cruise with someone I’m dating - Hmm, not yet.  I’ve gone on cool trips, but none on a boat.  Maybe that’s something to aim for after the pandemic passes :-)
1yr: Completed: 5/9
More than half isn’t bad!  I’m not gonna worry too much about whether I got these things done within their assigned “time-frame”.  I’m a procrastinator in my heart and I don’t see any reason to put that kind of pressure on myself.  The point is, they got done.  That’s enough for me.
The things I did best in in this category were academic things, and things to do with relationships.  I’m proud of the academic achievements, I really feel like doing them has increased my belief in myself and my sense that I’m good at the thing I’ve spent the last four years studying.  And of course, I am so happy to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship that brings so many good things into my life.  I almost feel like the things I accomplished sort of fell into my lap - of course I’m gonna do programming stuff as a programming student, and getting pets / going on road trips are things I did as a result of my relationship with Meesh.  I don’t say that to downplay the accomplishments, but I do think it’s worth noting.
The things I haven’t done are more to do with personal development, which is disappointing.  I would like to be able to say, 5 years down the road, that I’ve done the personal development I expected to do in just a single year, but maybe that’s a lot to expect.  These are problems I’ve dealt with my whole life.  I think what this means is that I can’t expect everything to fall into my lap.  Those things are going to take real concerted effort to change.  I’m not quite sure how to go about that, though.
2yrs: Completed: 4/6
Two-thirds!  Even better!
Lots of these are one-time accomplishments, not so much long-term commitments to personal development.  The good news is, I did them, and I think those resulted in some development in their own right :-)
Again, though, the things I didn’t do so well are the things that require long-term, concerted effort.  For instance, while I crossed off the one about experimenting with music, it’s really only the initial investment that I’ve really done at this point.  It remains to be seen whether I’ll be able to follow through on the commitment to actually experiment and learn.
3yrs: Completed: 4/10
This category also follows the same pattern I’ve noticed with the last two.  The other thing I’m noticing is that so, so much of my effort over the past few years has been going towards developing a very particular skill: programming / computer science.  Music and art are so important to me, but I’ve done very little real development in those areas.  I mean, I’ve done some.  But not as much as I would have hoped for half a decade.
5yrs: Completed: 4/10
This is getting a little more fun because less of my goals have to do explicitly with my degree.  I’m starting to think beyond college, which is good, because the stage of life I’m in right now requires me to start thinking about the kind of life I want to build now that I’m done with school.  Also, I’m at the deadline for this one right now!  So this is a particularly interesting category because it really shows where I thought I’d be by this time.
The goals I accomplished in this timeframe are, again, mostly things I’ve done through my relationship, but politics also feature pretty prominently on this part of the list.  I spent a lot of time reading and researching political issues during college and really did look for ways to participate.  I honestly made politics a pretty big part of my identity over the last 5 years, and I think it will stay that way forever, but I’ve gotten to the point where I think I need to devote less of my mental energy to knowing more.  I know what I need to know.  It’s time to think about other things.
10yrs: Completed: 4/11 (and counting!)
There’s some career stuff in this section that I’ve been able to do, which is good news.  I’ve always been scared about entering the working world.  All things told, it’s gone more smoothly than it could have.  But I also have lots of lingering doubts about what I want to do in the long term.  So one of the most pressing goals I should aim for is to resolve those doubts.
Ultimately, I have a lot of time left, and I’m not even done with this time frame, so I’m not gonna spend much time dissecting the things I haven’t done.  What I’ll do instead is say that while I didn’t do everything on this list, I feel proud of the things I have accomplished.  I said when I first wrote this list that it’s sometimes hard for me to feel that my life is moving in any particular direction, and I’m still feeling like that five years later, to be honest.  But looking back on these things has helped me see that I actually am making progress in my life.  Not in all the ways I want to, but that’s OK.  There’s still time.
In the next couple days I want to come back to this and reorganize this list into an updated set of goals, for the same time frames.  Maybe that will help me think through exactly what it is I want out of the next five-ten years, with the benefit of having analyzed the things that I did and didn’t do well over the previous five.
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scige-archive · 5 years
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LIANA LIBERATO / CIS FEMALE. — saige beaumont is really making a name for themselves as a sheep. i think that she is studying criminal psychology + linguistics in their junior year at lockwood, living in alpha nu. originally from thibodaux, louisiana, saige is known to be blithe & energetic, but can also be evasive & irrational. — james / 20 / est / she/they.
hi !! this is mostly just a repost, but there has been added information to her biography section, as well as her connections to the victims. i’m excited to continue rping with u all !!!
a e s t h e t i c s
stick n’ pokes at 2am – when your drunk and giggling too much in between purposeful stabs, avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk because they’re bad luck and they’ll break your mother’s back – even if your mother doesn’t love you, because you love her, the familiar riff in an old song – one that’s got you strumming along silently; there is no guitar, only empty air lit by the christmas lights you haven’t taken down. it’s may. swallowing down shots, and by default, swallowing down problems. laughing quick, easily, constantly. skinned knees from skateboarding, despite being rubbish at it. wishes on eyelashes stuck to your cheekbones, glitter sticking, running into the ocean at sunrise; feeling at home. excuses, and the many forms they come in. telling people you love them through hand squeezes and fresh muffins, sideways glances and soft, eager grins.
general info !!
full name: saige alouette beaumont
nickname(s): n/a so give her some uwu
b.o.d. - july 7th, 21 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: firstly when aren’t my babies bi as FUCK but she also prefers masc-presenting folks
biography !!
the fallible daughter of two very infallible people: robert beaumont, US lieutenant general, and manon levesque, world renown fashion designer. both calculating, cold, and purposeful.
saige never believed she was created out of love. it was an action with a purpose, intentions to create the perfect child. the hybrid of both military genius and fashion extraordinaire, molded to their will.
it took them no more than six months after her birth for her parents to up and move, thus beginning the cycle of packing and unpacking, flying and driving, state-to-state and country-to-country. the longest saige had ever stayed in one place was two years.
kept on a short leash, homeschooled, and learning skills she had no interest in – she was more like a pet, a project, than a child. the world moved all around her, but she felt restrictively tethered to her parents.
she had always felt this way. a bird in a cage of thorns.
it was hard to keep and maintain friends – saige would be there one day, and gone the next. a ghost, a very visible ghost. even so, she tried her hardest.
running from bodyguards (nannies, in a sense. her father is a paranoid man) into festival crowds and climbing out of windows in the dark of night to swim in lakes with locals she’d meet only a few hours earlier – she absorbed as much of what she could get; this intense, undying love for a world she had always craved to see.
it was the start of something near dangerous – a phase that seemed to never end, rebellion coursing through her veins. a wild child in the making, unknowing of limits. the bad sort of crowd was the crowd she found herself landing, more often than not – introducing the sheltered girl to a world she hadn’t quite known existed
she ran away, briefly, at age fifteen with a man three years older than her – which nearly ended up in a tabloid magazine if it hadn’t been for her parents’ money. though the guilt of her parents’ disappointed weighed on her, the thrill fueled something much worse
from that point on, she became a problem child. from public intoxication to vandalism – it was clear their daughter was unraveling and nothing could contain her.
boarding school was a small attempt to stop it – she got expelled.
she hadn’t intended to go to university, either – but, by some chance – and after a mysterious year-long disappearance from public eye during her eighteenth year of life, next thing she knew, she was a student at lockwood university.
she was involved in a getaway chase from an armed robbery at a bank which then turned into a hit-and-run in washington when she was on the brink of turning eighteen. it was a situation she had no control over, not knowing her role in the scheme until it was too late to turn back. the victim survived but saige’s family has been paying the medical fees since then. her parents haven’t spoken to her since.
ever since the accident, saige has avoided causing too much trouble - generally staying out of headlines and tabloids, partially in fear of her parents finally cutting ties, and partially in fear of doing something that’ll cost another person their life.
and while too afraid to visit the victim & their family, every month since the conviction of the others involved - she’ll visit one of them in particular. it’s been three years and saige has shown no sign of stopping.
during her last visit, he had sent her on a scavenger hunt resulting in her breaking into his brother’s (& his, technically) home and finding a second iPhone - one she had no idea he had, one with the watershed app installed. their intentions was for saige to be able to access the app - but his shepherd access had been revoked, and the phone had already been wiped clean. regardless, saige took it back to rochester with her.
personality !!
bubbly. so fucking bubbly. she’s got so much fucking energy on her – she goes running every morning and every night and swims like every afternoon and she’s n e v e r tired ?? the personality of a coke bottle shaken up but like if the bottle could laugh.
tries her hardest to be the Happy Fun friend, y’know, the one who can hook you up w/ some sicccc shit b/c she befriended/possibly slept with her drug dealer and now she gets discounts.
like, generally, comes off as very confident of herself and fearless and, like, yes–reckless, but like a fun reckless, y’know ??
talks a l o t, could ramble for days, hand gestures and all.
if she wants to do something, she will do it and there’s not much you can do to stop her tbh. she’s very easy-going, very go-go-go, very…mischievous, y’know? even if she’s trying to do something stupid you kinda just have to let her do it or otherwise she’ll mope for three hours and pout at you and you’ll feel ?? this weird sense of guilt ?? which isn’t the Best thing but she’s not the best person either so dfghjh
a vegetarian !! meat makes her sick, like, physically.
uuuhh her vocabulary consists of a lot of ‘likes’ and ‘ums’ and ‘y’knows’, y’know ??
i am like 99% sure she’s got adhd but she’s never been diagnosed with it b/c her parents suck with that stuff. her parents sort of suck in general.
like…she’s currently not on speaking terms with them. she’s not disowned…like, yet, but they haven’t said more than like five words to each other since saige was eighteen and it k i l l s her but they also send her a shit ton of money every month so.
owns like…four cars…..she has them all on campus…..she prolly isn’t suppose to…but she does…one of them’s a real sleek sports car, one is a jacked up pick-up truck that’s decked out in like LED lights n shit, one is the same exact fucking car from the princess diaries b/c saige is obsessed w/ the movie. the other is like. a mini cooper probably.
a photographer, her walls are covered in photographs and art and taped-down plants and in general her room is very ?? cluttered ?? like it’s very home-y but god. she’s a mess. clothes everywhere. she’s probably got a pile of instruments and other miscellaneous hobbies on a chair in the corner that she hasn’t touched in a while
speaking of !! she has a bunch of random, like, skills ?? like knitting and sewing and cooking and three different forms of ballroom dancing, and she can definitely work a gun and a car engine except she goes thru interests so rapidly and is disinterested in most of the other ones b/c her parents forced like half of them onto her.
she plays bass guitar. she loves her bass guitar. she knows other instruments but the only ones she’ll really fidget with are her bass guitar and like, her violin. everything else she’s like ~okay~ at
got really obsessed with languages at a young age and started learning them ?? her mother is like. super french, like genuinely from france, so she already grew up speaking both english and french but she’s learnt others for the hell of it and she’s still learning like three other at the same time which is a MESS but she’s a mess so like can u blame her sdfghj
but like i said, she’s v e r y reckless. very much a party girl. she uses like…quite a few drugs, both socially and alone and frankly – she’s rarely sober.
a budding alcoholic because she’s convinced that without it she’ll be Miserable and Horrible to everybody because she’s a Horrible, Awful person who is the absolute Worse and if drinking vodka mixed in with 23 crystal lite packets helps with not thinking like that then she’ll do it no questions asked
its a problem she’s been developing since she was younger, only amplified by … the situation, that happened when she was eighteen.
is essentially wearing this mask of confidence and giddiness and flirtatiousness b/c she doesnt want people to think she’s doing Not Okay.
she loves so much. she loves everything, everybody. falls in love like five times a day but nothing really sticks to her either. if ur a shitty person/come off as an asshole then she’ll be more likely to be attracted to her b/c shes Always been like this. finds them super interesting which is ?? questionable ?? sometimes i want to just. knock some sense into her but y’know what…it’s fine we’re Fine
she gets around p frequently but is also the type of person who’ll like, try n maintain a positive, good friendship with whoever she sleeps with b/c the idea of having regrettable encounters is smth that Bothers her and she just pretty much refuses.
it’s honestly a bit of a problem ?? she blurs the lines between friendship and Something, Anything More too often and with too many people b/c she just. wants to be loved. but there is never enough !
she does stick n pokes !! a whole bunch !! let her give you one !! she can’t draw for shit but i mean, who cares, right ??
uuuhh her mom sends her like…prototypes of things she designs n shit that isn’t out yet and saige 100% always gives it away or it sits in her closet and essentially that is her go-to gift for birthdays or christmas or whenever she feels like it
there’s literally sm i could say about her but i’ll stop Here b/c it’s getting too long sksksksk
connections to the victims !!
tatiana samuels / saige & tatiana met when they were freshmen and junior, respectively. they quickly became friends - mostly seen together at parties, where they’d encourage each other to do more, more, more. their friendship was ended after they’d taken a friend’s car on a joyride and wound up crashing it off of a back road. saige freaked out about it & tatiana ... did not. as a result of their very different reactions, and saige’s fear of landing in the news, they cut ties.
george craig iii / saige had met george after bringing tatiana back to her dorm one night where they accidentally crossed paths. one thing led to another and they wound up sleeping together. it hadn’t meant to be a thing at all, but there had been two other incidents of them ‘accidentally crossing paths’ before his disappearance.
hana williams / for the two of them to not be friends would be, frankly - weird, due to their similar friendly personalities. they got along well, but weren’t the closest pair.
christoph wainwright / they had hooked up numerous times before without issue, but christoph’s jealous yet emotionally unavailable personality & saige’s own conflicted feelings had resulted in a huge fight, which led to their falling out - which led to them quickly becoming enemies, instead.
wanted connections !!
give me. a best friend. just somebody who sticks by her side even though she’s a Mess
like, a ride or die ?? is that the same as a best friend ?? idc i want both :)
and just in general, like, people she’s p close to ?? she’s really friendly and is the kind of girl who’d be really popular in high school but doesn’t care abt popularity n talks to literally Everybody like she’s known them all her life.
ESP if ur muse is a lil grumpier !! she will fuck their shit up, but like, in a friendship way.
party pals, where they don’t talk that much outside of parties but inside them ?? super close. glued to the hip. hold-your-hair-back kinda tight.
frenemies ?? fake friends ?? toxic pals ?? ppl using her for her money or like, sex, or something ?? anything ??
bad influences ?? who just encourage all of saige’s shit ??
good influences ?? who are like YOINK stop being an idiot.
a tutor b/c she’s like…she’s smart, okay, but she’s also really stupid LMAO. she’s rly bad at math and science. somebody help her.
hook ups ?? fwbs ?? that one, rare one-night-stand that went weird ??
exes ?? she’s sorta noncommittal so idk how long they would’ve dated but like sjdfkbo yolo ?? ex hook-ups too ??
…somebody who just. hates her. but she doesn’t realize bc she’s a big ol’ idiot. she thinks theyre pals !!
let her b a thorn in someone’s side, just like, an absolute annoyance LMAO
gimme an enemy, or like an ex-best friend where something happened between them n it ruined their friendship
i will take literally anything i dont know
she steals ur character’s mail ?? ur cat keeps escaping and she keeps letting them inside even tho she’s allergic ??
one of those friendships where theyre always bickering like an old married couple ?? but it’s Purely Platonic (or is it ??)
an off-and-on again that just. it’s not good for either of them b/c they keep enabling each other and then getting pissed off and it’s a Mess but ?? it’s so hard to stop.
the drug dealer she keeps sleeping with even though she can just … pay for her shit. b/c it’s funner this way !
just … people where their like … relationship status is Blurred and it’s like, are they a thing? are they not? b/c she’s a mess and gets involved with too many people without intending to !
please. take her. give me connections.
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scigebabadook · 5 years
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cisfemale — ever hear people say SAIGE BORDEAUX looks a lot like LIANA LIBERATO? I think SHE is about 20, so it doesn’t really work. The LINGUISTICS + CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY major is a SOPHOMORE that is from ALL OVER THE PLACE. They can be BLITHE, but they can also be EVASIVE. I think SAIGE might be a SHEEP. They are living in BALTA. ( snot goblin. 20. EST. she/they. )
hello ,,, it seems i am a sheep and Refuse to leave the herd. aka i love u all so frickin’ much ,,, and w/o further ado, here is saige !! pleathe LIKE this so i can shimmy into yr ims !!
TW: drug use, alcoholism, implied abuse ? shitty parents at the very least, addiction
a e s t h e t i c s
stick n’ pokes at 2am – when your drunk and giggling too much in between purposeful stabs, avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk because they’re bad luck and they’ll break your mother’s back – even if your mother doesn’t love you, because you love her, the familiar riff in an old song – one that’s got you strumming along silently; there is no guitar, only empty air lit by the christmas lights you haven’t taken down. it’s may. swallowing down shots, and by default, swallowing down problems. laughing quick, easily, constantly. skinned knees from skateboarding, despite being rubbish at it. wishes on eyelashes stuck to your cheekbones, glitter sticking, running into the ocean at sunrise; feeling at home. excuses, and the many forms they come in. telling people you love them through hand squeezes and fresh muffins, sideways glances and soft, eager grins.
general info !!
full name: saige alouette bordeaux
nickname(s): n/a so give her some uwu
b.o.d. - july 7th, 20 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: firstly when aren’t my babies bi as FUCK but she also prefers masc-presenting folks
biography !!
the fallible daughter of two very infallible people: robert bordeaux, US lieutenant general, and manon levesque, world renown fashion designer. both calculating, cold, and purposeful.
saige never believed she was created out of love. it was an action with a purpose, intentions to create the perfect child. the hybrid of both military genius and fashion extraordinaire, molded to their will.
it took them no more than six months after her birth for her parents to up and move, thus beginning the cycle of packing and unpacking, flying and driving, state-to-state and country-to-country. the longest saige had ever stayed in one place was two years.
kept on a short leash, homeschooled, and learning skills she had no interest in – she was more like a pet, a project, than a child. the world moved all around her, but she felt restrictively tethered to her parents.
she had always felt this way. a bird in a cage of thorns.
it was hard to keep and maintain friends – saige would be there one day, and gone the next. a ghost, a very visible ghost. even so, she tried her hardest.
running from bodyguards (nannies, in a sense. her father is a paranoid man) into festival crowds and climbing out of windows in the dark of night to swim in lakes with locals she’d meet only a few hours earlier – she absorbed as much of what she could get; this intense, undying love for a world she had always craved to see.
it was the start of something near dangerous – a phase that seemed to never end, rebellion coursing through her veins. a wild child in the making, unknowing of limits. the bad sort of crowd was the crowd she found herself landing, more often than not – introducing the sheltered girl to a world she hadn’t quite known existed
she ran away, briefly, at age fifteen with a man three years older than her – which nearly ended up in a tabloid magazine if it hadn’t been for her parents’ money. though the guilt of her parents’ disappointed weighed on her, the thrill fueled something much worse
from that point on, she became a problem child. from public intoxication to vandalism – it was clear their daughter was unraveling and nothing could contain her.
boarding school was a small attempt to stop it – she got expelled.
she hadn’t intended to go to university, either – but, by some chance – and after a mysterious year-long disappearance from public eye during her eighteenth year of living, next thing she knew, she was a student at gifford university in a town she’d never been to before.
personality !!
bubbly. so fucking bubbly. she’s got so much fucking energy on her – she goes running every morning and every night and swims like every afternoon and she’s n e v e r tired ?? the personality of a coke bottle shaken up but like if the bottle could laugh.
tries her hardest to be the Happy Fun friend, y’know, the one who can hook you up w/ some sicccc shit b/c she befriended/possibly slept with her drug dealer and now she gets discounts.
like, generally, comes off as very confident of herself and fearless and, like, yes–reckless, but like a fun reckless, y’know ??
talks a l o t, could ramble for days, hand gestures and all.
if she wants to do something, she will do it and there’s not much you can do to stop her tbh. she’s very easy-going, very go-go-go, very…mischievous, y’know? even if she’s trying to do something stupid you kinda just have to let her do it or otherwise she’ll mope for three hours and pout at you and you’ll feel ?? this weird sense of guilt ?? which isn’t the Best thing but she’s not the best person either so dfghjh
a vegetarian !! meat makes her sick, like, physically.
uuuhh her vocabulary consists of a lot of ‘likes’ and ‘ums’ and ‘y’knows’, y’know ??
i am like 99% sure she’s got adhd but she’s never been diagnosed with it b/c her parents suck with that stuff. her parents sort of suck in general.
like…she’s currently not on speaking terms with them. she’s not disowned…like, yet, but they haven’t said more than like five words to each other since saige was eighteen and it k i l l s her but they also send her a shit ton of money every month so.
owns like…four cars…..she has them all on campus…..she prolly isn’t suppose to…but she does…one of them’s a real sleek sports car, one is a jacked up pick-up truck that’s decked out in like LED lights n shit, one is the same exact fucking car from the princess diaries b/c saige is obsessed w/ the movie. the other is like. a mini cooper probably.
a photographer, her walls are covered in photographs and art and taped-down plants and in general her room is very ?? cluttered ?? like it’s very home-y but god. she’s a mess. clothes everywhere. she’s probably got a pile of instruments and other miscellaneous hobbies on a chair in the corner that she hasn’t touched in a while
speaking of !! she has a bunch of random, like, skills ?? like knitting and sewing and cooking and three different forms of ballroom dancing, and she can definitely work a gun and a car engine except she goes thru interests so rapidly and is disinterested in most of the other ones b/c her parents forced like half of them onto her.
she plays bass guitar. she loves her bass guitar. she knows other instruments but the only ones she’ll really fidget with are her bass guitar and like, her violin. everything else she’s like ~okay~ at
got really obsessed with languages at a young age and started learning them ?? her mother is like. super french, like genuinely from france, so she already grew up speaking both english and french but she’s learnt others for the hell of it and she’s still learning like three other at the same time which is a MESS but she’s a mess so like can u blame her sdfghj
but like i said, she’s v e r y reckless. very much a party girl. she uses like…quite a few drugs, both socially and alone and frankly – she’s rarely sober.
a budding alcoholic because she’s convinced that without it she’ll be Miserable and Horrible to everybody because she’s a Horrible, Awful person who is the absolute Worse and if drinking vodka mixed in with 23 crystal lite packets helps with not thinking like that then she’ll do it no questions asked
its a problem she’s been developing since she was younger, only amplified by … the situation, that happened when she was eighteen.
is essentially wearing this mask of confidence and giddiness and flirtatiousness b/c she doesnt want people to think she’s doing Not Okay.
she loves so much. she loves everything, everybody. falls in love like five times a day but nothing really sticks to her either. if ur a shitty person/come off as an asshole then she’ll be more likely to be attracted to her b/c shes Always been like this. finds them super interesting which is ?? questionable ?? sometimes i want to just. knock some sense into her but y’know what…it’s fine we’re Fine
she gets around p frequently but is also the type of person who’ll like, try n maintain a positive, good friendship with whoever she sleeps with b/c the idea of having regrettable encounters is smth that Bothers her and she just pretty much refuses.
it’s honestly a bit of a problem ?? she blurs the lines between friendship and Something, Anything More too often and with too many people b/c she just. wants to be loved. but there is never enough !
she does stick n pokes !! a whole bunch !! let her give you one !! she can’t draw for shit but i mean, who cares, right ??
uuuhh her mom sends her like…prototypes of things she designs n shit that isn’t out yet and saige 100% always gives it away or it sits in her closet and essentially that is her go-to gift for birthdays or christmas or whenever she feels like it
there’s literally sm i could say about her but i’ll stop Here b/c it’s getting too long sksksksk
wanted connections !!
give me. a best friend. just somebody who sticks by her side even though she’s a Mess
like, a ride or die ?? is that the same as a best friend ?? idc i want both :)
and just in general, like, people she’s p close to ?? she’s really friendly and is the kind of girl who’d be really popular in high school but doesn’t care abt popularity n talks to literally Everybody like she’s known them all her life.
ESP if ur muse is a lil grumpier !! she will fuck their shit up, but like, in a friendship way.
party pals, where they don’t talk that much outside of parties but inside them ?? super close. glued to the hip. hold-your-hair-back kinda tight.
frenemies ?? fake friends ?? toxic pals ?? ppl using her for her money or like, sex, or something ?? anything ??
bad influences ?? who just encourage all of saige’s shit ??
good influences ?? who are like YOINK stop being an idiot.
a tutor b/c she’s like…she’s smart, okay, but she’s also really stupid LMAO. she’s rly bad at math and science. somebody help her.
hook ups ?? fwbs ?? that one, rare one-night-stand that went weird ??
exes ?? she’s sorta noncommittal so idk how long they would’ve dated but like sjdfkbo yolo ?? ex hook-ups too ??
…somebody who just. hates her. but she doesn’t realize bc she’s a big ol’ idiot. she thinks theyre pals !!
let her b a thorn in someone’s side, just like, an absolute annoyance LMAO
gimme an enemy, or like an ex-best friend where something happened between them n it ruined their friendship
i will take literally anything i dont know
she steals ur character’s mail ?? ur cat keeps escaping and she keeps letting them inside even tho she’s allergic ??
one of those friendships where theyre always bickering like an old married couple ?? but it’s Purely Platonic (or is it ??)
an off-and-on again that just. it’s not good for either of them b/c they keep enabling each other and then getting pissed off and it’s a Mess but ?? it’s so hard to stop.
the drug dealer she keeps sleeping with even though she can just ... pay for her shit. b/c it’s funner this way !
just ... people where their like ... relationship status is Blurred and it’s like, are they a thing? are they not? b/c she’s a mess and gets involved with too many people without intending to !
please. take her. give me connections.
15 notes · View notes
saigeboredeaux-blog · 5 years
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( cisfemale ) haven’t seen SAIGE BORDEAUX around in a while. the LIANA LIBERATO lookalike has been known to be (+) CONFIDENT & (+) AMIABLE, but SHE can also be (-) RECKLESS & (-) IRRATIONAL. The 20 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in LINGUISTICS + CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY. I believe they’re living in FIDELIS but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( james! 20! est! she/they! )
i loved naeva but it isnt her time, she doesnt belong in the mortal realm sndjkfjgkh BUT i did wake up from my nap with an INTENSE FEELING OF LOVE AND MUSE for saige, who is my actual legitimate daughter. so pleathe, have her. love her. respect her. if you haven’t already dropped a like on my other post and you’d like to plot with saige, pleathe do so on this one !!
TW: drug use, alcoholism, implied abuse ? shitty parents at the very least, addiction
a e s t h e t i c s (i saved them this time !!!)
stick n' pokes at 2am -- when your drunk and giggling too much in between purposeful stabs, avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk because they're bad luck and they'll break your mother's back -- even if your mother doesn't love you, because you love her, the familiar riff in an old song -- one that's got you strumming along silently; there is no guitar, only empty air lit by the christmas lights you haven't taken down. it's may. swallowing down shots, and by default, swallowing down problems. laughing quick, easily, constantly. skinned knees from skateboarding, despite being rubbish at it. wishes on eyelashes stuck to your cheekbones, glitter sticking, running into the ocean at sunrise; feeling at home. excuses, and the many forms they come in. telling people you love them through hand squeezes and fresh muffins, sideways glances and soft, eager grins.
general info !!
full name: saige alouette beaumont
nickname(s): she…doesn’t have any in this timeline but PLEASE, she LOVES nicknames. she’s a nickname slut.
b.o.d. - july 7th, 20 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ thank u very much !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: firstly when aren’t my babies bi as FUCK but she also prefers masc-presenting folks
biography !!
the fallible daughter of two very infallible people: robert bordeaux, US lieutenant general, and manon levesque, world renown fashion designer. both calculating, cold, and purposeful.
saige never believed she was created out of love. it was an action with a purpose, intentions to create the perfect child. the hybrid of both military genius and fashion extraordinaire, molded to their will.
it took them no more than six months after her birth for her parents to up and move, thus beginning the cycle of packing and unpacking, flying and driving, state-to-state and country-to-country. the longest saige had ever stayed in one place was two years.
kept on a short leash, homeschooled, and learning skills she had no interest in -- she was more like a pet, a project, than a child. the world moved all around her, but she felt restrictively tethered to her parents.
she had always felt this way. a bird in a cage of thorns.
it was hard to keep and maintain friends -- saige would be there one day, and gone the next. a ghost, a very visible ghost. even so, she tried her hardest.
running from bodyguards (nannies, in a sense. her father is a paranoid man) into festival crowds and climbing out of windows in the dark of night to swim in lakes with locals she’d meet only a few hours earlier -- she absorbed as much of what she could get; this intense, undying love for a world she had always craved to see.
it was the start of something near dangerous -- a phase that seemed to never end, rebellion coursing through her veins. a wild child in the making, unknowing of limits. the bad sort of crowd was the crowd she found herself landing, more often than not -- introducing the sheltered girl to a world she hadn’t quite known existed
she ran away, briefly, at age fifteen with a man three years older than her -- which nearly ended up in a tabloid magazine if it hadn’t been for her parents’ money. though the guilt of her parents’ disappointed weighed on her, the thrill fueled something much worse
from that point on, she became a problem child. from public intoxication to vandalism -- it was clear their daughter was unraveling and nothing could contain her.
boarding school was a small attempt to stop it -- she got expelled.
she hadn’t intended to go to university, either -- but, by some chance -- and after a mysterious year-long disappearance from public eye during her eighteenth year of living, next thing she knew, she was a student at lockwood. (more on this later :~) )
connection to tatiana: party pals !! super close as long as they were drunk, but they generally ran in different circles (though saige sorta...runs through all circles?) whilst sober
personality !!
bubbly. so fucking bubbly. she’s got so much fucking energy on her -- she goes running every morning and every night and swims like every afternoon and she’s n e v e r tired ?? the personality of a coke bottle shaken up but like if the bottle could laugh.
tries her hardest to be the Happy Fun friend, y’know, the one who can hook you up w/ some sicccc shit b/c she befriended/possibly slept with her drug dealer and now she gets discounts.
like, generally, comes off as very confident of herself and fearless and, like, yes--reckless, but like a fun reckless, y’know ??
talks a l o t, could ramble for days, hand gestures and all.
if she wants to do something, she will do it and there’s not much you can do to stop her tbh. she’s very easy-going, very go-go-go, very...mischievous, y’know? even if she’s trying to do something stupid you kinda just have to let her do it or otherwise she’ll mope for three hours and pout at you and you’ll feel ?? this weird sense of guilt ?? which isn’t the Best thing but she’s not the best person either so dfghjh
a vegetarian !! meat makes her sick, like, physically.
uuuhh her vocabulary consists of a lot of ‘likes’ and ‘ums’ and ‘y’knows’, y’know ??
i am like 99% sure she’s got adhd but she’s never been diagnosed with it b/c her parents suck with that stuff. her parents sort of suck in general.
like...she’s currently not on speaking terms with them. she’s not disowned...like, yet, but they haven’t said more than like five words to each other since saige was eighteen and it k i l l s her but they also send her a shit ton of money every month so.
owns like...four cars.....she has them all on campus.....she prolly isn’t suppose to...but she does...one of them’s a real sleek sports car, one is a jacked up pick-up truck that’s decked out in like LED lights n shit, one is the same exact fucking car from the princess diaries b/c saige is obsessed w/ the movie. the other is like. a mini cooper probably.
a photographer, her walls are covered in photographs and art and taped-down plants and in general her room is very ?? cluttered ?? like it’s very home-y but god. she’s a mess. clothes everywhere. she’s probably got a pile of instruments and other miscellaneous hobbies on a chair in the corner that she hasn’t touched in a while
speaking of !! she has a bunch of random, like, skills ?? like knitting and sewing and cooking and three different forms of ballroom dancing, and she can definitely work a gun and a car engine except she goes thru interests so rapidly and is disinterested in most of the other ones b/c her parents forced like half of them onto her.
she plays bass guitar. she loves her bass guitar. she knows other instruments but the only ones she’ll really fidget with are her bass guitar and like, her violin. everything else she’s like ~okay~ at
got really obsessed with languages at a young age and started learning them ?? her mother is like. super french, like genuinely from france, so she already grew up speaking both english and french but she’s learnt others for the hell of it and she’s still learning like three other at the same time which is a MESS but she’s a mess so like can u blame her sdfghj
but like i said, she’s v e r y reckless. very much a party girl. she uses like...quite a few drugs, both socially and alone and frankly -- she’s rarely sober.
a budding alcoholic because she’s convinced that without it she’ll be Miserable and Horrible to everybody because she’s a Horrible, Awful person who is the absolute Worse and if drinking vodka mixed in with 23 crystal lite packets helps with not thinking like that then she’ll do it no questions asked
its a problem she’s been developing since she was younger, only amplified by ... situation, that happened when she was eighteen.
is essentially wearing this mask of confidence and giddiness and flirtatiousness b/c she doesnt want people to think she’s doing Not Okay.
she loves so much. she loves everything, everybody. falls in love like five times a day but nothing really sticks to her either. if ur a shitty person/come off as an asshole then she’ll be more likely to be attracted to her b/c shes Always been like this. finds them super interesting which is ?? questionable ?? sometimes i want to just. knock some sense into her but y’know what...it’s fine we’re Fine
she gets around p frequently but is also the type of person who’ll like, try n maintain a positive, good friendship with whoever she sleeps with b/c the idea of having regrettable encounters is smth that Bothers her and she just pretty much refuses.
she does stick n pokes !! a whole bunch !! let her give you one !! she can’t draw for shit but i mean, who cares, right ??
uuuhh her mom sends her like...prototypes of things she designs n shit that isn’t out yet and saige 100% always gives it away or it sits in her closet and essentially that is her go-to gift for birthdays or christmas or whenever she feels like it
there’s literally sm i could say about her but i’ll stop Here b/c it’s getting too long sksksksk
wanted connections !!
give me. a best friend. just somebody who sticks by her side even though she’s a Mess
like, a ride or die ?? is that the same as a best friend ?? idc i want both :)
and just in general, like, people she’s p close to ?? she’s really friendly and is the kind of girl who’d be really popular in high school but doesn’t care abt popularity n talks to literally Everybody like she’s known them all her life.
ESP if ur muse is a lil grumpier !! she will fuck their shit up, but like, in a friendship way.
party pals, who, much like tatiana they don’t talk that much outside of parties but inside them ?? super close. glued to the hip. hold-your-hair-back kinda tight.
frenemies ?? fake friends ?? toxic pals ?? ppl using her for her money or like, sex, or something ?? anything ??
bad influences ?? who just encourage all of saige’s shit ??
good influences ?? who are like YOINK stop being an idiot.
a tutor b/c she’s like...she’s smart, okay, but she’s also really stupid LMAO. she’s rly bad at math and science. somebody help her.
hook ups ?? fwbs ?? that one, rare one-night-stand that went weird ??
exes ?? she’s sorta noncommittal so idk how long they would’ve dated but like sjdfkbo yolo ?? ex hook-ups too ??
...somebody who just. hates her. but she doesn’t realize bc she’s a big ol’ idiot. she thinks theyre pals !!
let her b a thorn in someone’s side, just like, an absolute annoyance LMAO
gimme an enemy, or like an ex-best friend where something happened between them n it ruined their friendship
i will take literally anything i dont know
she steals ur character’s mail ?? ur cat keeps escaping and she keeps letting them inside even tho she’s allergic ??
one of those friendships where theyre always bickering like an old married couple ?? but it’s Purely Platonic (or is it ??)
an off-and-on again that just. it’s not good for either of them b/c they keep enabling each other and then getting pissed off and it’s a Mess but ?? it’s so hard to stop.
please. take her. give me connections.
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go-just-me-fan · 6 years
"Welcome Home" Part 1: Nothing feels right
(Before we start... It's the first time ever I wrote something like that and first time I wrote in English! It's not my native language, so if there are mistakes, just let me know. It was fun thing to do in my free time and I really hope you'll enjoy!)
"It'z been quite a vhile, Freund..."
Marvin turned around suprised by familiar voice. Doctor Shneeplestein was standing jauntly in front of him with lazy smile on his face. But... it couldn't be! He haven't seen him for really long time, who knew where he was and now he just...? No, it MUST be Anti's trick, messing with his mind again! How he figured out where his next performance is? Hell, even magician himself didn't know he'll eventually end up here. He got that special invitation for performing in local festival barely yesterday and-!
"Could you finizh zhat monologue in your head already?" Doktor was losing his patience. "Lizten, Marvin. It iz rea-" He couldn't finish sentence because Kit-Kat suddenly gave him a loving embrance. Shneep froze but after a few seconds hugged him back with little smirk. "I mizzed you too" he wishpered against his ear.
Marv took a few steps back and wiped his tears away before anyone could notice. He had so many questions! Like: "What his friend was doing here?" "Where are the others?", "Are everyone safe?", "Where Doc was this entire time?"etc... But the only thing that could come through his mouth in this moment was: "What the hell?!"
"Marvin." Ze Good Doktah started again. "I know zhat zituation iz confuzing but... Pleaze try to trust me. We're back to take you home. To end what we ztarted. Just... follow mein lead."
Masked magician had to focus hard on what Doc was saying to him because they were, in fact, still in crowded amusement park and that german accent wasn't really helpful. Although when Doctor started walking somewhere, Marv gussed that he should probably follow him.
Then, when he didn't even know where they were going, he decided that is the best time to start asking actual questions and complain about doctor's absence, relife when he (finally!) came back, his life as traveller-performan and his fears about future. As futher they got, Magnificent started being more and more quiet. Not only because Henrick's responds were quite short and meaningless to him (seriously, since when he started using so many german words?) but he also was leading them deeper into the woods. He didn't like that for obvious reasons.
"So, like... we need to get somewhere?" Magician hoped that Henric eventually have to explain anything. But he just nodded as the respond. Marvin started to worry a little, so he chose another tactics.
"Nobody could hear me screaming here, huh?"
"Vell yes." Doc seemed to be spacing out. "Vait, no! I mean..." He realised what he just heard. "Maybe... but it iz really spezific question, bist du alright?"
"Can't you just tell me why you keep speaking weirdly and you came out of nowhere just to take me...! WHERE THE EF IS EVEN HERE?" Magician felt worse with every second. Something was odd. His comrade didn't tell him everything yet. Well, frankly, he didn't tell him much at all and even if he did... well, thank you strange accent for making life even harder!
Before Doktah could say anything, someone called from beyond the trees. "Doc? Is that you?"
Marvin froze. Now he was even more shocked, he knew that voice very well. Shneep smieled at him apologetically.
"Jackieboy-Man?" Whispered Cat Mask.
"Shneep, what the hell, I thought you had been peeing or something you can't just..." Jackieboy Man wave at them and approached. He instantly stopped when he saw Marv. "Oooch, okay now... Marvin?"
Marv was still standing in the same spot, staring at Jackie. After a few seconds he looked at Henric questioningly. Shneep just nodded with smile.
"MARVIN! YOU'RE BACK!" Hero proceed to squash him with loving hug. Magician was out of breath but didn't do anything to stop Jackie before he let him go.
"I'm so happy! All gang is here!" One minute more and Hero could cry like little baby. Marv raised an eyebrown:"All gang is here?"
The Most Red One facepalmed. "Och, I totaly forgot! Everybody awaited you!" He turned around with the speed of sound and ran toward something in the distance. A car?
"Marvin" said Shneep quietly but understandable, when Jackie finally disappeared. "I'm zorry I couldn't exzplain everything earlier und ich came out of ze nowhere but..." He paused and took deep breath.
Catty Mask was listening him patiently. "Yes, Doctor?"
Henric smiled greatfully. This feeling inside when someone called him "Doctor" not ironically was... really nice.
"I oftzen start rambling in german zhen I'm ztressed." He explained in the meantime. "Ze thing iz... I helped to put our family together again in some purpose, Marvin. And..." He hesitated and thought about accurate words before he continued. "Maybe we can be happy aftzer all, Marvin? What do you zhink? Could we... overcome obstackes... together?"
Frankly, magician was speechless. Just yesterday he was hoping that he could earn enough money to afford some decent food and now... His brothers were all here and Shneep was talking that they're about reach the happy end and it looks like he won't have to starve ever again with them and... Something was still odd. He put our family back togheter in some purpose, huh? Overcoming obstacles? Marv was just praying that Shneep didn't plan anything crazy. What they could possibly do? Cheer each other up until their problems won't go away?
Suddenly JJ appeared in front of him. This lovely little fella know how to sneak around unnoticed. "JJ! Aw, I missed you so much, your mustache hasn't changed at all!" The Magnificent forgot about his doubts for a moment when he saw this pure, happy face.
JJ signed something, but it was too chaotic and quick to understend. When he saw Marvin's confused face, he took deep calming breath, signed heart with his hands and started wiggling his mustache jokingly. Kit Kat hugged him with laugh.
Jackie came back to them too and with no hesitation joined group hug once again.
"Come on, Doc! We know you love us!" called Boy Man and everyone opened arms at him. Shneep rolled his eyes but let them hug him.
"OKAY!" yelled Cat Magician as he managed to escape all that love. "I think I have enough hugs for a few good years." He looked around and straightened up concered. "But where is...?"
Then someone landed on his back from a great high. Marv hit the ground and the last words he heard before he passed out was: "YOU'RE BACK TOO?! THAT'S ACTUALLY SICK! I HAVE SO MANY TRICKS TO SHOW YOU! I EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT SOME NEW YOU COULD HELP ME WITH AND..."
Yep, here's Chase.
When Wannabe Furry woke up he couldn't see well. As it turned out it's because they were in a huge van. Without windows. JJ sign that their budget was... limited.
They put him down on the only small couch they had. Shneep was listining to Marv's pulse. Everything was okay, it was just shock. Chase apologised while playing with teabags low-spirited.
JJ was preapering tea for everyone which was hard with four other people in that small place. Jackie was sitting outside, trying to not disturb.
Cat Magician eventually sat down and took a look around. Shneep sat next to him, without a word. When JJ gave them cups, The Magnificent gently stroke his hair. "Thanks, bud."
James nodded and started doing something else. Shneep was closed in his own world in his mind, Chase was trying to throw as many teabags as he could to the pot and Jackie wasn't even here. What's that again, they avoided him?
"So... what's now?" Magician was getting tired of the fact that he have no idea what is going on. I mean... more then usual.
For some reason now no one wanted to reply.
"Oh, come on, I can't do everything for you!" said Jackie angirly while leading against the door."If you won't put this diplomatically, I'll just go straight to the point, Doc."
"Um, yeah? Just tell me what is happening, coz I don't wanna be impolite but I could looking for the next job for me right now, but insted I'm hang out with some dudes in van without windows IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST!" Marvin eventually explode with anger.
Everybody stared at him suprised for a while. Even Dad One stopped training his challange skills and quietly mentioned: "There is a highway nearby-"
"Ja, Marvin, you are right." Shneep looked at angry Cat Man deadly serious. "Just lizten to me to ze end, gut?"
Marv folded his arms over his chest and nodded. And here went the plan...
Shneep tried to calm Marvin down but failed. "Lizten, it iz ze only way..."
"WE CANNOT K I L L ANTI!" he yelled at him at the top of his lungs like he wanted to reach Doctor's common sense. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
"Marvin, please..." Shneep was not giving up that easly.
"And you all... you all agreed?! JUST LIKE THAT?! Even you, Jamie?! You really dissapointed me..."
JJ stared at the floor ashamed and kinda scared. Chase tried to comfort him a little.
Marvin was about to ran out of there, when he stumbled into Hero. He grasp magician's arms tightly.
"Listen, it was also my idea. We can't live normally with this Glich Bitch on our back. And even if we'll just ignore his existence, he'll end us slowly, painfully and eventually. And then... Who knows what he can do? Who will become his next victim? Someone we love? Someone we knew? Competely random, innocent people? It's finally time to face him, cowards!" He let him go as he finished the sentence.
Now Magnificent was even more dizzy. He didn't belive that they could just kill the problem (esspecially such pain in the ass like Anti) but... they were right. Somehow.
Kit Kat came back and sat on the couch again. This time he decided to listen for real. "Okay, I don't like it but... What's the plan?"
Jackie reached something under the seats and gave him old, dusty book. One page was marked specifically.
"If mein surveys were correct, zhat iz ze spell zhat can end ze demon for good" explained Shneep. Marvin started studied the book carefully.
"What if spell will fail?" He asked even though he knew exacly what would happen.
"I got this, Marv" Jackie pulled up the sleeves and winked.
"And I got the gun" Told Chase happily. Cat Mask snorted:"Oh, yeah... Nerf can be really useful when it comes to facing the- What the...?!"
Chase showed him real wepon. Marv didn't really know what to think about it.
"So your plan B is... making huge chaos and screaming so maybe we confuse him?"
"Pretty much" murmured Henric.
"Good enough" shrugged Cat Man.
"We even have his address!" signed Jamson, who was happy that his brothers stopped arguing.
"Address?" Marv was suprised. "I didn't know that Satan Himself has some house."
"Don't you worry, Marv!" yelled Jackie. "I have courage and strengh, Shneep clever mind, you magic, Chase gun and JJ nothing better to do, what could possibly stop us now?!"
Marvin stifed ironic comment. He looked at book again. He was going to learn this damn spell as fast as he could and finally get some rest. Average or eternal.
The very next day, they were at their destination. It was the place where probably Anti was. Frankly, it looked like dump. But there were many wild plants and JJ really liked it.
"Okay, you know ze plan, ja?" Doctor turned to brothers. Everybody comfirmed. Shneep smiled and looked at them foundly. "Pleaze, be carefull."
"I cannot wait to demonstrate him my kickass powers!" Jackie was even excited. Chase chareged his weapon nervously. JJ was stroking his mustache. His hands were shaking almost unnoticible. Marvin was reapeting the spell in his mind over and over again.
Before they came in, Shneep wanted to check out one last thing. Sudenly he pointed something behind them nervously and yelled:"IT'Z HIM!"
Jackie Boy Man started doing some strange karate poses, Jamie covered his eyes with still shaking hands, Marvin jumped into the bushes and Chase dubbed.
Shneep was watching this reactions helplessly. Well, that's not really army he needed/deseved/wanted but on the bright side...
"...we're dead as fuck."
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mothermourned-blog · 6 years
I. GENERAL Follow some standard roleplaying etiquette - Don’t godmod, don’t force ship, don’t kill off my character unless we’ve talked about it. I get that some godmodding is straightforwardly necessary - if our muses are at dinner and your muse asks mine to pass the salt, it’s safe to assume that they will unless we talked about something else happening. Please don’t vague-blog about me, if something happened, just let me know, we can settle stuff maturely.
II. CONTENT Basically all of my canon verse content is my own, I’ve spent a long time creating it and I take a lot of pride in it. Don’t steal it, basically. You’re creative, you’re talented, and you can build the skill to make your own stuff!! If you ever wanna talk about world building or making stuff like this - go ahead and drop me a line, I’d be more than happy to tell you my tricks of the trade, just don’t take my shit, especially not without my permission.
III. FOLLOWING I’m a selective blog, so I’ll be pretty picky about who I follow back. This isn’t to be mean, I just don’t want everyone’s stuff clogging up my dash. If you post a whole lot of discourse or hate, I probably won’t follow you back. I’m here to have fun, fam.
IV. INTERACTION I can be kinda picky about who I interact with. With that said, I AM NOT A MUTUALS ONLY BLOG. Please don’t be intimidated by me!!! You gotta become my mutual somehow, right? I’m not here to make anyone feel bad or unwelcome. Send in a meme, respond to an open if it says non-mutuals should go for it (which it usually will), hop into my IM’s to say you wanna plot!!! I’m a friendly mun, I’m not here to make anyone feel any brand of upset.
V. RESPONSE TIME AND DROPPING THREADS O o f, I’m a student full-time. I got so much work on my head, plus my mood can be really all-over-the-place. What I’m trying to get at is that sometimes my replies can take awhile, sometimes they won’t take long at all - it’s not anything against you, it’s more about my mood. I’ll drop threads sometimes, but I’ll try to let you know when I do. Please extend the same courtesy to me. I’ll usually give a reason, but you have NO obligation to, you do you, honey, I get it!
VI. STYLE Lit and multi-para are my personal favorites to write with, but I’m willing to do really anything! One-liners, shorter replies, longer replies, etc. I play to your tune. Getting this out of the way here: You don’t need to try to match my length! I write a lot, and I always prefer quality over quantity. If there’s anything wrong with my reply at any point (I get a detail about the character wrong, I mess up pronouns, etc.) just let me know, I’ll be sure to fix it. I don’t mind if your English isn’t great, especially if it’s not your first language, as long as I get what you’re trying to say, we’ll be fine.
VII. NO-GOES I’m under 18, asexual, and frankly SUPER uncomfy with writing smut. The build up to all of that is fine, so long as you’re comfortable. I’m fine with our muses having sex, it’s just not something I’m willing to write. The curtain will fall, we’ll give ‘em some privacy. Gore is fine, violence is fine, and angst is WELCOME.
VIII. TAGS All Elif’s tags begin with the symbol ✵. All Evren’s tags begin with the symbol ❃. All the OOC tags/tags that apply to both of them begin with the symbol ❂. If we’ve been interacting enough, you’ll eventually get a special tag, and if we’ve been shipping long enough, you’ll get a ship tag! Btw, I talk a LOT in the tags, so they’ll be kinda random and long, but they’ll give you some insight into what I’m thinking/feeling about whatever it is I’m doing.
IX. TRIGGERS Due to the nature of Elif and Evren’s backstories, there WILL be triggering themes on this blog. I don’t want to hurt anyone, so if there are any triggers you want tagged, please let me know! I, personally, don’t have any triggers, so you don’t really have to warn me about anything.
X. THE MUN Hi! My name’s Nemo, I go by they/them pronouns, and I’m really out here just trying my best. 
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