ceaselxss · 1 year
NSFW Headcanon Questions
♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing?
//The only scars he really dislikes are the ones on his hands but theyre easy enough to ignore. The ones on his legs, though, are a different matter. He's fine with them, they're from a very very important mission - but theyre also very big and people react weirdly to them. He's missing a chunk of ass and his sense of touch over his legs is a mess. It makes things awkward when people point it out OR when they make a point of avoiding them so usually if hes having a smaller fling, he wont fully take his pants off
He doesnt mind dealing with it with people he likes and theres a few sex workers in wall market hes a repeat customer of just because theyve always been good about his scars
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In-Depth Headcanon Prompts - accepting but the slowest slow ☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
Generally? Looking out the nearest window. Not always possible during work hours when he's in the Shinra building, but he tends to find time to sneak away. The higher the vantage point, the better; watching lightning arc across the sky and trying to catch the moment a downpour begins. The calmer rainy days are fine, too, coming with their own kind of tension release just to watch the dark clouds drift by and the rain drops splatter the windows...
Ideally, and nearly impossibly, his preference is a stormy sea and a heavy downpour, outside in the open. It makes no sense, of course, but there's something more electric than the lightning overhead in the thought; surging waves, the additional crashing sound of water from above, soaking into his clothes while the scent of the ocean is thick in the air. There's something there, something to that, but he doesn't try to classify it overly much. It's not a thought he can entertain for long if he hopes to keep up the pretense that he doesn't mind being anywhere else.
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gcldfanged · 1 year
Jae's contacts list [ACCEPTING]
NAME: 주인명 [Mistress; as in the female version a master, not an 'adulterous woman'] RINGTONE: LIKE A DOG (ft. Nekomura Iroha) by Ferry PICTURE: 
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: [Left on Read] LAST TEXT SENT: Nice job. I think I could have done better, but it was a pleasure to watch you work ♥
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ccmyguns · 1 year
@fraxcxccl​ | 💋
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“I’d be a Bridezilla.” The comment didn’t seem to be direct, more-so CC’s own musings out loud. It hadn’t come from a single thread of conversation happening around them she just seemed to pluck it outta thin air. Ashe just happened to be in earshot, because she made the fatal mistake of sitting on the black leather couch.
Not only had CC joined her but she reclined across the other woman with little regard for personal space. Head on the arm of the couch, her legs were draped across Ashe’s lap. She could shove ‘em off if she needed.
“You put a down payment on a house. I’m better than a house, if a person doesn’t want to pay for the 4000 gil flower arrangement I pick out they can die mad about it we’re getting the fucking flowers.”
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anjaofthewild · 1 year
@fraxcxccl | X
The Nibel mountains were as beautiful as they were haunting. Be it the thundering clap of a dragon's wings or the howling of a pack of wolves closing in, no ordinary soul could thrive within the harsh wilderness.
And yet, one had.
The dark-haired seemed to be all alone. That was what her ravens had reported. Fara had been the first to discover them, he croaked and warily landed in the twisted limbs of a bare tree. They didn't bother him and he didn't bother them.
The next day he returned with Skírr. While Fara ventured closer, hopping right up to the person — and nibbling at their boot lace — the other raven seemed content perched within their camp. Though there wasn't much to look at. When Skírr landed on a knapsack she was shooed from it before she could open it up. Both ravens left with much of the same report. There was only one, and they were living on the mountain.
On the third day, a flock of ravens descended upon them.
The birds lined the bare tree like a pack of children, clicking and chattering, a few playful sounds that mimicked creatures of the wilderness.
But the chaotic visit calmed with the arrival of another. Anja approached the camp with an air of mystery, her figure cloaked in a shroud of dark material. She walked bare foot, the soles of her feet coloured with dark soil that didn't belong to this mountainside. Her journey had been from the wildwoods further along the Nibel range.
"I didn't believe them." Anja spoke, a smile curling from beneath her hood. "Might I trouble you for an invitation to sit by your fire?"
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mcurnful · 1 year
💘 - What traits personality-wise are attractive to your muse?
Dietrich doesn't necessarily mind quieter, calmer people---if anything, it's probably the sort of person she's the most comfortable with and more likely to pursue---but she's especially drawn to stronger personalities.
People who are less likely to bullshit her, she's probably going to be more inclined to relax near. Even if she's initially hesitant, Dietrich appreciates honesty. However, she does need to be occasionally reminded that honesty will not always spare her ego.
Dietrich is also egalitarian to almost a fault, so she's not always willing to accept big gestures unless she knows for sure she can return them.
She doesn't always necessarily benefit from her stubbornness, so above all, she is attracted to patience in others.
Due to her paranoia, she's also very likely to want to remain secretive and not go public with anyone for fears it would just be another situation Shinra can take advantage of. If she's gone public with it, it's probably something she doesn't think she needs to fear anymore.
Unless, of course, a terrible thing happened.
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holyguardian · 1 year
What’s your role in a found family dynamic?
The Heart Full of Faith
At some point in your life, you've probably been told you're "the glue" keeping a certain group of people together. You look on the bright side of things. You are able to convince someone that everything will be alright. Your (found) family walks away from you feeling strengthened by your faith and — let's face it — wisdom. Hopefully, you aren't being taken for granted in this. Keeping morale up comes naturally to you. You probably do plenty without even realising it. You're a good listener, thoughtful, kind. Even leaders come to you for guidance. You may or may not be keen on being in charge yourself, but you are trustworthy, and you do right by the people who depend on you. The only person you can't always see clearly is yourself. It's easy to tell someone their potential but incredibly difficult to realise your own. You need the support of others just as much as they need you — but once you're put to the test, you'll realise you had the right stuff in you all along.
Tagged by: @lockhartred 💖
Tagging: @fraxcxccl @hyperionswrath @kunselxsoldier @somnus-lucis-caelum @stingslikeabee @wingsdreamt @wisdomscion — consider yourself tagged if you wish to do this one :)
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kat7e · 2 years
The darkness of the night.
Stripes of heavy rain.
A completely soaked and out of breath Tseng standing in the doorframe, saying:
"I'm sorry for being late…"
Seconds of stormy sounds,
then Tseng's whispering voice is near:
"Happy Birthday, Ashe!"
Longing eyes meet as he enters…
maybe for the last time…
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rxpertoire · 2 years
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@fraxcxccl / @reapersxfolly​ asked | Heated Azure ( for Erenville from bnuuy Tseng because I am both lazy and possess no self control. If it pleases you, of course ♥️ ) Send “Deep Azure” to find My Muse in a Hot Spring.. Or send “Heated Azure” to find them in a Hot Spring naked
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With how busy things had been in recent times, Erenville had been taking more time for himself now that it was all over. Which included less time around people. He was a social person, but he valued his alone time. Which is particularly why he’d never told anyone about the natural hot spring he’d found while he was working. He’d thought it wasn’t used by anyone. 
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He heard the footsteps before he noted who they belonged to, opening his golden eyes to see the unwelcome stranger. He made no move to cover himself; with his age came limited modesty, no shyness about his body or the scars that neatly ran across the undersides of his pectorals. 
He didn’t say anything, waiting to see if the other would.
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lifedxbt · 3 years
@fraxcxccl​ replied | "Not in the least bit painful nor psychologically scarring."
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“I’m sure it was just as fun as being almost killed, getting mildly kidnapped and then having the lie you’ve been maintaining for too long just suddenly out in the open.”
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ceaselxss · 1 year
🐤 & 🐤 for Tseng, too c:
Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours.
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(The complaints were about Reno)
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unrequiteddeath · 3 years
Smoke and Mirrors
@fraxcxccl liked for a starter! Company functions were a necessary evil. It was all smoke and mirrors, ulterior motives and pleasant smiles. The most peculiar thing about them was that it was no secret-- everyone knew. Everyone wanted something from someone. Deception was mutual. From sponsors who wanted to bolster their egos to the department heads that needed funding and support, everyone bought the lies they uttered and received as a mere consequence of the exchange.  Lazard was no different. Although he had to admit he was exhausted some hours into it. Despite his charming disposition, people exhausted him. And as the new Director of SOLDIER, there were many eager parties. Far more than he could possibly manage.  He swirled his champagne with something of a crooked smile. That was why he was hiding out in the hall, wasn’t it? Just for a moment. Just to catch his breath. 
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firxga · 3 years
@fraxcxccl liked for a short starter.
It was when the hair stood up on the back of his neck that Genesis paused to take stock of his surroundings. He was a lot of things. Dramatic. Theatrical. He had a penchant for overreactions. Though the paranoia that found a home in his chest was the very reason he yet walked and breathed. The city was dangerous, the only sanctuary he might find being deep, deep underground, and still he treaded where he was not welcome.
His footfalls picked up again. Unable to pinpoint what made him react like sitting prey he opted instead to shake off the feeling, side-stepping into the narrow shanty streets to weave through homes built of scrap.
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
@fraxcxccl replied to your post “He’s placed a hat with the names of ShinRa employees on folded pieces...”
highly suspicious but picks none the less
He takes the paper from her fingers and unfolds it. “Huh, ya picked Sephiroth. Cool.” There are still more names inside.
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apernor · 3 years
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“I really don’t care who you are, I’m not doing anything for someone from ShinRa.” He’s flippant and confident even facing a Turk. He’s heard plenty of stories about what they’re capable of - but this is his territory and he feels safe enough to be cocky.
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holyguardian · 2 years
Make The Writer!
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Tagged by: @lightwithinthenightsky 💖
Tagging: @bvlgae @dcvilrcbcllion @enokvirkow @fraxcxccl @kunselxsoldier @noblehcart @stingslikeabee @stratagemichor @svnsworn @themechaneer @wiintereyes
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