#fred x deuz
valtoiddd · 7 months
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xioyume · 1 year
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*Deuz has been bothering him for hours*
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Fred: Hey, Oxy!
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Fred: Did you see that your sister has her knees scraped?
Fred: And that her boyfriend (your friend) has his pants ripped?
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Oxy: Uh huh. What about i-
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The End (of Deuz)
Nimodo Deuz, me saludas a los papás de Lio (Ttrap)
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10hourshift · 7 days
Winner gets a drawing or smth idk
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fhs-event-week · 8 months
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Propaganda for Poly Nightmares:
A bunch of teenagers, living together on their own, with no apparent parental supervision? Yeah, these four have definitely made out with each other. The only logical conclusion for their relationship is a polycule.
Propaganda for Goldred:
Just watch the Pokemon Go and Valentine's Day specials. I rest my case.
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
What ships are you planning for your rewrite?
(I feel like I should say, yet again, that I'm not planning a rewrite. Everything I say is hypothetical. I'm too much of a lazy bastard to actually make a whole rewrite of a series).
Actual answer: Honestly no idea. Probably some Freddami because Freddy deserves a goth girlfriend but otherwise I'm kind of eh on everything.
Watching the canon ships... I'm not into the idea of Fredoy as end game, but I like the idea of Fred with a one-sided crush he eventually grows out of so maybe I'll keep it. I've always disliked Foxica and I'm not going to force myself to put it in, but I have some affection for Goldica- not sure if enough to make it important, although I'd be fine to put it in a low-key way (maybe as a Beta Couple?).
Loon x Usagi is fine; not my favorite but I have no problems with it. I like Springtrap/Meg well enough but ugh Deuz/Meg is so good and Joy/Meg has special place in my heart I can't make a decision rip. The indecisiveness strikes again. BxB... I have a lot of Thoughts about them, so I'm not going to say anything here.
As for ships that aren't canon, that's really open and would depend on a lot of factors. Personally, I would prefer to let myself write the characters for a while before deciding who to ship together and which characters work better without a relationship. I like Fonnie, for example, but if over the course of my rewrite I decide that they mesh better as friends, then I'm not going to force it.
When it comes to my OTPs, it pains me to say that Freddami is the only one of my top 5 ships that'll get any love. Yes, this does mean I will refrain from filling my rewrite with Eakwynn- I love them to an obsessive amount but I'm not sure I could make them fit in the narrative. I hope you're all pleased with my sacrifice /s
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Envíame una cita con un personaje o un ship y escribire un one-shoot de ello
Puede ser de cualquier ship (Ej. Bon x Bonnie, Felix x Fede, Bonbon x Loon. etc). También pueden ser con s/o si lo preferis. Enjoy! 
Para pedir: Pon el numero o la cita con el/los personajes (Un personaje o Ship). también podéis detallar y dar una situación junto a la petición (Ej: 26, Bon x Bonnie con Bon en depresión)
¿Ask Box?: Aqui <3 
(El original esta en Ingles y no se de quien es... aun así­ créditos al original)
(Edit: Perdón por la gramática algo raro a ocurrido al publicarse... ;_;)
(Edit 2: Me estan llegando peticiones repetidas... mirad la lista y si vuestro ship esta, pinchad en la pareja debajo del numero)
1."No te digas eso…"
2."Sé que son las 3 de la madrugada, pero no encuentro a mi gato" (O cualquier otro animal o mascota…)
4."¿Es esa mi camisa?"
Bon x Bonnie
5."Si sales por esa puerta... ¿Acaso volveras? "
6."No mueras… Por favor"
7."Por favor... sólo… déjame solo"
8."No puedo seguir luchando de esta forma"
9."Te necesito"
Golden x Chica
10."¿Dónde estabas cuando te necesitaba?"
11."¡¿Quieres callarte por un minuto y dejarme pensar?!"
12."Sólo quiero que seas feliz"
13."Es hora de despedirse”
14."Por favor...Quédate..."
Deuz x Mangle
15."No quiero hacerte daño"
Fede x Felix
16."Calla y bésame"
17."¡No me hagas caso!/ ¡No vi nada!”
18."Me gustaría poder dejar de amarte"
19."Tengo miedo"
20."Te protegeré no importa qué... Incluso si muero por ello"
21."¿¡Has llamado a la puerta de mi casa a la 1 de la madrugada para un abrazo!?"
22."No puedo hacer esto sin ti"
23."El amor es estúpido”
24."Yo confiaba en ti"
25."No… ¡Por favor, no!"
26."¡No permitiré que te hagas daño!"
Fede x Felix
27."¿Eh? ¿Qué si estoy bien contigo?… Siempre"
28."Pensé que me amabas…”
29."Te dije que esto sucedería"
30."¿Qué? ¿Crees que eres el/la único/a que sufre? "
31."¡¿Estás vivo/a?!"
32."¿Por qué no lo intentas?... ¿Lo harías por mí?"
33."¿Por qué estás así? "
34."Si de verdad me amas, déjame ir"
35."¿Por qué me miras así?"
36."Te odio…"
37."¡Porque te quiero! ¡Dios! ¡Maldita sea!"
Deuz x Mangle
Fred x Freddy
38."Ah, bueno, mejor para ti"
39."No voy a seguir hablando de esto”
40."Podría sostener tu mano por siempre"
Foxy x Mangle
41."Cada vez que te veo, me enamoro de ti otra vez"
Oxy x Lily
42."Esto es difícil para mí también"
43."Aprieta mi mano si me puede escuchar” (Posiblemente para un mudo/a o ciego/a s/o)
44."Cierra los ojos”
45."¿Quieres casarte conmigo? "
46."Estoy enamorad@... mierda”
47."Vamos, me atrevo incluso…"
49."Prefiero morir”
50."Por favor... te necesito”
~ Mod Puppet
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fhs-event-week · 7 months
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Propaganda for Deuztrap:
Just. Imagine them as a lovers to enemies but not quite. They had laughs together but with time everything...just went sour. The feeling of competitiveness is still there but not the *love* not like that anyways. You can even say Spring finds Deuz annoying and has a special disgust over him but they're my babies (Submitted by anonymous).
Propaganda for Freddica:
THE best friends to lovers. chica is compulsive and prone to overreacting and freddy is the only one who can calm her down while still encouraging her. he's the one who comforted her when the band was disqualified. she's the only one who knows about fred and she was very supportive even when she didn't understand what the hell freddy was talking about. they're always helping each other out and building each other up. and when freddy complimented her at the beginning of s2 PLEASE he always knows what to say to her and it's always genuine. and chica has blushed at fred's flirting before so there may be something other than platonic feelings there already! they're the lovey dovey couple full of joy and laughter and care and just so much love for each other. they're like a warm sunny day (Submitted by @chocottang).
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10hourshift · 2 days
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fhs-event-week · 6 months
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Propaganda for Fredeuz:
Guys who cause problems on purpose to cope with their deep personal issues. Fred who's part of the Animatronics, technically, but isn't actually known by them + Deuz who created the Nightmares, but is shown visually to be a bit distant from them and seems very hung up on someone who left him. You know these two have very bad attachment issues. They should be codepent and evil together.
Propaganda for Golxy:
A classic rivals to lovers. Fox hates Golden's guts, but at the same time he respect him (has never punched him for getting close to Chica like he's done to Freddy) and secretly wants his praise (seen in Fox's dream where Golden is cheering on him with the crowd). He even worried about him when Golden dissapeared, going to his house to apologize and getting depressed when he wasnt able to do it. And, of course, he helped him out of the shadows and even recognized the possibility of Golden's job taking a toll on him. Golden never seemed to have anything against Fox until he started attacking him, and Golden just had to defend himself. So, if Fox were to try and befriend him, I think Golden would be happy. Also they lived together in season 2 and slept in the same bed. do I even have to say anything about that. The potential for them to start getting along, knowing more about each other and comforting each other when their trauma inevitably catches up to them... the domesticity of it all (Submitted by chocottang).
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fhs-event-week · 6 months
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Propaganda for Frededdy:
The duality, the yin and yang dynamic of this ship. Fred has been there with Freddy for as long as he can remember, and they used to be so close before societal pushback pulled them apart. But that doesn't make Freddy feel better- trying to fight Fred only makes things worse. The only thing that eventually makes both of them happier is when their bond strengthens again. And in season 2, when Fred mysteriously disappears, Freddy is extremely worried! Despite how often he complains about him, he can't imagine life without him!! They're linked and cannot be separated in a way that matters.
Propaganda for Fredeuz:
Guys who cause problems on purpose to cope with their deep personal issues. Fred who's part of the Animatronics, technically, but isn't actually known by them + Deuz who created the Nightmares, but is shown visually to be a bit distant from them and seems very hung up on someone who left him. You know these two have very bad attachment issues. They should be codepent and evil together.
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fhs-event-week · 7 months
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Propaganda for Fredeuz:
Guys who cause problems on purpose to cope with their deep personal issues. Fred who's part of the Animatronics, technically, but isn't actually known by them + Deuz who created the Nightmares, but is shown visually to be a bit distant from them and seems very hung up on someone who left him. You know these two have very bad attachment issues. They should be codepent and evil together.
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Propaganda for Loonsagi:
Another childhood friends to lovers! Loon has spent his entire life pinning after Usagi, even leaving the country to go with her, and yet he can't confess! Meanwhile, she doesn't realize his feelings even when they're blantantly obvious. This could be a 100k slow burn where the main couple takes so long to get together half the readers go insane.
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fhs-event-week · 7 months
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Propaganda for Deuzaggie:
Oh to have a crush on the guy who saved you from abuse, let you into his found family and helped you grow into the person you are today... except he is still hung up on his ex. Really strong You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift vibes with this one or is that just me.
Propaganda for Golddy:
I think there's something very neat about Freddy, who's always wanted to sing but been too afraid to do so because of Fred, being with Golden, who praises his singing abilities even when Freddy (Actually Fred) intentionally interrupted him and happily sharing the spot light with him. The guy who craves attention but is afraid of it because of a secret he's hiding + the high profile celebrity who's tired of his own fame.
Also they're both called Freddy. I just think that's really funny for some reason.
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multishipper-baby · 5 years
Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tengo todavía dos fics en borrador desde hace siempre en Wattpad pero me había olvidado porqué nunca entro lel
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