#fred y from five fnaf at fred
nightfall-cat · 11 months
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Light And Dark(FNAF Security Breach) Part 3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Think you’re missing a part? Please look here.
“Look who decided to come back.” Fred, my coworker, claims as I walk into the Daycare center. As much as I didn’t want to come back, it was a well-paying job, and I couldn’t just turn away from it.
“Hey, Fred.” I give him a light smile.
Three days have passed since the incident. And during those three days, I called in sick so I can process what the hell happened that night. 
“That sick, huh?” He comments, cringing at the bags under my eyes. Still having the fear to walk into the job itself, I only nodded to my coworker as a response. I was being cautious, looking around my surroundings constantly. Looking for Sunnydrop. “Well, the boss went ahead and had Sunnydrop get fixed. I don’t see why he needed it. He was working perfectly fine.” 
I let out a breath of air that I didn’t know I was holding in when I walked into the Daycare center. I was glad my boss actually listened to my distressed call the very next day of the incident. Of course, I couldn’t tell him exactly what happened. “O-oh...? Well... that’s good.” I say. I notice his eyebrow raise at my words in question. “Anyways...where is Sunnydrop...?” 
“Right here, Silly!” 
I yelp, jumping back and landing my butt onto the ground. Sunnydrop stood right in front of me, his jolly old self jumping around like he usually does.
“Woah, there! You alright?” Fred helps me stand back up. I can see how questionable he was getting at my behavior. My body was shaking, memories of that night running through my mind like never ending turning cogs and gears. I quickly take a deep breath before Fred would notice, looking over towards the animatronic I once thought was a friend. The robot cocks his head to the side at me.
“H-hey there...Sunny.” I respond to his appearance.
Sunnydrop jumps from foot to foot, his hands moving around as if to do the jazz hands. “(Y/N)! Did I spook yah? Did I? Did I?” He laughs.
I push out a fake laugh. “Uh...yeah, you sure did!” I force out a smile.
“Alright! Sunny? It’s showtime! Kids are gonna come piling in in five!” Fred claps his hands together to get our attention.
“You got it!” Sunnydrop salutes Fred, bouncing off to his rightful place.
A hand gets placed onto my shoulder and I look over to see Freds concerned smile. “You alright? That’s a first I’ve ever seen you jump like that. Especially with an animatronic.” 
He was right. I love the animatronics, talk to them as if they were friends. Cared for them. I was closest to Sunnydrop. Always talking to him whenever I had the chance. 
But that night. That wasn’t Sunnydrop. Sunnydrop has a program for what emotions he can have, and what he can say. That night... It’s like he was human.
I shake my head from the memories. Scott had Sunnydrop fixed. He’s back to normal now. 
I think that as I watch Sunnydrop play with the kids. 
I’ll just have to wait and see.
“She’s back!” Alice raises her arms in victory. Alice is a friend of mine, and a coworker. Her job is to help the main four animatronics with their performances. 
I wave at her with a smile, giving her a small hug. “Hey, Alice.” 
She releases me from the hug, her big, blue eyes staring right into mine. “Thank goodness, you’re here! The gang has been worried sick about you!”
“I knew she was perfectly fine!” Behind Alice, the curtain opens to reveal all of the main four animatronics. Roxanne wolf, also known as Roxy for short, was ahead of the group.
“Hey, guys!” I say with a big smile.
“Did you see the performance?” Roxy asks me. I nod in reply. “I was awesome, wasn’t I!” She exclaims, more of a statement then a question.
“You sure were! All of you guys were great out there, as usual.” 
“Because that’s what we do!” Glamrock Chica says.
“Good to see yah, (Y/N).” Montgomery Monty waves at me.
“Yes. It is indeed good to see that you are alright, (Y/N).” Glamrock Freddy speaks last. He always had a gentle and caring voice.
“Thanks for worrying guys. But I am all good now.” I reassure them. 
“Alright! We still have one more show! So, let’s get all charged up before then.” Alice announces. The four animatronics wave me goodbye before heading to their rooms. She then turns to me. “Your break is probably over. It was good to see you back and well!” She hugs me one more time before leaving herself.
Seeing all of the other coworkers and animatronics really helped me rethink things. Sunnydrop must’ve had a malfunction that night, and Scott fixed him. So, he is back to normal. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a phone call from the man himself. 
“Hey, Scott. What can I do for you?” I answer, grabbing my keys from my pocket to open the backroom door to the Daycare center.
“Looks like you’re feeling better. Good. I have a favor to ask.” He speaks through the phone.
“A favor?” I curse under my breath when I accidently put in the wrong key, grabbing another from the many that hung on my lanyard.
“Yeah. Think of it as a time to make up for the days you missed.” 
I scoff away from the phone so he wouldn’t hear. Like that’s what I need. “Sure. What is the favor?”
“One of the night guards called in sick, so I’ll need you to take his place.”
I drop my keys at his words. The keys landing onto the hard ground with a loud clank. “What?” I half hiss.
“I figured you’d be perfect for the job. Since it says, here in your resume, that you’ve been a night guard before.” I couldn’t respond. Too many questions going through my mind like a waterfall. Will Sunnydrop malfunction again? Will the animatronics malfunction? Are they going to come after me? “All right. It’s time for me to go. Thanks for taking this job. Have a good night.”
He hangs up. I shake my head from the ongoing thoughts, bending down to grab my keys. “That asshole.”
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