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kittyboxlivead · 21 days
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Explore a world of desires with KittyBoxLiveAds.com, the ultimate platform for adult classifieds. Discover a diverse array of enticing listings, from personals to services, tailored to fulfill every fantasy. Join now and indulge discreetly.
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bionicle-ramblings · 4 months
The people have spoken!
Bionicle SCP AU!!
Big thanks to @chancetimespace for honestly entertaining this idea in the first place because this came out of left field😅
World stuff to get out of the way first:
The SCP here is basically the same as the usual SCP(Secure, Contain, Protect) with the added bonus of keeping the beings in its walls from getting out and disrupting the natural order
This is also something of a humanized au, so please bear with me
The Toa Metru are SCPs, each with their own quirks, as do other SCPs, but that's par for the course with anomalies
Lhikan, Naho, Sidorak, the Toa Mata, and Jaller are all scientists or are at least employees in the facility, with their jobs boiling down to keeping anomalies alive and in the facility. There are other workers, these are just who I thought of first
There is a facility trying to get an anomaly out, one that could possibly cause worldwide damage if set free. The anomaly has other acquaintances and allies, but it and the other facility are planning a breach
Takua/Takanuva is an anomaly
The Piraka are anomalies
There are objects that count as anomalies, namely masks. It is unknown how long these masks were tampering with natural order before their were apprehended
On to some of the SCPs themselves!
Off the bat, we have SCP-8545, Whenua. He appears to be a man in his mid-teenties to early thirties, but really he's been around since the 1200's, or so people think; 1215 was an exact year he mentioned as well as meeting philosophers and claiming they, "ruined a good day, and my lunch." Whenua can be hurt and does not regenerate, but his senses are heightened; he can see in the dark, has some level of echo location, and seems to have some level of X-Ray vision, proven when he stared at an agent and asked when they'd last been to the doctor. His Object Class is Safe and he is allowed to roam freely in the facility. He is also allowed to have belongings such as fossils he's kept with him and anitique books and objects from various points in history, including a draft drawing done by Leonardo DaVinci he claims to have won in a bet
SCP-8604, Onewa, is a mostly normal human being, but he has patches of stone on his body, most notably along his forehead, jaw, cheeks, arms, knuckles, torso, knees, back, legs, and feet. These patches make him nearly impermeable to physical damage and allow him to easily fight and gain the upper hand against other people. Also giving him an advantage, and what also made him difficult to capture, is that he has some level of telepathy, specifically making agents either forget him or ignore him. Upon his capture, he did need to be kept in a room with a two-way mirror; agents dicivered his telepathy is fully effective only when he can see his target and have their full attention on him while he commands them. Because of his telepathy and his subpar cooperation, he is classified as Euclid, only being allowed to roam if he wears a set of goggles that darken his vision and makes seeing others more difficult.
Matau, SCP-8740, also falls under the Euclid class. He is a shapeshifter, able to change his features at will and hold the appearance for as long as he wishes. Containment protocol including having a tracker injected into his body so that he could be found no matter what form he took. His original form appears to be mostly humanoid, only his skin is more reflective and scaley and he never blinks. Containment protocol has included that additions to having what is essentially an adult-sized play area in his area due to his high energy. He is only allowed outside if there is a guaranteed way to bring him back; he has had instances of nearly escaping as he slipped out of a window and formed a set of wings so he could fly.
SCP-8544 is Nuju, a human who agents found living alone with Nokama, another SCP and who was suffering from hypothermia. Nuju himself is immune to the cold and is able to love in firgid temperatures comfortably; he can be burned with heat, but rarely needs such extreme measures to be contained. He also has sharp vision and can read the stars in the sky like books, being an astronomer/astrologist, though this has translated to him being able to predict the future with steady success rates. Agents were surprised to see he had telekinetic powers, but only to the point of lifting and throwing objects and holding doors shut. His Object Class is Euclid due to his practicing using telekinesis to do more advanced things like stop a heart.
As previously mentioned, Nokama, SCP-8737, was found and apprehended with Nuju. She had been experiencing hypothermia due to swimming in a nearby frozen lake. When she recovered, she, at first, spoke to the agents in fluent Russian. When no one understood her, she spoke again in French. She spoke in various languages with perfect fluency, including dead languages such as Mayan and Latin, before finally speaking to the agents in English. When asked when she learned so many languages, she in turn asked why the agents never learned a fraction of the languages. Examination revealed she had a set of gills in her lungs, which allowed her to breathe underwater. Containment protocol is to let her have a pool in her room, as she is more comfortable underwater than above or outside of it. Object Class is Safe.
Vakama, SCP-8601, has been the longest staying anomaly of the SCPs listed. Similar to Nuju, Vakama is immune to heat, though he can be hurt by frigid temperatures. Unlike Nuju, Vakama is far more volatile as in moments of extreme distress or anger, he seems to begin to combust from the inside. When he's stable, he is safe enough to touch for prolonged periods of time, though there have been occasions where his body temperature drops until he has the same body temperature as the average human being. Agents were alerted of his presence by too many coincidences lining up with one another, namely too many premature prescribed burns and demolitions with a bit of jewelry of piece of metal artwork left behind. Vakama was found near an abandoned factory, though agents thought they'd only found a fire. Upon putting out the flame, they found and apprehended Vakama, who would explain he knew they would be in the area and wanted them to find him. They learned that Vakama could see the future, something he has no control over. During these visions, the flame grows and Vakama himself turns invisible. Despite his Euclid Object Class and permission/ability to free roam, Vakama rarely leaves his holding area, only requesting to have metal working materials and a calender
SCP-40581-1 is Takua/Takanuva, the names being used interchangeably as he can switch between two bodies, only able to inhabit one at a time. When in control of one bkdy, the other lays dormant in what appears to be a comatose state. Takua appears to be a small humanoid while Takanuva appears to be a humanoid crystal with a prominent internal glow. When asked, he explained it in a similar way to walking through a door and laying on a couch or bed. Agents have theories on how the anomaly came to be, but have more trouble keeping Takua in one place as he is apt to explore the facility(Object Class: Safe, if not mildly annoying). There have been recorded incidents of the slumbering body of Takanuva twitching and speaking. Takua claims to know nothing of what is said. It is unknown as of yet if damage to one body is carried on to the other
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month
Americans adore a moral panic. During the Red Scare, we believed that Soviet agents were everywhere, having secretly infiltrated all levels of society. In the 1950s, the U.S. government banned switchblades over unfounded fears that we were in the throes of “West Side Story”-style knife violence. The Satanic Panic convinced Americans of the 1980s that absurd claims of ritual abuse and sacrifice were somehow credible. Around the same time, there was “stranger danger” — which was debunked like other moral panics, but never went away entirely. At any given time, America is moving in and out of some moral panic or another. Harm to children is a persistent theme. In recent years, however, our national obsession with these moral panics has consumed our politics. We’ve come to believe that sex trafficking rings are all around us. The driving force may come as a surprise: a moral panic about consensual sex workers who advertised legally on the internet. The far-right’s current obsession with “child sex trafficking” — the animating force behind such conspiracy theories as QAnon and Pizzagate, as well as coded political insults like “groomer” — has roots in this moral panic hyped by powerful Republicans and Democrats alike. The panic reached its crescendo with the 2018 federal indictments related to a sex ad hub called Backpage.com. A classifieds site that became known predominantly for “adult” advertising, Backpage was born of a more dispersed industry that used to operate in the back pages of local alternative weekly newspapers like the Village Voice, Chicago Reader, and LA Weekly — known as alt-weeklies. For a time, the sex ad industry had its central platform on Craigslist, the free classifieds website, which spurred large-scale campaigns against the ads. As the campaigns took hold, Craigslist buckled and effectively handed the mantle to Backpage — until eventually it, too, came under a sustained morality attack. I spent four years reporting on this saga — the rise and fall of alt-weeklies, adult advertising, and Backpage — with fellow journalists Sam Eifling and Michael J. Mooney. The result, a documentary podcast series, now on Audible, titled “Hold Fast: The Unadulterated Story of the World’s Most Scandalous Website,” reveals how cynical politicians can take hold of a moral panic and exploit it for political gain.
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When you've seen the look of shock on the face of an American when you say the word “cunt” you understand how easy it is to create a moral panic in the US.
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dearviper · 2 years
Certain Dark Things Chapter 18: I Fall Asleep
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WARNINGS: 18+ (minors dni!); unwanted touching;  kidnapping/torture/Commissioner Savage rat scene (Check the replies for where to stop/restart reading if you want to avoid these while reading the chapter!)
Table of Contents | My Masterlist
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You woke up the following morning with Edward’s arm like a vice over your waist and his head pressed uncomfortably into your spine.
Though you didn’t want to wake him, you were keen to free yourself from his grasp. The twin bed was already too small for two adults, and with the added body heat under the blankets you felt like you were suffocating.
Carefully, you extricated yourself from his embrace and sat upright on the edge of the bed. As if on cue, when you went to stand up, Edward’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.
“Where are you going?” The suspicion in his tone was dulled by the drowsiness.
“I was just going to shower,” you answered quickly. “I feel sweaty.”
“Stay with me a little longer,” he wheedled, tugging on your wrist until you acquiesced. You tried not to sigh as you settled back into the bed and he caged you back in with his arms.
You tensed involuntarily when he pressed his lips against the nape of your neck. If he sensed your discomfort, he did not acknowledge it. Instead, he simply sighed with contentment and nuzzled against you.
Gritting your teeth, you tried to quell your vexation before speaking up again.
“Is… your guest waiting on you?”
You had almost made the mistake of asking if the commissioner was waiting on Edward. That was what he had called his “guest” the night before when you were pretending to sleep, but acknowledging that would let Edward catch you in your lie.
“I doubt he’s awake yet. I had to give him something a little stronger than the anti-hypertensive I gave you.”
You held back a shudder, wondering what exactly he classified as “a little stronger.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your room back soon enough,” Edward assured you, completely oblivious to your disquiet. “I know how important it is for females to have their own space.”
Resentment seeped into his voice, though you weren’t sure if it was for women in general or for your lack of enthusiasm at the prospect of staying in his room. Presumably, he had high expectations for the two of you sharing a bed.
Sorry to disappoint. Still, there was an alarmed voice in the back of your head that grew louder each time Edward pushed and prodded at your boundaries.
Eventually, you would have to address it one way or another. The thought unnerved you, and you were relieved to get some distance when he finally allowed you to get up and shower.
By the time you were done, Edward was already up and dressed in his Riddler gear, sans mask. He sat in the living room, hunched over his desk.
When he heard you step out of the bathroom and into the hallway, he motioned for you to join him. You briefly considered pretending you hadn’t seen the gesture, but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Silently, you padded over and waited for him to speak. He just sat there staring at the screen for a few minutes, typing something you couldn’t see and referencing his papers every so often.
Briefly, you thought that you were mistaken, that maybe he hadn’t called you over. You were about to head back to the bedroom when he finally turned around.
“Come here,” he ordered, jerking two fingers in to draw you closer. You did as commanded. Even with you standing above him like this, it was clear that he was still in control.
You squirmed as he fixed that calculating gaze on you. His constant observation made you feel like a zoo animal. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke again.
“I want to show you what I do. What the Riddler does,” he began slowly, gauging your reaction.
Your mouth went dry and you said nothing for a few seconds. He wasn’t exactly asking, and you feared that refusing would just incite his anger.
“Alright,” you finally found your voice.
While dread swelled in your chest, Edward’s face lit up like a child on his birthday. He stood up abruptly, and you stumbled backwards at the sudden movement.
“I’ll need a few hours to prepare, I want everything to be just right,” he effused, excitement alight in his eyes.
You didn’t know what those preparations might entail, and you weren’t keen to find out.
Unfortunately, Edward still wanted company, and so you ended up tied to the living room chair once more.
For the most part he stayed at his desk, getting up every hour or so to walk around. Though you tried to focus on the book you were reading, you couldn’t help but jolt each time he shifted too quickly or spoke after hours of silence.
The waiting was torture.
The actual event was far, far worse.
When Edward pushed back from his desk and jumped to his feet, you knew it was time. He untied you and allowed you to use the bathroom before he retrieved the commissioner.
You exited the bathroom to find Edward had donned his Riddler mask. You were so unsettled that you barely noticed when he reached a hand out to you.
At first you thought he was trying to touch you, but when you looked down you saw he held a bag of clothing. You glanced inside and saw a mask, jacket, and cargo pants matching his own.
“What is this?” you questioned, taken aback.
“A disguise,” he replied in a modulated voice.
Surprised relief washed over you. If he wanted you to hide your identity, that meant the commissioner would be leaving alive, right?
“Get changed, and don’t come out until I tell you.”
You took the clothes without objection and went back into his bedroom to change. When the door clicked shut, you heard him open the one to your bedroom.
Trying to ignore the whimpering from down the hall, you slowly began to trade your clothes for the disguise. Your heart was hammering and your hands trembled uncontrollably.
The new clothes were scratchy, but at least they were clean. You flashed back briefly to Edward’s bloodstained form from the previous night before shaking the intrusive thought away.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, you waited anxiously for Edward to call you back out. Your fear only grew as the whimpering turned into muffled grunts and yells.
You stared at the doorknob in horror, terrified of what might await you outside it. At that moment, you heard Edward’s voice.
“Come,” he called firmly. Brief irritation flared within you at being spoken to like a dog again, but that flame was doused at the sight that met you in the living room.
Edward was in full Riddler regalia, looming in the dark room like some sort of hell-sent creature. The windows were covered and the lights were out except for a lone lantern.
Commissioner Savage was tied to a chair — tied to your chair, you realized uneasily — with some sort of contraption encasing his head.
Your stomach twisted sharply when you recognized it to be the rat cage Edward had been tinkering with in the past few weeks.
You hung back until the Riddler motioned you forward impatiently. When you came into his line of sight, Savage started thrashing like a fish on a hook.
The commissioner beseeched you to help with bloodshot eyes and muffled screams, but you were paralyzed.
“Behave!” The Riddler roared, slamming a fist against the rat cage. Savage jolted at the impact, and you could almost see his skull rattling as the metal rungs reverberated.
Not allowing Savage even the briefest reprieve, the Riddler yanked his caged head up and forward until the two men were eye-to-eye.
“There is a lady present,” the Riddler chuckled mockingly, jerking Savage’s head back and forth. “Apologize.”
He forced Savage’s head back towards you. Although the duct tape muzzled him, it was clear from his screams that the commissioner was begging for his life.
A choked sob escaped your lips as you clasped a hand to your mouth. The canvas-like inside smelled like chemicals, and you had to drop your hand as you began to feel lightheaded..
“That didn’t sound much like an apology, Commissioner,” the Riddler jeered cruelly.
“Please don’t,” you croaked out, imploring him with wide eyes. “Ed- Riddler, don’t-”
“Please don’t,” he mimicked your terrified voice. Your words died on your lips as he glared coldly at you from behind the mask.
He huffed out a breath, shaking his head slowly. “I am trying to share my world with you. To help you understand- QUIET!”
Savage had begun bawling again, derailing the monologue. So swiftly that you barely saw it, the Riddler plunged a syringe into the commissioner’s neck. Savage’s voice cut out in shock.
“There,” the Riddler sighed, rolling his neck to crack it. “Peace and quiet.”
“What was that?” you demanded.
That was when the screaming started.
It was a wretched sound. Pure agony tore out of Savage’s throat, and your muscles clenched at the sound.
“Rat poison,” the Riddler answered, amusement evident in his voice. He turned to the cage of rats on his desk, trailing a gloved hand along the metal.
“Why?” you rasped out, though you knew the answer.
“Transubstantiation,” he replied calmly, pulling one of the rats from its cage. “‘Take and eat; this is My body.’”
Nauseated, you understood what he meant: he was going to feed the Commissioner to the rats.
You collapsed as merciful unconsciousness claimed you.
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homehealthup08 · 2 years
Peaches: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits, Side Effects
Peaches have many health benefits and can be eaten as a snack or added to a smoothie. They contain a good amount of fiber and vitamin A and are low in fat and calories. This fruit is a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene.
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What Are Peaches?
Peaches are a delicious and nutritious treat that comes from the peach tree. These fruits are called peaches and are also called nectarines. There are many different peaches, but the yellow and orange varieties are the most famous.
Learn more about all your favorite fruits at: https://homehealthup.com/
Greek explorers brought peaches to Europe, believing that they originated in Persia. This is why the scientific name of the peach tree is Prunus persica, which means "peach tree." In the 1500s, Spanish settlers brought peaches to the New World. By the mid-1600s, English and French consumers started appreciating peaches.
These fruits are very sweet and aromatic. When ripe, they yield to gentle pressure. The fruit is round and fits easily into the palm of an adult hand. They are made of soft skin that is slightly fuzzy and downy. Peaches can be classified according to their freestone or clingstone type. Clingstone peaches do not have pits.
Peaches are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C is essential for building connective tissue in the body and helps the body fight off infections. Vitamin C is also important for preventing the development of certain types of cancer. Peaches can be cooked or dried at home. Dried peaches contain concentrated nutrition and are suitable for people with diabetes and others who do not tolerate vitamin C.
Nutrition Facts of Peaches
A medium peach has about 6% to 9% of your daily fiber requirement. Eating foods with high fiber content is good for your health, as it reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It can also help prevent constipation and other digestive problems. Moreover, peaches are low in calories, containing only about 60 calories per medium peach. They have no cholesterol or saturated fat. In addition, peaches have a high amount of water, which makes them fill and helps you feel fuller for longer. Nutrition facts of 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fresh peaches include:
Calories: 39
Fat: 0.2g
Sodium: 0mg
Carbohydrates: 9.5g
Fiber: 1.5g
Sugars: 8.3g
Protein: 0.9g
Vitamin A: 16mcg
Vitamins and Minerals
Peaches are an excellent source of fiber, which can help your digestive system work more efficiently and prevent constipation. They also have several anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, which protect the body from free radicals and oxidative damage. As we all know, free radicals can lead to diseases like cancer. Furthermore, peaches contain prebiotics, which feeds the good bacteria in your gut. These bacteria have several beneficial effects, including anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects.
This fruit has hundreds of varieties and can be found throughout the United States. The fruit is sweet and juicy, with yellow, orange, or red flesh. It is native to warm temperate regions and is eaten as fresh fruit and dessert. They have low-calorie content and contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. These nutrients can help your body fight cancer.
In addition, peaches are also high in antioxidants, which are known to help fight oxidative stress, a risk factor for heart disease and certain neurodegenerative disorders. They also contain beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Beta carotene protects your skin from sun damage and creates a natural glow. Peaches are also rich in vitamin C, which helps build collagen and improve skin elasticity.
Health Benefits of Peaches
Peaches contain high amounts of vitamin C, which helps to fight free radicals and protect the body from various types of cancer. A study by Texas A&M University found that peaches contain chlorogenic and neo-chlorogenic acids, which are anti-tumor and anti-cancer substances. They also help improve blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. In addition, they contain antioxidants, which protect the eyes against macular degeneration.
These sweet fruits are low in calories and are a great source of vitamins A and C. These vitamins and minerals help the body fight diseases and are essential for good skin health. As a result, peaches are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a sweet treat. Peaches can even aid in the treatment of allergies.
More, peaches are also packed with antioxidants. These compounds help protect the body against oxidative damage and help prevent age-related diseases. The fresher the fruit is, the higher its antioxidant content. In addition, peaches contain caffeic acid, which is an essential anti-cancer ingredient. They also contain polyphenols, which have been proven to reduce the growth of cancer cells.
Side Effects of Peaches
Peaches are great for your diet and can help improve your skin's health and make your hair shiny. However, too many can lead to abdominal pain and joint pains. It is also not recommended to consume peaches on an empty stomach.
Tips on Including Peaches in Meal
Peaches are an excellent addition to your diet and an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants. They are packed with vitamin C, which is necessary for healthy bones and connective tissue, and vitamin A, which promotes healthy tissue and eyesight. When fresh, peaches are also an excellent source of antioxidants, which help the body combat free radicals.
You can prepare peaches in many ways, from mash to serving over yogurt. Peaches can also be frozen and kept for up to 6 months. Once frozen, they are perfect for smoothies and baked goods. To make a peach sauce, you can blend the fruit with a bit of sugar.
Peeling a peach is easy. Place it on a counter, stem-side down, until it ripens. Then, use a paring knife or vegetable peeler to remove the peel. This will speed up the ripening process. To serve, drizzle them with extra-virgin olive oil or balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and enjoy.
Peaches can be used as a topping for ice cream. Try serving a peach ice cream float for a delicious, refreshing dessert. You can also add peaches to salads. Peaches can also be mashed or served with yogurt.
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richobo8 · 2 years
Richobo is a UK based classifieds site with sections for personals, transport, models, dancers, apartments, goods, adult services, enterprises, community services, jobs, dating, the resume and discussion boards.Whether you are a business owner who needs help managing your business or a tradesperson looking to earn money on your skills. Richobo is beyond able to provide what you need. And though this may seem alternative to the Backpage website with more advertising availabilities. It more than compensates for its errors by being the most organized and clean alternative to Backpage right now. Not only are there articles and services nicely categorized here, but Richobo goes beyond the traditional classified ads site by providing filters for your area or location. In addition, Richobo is a well-known under-rated classifieds platform for online dating between adults. There is a section on this site specifically dedicated to this category, and there is a diversified community looking for hot love. However, in no case are jobs the only kind of classified ads you will find on this similar Backpage site. Just like any classified ad platform that respects itself, it is a great online platform for advertising as well as for transport and vacation rentals.
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kittyboxlivead · 29 days
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Explore KittyBoxLiveAds for diverse adult wanted ads. Discover opportunities to connect with companions in various fields. Join now at kittyboxliveads.com and find the perfect match for your desires. Explore, connect, and fulfill your adult fantasies with us!
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sexdatingclub693 · 2 years
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What Are Normal Testosterone Levels? Ages, Males, Females, And More
The Organon group in the Netherlands were the first to isolate the hormone, identified in a May 1935 paper "On Crystalline Male Hormone from Testicles ". They named the hormone testosterone, from the stems of testicle and sterol, and the suffix of ketone. The structure was worked out by Schering's Adolf Butenandt, at the Chemisches Institut of Technical University in Gdańsk. This might cause acne, subcutaneous fat in face decreases. Effects before birth are divided into two categories, classified in relation to the stages of development. The plasma levels of various steroids significantly increase after masturbation in men and the testosterone levels correlate to those levels. Before puberty, effects of rising androgen levels occur in both boys and girls. These include adult-type body odor, increased oiliness of skin and hair, acne, pubarche , axillary hair , growth spurt, accelerated bone maturation, and facial hair. Usually you'll get a total testosterone test as a screening test. To diagnose certain conditions, doctors sometimes look only at free testosterone levels. One study tested the effects of this herb on infertile men and found a 17% increase in testosterone levels and a 167% increase in sperm count . It also affects other important body functions not directly related to sex like maintaining normal blood counts, bone strength, muscle mass, and mood. Testosterone is used as a medication for the treatment of male hypogonadism, gender dysphoria, and certain types of breast cancer. This is known as hormone replacement therapy or testosterone replacement therapy , which maintains serum testosterone levels in the normal range. Decline of testosterone production with age has led to interest in androgen replacement therapy. It is unclear if the use of testosterone for low levels due to aging is beneficial or harmful. So, let’s dig deep to learn what nature has to offer us. Building muscle mass triggers the body to produce testosterone. By Niagaraxl , endurance exercises like cycling for hours or running marathons can actually reduce your testosterone level. Increased testicular cancer hasn't been reported, though. The studies also concluded that supplementing with testosterone significantly increases lean muscle mass, reduces body fat, and makes the body more sensitive to insulin. Data from these same studies suggested that with no change to exercise or diet, just adding supplemental testosterone can reduce body weight by up to 11.5 pounds in two years. Topical testosterone, specifically gels, creams and liquids, may transfer to others. Women and children are most at risk of harmful effects from contact with them. You should take care to cover the area and wash your hands well after putting on the medication. Be careful not to let the site with the topical TT touch others because that could transfer the drug. It is bound 65% to sex hormone-binding globulin and 33% bound weakly to albumin. In males, testosterone is synthesized primarily in Leydig cells. The number of Leydig cells in turn is regulated by luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone . In addition, the amount of testosterone produced by existing Leydig cells is under the control of LH, which regulates the expression of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
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xtruss · 1 month
QAnon Was Born Out Of The Sex Ad Moral Panic That Took Down Backpage.Com
For Years, The Political Establishment Opportunistically Railed Against Sex Trafficking. Then Came Pizzagate.
— Trevor Aaronson | April 27 2024
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Jacob Chansley, known as the “QAnon Shaman,” protests for Trump in Phoenix on Nov. 5, 2020. Photo: Olivier Touron/AFP via Getty Images
Americans Adore A Moral Panic.
During the Red Scare, we believed that Soviet agents were everywhere, having secretly infiltrated all levels of society. In the 1950s, the U.S. government banned switchblades over unfounded fears that we were in the throes of “West Side Story”-style knife violence. The Satanic Panic convinced Americans of the 1980s that absurd claims of ritual abuse and sacrifice were somehow credible. Around the same time, there was “stranger danger” — which was debunked like other moral panics, but never went away entirely.
At any given time, America is moving in and out of some moral panic or another. Harm to children is a persistent theme. In recent years, however, our national obsession with these moral panics has consumed our politics. We’ve come to believe that sex trafficking rings are all around us. The driving force may come as a surprise: a moral panic about consensual sex workers who advertised legally on the internet.
The far-right’s current obsession with “child sex trafficking” — the animating force behind such conspiracy theories as QAnon and Pizzagate, as well as coded political insults like “groomer” — has roots in this moral panic hyped by powerful Republicans and Democrats alike. The panic reached its crescendo with the 2018 federal indictments related to a sex ad hub called Backpage.com.
The Backpage story may stand as a cautionary tale not only of overzealous prosecutions, but also of the second- and third-order effects of moral panics.
A classifieds site that became known predominantly for “adult” advertising, Backpage was born of a more dispersed industry that used to operate in the back pages of local alternative weekly newspapers like the Village Voice, Chicago Reader, and LA Weekly — known as alt-weeklies. For a time, the sex ad industry had its central platform on Craigslist, the free classifieds website, which spurred large-scale campaigns against the ads. As the campaigns took hold, Craigslist buckled and effectively handed the mantle to Backpage — until eventually it, too, came under a sustained morality attack.
I spent four years reporting on this saga — the rise and fall of alt-weeklies, adult advertising, and Backpage — with fellow journalists Sam Eifling and Michael J. Mooney. The result, a documentary podcast series, now on Audible, titled “Hold Fast: The Unadulterated Story of the World’s Most Scandalous Website,” reveals how cynical politicians can take hold of a moral panic and exploit it for political gain.
One thing that struck me during my reporting was that the Backpage story may stand as a cautionary tale not only of overzealous prosecutions, but also of the second- and third-order effects of moral panics — in this case, conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and QAnon. If you look closely enough, you can trace a line from adult ads in alt-weeklies to escort ads on websites like Craigslist and Backpage, to conspiracy claims that Donald Trump is fighting to break up a global child sex-trafficking cabal run by Hillary Clinton and her malevolent minions.
Conspiracy theories don’t grow in isolation. They wrap themselves around kernels of truth. The truth here is that sex trafficking and sexual exploitation are horrific crimes, and no one should underestimate the harms experienced by survivors. For the last two decades, though, powerful politicians, breathless news media, and a host of ill-informed celebrities have conflated “sex trafficking” with “prostitution” — fanning a national hysteria that underpins the conspiracy theories now wracking American society.
Sex Ad Industry
A quick history: Starting with the Village Voice in the 1950s, alt-weeklies popped up in cities nationwide. These papers prized investigative reporting and magazine-style narrative writing; pioneered attitudinal pop-culture criticism; and published classified ads in their back pages that would make half the country blush.
The “adult” ads on the last pages of the tabloid-style papers promoted sex work. At first, they were written in coded language, which created enough ambiguity that federal judges had upheld the ads’ First Amendment protections. The legal doctrine was simple: The government couldn’t deprive a massage therapist or a dancer of their First Amendment right to advertise on mere suspicion that they might also provide an illegal sexual service behind closed doors.
For decades, wink-and-a-nod adult ads could be found in alt-weeklies nationwide. Publishers knew what was being advertised. Most readers knew. So did police and prosecutors. No one, however, seemed to holler about sex ads in newspapers that could be found at busy bus stops, crowded restaurants, or smoky bars. Society didn’t collapse. The kids were all right.
Then came Craigslist, a simple website that slashed a gaping hole in the newspaper industry’s hulking money bags. Who would pay for an ink-smeared classified ad in a newspaper when you could get a more effective one for free, in minutes, on Craigslist? People selling cars, boats, guitars, whatever — they moved to Craigslist. And those sex workers advertising in the back pages of alt-weeklies? They did too.
In response to the migration of classifieds to the internet, the largest publisher of alt-weeklies launched a Craigslist competitor, Backpage. Essentially a knockoff, Backpage used a design and category scheme almost identical to Craigslist’s. Throughout its early existence, the alt-weekly-run Backpage never matched the popular site from which it was cribbing.
Then the government and the press turned on the burgeoning online classifieds industry. Public officials latched on to a study from the University of Pennsylvania that claimed 326,000 children in America were “at risk for commercial sexual exploitation.” The report analyzed data from the 1990s using methodologies so deeply flawed that the Washington Post described it as “bogus.”
The jaw-dropping stat — More than 300,000 children in the United States could be victims of sex trafficking! — nonetheless lodged itself in our national consciousness. Politicians trumpeted the claim. Actor Ashton Kutcher, fashioning himself an advocate against sex trafficking, announced unchallenged on CNN that there are “between 100,000 and 300,000 child sex slaves in the United States today.” It sounded even then like an improbable total. But with kids’ lives reportedly at stake, few Americans pushed back.
Pressure Campaigns
The FBI, conditioned to view any national clamor as a federal funding bonanza, launched Operation Cross Country to investigate the supposed scourge of sex trafficking. The FBI’s ongoing efforts now include partnerships with 400 law enforcement agencies nationwide, but the feds still haven’t uncovered any sort of large-scale, highly organized trafficking ring as part of Operation Cross Country.
That’s because — while cases of sexual exploitation and trafficking do occur, many of them horrific in their details — the perception of a large-scale threat in the United States is perched on a mountain of distortions and exaggerations.
“If you believe that hundreds of thousands of kids are being trafficked, you have to believe your husband, your dad, your brother, your sons are the ones buying them,” Juliana Piccillo, a sex worker advocate, explained to me. “It’s not just a handful of guys buying 300,000 kids.”
For context, the union-covered employees of UPS, those brown-clad delivery drivers we see daily, number 300,000.
As America bought into myths of large-scale sex trafficking, individual accounts of sexual exploitation made headlines. Yet the more nuanced story of online adult ads went unreported. Put simply, the internet made sex work, on the whole, safer by giving consensual sex workers a marketplace away from the streets and the ability to screen potentially dangerous clients.
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Sex workers and their supporters protest a police raid on Oct. 25, 2016, in Minneapolis saying shutting down sites like Backpage.com exposes them to more risk. Photo: “Protest march against the raid on Backpage” by Fibonacci Blue. Used under CC BY 2.0
These gains in worker safety benefited a large portion of Americans, and the reason is simple: The nation’s sex work industry is enormous. The National Institutes of Health estimate that sex work in the U.S. generates $14 billion per year in economic activity. That makes sex work a significant American industry, on par in revenue with the streaming music industry.
As police and politicians conflated sex trafficking with sex work, journalists dutifully followed along. A study from the University of Minnesota of 1,500 news articles from 1995 to 2014 found a dramatic increase in the media’s use of “sex trafficking” in place of “prostitution.” That trend hasn’t reversed. A local news report from Florida last year described a standard prostitution bust as being part of “a sweeping sex trafficking investigation.” Or consider a local news report from South Dakota, where an undercover cop posed as an underage sex worker in a prostitution sting. The TV anchor described it as “an undercover sex trafficking investigation,” even though no one involved was being trafficked. A right-wing sheriff in Florida fashioned a national profile by running prostitution stings and hosting chest-beating press conferences that promote how he’s bravely fighting “human trafficking.”
Backpage became the world’s internet brothel. It was the same legal business alt-weeklies had been in for decades, now operating at an industrial scale.
In August 2010, 17 attorneys general banded together in a letter pressuring Craigslist to take down its adult ads. It wasn’t a legal threat; federal judges had upheld the legality of such ads since their days on the back pages of alt-weeklies. Instead, the attorneys general were mounting a coordinated pressure campaign. And it worked. Bowing to the coercion, Craigslist shuttered its adult section, slapping the word “CENSORED” across it on the website.
Suddenly, adult ads flooded into the also-ran, Backpage, and the company’s annual revenue skyrocketed from $11.7 million to $78 million in just a few years. Backpage became the world’s internet brothel. It was the same legal business alt-weeklies had been in for decades, now operating at an industrial scale.
Backpage’s owners, Arizona newspaper moguls Michael Lacey and James Larkin, believed they could withstand what the nerds at Craigslist couldn’t. After all, they were career alt-weekly publishers, owning 17 papers nationwide, including the Village Voice, LA Weekly, and Miami New Times. They’d printed adult ads in the back pages of their papers for decades. How could the internet be any different?
Political Opportunism
As the world’s largest platform for adult ads, Backpage became the target of withering scrutiny and sensational claims that it was encouraging child sexual exploitation. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof led the charge with stories headlined “When Backpage.com Peddles Schoolgirls for Sex” and “Google and Sex Traffickers Like Backpage.com.”
Protestors gathered outside the Village Voice’s office in New York. They held up signs reading “End Sex Trafficking” and “Women and Girls Will Not Be Silenced.” An anonymously run website, VillageVoicePimps.com, aggregated reports of violence and sexual exploitation.
The drumbeat drowned out a more complicated reality. Backpage, whose owners and employees knew large amounts of its ads were using ambiguous language to promote illegal sex work, was minting money by cynically pushing First Amendment protections and internet laws to their legal limits. Backpage, though, didn’t turn a blind eye to possible harm. One of the company’s executives had received an award from the FBI for working proactively with law enforcement. Prosecutors at the Justice Department had even advised against filing criminal charges involving Backpage after concluding, in an internal memo, that “Backpage genuinely wanted to get child prostitution off of its site.”
Politicians, on the other hand, saw blood in the water.
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Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses the Domestic Human Trafficking symposium in Los Angeles on April 25, 2014. Photo: Damian Dovarganes/AP
Vice President Kamala Harris, then the ambitious attorney general of California, boasted of being tough on human trafficking. In 2016, while running for U.S. Senate, she filed criminal charges against Backpage’s owners. The case garnered Harris national headlines — What politician doesn’t want to be seen as tough on child sex trafficking? — but a judge threw out most of the charges shortly after the newly elected Harris was sworn into the Senate. Her case hadn’t helped end exploitation at Backpage, but it had launched her into national politics.
Around this time, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain’s think tank, the McCain Institute, focused its efforts on human trafficking. His wife, Cindy, became a self-appointed expert in the subject. McCain Institute reports circulated in Washington, pointing the finger at Backpage for sex trafficking cases in the United States.
The McCains had a wounded history with the owners of Backpage, who started their publishing company in Arizona with the muckraking alt-weekly Phoenix New Times. The paper had written unflatteringly about the McCains for decades and in the mid-1990s revealed how Cindy McCain was stealing painkillers from her medical charity — a story headlined with the very alt-weekly pun “Opiate for the Mrs.” Cindy spun the scandal as a story of addiction and redemption, but it dogged her husband through his failed presidential bids.
Political chicanery and sensational news reports about sex trafficking fueled each other, creating a media environment by 2016 in which Americans had been inundated with reports about sex trafficking and online classifieds. Just as Americans had come to believe that strangers were abducting thousands of children in the 1980s, we came to believe that child sex trafficking was endemic, with hundreds of thousands of our kids at risk.
In April 2018, bowing to pressure from Harris, McCain, and other elected officials, the Justice Department seized Backpage and filed criminal charges against its owners. None of the charges alleged sex trafficking — of either children or adults. The government accused Backpage’s owners and executives of money laundering and facilitating prostitution. Because prostitution is not a federal crime, the Justice Department filed charges under the Travel Act, which outlaws interstate activities intended to violate state laws.
In the first Backpage trial, federal prosecutors repeatedly referred to “child sex trafficking” — even though none of the charges alleged such activity — forcing the judge to declare a mistrial. In November 2023, a federal jury in Arizona convicted Backpage’s principals following a second trial. Lacey was convicted on one count of money laundering, acquitted on another, and no verdict was reached on the other charges, many of which were thrown out by a judge this week ahead of an possible retrial. He faces sentencing in June. Larkin took his own life in 2023, on the eve of the second trial.
Any of the nation’s alt-weeklies — which published the same types of adult ads that Backpage did — could have faced the same charges decades earlier, but prosecutors had deferred to First Amendment protections.
Until the political pressure ramped up on Backpage.
Conspiracy Theories
Pizzagate, the far-right conspiracy theory that suggests Democrats operated a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizzeria in Washington, sprung from this Backpage-obsessed media environment. The conspiracy claim jumped from the online world to the real one when, in December 2016, a man fired an AR-15 rifle inside the pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, as he attempted to investigate the supposed sex trafficking ring.
The intrigue around Comet pizza then fed the sprawling pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy. The far-fetched myth hyped secret sex trafficking rings operated by prominent figures, notably Democrats, with Trump cast as a hero fighting valiantly to expose this criminal network and bring its pedophiles to justice. QAnon inspired other conspiracy theories, including one that claimed online retailer Wayfair was selling sex-trafficked children.
“You’re onto something with the idea of far-right obsession over trafficking and grooming having its seeds planted with Backpage,” Mike Rothschild, the author of “Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories,” told me after I explained how I suspected the years of sensationalistic Backpage coverage explains our current conspiracy theories. “There’s a sense among QAnon promoters and right-wing influencers in general that organized rings of child trafficking have been a problem for decades and that only Trump had the courage and lack of connections to ‘the swamp’ to take it on.”
“And sure enough,” Rothschild added, “I dug around a bit on Telegram and found some Q promoters talking about the cabal taking its child trafficking ops somewhere else once Trump took Backpage down in 2018.”
The beliefs behind QAnon are shaped by so-called Q drops, cryptic online messages written by a supposed government insider describing child sex trafficking and Trump’s efforts to stop it. One “Q drop” in particular folded the seizure of Backpage into its tinfoil-hatted QAnon universe as if it were evidence that Trump was battling the sex traffickers:
That didn’t take long.
Strength test.
For God & Country!
We Fight for FREEDOM.
After the Justice Department seized Backpage, Trump signed a bill known as FOSTA-SESTA into law. It was designed to scorch the earth behind Backpage — a response to the years of media reports about sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation. The law stripped away liability protections for online platforms perceived to be promoting prostitution.
By one measure, the law worked. The breathless news reports about child sex trafficking through online classified ads came to a trickling stop.
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A screenshot of Backpage.com on April 6, 2018, the day that federal authorities seized the classified site as part of a criminal case. Photo: Damian Dovarganes/AP
The End of Sex Trafficking?
So, the far-right conspiracy theories were correct, then? As prophesied by “Q,” Trump vanquished the child sex trafficking rings?
Of course not.
In 2021, the Government Accountability Office issued a report concluding that shuttering Backpage had made it more difficult for law enforcement officials to identify and track cases of sexual exploitation.
And online ads promoting sex work haven’t gone away either. There’s now a constellation of smaller Backpage-like sites, many based outside the United States and beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement. Some sex workers have simply slid over to Instagram, Facebook, and X, using a decades-old trick refined in the naughty back pages of alt-weeklies: ambiguous language.
Conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate were never the true aim. They are byproducts of something more sinister in our body politic.
The madness of our nation’s obsession with child sex trafficking appears to be reaching new and frightening peaks. Last year, the melodramatic movie “Sound of Freedom,” about a vigilante who rescues children from international trafficking rings, was a box-office smash, grossing more than $250 million. The film’s writer-director, Alejandro Monteverde, was inspired to make it after seeing TV news coverage of sex trafficking during the Backpage media pile-on. The influence has gone full circle: A prospective juror in the second Backpage trial admitted that he thought “Sound of Freedom” was a documentary film.
That prospective juror wasn’t the only one mixing sex-trafficking fiction with reality. Last month, during the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Alabama Sen. Katie Britt passed off a case of child sex trafficking in Mexico from two decades ago as a recent crime that had occurred in the United States under the Biden administration.
The avalanche of stories portraying extensive violence, human trafficking, and child sexual exploitation linked to online classified ads helped rid the world of Craigslist’s adult section and Backpage altogether. Those stories, however, seeded the ground for another dark reality, with secondary and tertiary effects that promise to be much more consequential. We are now a nation consumed by fantastical conspiracy claims about child sex trafficking.
Potential harm to children is an unmatched motivator in American civic life. By fooling us into fears about massive sex trafficking rings, elected officials can lace panic into the border crisis or crack down on internet speech.
Conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate were never the true aim. They are byproducts of something more sinister in our body politic: power-hungry elected officials promoting fear for political advantage, all the while unconcerned about what happens when that fear becomes hysteria.
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roweadkins62 · 3 months
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Be cognisant of ESRB ratings. Precisely care movies, video games descend with ratings. These ratings Lashkar-e-Tayyiba you cognise the intended audience for the spunky you are almost to recreate. If you are purchasing telecasting games for a minor, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the military rank and monitory organization. If you stimulate to recharge a arm when playacting a gun for hire game, elude keister cross number one. A slew of clock time hoi polloi beat killed when they are just non controlling their fictitious character. You don't desire this to come to you! Veil and and then reload. Pass on the in-gamey euphony a risk. If, however, you are harassed with it after an 60 minutes or so, don't be afraid to unspoken the idiot box or computing device and work roughly medicine of your own. You wish sustain a much More enjoyable play live that right smart and are to a lesser extent in all likelihood to let a head ache from performing. A bounteous break of with success wholly a television secret plan is exploitation tare codes. These are codes that you go into as you are acting television games to aid impart you particular powers or move on to the next level off. Many websites on the Net extend these helpful tools, openhanded both small-scale and grownup cheats. Video games are expensive, so preferably than purchase ane that you are uncertain if you will like, rent them. Many services whirl video games for hire for a sure price every calendar month. By renting the video recording gage first, you stool run it out to consider if you ilk it and the steal it if you do. Be untrusting of online games. Monthly fees are an disbursal that potty pinch up on you with online games. If your children deficiency to begin performing an online game, you should follow-up it inaugural. If on that point is money associated, shout up and take near entirely of the costs. Rip ahead you purchase! It is non rare to steal a new game, engage it menage and and so gaming it alone to recognize that it is nowhere all but the play you cerebration it would be. It whitethorn not appeal to you in any number of ways. Rent it low and rule taboo if it unfeignedly offers what you deficiency. Do non let video recording games you are never leaving to fiddle again lot up. Stupefy something rachis for them towards your next spunky. Either swop them it at your closest video gritty salt away or sell them at a put-upon cd/picture show memory. You bottom also leaning them online through with an auction or classified ad itemization. Barter in your older games at a television halting computer memory. You Crataegus oxycantha not have sex this, only you butt deal your quondam games to the television halt store, and you keister beat cash or acknowledgment toward young games. Stop with a few unlike stores so you fundament nonplus the outdo whole lot on your games, though. Strain to happen rich, entertaining games that bear close to learning evaluate for your children. These games testament not alone furnish amusing for your child, just tail also Teach them something as easily. 고픽 to branch out your children's horizons and go down a firm substructure for their ethics as they will be getting something verboten of it. An first-class means to please your children with a gambling organization and control they halt check is to corrupt a Nintendo Wii. This play organisation requires actual activeness to sport. Your kids bequeath not be session for hours on remainder performing a halting. They undergo to be moving about in consecrate to period of play the games on this organization. Even if you bank your tyke to gain the decently moves when it comes to online telecasting games, don't swear whole sites. Hitch each matchless all over carefully for the different elements that Crataegus oxycantha assail your calculator or surprisal your nestling with Thomas More than equitable an interesting game. Always be on safety device with online gambling. Picture games leave be a peck Thomas More pleasurable if you're sure as shooting of what you are doing. Disregardless of your preference, you fundament discover a spunky that testament wooing your taste perception. Clothe in the right-hand platform, and find oneself the titles that testament guarantee your gambling is amusing. This really is one and only of the topper hobbies or so today!
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