#free boiler installation
heatzen · 4 months
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Install a new boiler at Zero Cost under ECO4 home heating grants. Check your eligibility through our website in just 60 seconds and get your free boiler within 7 days.
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jasminewilson143 · 3 months
Boiler Installation in London, UK: Comprehensive Guide
Boiler installation is a critical service for homeowners in London, ensuring efficient heating and hot water systems. This guide covers everything you need to know about Boiler Installation in London UK, including the benefits, types of boilers available, the installation process, and why you should consider ZH Energy Solutions for your installation needs. Why Boiler Installation Matters A…
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Boiler Finance Options
Want a hassle-free finance option to get a new boiler? TBIS provides a 0%APR option to get a new boiler without breaking the bank. We understand that purchasing a new boiler can be expensive, but our buy now, pay later boiler finance options spreads out the costs according to your lifestyle and budget.
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batboyblog · 7 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week. #5
Feb 9-16 2024
The Department of Education released the first draft for a wide ranging student loan forgiveness plan. After Biden's first attempt at student debt forgiveness was struck down at the Supreme Court in 2023, this new plan is an attempt to replace it with something that will hold up in court. The plan hopes to forgive debt for anyone facing "financial hardship" which has been as broadly defined as possible. Another part of the plan hopes to eliminate $10-20,000 in interest from all student loans, as well as a wide ranging public Information push to inform people of other forgiveness programs they qualify for but don't know about.
The House passed 1.2 Billion Dollars to combat human trafficking, including $175 million in housing assistance to human trafficking victims
The Department of Transportation announced $970 Million for improvements at 114 airports across 44 states and 3 territories. They include $40 million to O'Hare International in Chicago to improve passenger experience by reconfiguring TSA and baggage claims, and installing ADA compliant bathrooms(!). The loans will also go to connecting airports to mass transit, boosted sustainability, installing solar and wind power, and expanding service to under served committees around the country.
Medicare & Medicaid released new guidelines to allow people to pay out of pocket prescription drug coats in monthly installments rather than as a lump sum. This together with capping the price of certain drugs and penalties for drug companies that rise prices over inflation is expected to save the public millions on drug coasts and assure people don't pass on a prescription because they can't pay upfront
The EPA announced its adding 150 more communities to its Closing America's Wastewater Access Gap Community Initiative. 2.2 Million Americans do not have basic running water and indoor plumbing. Broken and unreliable wastewater infrastructure exposed many of those to dangerous raw sewage. These Americans live primarily in poor and rural communities, many predominantly Black communities in the south as well as those on tribal lands. The program is aiming to close the wastewater gap and insure all Americans have access to reliable clear water.
The White House announced deferred action for Palestinians in the US. This means any Palestinian living in the United States, no mater their legal status, can not be deported for any reason for the next 18 months.
The Department of Energy announced $60 million in investment into clean geothermal energy. The plan will hopefully lead to a 90% decrease in the coasts of geothermal. DOE estimates hold that geothermal might be able to power the hopes of 65 million Americans by 2050 making it a key step in the Biden administration plan for a carbon-free grid by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
The EPA launched $83 million to help improve air quality monitoring across America. With updated equipment local agencies will be better able to report on air quality, give more localized reports of bad air quality and the country will be better equipped to start mitigating the problem
The Department of Energy announced $63 million in investments in domestic heat-pump manufacturing. Studies have shown that heat-pumps reduce green house gases by 50% over the most efficient condensing gas boilers, as technology improves this could rise to 75% by 2030. Heat pump water heaters meanwhile are 2 to 3 times as energy efficient as conventional electric water heaters.
HHS awarded $5.1 million to organizations working with LGBTQI+ Youth and their Families. The programs focus on preventing homelessness, fighting depression and suicide, drug use and HIV prevention and treatment, as well as  family counseling and support interventions tailored for LGBTQI+ families.
The House passed two bills in support of the oppressed Uyghur minority in China. The "No Dollars To Uyghur Forced Labor" Act would prohibit the US government from spending any money on projects that source materials from Xinjiang. The Uyghur Policy Act would create a permanent post at the State Department to coordinate policy on Uyghur Issues, much like the special ambassador on antisemitism.
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pettyrevenge-base · 1 year
Refuse to pay for boiler repair during winter? Okay then…
This was about 10 years ago. Still makes me feel good whenever I think about it.  
I used to rent a house. The landlord lived abroad, so his Brother (nice guy) looked after maintenance and the landlord’s Lawyer (douchebag) looked after the contract/legal stuff. I had the Brother’s phone number as he was my point of contact if anything needed fixing.  
One winter, the boiler broke. This is in Northern Europe, so this is considered to be an emergency repair. I called the Brother multiple times, but it always went straight to voicemail. It didn’t even ring. I left a bunch of texts, and spent the first night shivering under all the bedding in the house as temperatures outside approached freezing.
The next morning, I left more voicemails and texts, but by the afternoon, still no response. By this point, the temperature inside the house was around 7 degrees Celsius. I decided to take matters into my own hands, and ring around for an engineer to fix it. They came that evening, diagnosed the problem (a worn out motor), removed the broken part, installed the new part, and billed me for parts and labour. I texted the Brother to let him know what I had done.  
A few days later, the Brother finally responded and apologised for being out of touch. He had been on holiday. I said no major harm done, but I need reimbursement for the repair. He told me to call the Lawyer and gave me his number.  
I called the Lawyer and explained everything. He was like a brick wall. Totally unreasonable, unsympathetic to the situation, and accusatory to me, saying that I had broken the terms of the tenancy agreement. I said that they had also violated the agreement by not responding to an emergency repair in a reasonable amount of time. Under the circumstances, I felt I had no choice, and hope we can come to some sort of arrangement. He said no. I asked whether we could split the bill - I pay for the labour, and they pay for the part, which will remain in the boiler in their property indefinitely. He said no, and at that point said I should “put this all down as a lesson learned and move on”, and hung up on me.  
I was not very happy, to say the least. The bill was pretty significant, and I had effectively repaired their boiler for them free of charge. Not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort of being without heating in winter.  
I was looking at the engineer’s bill wondering what I could do, then realised - the bill has my name, my phone number, my signature on it, and the part and its cost clearly listed.  
I waited 8 months until the tenancy agreement expired, then moved out (I was planning to anyway). I called the same engineer and asked him to remove the motor from the boiler. He questioned why, but I talked around it, paid him cash, and all was good. It obviously cost me more money, but ended up being totally worth it.  
When I moved out the next day, I made sure everything was spotless, and left the property like a perfect tenant. The Brother came to inspect the property. He had a cursory look around to check nothing was obviously damaged, then bid me goodbye, and I gave him the keys. Thankfully he didn’t check whether the boiler was working. Why would he? He knows I would have informed him immediately had it broken again. Either way, the security deposit landed back in my account a few days later.  
A couple of months went by, and then I got a text from the Brother asking if the boiler had been working okay when I left. I said yeah, why? No response.  
Next day I got a phonecall from the Lawyer. He was furious.  
Lawyer: Did you remove the motor from the boiler?!  
Me: Yes. Why?  
Lawyer: rants about damage to landlord’s property etc  
Me: Sorry, bit busy right now. Please put all of this in writing to my email hangs up  
Later that day I got a VERY long, ranty email threatening legal action. He obviously took some time to put it together, but honestly it reeked of intimidation tactics.  
I waited a day or so, just to be annoying, then replied:  
“Dear Lawyer,  
Thank you for your email.  
Please find attached a document that proves that the boiler motor in question is my own personal property.  
I recommend you put this all down as a lesson learned and move on.
I attached the engineer’s original bill and clicked send.  
Never heard back.  
To this day, I’m not 100% sure I was legally in the clear, but it was definitely worth the risk, knowing that they had to pay for it in the end.  
TL:DR Landlord’s representative refuses to reimburse me for emergency boiler part replacement, so I take the part with me when I move out, rendering the boiler useless.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 10 months
Okay y'all. This is the story of how I owe $17,000 to the guy who propositioned me during family night at a local brewery and now I'm committed to bringing sensible wine options to his house for Thanksgiving.
Our tale begins like most do - panic crying in the living room while my house floods. Because of a freak polar vortex like day in February, my old drafty house and the rust bucket of a boiler in the cellar created a horrific one-two punch that ended in me nearly freezing to death in my own home and almost all of my heating pipes cracking and leaking, flooding my first floor and basement. It was terrifying, beyond stressful, and most importantly to this story, expensive.
After 2 and a half months of living in a hotel, battling insurance companies, daily anxiety attacks, and having 4 grand of insurance money stolen by my bipolar, narcissistic mother, I hit my absolute fucking limit. Friends of mine who are much better off financially than I have ever been in my life offered to help me out of the dark, lonely, and cold hole I'd wound up in. Three text messages and a lot of tears later, I was in possession of a check for $17,000 and had an official start date for construction. Praise Dolly.
A hop, skip, and a jump through time and we're now in July. I'm paying my friends back in monthly installments and trying not to crumble from the knowledge that it will take me 4 or 5 years of consistent payments to get out from under this loan. But at least I have heat. It's the little things I guess.
My friend, let's call him Mitch, and his wife, who unfortunately shares my name but for this we'll call her Lucette, are kindly checking in on me and inviting me to coffee/dinner/drinks to hang out. Things seem like they're back on track to being normal.
Lucette gets a new job that requires a ton of travel, so I don't see her as much as I do Mitch, but that doesn't bother me, as Lucette and I were never particularly close and spending more than an hour of time with her makes me feel like a dirt poor 19 year old who showed up to a nice dinner party in paint stained jeans and a ripped band tee. We are not energetic or socioeconomic equals.
One weekend, Mitch and I get drinks just to catch up, and he tells me that him and Lucette have made the decision to try out ENM (ethical non-monogamy). They've been married for 7 years, have had a bit of a dry spell due to pandemic close proximity, and there's just the general vibe that they want to try new things. I get it! And I'm encouraging. Life is too short for bad sex, I tell him, and he's thankful I'm not judging them. We have a good laugh about it all - particularly the bit about them seeing my profile on Feeld, as they have one too - and after another beer, I go home.
This is probably the part of the movie where the music changes, warning the viewer that some event is looming and possibly dangerous for our protagonist. If only life had such a soundtrack I could hear.
Throughout the summer and into September Mitch and I see more of each other and I take notice of the uptick in chill weekend day drinking and texts. Nothing about it feels off or motivated by anything other than being bored and wanting to hang out with a friend. And because I know about his ENM journey, I think there's the appeal there of getting to speak freely to someone who won't wrinkle their nose and make jokes about bringing pineapples to neighborhood BBQs. In a stunning change of mental pace, I don't overanalyze it. Perhaps this was a mistake.
One morning I wake up a text from Mitch cancelling plans. I'm secretly thrilled - I didn't want to shower that day anyway. But I can also tell something has gone horribly wrong on his end, but he doesn't say what, so I just "yeah, sure, let me know when you're free next" my way out of the conversation.
When we do talk next, he tells me why he cancelled. Lucette cheated on Mitch during a work trip. They'd established rules within their ENM arrangement that she broke. And she broke them loudly, multiple times, and with her iPad still logged in and left on the kitchen counter in full view of Mitch. Horrible words are said, declarations of 'the best sex of her life' are sent to several group chats, pictures are seen. It's bad.
Mitch is unwell. I comfort him as best as I can and he tells me that he and Lucette aren't pulling the divorce lever yet, but he's still heartbroken and scared he's going to lose his marriage. I feel awful for him. I offer to buy him another beer. He shows me the texts he saw. It's officially A Lot.
From that day on, I become his "my wife cheated on me with the guy she told me not to worry about" therapist friend who he can unload on and get sympathetic words in return. I've been imprinted on by the depressed baby bird hatched by infidelity and low self-esteem. It's not the first time, and I'm certain it won't be the last.
Tell me, how's that soundtrack only you, the audience, can hear? I bet it's tense and full of cello.
A few weeks later, I get a head cold. It's not the end of the world but it's annoying. I'm fevered, stuffy, exhausted, and I have not a drop of soup or broth in my home. Mitch sees my Instagram story about being sick and offers to bring me soup. "Aww, that's so nice of you, thank you." "Of course! I'll go get it and be right over." "Awesome! Just text me when you drop it off." Thirty minutes later my doorbell rings. My dogs bark their heads off. I'm a little annoyed. The bell rings again. I see Mitch's car in my driveway. I mutter to myself about why he didn't just leave it on the steps as I go to the door. I look disgusting and I'm flushed with a solid 100.2 fever, but I guess I'm having face time with Mitch now. I open the door and he hands over the soup almost immediately, but with an odd look on his face. I thank him and ask what I owe, but he refuses for me to pay him back. I thank him again. He doesn't make a move to leave. I tell him I'd invite him in but.... *gestures widely to the PJs I've worn for 3 days in a row and the broken capillaries in my nose and the dogs still barking behind the second entryway door* He smiles awkwardly and says it's okay. He still doesn't leave. "So... how are you, Mitch?" His shoulders slump. "I'm not doing great."
Ah. There it is. Mystery solved. My time has been bought with soup and he's lingering to collect on it. So I lean on my door, sniff back a disgusting level of mucus, and brace myself for whatever is about to be said. Turns out, Lucette couldn't stop texting the Best Sex Ever guy and possibly is fixated on him due to some weird aging hot girl nonsense. Mitch tells me he and Lucette are separating. She's sleeping in her home office. The mess got messier. I tell him I'm so incredibly sorry, this is awful, etc etc etc. He stays for 20 minutes to tell me all of this and get as much of a pep talk as I can muster while trying not to sneeze directly in his eyes.
In the interim, I've gotten several strangely loaded texts from Lucette, telling me she's glad Mitch has me and that she knows he values my friendship and advice on things. Alexa, play "She Knows." But I keep things as vague as possible, because I don't want to shove myself even more in the middle. I didn't choose to be imprinted on, but I can choose not to encourage a more permanent bond. Call me a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Being sick takes me out of commission for a while, and I have to reschedule multiple things, including getting beer with Mitch. That doesn't deter him from messaging me of course, but I don't see him for a couple weeks. When I'm feeling better, I tell him we should check out a brewery we've never been to before and we set a day.
This is probably the part when the audience yells as the protagonist not to go. Don't get in the car. Stay home.
Ah, to not be a participant in the narrative.
I get to the brewery and immediately I notice 2 things: 1, it's family Sunday Funday, and 2, the vibes around Mitch are........uncomfy. I turn into a socially anxious motormouth. I can't stop talking about literally everything that doesn't matter, including the child at the table next to us playing a solo game of Uno and the 80's music playlist. I order my beer and finally force myself to chill tf out. Maybe I've picked up on a vibe that has nothing to do with me. Maybe he's just feeling weird. Maybe I'm just insane. All of these options are valid.
Halfway thru our drinks, Mitch brings up the odd texts from Lucette. "I think I know why she was being weird with you." "Oh? Why?" I sip my beer and wait. He says, "So, back when Lucette and I decided to open up our marriage, we had a discussion about who we'd see ourselves dating..."
Hey audience, how's that music crescendo?
I blink. Mitch gestures with his beer. "And obviously, your name was at the top of my list."
And because I'm the definition of smooth, I practically shout, "REALLY???" so loudly 5 people turn around and look at me. Mitch doesn't even look away from me. Instead, he stares deeper into my eyes and asks, "Do you ever see that becoming a possibility?"
Me. Dating Mitch. After months of supporting him through a painful, messy separation that hasn't even really become official. After knowing way too much about his sex life. After all the sad boy memes and depressed 1am texts he's sent. After being forced to read his angry, sexually charged break up poetry in front of him 2 beers in at the bar.
I verbally flounder for a painfully long 12 seconds while watching that little girl beat herself with another Uno Reverse card, and finally land on a gentle but firm rejection of the idea. I don't have a chance to mentally process all the messed up parts to this messed up puzzle in the moment but when I get home it starts to click.
They had that conversation in the spring. Around the time that I had to borrow the money in the first place. And while I don't have proof, I can almost guarantee that Lucette vetoed Mitch's suggestion of bringing me into their situation, and now that they're breaking up, he feels like he can take a swing at it (pun? unintended?)
Which means that every single interaction, every single conversation and hang out, every single dollar bill I borrowed is colored with the knowledge I now possess which is that Mitch, for however long, has wanted to fuck me. He's wanted to fuck me so. Goddamn. Bad.
Audience, I bet you're the star at your optometrist's office with all that 20/20 vision. I'm honestly jealous.
No wonder Lucette was sending probing texts with the energy of "I know you know, and now you know I know." No wonder Mitch attached himself to me like a duckling trying to cross a busy road. No wonder both of them were so earnestly checking on me when I first moved back into my house. NO WONDER MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND HAD BEEN SCREAMING "YOU'RE IN DANGER GIRL" FOR WEEKS.
And before ALL of this, Mitch had organized Thanksgiving at his house since Lucette would be out of town, and one of his friends created a list of what people can bring. I signed up for wine, since it means I don't have to cook. And when this entire thing came to a head, I started to write an "I'm bailing" text to Mitch. But before I could pull that trigger, our mutual friend messaged me to say how happy she is that I'll be there and that she's missed me.
So now, after finding out that Mitch has wanted to get his dick in me for months (if not longer) without even considering the power imbalance of me owing him SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, I have to pick out a sensible red and white wine and show up at his house at 2pm on Thursday.
Audience. Reader. Friends. I am.... stressed. And in serious debt.
And apparently hot enough to possibly instigate an argument between spouses.
Cue the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving song. This year I'm grateful for autonomy and friends willing to come up with a code word in case I need to escape quickly.
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unofficial-sean · 11 months
Every time my dad visits, I struggle to understand him. I struggle to assess our common understandings. I struggle to interact with him in a meaningful way.
I used to be a car person. I used to dream up the cars I'd own and what mods I would have on them. I'd try them out in Forza, and this is what drove me to get my GED and become a mechanic. I was obsessed. This worked well with my dad because I'd reckon most white guys are car people, too, to some degree. I was enriched with tools for gifts and our time spent talking was almost always about cars and motorcycles.
But that was before. Now, I'm focused on a deeply personal mission to make my community's HVAC system as efficient as possible; arrived at by personally seeking knowledge over years and years, and also running breathlessly into the world of cars and being knocked on my ass by the intolerance of the people in that world.
I got swept up in the mystical world of radios, which paired well with my dad, as well, who got his technician license shortly after I did, because wireless communication appealed to his sense of independence.
Instead of running face-first into hyper-masculinity, I ran into a door too small to squeeze into. Being a radio technician was not to be.
So, I moved onto biology. Also something my dad is interested in. He likes trees and has plenty of urban wildlife stories. But he is over 50, and a few months ago, I taught him that trees actually consume oxygen at night as part of cellular respiration; it was news to him. Biology wasn't to be, either; I was overwhelmed by the workload placed on my by college and I burnt out.
So here I am, now. I've tried on many costumes. I've learned a little in a lot of places. I've sought out a role for myself to fill. I lost interest in cars and motorcycles. I'm always fascinated by life, but I can't focus on it anymore. Radios are always cool, but there's no one to talk to; or any reason to. I'm terrified of diving.
So I have HVAC, now. It's the current costume I'm wearing. I have a moral mission informed by my experiences roasting in the summer and by my ever-increasing knowledge of the climate crisis. It's all I can do. In my free time, I care for my frogs, I play single-player video games, I prepare for D&D with my club. I dream a lot, too. I don't have any partners, in part because I don't know where to meet my people, and in part because I've lost interest in others, but if I did. . . I just know my family would be weird about it at best.
I don't know how to fit either of my parents into my life, if I'm honest. There's no place for them. There's nothing they can do to enrich it. When I'm around them, I feel tense. I don't want to say the wrong thing. I don't want to hear how far apart we are.
My dad took my brother and I to a car museum. I loathe cars, now. I drive one, sure. But I don't care for them. I learned that there's a completely different way of living, and I desire it dearly; why would there be any ounce of love left for them? But I go anyways, because on some level, I have to. The museum stinks of oily rags. It is a familiar smell, but one that now gives me a headache. I do a circuit, then head outside to breathe in the somewhat-fresh air. I say somewhat because the museum is next to I-5, and the tire noise erases anything sweeter that may have once been in its place.
I walk around the side to look at the building's massive outdoor units; two big, 6-comrpessor, 460v AC + boiler units. I am amazed that the compressors have a locked-rotor amp rating of 125. Can you imagine? I spied a mini-split system, too. A Mitsubishi. It uses R-410A and has a base refrigerant weight of 6oz. For every additional 25 feet of line, though, you must add 0.6 oz of refrigerant to it. There is a spot on the label for the installer to record the total weight of refrigerant in the system after install. It is left blank. Poor practice. Anyone servicing it, now, must estimate it by measuring the lines, if they can access them.
I'm supposed to be spending time with my dad, but instead I'm outside, alone. I don't wanna look at old cars who spewed lead into the atmosphere and probably killed their drivers just as often as they killed bystanders. I don't want to see the machines that my world was built around.
The museum has a section on fossil fuels and climate change. I half-expected to see some denial or distortion of history. No doubt there was some, but it's the solution to these issues that annoyed me the most. In essence, the plaques and exhibits said "let's make use of biofuels, hybrids, and electric cars to minimize emissions; and lets use renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint of automobile manufacturing." fucking what. You wanna keep making cars? Unbelievable.
There was not a single mention of reducing car-dependency or electrified rail. My headache got worse. What did I expect? Car people are going to find a way to keep cars in their place.
What does this have to do with my dad? In a way, he's a barometer for sentiments on certain things. He still thinks I'm interested in internal combustion engines. I hate them. I hate their noises and their fumes. I know precisely how they work, and I could fix a broken one, but I despise what they represent and I just wish they would go away. I wish they weren't the topic of conversation anymore.
I'm tired of grave stakes and the horrors of the world. I want to feel hope again. I want to meet people who share my goals. I want to talk about a thriving future. But fuck, it is hard to do in Tacoma. I want to put a heat hump in every home. I want my tools to be part of a tool-sharing program. I want enough resources to contribute to mutual aid. I want electrified public transit so I can get rid of my car. I want bike infrastructure so I can use the damn thing to get around. I want empty parking lots torn up and replaced with green spaces.
I want to be part of it all and I want to talk with the people who already are. And instead I have my family and everyone else in this city. I'm too afraid to speak, lest I risk showing that I don't know enough. Too afraid to tell my dad I'm not interested in these things anymore because then we will have NOTHING. That will be very sad.
I'm tired. I put together a playlist of things to give me hope because I am trudging through a depression, again. Putting them on in the background while I click through Baldur's Gate 3 again because I can't sleep, but I don't have the brain power to write out my next session or do something bold and creative. I'm soulsapped.
Tomorrow will be the last time my niece celebrates her birthday in this state. She, her brother, and my sister are all moving to Illinois. We'll be at our grandparent's place. It is being referred to as the "last time we'll all be together." Grandpa's health is failing. He's about to be in hospice, if he isn't already. On one hand, I should be there just for the sake of it. I know I'd want as many people around if i was dying. Grandpa's always been cooler than his wife. She's the true reason I don't want to go. I don't like being around her.
I don't like all the "God Bless America" shit in her home. What is there to be proud of? I'm getting off track.
There's no point in raising my voice. I must be a neutral vessel everywhere I go. This is the only place I can ever express myself. Outside, I weight my guilt against my desire to push them all away. It is those days where I am compelled to spend time with family where I feel the most trapped.
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commander-diomika · 11 months
Fandom - Baldur's Gate 3
Pairing - Karlach/Tav
Words - 1900
Tags - Kinktober 2023, Breast Fucking, Temperature Play ×, Genderfluid Character ×, magic gender changing mirror ×, Nipple Play ×, Nipple Piercings ×, Genderqueer Character ×, some self destructive tendencies but only because I think fictional romance is good when ppl are a little bit unhinged about it.
D'mitri gives themselves a new toy to play with, and Karlach's body is their playground.
D'mitri is a trans/genderfluid warlock tiefling, they're most comfortable in a body with a tits and a cunt, in a butch sort of way, and are happy to play around with the equipment installed. Living the dream.
D'mitri loved how shameless Karlach was. She was capable of tease, yes, and gentle touches and glances over the fire. She understood coy, but it was like feeding coal into a pressure boiler, a little leg touch stoking it, a glance and wink pushing her closer to explosion.
D'mitri walked back from their tent to the group, settled ‘round the fire, and trailed their fingertips across the broad muscle of her shoulders, and her composure snapped. She stood, scooped D'mitri round the waist, and threw them over her shoulder.
Astarion laughed like tinkling glass and twiddled his fingers in a wave. “Goodnight, you two.” Shadowheart looked like she was choking back laughter, Gale much the same.
D'mitri would be embarrassed if this wasn’t exactly the outcome they’d been hoping for. They returned Astarion’s jaunty wave as Karlach carried them away, her hand firmly on their ass.
D'mitri laughed breathlessly. Karlach’s shoulder dug into their stomach as she walked, making D'mitri’s laughter huff and bounce. She nimbly opened the tent flap with her foot and with a heave deposited D'mitri on their back.
Without a pause her knees hit the ground in between theirs, eyes hungry. D'mitri’s breathless laughter vanished.
“Right!” was all she said by way of setting the mood, and started peeling their shirt open. She was as simple a creature in bed as she was out on the battlefield. If D'mitri so desired, they could simply lie back and Karlach would ravage them, ride them down the river of her boisterous desire.
They’d fixed the engine a week ago, and that’s mostly how it had been since then.
“Wait wait wait,” D'mitri breathed, as Karlach loomed over them, one hand planted on the bedroll beside them, the other pausing in the middle of pushing up the hem of their shirt. It was nothing short of delicious to be so surrounded by her, tent already growing warm with the heat she threw off. D'mitri placed a hand on her collarbone, cupping the side of her neck, and fervently thanked the gods for a tiefling’s natural heat resistance. Even with the engine fixed, she was hot. Which was precisely the source of a curiosity that had grown in them.
She sat back on her haunches, head cocked.
“What? Not in the mood? I’m sorry- you were just being so touchy- but if you don’t wanna-“ D'mitri interrupted the demurral with a kiss, sitting up and almost crashing their mouth into hers. One hand slipped down over the prodigious swell of one breast, squeezing firmly. D'mitri could barely gather the whole of it in one hand, and that still struck them with delight. To be able to touch this woman, to taste her- intoxicating.
They broke the kiss, but kept their hold on her.
“I had a different idea for tonight. Something I’ve been wanting to try.”
With the free hand they took Karlach’s; drew her touch down between their legs. What Karlach found there made her grin wickedly. Yesterday D'mitri had a cunt. Today was a different story.
“Been playing with the mirror, have you love?” Karlach quirked a brow. “You wanna fuck me?” She huffed a tiny laugh. It wasn’t quite incredulous, but there was undeniable bemusement in her glowing eyes.
“Something like that.” D'mitri had wanted to match her teasing tone, but instead their voice came out low and rough. Karlach hadn’t taken her hand off the bulge in their pants, and she was squeezing gently, reflexively.
That was one thing D'mitri loved about Karlach. She was up for anything. (Once she got her giggles out.)
Karlach’s hand, in a whisper of rough fabric, kept moving. “Alright.” D'mitri twitched and growled, and when Karlach spoke again her voice was serious. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want-“ They wanted their body seared into hers. They wanted fire in their mouth, on their newfound cock. They wanted to burn themselves up on her. “I want to worship you.”
Karlach hissed through her teeth, and a little spurt of steam released from a vent on one shoulder. “Yeah?” Her hand had found a better hold on D'mitri’s hardness through their trousers, splaying and gripping by turns. She still knelt between D'mitri’s legs, all imposing muscle and ravenous eyes. “Tell me more.”
“Let’s swap.” D'mitri sat up again, and in a somewhat awkward jumble of limbs, steam and a newly sprouted cock aching hard in their pants, the two of them managed to trade places.
Karlach lay back lazily, the laughter completely transmuted now into lidded eyes, a slow swipe of her tongue over red lips.
“Right. You’ve got me just where you want me, then.” She crossed her arms above her head, stretching that firm, impressive torso out beneath D'mitri as they straddled her hips. “What you gonna do with me now?”
They were both tieflings, sure, but Karlach had a full head of height on D'mitri, half again as broad. Straddling her, looking down at the sheer expanse of crimson skin, made D'mitri feel like an explorer atop a mountain. They curled clawed nails beneath the band of Karlach’s shirt, and in a surge of action, yanked the hem up, letting her breasts spill free. She laughed in that throaty way that made D'mitri worry, in a distant part of their mind, that they might be falling in love. That all this ravishing fire might actually mean something.
They leant down and sucked one pierced nipple into their mouth, and Karlach moaned.
Not a mountain. A volcano. Hot, dangerous, liable to explode at any time and shoot them directly into the air. Moments away from an overflow that would wreath them in pyroclastic clouds, bury them forever, never to be seen again.
Karlach’s hands cupped both their buttocks and squeezed, and D'mitri took the hint. They laved their tongue across the meat of the nipple in their mouth, the piercing clicking against their teeth. They gathered as much tit in one hand as they could, massaging, squeezing, the other hand wandering, pressing and sliding over as much of the expanse of hot skin that they could reach. They wanted it all. They wanted with an intensity that scared them.
“Come on, soldier. Let me see that new equipment.”
D'mitri looked up at her through their lashes, letting their mouth come away with a wet pop. Heat radiated from her engine, warm on one cheek. They closed their eyes and let it bake into them for a breath. Coming away, they stripped off and dropped back down to her, straddling the wide breadth of her ribcage, and took themselves in hand.
It was not that different, having a cock. Stroking a hand over their shaft gave them the same warmth, the same curling lust inside the pit of their belly. Just a different configuration of parts.
Karlach’s hands slid over D'mitri’s thighs, to hold their hips and run her thumbs over sharp hip bones. She watched, eyes dark and curious on D'mitri’s new appendage. “Where are you planning on putting that, love?”
D'mitri didn’t reply. At the head of the bedroll was a bottle of almond oil. She used it on places her skin got hot; the coal-red flesh of her sternum, the joins around the little vents in her shoulder. Places where the skin would get dry, and cracked. D'mitri reached for the bottle, and shuffled a little higher on her torso.
There was the warmth of the engine, radiating. They could feel it against the underside of their cock. The throbs of heat seemed to pulse with their slow, languorous strokes.
Karlach understood the thrust of D'mitri’s plan, and her eyes crinkled with concern. “Hang on- it’s hot.”
D'mitri poured the oil over her sternum, her breasts, slicking it over with a hand, sliding a palm over the glowing centre, feeling that oh god almost too much almost too hot but incredible, powerful, just like the sun, just like her.
“I know.” And they felt a churning in their gut. This is probably a terrible idea but in that churning fear was potential, an unformed sword ready to be hammered.
Karlach was afraid of burning them up. D'mitri would step into hell and die happy in her fire.
D'mitri sucked in a breath, and let the underside of their cock rest against her heart. Their breath hitched at the sensation, intense, overflowing, zinging painpleasurepainpleasure through their every pore, but they didn’t jerk back.
They weren’t afraid of her. They wanted to be enfolded in her, dipped in molten metal and reforged in pleasure.
“I can take it.”
A low moan nnnngghh left D'mitri’s lips and hers as they cupped her breasts. Karlach’s brows clicked together, conflicted. But the crease in her brow ironed out into pleasure as D'mitri’s thumbs flicked and teased her nipples. She wanted to warn them, again, to say be careful of me, I’m dangerous, but the words didn’t leave her mouth and D'mitri was bringing the warm flesh together over their cock.
Agony. Delicious. Agony.
The oil slicked skin of her tits felt incredible, riding that line of too much oh god it’s going kill me and wanting nothing else. Knees scraping on the bedroll, they let their eyes flutter close and their hips rut against hot, oiled, enveloping skin.
“Are you alright?” she asked roughly
“Yes I- ah-“ and the dreamy, drunk voice was like nothing Karlach had heard from D'mitri before.
She folded her hands over theirs, squeezing her tits tighter together over D'mitri’s pulsing, twitching cock.
Overwhelming heat. Nothing but her warmth, cock leaking, mixing into the oils, sliding inside the tight space made by engine and heavy, squeezing tits. At some point D'mitri’s hands slid out from under Karlach’s, letting her take over the grip. They groaned and whilst it was a sound that could have be borne of torture they didn’t stop, even when Karlach merged with their rhythm, using her hands to slide her tits up and down D'mitri’s shaft.
They braced themselves on the ground, hands either side of her head and lost themselves.
This could only be what fucking a volcano felt like. When they were close, knees sore and hips stuttering, Karlach growled. “C’mere, you.” Her hand on their ass dragged them forward and before they could feel bereft of the pressure of her breasts around them, the feeling was replaced by her mouth around their cock. Their hips would have faltered but Karlach’s hand on their ass kept them moving, pumping and rutting into her mouth.
In comparison to the heat of her heart, the mouth was almost cool, and the sudden change shocked their orgasm from them, squeezing and pulsing down her open throat, feeling the vibrations of her hungry growling.
D'mitri had enough sense left to collapse to one side of her.
“I thought it might hurt you,” she murmured. She lay on her back still, D'mitri tucked into one side under her arm.
“It did.” Their voice was dreamy, and spent. They slid one hand over her belly, soft flesh over dense muscle, and up again to slot between her breasts. They didn’t even twitch at the heat the engine threw off. “It was amazing.”
A little sound escaped her throat. Amusement. Amazement. Gratitude.
“Just coz you’ve gone and got yourself a cock doesn’t mean you’re gonna turn into a selfish man now, does it?”
D'mitri’s eyes fluttered open and they grinned. “No, my sweet. What do you need?”
“You said you wanted to worship me, right?” Her eyes swept down over herself, and a hand followed, sweeping an enticing arc down one side. D'mitri licked their lips.
“Get down there and get worshipping, then.”
D'mitri sat up fast, and started working on the buckles of her pants.
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paydayquid · 1 year
Quick Cash assistance from Direct Lenders for Short Term Loans
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Today, obtaining quick financial help without a debit card is not a difficult chore. Consumers in need have the option of applying for short term loans direct lenders and receiving sums of money ranging from £100 to £1000 without providing any kind of security as collateral. Furthermore, you have 2-4 weeks starting from the original clearance date to return this sum. Remember that compared to other loans, the interest rates are a little excessive.
To be eligible for a short term loans direct lenders, you must first complete the following requirements: You have worked for a reputable company for at least six months, your regular bank account is at least 90 days old, you are at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United Kingdom, and you make at least £500 a month in income.
For those who are coping with circumstances that affect credit negatively, such as defaults, arrears, foreclosure, missed payments, judgements from national courts, voluntarily entered into individual agreements, or insolvency. Now people may easily apply for same day loans UK and obtain the necessary funds without worrying about a credit check. The purpose of lenders is to give money to salaried people in the UK.
Applying for short term loans UK online is completely free. You must go to the lender's website and begin filling out a straightforward application form with all necessary information. Following approval of your request, the lender will deposit the money safely immediately into your bank account. With the help of same day loans UK, you can pay off a variety of obligations, including credit card debt, unpaid bank overdrafts, unpaid grocery bills, vacation expenses, and so on.
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No, and before taking on one of them, we advise you to take into account all other possible borrowing choices. You can cover an unexpected bill by using savings, borrowing from friends and family, or selling a high-value item you no longer need. If you've tried everything else, an installment loan, like the same day loans UK offered by Payday Quid, is also an alternative.
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This kind of loan can be used for a variety of things, like replacing your automobile if it is no longer safe to drive it or paying for urgent house repairs like a new boiler. It's up to you how you utilize your payday loan, but you should only apply for one if it is absolutely required.
Depending on the lender, you may have up to 35 days to repay the money you borrowed through a short term loans UK direct lender. A loan of this size, however, might strain many people's finances because it must be repaid in one month plus interest. Instead, we advise taking into account an installment loan. If you choose Payday Quid, the lenders through our broker partner provide repayment terms between 3 and 36 months, allowing you to spread the cost of your borrowing over a longer period of time.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Robert Habeck, Germany’s minister for industrial policy and climate protection, has ruminated that the job of astute leaders is to unknot the contradictions of politics—the kind that can stop policymakers cold and run administrations aground. Germany’s coalition government of Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats have barreled into a thicket of contradictions that illustrate just how confounding energy and climate policy—and the larger endeavor of obtaining climate neutrality—will prove as the sacrifices it demands of society grow.
Polls, for example, show that Germans are earnestly worried about the climate crisis and in favor of more climate action. The fallout of global warming is one of their most pressing concerns, indeed as it is across Europe. And yet, when it comes to modifying their lifestyles or paying higher prices to curb emissions, most say they’re not willing, or only as much as it doesn’t sting.
Habeck’s ministry is weathering this contradiction in the form of a nasty backlash against its efforts to transform Germany’s heating sector, which accounts for 15 percent of the country’s emissions and has recently become a geopolitical red-button conundrum in light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. (Germany had previously relied on Russia for about half of its natural gas; in September 2022, Russia cut off its gas exports to Germany until Berlin lifts sanctions against Russia.)
In contrast to the electricity sector, which Germany has been decarbonizing for decades, heating is practically virgin territory—in the form of hundreds of thousands of buildings, offices, homes, and factories, too, that heat their rooms and power their furnaces with gas. Insulating the country’s building stock is treacherously slow: It happens building by building, and the likes of wood pellets, solar thermal, deep geothermal, and bioenergy are not considered sufficiently scalable.
These deficient options explain why the preferred plan is to electrify heating, primarily through the mass installation of heat pumps. An energy-efficient alternative to furnaces, heat pumps—like an air conditioner in reverse—use electricity to transfer heat from a warm space to a cool space. The most common pump is an air-source heat pump, which moves heat between a building and the outside air. By replacing gas boilers, the newest generation of heat pumps can reduce energy costs by as much as 90 percent, and cut emissions by about a quarter relative to gas and three-quarters relative to an electric fan or panel heater. As carbon prices climb higher, gas will become ever more expensive, and in the long run, heat pumps will be the less costly buy.
But the sticking point that the front guard of climate action—to which the Green politician Habeck definitely belongs—must confront is the mindset of his countrymen as the ecological modernization of their society and economy advances. The challenge is to get better at anticipating the degree of sacrifice the everyday German is willing to bear—and ready them for it, one way or another. In Germany, nearly two-thirds of households still heat with fossil fuels, and in a time of inflation and uncertainty, heat pumps are a hefty investment for households on a budget. An air-source pump—about the size of a travel trunk—will run $20,000 to $30,000, including installation, which is about twice as much as a new gas boiler.
This is why hell broke loose when the Habeck ministry’s draft law was leaked to the press (reflecting points agreed upon by all three parties in their 2021 governance treaty). It stipulated that old oil and gas heaters that break down after 2024 must be replaced with modern heating systems, namely units that rely on renewable energy for 65 percent of their energy use. This disqualifies gas and oil systems, and amounts to a de facto ban on new fossil fuel heating systems. In the draft plan, the government agreed to subsidize 30 percent of all heat pump installations.
This pronouncement jarred many people, and the government began to see before its eyes nightmare visions of the 2018 “yellow jacket”  protests in France, when working-class French people took to the streets en masse in opposition to fuel taxes. Not only Germany’s boulevard press but even the Green Party’s coalition partners turned on Habeck, thundering that this measure wasn’t in the coalition contract (though it was) and that this was far too great a burden to impose on working Germans from one day to another (which the Greens had tried to address but were stifled by their partners.) According to a poll conducted by the arch-populist Bild-Zeitung, which led the charge, 61 percent of Germans were worried about the cost impact. Somewhat fewer respondents thought the ban of gas and oil heating was wrong-headed in the first place.
In hindsight, the Greens should have known better than to so flagrantly expose their Achilles’ heel: the perception that German Greens are elitist snobs with no feeling for ordinary folk with ordinary problems. But the party came around quickly on the snafu, introducing measures to subsidize boiler replacement for low-income people by 80 percent. The size of the subsidy is staggered by income, starting from the original 30 percent for the well-off. Middle-class earners (about $65,000 a year) would qualify for a 40 percent subsidy. People older than 80 are exempt from the law, according to the Green proposal.
The takeaway from the fiasco is that political leaders must test the waters and prepare the ground for the dramatic changes that are around the corner. “One era is drawing to an end—another is beginning,” said Habeck. “Because we’ve waited so long to act, these wide-ranging changes will impose on people’s day-to-day lives.”
“Today, it is becoming increasingly clear that virtually everything must change as soon as possible: housing, driving, heating,” writes Die Zeit editor Petra Pinzler. “The energy transition is no longer something that is negotiated at distant climate conferences or in political circles in Berlin and that can be avoided. It has arrived in everyday life. Many people are now realizing that something also has to change in their own boiler room.”
Veit Bürger of the Öko-Institut think tank told Foreign Policy that the changes in store for Germany and all countries seriously involved in decarbonization will affect society’s strata unevenly. “It won’t be win-win-win,” he said. “There will be new winners in the long run, sure, but those hit in the short run, like people with lower incomes, they have to be brought along, too.”
The law still isn’t in the bag: it has to pass both houses of parliament. Perhaps by Jan. 1, 2024, when it should take effect, Germans will have warmed up to a brave, new future of electrical heating. It is, though, as Habeck intoned, a harbinger of much greater changes to come.
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wiseballoonlover · 1 year
UK Energy Crisis - Reduce energy bills
I recently received a complimentary grant for home upgrades that could potentially save you approximately £580 per year. This grant is available to both homeowners and tenants receiving benefits, including those on Universal Credit. The installed boiler is a Worcester Bosch, which typically retails at £1,580, making it an excellent choice for those with boilers that are over 10-15 years old. The best part is that it won't cost you anything! If you're interested, you can apply for the grant via the link provided. Additionally, there are many other energy upgrades available for free, including insulation, which I also opted for. You can check which type of boiler you prefer on which.com, but I highly recommend Worcester Bosch.
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heatzen · 9 months
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BOB !!! DAY 2
Dear fucking god the CEO of picrew is coming after me god help me. Right now it's 26/4/1986, I’m hiding in the boiler rooms from the crazy fucking psychopath. Sonic. Right by the entrance of the backrooms, btw it's 28-10-1929. The oil industry is booming and I'm having the fucking best time of my life. By the way, this story was sponsored by Raid Shadows Legends, also Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read. It undermines the writer's message and the word choice is bland. Grammarly's cutting-edge technology helps you craft compelling, understandable writing that makes an impact on your reader. Are you ready to give it a try? Installation is simple and free. Visit Grammarly.com today! I have no idea where this is going and what is that giant eye in the sky is, actually what color is the sky?  Anyway, this has been fun but that’s just a theory, a BOOK theory. SO, let’s go out with the boys to get some BEANS.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
You Shouldn't Convert Your Garage Unless You Know These 5 Things
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A property with a garage is a fabulous acquisition, but if you start to believe that your vehicle storage space may be better utilised as an extra internal room, you must consider all of the possible risks! Naturally, you'll need to hire an architect to obtain the ideal design and professional finish you desire, and your design team will ask you a number of crucial questions to determine exactly what you want from the project. With that in mind, we're going to let you know what you need to be certain of. We know you'll see the benefit in a garage conversion project, so say goodbye to your dingy garage and hello to a whole new functional room!
1 - Evaluate the quality of your current garage's construction
It's important to note that not every garage can be converted, since the building approach plays a significant influence! Old garages may be poor or even contain asbestos, but if yours was built within the previous 25 years, you should be in fine shape to go forward! Begin with a professional evaluation and work your way up from there many business listings.
2 - Consider the ins and outs
Because integrated garages are generally on somewhat different levels than the main home to allow for convenient car access, converting one may not be as simple as removing some walls. With this in mind, floor or ceiling levels may need to be adjusted, as well as the installation of new windows and doors. You'll also need to include plumbing, heating, insulation, and any other features!
Other factors to consider are how you'll link the home to the new space, if boilers or meters will need to be relocated, and the beauty of the outside! To keep a consistent facade, you'll need to try to hide the new addition, thus brick matching or render will have to be considered!
3- Are you following all building regulations?
Before you even consider a garage conversion, you'll need to submit an application to your local council for Building Regulations permission. This should not be a major issue, but it will cost money, and if you reside in a conservation area or own a listed property, any work of this sort will always require planning clearance. It's just not worth it to attempt to get away without it, and the consequences of breaking the law are severe business listings.
4 - How will you make use of the available space?
If you're set on the concept of converting your garage and it appears to be legal, practical, and feasible, your next big choice will be what you want to do with the space. This will have a significant influence on the amount of tradesmen you'll need to hire and what your realistic budget should be.
4 - Timeframe to complete the work
The good news is that an integrated garage might be easily transformed by a capable DIY enthusiast, potentially saving a significant amount of money. A self-build conversion should cost roughly £6,000, including finishing, but more complicated projects may cost twice as much! Structural concerns, design expenses, and complicated installations may quickly become costly and time-consuming free business listings.
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shop-korea · 3 days
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webscarlet · 4 days
Radiant Heat in a House: How It Works and Why Homeowners Love It
When it comes to home heating, comfort and efficiency are top priorities for homeowners. One solution that's catching on like wildfire is radiant heat. If you're exploring ways to keep your home cozy while maximizing energy efficiency, you're in the right place. Let's take a deep dive into radiant heat, how it works, and why homeowners are raving about it.
What is Radiant Heat?
Radiant heat offers a modern twist on traditional heating methods. Unlike forced-air systems that blow hot air through ducts, radiant heating warms your home directly from the floors, walls, or ceilings. Imagine stepping onto a warm tile floor on a chilly winter morning—that's radiant heat in action!
How Does Radiant Heat Work?
Radiant heating systems work by transmitting heat through infrared radiation. These systems can be installed beneath floors, behind walls, or above ceilings. They typically use water-filled tubes (hydronic) or electric wires to produce heat, which is then evenly distributed across the room.
Hydronic Radiant Heating
Hydronic systems circulate hot water through tubes embedded in the floor. This type of system is highly efficient because water retains heat well and can be heated using various energy sources, including boilers, solar water heaters, or even geothermal systems.
Electric Radiant Heating
Electric systems consist of electric cables or mats installed beneath the flooring material. While slightly less efficient than hydronic systems, electric radiant heating is easier and less expensive to install, making it a popular choice for smaller areas or retrofits.
Benefits of Radiant Heating
Now that you know what radiant heat is and how it works, let's explore why it's becoming a favorite among homeowners.
Energy Efficiency
One of the most significant advantages of radiant heating is its energy efficiency. Traditional forced-air systems lose a considerable amount of heat through ductwork. Radiant heating, on the other hand, delivers heat directly to the living space, reducing energy loss and lowering utility bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, radiant heating can be up to 30% more efficient than traditional heating systems.
Enhanced Comfort
Radiant heating provides an unmatched level of comfort. Because it heats surfaces rather than air, the warmth is evenly distributed throughout the room, eliminating cold spots and drafts. Plus, the gentle, consistent heat from radiant systems feels more natural compared to the on-and-off blasts of hot air from forced-air systems.
Quiet Operation
Radiant heating systems operate silently, without the noise of blowing air or the hum of a furnace. This makes for a peaceful home environment where you can enjoy warmth without the background noise.
Improved Air Quality
Since radiant heating doesn't rely on air circulation, it doesn't stir up dust, allergens, or other airborne particles. This can significantly improve indoor air quality, making it an excellent option for families with allergies or respiratory issues.
Design Flexibility
Radiant heating systems are hidden beneath floors, walls, or ceilings, freeing you from the constraints of radiators, vents, or baseboard heaters. This design flexibility allows you to arrange furniture and decorate your space without worrying about blocking heat sources.
Types of Radiant Flooring
When it comes to radiant flooring, you have several options. Each type has its unique characteristics and suitability for different scenarios.
Tile and Stone Flooring
Tile and stone are excellent conductors of heat, making them ideal for radiant flooring systems. They retain heat well and distribute it evenly across the surface. If you're considering a bathroom or kitchen renovation, radiant heating under tile or stone can add a touch of luxury.
Hardwood Flooring
While hardwood isn't as efficient a conductor as tile or stone, it can still work well with radiant heating systems. Engineered hardwood, in particular, is a suitable choice because it resists warping and shrinking when exposed to heat.
Carpeted Floors
You might think that radiant heating and carpets don't mix, but that's not necessarily true. Low-pile carpets with thin padding can still allow heat to pass through effectively. However, radiant heating may not be as effective under thick, plush carpets.
Installing Radiant Heat in Your Home
If you're considering installing radiant heating in your home, here are some essential factors to keep in mind.
Professional Installation vs. DIY
While DIY enthusiasts might be tempted to tackle a radiant heating installation, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons. Professional installation ensures that the system is correctly designed and installed, minimizing the risk of problems down the line. However, if you're handy and well-versed in home improvement projects, a DIY installation could save you money.
Cost Considerations
The cost of installing a radiant heating system can vary widely based on factors such as the size of the area to be heated, the type of system (hydronic or electric), and the complexity of the installation. On average, hydronic systems tend to be more expensive to install but offer greater long-term savings due to their efficiency.
Maintenance and Longevity
Radiant heating systems are known for their durability and low maintenance requirements. Here are some tips to ensure your system stays in top condition.
Regular Inspections
Periodic inspections by a professional can help identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems. This includes checking the system for leaks, ensuring proper water pressure (for hydronic systems), and verifying that all electrical components are functioning correctly.
System Flushing
For hydronic systems, it's essential to flush the system periodically to remove any sediment or buildup that could affect performance. This typically involves draining and refilling the system with clean water and possibly adding a chemical inhibitor to prevent corrosion.
Radiant Heat and Energy Efficiency
Radiant heating isn't just about comfort; it's also a smart choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Here's how radiant heating contributes to energy efficiency.
Reduced Energy Consumption
Because radiant heating delivers heat directly to the living space and doesn't rely on ductwork, it minimizes energy loss. This means your heating system doesn't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.
Compatibility with Renewable Energy Sources
Radiant heating systems can be paired with renewable energy sources such as solar panels or geothermal systems. This further enhances their environmental benefits and can lead to significant long-term savings.
Radiant Heat vs. Traditional Heating Systems
How does radiant heating stack up against traditional heating systems like forced-air or baseboard heaters? Let's compare.
Forced-Air Heating
Forced-air systems use ducts to distribute heated air throughout the home. While they can quickly raise the temperature, they often result in uneven heating and can stir up dust and allergens. Radiant heating, in contrast, provides consistent warmth with better air quality.
Baseboard Heating
Baseboard heaters are relatively easy to install and provide localized heating. However, they can be obstructive and limit furniture placement. Radiant heating offers a cleaner, more efficient solution without compromising interior design.
Making the Switch to Radiant Heat
Ready to make the switch to radiant heating? Here's what you need to know.
Assess Your Needs
Before installing a radiant heating system, assess your home's specific needs. Consider factors such as the size of the area to be heated, existing heating infrastructure, and your budget.
Consult with a Professional
Consulting with a professional heating contractor can help you determine the best type of radiant heating system for your home. They can also provide a detailed estimate and timeline for the installation process.
Final Thoughts
Radiant heating is revolutionizing the way homeowners think about home heating. With its energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and numerous other benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are making the switch. If you're ready to experience the warmth and efficiency of radiant heat, contact Harris-Dudley Co. today to schedule a consultation. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way.
Call us at 801-363-3883 or visit our website to learn more about our radiant heating solutions. Join the growing number of homeowners who have discovered the comfort and efficiency of radiant heat with Harris-Dudley Co. Don't wait—make your home a warm and inviting haven today!
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