#freehold plots having
raybyanothername · 2 months
Inherited Omegas 👀
You have picked the smuttiest option and finding a snippet safe for tumblr was a chore ngl. ^^" This doc basically has notes and scenes for a number of fics/drabbles related to a very specific omegaverse AU. It includes the only polyship sex scene I've ever written with more than 3 characters.
Eventually I'll have to clean some of the scenes up and post them as oneshots because I don't think I'm ever gonna flesh out the plot at this point.
Snippet is Rhaenicent, because they inspired/started the whole AU!
Pacing her new bedchamber, Alicent ripped absently at her nails. Her entire body trembled as the thin fabric of her gown flowed out around her. Not that it was a proper gown. Not to Alicent. Certainly not in Westeros. Her throat bobbed and her cheeks flushed as she glanced down. The fabric was sheer. Glossy and golden as it hung from her shoulders. A thin belt held it tight to her body. More a chain really, even with the rubies dangling down her abdomen. Alicent had worn more on her wedding night. She shuddered, eyes squeezing shut. Her first wedding night. Marrying Viserys had been... a trial, but now... now she belonged to Rhaenyra. The king had loved Valyrian history, but he hadn't kept to many Valyrian customs. Except, of course, when it came to the succession. Omegas could not inherit. Not in Westeros, and certainly not in the Valyrian Freehold. But they could be inherited.
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slexenskee · 1 year
I'm just curious. Can I ask more about JJK/GOT? It’s just that as soon as I saw the Satoru/Robb couple I immediately became interested 😅
Sure haha I have a few plot points I could use feedback on
The backstory is where I'm??
Idk if I want Satoru to be reborn as Viserys and start his life just vibing as a pampered prince kinda ambivalent about his life / couldn't care less about the rebellion or his batshit father until he gets shipped off to Dragonstone and eventually Essos. Then he kinda realizes A) his little sister is literally relying on him to exist and they're situation is pretty rough and B) he has no more fucks to give and now he can really do whatever tf he wants. Kinda goes a bit wild, takes over one of the free cities (casually), gets worshipped by the Dothraki as a god (accidentally), ends up creating something of an empire in the Disputed Lands/takes over the Stepstones and now all the pirates and traders pay him for safe passing like sailors paying tribute to the altars of gods. Mostly he's just bemused by it, and doesn't care what they do so long as they don't bother him or his sister, who's raising her dragons (a gift from Illyrio) and just living a nice happy life.
OR he's not Viserys at all, he legit transmigrates adult body (and powers) and all and becomes a wandering god around Essos just sort of feeling his way through this random new world - definitely goes to Valyria just because he can, makes a fortune selling all the random junk he picks up there and becomes something of a master on the topic just bc he ends up learning so much about it as someone who regularly hangs out there, and one way or another ends up the accidental god of the Stepstones like he is the first scenario. Except this time he's cajoled to Pentos at the behest of Illyrio Mopatis, who wants to know more about the Valyrian freehold, and while he's there he meets Dany and Viserys. Immediately clocks Viserys as a nutjob and Dany as abused but honestly doesn't really care about either of them until he sees the dragon eggs + his Six Eyes see Dany has magic and it's reacting with the eggs. He pays Illyrio/Viserys a veritable king's treasure in exchange for Dany as his 'bride' and gets the eggs as her bridal gift... which he does not bc he wants a bride but bc dragons are, in his opinion, the only cool thing in this world and he wants to have one as a pet and Dany is his ticket to that.
EITHER way he's the god of the Stepstones and Westeros tries to push their weight around and fails regularly. Gojo eradicates probably like 3 Redwyne and Lannister fleets and lets them wash up to Dorne in pieces before Westeros finally gets the picture to leave him the hell alone. Robert Baratheon comes personally a few times mainly because he has a total hard-on for Gojo and frankly just loves the fighting (his adoration is not returned), Oberyn becomes one of his favorite drinking buddies. They probably fuck multiple times, let's be real.
He's not interested in taking over the world or anything - honestly if it wasn't for Dany he'd have like zero purpose for existing so he's lowkey happy to have her in his life, but it's definitely a brother and sister relationship no matter which way I go with his backstory. It's all very wholesome.
By the time we get to S1 Gojo is an undisputed world power that's also something of an eccentric recluse.
He doesn't get involved in the plot until one way or another he's notified of Shit Happening™ in the far north. Idk how yet - maybe he senses it himself, or one of the Red priests/priestesses tells him?
He goes to the wall, meets Jon Snow, learns some of the Northern history, feels bad for the Night's Watch - who are actually doing the lord's work up in this damn place, what is wrong with westeros, smh - and sends men and plenty of food/supplies as he can see the magic in the Wall and knows it's not just there to look pretty. Especially not when his Six Eyes can see that the Land of Always Winter has more magic and is more active than old Valyria. He jokingly propositions Jon Snow, who to his surprise is not actually gay, and then afterwards when he's summarily rejected casually propositions his 'sister' for him instead- who's going through a romance phase and wants a handsome man and Gojo, being a good brother and also a fucking troll, decides to help out. Whether Gojo is actually Viserys or not, at this point everyone assumes he's Valyrian and also related to Dany no matter what he says, so he just rolls with it. Jon still declines, because he's still all up in his duty and honor phase. (He notices Jon has magic, like Dany, but assumes that's just because of the Northern magic)
He becomes fast friends with Maester Aemon, deeply interested in his stories of the Far North. He's actually interested in the North, in general, bc its one of the few parts of the world he hasn't yet gone to, and also has a history that's almost as old as Valyria. The Free Folk are downright unfriendly to him, so he decides to try his luck with Winterfell.
Idk what the route is but basically from the Wall he ends up in The North and finally meets Robb smack in the middle of the War of the 5 Kings. Maybe he goes to Winterfell with a letter from Jon, and then from Winterfell to Robb? Or from Jon straight to Robb? Basically no matter which way he ends up going, he gets a warm intro from one of Robb's siblings (or both). He also gets tasked, by one or both of them, to look for the Stark sisters. Gojo's all like, 'LOL look for them? Bruh I could blast down the Red Keep and drag them out within the next hour, but sure ok I'll 'look' for them). It's especially easy because he realizes all the Starks have more magic than most, so his Six Eyes can pick them out easily.
So Robb and Gojo kind of have immediate chemistry. Robb has obviously heard a lot about him, most of it mysterious, all of it dangerous, so he's shocked when this stupidly good looking guy comes out of literally nowhere (teleports) and has some messages for him, and is also going to go fetch his sisters as a personal favor. That last one he's a bit cautious about, because he's heard plenty about this Valyrian god or devil or both, and he doesn't believe for a second such a powerful being would offer such a boon for free.
Gojo's only response is 'I've got a little sister too ya know, I understand how it feels to be an older brother that wants to see them safe and sound' and Robb's all like, blushy and flustered, but plays the hard line and sort of just dismisses him and denies his help. And Gojo's all like, 'damn this guy's hot' also 'if my gaydar isn't wrong, which it usually isn't, he'd totally be into me' and also 'he'd be even more into me if I really did rescue his sisters'. Which he was going to do anyway.
He obviously finds both of them. Arya gets a free assassination teacher that doesn't come with the price tag of her soul, Sansa doesn't have a tragic few years ahead of her.
Idk haven't figured much else out after that. Robb pines but refuses to act on his feelings, but Gojo is swapped in for Talisa so we all know how this ends. There'll be plenty of consequences for that though, but no Starks are going to be injured (aside from Bran lo siento) in the making of this fic.
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osatokun · 1 year
Is there anything you want to tell us about Charlie that you didn't get to develop yet? 👀
That's a hard one! I don't think there are things I didn't tell, but totally things I didn't draw! First of all I want to draw his entire flat. My dear friend designed it for me and I plan to draw it by hand sometime
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I don't even know how long he's going to live here, but I'm thrilled he has his own home for the first time in 200 years. Even tho his coterie leader paid for the rent haha. I want to draw much more pictures of the whole family in this flat, doing regular and not so regular things ( like idk, summoning ghosts (they did it)) I want to draw more of the times before Glinda,but I just can't get enough of her..She is a pure perfection, our Dm is a wizard ! For example, Charlie traveled with Wicca witch and her student for 2 and a half moths.And slept under her bed haha. She herself is a dhampir, a very sweet and calm character. In the world of very serious vampires he needed someone who keeps that spark of wonder and a desire for adventures. They never had any romantic relationship (the hot threesome was purely for the ritual *cough*) but first in many years he felt so calm, like if he was a part of a family. Witch's student later on became a student of Garry Dresden ( because our ST loves him very much as do I, so he made this lil cameo).
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I totally want to explore more the changelings of our game. For example we had a wonderful, beautifully described woods in Umbra, near Arcadia. Charlie went here on almost suicidal mission with witch's student, to get an ingredient to heal Gilnda and Monica. He sang to the trees asking them to let them through haha (it was a super scary session) And I want to draw local changeling's freehold, on a chemistry. And ofcourse more changelings that we met ( a changeling king, chimeras, pookas, eshu..ah..) Surprisingly for me, I got VERY into that part of our game and thanks for our ST he gave me plenty food for future drawings! I want to draw more pictures with Folly, the demon who Charlie let out of his prison and made a contract with. He is insanely (ha!) cruel but devilishly charismatic entity. Little by little he is trying to take charlie's soul,what's left of human in him. But only when he's in the mood, he has a lot of other stuff to do, he is a busy demon. I want to draw Adzone, demon's jailer and the oldest vampire of the city, in his changeling plane outfit. Black plate armor with the cloak made of chains ended with hooks, a little dead body on the each hook. And a broken tower symbol on his chest. Adzone is the one who always helped changelings and keeps contact with them. (look at him he is so sexy haha)
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I want to draw more pictures of Johnny, Charlie's friend and another malkavian of the city. I love him so much I made a similar character to play in another game >W<
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Speaking of demons.. I want to draw an angel of our game. Yes, a real angel that keeps and old gangrel, Enkidu, prisoned, shopping his head off every day, every night. The place Enkidu trapped in is in the deep Umbra. But every time gangrels falls asleep they see a "dream" of that place. Enkidu lures them in, as an astral projections I suppose. Demon was there. So do Charlie.And Monica..again, so many wonderful, scary visons!! I already have a face claim for that angel just didn't draw them yet.. As for Gangrels, they had they embrace night described, showed in that dreams. Again, it was very inspiring and I hope to draw some of them someday. For now I even barely drew gangrels at all when there are SO MANY and the main plot of the game is tied with them. I..didn't even draw Enkidu, a fucking super duper old vampire who is (partially) here since second arc! See, I was so hyperfixated on Charlie's "save the princess, save the queen" quest i didn't even tell much about main theme of the game!! To see more gangrels of our game please check out @fj0rge ! and there are so so so much more! Salubri that once saved Charlie in 1910th, when he and his sires jumped into apocalypse. Apocalypses. His sires. His human family. His time in Cairo before he died.I want to redraw the pictures of when he killed a priest, because I find it an important part of the character, that feel of justice. I want to draw fomori we fought. I want to draw bug shaped werewolf that now our ally. I want to properly draw the horny Wicca ritual it was COOL. I want to draw the story of when Charlie killed his first human lover/his ghoul.. oh there is so many you have to stop me haha my brain never stops
closest to be drawn- Glinda riding her chimera and circled by ghosts and changeling freehold
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Criticizing Correct Conclusions
Often, speculative fiction begins with a premise, and then sets out to work out its consequences. The premise of Contact is "What if schematics for a mysterious alien machine were received by SETI?" The premise of 1632 is "What if a southern town was teleported into the middle of 30-years-war Germany?". The premise of Dune is "What if a single inhospitable planet produced a resource essential for interplanetary travel?"
(and all these works do other things as well, obviously, but the events of their plots are very much based on that driving question in particular)
Unrelatedly, there exists a strain of literary criticism that asks the question "Given the things that the author chooses to have happen in the story, what can we conclude about their sympathies and worldview?". And that's a fair question! It's interesting to note, for instance, that superhero movies tend to have a world-threatening problem show up that only the superheroes can deal with, thus neatly sidestepping the question of whether society is improved by having a couple unaccountable superhuman vigilantes running around.
But the second mode of criticism should be very cautiously applied to works of the first sort, and unfortunately that doesn't happen in practice.
A concrete example: in Y: The Last Man, the fundamental premise is that everyone with a Y-chromosome dies overnight, causing global chaos. Later, when nations start getting to get their act together again, Israel becomes an expansionist regional power on account of their army having much more women in it than those commanded by their neighbors. That's a reasonable thing to have happen, based on what has occurred at that point in the narrative, and probably not something the author was actively considering from the first moments of writing this story!
But there's an unfortunately common mindset where critical analyses treat this basically the same as a story by Tom Clancy or Tim LaHaye where Israel gets a lucky break and conquers all their neighbours, and considers it suggestive of a pro-Israel worldview, when in fact these are fundamentally different situations.
Speculative premises themselves are not above criticism; Heinlein's Farnham's Freehold can (and should) be viewed as more than an impartial study into the question: "What if, in the far future, cannibalistic black people enslaved and raped white people?". And similarly, it's fair to point out cases where the writer starts out with an innocuous premise, but then puts a thumb on the scales to bring about a preferred outcome. But events that are correct extrapolations of questions that are legitimate in themselves are not valid targets of criticism, not in the same way that such events would be if the writer just sort of chose arbitrarily to put them in!
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corviids · 2 years
your luke in the new art is so cute with the punett square, i saw the tag you wanted to understand how targ genetics work and easy answer is: they don’t, scientifically that mean, it is pure plot convinience
for instance, for alicent to have all blonds, valyrian hair needs to be dominant, otherwise it would have been impossible as she has no valyrian ancestry (also bc later the targs marry martells and blackwoods when they are barely valyrian and still the hair and eyes remain, but with rhaenyra, god forbid lol)
as a geneticist, the book hair colors annoy meeee. aemond can’t be homozygous, bc alicent has zero valyrian blood. so if valyrian traits are dominant, for Rhaenyra to have brown haired kids, she inherited the brown gene from Aemma and passed every single time, so i did the math and the chances of her having brunettes with both Laenor and Harwin were not that different. Luke is most likely homozygous for brown hair gene, whilst Aemond is heterozygous with the silver hair gene being dominant over the hightower brown. yet, rhaenys is brunette even though aemon was the purest valyrian and jocelyn also had. like, all over the place.
the fact that helaena and aegon had three blond kids was a lot of luck (plot convenience) as they are both only half valyrian.
so in this theory the punnett square should be Aemond Tt and Luke tt (with t being recessive for brown), same 50% each time, and for all of them to have been born blond was odds of 6,25%
sorry for nerding out 😅
ps: this is only taking into consideration basic mendelic genetics, if we consider that a brown mix with valyrian could be a darker blond or even mutation, silenced genes, magic lol, there’s no prediction.
i absolutely love asks like this please feel free to nerd out always. i’m not a science person but even i remember high school biology so i was seriously like how the hell did alicent have all blondes and the velaryon boys are all brunette when in theory it should have been like the same likelyhood. valyrian traits don’t appear to be recessive cuz bastards have them a lot of times so i’m just like okay GRRM genetics matter for robert baratheon’s kids but the targs are where you draw the line !!!
​we also don’t know harwin’s mother so like what if she was blonde ??? all i’m saying is if targ traits are dominant (look at the freehold and driftmark) at least one of the velaryon boys shoulda been blonde. hell laenor and laena were both blonde and their mom had straight black hair !!!
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leonanette · 6 months
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(from the fanfic, The Man in the Pearl Mask)
Domain: Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, and archery
Title: The Cruel or The Unseen
Family position: Mother of Syrax and wife of Vermax - had mortal family but abandoned them for a husband who later proved faithless
Personality: Cruel, conniving, far-sighted
Appearance: Unknown - always wears a pale grey veil and matching dress, eyes are rumoured to be green
Distinctive feature: Height of nine feet
Animal aspect: Silver spider
Inspirations: Medea, Psyche
Tessarion is the only ascended mortal among the Valyrian gods. Before immortality, she was a powerful enchantress. She fell in love with a mighty hero and betrayed her family to be his bride. That proved to be unwise, however. That hero, though strong and constant in battle, proved faithless in the marriage. After many years and two children, his eye wandered to a widow who had inherited her husband’s rights to part of the Freehold.
Tessarion’s fury drove her to terrible deeds. She decided not to kill him outright but instead plotted to take everything from him, leaving him with nothing but infamy to his name. She cursed the marriage bed itself to catch fire when he and his new bride first lay in it. The bride burned to death while he was spared even the smallest burn. The most terrible secret, however, came when the remains of the bed were pulled apart and the bodies of their children and the widow’s father were discovered.
Tessarion didn’t know it yet but she had caught the eye of Meleys and Vermax with her plot. Meleys rather approved of Tessarion’s plot to punish him and even said her plot was better than the punishment she had in mind for the hero. Vermax admired her and then desired her. He sent a dragon to help her escape and had it bring her to his house in a valley full of herbs and flowers where Tessarion could make every kind of potion and spell.
Vermax then wooed and eventually won Tessarion. Meleys petitioned to have Tessarion raised to godhood as she feared for the passing of the years. She herself had known heartbreak and did not want Vermax to go through the same. Besides, she herself had grown fond of Tessarion and of learning sorcery from her. Her petitions, however, were not enough. Shrykos, in particular, was horrified at the idea of a mere mortal being ascended to a level near her own.
However, Vermax managed to save the day. He did Arrax a very big favour and, in return, Tessarion was granted immortality. Though, Shrykos definitely sabotaged the ritual which resulted in Tessarion’s increased height.
Tessarion showed herself capable of taking on many roles and was responsible for a great deal of the Valyrian freehold’s prosperity. Good archers and a convenient plague befalling the enemy camp were invaluable in times of war, better quality poetry and art promoted the power of the gods and the Freehold and her healing arts made sure Freeholders lived longer and happier lives. And, above all else, her ability to see and manipulate the threads of fate made her invaluable to the gods. All but Shrykos warmed to her eventually.
Like her husband, she would walk among the mortals and answer mortals who wished to know their future. Then, one day, she gave a mortal an answer that he didn’t like. She promised nothing but doom on his house and that his line would end within his lifetime if he proceeded with his plans. That mortal had thought his marriage plans for his daughter had been perfect and grew wroth at the idea that it was foolish.
That mortal returned the next day and threw oil of vitriol in her face. She had been pregnant at the time and the attack brought on a premature labour. She gave birth to Syrax in the temple and the baby wrought a worse fate on the mortal than Tessarion had thought of while she recovered. Her healing arts allowed her to recover physically but trust is not something as easily mended. From that moment on, she wore a veil over her face and only spoke her prophecies to her chosen dreamers.
She also became much more inclined to cruelty toward mortals. She became deliberately vague and even downright misleading in her prophecies, delighting in the misery caused when her prophecies came true in a way that brought them only sorrow.
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lady-thorn · 1 year
The Dragon’s Hoard Pt. 7
Summary: The cat is out of the bag. 
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen & Ravella Whitmore (OC) 
Warnings: Angst. Unedited. ESL, please be patient. 
Word count: 6k+ 
Disclaimer: This one is much shorter (I mean, in comparison to the stuff I’ve written before). 
Hours seemed to pass, and the dragon didn’t kill her. An annoyed voice in her mind had yelled at her to shut up, and startled, Ravella obeyed. She couldn’t say if it was because she was hearing voices or that particular voice… and so powerfully rude. Looking back, she saw Vhagar was a small, formless smudge in the distance.
The bronze dragon that rescued her lowered its body to the ground in great arches, and eventually, she understood it was for her benefit. You’re cold, he said. 
Throat dry, she tried, K-King Viserys? She wobbled on her feet, bracing herself against the dragon’s black nails. 
Yes, a chuckle. You scream very loud, you know that? 
I know I scream very loud. Making noise is the purpose of screaming, she scowled up at him, and the damn man remained unfazed. Of course he did, she thought with disgust. He’s Aemond’s father. “Can you hear me if I speak up?” 
Yes. How close is Aemond? 
“Close enough I can make out Vhagar’s indistinct shape, but not see him.” 
Good. We have time to talk. The others are close, but this I needed to do alone. 
“Since when are you a skinchanger?” 
Not that. I’ll explain later. Looking around, she noticed the spot he’d picked was the same woods Vhagar had, the entrance to the Valyrian peninsula. Was that Saera? 
“Yes. Aemond has told her you want her to visit.” 
You running from him because of the childbirth vision? 
“Yes, I— how do you know about that?” she grimaced. 
Vermithor’s wings spread and closed as if Viserys were stretching out. The pregnancy or the vision? 
“BOTH!” she shouted. 
A chuckle. I can smell Aemond and you bonded in a way that is… stronger. Your smells intertwined to create something else, something that reeks of life. It could only be your child — Vhagar smells it, as well, and so does Vermithor. As for the vision, it’s part of a plot. Let’s say it wasn’t a coincidence you were attracted to the Freehold because of your nightmares. 
“So, am I in no danger?” she hated being unable to keep the hope from her voice, but she had to know. 
Childbirth is dangerous. You’re in as much danger as any other woman. But you cannot die. Aemond won’t function as needed if you do. The world of men will end with you. 
Ominous much? Ravella thought. “I… don’t want this responsibility.” 
No one in your place would. Still, it’s yours however badly you reject it. Tell me what you think of Aemond. What made you run from him? 
“He wanted me to get an abortion. I had to get away.” 
A sharp intake of air. Then it’s started, looked like he was speaking to someone else; her suspicion was confirmed when he said in an urgent tone, You must bring him back. Make him see reason. 
“Bring him back from what? Your Grace, I can’t be with Aemond right now — he isn’t himself. The Aemond I know would never want his own child murdered. Right now, I don’t trust him. He’s like a stranger… an evil twin brother I didn’t know he had.” More like the Aemond of her nightmare, a rendition of the night king. Her dead lover, planning to make her dead as well. 
That’s their plan. Drive Aemond to madness so he’ll surrender his blood to them. Only you can make break the influence they’re wielding upon him. They attacked your dreams, now they prey on his fears. 
She didn’t understand. “You mean that wasn’t Aemond’s idea?” 
No, Aemond is being manipulated. It’s something the warlocks who took Aerea do. They’ll exchange your safety for Aemond’s cooperation in their spells. 
She shivered. Recalling the hidden account of Aerea’s death by the Grand Maester who’d treated her, she didn’t need be told twice these warlocks’ spells were dangerous. She couldn’t let Aemond fall to them. “How do I do that?” 
Vermithor’s enormous head came closer, until she could smell nothing but dragonfire and charred meat. You’re at the center of his soul. It revolves around you. Only you can save him. 
She shook her head, frantic. “Your Grace, the moment he’s within touching distance, he’ll drag me back to Volantis and have a surgeon cut the baby out of me!” 
So it’s that serious. Another second he seemed to be conferring. Berry says the warlocks will start their offer by healing him of his injuries. 
“Injuries? Aemond isn’t injured. I hurled some apples and tomatoes at him, and he evaded all… but for that one which exploded upon contact with his shoulder,” she offered a sheepish grin when he laughed. “And I doubt the Volantene have hurt him. So Aemond hasn’t had a chance to have gotten injured.” 
The ones given to him in dreams. The warlocks are manipulating him as well. 
Ravella gasped. “He never said anything!” 
He didn’t want to worry you. He believes the visions come because of some mental connection he shares with the Others, and since you fear them more than anything, Aemond has tried to find a way of circumventing what he believes is a curse. The nightmare you had about the throne room was the last straw for him. The warlocks need someone like Aemond to correct the flaw in their magic, as well as keep feeding it. 
“How do they mean to do that?” 
The Valyrian way. She shivered. Blood magic, it was. 
“They are here, aren’t they?” 
Not here in this spot, but in the heart of Valyria. They need a dragonrider like Aemond… like Aerea was one. 
“So I haven’t seen her? I’ve endangered our baby for no reason?” 
You have seen her, although nobody was supposed to. Her soul is… withering. She hasn’t passed on to the other side, but after her body was burned, she could no longer be seen, unless it was by someone with great magic. Berry says that a desperate soul like hers can do things ordinary souls can’t, so this must how she was able to reach you. Only the truly sensitive can sense them. 
“I don’t have great magic, or any sort of magic. And I wouldn’t call myself truly sensitive, either.” 
Of course you do. You are a skinchanger. Aemond does, too, and because of your connection to him… The dragon circled her, a glint in the depths of his yellow-red eyes. Your soul and his in conjunction. It’s a conflagration that would put the Doom, at its peak, in shame. The warlocks must never get their hands on you. 
She circled with him, threatening to get dizzy. “What do you mean?” 
Your son, Ravella. The offspring of a Targaryen and a First Men descendant… and whatever special blood your Dayne mother carried. The baby has gifts, but since he can’t wield them right now, you’re like a vessel to them. 
Her son? She swallowed. Emotion threatened to make her knees buckle, and she couldn’t help but cover her belly, still flat and… lifeless!, with a protective hand. She couldn’t believe she and Aemond had created a life together, from their love. It was a gift, and she’d be damned if she let anyone desecrate it in any way. 
She thought of the septon and grand maester’s reports of Aerea’s death, of the torture and agony inflicted upon that poor girl… was that her son’s fate in the hands of those warlocks? To have his skin cooked from the inside out and hideous monsters crawling out of his body? 
She wouldn’t let them hurt her son, or her husband, for that matter. 
“I’ll do anything to defeat these warlocks and save Aerea, Your Grace, short of killing Aemond.” 
I know. 
The king’s approval made the dragon seem more powerful. Letting out the air, she said, “He’s here.” 
I know. I can smell Vhagar. And Aemond, too. 
“Really? What do they smell like?” 
Without a pause, he revealed, Vhagar smells of dragon — fire, smoke, charred meat and magic. Aemond smells of a dragon who’s left his cave to fly under lighting and rain, with an undertone of butterfly and silver. 
She giggled at the last words. “What do I smell like?” 
You smell of butterfly and obsidian. Now that you’re pregnant, your scent and Aemond’s are all over each other, only his now is stronger. I believe that’s the scent my grandson will carry. 
“How do you know it’s a boy?” 
Berry told me. He said— let’s wait for Aemond, the dragon shook his head. 
“What if he refuses to hear me out?” she had to be ready for all possibilities. Aemond was a smart, rational man, but threats to her made him lose his mind. 
I’ll snag you away again. 
“Good,” she smiled. 
Alicent will give him a piece of her mind. 
“I was hoping for that,” she smiled. “Is she with you?” 
Alicent is in the room with me and Helaena. Have you told Aemond about our conversation? You know which one. Not too long after their return from Castle Black, Ravella had asked Viserys to step down before a civil war broke out over the succession. She nodded. You were right. Decisions must be made. Not the ones I was hoping for, though, he said, voice contemplative. 
Throat knotted up, she stepped forward, reaching to touch the dragon’s scales — Vermithor’s uncomfortably hot in comparison to Vhagar’s — as if she were in the room with the king, ready to pat his hand. Viserys had failed the man she loved, but deep down, he wasn’t an evil man. He’d always been kind to her, though he didn’t have to. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Your Grace. I wish things had gone the way you intended. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t think it was for the best,” she said. “I know you trust your Small Council, but Lord Beesbury is the only one I believe is willing to see Princess Rhaenyra succeed you, per your will.” 
I know. You’ll be worth it. You’ve always been perceptive, Ravella. Except where Aemond is concerned. You are each other’s blind spots, you know. 
Hands on her hips, she asked, “What do you mean?” 
You were children when we realized there was much more than enmity behind your arguments. I thought it was just attraction… then I saw you kiss Aemond when he found your dog, Viserys laughed, the sound too loud for her, but it contained such joy, she found herself laughing with him, recalling she had kissed Aemond’s scarred cheek, so great her relief at having her beloved pet back, brought to her by her best worst enemy, no less. I told Alicent she could matchmake if she wanted. Then I saw you with Vhagar, and it became clear that the dragon was trying to show you what was going on in my son’s heart and soul. I don’t think it was a coincidence you spent the entire night alone the day he rescued you. Vhagar was close, standing vigil. 
“Aemond said he called and she didn’t answer, so she had to be away.” 
The boy is a fool if he believes she’d leave him alone, Viserys said, the dragon scoffing in front of her. I think she was tired of putting up with your slowness and decided to take things into her own hands. Oh, I can feel your baby through Vermithor… My grandson likes orange cake. 
“Our slowness?” she crossed her arms, challenging, but the pose didn’t last. Her son liked orange cakes, like his father did. “How is the baby? Does he… know what Aemond tried to do?” If the baby did, she’d never let Aemond know. Guilt would devour and destroy him. 
The baby is well. He was aware his mother was in trouble and trying to save them. It’s what made Vermithor find you in the middle of Volantis. He felt something was making the baby distressed, and the baby called to him. 
“It’s a boy,” she said, throat tight with emotion. She didn’t pay attention the first time the king disclosed the gender. Somehow, it didn’t seem important… but every man wanted a son, and Aemond wasn’t any different — a son who’d carry his name and… Ravella frowned. They’d discussed it. 
Unaware of her thoughts, the king repeated, A boy, the dragon’s head moving as if in a nod. At that moment, she could picture Viserys doing just that. Skinchanged by him, Vermithor looked proud. And don’t worry, the baby doesn’t know you and Aemond were arguing. He’s too little for that. About the size of your nail. 
She held out her right hand, looking down. “He’s so small,” she smiled through the tears. Later, she’d speak of this to Aemond. He’d appreciate these details, especially those about the baby’s oblivion. There would be no deterrents to their bonds, no guilt or shame or fear… 
Yes. That’s why it took Vermithor so long to locate you. The baby isn’t fully formed, so a lot of the signs he got were false. Like when you think a woman is in labor, but turns out she isn’t, he compared. When your heartbeat sped up, it could be fear, or just the thrill of Vhagar taking flight. The dragon’s face contorted, and she imagined Viserys arching a brow. Alicent asks if you are eating well or feel sick. 
“I understand,” she moved her head, wiping at her eyes. “I don’t even feel sick. And yes, I’m eating well… I’ll talk to her when we get back. And— I must inform my family.” 
Who will stand Ravella Dayne? Vermithor’s eyes rolled. 
“Grandmother will be happy,” she beamed. 
Unbearably so. She’ll want to visit. His tone indicated he wasn’t looking forward to it. 
“I miss her.” 
I know. You’ll see her soon. She’ll be in King’s Landing. 
“Really? Can you see the future?” 
Not really, but in a way, it’s a future as clear as water. Ravella the Elder will move into the Red Keep to make sure her granddaughter and unborn great-grandson are properly taken care of, and only Lady Dayne of Starfall can see to it. He laughed when she smirked at the statement. You’re the eldest, aren’t you? 
“Yes. The baby will be her first great-grandchild.” 
Here comes Aemond. Remember what you must do. Save him, then make him beg forgiveness. With that advice, Viserys faded into the background. His presence invaded her mind once more, quick, Just in case, stay closer so I can move if needed. 
Yes. She agreed, watching as Aemond jumped on the ground, a small cloud of dust rising up to his booted knees. As he strode toward her, glowering up at the dragon, sword in hand, she noticed he didn’t seem out of control anymore. It didn’t make her rest easier — there was determination still written on his face. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, the sword held up high in the air. 
“My heart is broken.”
He exhaled. Hand held out in conciliation, he tried again, “Did Vermithor hurt you?” 
“No, he saved me before you could.” 
Aemond nodded, not commenting on the second part. He was careful as he cut off the distance between them, pausing occasionally when the dragon behind her rumbled. Curiously, Vhagar did nothing, when normally she’d have moved to protect Aemond. That’s how dragons behaved. Is Vermithor Vhagar’s offspring? 
Yes, though dragons don’t care about it as we do. Vhagar wants you to fix what’s wrong with Aemond. 
So much responsibility thrown on her lap! 
“Are you in pain? Cold?” Aemond held out her coat, then tossed it to her. “Put it on.” 
She grabbed it. Throwing it over her shoulders, she asked, “Why are you here?” 
He blinked. “Why…? What a stupid question, Ravella! A dragon showed up out of nowhere and took you away. What did you want me to do?” 
“I don’t know. You were trying to murder our baby. The dragon was trying to save him. From his own father.” 
A part of Aemond was appalled at his behavior, she could see. But another… the determined part, the one tricked by the warlocks — that one wasn’t, and for a second, Ravella worried he’d try to kill the baby. Trick her into drinking moon tea or something worse, like agreeing to give up himself and their son to the warlocks. 
Not commenting on that, Aemond crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his lower back against a tree, Vhagar coming close, crawling on the ground like a loyal dog. She made a pitiful sound, and Ravella blew her a kiss. This is the first time I hear of a dragon being seduced. This time next year, Vermithor will be thinking you hatched him, Viserys said in a dry voice. 
She pressed her lips into a firm line. “The baby’s a boy,” Aemond said, still looking cross, though his next words explained why, “I’d have preferred a girl who looks like you,” his face softened a little, but she didn’t smile. Then his face hardened. “Although it doesn’t make a difference. People like me shouldn’t be given things to love.” 
Helaena has seen a girl in your future, Viserys supplied. 
“People like you?” she crossed her arms, stepping back toward Vermithor. 
“Yes,” he straightened his back, resting against the tree, the sword forgotten; he still looked annoyed and inhuman. “I’m a possessive man.” 
“I know.” 
“I can’t lose you.” 
“As much as it hurts me, I can’t keep you alive. The decision is out of my hands. I can pray. I can try to find a magical solution. I can pretend that red priest didn’t foresee your death. But in the end, I can’t force you to live.” He exhaled. Almost absently, his hands went up, to the back of his head so he could undo the eyepatch. 
There was something magical about the gleaming of his sapphire under the setting sun of the old Freehold. 
“I love you, Ravella. More than anything.” He swallowed. “I can’t lose you.” 
“So the best you came up with was killing the baby you knew I wanted so desperately?” 
“In a moment of despair? Yes. People like me hold on to the things and people they love. Dragon,” he pointed to his chest. With dread, she saw his finger change direction, hover right at her chest, “Hoard. If I could, I’d go back in time and never allow you to get pregnant. It isn’t fair to the baby, I know — but I won’t pretend I love our son more than I love you. Still, I understand my actions have hurt you. If I could, I’d exchange my life for yours, but where you’re going to be in nine months is where I can’t follow. I’d gladly switch places with you, so you will have the chance to live the life you’ve always wanted. I feel like I’m killing you for giving you the baby you wanted.” 
This is what the warlocks will offer him. Your life in exchange for his. 
“You wanted one, too.” 
“Because you did. I want what you want. I’d have had children with another woman I took for wife, but that would’ve been an obligation. I never wanted to be a father. But you wanted a baby, and the only thing I want is to make you happy. Instead, I’m making you knock on death’s door.” 
“Why do you think the red priest said I’m dying in childbirth?” she asked in lieu of answering. 
“You don’t remember,” Aemond shook his head. “He called me Azor Ahai and you Nissa Nissa. Azor Ahai is to the red priests what the last hero is to the First Men.” 
“It doesn’t sound so bad. The last hero saved Westeros from the Others,” she pointed out. 
Be quiet, Ravella. This will drive him to the edge. 
“Azor Ahai murdered his wife to save the world from darkness. He plunged a sword in her breast and her soul went into the blade, making Lightbringer,” Aemond glowered. 
“Oh. Soul-giver.” 
“Soul-giver,” he gave a hard nod. “Sacrificing my wife isn’t how I’d planned to show my love. I don’t have it in me to claim to love a woman and then murder her in cold blood because the idea of having a hero for a child appeals to me. I’m not my father,” he scowled, voice dripping with derision. 
Behind her, the dragon flinched. She reached out to touch it, the King’s voice in her head, He’s right. That’s exactly what I did. Don’t feel bad. Aemond’s opinion of me is deserved. 
It must hurt. 
It does, sad laughter followed the admission. But it’s the truth, so I must take it. The day you appeared in court together after he rescued you from Ser Philip, Aemond warned me I didn’t know a lot of things about him. I found it funny, because I knew what he thought he was hiding. Even so… he was right. My children and I are strangers to each other. 
“I don’t think your father made the decision for the fun of it,” she was driven to say. 
So much for not being sensitive, Viserys scoffed. This, Ravella, is what makes you the perfect target for ghosts like Aerea. The pureness of yours calls to theirs.  
She didn’t have time to ask more, because Aemond surprised her by saying, “Me neither. Nevertheless, he made the decision of forcing child after child upon Queen Aemma. He must’ve realized she wasn’t getting stronger. One miscarriage and stillbirth after the other means something is wrong, and then he had her cut up like a pig. And he wants everyone to believe he loved her,” he snorted. 
She told me that one would be her last attempt. She wasn’t wrong, though she didn’t mean it like that. 
Ignoring her, he said, “The obsidian ends of the staff were red like the heart of a volcano when I took it up to slay an Other. It had been a flash of light above my head, and I hadn’t paid attention, but I knew. The legend said Azor Ahai had wielded a red sword, given to him by R’hllor, forged with the blood and soul of his wife, Nissa Nissa. I believe the staff is very similar to what Lightbringer was. If Lightbringer was real, which I doubt. And I got it because of you. I’m scared out of my mind over which gifts I’ll continue to receive because of you… at the cost of your life. It isn’t worth it, Ravella. Even if I thought it was, I know it isn’t. There isn’t a world for me if you go.” 
“Lord Ryswell said we’d find each other again,” she offered. 
“Who cares about that?” Aemond spread his hands, wroth. “When he said it, I got happy because I thought we’d have many years — decades — together. Not months. I thought we’d die of old age or some disease, not because I put a baby in you.” 
“Putting a baby in me will hardly kill you.” 
Vhagar’s snout touched the back of Aemond’s head, threads of his hair flowing about in the wind of her breathing. “Losing you will.” 
She didn’t have a reply for that, because… she couldn’t think of Aemond dying. At the Nightfort, she’d run because he’d manipulated her into believing she might be pregnant, and she felt she owed it to their baby to live. But she’d known Aemond’s death would destroy her. Helaena had said as much. 
The corners of his lips lifted in a shadow of a smile when he noticed she was softening. “If you die in childbirth because of that fucking prophecy, I’ll have Vhagar burn your body, then I’ll kill myself.” 
Sounds reasonable. 
There’s nothing reasonable about this! 
Of course there is. You’re the reason for his existence. Aemond would never waste time. Every man should make this decision when they lose their reason for living. I should’ve done it… but if I had, you wouldn’t have Aemond. 
“What about the baby?” she demanded of Aemond. Children needed parents. 
“Baby?” he blinked, unbelieving. “There’s no light in the world for me if you aren’t in it. I won’t care about the baby, not past making it the favor of putting it in mother’s care. Me? I’ll die with you. Taking my last breath will be a mercy to the child and myself.” 
Throat tightening, she choked out, “You can’t mean—” 
“I mean every word. I’ll die with you,” he rubbed at his right eye, something he did when under great duress. “So you’d better figure out a way of not dying, because your husband… and your son, too—” his lips twitched “—need you.” 
“You’re frightening me.” 
“I know. I frighten myself — nothing’s ever been so clear.” His hair came undone with the force of his running his fingers over it. “Nissa Nissa let Azor Ahai kill her. She understood it was the price he had to pay to defeat the darkness — because he loved her so much, it was a god’s price to save the world. I love you more than that,” he said, voice intense. “But I love you enough to go mad and destroy the entire world if you’re taken from me.” He stood up straighter, until he was kneeling on the ground at her feet, and though this wasn’t a godswood, but the woods at the entrance to cursed Valyria, Ravella knew he was making an unbreakable vow. 
Somehow, Aemond had gotten close enough he could touch her. “I swear, butterfly, if you die… I’ll save the world by razing it to the ground. Fires will burn and, beneath me, blood will boil. That way, the Others won’t be able to turn anyone when they come. I’ll fly until there’s nothing left to burn.” 
What should I do? Ravella asked the king. 
Not die. It isn’t Aemond’s destiny to destroy the world. 
So much for being helpful. She almost scowled. “Aemond, I can’t force myself to live.” 
“I know,” he fisted his hands. “It’s out of your hands. I’m just saying in case you came with some absurd request, like—” his voice dropped to a mocking imitation of hers, “—‘Aemond, promise me you’ll take care of the baby. You’ll raise it and find another woman to love and have many children with her.’ It won’t happen. I’ll lose my life, too. And since saving the world comes at the cost of your life, I’ll make everyone lose theirs. I just want to save the world if you’re in it. But if there’s no you…” he shook his head. “It’s over. And that’s not to say the ends I’m willing to go to, to avoid such a fate.” 
“Aemond, don’t say that,” she buried her face in her hands. “I love you, too.” 
“Do you? Even after I threatened the life of your son?” 
She nodded. “Yes. This isn’t you — it’s the warlocks who killed Aerea. They’re playing with us,” she watched as comprehension dawned on him. Caressing his cheek, she said, softly, “I don’t deny your decision to force an abortion upon me hurt me, but I understand why you did. You weren’t thinking clearly. You weren’t mine. But I still loved you then, and knew you’d find your way back to me. And you have a wrong idea of yourself. You won’t do anything to destroy the world.” 
“Die and watch from the other side, if you don’t believe me,” he tilted his head. “How long do you think it’ll take?” 
“Stop,” she shook her head, denial making her head ache. 
He lifted both hands. “It isn’t the time to speak of it. You are pregnant. Saera pointed out getting an abortion can be as dangerous as childbirth, so our hands are tied. We must—” 
She knew him, could tell what he was trying to do. “Don’t you fucking dare pull away!” she screamed. “I won’t let you go!” The smile that lit up his face was precious, and allowed her to cross the distance between them, even though she still worried. However, this was where she had to be to cut out the threads woven by the warlocks. In his arms, she confessed, “I’m afraid, too. We’ll find a solution. Besides… this,” she brought his hand to her belly, smiling at the way he held his breath, “isn’t your fault, but mine.” 
“I’m pretty sure it’s my fault. I put it there,” he pointed out with an annoyed sigh when she didn’t let him get away. 
He’s strained himself to get a baby there, Viserys supplied. 
How do you—? I won’t have this conversation with my husband’s father! 
Everyone knows. You aren’t discreet. As I said, you scream really loud, and Aemond screams louder. Ravella choked on her spit. With unhidden glee, Viserys announced, At least, you kept it confined to your quarters and empty rooms. Still, Alicent wishes the gods would take her hearing. 
“Ravella, what’s wrong?” Aemond asked, his fingers over her reddened cheeks. 
“Nothing. I— nothing,” she licked her lips. “Do you think anyone knew? What we did?” 
“Is that it?” he straightened when she confirmed. “Of course they knew it. I like making you scream.” Behind her, the dragon rumbled. Aemond offered him a curious look. “And there were all the times you complained about me picking you up and hurrying to our chambers. And the day you dreamed I was dead and fucking you, I was naked when I answered the door.” 
“You sleep naked,” she pointed out. 
“To better serve my wife, when she has need of my body in the hour of the owl,” he grinned. Then, “Butterfly, I don’t care if people know. You’re the love of my life. I want everyone to know. If I could, I’d take you up on Vhagar and—” he laughed when she screamed. “Now, you were saying the baby is your fault. I disagree, but am curious to hear your reasoning.” 
“Remember Lord Ryswell said the old gods heard my prayers and would give me what I wanted?” 
She spread her hands. “Every day, I prayed for a baby. Hence, my fault. I knew it was dangerous to have one before the long night, but… I wanted to have a family with you.” 
“I prayed for a baby, too,” he confessed, kissing her brow. “You make me the happiest man in the world. I want everything. The sun, the moon and every star in the sky, held up here,” he showed his palm. “And yet, they hold less value than you do. So I prayed to make you a mother, give you the family you yearned for.” 
She let out a breath. “I didn’t know.” 
“There was no reason to. I promised I’d do everything I could to make you happy. I’m an arrogant man, but even I admit there are things I can’t make happen. But I know how to reach out for the gods, and am not afraid of doing so. I asked them to grant me the honor of fathering your children, and they have.” His smile disappeared. “Then I tried to take it away because of some warlocks.” 
She didn’t want to be in those warlocks’ skin when Aemond got his hands on them. All the magic in the world wouldn’t save them from his fury. 
I knew the boy was a lovesick idiot. 
Be quiet and stop calling him that! 
You’re right. Viserys sighed. Aemond isn’t a boy anymore. This fine young man is a lovesick idiot. Has been for years. 
“Aemond,” she held his face between her hands, after throwing an ugly glare at the dragon. Viserys was watching them through Vermithor’s golden eyes, “do you still want me to abortion our son?” 
Aemond tilted his head. He closed his eyes, and unable to face her, said, “No. I’ve never truly wanted that. I’d have insisted on it if it were necessary. Between you and the baby, I’ll pick you. You’re everything, butterfly.” There were tears in his eyes, too — tears washed the beautiful purple one… and the sapphire as well. She wondered if the salt of them burned him. “Only, I can’t do anything to hurt you. Or our child. And yet, we need a solution.” 
A red priest came to Westeros once. Before Rhaenyra’s birth. My grandfather was called a Warrior of R’hllor, and the red priest said our line had been chosen. 
“Are you serious?” Ravella inclined her head, breaking free of Aemond’s embrace. She risked a step toward Vermithor, when her husband’s hand closed around her elbow. “Aemond, the dragon is being skinchanged.” 
Aemond arched a brow. “The baby is too young for that— You?” he asked when she shook her head. 
“Your father.” 
His first instinct was to argue, “He isn’t a warg. And let’s not talk about semantics.” Only then, he thought that shouldn’t be a priority, and pulled her behind him, holding her at his back and the sword to his right. “Who is it?” he demanded, brandishing his sword. 
The dragon merely watched them, impassive. Then, both bronze eyes rolled in a show of boredom, as the dragon settled on the ground, almost like preparing to sleep. 
“Aemond, that’s really him. I can hear his voice in my head. It’s why I didn’t run to you as soon as you landed. This is your father. He said Helaena helped him find an old scroll that allowed them to bind Vermithor to the baby.” 
Vermithor’s head gesture looked like a nod, but Aemond didn’t lower his guard. “What else did he say?” 
“That ‘the others’ are coming, but he didn’t explain his meaning. It’s getting late. I’m hungry.” 
“Vhagar is going to hunt for us.” He wouldn’t risk leaving her alone with Vermithor, even if his father was warging him, nor would he risk return to Volantis… maybe its people would kill him on the spot. He’d take measures to pay for the destruction Ravella caused in the market. 
“No. As much as I like fish, I don’t want to eat another without seasoning.” 
He grinned, though his voice was serious when he asked the dragon, “How long will you stay there?” 
For some reason, he didn’t want to think of his father knowing how badly he thought of him. Must be because, when he heard of the circumstances of Aemma Arryn’s death, he’d despaired for his mother, until Alicent calmed him down, and begged him to not misjudge his father. His mother did that a lot — protect a man who didn’t deserve her loyalty. 
But then, so does Ravella, he thought, self-hatred making him want to throw up. 
“He says he doesn’t know. His control has improved over the days he spent training with Berry.” She inclined her head. “Your father wants me to tell you what he knows of the red priests. Every time a Targaryen king ascends, one is dispatched to King’s Landing. They want to anoint the king as Azor Ahai reborn. They went to Aegon, Jaehaerys and your father. All three turned them down.” 
Of course they do, Aemond thought, sarcastic. The red priests courting his family made sense, and begrudgingly, he felt an ounce of respect for his father — the servants of the Lord of Light would be like plagues upon Westeros, burning every sept and weirwood on their way, using human sacrifice to call out to their god. Having a dragonrider consent to spread their religion would be the greatest validation those zealots would ever reach and— 
Ignoring his thoughts, Ravella was saying, “They said Blackfyre was Lightbringer, and with the blessing of a red priest, any Targaryen who wielded it would be able to— Aemond?” Ravella asked when he staggered. He looked ahead, face-to-face with Vermithor. “What? I don’t understand! What does he get? Aemond!” she thought to keep him up, but he fell on all fours. 
He swallowed. Red flashing in the sky above him, coloring the world at large until he felt, for a blink, he was staring at pools of lava, the enemy across the room, ready to march forward and wreak as much destruction as it could. Legend said Lightbringer burned red in battle, like… Lightbringer was a sword, not a staff. But… His thoughts were frantic, disordered, and Aemond felt faint. 
“Help him!” he heard Ravella scream at Vermithor. “Aemond, stay with me!” 
He laughed weakly when the dragon blew hot air at him, as if it might help. “Lightbringer, Ravella,” he caressed her face. “I have Lightbringer. The staff you gave me.” Azor Ahai had forged the blade, tempered it with his wife’s blood, imprisoning her soul… at a god’s behest. 
Oh the irony. Had Ravella set her own death in motion? Had he, when he took her to the Isle of Faces, where the children of the forest had changed the weapon so Aemond could kill the Others? 
Ashen-faced, Ravella fell against him. “Gods, Aemond… Berry says the Prince that was Promised will come from your line,” she said in a breathy voice.
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DoF:RefTE chapter 2 - Champion of the Queen
Dreams of Freedom: Reforging the Edge
Chapter two: Champion of the Queen | (AO3 link)
On the way out of Jennah’s throne room, Logan nearly runs into Caudecus. Sorry, the Lord Legate Minister Caudecus Beetlestone the Wise. Him. More importantly than his pompous litany of titles, he is Jennah’s biggest political opponent… and the reason Logan and Jennah can’t formalize their relationship. (Jennah is being overly cautious about him in Logan’s opinion, but he isn’t about to question her decision.) Logan gives him a polite smile. Caudecus smiles back at him surprisingly warmly before passing on towards the throne room.
Logan stops and stares at Caudecus' back, chills running down his spine. As the doors to the throne room close on the Legate Minister, Logan almost turns to go after him. But - there's a battle on. Logan doesn't have the time to supervise Caudecus while he presents whatever matter is troubling him this time. Logan hates the thought of Caudecus in the same room with the queen - especially with that disturbing smile - the man is plotting something. He won't do anything in the open, Logan is sure of that, but Logan likes to keep his own physical eyes on problems. Maybe he can post some extra Seraph in the throne room...
Concern yourself first with the centaurs at the gate, Captain, and leave me to handle our... internal affairs.
Anise has her job, and Logan has his. With an effort, Logan turns away from the queen's doors and heads back to Seraph Headquarters.
He can't spare any men from the fight in Shaemoor, especially Logan will be joining them and unable to oversee administrative matters from HQ. Nevertheless, he sends an aide to summon two Seraph - qualified and vetted by Logan himself for such tasks in the past - who can provide an extra eye in the queen's throne room until Caudecus leaves. Or, ideally, until the centaur attack is over and the danger passed entirely...
The aide salutes and dashes out the door, passing Lieutenant Groban on his way in. Logan turns to him and raises an eyebrow, inviting his report.
“Captain, none of the Seraph at Krytan Freeholds heard any word of centaur movement in the area. Their scouts had reported in not half an hour previously at shift change - the centaur camps they’re watching are still there. Captain Tervelan himself assured me no centaurs had come toward Divinity’s Reach - from the south or the east.”
Logan frowns. That's good, but he is still uneasy about the situation. He makes light of it in the presence of his men, though, relaxing his shoulders and putting some relief in his voice. “Well, that must simply mean the force at Shaemoor is quite light! Hm, possibly a diversion of some sort… Did you issue any additional instructions to Tervelan’s command?” Light force or no, the centaurs know their shift changes somehow, and the garrison is hard pressed without reinforcements. Logan will have to tread very cautiously.
“No, Captain. Do you think we should take precautions there and at other locations?”
Logan frowns for a moment, considering it - but there is not much to be helped if other attacks spring up. “No. Our garrisons and outposts are well-manned and prepared for attack. Tervelan’s command will be on their guard already, knowing we are seeing unusual centaur activity, and otherwise the attack on Shaemoor doesn’t hinder our efforts on the battlefields further out. At the request of the queen, I’m going to the garrison to coordinate the defense. You stay here and forward me any relevant reports. I was going to arrange for supplemental forces from inside Divinity’s Reach to exchange with some of the newer soldiers - I’m giving you that task. The forces at the garrison are underequipped to deal with the attack. We will also require additional forces to fully man the garrison for all shifts plus some standby. Also, the centaurs have displayed a knowledge of our shift changes. There may be an information leak, so be aware of that." Logan would mention Caudecus, but all he has is an odd smile and an uneasy feeling - plus, the minister has a history of unproven allegations, suspicions, and rumors that universally slide off Caudecus and his reputation like water off snake scales, and Logan doesn't want to wade into politics with his men right now.
“I’ll handle it, Captain.” Groban salutes.
“Good.” This is the real reason the man never gets field experience anymore… he loves paperwork. And I prefer the field work.
Logan turns and heads out the door of Seraph Headquarters - small in comparison to the doors to the throne room right next to it - with a view of the elegant Palace Gardens occupying the center of the city of Divinity’s Reach, slowly lightning up as dusk sinks into night and the city's magical lights come out. Logan glances toward the throne room; Caudecus is likely still in there, too. If Jennah's hurt... but no. Jennah is depending on him to protect her city, to prevent the centaurs from even coming close. The whole kingdom of Kryta depends on it. Jennah depends on it.
Fresh determination rises within him, and Logan strides with purpose toward the edge of the Palace Gardens, where a waypoint - an iron-wrought sigil with a blue glow floating high above the ground - glitters in the city’s magical lights.
Standing beneath it, Logan calls to mind the image of the waypoint in Shaemoor, at the intersection of the village’s main roads. Magical blue dust - the same hue as the waypoint’s glow - fills his vision, and when it fades, he is standing at the crossroads in Shaemoor. To the north, up the road, he can see the massive gates of the city - good, physical distance between here and Jennah. Westward, on Logan's left, lie the Shaemoor Fields, rich farmland upon which Divinity’s Reach depends; and, to the east, the road to Shaemoor Garrison.
The Shaemoor Inn stands right across the town square, and a Seraph sergeant standing in the doorway turns to him and salutes, fist to chest. “Captain Thackeray!”
"Name and rank, soldier."
"Sergeant Walters, sir! I report to Lieutenant Francis."
Logan nods. “At ease, Sergeant. Report on Seraph numbers and disposition.”
“I’ve set up a perimeter around the village, Captain - mostly with the recent graduates of the Academy. The more seasoned Seraph are at the garrison.”
Logan nods. “Good. Where is Lieutenant Francis?”
“At the garrison, sir," Sergeant Walters answers promptly. "He left me in charge here at the village."
Just then, another man - a middle-aged civilian - comes out of the inn. “Captain Thackeray! Are we in danger?”
The sergeant sighs. “I’ve told you, Mr North - “
Logan holds up a hand to silence the soldier. The civilian needs to hear it from the living legend himself, Logan Thackeray of Destiny's Edge. His fame might have gone sour in the last few years since he became Seraph Captain, but already a crowd had started gathering.
“Sir,” North says, straightening and meeting Logan’s eye with only a trace of trepidation, “are my people in danger?”
“Your people?” Logan asks, a sinking in his stomach.
“I am the Mayor of Shaemoor, Captain,” North says, almost snapping, eyes darting to the gathered people.
“My apologies, Mr North.” Logan feels slightly sick. Shaemoor is inside his jurisdiction, he should have known who North is. He should have asked his aide about that when gathering his information on the region. What a way to gain the confidence of the people, not knowing who their mayor is... he needs the confidence of the people. Without that, there's no hope of he and Jennah formalizing their relationship... and he'd just insulted their entire village.
North glances back toward his people, clearly worried that if he doesn't have the respect of the Logan Thackeray, he'd just lost the respect of his people - but Logan knows better. The people will back their own, local, elected mayor above a national, distant hero they'd never met and to whom they can - and often do - attribute any incompetencies, failings, or insufficiencies of the Seraph, from poor legal resources to inadequate peacekeeping... He hurriedly moves on to consider North's initial question about danger.
Safety procedures, of course, dictate the village should go on lockdown. Curfew, rather, this late in the evening. Logan eyes the inn the mayor had come out of. It's sturdier than other buildings; has a good vantage point on the road the garrison and second-story windows to shoot from if necessary. The inn could probably hold most of the village for a night; in fact that'd be safest. Not to mention the people would all be in one place to evacuate to the city if things get out of hand.
But Logan feels the stares of the civilians on his back - civilians who would be out of home and possessions if 'things get out of hand' - and North is still radiating a bit of self-righteous indignation. Logan needs the support of the people. He stiffens in determination. The only way to solve this disaster is through helping them with their disaster. Luckily enough, fighting centaurs is something Logan excels at. “You and your people may be assured there are no concerns at present, Mr North. The centaurs are few and far from any other effort on their side of the war; this is probably a foolish attempt by one of their officers to do something great for recognition among their own people." Logan glances around and sees relief on their faces - they're buying it. They trust him, despite the offense. "The queen has commanded me to personally see to this battle - be assured it will be handled safely and quickly. You have no need to worry - I'll be sure to keep the centaurs out of Shaemoor.” Logan pauses, then adds to North, “if you do feel unsafe, feel free to tell your people to stay indoors; leave the fighting to the Seraph.”
The crowd raises a light cheer, and North's stance relaxes immediately. "Thank you, Captai," the mayor says, looking greatly relieved. No doubt he also appreciates the delegated authority; Logan had done that on purpose to assuage the sting of Logan's earlier disrespect.
Just to reinforce it, though, Logan falls into the performance of a high-ranking, competent, and qualified military officer, and makes a solid salute, fist thumping his chest, to North. "I have to be getting to the garrison, Mayor North. I'll see to the defense of your village."
Sergeant Walters gives him a funny look - that is not the proper context for a military-grade salute - but it underscores Logan's point to the civilians quite effectively.
Logan knows quite well how to perform for an audience - he is now perceived as a public servant of the people, and a nationally recognized and therefore competent one, too. Logan even turns square to Sergeant Walters and gives her a salute. "Keep an eye on our civilians, Sergeant." There, a possessive thrown in. They love that. If the women in this village hadn't been swooning for the dashingly handsome captain of the queen's court already, they will now, tormented by the knowledge that he is good and taken. Then, he spins on his heel and marches with perfect form through the square. The civilians scatter, staring, whispering among themselves. Logan catches admiring tones, giggles, a mention of Champion of the Queen, and even a reference to Destiny's Edge.
That last puts a bit of a damper on Logan's otherwise cheerful mood, but he ignores the whispers with military focus and marches down the road toward the garrison, a watermelon patch to his right, and doesn't relax until he is too far from the square to be made out distinctly. Then he drops the rigid march and huries along at a quicker pace toward the battle, albeit with a smile on his face.
Shaemoor is a village that won't forget Logan Thackeray any time soon, or his heroics; Logan wishes he could make such an impression on every village in Kryta. With the support of the people, he and Jennah could conceivable defy tradition - and Caudecus, and all the nobles and ministers - and formalize their relationship.
However, despite Logan's battle prowess, his poor skill at managing the civil side of the Seraph's duties - peacekeeping, judiciary, prison management and maintenance, non-criminal affairs, finances and taxes, paperwork - often earns him distrust and resentment, especially when clearly demonstrated as he just had with North - and Logan had worried. A captain without the support and trust of the people - regardless of his actual accomplishments - would find himself working against the people rather than with them, and such a captain would, if he didn't lose his job, have to be banished to the front lines of the war and replaced. (Groban probably has North's name and office memorized.) Logan would probably be happier on the front lines, doing the parts of the job he enjoys and is unanimously acclaimed for his prowess at, but that would mean being away from Jennah for many weeks at a time.
And, while uncustomary, it is still within reason - just barely - for Jennah to marry her left hand and top Seraph Captain; less conceivable a mere high-ranking officer, away past Guardian's Pass. Logan is merely a commoner in Kryta, and that's all there is to it. If Ascalon were still a human nation, where the Thackeray name carried its full weight, then their marriage could be spun as a political union - but, alas, it is not so. As Logan is a hero in his own right, such considerations could be waived - if not for the opposition of Caudecus and the people in the name of tradition - but the more Logan looks like an incompetent Seraph Captain, on top of the hierarchy chain and more bureaucrat than soldier, the less friendly the people would be to a match so far outside custom.
But clearly, Logan had been worrying too much - something he tends to do when it comes to Jennah - if the reception in Shaemoor is anything to go by. Clearly his military prowess is enough to offset the civil damages done by his otherwise lackluster performance of his domestic duties. The people took his word for everything and went joyously about their evening, certain that the legendary Logan Thackeray of Destiny's Edge would handle everything. It was a little risky, telling them to go about life as usual, but Logan is sure he can handle the centaurs, given his personal presence on the upcoming battlefield. His military renown isn't for nothing, after all, and it is on his accomplishments with Destiny's Edge that he'd attained his position, and those skills on which he keeps it.
Logan has passed the watermelon patch, and now the road runs along the top of a high embankment, the Altar Brook (more of a river at this point) running far below. Ahead, the island in the middle of the river - connected to both banks by bridges and the only way into Shaemoor and Divinity's Reach - is home to Shaemoor Garrison, currently under attack by centaurs.
Logan enters Shaemoor Garrison to the organized chaos of the back lines of a battle; aides rushing back and forth, officers shouting, armor clanging, and men on the walls showering insults and arrowheads at their opponents on the other side. Logan breathes deeply, forgetting his worries. This is his element. This is his place. These are his people, and this is his war. This is where he shines.
“Lieutenant Francis!” Logan calls. Heads turn at the sound of his voice, and the activity moves, if possible, a little faster.
Logan fights for Queen Jennah of Kryta; for her safety, for her country, and for her love.
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redridcr · 1 year
My dragon ages plot lines:
Red’s mother, Mary Pollard and her being a renowned mage, only to marry below her own station, and only two of her seven children having magic abilities (James and Red). James excels and Red would rather never have had magic.
The tale of the polygamist Brindleback family in Ferelden and the infamous Warden Robrecht Brindleback
Templar Lin Beifong and the Lyrium Child, Tahno
The Howards, a new Ferelden name and Freeholders. The successful carriage business and the death of the oldest son, Franklin. The second son, Charlie, stepping up and drumming up the courier portion of the family business to create the Riders, seeking out and aiding the Inquisition at Skyhold.
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lynndoublelegacy · 2 years
What is going on in your changeling the lost game?
!!!!!!!!!!! You have opened the floodgates but also I only just woke up sO less floodgates than they could be bc I am tired and have some places to be
The Changeling the Lost game I play with my friends has all of us as recently escaped Changelings in a freehold in Buffalo NY (like we’ve all escaped within the past 6ish months?). I play the wonderful enby that is my pfp actually; their name is Oleander, Ander for short, they’re a wreck. It’s the main freehold in New York because the New York City freehold fell a few years back, it was a disaster and a lot of changelings were taken or killed. A Mirrorskin was involved, she made a deal with the fae to save her sister and it backfired HARD. One of our PCs got taken because of it and the repercussions are felt heavily. All that to say that the Buffalo freehold is a season-based freehold, but we have vestigial Dawn and Dusk courts leftover from the NYC freehold when what was left came to Buffalo for protection. Game started in Winter, we’re switching to Spring rn in game.
We just wrapped up a plotline where one of our PC’s sisters became the Goblin Queen while he was gone so we went to rescue her and a bunch of other people from the magic garden she was in/ran, it was. A very interesting time and our characters are all recovering from that mentally (especially since two of us has forest and plant-centered durances and Leon, said pc who’s sister was the goblin queen, has some time loop and magic induced amnesia so he didn’t even really remember her but felt obligated to save her anyway, he’s somewhere between 15 and 1000 years old because well time loops, he’s a wreck)
Anyway! As we’re all recovering from THAT traumatizing ordeal (there were a lot of dead bodies), the second in command of the autumn court approaches one of the other PCs (her name is Noir, she is a bundle of issues, grey morality and knives). Turns out! That the autumn monarch, for who knows how long, has been someone’s PUPPET at least for some of the time, and their second is trying to figure out who or what’s controlling them. The main suspect is the Autumn Spymaster, but, y’know, by the nature of that position, the only one who knows who the Autumn Spymaster issssss drumroll please YEP the mind controlled monarch. Autumn’s second isn’t a spy but knows Noir is good at that kind of thing so is asking her for help, also since she’s too new to the freehold to be the one behind it all, and Noir both wants the Spymaster position and doesn’t want the very few people she cares about hurt.
So what started out as a chill found family Changeling game took a turn from rescue missions 1, 2, and 3 into Political Intrigue James Bond Time, Noir hasn’t slept in three days, Leon’s been dragged into this mess because he doesn’t know how to cope when there’s not a crisis, our Darkling chimera is getting to know her twin brother she was separated from at birth, wizened Coyote is MIA, ogre soldier went on a two day bender trying not to get arrested for punching people aaaaaand no one’s told Ander about the main plot because Noir wants to protect them EVEN THOUGH THEYRE CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING TO JOIN THE AUTUMB COURT.
We’re Disasters
Also if you want clarification on anything please feel free to send more asks I fuckin love this group we’re a Mess
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domusplautii · 1 year
This sounds so very modern, don't you think?
'If you can tear yourself loose from the Games, a first-class house can be purchased, freehold, in any small country town at the price of a year's rent, here, for some shabby, ill-lit attic. A garden plot's thrown in, a well with a shallow basin - no rope-and-bucket work when your seedlings need watering! Fall in love with that two-tined hoe, work and plant your allotment till a hundred vegetarians could feast off its produce. It's quite a feat anywhere, even out in the backwoods, to have made yourself master of - well, a single lizard.’
Juvenal, Satires, 3.223-231
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Wickard v Fillburn doesn't bother me so much now as it once did, but the excesses of the opinion continue to do so, for something like Takings reasons, but more connected to the "right to practice a profession" issue; either way I don't think there's any good line to draw to prevent such issues but I think it's useful to acknowledge them:
Suppose you have a small plot of land that you mostly use for dairy farming, with a not-insignificant amount of livestock that you raise for slaughter, to be consumed by your household.
Regulations come down from on high that the amount you are to grow is such-and-such, and based on that, you won't be able to grow enough to feed enough animals for you to have the usual good eating through winter. You go to court and ask to be allowed to feed yourself and your family, through your own means and labor. This is denied, because it is the policy of the Government to stimulate the demand of wheat and other agricultural products. If you want to eat, you must buy the wheat.
How is that right? The right to operate a freehold, withdrawn from the market, has been subjugated from Washington and some secretary somewhere gets to decide that you shall buy wheat if you want to eat your livestock?
For something graver, imagine if you're not well off enough to even have significant livestock, you just have a large family, as relations between you and your wife have been fruitful, and then there's your sister's kids who stay with you until your brother-in-law, and then there's the kids from a few farms down the road whose father died of tuberculosis and mother lives in the city sending back what she can manage (but it isn't enough to take care of the kids). Who are you going to listen to, a secretary declaring that some of the kids need to die or make their own way in the world, subjecting themselves to employment under others, that they can't just work what will be theirs in full? With all due respect, Justice Jackson, fuck you.
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propertyservicesncr · 2 years
Buy Industrial Plots at Reliance Met Jhajjar
Reliance Met Industrial Plots Price Jhajjar
Reliance MET is offering Industrial Land to setup Manufacturing Plant Jhajjar. The Government of Haryana has approved Reliance Industrial Plots as Model Economic Township - Reliance MET Industrial Plots Jhajjar.
Reliance MET is offering Industrial Land to setup Manufacturing Plant Jhajjar. The Government of Haryana has approved Reliance Industrial Plots as Model Economic Township - Reliance MET.
About Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar
Mostly, Industrial plots at Reliance MET are found on the border of Gurgaon and old Delhi in the Jhajjar district of Haryana. One of the best rated industrial plots in old Delhi is Reliance Model Economic Township project at Jhajjar district.
Reliance Industrial plots Jhajjar are still below development and integrated facilities with social and industrial infrastructure. Footwear park is roofed below four hundred acres of land and clusters for the footwear trade.
Industrial plots at Reliance MET Size
There are basically 1000 square measure, 2000 square, 1 acre, 2.5 acres, and 5 acres of Land in Reliance Industrial Plots. These plots were sold out on a freehold basis. They're on the market with all infrastructure facilities. Plots are going to be for sizes like one thousand, 1 acre, 2.5 acres, and 5 acres.
Reliance Met Industrial Plots Location Connectivity
Reliance MET is very well connected with all National Highways and main road that is otherwise called as western peripheral main road, passing through Old Delhi. This project is connected to all national highways including NH2,
Although, the 2-kilometer rail link from Farukhnagar depot extension to a private freight terminal is in progress. The Garhi Harsaru station is also progressing to be upgraded for sanctioning consignment movement to Northern road and Dwarka main road. This may boost Supply Chain, logistics and transportation to Reliance MET space.
Reliance Met Residential Plots Jhajjar
The Reliance MET Industrial Plots Price also have some residential properties. These residential plots are for those employees and staff who work for Reliance MET. Smart living is available for them at affordable rates. Commercial Property and SCO plots of a spread size are planned inside the accredited space of MET. The plots meet government and state rules in terms of residential or industrial plots.
Supply Chain and Logistics
Reliance MET could be a massive industrial city and desires access to a rail and transport network for the movement of products, each for international as well as for domestic. The Engineering Scale setup has been cleared and a close project report is being ready for Indian railways.
Reliance MET Industrial Plots Jhajjar
Reliance MET industrial plots are located in Farukh Nagar, Gurgaon. They are associated with Gurugram-Farukh Road and further linked to KMP Expressway. It is widely interconnected to Delhi/NCR, and other Towns by various National Highways. Reliance MET is planning to develop an industrial township at the border of Gurgaon. Divided into 2 phases in which phase 1 has completed the development and phase 2 is undergoing. Reliance MET has industrial plot sizes ranging from 1000sqm to 5.5 acres. These plots at Reliance MET are available on a freehold basis and are being fulfilled with all of the necessary services such as road, sewerage, electricity, and water. 
Reliance MET, Yakubpur Jhajjar 
These Reliance MET Plots of Gurgaon are the perfect bond between warehouse developers and companies looking to buy/ lease factories or warehouses. A license has been received for industrial development and they have already started over an area of 365 acres. It is ideally located at the western border of Gurgaon in the Jhajjar district and provides connectivity to all the national highways such as NH-2, NH-8, NH-71 likewise. Plots available in standard sizes varying from 1000sqm to 10 acres. Lands are available on a freehold basis. MET is an underdeveloped registered township with the support infrastructure for the logistics hub. 
Following are the aspects of cluster development at Reliance MET
Food Park
General Engineering Park
Footwear Park
Physics producing Clusters
Textile and attire Park
Infrastructure Facility at Reliance MET
The demand for Reliance MET's power and electricity are going to be supplied through the State distribution grid. The new grid can establish 220 kilovolt GIS substations and these are going to be connected to the national grid. This ensures adequate power within the space.
Gas Authority of India (GAIL), is connected to Reliance MET and it takes care of all gas needed within the space.
Water at Reliance MET Industrial Plots is going to be on the market through a newly developed water pipeline. Currently, it is on the market through H2O dig. Hence, water is going to be on the market in abundance here.
These facilities create Reliance MET a classy possibility for investors trying to get plots in Old Delhi and close areas.
Why will anyone invest in Reliance MET?
The Delhi government has enforced strict rules considering industries in residential and alternative areas in which are close to Delhi. Therefore, several corporations are forced to go for industrial plots outside Old Delhi. Reliance MET could be a nice possibility for them. Old Delhi ceiling of those factories can boost industrial development in industrial areas like Reliance MET. Investors trying to get plots in Old Delhi can opt for schemes like Reliance MET
The thus referred to as "Boycott China" impact as a result of Covid 19 also will influence industrial homes to speculate in India. Old Delhi and its close industrial areas are going to be a hot cake for such investors.
Below is that the outline of key aspects of Reliance MET, Jhajjar:
Established by India's largest private sector company- Reliance Industries
It's a free area of 8250 acres.
Types of plots are on the market for those trying to speculate in Old Delhi.
It's absolutely set within the neighborhoods of Old Delhi.
Reliance MET has received surroundings clearance of 1860 acres.
Glorious rail linkage, sturdy property, and multi transport network.
Government approved licensing.
Offer for over one hundred MCD from newly created NCR channel.
The growth rate of plots in Delhi Gurgaon is 150. Thus, investment created these days in Old Delhi can fetch an awfully high price within the future. Firms can think about this growth story whereas creating their investment call.
The Reliance Industrial Plot is located in a well-developed area with several educational institutions and hospitals nearby. Reliance Met Industrial Plot is located at prime location of jhajjar from where the Road transportation, Rail transport are very well connected. The Reliance Met Industrial Plot has all the necessary amenities such as power supply, water supply etc. For More details about Reliance Met Industrial Plots Price in Jhajjar please visit our website https://www.industrialplots.co.in/industrial-area/reliance-industrial-plots.html
Are you looking the details about Industrial Plots in IMT Kharkhoda? Contact us @9711174500 for more details.
Tags:- Industrial Land, Industrial Plot At Reliance MET, Industrial Plot Price In Reliance MET, Industrial Plots at Reliance met, Reliance Industrial Plots, Reliance Industrial Plots Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar, Reliance Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Industrial Plots Price In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Projects Gurgaon, Reliance Met Industrial Plots in Gurgaon, Reliance MET Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Met Jhajjar, Reliance Model Economic Township, Reliance Plot, Reliance Plot Delhi, Reliance Plot Delhi NCR, Reliance Plot For Sale, Reliance Plot For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Near Delhi, Reliance Plot Near Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots, Reliance Plots Delhi, Reliance Plots Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots For Sale, Reliance Plots For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Near Delhi, Reliance Plots Near Delhi NCR, Industrial Plot At Reliance MET, Industrial Plot Price In Reliance MET, Industrial Plots at Reliance met, Industrial Plots In Gurgaon, Industrial Plots In Jhajjar, Industrial Plots Near Gurgaon, Reliance Footwear Park Gurgaon Jhajjar, Reliance Industrial Plots, Reliance Industrial Plots Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar Haryana, Reliance Industrial Plots Price In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Projects Gurgaon, Reliance MET Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Met Jhajjar, Reliance Model Economic Township, Reliance Plot, Reliance Plot Delhi, Reliance Plot Delhi NCR, Reliance Plot For Sale, Reliance Plot For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Near Delhi, Reliance Plot Near Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots, Reliance Plots Delhi, Reliance Plots Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots For Sale, Reliance Plots For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Near Delhi, Reliance Plots Near Delhi NCR
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nickhembery · 2 years
I have been distracted
Lots and lots has been going on. And none of it was in a place where I thought, “that’s done, I can blog about it now”. But a bunch have finished up and I should try to keep things updated.
First up: I bought a house.
Started house hunting in January, saw a whole bunch of places and learned just how crap the housing market is. Renting means you pay rent. Freehold means you pay a mortgage. Leasehold means you pay rent and a mortgage. The first place I viewed was a maisonette, which means the lower half of a two storey house but no stairs to go up. It had one bedroom and was so small that you couldn’t fit anything in there. It was empty and full at the same time. Other places were in bad areas, bad state of repair, charged to much on leasehold fees for too little service, or were far, far too expensive. I put offers in on a few places but got outbid. Finally I found a nice coach house (flat above garages) and managed to get offer accepted and all the masses of paperwork filed. It all went through in June.
That led to: decorating.
The previous owner left the coach house in a clean state, I just hated his design choices. Paperwork had to be pulled down, walls sanded, many surfaces painted, and several things replaced. There were lampshades left that we thought were nice, until we switched the lights on. Holy crap the horrible pattern of shadows. Those came down and were tossed quickly after that. The kitchen didn’t have a space for a tall fridge freezer and searches revealed that a good under-the-counter fridge freezer basically didn’t exist. So we had to cut some worktop out and move an overhead cupboard. In one of our biggest big-brain moves, the cupboard was moved to an opposite wall, propped on feet and given a work surface to make it a thin low cupboard. The decorating was a lot of work over a long time, and I finally moved in last week. There was a final delay of a couple delays because my broadband wasn’t installed correctly, but everything’s working now.
What next. Let’s go with: Writing the book continues
The same story that I have been working on for four (?) years is still going. I was making good progress up until January when things kind of fell apart. The stress of the house hunting combined with realising that there was a massive plot hole in an entire section of the plot meant I stopped working on it altogether. But I had a brainwave around August time and started re-doing the synopsis of that part. I got the synopsis ready just in time for NaNoWriMo and am bashing out a new draft of it this month. No idea if I’ll get through it in the month or not, but progress is progress.
And lastly, I did a very sneaky thing at my job.
I work in a marketing firm, and am the only person in a 500-person company who does what I do. I’m told that other people are brought in as contractors for other geographic areas that I’m not involved in, but I’m the only on-staff proofreader there is for the firm. Now a while back, maybe a year ago, they started talking about this thing called the Talent Matrix. It was to be a way of formalising and standardising how people get promotions work. As the only one of my kind at the company and basically the beta-tester for the post, I was very interested in seeing how this would work and if I could get a promotion (and a decent pay bump). Well, it finally launched a few months ago, almost unannounced in a meeting I attended by sheer chance. They laid out how a lot of jobs worked and it was all fine and dandy. Except proofreaders weren’t listed in it. I completely lost it. After months of requesting to see it, and I wasn’t even in there. My boss was very sympathetic and managed to get hold of what HR had for proofreaders. They had one job description for the standard proofreader (my title) and it was basically a description of me. I didn’t know what to say. They had no idea what to do with me. Fortunately, my boss had a good idea. She said I should write out descriptions for the Senior and Junior roles. And I agreed. It took some research, some back and forth and a lot of drafts, but I wrote job descriptions for Senior and Junior Proofreaders, and also rewrote the middle Proofreader. And this is the very sneaky thing I did: I purposefully wrote the whole set so that I already fit the description of the Senior Proofreader. These job specs were then sent to several managers for sign off, which they did. Then they were sent to HR for adding to the records, which they were. And then I told my boss that according to the Talent Matrix, I should be promoted. And she agreed.
So now I’m waiting on getting a promotion because no one stopped me from promoting myself. Which is nice.
Lastly, some interesting TV watching. I’ve never watched The Office. Partly because I don’t like the humour of the British version, where they stew in the awkwardness, and partly because of how I felt about my last job, it seemed I’d already lived through what the show had to offer. But for some reason I watched Severance and found it really compelling. That’s the one where people have their memories split, so on the job they don’t know their outside lives, and out of the job they don’t know what they do inside the office. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve got enough distance from my old job now that stories of being trapped in a dull office don’t bother me as much. Part of it is definitely the mystery of the story. I have to wonder what it would be like for me in that job though. Would I avoid depression because the outside me didn’t worry about the meaningless of the job, and the inside me didn’t know what I was missing? Or would I be even worse than I was in real life? I often referred to my last job as a time suck. But to literally look at a clock, blink and see hours disappear would be horrible. Well, I’m glad I’ve got a job I like now.
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sagarrajput09 · 19 days
Godrej Plots Vadodara: Premium Residential Plots in Gujarat
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Godrej Plots Vadodara is an exciting new residential project by Godrej Group, supplying a unique opportunity for homebuyers to secure premium residential plots inside the colorful metropolis of Vadodara, Gujarat. This project is designed for people and families who aspire to build their dream homes in a thoughtfully deliberate community that emphasizes high-quality, sustainability, and cutting-edge residing. With its strategic location and range of amenities, this project is about to redefine residential living in this dynamic place.
Location Advantages
Strategically located in Vadodara, Godrej Plots offers several blessings that make it an attractive choice for homebuyers:
Prime Area: The project is located in a properly hooked-up network, supplying smooth access to important offerings and facilities. Residents will discover themselves surrounded by diverse centers that enhance their quality of existence.
Proximity to Key Landmarks: The project is conveniently placed near reputable colleges, hospitals, purchasing facilities, and recreational options, making sure that citizens have the whole thing they want inside reach. This makes it a perfect desire for households seeking a nicely-rounded way of life.
Cultural Hub: Vadodara is understood for its rich cultural history and vibrant network. Living in this town lets residents experience a mix of subculture and modernity, making it an appealing area to name home.
Godrej Plots Vadodara boasts extremely good connectivity, making commuting easy for residents:
Major Highways: The project is located near crucial highways, including NH-8, which connects Vadodara to Mumbai and Ahmedabad, facilitating clean travel for private and expert commitments.
Railway Access: The Vadodara Railway Station, a key junction in the Western Railway community, provides efficient rail connectivity to diverse elements of India, making sure that citizens can navigate the location results easily.
Public Transport: The locality is nicely served by using nearby buses and different public shipping alternatives, improving accessibility for citizens. This connectivity guarantees that commuting to work, college, or enjoyment activities is hassle-free.
Residential Plots
Godrej Plots Vadodara offers numerous residential plots, allowing owners the power to design and construct their dream homes according to their possibilities. Key features encompass:
Plot Sizes: The project offers plots starting from 900 sq. ft. to 1500 sq. ft., catering to diverse wishes and budgets. This variety lets shoppers select a plot length that fits their imaginative and prescient necessities.
Freehold Property: The plots are categorized as freehold, imparting house owners with whole possession and manipulation over their assets.
Modern Amenities
Godrej Plots Vadodara is designed to provide a comfortable and handy dwelling experience. The project consists of quite several contemporary amenities, which include:
Clubhouse: A social hub for gatherings and network events.
Swimming Pool: A fresh area for rest and leisure.
Children’s Play Area: Safe and tasty areas for children to play and explore.
Landscaped Gardens: Beautiful inexperienced areas for enjoyment and rest.
24/7 Security: Advanced security features make sure a secure dwelling surroundings for all citizens.
Commitment to Quality
Godrej Group is known for its commitment to first-class and excellence. Godrej Plots Vadodara adheres to the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA), ensuring transparency and responsibility in all transactions. Homebuyers can rest assured that their investment is stable and that the project will be brought on time.
Godrej Plots Vadodara is a unique chance for people who want to build their dream homes in a busy and well-connected area. With its strategic location, fantastic connectivity, thoughtfully designed residential plots, and a plethora of modern-day services, this project is poised to become a preferred destination in Vadodara. Whether you are seeking to create your own family home or seeking a precious investment possibility, it is an appropriate desire for a promising destiny. Embrace the danger of building your dream home in certainly one of Gujarat's most dynamic cities nowadays.
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mysgprop-cstee · 1 month
Ardor Residence Haig Road
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Ardor Residence at Haig Road
Haig Road New Condo is a freehold Freehold New Launch Condo by Nanshan Group in District 15, offering 35 units with resort-inspired spaces, seamless connectivity, and proximity to premier amenities, schools, and East Coast Park.  Priced To Sell 2 Bedroom + Study 861-893sf from $2,080,000 3 Bedroom 980sf from $2,385,000 3 Bedroom Deluxe 1023sf from $2,450,000 3 Bedroom Premium 1044-1249sf from $2,490,000 4 Bedroom 1292-1507sf from $3,200,000 4 Bedroom + Study 1518-1776sf from $3,750,000 ✔ Exclusive 35 Units of 2BR+S, 3BR, 4BR & 4BR+S ✔ Freehold in the Heart of District 15 Landed Exclave ✔ Parking 1:1 Ratio ✔ Within 1km to Good School (Haig Girls’ School & Tanjong Katong Primary School) ✔ Mins Walk to MRT, Mall, Amenities & Eateries Book Appointment "Where Connectivity Meets Tranquility in the Heart of District 15" https://youtu.be/jUzkQA04688
Welcome to the future of urban living at the Former Haig Road flats, now transformed into an exquisite Freehold Haig Road New Condo - Ardor Residence, Singapore 438776. This redevelopment by the esteemed Nanshan Group promises a sophisticated lifestyle with 35 units, offering a variety of layouts including 2BR+Study, 3BR, 4BR, and 4BR+Study. Nestled in the heart of District 15, this development combines modernity and timeless design, providing residents with a unique enclave that blends seamlessly with its surroundings. The winning bid by Nanshan Group, renowned for projects like Thomson Impressions and Stirling Residences, underscores the high expectations for this development. The site's regular-shaped corner plot with dual frontage on Haig Road and Seraya Lane ensures a distinctive presence. Residents can anticipate a harmonious blend of comfort and luxury, with thematic spaces inspired by visions of Resort and Serenity, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.
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From Former Haig Road Flats to Ardor Residences (Est TOP 20026) The development boasts a prime location with unparalleled convenience. Residents enjoy seamless connectivity with Tanjong Katong MRT & Marine Parade MRT within a 10-minute walk, facilitating effortless travel across Singapore. The vicinity is adorned with an array of shopping options, including Katong Shopping Centre and I12 Katong, ensuring retail indulgence. The residents could also explore the Paya Lebar Commercial Hub for a wider selection. Culinary delights await with diverse food options, from local hawker fare to international cuisines, while nearby schools such as Tanjong Katong Primary School and Haig Girls' School enhance the appeal for families. This location perfectly balances urban accessibility with lifestyle amenities, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a dynamic and well-connected living experience. LIVE Enrich Our Growing Community. LIVE refers to the style of architecture that perfectly blends nature with living. The design focuses on natural wind and air circulation, sunlight through floor-to-ceiling windows, and green areas that give residents the feeling of home in every step of the project. WELL Work-Life Balance WORK signifies easy to work solutions, specifically the project’s co-working space within the premises provides residents with a dedicated area to work or study without having to commute to an external office or library. This convenience can be especially beneficial for remote workers, students, or entrepreneurs living in the condo. LIFE Take Quality of Life to the next level. LIFE focuses on enhancing residents’ quality of life by providing a large common area to meet future living trends and to satisfy the lifestyles of all generations, with facilities such as the Gymnasium, and swimming pool with a hydrotherapy system. In summary, the Haig Road New Condo development by Nanshan Group promises an unparalleled living experience, combining a prime location, thoughtful design, and access to a myriad of amenities. This is not just a residence; it's a lifestyle redefined. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameArdor Residence - Haig Road New CondoDeveloperNS PROPERTY (HAIG) PTE LTD  (Nanshan Group)Location181 Haig Road, Singapore 438780 (District 15)TenureFreeholdEstimated Completion1st Oct 2026Site AreaApproximately 2,544.5 sqm/ 27,389 sqftTotal Units35 Units in 1 block of 5 storeysCar Park Lots35 Lots
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Behind the visionary concept of Ardor Residence lies Nanshan Group, a developer with an unwavering commitment to crafting exceptional residential havens. With a portfolio of meticulously designed projects, including Thomson Impressions and Stirling Residences, Nanshan Group has established itself as a pioneer in Singapore's real estate landscape. Their unwavering dedication to innovation, sustainability, and resident satisfaction has earned them the trust and admiration of discerning homeowners. Each Nanshan Group project embodies their commitment to creating spaces that inspire, uplift, and enhance the lives of their residents. Founded at the beginning of reform and opening up, Nanshan Group has developed into a large-scale private joint-stock enterprise stably listed in the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises at present after forty years of arduous struggle, forming a multi-industry simultaneous development pattern led by aluminum industry, textiles and garments, finance, aviation, real estate, health, education, tourism, etc. In 2017, Nanshan Group ranked the 165th in Top 500 Chinese Enterprises and the 68th in Top 500 Enterprises in Chinese Manufacturing Industry by virtue of its comprehensive strength. The most distinctive feature of Nanshan’s industrial development is “highlighting the main business with chain operation; developing steadily to become stronger and more practical”. The industrial chain of Nanshan Aluminum spreads over several links including energy sources, aluminum oxide, electrolytic aluminum, aluminum profile, aluminum plates, stripes and foils and aeronautical materials, and the terminal products are widely used in such fields as aeronautics, astronautics, ships, high-speed trains, electricity, autos and containers. In 1999, Nanshan Aluminum A Share (code: 600219 Nanshan Aluminum) was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange. Nanshan Aviation strives to build a comprehensive aviation industry group integrating air transportation, business flight, aviation education and aeronautical material manufacturing. Nanshan Real Estate has developed into a real estate enterprise with overall development strength in high-grade residence, high-end hotel, tourism and sightseeing, commercial service, relaxing on holidays, elderly and health care, etc., whose projects spread over such provinces and cities as Beijing, Qingdao, Hainan, Yantai and Longkou. Nanshan Health is committed to building a health care industry system integrating medical care, health management, loving care and healthcare drugs. Nanshan Education has a complete education and training system from kindergarten to university, in which Yantai Nanshan University is a private common undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education.
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Nanshan - Track Records
Unique Selling Points
Freehold Tenure: A Legacy of Ownership and Enduring Value.  Close to MRT: Within a 10-minute walk to Tanjong Katong MRT, providing easy access to other areas of Singapore. Prime Location: Situated in District 15, the development enjoys close proximity to lifestyle amenities, schools, and major roads and expressways. - Diverse Unit Options: With 35 units ranging from 2BR+Study to 4BR+Study, residents can choose a layout that suits their lifestyle. - Dual Frontage: The regular-shaped corner plot with dual frontage on Haig Road and Seraya Lane enhances the project's visibility and accessibility. - Proximity to Top Schools: Within a 1-kilometer radius of renowned educational institutions like Tanjong Katong Primary School and Haig Girls' School. - Access to Major Roads: Convenient access to Mountbatten Road, Tanjong Katong Road, KPE, and ECP ensures smooth connectivity. - Nearby Lifestyle Amenities: Katong Shopping Centre, I12 Katong, and Paya Lebar Commercial Hub offer premium shopping and entertainment options. - Natural Park: The nearby Haig Walk and East Coast Park provide residents with opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.
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Project Unique Features
The Location
Ardor Residence strategic location in District 15 positions it as a coveted residential address, offering a perfect blend of convenience and tranquility. Nestled in the heart of the East Coast, residents will find themselves surrounded by a plethora of amenities, educational institutions, and recreational spaces. The development enjoys seamless connectivity within 10 minutes walk to Tg. Katong MRT or Marine Parade MRT at Thomson East Coast Line, and  major roads/ expressways, including Mountbatten Road, Tanjong Katong Road, Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE), and East Coast Parkway (ECP). This ensures quick and convenient travel to the central business district, other parts of Singapore, and Changi Airport.
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Thomson East Coast MRT Line
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Residents can indulge in a vibrant lifestyle with shopping and dining options at their doorstep. Katong Shopping Centre and I12 Katong provide a diverse retail experience, while the nearby Paya Lebar Commercial Hub offers additional choices for shopping, dining, and entertainment. For daily necessities, Giant Super - JK Centre and Best Price Minimart are conveniently located for grocery shopping. The East Coast area is renowned for its rich culinary scene, and residents of Ardor Residence Haig Road New Condo will have an array of dining options to explore. From local delights at nearby hawker centers to international cuisines in Katong, there's something to satisfy every palate. Dunman Food Centre adds to the culinary diversity within close proximity.
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Tanjong Katong Primary School Families with children will appreciate the proximity to esteemed educational institutions. Within a 1-kilometer radius, there are renowned schools such as Tanjong Katong Primary School, Haig Girls' School, Tanjong Katong Girls' School, and Chung Cheng High School. This educational hub enhances the appeal of the location for families seeking quality schooling options.
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Nearby Green Spaces Nature enthusiasts and those seeking recreational activities will find solace in the nearby green spaces. Haig Walk provides a tranquil environment for a leisurely stroll, and East Coast Park, a stone's throw away, offers a plethora of outdoor activities, from cycling paths to seaside picnics. Ardor Residence New Condo emerges as a sanctuary of tranquility, an oasis of refined living amidst the bustling cityscape. With its freehold tenure, prime location, modern design, and resort-inspired facilities, the development offers an unparalleled residential experience, catering to discerning homeowners seeking a harmonious blend of urban convenience and serene living. Embrace the essence of modern living at Ardor Residence, where tranquility meets urban vibrancy, creating a haven for discerning homeowners.
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Ardor Residence - StreetDirectory Map
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Ardor Residences - Location Map What's Nearby?
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What's Nearby?
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What's Nearby? Trains (MRT) • Tanjong Katong MRT 820m Groceries/ Shopping • Katong Shopping Centre 350m • Katong Village 480m • i12 Katong 630m • Parkwaty Paradę 890m   Schools • Tanjong Katong Primary School 161m • Haig Girls' 710m • Chung Cheng High School 990m • CHIJ (Katong Primary 1.29KM
Site Plan/ Floor Plan
The design concept involves the creation of a modular system, which integrates natural open space modules. These open space modules work in collaboration with the building’s structure to produce a range of distinctive with unique features. The site plan of Ardor Residence has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. The developer, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, steam room & many more.
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Living Room
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Smart Homes Safety and security are a top priority at Ardor Residence, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, the development embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing.
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Site Plan 1st Storey
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Site Plan Upper Roof Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart
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Ardor Residences - Diagrammatic Chart Typical Floor Plan
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2BR+Study A1-P
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3BR B1
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3BR Premium B2-P
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3BR Premium B3
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4BR Premium C1-P
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4BR+Study C2 Exteriors & Interiors With slightly over 30 units, you can truly feel the highest level of privacy. The separation of Active Zone and Private Space offers a sense of connection to the outside world while not lacking a sense of peace and order. A complete Well-Being retreat destination, provides an exhilarating mix of facilities in the vast area. This is a place, where you can always join in the activities with your family.
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8 Units Per Floor
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Building Design Reenergise your body with our state-of-the art amenities, curated for your preferred activities at various facilities on different levels. Reward yourself with deeper Well-Being. At our swimming pool and jacuzzi, you can let it all go and collect yourself at the same time. While the unblocked view relaxes your mind, leave you feeling invigorating as ever. Exteriors, Interiors & Facilities
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Ardor Residences
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Ardor Residences
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Living Room
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Bedroom Read the full article
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