#french numero
zegalba · 2 years
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French Numero Magazine #188 Photography: Katja Mayer
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margaretcruzemark · 4 months
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Sculy Mejia and Toto Matoch lensed by Yis Kid for Numéro Netherlands May 2024
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ardate · 1 year
Since you've sent me a ranking, allow me to send you one - three favorite legendary creatures?
Oh man that's a tough one, I sure love creechur. But (mario voice) here we go!
1- The Tarasque.
Such an absurd creature, an ancient pre-christian gallic myth that survived all this time, with the story of its demise still being celebrated in the original village where it supposedly happened to this day? Very difficult for me not to be completely entranced by this strange beast and having my heart filled with affection for it.
I mean. Just look at it. ♥
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2- Dragons
Though the Tarasque technically is a dragon, I do have to add them to that list, the more common ones people think of when they hear that name.
It's an undying classic, powerful and classy, and you can absolutely never go wrong with those beasts. They always slap. Never fails.
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3- The Monkfish (or Sea Monk)
I'm just. I'm fucking. Biaised towards that poor pathetic creature. Like. I mean. Just look at this fucking thing.
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This is a monk fish. It was supposedly found somewhere in the 1500s. Apparently it does fill some sort of ecclesiastic role to bless the mermaids down there or something. Like I'm being straight up this is what they said back then. THis is so fucking funny to me. My friends and I found out about it in a book about sea myths on a vacation and we cried laughing at him for the whole week we were there and now he's legitimately our symbol.
I'm talking 'printing a flag with this goddamn drawing on it' symbol. Taking this flag wherever we go and putting it up proudly like we're the monkfish nation.
Monkfish truthers rise up. We out there.
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Again another multilingual vocabulary! This time all about numbers. Seen that Korean has two different counting ways (Sino-Korean and Korean -this latter works only to 99), I won't probably add Russian this time either (sorry Russian, but I can still easily count to 10 and I might add that in the comments). Let's start!
NUMBERS - (i) NUMERI - (les) NOMBRES - (los) NUMEROS - 민수기
0 - zero - zero - zéro - cero - 공 / 영 1 - one - uno - un - uno - 일 / 하나 2 - two - due - deux - dos - 이 / 둘 3 - three - tre - trois - tres - 삼 / 셋 4 - four - quattro - quatre - cuatro - 사 / 넷 5 - five - cinque - cinq - cinco - 오 / 다섯 6 - six - sei - six - seis - 육 / 여섯 7 - seven - sette - sept - siete - 칠 / 일곱 8 - eight - otto - huit - ocho - 팔 / 여덟 9 - nine - nove - neuf - nueve - 구 / 아홉 10 - ten - dieci - dix - diez - 십 / 열
11 - eleven - undici - onze - once - 십일 / 열하나 12 - twelve - dodici - douze - doce - 십이 / 열둘 13 - thirteen - tredici - treize - trece - 십삼 / 열셋 14 - fourteen - quattordici - quatorze - catorce - 십사 / 열넷 15 - fifteen - quindici - quinze - quince - 십오 / 열다섯 16 - sixteen - sedici - seize - dieciséis - 십육 / 열여섯 17 - seventeen - diciassette - dix-sept - diecisiete - 십칠 / 열일곱 18 - eighteen - diciotto - dix-huit - dieciocho - 십팔 / 열여덟 19 - nineteen - diciannove - dix-neuf - diecinueve - 십구 / 열아홉
20 - twenty - venti - vingt - veinte - 이십 / 스물 21 - twenty one - ventuno - vingt-et-un - veinteuno - 이십일 / 스물하나 22 - twenty two - ventidue - vingt-deux - veintedós - 이십이 / 스물둘
30 - thirty - trenta - trente - treinta - 삼십 / 서른 40 - forty - quaranta - quarante - cuarenta - 사십 / 마흔 50 - fifty - cinquanta - cinquante - cincuenta - 오십 / 쉰 60 - sixty - sessanta - soixante - sesenta - 육십 / 예순 70 - seventy - settanta - soixante-dix - setenta - 칠십 / 일흔 80 - eighty - ottanta - quatre-vingt - ochenta - 팔십 / 여든 90 - ninenty - novanta - quatre-vingt-dix - noventa - 구십 / 아흔
100 - hundred - cento - cent - cien - 백 1000 - thousand - mille - mille - mil - 천 10'000 - ten thousand - diecimila - dix-mille - diez mil - 만
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intertexts-moving · 11 months
good afternoon... how r we all. hiii
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cultofpoppy-tm · 2 years
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macbethz · 2 years
Normally I don’t care abt sports but the Argentinian guys at the snowboard shop were so happy they won they didn’t charge me to fix my board so GOOO ARGENTINA CONGRATS
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☆ That blue-haired boy from the rooftop joins the team! Introducing Shun Kanou, codename…Soy? i made fun of Cattle but damn dude that's kinda rough
★ Shun's Persona is apparently named Mandrin. It's likely based off the French highwayman Louis Mandrin of Dauphiné, who earned the title of "the Robin Hood of France" for his defiance of the deeply corrupt (and widely despised) Ferme générale – royal tax collectors. With no set limit to their taxation powers aside from what they were required to pass along to the king, the fermiers could (and did) tax people as they pleased for personal profit.
☆ Chihaya (and Wanna-kun!!) spotted! Her dialogue is something along the lines of "nothing good can come from pursuing your desires" and then a plug for her fortune telling services.
★ ya boy is Cooking
☆ Takemi is back with her array of helpful medicines!…not that we didn't already know that, but it's still nice to see the good doctor again.
★ Footage of Palace numero dos! As many have predicted, it appears to mirror the traditional Japanese aesthetics found in Madarame's Palace.
☆ A possible view of the next boss? Or at least some sort of enemy from the second Palace, judging by the design. (It's shoved between shots of what looks like an escape sequence from the first Palace & a view of the first Palace final boss, though, so who knows.)
★ A very short shot of Shun's Persona awakening! Based on the background, it looks like it'll be taking place in the second Palace.
☆ I know how to make gifs now so u KNOW I had to get something of Jánošík looking cool during Wonder's Persona awakening
★ A new All-Out Attack! For the life of me, I can't figure out what the flavor text is. That second character looks like it might be 志?
☆ Anyway, we also get a view of three new playable characters! Jury's out on who the first two are, but that bespectacled, pigtail-having girl looks an awful lot like a certain Tomoko Noge…
★ Last but not least, we get to see unique attacks for most of the playable characters thus far! Most of the attack sequences appear to have been shortened for editing purposes, but Yusuke & Ann's look to be pretty complete!
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mezzopieno-news · 3 months
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Gli scienziati dell’Università di Auckland hanno scoperto che negli ultimi decenni un grande numero di isole in tutto il mondo sono cresciute per estensione, nonostante l’innalzamento del livello del mare.
I ricercatori hanno utilizzato immagini satellitari e analisi geomorfologiche sul campo per analizzare i cambiamenti nel tempo e sono riusciti a raccogliere le evidenze di un aumento della superficie costiera in diverse aree del pianeta, soprattutto grazie al contributo delle barriere coralline e delle correnti. Molti atolli delle isole Marshall e Kiribati, nel Pacifico e nell’arcipelago delle Maldive nell’Oceano Indiano, per esempio, sono cresciuti fino al 13% delle loro dimensioni e anche grazie all’attività dell’uomo hanno favorito l’insediamento di nuove comunità e di strutture civili ma anche di piantagioni e aree naturali protette. “Tutte le isole che stiamo osservando e i sistemi di atolli sono composti prevalentemente da coralli, gusci e scheletri di organismi marini che le onde poi depositano sull’isola … Le isole sono realtà piuttosto dinamiche in senso fisico”, spiega il geomorfologo costiero Paul Kench.
Le osservazioni mostrano che alcune isole si stanno stringendo ma molte altre stanno espandendosi. “Abbiamo scoperto che le isole sono resilienti di fronte all’innalzamento del livello del mare e che l’apporto di sedimenti in diversi atolli sta superando l’effetto di erosione e di perdita della costa”. Molte recenti ricerche dimostrano che le nazioni insulari più basse del pianeta stanno aumentando la loro superficie e si stanno adattando. Paesi come l’Olanda e il Vietnam mostrano inoltre che è possibile guadagnare terra dal mare.
Fonte: New York Times; University of Auckland; French National Research Agency; foto di Mo Eid
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In French magazine Numero Home, with montblanc, 😘
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cometcrystal · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog. One of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. He can run at sound speed, take out enemies in a flash, and best of all, he's blue colored and knows how to handle the females. Speaking of females, the Sonic universe might also be classified as "Hot Chick Heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and tough women that it will make you love the franchise even more! And since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful female Sonic characters. Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice, and try not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GO!
10: Try this question on for size. Who chases and hugs Sonic all the time and wields a powerful hammer? Why it's Amy Rose of course! Though more of a cutie than a hottie, you can't deny the fact that she's still attractive. Two things that make her attractive are the fact that she wears a dress, and when have you ever seen 3 big, very smooth arcs of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't! So once again, Amy Rose is lovely; that is until she goes berserk and starts hitting stuff with her hammer.
Who's at number 9? It's this alien plant girl from a distant planet. Cosmo, from Sonic X. She arrived on the character's planet to deliver a message saying that the galaxy was under attack by a force called the Metarex. She doesn't do much except tell people to stop fighting and focus on the real matter at hand. The real reason she lands at the #9 is that she becomes Miles "Tails" Prower's sweetheart, something Tails needed for a long while.
Numero Ocho. Cream the Rabbit's mother, Vanilla. She's attractive and the size of an average human mother. What really surprises me about her is that the leader of Team Chaotix, Vector the Crocodile, falls in love with her. Kinda silly, don't you think? She's another character that doesn't do much, but in a season 3 episode of Sonic X, she helps Chris Thorndyke get into space to fight the Metarex along with Sonic and friends.
What number's next? Seven, of course. Wave the Swallow from Sonic Riders. People always root for the good guys, but sometimes, the bad guys steal the show. Her mechanical IQ is equal to Tails. She also happens to be the smartest member of the Babylon Rogues. I wonder why she isn't the leader. Like Jet the Hawk and Storm the Albatross, her specialty is riding the air-boards called "Extreme Gear". With two very long and smooth feathers extending from her head to her calves and droopy eyes, Wave will rock your socks. If only we could see her take wing.
Numero Six. Tikal the Echidna from Sonic Adventure 1. Named after an ancient Mayan city of the same name, Tikal is the daughter of Chief Pachacamac. She's yet another character that hardly does a thing except beg her father to stop being so greedy. She also traps herself inside the Master Emerald so that the water god Chaos doesn't reign terror upon the land. When you're the daughter of a person in the highest power, you need to look your best and Tikal delivers perfectly. That's why she's #6.
Number #1, #2, #3, #4, #5! Ah-Ah-Ahhh! Mina Mongoose from the Sonic Archie comics. How could you go wrong with a girl that looks like this? She can run nearly as fast as Sonic and she went from being a Freedom Fighter to being a popstar singer. Next to Princess Sally she looks more humanoid than the other characters. Who could top someone who has long (some French word I don't know) hair?
This female standing at number 4: Blaze the Cat. One word: Pyrokinesis. How would you like to have that superpower? I mean Blaze could play around in the Himalayas for hours and she would be perfectly fine! Also, 45 degree ponytail makes her look like a Native American. I really like the fact that her love interest is the telekinetic hedgehog Silver. The combination of mind-moving and fire superpowers make these two a reliable couple. But what really lands Blaze in the #4 spot is that her attitudes apparently more different from the other females.
Next up is #3. What's better than having a female with cascading quills? How about a female with cascading quills and hair? Julie-Su the Echidna, another Archie comic exclusive has that feature. She's smart, knows exactly what to do as a freedom fighter, and even trained Amy once. She's also the girl of Knuckles' dreams. Heh, lucky him. Her older self in the series Mobius: X Years Later is just downright hot! Just look at that long ponytail! Now we're talkin'!
1, 2, button my shoe! Princess Sally Acorn. There's a lot to say about this character. She's the heir to the throne, Sonic's first official romance, the only character that used to not wear clothes, brave and athletic, the most humanoid character, and is like a mother to Tails. In the TV show, Sonic SatAM, one Freedom Fighter, the cowardly Antoine constantly tries to woo Sally, but doesn't succeed because... he's a coward! The Princess is also a semi-perfect example of an excellent love interest, although there were a couple of times when she really snapped and acted like a lunatic; in the comics, that is. But overall, Sally Acorn really stands out amongst the slew of females not just because she's Sonic's first official love interest, or because she's the only one who didn't wear clothes, but because in the comics, she grew very long hair, and married Sonic in the future, becoming the Queen.
So, you've seen a pyrokinetic Cat, a swallow, two gorgeous echidnas, and even a princess! Who could possibly top those kinds of females? Well, get ready folks; this is the #1 hottest Sonic the Hedgehog female character. Rouge the Bat. If anybody denies it, how dare you? This woman can fly, she's as strong as Knuckles, and is a femme fatale, seducing other characters into getting what she wants. Instead of having one love interest, she has two! Knuckles, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Being a treasure thief, she's only interested in one object set; jewels, especially the Chaos Emeralds. There actually have been situations where Rouge's cleavage has been exposed, but it eventually got censored. What a price to pay. I think the best part about this beauty is that she wears three different outfits unlike the other female characters. And who wouldn't want to fly across the landscape via strong as Shawn Johnson, and flirt with any male, anytime, anywhere. These three traits make Rouge the Bat triumph over all of the Sonic the Hedgehog females. My hat goes off to you Sonic Team USA. You oughta be proud.
There ya have it folks. Those were the hottest female chicks in the Sonic universe. I hope you enjoyed it, happy Valentine's Day, and I'll see you later.
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elizabethrobertajones · 8 months
Finished watching the first season of Dr Who and it's still cracking me up he's listed AS "Dr Who" in the credits at the end of each episode.
Anyway wow that was extremely british and colonial and each episode invented new ways to be british at a group of people. Can't believe that the final run of episodes had me confusedly trying to work out if I was sympathising with The French simply to be reactionary against the general vibes of like, society having moved on since '63.
Scraping off that layer I did enjoy some of the stuff underneath, but all the characters were prone to falling into patterns that modern media just would not do, like the extreme gendered roles of Barbara and Ian even though they're both school teachers of otherwise equal standing. They WERE raised in post-war Britain so I can hardly blame them being the way they are since they've got no other context.
Ian cracks me up with the behaviour because he's so stereotypical (and gets into a few weirdly homoerotic scrapes while attempting to swashbuckle in a way where knowing he's just a science teacher in a cardigan at heart makes it all the funnier). Barbara is my favourite character by dint of personality most of the time as she's usually perfectly able to stand up for herself and think her way out of things and it's usually just The Narrative or other characters assigning her to maternal side quests, as well as her own instinct to look after Susan. Ian seems less willing to openly show that sort of thing, again just because he's a guy of the times so I have to assume it's unspoken that he cares exactly as much but doesn't get put in the situations where he constantly shows it.
But time has wandered too far on for me to really appreciate if Susan was very radical at all because she did end up in so many Situations with shrieking and needing to be rescued (which I hate to say of a female character and she has been fun but also the story itself seems determined to single her out for imprisonment, sickness, or whatever to make her suffer and therefore be looked after or worried about or rescued). Teally the most otherworldly she ever seemed was the first episode where she was hitting all the "this is a space alien" red flags while trying to blend in at school. Also that one time where they wanted you to think people were getting possessed and she just went at Ian with a pair of scissors to try and stab him in a semi-fugue state which in hindsight after finding out there was nothing wrong with their minds in that episode is hilarious and so cool of her.
And Doctor Numero Uno is less otherworldly than her by miles. He's EXTREMELY a posh old englishman of the time, and aside from saying he's from another planet you'd never know it from his behaviour. He is very snappy and paternalistic to all of the others and also random people they meet on their adventures, sometimes not even people opposing them, just randos who he can get something out of by startling them with good old British Assuming If You Talk Loudly And Authoritatively You Get What You Want. He's best when he's being a professor and worst when he's marching about taking charge which he does an alarming amount after only experiencing New Who up to this point in my life to compare.
He has also very much clobbered multiple people over the head which was hilarious and excellent. So I know if I ever have to rank the doctors on their willingness to kill a man I know he'd irritably pull the trigger and be done with it.
Knowing where this character goes, he really seems like an unempathetic start point that is unknowingly burdened with decades and decades of storytelling to come and he's yet to be put through any of those wringers and so he just doesn't KNOW all these things yet. So while I'm not exactly enamoured by him or finding him to be a sort of grandpa-like figure or anything, he's a very compelling start point just to know this is the same person who has all these lessons to learn from where he dismisses, overlooks and snaps at people who in the future he'd meet as equals and see and understand all sorts of pain. Not truly intentional but he's reflecting the way we as a society would want to relate to the character I guess and so is ready to accidentally embody that social change as he goes.
At the moment the man's never met a real consequence in his life so far as I can tell, or if he has, he's keeping it so close they're not even foreshadowing there's anything darker to him yet, cheery willingness to kidnap random teachers aside.
I don't know when they start delving into the Doctor Lore but he's got zero of the accoutrements aside from the TARDIS yet, and it's not even wholly clear he's even not human, just that Susan claims they're from the 49th century, which with no other information could mean anything but so far you could just assume they're future people (she may also just be a future person not a timelord - I have heard SO little about her aside from references to her existing as a character so I'm curious what gets fleshed out in the in between here and now to explain where she came from and who she is once they start making the Doctor into some sort of eldritch being compared to everyone else)
Special shout out to the lady in the telepathic aliens episode who was like "welp my fiance's brain has been ruined, I guess he should be killed" and then as soon as he was cured was like "Oh I'm so happy you're alive! This is the best day of my life!" and then five minutes later sold everyone out for her own skin but as far as I can tell met no consequences for any of this and they flew off together at the end. WILD look into the way side characters were written for the plot beats and not given any emotional interiority or at the very least had someone ask wtf they were saying. I feel like the modern Doctors would have been Obsessed with her.
Also shout out to the very good special effects in the weird acid sea island fortress episode where a guy got punted through a trapdoor and fell into the waters below. Truly a special effect of all time. This is what Disney Money has taken from us etc etc.
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about that accent post, what does a roman accent sound like vs other italian regional accents?
I love languages and over-explain stuff so this might get long... I'm sorry about that.
Italy has an incredibly diverse language landscape, because it wasn't a country until 160ish years ago, multiple different languages evolved from Latin at the same time.
So for example Sardinian, Sicilian, Friulian and Neapolitan are languages and "cousins" of modern Italian (which comes from Tuscan), they have their own grammar rules and worlds that aren't similar to their Italian translation. They aren't mutually intelligible with each other or with Italian.
It's very interesting because history plays a role on how the language was formed, so while the base is always Latin depending with whom that place had more contact (basically either who invaded us or who we invaded) you can see words popping up in that dialect that come from another language. So there is a little bit more Arabic infused in Sicilian, Greek in Apulian, Sloven in Friulian etc.
So while Roman is not a language but a dialect we do have more words that come from liturgical Latin and French.
The main difference with Roman I'd say is the attitude, like we live in the capital, we have places to go, traffic to be stuck in we do not have time to pronounce every letter.
An example:
eng: "I don't want to go there"
ita: "(io) non ci voglio andare"
rom: "n'ce vojo anna"
here you can see a few of the things that are very common in the Roman dialect, the first is that the infinitive forms of Italian verbs always end in -re (or better they end either in -are, -ere or -ire) a Roman will almost never pronounce the -re andare -> anna' (to go)
giocare -> gioca' (to play)
piovere -> piove' (to rain)
dormire -> dormi' (to sleep)
In the case of andare we also "semplify" the d and just add another n to the sound. That is also very common.
Another sound that is peculiar of the roman dialect is the consonantic i which we tend to write as a j just as they would do in Latin (up to a certain point) but that has become a GLI (similar sound but not exactly the same) in Italian.
Yugoslavia is Jugoslavia in Italian, but it is pronounced the same exact way. In most other words the consonantic i sound is written as either I (es ieri, yesterday) or GLI.
fun fact, I cannot for the life of me properly pronounce the GL and it's the thing that usually clues people in on the fact that I am from Rome. So voglio becomes vojo. Other features include:
putting double consonants were there are none:
sedia -> sssedia (chair)
numero -> nummero (number)
only pronouncing one consonant were it should be a double:
terra -> tera (earth)
changing Ls into Rs when they are followed by a consonant:
albero -> arbero (tree)
changing Is into Es
ci -> ce (it can mean so many things, in the example I gave before it was "there")
using "ao" to mean everything from "hello" to "what are you thinking" to "are we going to have a problem"
There are so many more examples and subtle differences and I could keep talking about it for hours but I feel like this is enough for now, let me know if you have questions :)
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Hi~ fic anon back to duty🤗
It took one more week than i tought but here we go: WHO MY COLLEAGUES WOULD WIFE UP? (reminder all male)
Number 3 : Fabio Q, I was a bit surprised but the youthful french wife is in trend, his ingénue look (when he's not whoring himself) and soft voice captivated half of the guys.
Number 2 : Mack, the long hair, that's it. No but this year look made him softer and more wifeable in their opinion, the fact that he's a dad helped.
E el numero 1 : ALEIX!!!! For him it was unanimous, one of my guys said: we can already imagine him with an apron playing with the kids; everyone else nodded in agreement (and honnestly I dig the vision).
Have a good day people~
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Ok so agent is your favorite tc2 character. Why do you like the Italian woman so much?
I'm transgender and Italian, she's transgender and Italian. Also I think "trans Italian woman" Agent tc2 is a direct upgrade from "trans French woman" Spy tf2. Italia numero uno!
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walaumalistulog · 7 months
Binisita ko ang kaibigan ko today sa kabubukas na meryendahan sa tapat ng milktea cafe ng mama niya. Napapansin nila na napapadalas ang pagdalaw ko. Well, natutuwa sila at laging puno ng halakhak ang bawat mga kwentuhan. Sana naman umorder ka na ngayon. Oo, Tita, o-order ako ngayon. Well, Friday, so I decided na mag-milktea. Ang tagal ko nang hindi umiinom ng milktea dahil nagsimula akong maging conscious sa blood sugar level ko simula nung isang taon dahil sa pasyente kong nagkaroon ng impeksyon ang paa mula sa sugat na hindi na gumagaling. Ending, pina-amputate. Ayoko nga! Takot kong sinasabi sa isip ko kapag naalala ko ‘yon. Well, nasa lahi na kasi namin ang jabetis. Ito na yata ang ilan sa mga inheritance na natanggap ko mula sa mga magulang ko. Sa lahat ng mamanahin, talagang sakit pa ang namana ko! 
Habang nagba-browse ng mga flavors, may dumating na bata na nanghihingi ng barya. Feeling generous ako, sabi ko, ilibre na lang kita. Kita ko sa mata ng anim na taong gulang ang sudden boost of bliss, kitang-kita sa mukha, na mukhang ngayon lang makakatikim ng milktea. Binilhan ko na rin ng french fries. Ang bilis naubos ng bata ang milktea, parang nangalahati na agad, wala pang ilang minuto. Ang bilis mo naman uminom! Bati ko. Ngumiti lang sa akin, nahiya na natatawa, kaya itinigil ang patuloy na pag-inom ng milktea. Sabay may dumating na bata, na mukhang mas bata. Apparently, kuya pala niya iyon. Ano ‘yang iniinom mo? Tanong ng mas nakatatandang kapatid. Well, kaya pala purposely niya kinalahati ay para sa kapatid niya. Napakabuting bata. Gusto ko rin sana bilhan pa ng isa pang milktea at fries ‘yung kapatid, pero naisip ko na mas malalim na nasaksihan ko walang kasakimang pagmamahalan ng magkapatid. Halos naluha ako sa nangyari kanina, hindi ko alam dahil sa tuwa, o dahil naiingit ako na buti pa sila may fries, samantalang ako ay wala. Ang saya pala makapagbigay ng maliit na bagay sa mga nagugutom. Kung tutuusin, pwede kong bigyan ng barya na lamang ang mga bata, pero mas gusto nila ang pagkain, dahil nabibingi na sila sa musika ng ganda ng mundo sa maingay na kalam ng kanilang mga sikmura.
Once in my life, na-feel ko na ako sa Vicky Morales sa Wish Ko Lang! sa GMA 7. Wihiiiishhh ko laaaanggg~~! Baka magtawag pa kayo ng kaibigan niyo, ha! Biro ko. Sabay nagpaalam umalis. Binilin ko sa mga bata na isama nila ako sa mga dasal nila ngayong gabi. Opo, sagot nila.
Pagkatapos ay nagtungo ako sa pinakamalapit na lotto outlet. Tumaya ako para sa 6/58 na may premyong higit isang daang milyon. Fucking shet! Ang sarap. Kumuha ako ng card, nanghula ng mga numero, hmmm… parang tatama itong 14! Saka itong 48… pati itong 27! Madalas na itong 16, eh… ay itong 59! Gago, walang 59! Kasabay ng panghuhula ko sa winning lotto combinations ay ang pangarap ko na sana, yumaman ako, para mas marami akong matulungan. At para makapunta na ako ng Machu Picchu. Ibinigay ko sa teller ‘yung ticket ko, ‘yung isa, lucky pick. Pagkatapos ay diretso ako pauwi.
Inilagay ko sa altar ang lotto ticket. Lord, baka naman! Ako naman, masyado nang mayayaman mga pulitiko sa bansang ‘to.
Pero what if, pasukin ko na lang ang mundo ng pulitika? Hamak na mas madali iyon. 
Napatingin ako sa tarpaulin ng isang pulitikong trapo na ang tsismis ay maraming patung-patong ng charges ng korapsyon.
Eww, nevermind!
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