realpouet · 6 years
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• How lucky I am. #frenchproblems #gaz #bombe #ihurt #hurt #beautifuleyes #lolol #violence https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQRCH-BpWX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=udoahixdpwks
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melanchole · 6 years
oh I thought you were since on your studyblr you tagged one of your post with "#frenchproblem" lmao sorry I'm dumb
no it's okay!!! i just hate that french is so complicated .-.
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cloniing-blog · 7 years
That moment when you want to say hassle but your accent makes it sound like you're just saying "asshole" #frenchproblems
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adyke · 8 years
I hate it when people say that French is a beautiful/romantic language but honestly if I can make an american girl swoon by saying French things to her I would date her in a heartbeat
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congolife · 8 years
#Bilingual Problems
Run-on French sentences are a bitch to translate.
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@theinfiniteofthought Okay I’m the last to start drama but I still can’t believe that @hespereusphosphorus pronounced camus as /calm-us/.
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honeymilkpal-blog · 9 years
Actually my mom speaking english is really funny
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dammitsandor · 9 years
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#50: un joyeux anniversaire à mary french-problems magueul!!
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ESCAPE THE FAAAATE ( j'étais en train d'écouter Black Veil Bride, c'est pas loin )
Tu connnais aussi :DDD connais pas celui-ci, je suis retombée dessus en redécouvrant avenged sevenfold =v= faut que j’aille écouter ça!
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callasmixedhair · 10 years
The age-old struggle of wanting to wash my hair, but also wanting to walk to the boulangerie to pick up a baguette for dinner ensues... what to do first, what to do first...
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goodguillotine · 11 years
Rant time
Hello guys ! I just watched the Reichenbach Fall on my little french tv and everything was all right, the dubbing is very nice, especially Sherlock's and the translation is pretty good and has its moments.
But then they cut the fall. The episode itself is rated (-10), which means it's in judged inappropriate for children under ten to watch. And this I understand. But I can't bear that the Fall scene is butchered.
You don't see a close up on Sherlock's face and thus some shot are slowed down with crap quality, the music is simply cut and the scene's impact is completely destroyed !! I'm so angry with you french tv, you let me down. Hope you'll make it right for the Empty Hearse.
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kawaiimoon · 11 years
Me: Ugh I don't want to write out the difference between "qui," and "que," and "quelles," and "laquelle," and lesquelles"!!!!
Michael: colored cuddles?
Me: what?
Michael: That's all I got out of your whining just now
Michael: you were saying "colored cuddles"
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isenthaline · 11 years
The Struggle...of speaking French part 1:
People will say dumb stuff about French-speaking countries just to hear you go off on a tangent about why their children will all be ugly...in French. 
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prettyysocial · 11 years
I just got caught on the French tram without a validated ticket and had to pay a €48 fine, all for not validating my €1.60 tram ticket. TODAY SUCKS.
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kafu · 11 years
Epic French Song eheh
Matmatah - Viens faire un tour à lambe
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