#fringewhisker wc
lemnnshark · 7 months
"Fringewhisker is a white she-cat with brown splotches and amber eyes."
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letyachan · 24 days
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Daughter of Mintfur and Nettlesplash
As if Tigerstar would believe me. I've just joined the Clan. Nobody's going to take my word over the word of three Clanborn warriors. I don't want to hurt Spireclaw, or I'd be fighting those cats now. How can I challenge his mother?"
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marmosetpaw · 1 month
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dapplemoth · 2 years
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I finished reading Sky the other day
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tropicalcryptid · 5 months
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Ok y'all I have a confession.
...Tigerheart/star is my favorite living warrior cats character and I'm tired of pretending he isn't XD
He was a questionable boyfriend, but he's an excellent husband, father, and leader. He's far more like Firestar than Bramblestar ever was. He's proactive and is willing to break rules for what he believes is right. He gave up territory for SkyClan when no other Clan would. He willingly takes in and shelters cats who are unfairly banished from their own clans--Icewing, Harelight, Mothwing, and most recently Frostpaw (geez RiverClan). He stood up for Rootspring and Bristlefrost's love and advocated to change the warrior code to allow cross-Clan relationships. He will go to any lengths to protect ShadowClan and especially his children--but he seems truly motivated by love and not a desire for power. He takes amazing care of Shadowsight and stands by him constantly. Most recently, his "invasion" of RiverClan was shown to be 1) actually necessary, and 2) he did, in fact, keep his promise and back out when his conditions were met.
His decisions aren't always the *best,* but he's motivated and active (and delightfully meddlesome) in a way that no leader since Firestar has been. I LOVE that. I love him! Big stupid hot-headed well-meaning stripey man! Go invade RC again and kick Splashtail's, well, tail! <3
Also! ASC! You made ShadowClan the best clan how did that happen??? I'm so mad that Sunbeam is in ThunderClan now because I don't caaaaaaaare about TC lol I want more SC perspective.
So this is a lineup of my fav cats from the current arc: Whistlepaw (your honor I love her), Frostpaw (you're doing amazing girl, sorry about all the trauma), Icewing (hopefully next leader of RC come on WC team), Fringewhisker (full-time ass-kicker), Tigger boy <3, Shadowsight (my poor bby you're so good), Puddleshine (when did you get to be such a likeable character?), Bayshine (what a bro, seriously), and Harelight (we stan a supportive mentor, sorry about "Wind" buddy).
Honestly ASC is great so far. Can't wait for the finale. Also let the lesbian medicine cats kiss omg. I don't really bother shipping warrior cats because *gestures wildly* but nah, Whistlepaw and Frostpaw are the cutest lesbians and you can't tell me the "It was all worth it if it was for you" conversation in "Wind" WASN'T the most sapphic thing ever. Break ALL the boundaries girls be BOTH gay *and* nuns. We stan.
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exocynraku · 1 year
Nonbinary twist, transmasc molewhisker, rainbow flag kestrelflight.. I’m thinking
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here u go
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Fringewhisker appreciation...
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Fun fact, today is my birthday! ^^ Still can’t believe I’m 27. o.o
After finally getting all those ref sheets done, I was in the mood to try out another illustration. With the recent release of Sky, without giving away too much in the way of spoilers, I'll just say that I loved Spireclaw and Fringewhisker's relationship in River and I continued to love it in Sky, so I decided to use this urge to illustrate as a way to give these two some art. So here are our newest forbidden lovebirds, Spireclaw of ShadowClan and Fringewhisker, formerly of SkyClan, now a ShadowClan warrior alongside her mate.
I decided to draw them having a quiet moment to themselves in ShadowClan territory not long after Fringewhisker won her place in the Clan, before Berryheart's rage against the pair really started rearing its head and put the two on their guard. It's a moment of relief and joy, so much dizzying joy, now that they can finally just be together without having to constantly look over their shoulder, always having one ear pricked, always ready to move away from each other at the slightest hint of an approaching patrol. All of that hiding is behind them now. For better or worse, their secret is out in the open, and they can face whatever comes next together.
I had a lot of fun with this one, and I'm actually really proud of the result.  I'm especially proud of Spireclaw, and of the background, which while not perfect, does look better than previous attempts.  I used this image as a reference for the background. I'm super proud of Spireclaw's shading, and especially of how the shading turned out on him. Fringwhisker I'm still a bit unhappy with, something about her face just doesn't look quite right (I was trying to show her looking up at Spireclaw with an adoring smile), but it looked way worse before, and I did a lot of tweaking and playing around with it, and while it's still not quite right, it looks a lot better after all the work I put into trying to fix it. I used this image as a reference for Spire and Fringe.
Overall, while Fringe's face is still bugging me a little, I'm still really happy with how this whole thing turned out.  The title for the piece is a reference to a line from Dark River, where Heatherpaw said that there would be no borders between her and Lionpaw in StarClan. Things obviously didn't work out between those two in the end, but I feel a lot better for Spire and Fringe's chances... I hope, anyway.
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mist-dancing · 11 months
Spireclaw and Fringewhisker
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They are T4T, and Fringewhisker totally doesn’t smoke weed.
I love them.
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wc-confessions · 2 years
Unpopular opinion potentially but I think Spireclaw or Fringewhisker would have been a much more interesting ShadowClan POV/protag for A Starless Clan instead of Sunbeam. Don't get me wrong I really like Sunbeam - she's actually my favorite of the three ASC protags personality wise. But having a protagonist who was ACTUALLY AFFECTED by Imposterstar's shenanigans (Nightheart you don't count you literally REFUSED TO GO WITH YOUR MOM) and has an ACTUAL REASON right off the bat to want to see change to the warrior code is just SUCH an interesting concept. Getting to see Fringewhisker adjust to ShadowClan or Spireclaw ACTUALLY COMING IN CONFLICT WITH BERRYHEART would be a LOT more interesting right off the bat and still keep with the themes of the arc, and it would be pretty intriguing to see their in-depth thoughts on the RiverClan and Tigerheartstar situation as it goes down. Plus I think the potential dynamic between Spireclaw and Nightheart would be so funny - this normal ass dude trying to keep the ball of angst that is Nightheart in check 😭😭😭
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cleocatrablossy · 2 years
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Entry for a contest!
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Okay that last post has me thinking about ASC au but it follows Fringewhisker, Frostpaw, and Finchlight. Like image how much better that would be already.
(A few asc spoilers ofc if you don’t want them then don’t read!!!)
Fringewhisker is so for the code change and in a scary situation as a ton of cats just hate her, she’s also beefing with her mother in law. This change also makes the first book being called Sky work more, maybe draw out her leaving to go to Shadow more. She’s in between leaving her family and going to her mate Spireclaw but then sickness strikes Sky and she feels bad. She doesn’t want to leave them in such a bad place. Finally at last she cracks and goes to Shadow, and then a few Shadow cats get sick. She feels like it’s her fault and sets up good reason the next book would be called Shadow. From what we’ve seen she tries really hard even to her own detriment to be worthy of others, is sweet, and sort of quiet. Over the arc she’d grow to be more loud about her place with her mate, maybe beat up Berryheart, and squash the rumors about her.
Frostpaw is just a baby and going through it. She became a healer apprentice maybe a moon before Willowshine died so by ASC start she’s a little into training. She’s grieving Willow already and growing a bond with Mothwing (aunt like bond I think it’s cute). Close with her siblings, her mom a bit overbearing but definitely caring for her. Then she has a vision of Reedclaw walking out of camp, he’s found dead. The second death she’s predicted after her dad. Mistystar dies, Curlfeather takes the lead then dies. She’s hella traumatized and a ball of overwhelming anxiety all the time. I’d want Mothwing to help her through it but she’s also not doing well with literally everyone dying. Instead of Splashclaw being there it’ll be her brother Graypaw (setting up a sort of Hawkfrost and Mothwing relationship but for them two instead).
Finchlight. She becomes a warrior like halfway thru the first book and is a lot more traditional in beliefs. She has the legacy of Firestar hanging over her head, her mother’s depression she’s trying to help, and her brother’s problems as well. She’s pretty much pulled every way and forgetting about herself. Flamepaw still has his name changed but chooses Raven instead, becoming Ravenflame. Trained under Thornclaw she carries a lot of his beliefs and can’t take in the code changes. She pushes them away and becomes a bit of a prick to outsiders but thru the arc she’d learn that that’s not right and that other cats aren’t her enemies. Somewhere in the second or third book Raven says he want to leave abandoning her entirely and completely blindsiding her, this pushes her more angry traditional beliefs even more. I think she’d join the cats against it but meets Fringewhisker and finds she’s actually so different from what Berryheart said. The sweet cat isn’t a sneaky manipulative clan crosser but a loyal determined cat who wanted to be with her mate. She starts changing and has a bit of a crisis of faith until steadily forwarding change alongside the other protagonists. Kinda like her having a girlfriend as well idk it’s cute maybe a Shadow cat (Finch and Gull???)
Side note with Ravenflame, while he does change his name and is still the annoying cat he is I think he’d actually be more flawed. Cats aren’t bullying him but he says they are, he blames other cats and is overly horrible to his mother. He also snaps at Finchlight when she tried to ask him why he didn’t tell her about his name change before he did it in front of everyone. I actually think he would leave but instead of going to Shadowclan he goes to Windclan, it takes awhile and absolutely tears the family apart. Finch resents her brother for leaving her to deal with everything by herself and grows even more angry when she hears him tell her that she was such a horrible sister and never cared for him. Eventually they would come back together and Ravenflame realizes that it wasn’t his clan that was the problem it was his own attitude, coming back to Thunderclan later.
(Also I chose Ravenflame bc Raven connects him to Larksong and Finchlight while flame still ties him to his lineage, mother, and previous name. A straight rug pull from Bramblestar lol, he allows him to change his name but also completely makes it null by putting flame as his suffix.
Alternatively I think Ravenshade could also work as a name or Ravensong to tie him back to his dad)
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clanslist · 2 years
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exocynraku · 1 year
Have you done Fringewhisker and Spireclaw or Shellfur and Fernstripe hypokits?
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rosemist50 · 2 years
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Rainfur and Petalnose, and their kits Mintfur and Sagenose. Mintfur and Nettlesplash's kits are Palesky, Fringewhisker, Gravelnose, and Nectarsong, and Nectarsong has two kits, Beepaw and Beetlepaw. Clovertail and Patchfoot are the parents of Birdwing, Honeytail, and Sandynose. Sandynose is Plumwillow's mate, and Birdwing is Sagenose's, with her kits being Fidgetflake, Curlypaw, and Snipkit.
Originally posted to IG July 2021
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weaver-ant · 2 years
berryheart is so homophobic. all the phobics actually
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